Ik tSifrpl PJP PraLj I Sk lEah wA 5Ss. 5 r l J91 flies Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. i VOL. XL1II. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSi. 50 Per Annum - WELDON", X. C, THURSDAY, NOVKMIiKK 1!0H. NO. 28. HEART STRAIN. Tlie Kind You Havft Always Bought, and whloh lias been in use for over 30 yearn, lias boroo tho slirnaluro of fr and luw been nmdo under It Is per- C&jUrTZZrtfr; Bonal suPOlln since its Infancy. MT7, t-ccCAK Allownoonetodorelvoyntiln this. All Counterfeit)!, Imitations and " Jusl-nn-Kood" are hut i:lerlmcii(H tlmt trltle with nndcnilani-vrUio health of Infant and Children Experience against KxperinieuU What is CASTORIA Castoria Is n harmless Rultitltuto for Castor Oil, Pare, (forie, Drops and Soothing Syi:ps. It is I'lcasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, not' other Jiareotio substance. Its ai;o is Its g'larantee. It destroys Worms and alia VeverishnesH. It cure Dl.irrhu-a and Wind folic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Uowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'auaeea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. U 10 0E3E301 Day 1'honk U'i. Nil. HI' I'llMNKH -M Ullil ."4. I ami .VI. II P.N. STAIN BACK. rE:rl'NI)i:i! TAKKli. Weldon, . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASKIHS. COFFINS and KOIiF.S. Day, Night and Out-ol-Tovvn Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G ROWE, II HJNEKAL DIRFCIOR AM) KMBAI.MF.R. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. mi iftr-TT-rm OE fl 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Al'lil'ST 20TII. 1S!I'.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For more than fifteen years thin institution lias provided banking facili ties for this section, lis stockholders and directors have lieen identified with the business interests of llahfa and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits haunt: readied a sum eciial to the Capital Stock, the Hank has, commencing January I, l!is. established a Savings Department allowing interest on lime deposits as follows: Tor Deposits allowed ton-main three months or longer, .' per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or lomrer. 4 percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. vu'k-1'Hksiiiknt: casiiikh: Dii. It. W. 1.KW1S, W. It. SMITH. (Jackson, Northampton county) i-sksiuknt: V. K. DAS1KI-, F.very Person Over Fifty Should Avoid Severe Physical Strains. The heart is a long-suffering and ; patient organ, and fortunate it is ! that litis is so, fur even the gentlest ' or the laziest person puts burdens on it that any less obliging organ 1 would resent to the extent of quit- i ', ting work. J The digestive organs do this sometimes, and the result is much suffering For the lime being; but j when the quarrel is patched up, 1 ; and the offender ceases to abuse ! I these useful and necessary parts of i the body, life gels on as before. ; The heart cannot slop work for ! ! a minute, for if it should life would i end at once; and so human nature ; j presumes upon its knowledge of : this, and puts all sorts of difficult tasks upon the heart. i j There is a limit, however, that ! cannot be exceeded, especially : j by those who have passed the for- j tieth mile post, without risk, if not j j of instant death, at least of chronic invalidism. The heart is a muscular bag, di- j vided into four compartments, the function of which is to pump the blood to all parts of the body, which it does by the regular con traction of its walls. In health and under normal conditions, this pumping action goes on regularly and quietly, but when an impedi ment is offered to the How of blood in the arteries, such as occurs dur ing active exercise or under the stress of some strong mental emo tion, such as grief, anger or great joy, the muscular wall must con j tract more forcibly. If the opposing force continues beyond a certain time, the heart gets tired, and its cavities dilate a little, while its action grows more I rapid. The sign of this is short ! ness of breath. Young athletes, by a course of judicious "training" I gradually strengthen the heart muscle so that it is able to meet the strain and overcome it by more forceful contractions. In youth, also, the organ is elastic, and read ily returns to its normal size, even in the absence of "training," as soon as the strain is reduced. In later life, however, this elas ticity disappears, and a severe tax on the orean. such as bicycling up-hill, running, or even a strenu- j ous game of tennis, when one is "soft," may result in a dilatation I which is not reduced readily, or : which may evenTersist as a crip j pled heart, making its owner more ! or less of a permanent invalid, i Every person over fifty should avoid severe physical strains of all ; kinds. He should exercise regu larlywalking is the best kind of ! exercise for the heart, but he should avoid unusual feats of run ning, bicycling, or even horseback riding, such as the army officers arc now subjected to, if he would keep his heart in condition to last as long as the other organs up to j eighty or one hundred years, which j is the natural limit of a well spent i life. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mation for the public and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice, Bur. tb of O A S T o n. I A. m lr.e MO it m- nun wupi Learn to paddle your owncanot if you can't afford a motorboat. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 or PorUmouth end Norfolk at 4.SS a. m. No. 38 lor " " " 3 10 P m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South t 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. We opsraU Double' Daily vestibule service ;.itl. -Ji onville.SI.Auff.at.ne, Atlanta. lli.n.mgham, Memphis I orlsaioalU ftouoiK hVhniond, Wai.luD.rton, Kallimure, Philadelphia and New York. Por further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C II- UATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, 4Rlelglr,N.C The Fanner's Wife Ii very careful about her churn. She raid It thoroughly utter using, anil give. It a sun bath to sweeten It. Sim knnus that It hur churn Is sour It will lulnt the hotter that Is made In it. The stomach It a churn. In tlm suiinaeh and itlgestivii and nuirltlvn tracts am performed pro cease wtileh am almost eiactly like the churiilnil "I Imtler. Is It not apparent then that If this stnluaelii-huni I. luui It Diakca foul all whli'li Is put Into It? Tim evil l a loul stomiieh Is pot alon the had taste la, the moiilh Itud the lonj breath cailnsl by It. but the corruption ill the pure current ul hl.siu anil the dlxsciu, ..'-I t ..it,. nun .ItrnlluttOIll lllH IsstV. I Dr. I'lircus ti.iid.-i. M.slhal IlUcnverj inastM inn sour aim ou w,intu-ii It dousfurthe stomach what the washing and sun bath ilulor tlnu-hurn alisolutel rcmnvot every tainting ur corrupting ele ment. In this way It cures blutrhci, pimples, eruptluns, scrofulous swellings, tores, ur open eiitlug ulcers and all humors ur diseases arising (Mm bad hits si. it you have bitter, nasty, foul time In your niuulh, coaled tongue, toul breath, are weak and easily' tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent headaches, dliiy attacks, gnawing ur distress In stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider able, num 1st of tiiem. Ind Icate that you are suffering (rout biliousness, torpid or ln.y liver with tin. usual accompanying Indi gestion, ur dyspepsia and their attendant onfi. lur in- i on: i ni . ...i iiimh . ryirXTneoir: TrnTiTrr.ii'aiUd.-i M ul iLftl JlSCUiiJJU, 111. SUfUiuini .,. will be readily proven to your satisfaction II you lll but mall a postal card rcuuest to Dr. It. V, Pierce, llulTalo, N. Y.. tor a free copy of his booklet ol eitraott from (he stt mtard medical authorities, glv ng the names of all the Ingnillenti entering into hit world-famed m.-dlclnes and show ii( what the must emlueut medical men of the age tI ot than. IT IS F.A', to pound the truth into sonx ; and hard for others t sec ti.e value of good advice. DR. TURBIM'S Blood&Liver Restorative A Liver Medicine and Blood Purifier Is just what you want More people owe their health and strength to it than any other remedy i Bottle Now Price SSn- FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N. C. SPEECH. Talk happiness; the world is sad enough Without your woe. No path is wholly rough Look for the places that are Smooth and clear, And speak of them to rest the weary ear Of earth, so hurt by one continuous strain Of moral discontent and grief and pain. Talk faith; the world is belter off without Your uttered ignorance and morbid doubt; If you have faith in God; or man, or self, Say so; if not, push back upon the shelf Of silence all your thoughts till faith shall come; No one will grieve because your lips are dumb. Talk health; the dreary, never-ending tale Of mortal maladies is worn and stale; You cannot charm, or interest, or please, By harping on the minor chord, disease, Say you are well or all is well with you, And God shall hear your words and make them true. THE LOG HUT BY THE SEA. You may talk of the brown stone mansions, The home of the rich and the free; But I find none where life is more pleasant Than the little log h'ut by the sea. It was there I first met with my Mary, And there she first learned to love me, There I told her my heart's sweetest story, As we walked on the banks of the sea. 