' ' S) I " " "-'-""'--"- "" "" ' -n.,.-., ,' L xi w - - JOHN W. S'-LEiDQ-E!, proprietor. VOL. XXXII. A. ISrE'WSIF.A.iFEIR FOR THE PEOPLE WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2. 1897. TE:r,:m:s:-si-5o per annum in advance NO. 32. rifty Year Ao, No thfnry of j(f rm- to rhill Aflfctlnn'l building bUftHtt; WJicn anient lovrt took their fill. No miifnbfi on thftr klmea. How happy they were not to know The germ. (mi-go years ago. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the standard family remedy of the world for colds, coughs and lung diseases. It is not a palliative, and is not therefor put up in small chenp bottles. It is put up in large bottles for the household. They cost more but cure more. Fads come and go but ' ; theory or fad can overthrow the fact, that the greatest cure for all colds, coughs and throat and lung diseases, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. SO Years of Cures. In our PJMN lal pitcf for this iu UL't-k- (Mailorders Allot! promptly. ) We will mail anyone, frt of all Charges, our new 11U wttrc t'ctal ma Imkup. ootitaitii.iK Fu rntl u r Dnucnt'S, Lamps, Sfve. CnK'kcry, Mlrrnrs, Ptcturta, lttlliu, ItcfriiiemtorH. ILihy t arrlHR(a, etc. Tt? is the m at c rn pleir book ever puHtwht!, ami w pav all ixvMiwe. Our Jtthotrraphwl Cmii Ca alotfue, iho win if can -ft iu color, la also yours for the unking' If curpt-t aampioa are wantol, mail ua He. In lamps. There Is no rwon whv yu sIhiuM pay your I'Kial dealer 00 per cent, prollt wlwa you can buy finni th mill. Drop a Utxo now to the money-eaTeia. JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. Please mention th's paper. is '' Ji wii SPECIALIST and ACTIIOIUTY OD nil CI. tinrtnOr JnMnflr link iiii iiiini- All who are n flV ri iik with any BLOOD TROUBLE, would he wine to call on nr address by mail. Constitution tree und medicines compounded tsi suit each partic ular case. Whoa writing to me pleitsa en close BUnip for reply. I'ROF JAS HARVEY, 3 Church St (New No.) je 17 ly. Norfolk, Va W, T. PARKER, , DEALER IN , Heavy andzz: Fancy Farm Implements. 224 l'OIIND SACKS OF SALT FOR 81 10 PER SACK. IflLCorrect prices anil polite attention to all. ang I ly. W. M. iiAllLlSTON & CO , Wholele and Itelnil Dealer in CAUI'ETS, STOVKS, and Hattremea.etc. IMMENSE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. W. M, HAKLIHTON A CO., No. ) N. Hycamor St., Peteraborg Va. 10 M It. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. nan a. Mvum, wai.tie ukiii DLLIK DAMIIU ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WlLDOK, N. C. tiirtlreln theconruof HalliamnrtMniihainp "iioiiitintheauprameaiid Keilcral rcmru. Col. 1 'tlOHi BUU In alliidrt.nf M..p,h I'.nthti. Branch oOca at Hallavx, S. C.opeu eierr Mnn. "r. jan ij JJ. T. T, UOSS, DENTIST Waldon, K. C. 0oa over Emry A Pieroa'iatora. No. au. VvitsjM' eporuwer f.7tl'0 kotow. Ar- I ti aiilifi ! OiifHiid , HI liimuliogaiiy Jssiil $3.95 Groceries JESUS. LOVER OF MY SOUL. After Sinjrini: Thai (Irani Oil Hymn a Strange Peace Cam.' Down Ipun Him, ( Prom The Preshy terinn. ) Two Amcricnti-i who were orostsi rig tlic Atliiniic met in Iho cabin on Sunday nitfht to sing hytuiu. An they m the lust hymn, "Jesm, Inver nl'iiiy wiul," one of iheiu heurd an ciceedin'ly rich and buiiulil'iil voice behind him. Hit looked around, und, a'llnm;h ho did nut know the laco, he thought that ho knew the Voice. So when the iinniu ceased he turned and asked the mail if he had been in the civil war. The in in replied ihul he had been a confederate Holdier "Were you at such a place at mieh a oi;hl?" asked iho fiist. "ion," ho replied, "and a curiuii.s thin;,' happened that nibt which thi.s hymn has retailed to my mind. I w is p wtcd on sentry duly near the edge of a wood. It was a d:irk nk'lit and very cold, and I waa a lit t lo I'righiencd because the enemy were suppimed to be very near About midnight, when everything win. very atill, mi ' 1 I was iecling homesick and tniscralile and weary, I thought that I would comfort uivsclf by praying and singing a hymn. I remember singing this hymn: 'All my trust on Thee ia stayed, All my help I'rom Thee I bring; Cover my delenselefw head With the shadow ot Thy wing.' "After singing that a strnngo peace enmodown upon me, and through the long night I felt no more fear." "Now," said the other, "listen to my story. I was a union soldier, and was in the wood that night with a pirty ol scouis. I saw you statidini.', although 1 did not see your face. .My men hud their