TUP IBMl A MffMW ilWTOfC A Ivertising Uates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per AnnumJ VOL. XI. III. YVKLDOX, X. C TIIIHSDAY, NOV KM VVM 125, lUos. no. i THE OLD CHURCH. n n 1 D i M If pi fan 1 The Kln.l You Havo Always r.oii-l.t, mid vhi.h lms been in iiso for over 0 years, lias borno tlio hi-imlnro of jrrf . e "l Ix-fti mnilo under Ids per. QCiAAtAA- S0'"11 s"POrvWou Hlnco its Inf.ni. y. v Allow lionotiul!c.voyoii III tlii. All Counterfeits, Imitations run) " Jusl-iis-fjnn.l" m e but lAporiminU Unit, trillo with nd endanger I lio health of Infants and Children-Kipcrienoi nyainst Kvpemiiciit. What is CASTORIA Ciistnrla U a lmrmlosN fwhstifuto for Cnstnr Oil, Paro Roric, Drops mid Soothing Sycitps. It is l'lc.isanl. It o.iiitnlns neither Opium, .Morphino line other Karootlo mihstniire. lis hi;o is its g'larantro, H destroys Woriim mid nllays lYvcrh.liness. It cures Dl.irrlio iv lind Wind Coll.!. H relieves 1'ootliiiif? TrnnhloM, cures Constipation and J'hiti'Ieiiey. It nssiniilntcs tlm Tnod, regulates tlio Stonmeh and ltowels, giving licai'.liy and natural Bleep. Tlio Children's l'anaeeiv-Tlio -Mother's l'ricnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Use For Over 30 Years. TT MU4Mr TMKT, NtW VOPItt OfTf. luv I'lluvi: '". N h ill I'n P. N. STAIN BACK. INDKHTAKKW. Weldon, . . North Carolina. Pull Line of CASkl-TS. COITINS and kOliliS. Day, Night and Oul-of Town Calls I'romplly Allcnded to. H G HOWE, l-UNLRU. DIRIiCI'OR AM) IIMHAI.MCR. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. M J I He Was Not Concerned About The Money, He Had the l:nith. A lawyer in Boston was asked id go to a village some distance fr mi the city, in order to effect tlie sale of a Baptist house of wor- ship. Services had not been held iliere for many years, and it was j argued that the heller plan was 10 ! sell the property and gi e up the j work. When the lawyer looked over the field it occurred to him j tli at it would he more honoring to , (iod to save the property and re-! ! new the services. He found four members of thai church. They were divided in sentiment as in the disposal of the property. The lawyer said he would preach in the building the following Lord's day. On that day seven were present and the next Lord's day forty. One Monday morning the lawyer was seen at the building with a pick and shovel engaged in (caring the boards from the old di lapidated meeting house. "What are doing there?" said a passer-by. "Tearing down the old build ing," said the lawyer. "It's loo old for use and we shall build a new one." "But where will you get the money to build with?" "I am not much concerned about that," replied the lawyer; "(iod will supply the money. " "Well," said the man, "if you have faith like that, I'll help you. Von can put me down for a hun dred dollars." Another passer-by stepped up and repealed the same iiupiiries. "Why," said tile lawyer, "(iod is sending in the money already. Mr. Blank just passed by and has promised a hundred dollars." "It is possible ?" said the man. "Blank is the stingiest man in our town, and if he gives a hundred, you cm put me down for the same amount. " SI rr IS EASY to pound the truth into some folks and hard for others to sec the value of good advice. DR. TURBIH'S BloodMiver Restorative A Liver Medicine and Blood Purifier Is just what you want ? :: people owe their health and strength to it than any other remedy :uie Now Price $IM: FOR SALE BY W. M. COHEN, WELDON, N C. MICNON'S SOiiC "THE LVLS OF THE LORD." The Lord Knows Your Several Burdens, and He Will Help You to Hear It. a noiiTSii nmmi , IIL'lill' j then , . mi l I. e l.nnl II . rats :in s i. . I . Iii..l the (hell llllti. So the work went on. n 0 w'tII KiTaMMwyMOTilf 'HUMCTMnZiiilI EunZiNJim no THE GAM!' OF WELDON WKl.DOX, X. r- Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, U'lil'.