'Twas a beautiful evening in summer, All nature seemed truly sublime, Our affections were plighted forever, In the calm sweet summer time. But alas ! how soon to be parted, For my parents soon moved far away, To build a new home on the mountain, Far away from the deep sea bay. Then over the way, over mountain, Where the birds sport lively and free, And the ivy swings over the window, There my true love is waiting for me. And I'm wailing, yes patiently waiting, Till I cai. go back and be free, Till I can return to my darling, To the little log hut by the sea. Next year I will be one and twenty, And eighteen my Mary will be, Then 1 will go back from the mountain. To the little log hut by the sea. Yes, over, then over the mountain, There safe from the sun and the rain, Where the soft winds play through the ivy, I will meet with my darling again. Then we'll build us a cottage, my darling, Where we shall be happy and free, And we'll live like the happy immortals, In our home on the banks of the sea. Lasi evening I sat in the twilight, My thoughts ever wandered to thee, The cottage all covered with ivy, To the little log hut by the sea. THE WALL WITHIN. TRUST THE LORD. Every Heart Needs Lining This (iolden A Dutch city in the olden days was besieged by the Spaniards. The attacking army used the bat tering ram to try to break through the wall. The peoprt inside saw thai the attempt would be successful unless the wall was strengthened. So the Dutch went lo work quietly and built up an inner wall. The Spanish succeeded in get- ' ting through the outer wall, only j to be confronted by a stronger wall . within. The Dutch were safe. Is not the lesson plain? The ; outer walls of society are good, but they are not enough. Walls with in the character are needed. Inner ' fortifications are necessary, if one ! would guard one's own purity. A j city building has inner doors and inner iron doors and shutters for j fire protection. I Appetites are changed, evil hab its are broken olf, new resolutions are kept, when the inner walls of life are erected. From within, out that is the order of all life, either in nature or in human kind. Not that which enters into a man defiles, but that which cometh out for the reason that it should not get past the inner wall. Rules in the home or school, curfew laws, reforms in city gov ernment, statuies for the protec tion of society, acts against greed and graft, all are good and bene ficial; but more important still are moral and religious teachings and counsels. St. Paul must have been think ing of the wall within when he wrote "Strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man." When ! Solomon buih the porch of his i house, "I le overlaid it within with pure gold." Every heart needs this golden lining. "My litttle children, of ! whom I travail in birth until Christ j be found in you." Me is the wall j within you. Rev. J. I I. 01ms I stead, in lixchange. INDUSTRY AND THRIFT. "Commit Thy Way to Mint and Me will llrinif It to Pass." Sometimes men are dissatisfied wilh their wurk and with the posi tion they occupy. They think they are not appreciated, and that they pre competent to lill what ihey regard as much more important positions. This may sometimes be true; but if such persons are faithful in the positions they occu py, their worth will be recognized, and they will be called to such po sitions as they are found compe tent to fill. But a man of real worth may be successful in op position, to which he is adapted, while he would he a total failure in another to which his talents are not soiled. Men are not always tht'best judges of their own abilities, or of the po sitions which they are best quali fied to lill. It is always better for the place to seek the man than for the man to seek the place. Mod esty is generally an evidence of worth, while presumption is almost invariably an evidence of shallow ness or unreliability. If a man has ; but a small field, let him cultivate I it v-ll; when it becomes loo small ! for him others will perceive it; and he will be called to more extensive labors. A man who is always la- Heart Sirciifjtl TliirtSlr.iiulli , iini.. ii, i' ii. fi- i . a- mi. I i rll-:irtvv -k-e ---ik I ' ;i: I Ul ... I. II . '' i' Himi . Ir. Ir-I I-. ,1 I,lna i It- r.nlij l iiilul li.i-U Mi;, or II. ml S. i w, ... inur" (!., T ii'i.ni r innr., s-, ' ,'n .nit I'litt hum ("iil niii. I k.ilii. ) u!-'i, lime a I!'- It. i.ih h I'irlit i I.. I,. i 1 a -II--.iLlidli Dr. Shoop's Restorative All Dealers. Kodol For Indigestion Out Guarantee Coupon tin- tiiint tif iiji ( t. n-tnrn Hie b'-ule Incilicinc lo t In 1 it, ami we wdt n.f Town -t! ;r, nf a fl.ryi mtl! o( . -!.