rifles focused upon you, wailing the word to lire, but when you sang oui: " 'Cover my dcleuselcss bead With the shadow ol'Thy wings,' I said, 'Hoys, lower your rifles; we will gu home.' " Mrs I'cck ll 1 had my life to go over agniu, I wouldn't marry iho bcM man alive Mr. II. I'cck (his chance al last) You bet you wouldn't. I wouldn't ask Viol 1 1. A woman' attractlvenfM in the eves of man drperol UrgeW on her pbvical ap pea ranee Nature, in order to prtM-rve thp race, guide mankind bv the Imtinctivr prefcifnre for a mate who is physically sound and wholesome. If intellect alone were chiefly sottirht. the sffspring mi?ht be a generation of Solo, tnons for -i4i)om, but they would perish In infancy for want of physical stamina. A weak or unhealthy woman is unfitted te fulfil her part in perpetuating the rnce; slip is unequal to the demands of motherhood and wifehood. hr is robbed of her natural womanly attractiveness. Many a woman is chrnted of life's choicest gifts by a dysprpiic. bile-poivined condi tion of the svHtem. which shows itself in a Simply skin, sallow complexion, tainted reath, or thin, ungraceful foTra The mot perfect remedy for all the morti fying svmptoms of mal nutrition and im pure blood It. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Throuch its remarkable effect Upon the liver and digestive ornans it sweeps all impurities out of the circula tion and creates a fresh supply of new, rich, life giving blood It gives clfHTui'ss and bloom to the com plcxmn; sweetens the breath; rounds out flie face and form, and invigorates the en tire constitution m ith vital energy. It restores the invincible beauty of whole omeness and womanly capacity. " I wb a complelr wrei'k; appetite gone, nerv ous -Mtetn tmpuml; cmiM not sleep, am I was bo wek that 1 couUt not Mnrnt on my feet ten min utes," writes Mi KUa BHrtley. of No. it fiixith (Irani Avenue. Citluintmt. Ohio- "I only weiiihed.( ptnunts when I commenced taking Dr. fierce" Onl.k-n Medical IH-H-overy. Arter I had taken a half Sottl I beg-in to improve; I could sleep oumllv the whole night, and would awaken Wlin sn appeuir mr nrr,inM, wn n wa a rare Ihin? an I never had for two vears hack esten a hc.olv hrekfnt 1 nnw have sn excellent apoMite and mv Hend av ihey never Saw me looking better or in hftter ipirils ilttce thrv knew mr- t tell them It Is all due to lr Pierce's Discovery.' ' In all cases of obstinate eontinati"n. t'-f H Iiacovery " it"ti1d b snnplemented willi Dr. Pierce's Pleasant IVl'eU J. n n 6 U m n n n n m m n u n n n m m n GORDON Baltimore Rye AND I G. P. R. Maryland Rye& n "A Gentleman's Drink." m n m m n ui in iiv m n4i Hi SVMIf U Qnlo m 1 Agent, m Weldon, N. C.f rtec I am W I'M SJ III Al UW Mmi Others' Bnrilens. IT IS IMPORTANT Id The Training of Qillren to Make Them Dear Their Own Burdens. The real sulTerers from war arc in large part, the innocent non-combatants who remain al home to suffer from want and distress of mind. Thereat sufferers from drink and crime are not tho victims of ihe one or the perpetrators of the oth er, tint their wives and relatives, deprived of support and disgraced. They have to bear the burdens of others, and many of them do it cheerfully, oral least without Complaining, as a muterof duly. There are other kinds of huidcns, however, that aie imposed upni people not responsible for them. The wild young man incurs debts which tin cannot pay, but they do not worry him; ho coolly transfers that burden to some indulgent relative, a moth er, perhaps, who mistakeuly helps him out of bis dilhculiics, leaving liiiu to go a "it free of punishment. Or another man without being wild is careless and extrav agant and lives beyond his means He is greeted everywhere as a geneious fellow who does n 'it begrudge in nicy in the en tertainment of his friends, and he sleeps without a eire, though burdeued wilh d-dit. How d oes lie in mage it? Ho has a loving sister, who, though she has little means, devotes what sho cm save to kcep iug him all tat. She bears his burden. Slio dojs more thin that she creates it. It is because he is sati.