-T LMI'll. ISIJ. State of North Carolina Depository. I lalifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C a p it a 1 a el d S u m 1 u ?, $40,000. Kor more than lifteen war tliw iimitiition hax pnviIe. Uankine faiuh li.'s for this sivtiiin. lis sliiekloil.l i an.l .linvlnm have heen 1. 1 . n 1 1 li . -1 vntll llif luisini'ss inli'ii'sls of llalil'av mi l NcMlliaiii lmi enmities tui many yeain. Mnney is haiml up m appr.n eil mvih.iv at the It mil late uf interest six per eeiltiiin. Aivniiiils ul' all are snlii'ilel. Tlie Hiirpllis ami un.liMile.l n..lus liauiu i.-aeiie.l a iun eipial I" lie' I apilal Stuck, tlie Hank lia-. cmn iieiicuiir .l inuaiv I. tins, esi.il.lislu .1 a savniir Heiiartinent alkmine interest mi time ( 1'nsits aslnlluns: l er liepiuitu allowed t.ili'lnaill three liMlltlis "I lnn-er. "J pel cent. Sis inoiiltisiil lonu'er, a per rent. T.c!e nemllis or longer. I per cent, t'ur I'nrllier inlniniaiioii apply to tin- I'o-nli nt i I a- hier. afternoon one-half of the amount I necessary was subscribed for the ! new building. In time the new j nieeiinE-liuu.se lilted its spire to ward heaven. The lawyer turned preacher, and became the pastor of the reiuvetiant church. This is not a tradition. It is a fact; and may I he found in (he New York Baptist annual report of some fifteen years j ago.---The Christian. A CONSIDl-RVn- TRAMP. j This song is found in Goethe's novel, "Wilhclm Meister," and is one of the songs in tlie opera of "Mignon." There are many Lnglish translations of it The one given here is by William Henry Charming, an American Unitarian clergyman and litterateur, whose German trans lations are rendered with great skill. Know'st thou the land where flowers of citron bloom ? The golden orange glows through leafy gloom? From the blue heavens the breezes lluat so bland? The myrtles still, and hill ihe laurels stand ? Know'st thou the land ? Oh there, oh there ! Loved one, with thee I long lo wander there. Know'st thou the house ? Its roof the columns bear, The polished floors, the halls so bright and fair, Where marble figures standing look on me, "Thou poorest child, what have they done to thee?" Know'st thou the house ? Oh there, Oil there ! With thee, kind guardian, oh could I be there ! Know'st thou the mountain peak? the airy bridge, Where loaded mules climb o'er the misty ridge? That I In hollows dwell ihe serpent's ancient brood; The rent crag rushes down the foaming flood; Know'st thou the mount? Oh there Oh there Leadeth our way O father, lead us there ! eHKsniKsr: W. K. KAMKI., (.lack v U K- ei;i:siii.. i : Mil. II. u. I.l.w is. ion, Noit!ianipto:i coiinlyi i sniKn: W. It. s.MI I II. 2 JI1!Z1j1 O SEAB0A AIR LINE RAILWAY ) SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908, These arrivals and departures are only as infor nulimfiir the public an J aro n.t guaranteed, and t to. chans1- without ui v aui.vw notice. Trains will leave WLXDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 lor at 3.10 p m No. 41 tor Raleigh and points South nt 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at 11.38 P- ... i. .,..,), Pullman cars to Weoperale Kmil.le Daily ycslUmie ' '"' prtsnioiilli-NoiK.lk .iiMlle.St- AiiKURtinr, Atlanta. Hiiinuitl a n. Mi "I Kk-I.i.iou.1, WaHhimrton, I'.ahin.ore, I'liiia.lelphia ami N. Par further Information relative to rates, sched uies, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER, .lack Magistrate (to tramp) You met j this lady on the highway and de-! manded alms of her, and she re- j fused you. j "Yes, your honor." ! "And then you threatened her: life." "Oh, no! I didn't do that." ; "You seized your bludgeon with I both hands and said, 'Madam, you j must die.' You did that, didn't ' you?" . "Yes, but I didn't threaten her j life. I said that she must die, and ; so she must some lime or other, j We must all die some day. I did . : not sav when she must die. 1 : think a great deal about death and all that, and" i "Six mom h s at hard labor! , London Fxpress. If You Read This It will ho to lenrn that the lea.lioB merit cal writers ami teachers ot all the several schools ot practice rccoiinm-tnl. In ilm mi i.tiiis n,isiiile, eai'li ami every Imirrtlii'iit ciiwrin Into tin' cnnipnsltlnn ol Or. rierce's linlilen Miilical liisnivi ry fur lliei'iirnuf weak slmnarn, iisb catarrh of Mnmach. 