-. iy it Lis it t L-:-n- i..-f:-r ri v.itr t;biin y. 'J iy ; ituHi.iNi.-e. I tll ' tit ami Itl -i-'J It to till! ilc;ilr-r ilt H it fuN I" s;ilKfy i.u "iitiiiiiijii! cme-thiT'i 'f tho I., r I r . itt whom yuu buUtUt ini uiir money. BigeslsYhatYouEat And Makes (he Stomach Sweet I. J. KAPLIN, Nrxt huor lo lloaniiki.- Motel Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. Let Us Think on These Things and Stamp It Upon Our Hearts. boring to do good will succeed; j e.c. dwitt co. while a man who is always seek-1 s,,, )lV V. m. chIh h, ing for place will fail. j If one believes that he is in God's ! hands and engaged in God's wot k, ! why should he not so commit him self to God's will as to allow God to put him forward. Does he fear j that God may neglect him and al low some one to supplant him?! This is a most unworthy view of God, and ought never to be enter- j tained by one who believes himself called of God and living in eotnmn- ! ninn wilh Him. The meek aie to inherit the earth, according to the Saviour's teaching, and he illus trated ii in his own life. "Commit thy way to Hint and he shall bring it lo pass," says one whose expe rience taught him lessons by which we may prolit." The trouble with most persons is, they want to enoose iiieir ow n w ay ami ;n e tin- u id.lniN N r willing that God should lead them. '. , Clilcuso, III. 'i liloli, X. ('. 'I'iie eh, ape-l phiee lor MI'.X and I ' cbitliiiur Also a litim- variety 111 ill. Ill - -1 1 1 K fcij" Kill's a S',.i:lt y (ient's rurnishings, lite. I. J. KAl'LIN, Kii'iiiuU' linpuU. N. r. ATTORNEY AT LAW, -John Bratton. AND THAT ENDED IT. said nty- king Two officers once appeared be fore one of the crowned heads of F.urope to ask permission to fight a duel, as one had grievously in sulted the oilier. "Certainly, my friends," the king. "I will be present self at the encounter." On the day appointed the appeared on the scene accompani ed by a sinister looking person, who proved to be the public exe cutioner. Pointing to the two com batants,.the king said: "You see those two men? Im mediately after iheir duel you will behead the survivor." The only reason a patriot can get more excited about the Consti tution than about his iparty candi date's platform is he knows less about the former. It isn't so ilillicull to Htieiiglhen a w eak Stomach if one noes at it correctly Ami tins is true ol tin, Until and Kid neys. 'the old fashioned way of dosing the stomach or stimulating the heart or Kidney is surely wrong. I r. Mioop tirst pointed out this error. "lio the weak or ailing nerves of these, organs," aaid he. hach inside organ has its con trolling or "inside nerve." When these nerves fail then those organs must sure ty falter. This vital truth is leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend lif. Shoop's Krstorative. A few days test will surely teit. All Dealers. This country is not in need of any more polished heads and idle hands. Its most crying need to day is for skilled workers, for men and women who care more to be ' useful than they do to be orna mental; who can plow a furrow, I or shoe a horse, better than they i can talk philosophy or plead at the ; bar; who can make a loaf of bread ! and broil a steak belter than they j can chatter. French and embroid-! er pillow shams. There is no use talking, we cannot rise above the ; stomach. We must live, and we ' must eat to live and somebody must do the work that living de-. mands. Those people who will not lend a helping hand, but wil-1 lingly prey on their hard working relations, are a disgrace to modern civilization. The truth is we arc too ambitious, loo desirous for easy places; we'll do the eating if some body else will do thecooking;we'll pay the bills, too, if somebody else will earn the money; we can't do everything; people succeed best in pursuits congenial to them; we have no taste for drudgery, there fore we should not do it. This is about the smart logic that is being practiced to the extinction of many a family. Parents take the hard j and give the easy to their children, j The mother lends the kitchen and dairy, and the daughters the parlor ; and school. This it is thought will give them grace and culture and fit , tlicni lo adorn the high position . they are expected to fill, but rarely ' do. Let us think on these things j and indelibly stamp it upon our hearts, that no amount of culture and ease can make amends for the lack of industry and thrift. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Tlf Signature of Lutfy ( I'mctit'o- in tin i-iiiii ailjninmtr cnuntit's ami it. tin imhiH of tin' Mali-. Sjiri'ial ulU-ntiuu : irivt n lo collections ami pioinpt return I ! 