-fied that when creditors press him he can bjrrow from her money that be never returns that he is careless about iucurring debt, and plays the pirt of the prodigal, content to be callel generous, though he is, in fact, a meao dep ndent There are tiiu s and occasions when we should bear or help to bear the burd mis of ot tiers. When a neur relative or friend suffers without fault of bis own it is the part of Christian char acter to teiieve liiul as far as possible of bis burden; but there is no such duty imposed wlnm the buiden itself is created by the sedisbness of tbise upou whom it falls, Tlie duty then is to stand aloof an I allow the punishment to fill where it belongs. In one of Gilbert's comic operas there is a song recounting how the Kuiperor of Japan hopes iu time "to make tho pun islimeut lit the crime" aud describing the iu el h i id of uicciiiig various social offeoseh. There is an undercurrent ol sound sense in ihe humorous verses The puni-li-tneni ought to lit the crime, aud tbeu there would be less crime. Social usage is such, however, that many i tf.'uses o unpunished or the innocent are made lo aet as shields protecting the guilty I'rom such wt, lesome adiuouition as their offenses Would bring to theut il they were left to themselves. The child whose parents protect him from all nat ural puuishmeuts which should follow transgressions of social law "never seems to learn" anything about his obligations to society. Hut this same child leurus by one lesson to keep his hands out of the 6 re, simply because his pureuta cannot take to themselves his blisters. It is an important part ol' the training of the youug to make them bear their own self- imposed burdens. In that way they will be taught not to create such burdens Then when they suffer from some cause beond llo'ir control it is just as much our duty and privilege to share their burden or help them to bear it. roui:siuiiT. "You have ba.-cly deceived me; you mid me when you mirricd my daughter hat you had money coming to you." "Weil I meant the money 1 would t:l by m irrying tier." I-'IIH Ol l-:K I II' I V 1KAHM lrs Winslow's Soolliing Syrup has been ised for over lilty years by millions of timbers lor children, while teething, itb lerf'eet sueeess. it soothes tho child, ol'teus the gums, uliavs all pain, eorer wind colic, mid is (he best remedy toi Diurrha'a. It will relieve ihe poor little silllerer immediately. !S..ld by druggists in every part ol the world. 25 cents a bull l. lie sure and uk for "Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup," aud lake no eth er kind ox wiiosi: km;i;s'. A young lady wants to know whether iu proposing the girls should get ou (heir knees. Il was referred to the soeiely editor, and he says the question is not sufficiently clear He wants to know whoso knees St liouis Humorist. Itiirklen'a Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kbeiiui. Fever Sorses, Tetter, ('hupped Hands Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures I'iles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranted to nivo perfect satisfaction or money refunded, l'rice 25 cents per box. For sale at W. M. Cohen's l)r!ig Store. Tfcm't Neglect Vowr Liver. Llvsr troubles quickly result in acrinna complications, and Ihe man who neglects Ids liver haa little rreard for health. A botile or Drowns Iron hitters taken now and then will keep the liver in perfect order. If the diseua has developed, Drowns' Iron Hitter, will cure it permanently. Btrvnfrth and vitality will always follow ita use. Browu'Irvs UUtwt ia M by (U daaiars. Lost Tribes of Israel Found. THE 13 SOUTHERN STATES Clearlv Identified As The Te of Jacob. Tribes J. B. Smith, of ltoscdalo Farm, writ ing to I lie Grceusboro Record, says: 'f tic above fact is established by a great er volumn of testimony, taken from the Prophecies of the Old Testament and those made by Christ, and corroborated by the history of the Souttiern people, than can be adduced iu pro if of the fulfilment of any other scriptural prophecy. This evidence of identity is so plain and e indueive it is indeed si range thai il has been overlooked by Bible students. To present the evidence in full, witli references, would monopolize too much of your paper, therefore, for tho present, I will cotifiue myself to a statement of the heads, under which this evidence is com ptiscd, as follows. I In the promise of their redemp tion. 2. Iu the lime of their redemption. II By the land in which they shall be found. 4. By tho law of ''Reversion to Type." 5, By the peculiar cu-totns of South ern people. (I The act of their Secession and at tempt to establish the Southern Confed eracy and its overthrow foretold; giving strikiug facts, which wore fulfilled iu the history of that event. 7. A prophetic description of the Battle flag of the Confederacy, its sur render, and ptotni'C that it shall be lifted up and agaiu become the national ensign of the tribes of Jacob when they return to Palestine. 