'iie "X . r '.I . eaVarriial iliseases nt u l. uev. r' n-cioll. imiiie or luiliire. tl is Jst-llie,,,,,lyfi.rlln,-1el.r.mic ,,r ,,i tf slanlim! cases ot nilarrlial alfir I , s anil their r.'-.illaiits. as lirunchial. 1 nia.wmpanie.1 wilh sever ih-. It 'ot so ,n. si "''"l7l'l"",,''::;',''; j . j r j,..rnitf. or i-lilniiic c.ecs ll is ' i's'vially"ellicn' i"ns In prisim-i" I-i-tei't cir.'' It contains lilaikl herryhark. ,1, ten Seal root. l!l,.e.lro.,t. Stone root. M anilrake root ami Unccn's root --all ot l ii li are hinlilv prai-oil as reim. les for t I II ,' "llsive inViitio.i.sl allect lues l.y Mich , i ni t medical writers nisi If hers as Vr Barlholow, ofIetTeBon'iea. Col lese; Prof, llarryit the hnh-. 'f t'a. lr..f Finlev'-HWnirwood, M. P., of Ken- lot m Vhicait..; r',- !"!: Kln. M. 1L' Cincinniitl; I'rof. John M SnidVli rMl. U., of Cinelnnatl ; I'rof. Kdw HTIaK it. a, of Hahnemann Veil Cytler Chlcaico, nnd scores ol othe'rfyrfany eminent, In llwir suvural i Tif'KliaUciOU'n ' -"'8 nntv niejiciiie mil, "li Jul- a.'UU' nruk'nFi-'er'i ep-lll, COHUlllll ' cliroliic Isnvni THE OLD kM CHAIR. I love it, 1 love it; and who shall dare To chide me for loving that old arm chair? I've treasured it long as a sainted prize, I've bedewed it with tears, and embalmed it with sighs; 'Tis bound by a thousand bands to my heart; Not a tile will break, not a link will siart. Would you learn the spell ? A mother sat there, And a sacred ihing is that old armchair. In childhood's hour I lingered near The hallowed seal with listening ear; And gentle words that mother would give, To fit me to die and leach me to live. She told me shame would never betide, With truth for my creed and God for my guide; She taught me io lisp my earliest prayer, As I knelt beside that old armchair. I sat and watched her many a day, When her eyes grew dim and her locks were gray; And 1 almost worshiped her when she smiled And turned from her Bible to bless her child. Years rolled on, but the last one sped My idol was shattered, my earth-star tied; I learned how much the heart can bear When I saw her die in that old armchair. 'Tis past, 'tis pasit ! But I gaze on it now With quivering breath and throbbing brow: 'Twas there she nursed me, 'twas there she died; And memory Hows with lava tide. Say it is folly, and deem me weak, While the scalding drops start down my cheek; Bui I love it, 1 love it, and cannot tear My soul from a mother's old armchair. Fliza Cook. 7nT?i'f fivii.il TkLwt Agent, Weldon, N. C Or write to V, II. (JATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. SCTrtSTrrTIiicn publicity ol lis lorm in. Mta possible Riiaranty of its merits. A . sncn at this published fnrniiila will t,M f lha " tinlilen M.sll. al Discovery bow li ai harmful or tmlnt- form " i -nun T ,1 no alcolml-cheniicallT Sun. S'-Velin.si g)yT ,' '' ." ,,leml Glycer no IS ennu i." ..- an.tVi.le Is a most use ul went. TMK LAKTI1 AOROSVTH. ''In (lit) lii'K'innine; (1ml ci.' utoil lleiivi-ii ami I'iirtli. And I hi' earth was without form and void." Whatever oui spec ulations may lie in r.'nanl to a "betciniiine;" and when it was, it. is written in the rocks that, like tht) animals ami plants upon its surface, the earth it self grew; that for countless aires, measured by years that no man could number, the earth lias ln't'ti assuming its present form and composition, and that the processes of growth ami decay are active every hour, KlishaOray, in Nature's Miracles. Tii'klunr. turlit couelis, can lie surely ami .uickly l.ioseneil vvitli a picMi'tiptiou ilrtn;i:isis me .lispeiisine; eveiywlieie us In. slump's c.iin:!! I.cuu-ily. An, lit is sovciv iliileienl than common cinieti uit-iliciiies. No Opium, no t hliiinfoi in, alisoluli-ly uolblliK luitsli or uusale. 