1 he man who doesn t acquire j wisdom as he grows older bunkoes himself. ECONOMY. Maidie, nearly four, brought to her mother two little branches ' which she had broken front a bush and stripped of their leaves. "Here, mother," she said "here are some switches to switch the hoys when they are naughty." : "But," objected the mother, : "you do not want your dear little ; brothere to be switched, do you?" "Well, when they're naughty," Maidie emphasized. 1 hey re such nice little switches" lovingly "ii would be a pity to waste them." With some people money is an j effective substitute for brains. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There b a disease prrvallli p In this country mor,t cUnperotr, l'e, aur.e rn derpp- 'A live. Mary S'.idiieir W. J. WARD, ntCNTIST, 01 I U K IN HAMLI. lil'ILUl.MH wianux.' x. c.. sepTj Iy mm mm deaths are t au;.ed bv , 1. heart dl.earc, pneunoiiia, heaii fi? f.ilhre -it apoplexy vi r arf! tflen r- r':'"i, viV cf kidnry u:,r.Ae.. A 1 kidney trnuMe is ai- -I ...... .T Very Serious It is a vory serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine to. TH ED FORD'S kfl4a Black-draught Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger 6ale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa First Class Bakery kid. .e y - p o i ,-. o n o 1 til-.( d will allai-k th! , vital orrans or ih,i bicak down and war.lff AV1NG secured a first-class baker I am prepared to fur- H nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes lite, in any quantity. The best of Most people die before reaching the age of discretion. Seven Years ol Proof. "I have hail seven years ol proof that tr. Kiiiir'a Xevv liiscovery ia the liest medicine to take for eolith and colds and for every diseased condition of throul, chest or Iuuks," says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had tinrty-eitrht yearaof proof that Pr. Kinir's Sew liiscoverv is the liest reme dy for coiurha and eofds, la ftrippr, asth ma, hay fever and bronchitis, hemor rhage of the lungs, and the early stages of consumption, its timely use always prevents the development. Hold under guarantee at any drug store. jOc, and $1. Trial bottle free. , 1'ieklini?, lurid coiuths. can lie surely anil quickly loosened with a prescription diuirirists are ilispensmir everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Couirh Itentedy. And it is so very dilt'erent than common coui:li medicines. Xo opium, no t'hlorofortn. ahsolutely uothintr harsh or unsafe. The tender h-aves of a harmless, lunir healing mountainous shriih. gives the curative properties to lr. Slump's 'omrli Itemed)'. Those leaves have the power lo calm the most ilistn-ssingCotigh ami to Hootlie and heel the most sensitive hrouehial membrane, Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, always demand Ur. Shoop's. it can with perfect free dom lie given lo even the youngest halie. Test it yourself aud sec. All Dealers. If a man could solve the mystery of why a woman appeals to him she wouldn't any longer. 1,1, S, MOUNTCASTLE, Wf.i.don, N. C. i kuluf-y ; in mi' lv ' a.vay - -It iy - U. ! i'.i.i'U:r ii-Mii-l-T.i niu.it ahvayr, xcr.vM frrri i a l''r;vif'-iiifM;i i,f iho kiiiney.i and a "ure is i th-Vhidnry. If y.i ate feidm badly you j everyillillfi ill tllC Klkcry litlC. ca.i mak'i mi mistake cy taping ur. Mimrr s .Swamp -Knot, iha rreat kidney, liver and 1 t'hi IJer remedy. 11 corrects Inability to hold urine and scald ing pun in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to gi often during the day, and to gel up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon rsali.'d. It stands the hicheit tvr its won derful cures of thft most distressing cases. Swamp-Roct 's plensaut t take, and sold by all druggists m fifiy-ce.nt and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bctt.e cf ir7VtT' this wonderful new dis- jg.fyj?fjjfi tells ail about it, both n,.maof flwamp-Root. sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N, Y. When writing mention reading this generous ofter in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, BingSamton, N.Y.. qn every bottle. 1imiiiHv olHutn.il. di- fee RETURNED. SO VEAHS' tXPtftiEnCC. Out CHANGES ARC THE LOWEST, hi :nl nniU-1. i'lmt. oi nki-H'li lur viN-rt siHtvli nml Inv i'!".tt on iwtlfjUuf.llity. INFRINGEMENT i-Kt inmhn tvii U'lorn till emirf. lilt 'i.li ... :..ni,-il lltrmuh lif. ftOVtfl T1M0 will $010, f - '. TnrtF.MRK, PEN IONS uul CUPVftlGHVS i-i'Mkly uMalaud Opponlte U. S. F-ti tent Oirica, WASHINGTON, O. O. -1

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