1 0) A HI 101 K E ill fe-, Wif HI Jvertisins Ivites Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XL III. WKLDOX, N. C., TIII HSDAY, NOVKMIfKH 1!), 15MS. NO. 2D. 0 R i- i e h.ii l.(Jrf .U.icilltil, .1 pkh ci:sr7 AM-ticiiililoPrrpimfionror.ls ftimii.TifMf itii Fi)oifaniri?i'in!(a lilii'SiuiiatlisaiJllcMsi r;omo!('sDis!ii'!i.Cti.-frfai- ncss and R-.-si x'oulaliis nnitr i 'riuniiorpliiMi nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Ati-YnytcSKurimx Rnfiw Stfd" Jili .frma fcW- Aporf.Tl Penwdy furfowlipa lion , Sour SlcnutliJ)'. vrte: Worms jToimtlsioits leu rish ncssaiul Loss of Sleep. NEW YOliK. SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. Being the Confession of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Wash ington Herald. For Infants rind Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought Bears the Signature of f ilrv In Use For Oyer Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMK OINTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOftH 6ITT. J I'AV l'llclMi NlliMI I'llnM.r. -Jl mill II II P. N. STAIN BAC K, 0 INDKWTAK Kli. Weldon, North Carolina. full Line of CASKIiTS, COITINSnnJ tt(;i:s. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Culls I'rnniptly Attended to. H. G HOWE, I'UNi-RAL DIULCTOU AND t:MUALMI".R. Seventeen years' Hxperience. Hearse Service Anywhere I charge tliee, my daughter, when luvc bcRinncth, question not any man how ii will end; For it is only in the beginning of things that a man is interested, even in the cre.i in till' the itig, the bubble of the champagne, the meal on the poach, and the first kiss of a wo man. Therefore, he winJeth the alarm clock and setteih it for the finish ol wlujicvi.T he ouiteiiiplatctli, from a morning nap to love's young dream. Mack ye his wisdom! When he beginnetli to break his engagements. When he shorieneth his calfs. 1 When he observes! not that thou Hirtest with others. When he loseth the drift of con versation. When he yawueth at half past 9 and taketlt out his watch. Then, ah then, the alarm clock sotindeih and love ringethoff'! ' Yet what ninttereth the end? Is ; not the end of the cream but skim- nied milk, and the end of a cigar i a but, and the end of a peach a stone, and the end of champagne dregs, and the cud of love a quar relor a two-by-lour llat and a i mother-in-law? And which of these : would ye choose? j Vet a man clingeih to anything from love to an argument as a ler-; rier to an old shoe. She stoppeth her ears and she heedeih not the j signs. Yea, believe, my daughter, a j man goeth into love affairs as lie goelh into a "game of billiards.! When the game is on lie loseth interest and seeketh a new game. l-'or love is as a feast, which the 1 wise enioyeth while it lasteth and regardeth not when it is over, nor , bothereth about the bill. Selah! i AXIOMS THAT A Kli WHI1.U. WORTH 71 EHTg i1 C THE MM OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the Stale of North Carolina, AHil'ST LiiTII. Ivi'J. State of North Carolina Depository. H.ilifax (bounty Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital att3 Surplus. I'or mori' than liftivn vimw llii" in-titiilinn Im pm i . 1 I lianLinir fiii-ili-tiii. for thin siM'tiiui. Ii" stoekliol.l.'rx ami .lir.vt..p Imv.. I veil uli'iilili. .1 with the liiiMiiesw interest of Halifax mnl Niirlluiiiplun eniiiitirs fur many yearn. Money is loancl upon approvr-l si'i'iiiity ai tlieltxal lute of hitrivsi six per centum. .Wouiils of all me Koliri The mirplim uml iiu.hnileil prolix li.i nii reaehi'il a sum eipial In the Capital Stoek. the Hank has. ec iniienu' .lanuaiy I, I'nis, esl.ihlislie'l a samiL'H Departuieiit allowim: inteiest on time ilepimitH u follows: I'or Hi'posit alloweil toiTiiiam tlin ninths or loiurer. - per eent. Six nioiilhsor loiiKer, II pel eent. Tnebe iii"lilhsor limirer. t pel eent. I'or further information apply lo the I'lesi.l. nt or ( ashier. I'UKSIIIKSI ; W. K. DAMKL, vii M-eiiKHiiiiAT: lll. II. W. I.CWIS, .laekson. Nortlianiptoii eountyi oxiiiku: W. It. SMITH. o SEABOARD A writer under the initials 'S. 1!. I'." lays down the fol lowing axioms which may not lie entirely new, hut they are wort Ii while: That man was not made to niiiuiTi. That laughter wins more bat tles than tears, and that a smile is a very good weapon. That fear is a devil to he avoided. That the game is worth the candlt if the game is straight and clean. That idleness is a vice and Hin a crime. That the great thing is not to make ti living hut a life. That it is not so much how we die lint how we live that ooittits. That this great, beautiful world is somehow all good. That love is the chief end of Jife. : That ilod is, not was. ! That the future is what we make it -a continuation of the present. j Don't think a woman has mur- der in her heart just because she's ! dressed to kill. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT, 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor mUijnforths public atvJ aro n t guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. A Woman's Back lias many aches and pains caused lj weaknesses and fallimr.ur other displace ment, ut tliu cl Ic emails. Other symp toms of female wiflknesa aro tropical headache, (lilness. Iniaitluary uecka or dark snow floating before the ryes, unaw iit sensation In stomach, druuiiluK or hca ri nu down In lower a Uloml nal ur pfh Ic leuloii. disaureealile drains (mm pclvle l in (in ns, faint spells with ueneral weakupsa, 1 II any ciinsidi raliln numlsT of thealsiva ymptoms am present ther la no reoiwlf that Hj!lve quicker relict or a mure per miiY'i't tW lhin I)r rim' t'wM l'rijJrsS ha8 11 r pp"r1 ' I jeavs of cii?hAJ Is the nmst potenA ' iii'ihuk u:t- Trains will leave WKLDDN as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for " " " at 3.10 p. m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12.07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 p. m. We operate Houble Uui'lv vestibule service ,.!, ''iT.uMKO.ah'-NoHnik .mMlll.M.AuKust.ne, Allaula, lliunnuihaui. Sli niplos. o,ltu,oull, Mulnlk ltielimonil, Wasliinirloii, Palomoro, I h.luilelphia ami .e ioik. For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. II- (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. pal risiU, lound In our forests and con tains not n drop of alcohol or harmful, or haliil'f'inniliKdniKS. Its ingredients art all printed on the buttli-wrappcr and at tested under oath as correct. Kverv tnirnstlent entering Into "Fa voriln Prescript inn" has the written en dorsement of tho must eminent medical writers of all the several schools of practice- mure valuable than any amount of non-professional testlmonlals-lhoutih the latter are not lacking, having been con 4rilniti1 voluntarily by grateful patients In nunils'rs to excisd tho cndorscmcnU given lo any other medicine, extant for j the cure of woman's Ills. j You cannot altord lo accept any mrdlelno of unknown coinKisuion as a sinisiibiiu, for this well proven remedy or know coMitismos, even though the dealer may make a little more profit thereby, l our Interest In regaining health Is paramount to any selfish Interest of hi and It Is an Insult to your Intelligence for him to try to palm ofl upon you a substitute. You know what ydu want anil It Is his busi ness o supply tho article called for. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are th original "Little Liver Pills" flrst put up by old Dr. Pierce over forty years ago, much Imitated but never equaled. Little ugar-ooawd grauuleaeaay to Uk H eaady. IT IS E,V,r. to pound" the truth into soi. and hard for othets t set value of good advice. DR. TUSH'S Blood&Liyer Restorative A Liver Medicine and Blood Purifier Is just what you want ;v. re people owe their health and strength to it than any other remedy J3?2e Now Price FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N, GOOD NIGHT. Little boy sweetheart, with eyes that shine Blue as the skies on a summer mom, Lips that are wreathed in a smile divine, Velvety cheek that is pressed to mine, Life has seemed fairer since you were born, Fold up your petals, my rosebud, white, Good-night, my baby, good-night, Good-night. Little boy, sweetheart, 1 love you so ! How deep that love you will never know. Night after night, when my work is through, Worn-out and weary I come to you, Lean o'er your couch till upon my ear Falls a faint music 1 yearn to hear, Made by our breathing, so soft and light, Good-night, my baby, good-night, Good-night. Then by your side as 1 nightly kneel To the All-Father I make appeal, That lie will guide you and guard and bless, Touch you with love and usefulness, Mold you and lead you life's path along, That you grow manly and true and strong, That He may grant you a future bright, Good-night, my baby, good-night, Good-night. Sometimes in days that are yet to be, In the last hours you shall come to me, You shall stand at your life's proud prime, 1 whose head shall be touched with rime. There shall we part for the last sad time, Then, as the