'I'lit1 tcmler leaxcH of a harmless, Itine. Iieulnu; niouulaillolis slitllb, irives the curative properties tn I'r. Slioop'M('oin;li Klineily. Those leaves linvc the powei lo calm the most ilistrosHinut'omrli an.l lo soothe ami heel the most sensitive bronchial iiielnbraue, Motlieis shoulil. lor safety's sake alone, always deinaml lr. Slump's. It. an with perfect free dom he Kiveti to even tlie youngest hahe. Tost it yourself and see. All IVnlcrs. There are limes when it is bet ter to get a move on yourself than to stand firm. f he euro of all stomach as well as bron li i 'AoZi Ll limit aHectlous. 'lhero ' hi hlihHrt meaieal f W rtleT .nthnrltiea, endnrsln IU ' Injr 2t pialbsl free " "HriS- A good thing about a college cd ! ucaiion would be if somebody could invent a way to make it use ful to a man. If religion paid cash dividends, everybody would be seeking it. How Is Your Digestion? i Mrs. Mary I low lint', of No. it's Sth i Avenue, San l-'rancisco, recommends a j remedy for stomach trouble. She suys: I 1 'drat ft tide for the wonderful ellect of' Klcctric hitters in a ease of acute in.ti ffcstion. prompts this testimonial. 1 am fully convinced that for stomach an.l liver troubles Klcctric Hitters is the Itcst remedy on tlm market today. " This great tonic and alterative medicine invigorates the system, purities tlie blond ami is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness.. Moc. at any stoic The most keen sighted of mor tals are very blind on some points. But the Lord sees, not as man, for j "ihe eyes of ihe Lord are over all j His works, beholding the evil and the good." From 1 1 i m no secrets j are hid; 1 le sees the past and the j future, as well as each event of our present life. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and they see our sorrows. The Lord tells us dis tinctly, "I know their sorrows.'' ; I Ie knows your sorrows and mine. One-half of the world knows noth ing of the other half. Persons ! living side by side, on the same j street, and yet not know of the j troubles next door. What do you I know of the pains, doubts and fears of those whom you daily meet? God knows all, the secret ! of every heart, every darkened i home, every lonely life. We cry i in our misery, "Nobody knows, : nobody cares!" But Jesus knows and Jesus cares. We cry for strength to Him who was wound ed unto death, and He never fails to give it. We cry for wisdom to I lim, who became a little child, and from Him we receive divine knowl edge. Yea, all we need in Him we find if we will but ask for it. Again, the eyes ol ihe Lord see our burdens. We meet every day persons on the streei. They car ry no burden that we can see; bin it is there, oti the heart and head if not on the back. liaeh one has his own load to carry, and the Lord knows exactly the weigh! of each. He knows yours, poor widow, with your fatherless chil dren lo maintain; I le knows your.