8. Each of the 13 Southern States identiB ed iu the death bed prophecy of Jacob Gen. 4'J cti. 1) By (lie effec's of defeat up in the South and the feeling mauilestcd by the North against the South. 10. The pirable of the "Valley of the dry bones" foretelling the destruction of the Confederacy and its reorgauizition after a lapse of time sulli .'ient to destroy all hopes of such an event, 11. Division of the two houses if Judali and Kphraim and their reuuien into one nation prophesied. 12 Jerusalem lo become the seat ( f the great "International Govornuieut," &e,&'. RAM'S HOItN BLASTS. Kvery man has a tiger keep it chained. 1,'ive sets courage on fire. Opportunities travel on wings. Set patience I" driving a bilky horse. The surest way not to get sympathy is to whine for il. Why is it that the dollar rings louder than the church bell? The time saved from the table by bur ned eating is lost in bed. There isn't room to draw a line be tween sympathy and succor. The devil is never too busy lo rock ihe cradle of a sleeping saint. Only love for the drunkard makes righleous hatred of the saloon. Jesus Clirist never tried to cram theol ogy down an empty stomach. The city s righteous nieu do more to prcserveits peace than its police. The congregation needs to stick as closely to the text as tho preacher. Selfishness is a Dead Sea into which ill t lie sweetness p aurc 1 turns bitter for want of an outlet. When Jesus suid, "Lot your tight so shine," he was talkiug to those who had ht that did not shine. More irreligious persons would attend preaching, if more of the preaching was aimed at them. I'oregenerale man is a powder magazine with passion and appetite enough to wreck hi ll, il ignited. A mm with splendid abilities that are t consecrated to God, is like a first-class liddle unstrung. A Clever I'rirk. It certainly looks like it, but thero is really no trick about it Anybody can trv il who lias Lime Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nerv on troubles We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric. Bitters fhis medicine tones up tho whole sy. inn, acts as a stimulant to the Liver anil Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cores Constipation, Headache, Painting Sp.dls, Sleeplessness and Mo'aueholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vi.'or. Try E'eetrio Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 5Ho a bottle at W. .M. Cohen's Drug Store. CASTOR IA - For Infanti and Children. Ththa f S, U(Ot newt MEN DON'T STAY In 1 heir Homes .Unless They l inj Their Homes Entertaining. The following extracts are from an address made by Miss Clara Bostwick, a teacher at the Elmns school in Spring field, Mass: " What is the college woman's prob ability of happiness in marriage com pared with that of her less highly educa ted Hstcr? She chooses tier husband later. She is mom developed; sho knows belter what she is going lo be; she stands a better chance of not selecting a life companion whose tastes and hers will prove helplessly antagonistic. Aud this is of especial importance in America, where girls and boys are thrown so freely toofther; There they marry when and whom they wish, aud where (lie parents in mauy cases apparently have little else lo do with the matter than to pay the bills and try to shield the young husband and wife I'rom the consequences of their folly. The man whom a girl would have married when she entered college is prob ably not the man whom she would marry when she is graduated from college This uiav result in the breaking of some early engagement, but an engagement that can be broken would better be broken. 'The college-bred woman is also less likely to marry from ennui. Even if she is unfortunate enough to have no definite work, after she leaves college she has resources within herself which can not only pievcnt life from becoming a bore, but which can mako it rich and satisfying. Neither will she be likely to sell herself for the sake of a home. She is better equipped to support herself, if necessary, and she lias probably lost mauy silly ideas she may have had about the unlady-likcuess of honest, bread-winning work. Finally, when she has been, she stands a much better chance of keep ing her husband's love aud respect, bd ciuse she stands a better chance of inter esting him. 'Men don't stay in their homes unless they find their homes entertaining,' said a mirricd woman of wide experience iu the wor'd, in talkiug about the donation of h r daugter. 