world recedes front view, On your dear face 1 will turn my sight, And out of death I will call to you, "Good-night, my baby, good-night. Good-night." QVV.EK MliN AND WOMI-N. j Cull a girl a chick and she smiles; cull it woman a hen and she howls, fall a young wo man a witch, and she is pleased; call tm old woman a witch and she is indignant. Cull a girl a kitten, nnd she rather likes it; call n woman a cat, and (die hates you. Women are queer. If you cull it man a guy dog it will flatter him; call him a pup, a hound or a cur, nnd he will try to niter the map of your face, lie doesn't mind being culled a hull or I ear, yet ho will object to being men tioned as a calf or a cub. Men are queer, too. London 'lid Bits. The organ of speech often goes with a crank, and has few stops. Remember that as the guest you get more enjoyment out of it than you would as the host. A TOUCHING INCIDENT. 0lE HOPE. There Were Many Moist Hyes Thut Car. In An incident of a peculiarly touch ing character occurred yesterday in one of the elevated railroad trains, that brought tears to the eyes of the passengers. The train had just left One Hundred and Tweiiiy-hl'tli street when the pas sengers saw entering the car a lit tle boy about six years old, half carried by an older boy, evidently his brother. Both were well I dressed, but at first glance it was seen that the little fellow was blind. ! He had a pale, wan face, but was smiling. A quick look of sympa- ty passed over the faces of the passengers, and an old gray-haired gentleman got up and gave his seat to the two. The big "brother," who was about eleven years old, tenderly lifted up the little blind boy and placed him on his knee. "How's that?" he asked. "Nice," said the liule chap, "where's my 'monica ?" This puzzled some of the pas- i over the dead body of sengcrs, and several turned to see j whom he dearly loved, The (ireat I'usiness of Life is lo Make Preparation for the Life to Come. The i, Id kcinan who has seen more c f this life ih.m must men are ever permitted to see, cloes his must interesting life Mory with these impressive and touching words iii young men : "W hile I dare not invade the I'i'oviiiee of the ' minister 1 feel eon .;iiined to de clare that the great business of this life should be to make preparation For thai which is to come, and thai no man should be ashamed of die Gospel of Christ. As a rule the men w ho have made their impress upon the times in which they have lived have been Christian men. F.ven Ingersoll, who prostituted his great talents in an attempt to unsettle the faith of our people in those religious truths which th-.y learned at liv knees oi pious nn tit ers in the days of their childhood, felt reluctantly compelled to bear tjstimony to tite truth. Standing j brother, and look- ak Worsen To w-:ik iiml ;t Wivy to Iii lin.-l !.' ('.uiil-m-tininv, Im,1 (..Ii: Jt. s N, It Shi,,;, - l;. Tlu-f .rt . r- ! ,1)1) tli'H v, .y, On., itl-:. 111. iin'inrLilit, 1 'i -1: fi'dl) ..L'litilil. KM i. !' i il'iitivtiiit. 1 1 ur.--i.-it i..n1 ;!.. .!.v.hii..'r u:i I'M' ltv,;t. . Ili.ijfii'itit tlit) tlr ui nil iii.Tve, it5f.!i.i. -Iff Its - nhtl niiliiin i H.-i.kifys Mti'l i ea -" IHTVUlli ur an-1 itiiilnlluit, i'f? it In ml r- iifW''i to 11,0 Dr. vShoop's ia'ht Cure All Dealers. For Mill eak eys ing down upon his pale face he 1 exclaimed in agony of spirit and bitterness of woe : "From the si : lent lips of the unreplyin,; dead, j we hear no voice; but in the night I of death, hope sees a star and lis i tening love can hear the rustle of a wing." There is no star of hope -Farm- what the child meant. But the "big brother" knew, and immedi ately drew out a small mouth har monica and placed it in the little fellow's hands. The little fellow took the instrument into his thin hands, ran it across his lips, and began to play softly, "Nearer, my God, to Thee." Tears came into ; but the Star of Bethlehem the eyes of the old gentleman who j ville (Va.) Herald. had given up his seat, and as the j Tit.Uillir, tiirll t, all ,. s,,reiv little fellow played on, running into 1 and ipuckiv ioos,neiiiMiiia,iiseiipoi.n the "Rock of Ages" and "Abide j with Me," there were many moist so vctv din'emu ihau common ( u-n eyes in the car. Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills eek's Trial For 25c G. C. DoWITT & CO., Chicazo, 111. Sohl l.y V. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. O. ineiliellles. NoOpllllii. Ilo ( Ii lololol III, :ilisolotelv liollilior limsh or unsafe. The train rushed along, the pas-; The tender h-uves of a iiai.niess. tnmr sengers listened, and the little fel- S.:;:::',.;'..,:!"; low played on tirelessly, never ; i.vinr.iy. ih imvthr ti culm tin' Minsi 1 1 Mri '-sum ( hill: 1 1 :uM tti mmiI he ami htvl llic hin-t m !imIii' luiilii'llinl liiclliin.lll-'. inllit'l). slinnltl. Inr s:tl','ty's s:t!i' aluiir. a!ay-. h rn:i ti 1 1 r. MinnrV It (MIL Willi 'fllr.'I litV- flnin t ifivrii to rvi'n the ynn:iL' st liulii'. Tesi H yonis.'h'ainl m i-' All Dr.lltis I. J. KAPLIN, Ne .t Moor to Ijoauoke Hotel V janoke Kapids, North Carolina. I'.dV The cheapest place for .MKN" and Seloiliinu. Also a largo variety ies skirts, jpajr" Voiles a Specialty A BRIDE OF THE SOUTH. Her face looks from the filmy folds of gauze Pale as a jasmine in the morning mist, And tense with awe, her eyes reflect the stars That kindle where the day and dusk have kissed; She trembles as a flower in the wind Might tremble with the prescience of the storm, And, oh, what smallest sin could she have sinned Those very innocence is like a psalm ? The orange blossoms, waxen-frail and fair (White emblems of white love that God has planned !) The star the midnight blackness of her hair And breathe the sun-warmth of her native land Seem as the incarnations of her thoughts, So passionless, so pure, so sanctified, Whose snowy grace upon her brow imparts The sweet insignia of the virgin bride. Dear God, before Thy altar as she stands Exquisite in her innocence and youth, A whiter than the roses in her hands, Her lustrous eyes aflame with love and trutlr Stir in the soul of him who waits her there, Thrilled by this rapturous hour that is his, The highest hopes and dreams that hearts can share, Pledged in the moments of the nuptial kiss ! F.lla Rentley-Arthur. missing a note of "Annie Laurie" or "Home, Sweet Home." Final ly the "big brother" leaned down and told the little one to get ready to leave, as the train was Hearing their station. Then, as if he knew he had won a whole car load of friends, the blind boy quickly changed "The Suwannee River" into "Auld Lang Syne," and with one accord the passengers burst into a round of applause, while the "big brother" carried the little one out of the car. New York Times. Gent's Furnishings, Etc 1. J. KAPLIN, lioiuioke Itajiids, N. C, One of the worst things that can be said about love is that so much of it is adulterated with money. Bean lie mS Signature f I. , 1 ,n H:;m n.i5 E BREAKING IT GENTLY. A Long List of Surprises New York Financier. for a A woman thinks a man is ex travagant because he would just as soon pay $10 for anything he wants at $9.98. Seven Years of Prool. "I have IiikI seven years ol proof that llr. K ing's New lllseovery is the Itest medicine to take for cough and colds and for everv diseased condition of ll.uat, clu:.t or Into," says . V. Ilelirv. of I'aniiina. Mo. The world lias had thirtv-eichl years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the Itest reme- Iv lie eouuhs and colds, la grippe, asth ina. hay fever ami bronchitis, hemor 1 1, age of the lunus, and tltecailv stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development. Sold under guarantee at any drug store, ode. and id. Trial bottle free. Did it ever occur to you that the majority of life's real pleasures are comparatively inexpensive? It isn't so dillieult to strengthen a weak Stomach if one goes at it correctly And this is true of the Heart and Kid neys. The old fashioned way yf dosing the stomach or stimulating the heart or Kidney is surely wrong. Dr. Slump tirst pointed out this error. '(io the wtyk or ailing nervea of these organs," Maul he. Kach inside organ has its con trolling or "inside nerve." V. lien these nerves fail then those organs must sure ly falter This vital truth ia leading druggista everywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Itestorative, A few days test will surely tell. All Dealers. A New York financier recently returned from a business trip to Europe and was considerably sur prised to find no one at the dock to meet him but the butler. Fie asked if things at home were all right, and the following conversa tion ensued: "Yes, sir; except that the dog is j dead, sir." I "What was the matter with the dog?" j "We think, sir, that he died of j eating too much burnt horse flesh, t sir." i "Burnt horse flesh? Where did he get burnt horse flesh?" "The horses were all killed, sir, when the stables burned., sir." "The stable burned! How did it happen?" "It caught fire from the house when the house burned, sir." "Is r the house burned, too? How did it catch fire?" "We think, sir, it was from the candles, sir." "From candles? What were candles doing in the house ? You know 1 don't want anything but electric light." "The candles were around the coffin, sir." "Around the coffin? What cof fin? Is somebody dead?" "Your niother-in-law, sir. She's dead, sir." "My inoiher-iii-law dead? Why, I hadn't heard that she was ill, What was the matter?" "We think, sir, it was the shock, sir." "Shock! What shock? What has happened ?" 