-,, poor mother, with that prodigal ruining you; He knows yours, poor husband, with the stress of business cares, and yours, poor wife, with the worthless husband. The Lord knows your several bur dens, and he will help you to bear it. I he eyes ot the Lord see our sins. He beholds the righteous and the good. We cannot hide anything from his all-seeing eye. To Him the darkest night, the most secret place, is as clear as the noonday. A man may deceive others, and perhaps himself, but he cannot deceive God. The eyes I of the Lord look into his heart and read all the deceit and hypocrisy and self-deception there. There is that unclean thought; that secret, ' shameful sin, unconfesscd, unfor-! given; dial cruel envy towards j one's neighbor; that angry, sullen j resentment; that mean, dishonest ; action. There they all are, lying' open to God's sight, who will one : day be our judge. j The eyes of the Lord see our mistakes and follies. It is amazing to see how people want ', to be rich or great, instead of be ing good; how they run after pleasure and honor, like children after a butterfly. All their honor, ; and glory, and might, and power, j end at last in a coffin and a handful j of dust. All go to one place -the ! i grave and the only thing thai re-; ! mains is obedience to God and His i will. All else goes for nought, j The eyes of the Lord see our j efforts after. Most of us are of i small reputation, and what we do amounts lo very little. God ! does not expect us to do great 1 i things, bui what I le watches lor ' is whether we daily do our duty, however humble thai may be. liv ery liulc ell'ori for good is seen by I lim. When you struggled 1 with that fierce temptation, God I saw and helped you. When you shared your pure food with one slill poorer than yourself, God saw it and blessed you. If we work for God His eyes ! sec us, and lie helps us, I le labors ; for and with us, and makes our poor work glorious. For not only dots He see all that you do, but He will reward you according to your work if not here, then here after. The eyes of the Lord arc upon the righteous. What docs I le see The Testimony of I n. le Pat Ki.i;;, mi Old Wailro.-u! engineer, liiv. n in a cry Modest and Mumble Manner, ;:t the Love l east Iw linj; the Session of the North Carotin i Conference in New Pern. DO YOU GET U? WITH A LA-IE BACK? KiJiuy Tru'.kiL- Makes Y"u Miserable. i r:-a:; llii n . f t:.e von'i' Vrv'd::,.'7" rrful Dr. Ml' D,: let m h.i'. I have ;:la bring in y ttad "f an again the and his lo I Ihouo beg your par your pi'ce'ou keep a pr'!:i! thirty yt.ir ago, I fee speak, even though I I of incurrinu your di-.pl Pie promt-'e chide, v ii;c iut" i)is n-r.'ivc, l..vc !. I ,u.i l old i t" v o! ,lc l.r:- .1 r. in m' ini the road would sou;; the way. . lirM run, I li.. I WileM 1 a'.'nse i 11 for ire i'.i--silf' o.i er lo I.Ncr Il.lt I 11 ! M t i the risk lea ;ure. And icii he Mnk : i Mar;,:.! me , v.- lil.il I !.,! ail ainiic ii;. I h-jjinniit? with die iae kept my proini've tip to tins happy hour, and am ue termiued to continue until the last signal post is passed and I sound the signal iWtlie Pnion depot. An! j thai last signal, friends, I wain to j make so loud and clear that father, j mother, brother, sister, the dear 1 linle one whom God look from my : bosom 2 years ago and planted in His beautiful garden, and the j angels will hear and spread ihe glad tidings of the coming in of my sou! over all that lujppy land. ( Hi, brethren, please be patient with me, for my soul is so happy and my heart so full, I feel that I must speak. I must open the j iy- .live and let tier pop, o; the old boiler will burst wide opci 1 want lo tell you that I am no troubled '.villi douh " ;''', f-r 1 ie , fills my soul '.villi precimt.. low , j which "c.lsiclh out a" !V.ir." I have learned by a happy expe rience lliat "I lis yoke is easy ,i:ui ; I lis burden light." M cries g, is lighter every day, and ihe lai'u r 1 go, tile smoother the road. I have readied the point where it is all ballasted with the riches of I lis grace, and the old machine is lu bricated with the fullness of 1 lis love. Dear brethren, I lis peaceful and i abiding presence is so dear to me that I have the throttle wide open and am letting her go for ail I she is worth. I have nothing to 1 fear, and the Captain of my salva- j tion is so near that 1 can