'I tell my daughter that if she is ever to marry she needs to know so nothing for two reasons; first, to hold h T husband's interest; and seconl, to hive within herself resources that will m ike her happiness to a certain extent, independent of him; in which case he will be much m ne likely to stay in love wilh her." The tireatest Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111., "Chief," says. "We won't keep house without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Exper imented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Discovery. No other remedy can take its place iu our home, as in it wo have a certain and sure cure for Counhs, Colds, Whooping Cou;h, etc." It is idle to experiment with oilier remedies, even if they are urge I on you as just us good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They arc n it as good, because this remedy has a record of cures and besides is guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial hot I ha tree at W M. Cohen's Drug Sioro. A FATIIKKLV ASSl KAXCi:. Mrs. Cuiurox's sin was studying his Litin lesson. There was the tremolo of discouragement in his voice as lie re marked: "I don't seem to get aloug wilh this les'on very well, father?" "Can't you say any of it?" "Yes; I can say 'atuo, amas, amat; and then I always forget what comes next." What does those woids mean, John ny?'' asked Mr. Cumrox, who deserves credit for being always ready to add to a somewhat deficient early education. "They meun 'I love, thou lovest, he loves.' " ''It does seem too bad lo see you starting in so soon," the old gentleman mused, "with the difficulties that has always surrounded that verb. But yi u might as well eouimcnco young to learn th at them words in one way or mother causes two-thirds of the botheration that occurs iu this life." "1 'lease can I quit school, then?" "No; it wouldn't be any use. You couldn't dodge 'cm, and you might as Well go right along and get as familiar with them as possible. You'll find that learnin' 'em ain't half the worry that hamllin' 'cm is after ye know 'em. Cheer up, Johnny, and remember that most of your (rouble is still ahead of you." Washington star. OABTOniA. In money mailers treat strangers though they were your relatives. OABTOIIIA. ttirf mil ri " " Jones' Ready Wit. GROWLER NOT RESPECTED Some of His Bright Sayings At His Current Lecture. Here are some of Sam Jo nes' witty sayings, as reported by the Ciliz;n from his lecture in Asbeville last week: This is a great old world, aud I'm not going to leave it on purpose. Here's one fellow who is not going in kill his fool self. I've no respect for giowlers, therefore 1 don t respect many people. 1 Ins nu- lion reminds me nf a family of spoiled Inldreii. That philosopher lias not yet lived who can tell which is tho estate, to be hungry and have nothing to cut or to have the colic from eating too much. I want logivo you the worlh of your money il'you'vegot any place to put it. Some of you d illar fellows, I expect, paid o much. But if you haven't got routn for it you can just sit still und let it run over. I'liere is nolbitig in this world to which tip my hat with profounder respect than genuine man. The only trouble is, I dou't have to lip il often. A man is bigger than a king bigger than a presi dent. II' there is a man iu politics 1 don't know it. Take North Carolina for xatnple. A Boston man once asked me: "Does the negro diff r I'rom the white man in insiinct? ' I told him no, the difference was mostly in the oulsiink. Some old deacon who swindles you will say "I'm obliged to live." Thai's lie he can die any day he wants to. Among ihe giiU we need more honey bees and fewer buttetflies I don't object lo hang-; I think banns are becoming to women and mules' When women get to cutting off the tops nf their dresses for ihe ball room ami the bottoms for the bikes, I begin to get frightem d. Some say that Sam Jones is vulgar. When they say I'm vulgar it's like the kunk telling the possum his breath smells bad. It is a reversal of God's order of things when woman becomes tho leader of im modesty. Totter, Sult-lthouiii Ami Kt'zeina. The intense itchiiiir n ml smart inc, Incl lent to IhesH diseases. iKinslnntlv nlluved by applying (.'biiiidiei'lnin's Kye and Kkin Ointment. Jinny very bud cases lmve been iioruinneiitly rnreil liv It. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a fiivorite remedy for sure nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frnst bites and I'tironic sure eyes. o cis. per uox. Itr. fndi's Condition Ponders, nre just what n horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They nre not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition, l'rice 25 cents per package. For sale by W. M.Cohen, Weldon; J N. Brown, Halifax; Dr. A. S. Harrison Enfield pjivrtii) i.vit vuit vimis. What's bred in the bone is weighed out to us by the butcher When a physician is on tho scent ul a disease he uses his diag-nos :. A woman laughs in her sleeve when a man begins talkiug through bis hat. The campaign manager issues the dodgers and the candidate dodges the isseus. The political party worker is the one who is the most successful in working the pirty. Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its itreut leavening strenitlh and hcalthliilncss. Assures the fooduirHinst nlmn and all limns of adulteration com mon to tho clump brands. KOVAI. HAKINII HIIWI1KK .. NKW YORK Till; OLD l.AI.Y ON DECK. A Georgia girl, iu tho rural districts, ran away to in irry a b ink agent against the wish of her pirents Desiring to ro turn home with her hnsband, sho wrote to her sister: "Will thero he a light in the window (or mo if I come back?" In a brief time she received the follow ing reply: "Yes, Sue, there'll be a liiiht there, but I warn you in time that mammy's right behind It, with the biggest bundle o hickory switches you ever saw!" Con stituiion. OABTOniA. Thl flB- 9 mil. Ol " num. AKIIll5 KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Surely if the word REGULA TOR is not on a package it is not Simmons Liver Regulator. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZE1LIFJ & CO. And it can be easily told by their Trade Mark THE RED Z. FURNITURE! T 5 ) 111 We are located now at our new quarters, No. ID old Market Square, two doors from Main streel. We call your attention to our $17 oD solid oak bedroom suit, w hich is the wonder of the age. Are you in need of a woven wire exit? Only a few more left. We will close them out at H!lc. each. Hammock chair now reduced to $1.25, Inrmer price, $3. We take pleasure to show you through our stock No Trouble to show goods. Mail orders promptly attended to. For bargains cull at I K E E 11.1 Old Market Square, 3 Doors from CHAS. M.WALSH, STEAM MA lilll.K and V. I! AN1TE WOKKS Petersburg, Va -M( )N UM KNTS, MfiiUMtoneH, ioms, etc. IRA1ho Iron Fem-inir. Vases ptc . tiir vt nicterv und other imrnosen ut lowest prices. SATISFACTION UUAUANTKKD. Work Delivered net 11 ly. n UL hi V'..(-'. Is Early In the Fic'd, Headquarters aretf METERS Cotton is low but we have knocked the bottom out of trusts and combiucs aud made prices to suit. Toys and Christmas Goods for all. Get right into the procession with both feet or you will bo run over. Co. A 11 kinds of goods for all kinds of people. Everything goes here. S. MEYER, A'gt., Enfield, N. C. to"Jjrili tfrjrtil! 33R0CKYMOUNU C. Is 8i In 'ft Lead. fet?"We secure the HIGHEST PRICES, for all grades ofuSl TOBACCO. Every customer's wants are met, il possible, and every needed attention and courtesy rendeied. Go ul prices obtained every day. Bring us your tobacco and we wi'l scud you home happy. 0. . p no jt. J- 31. uitins' WELDON, N. C I still carry a full line of line Staple and Fancy Groceries, -FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES' Crockery, Glass Tin, and woodenwnre and most everything that is kept iu a first class grocery store. I aha return thanks to my friends for thnir patronage of the past, and solicit a continuance of the same, with. guarantee to please. And wishing them a happy and prosp-rous new year, That they may Long to live And welt to do And al Fer death Be happy too. Respectfully, J. L. JUDKINS, deo 13 ly. FURNITURE! AT- N ' S , Mainstrect, NOHFOLK, VA. 8-2B-ly KSTAISLISHEII IN 1H05 The truth is the foundation of our Successi We make Cluims, our WOKK fulfils them. Kir Let us Estimate for you. J9I Designs Sent to any address FKEE. In writing give age of deceased and some lim it as to price. All work warranted KTUICTLY FIRST-CLASS and SATIS FACTORY. At Any Depot. THE ENFIELD HUSTLER, C. COOPER, Rocky Mount, N. i'. OF FILL AND WINTER MILLINERY. FANCY GOODS and NOVELTIES. Bntterick'a Patterns. 11. & G. CORSETS,- Misses at 50c, Ladies 75c to $1. .Prices will be made to suit the times. Hate and bonneta made and trimmed to order. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, V. 0.

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