'I ler daughter, sir; your wife, sir, ran away with the coachman." Exchange. You can cure dyspepsia, indigestion, sour ir weak stomach, or in fact any form of stomach trouble if you w ill take Kodol occasionally just at the times i lien you need it. Kodol does not have to lie taken all the tune. Oidiuanlyyou only take Kodol. now and then, because it completely digests all tho food you eat, and after a few days or a week or so, the stomach can digest the food without the an! of Kodol. Then you don't need Kodol anv longer. Try it today on ourguarantee. Wekuow what it will do for you. Sola by W. M. Cohen.iWeMon, S. C CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of If only men without freckles on their reputation should but into the political game it would be some thing like solitaire. How Is Your Ingestion? Mis. Marv 1'nwlinir. nf No. 'J's Nth Avenue. ritiiieiM'n. leeiuiiiiieiitls a i reiiieih I'm Miunai-h timth'e. Hie say 1 "(irali'tu.U' t'nr the u oii'lnTnl edeet "of KUvtiie Hitlers in u cum' nf aeulc iiiili ; ires! i on, nmiupls lliis testimonial. I ! am fully emu mecl tluil for Mnniaeli 1 aixl lier linnl'le Kleeliic Itilters is the i liest iviihMv on tiie maikel tmluy." j This meat tmiu-uiul alteialive meilieiiie in inmates ihf Mstfin, ui ili llie ' 1 limn I anil is ("specially helpful in all forms of female weakiies. ."iie. at any ! store. E. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tract if a'iji'iiiiiiL, Cntll't nf ifiveii lo ;vi;i.iu, N. ('. es m the court s of Halifax and : 'counties ami u. the Supreme the Mate. Special attention olh clioiis ami prompt return W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OlTK'i: IN DAMKL Ill'ILDLNU YVKI.DON. N. C, sept'j Iv There's hardly any pleasure equal to spreading bad news about your friends. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcT-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It doea not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN M I mil alia, k Ilia The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There Is a disease prevallitx in this country mor.t daererous bee au:.c : - decrp I ; II I II I ,. A live. Many sudden T7l Ii -M I S I '" death-. a,c caused hy fVtTO ' "X- "rarl ;''::;:r' ' piiciinuiiia, nr.ai i ! failure or apoplexy arfi often thr rc-'-M V cf kidnry li.a-e. If kidney troul le is al- .VB!'--;7:'.'v khlnry ; lli",i;it;ivc. n-ny M by r-ll. I'l.i ILr iioiihles moEl always result fr'-m a i 'ia:ij,'(;met.t o( the kidneys and a cure is o'nincd qutcUfint by a proper treatment of Ihr: kidneys. If you aro feeling badly you can make no mist aha by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, tha great kidney, liver and bl i.ldcr remedy. It corrects iuaLi.ity t? hold urine and scald ing pun m passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to oltsn during the day, and to get up many times during the night. Tho mild and tho extraordinary effect cf Swamp-Root is soon realised. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of tho most distressing cases. Swamp-Root 's pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifly-cent and one-dollar sued bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis- fcitoVilM covery and a book that tens all about it, both i,r.motB-mp-Pwt. sent freo by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. First Class Bakery HA UCj sccul ed d fifSt-CiuiS baker j am prepared to fur nish Presh Bread, Pies, Cakes Lie. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, Wki.don, N. C. BR! l-inmi-HT ...,i:,m.-,i. ..c FES. Pf TOr, f.D. ki tti VtARSTrr D'ENCC. Oi l CHARUSS RK !l THE LOWEST. inil.'l. flU'Hi ..r hh. ti ll '.r 4 t-rl Kt'iTl; rn.ai live r. ut '.mU..: li'y. H MrPttNCEMnV. i r I".;'-! I '''' "'I ij court. . ' Ojp A3VI J. TtftlDaiiil SOLO, i TJTititt .MAKIIS. TEN jl aioNft uii oopYfticn i,i.v i.t (jul:;ui-i. T Opposite U. , Pt.if tfloe,

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