hear 1 lis 1 loving voice savin;: to me, "Lo, I am with you ahi ays, even unto ; the end." The farther the way the stronger grows my faith, the . , brighter the way and the higher j use my toys, r.very revolution ol : the wheel gives me fresh assurance that I am Hearing my happy home. 1 feel thai ii is almost in sight, and I can almost hear tlie angel's song. I may never have the happy privil ege of looking into your laces, or witnessing for my blessed Master at another Annual (ionference, but ii 1 do not, my prayer is that v. lieu "They shall came from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south," that 1 may be there lo see you coming up bringing in your sheaves; and may we strike hands on thai bliss i ful shore, and in the arms of Jesus j rest forever tinder 'the shade of the trees.' This is the song of my soul, as I sliced on my homeward way : "Soon I'll roll across the trestle, Spanning Jordan's swelling title, I behold the I'nion Depot i Into which my train will glide; There 1 '11 meet the Superintendent, God the bather, (iod the Son, With the hearty, joyous plaudit, W eary pilgrim, welcome home." Seven N em s of Proof. I . I. I 'is : Vie a vr:;.: cfi.T in lia I -l;J-1 i...ve a n hok ! Lo-) to l:.;.t;s. tr.Kir.i.: v... ...nr.--! u: .:.,.!. I.. V. n..-T'-,'-h,.T i.l-y (',' i cc'iiur i.'--'., a; 'J i i c Don 1 n m.y t tiifi nann:. S'vaniTj-r-Swamp-Rout, and tuc : N. Y., on fcvciy UU;g. T. C h..m. .f m. a V lire w. I'm i ;.a. Dr. -.lies, bin; : i:ii!.--.ii .t '..n. ber Kilmct 'a lhamioii. AlTORNfcY AT LAW, V l.l.lutN, N. (', Tiarlit '' Ull I nl tflM (1 tt i I hr t'umlM oMhililUx utul c.iinihfs uii'l 'i the ll pi (MlKi liif Mlili , I'Ull illlelilioll ct'llt t'liuiis uii'l nunil rrtutii Kodbl For M A mm Mkl Guarantee Coupon ( ut J fun Ou: - DigesisWhatYouEat Aai Hakes lha Stomach Sweet . C. DeW'lXT it eU., Ciilcaso, lit. s ,M .y W. M I ohen. Wel.U-11. X. '. I. J. KAPLIN, Nrl lln.M In loanoke iapids, oaiu.ke lintel North Carolina. The I'lnsipcs! place for MI'.N an.l I.iiV- cl.-ikiuL'. Ms., a larire variety :n la. in- si, ills. ( O" Villi s a Specialty Gent's l:ur;iishings, HtcJ 1. J. KA1H.IN, It ....anke Itapids. X. C. j Very Serious '5 It is a very serious matter to ask flj for ono medicine and have the r wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to (;et the genuine TH EC FORDS BLACK-DRAUGHT H Liver Medicine fThe rrru,att'',n "f 'hi' o'd, relia ble medicine, far constipation, irw S i'.ii;ciition and liver trouMe, is firm. R ly established. It .Iocs not imitate ST other moJicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver rnv der, with a larger sale than all others combined. SCD IN TOWN FJ "I Inoe lia. I m n i-.iin ul n ll. Unej s N. 'A lii-eui in.-. I ii" i li,- in lase mi an.l li'i e.iiy di-n'ii li i. i.o. eln -I in lllll; 1 1 . -1 1 1 v. ul Panama. M In, I Unilv ii.jlil eaii r i init IV I- the l.-l ...'ul. .....i . il cull. lilnm nl' ," savs W. The win Id has f ronl 1 hat Or. Kllie sSl l. lM"Hl IV s lle lli'-l n ine ii In - euiiLihs and eulds. la c i i.ie. a In iiki. 1 1 a v leer iinil tniuichiti-.. lu ninr i luiLri' nl I lie hums, and the r;u ly vlaties. nl eiiiisiiinitiiiii. IN tiuii ly use ah:ivs tr.' t-iils. Ihe de. luinn III. Snl.t lllnier inr.iiauliT i.t nnv ilniLr sliire. .itle. an.l SI. Inal h.illli'. live. in your1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of An idle man's head is the devil's 1 workshop. 1 II isn't mi lillifiiit tn stii'iii:tliin u ' wriik Mninat'li il' one al il cni rt t-tlv j Ati'lthis in true ul'tlu- Ihatt ami Kul ! 1M VS, Till' nit! Iiisliiiilinl Miy nt'tliMii I tlit1 stnmnfli or stiniiiltttin the liemt or ! Kiiluey is surely wrniur. I'r. !htop j liir-t pointci! out this rriur. "(io I he j weak 01 nihtiff nerves ol'thoNc oirans," j tJiiii! he. Ha eli inside orirun lm its con ! trollinir ov "insi.le nerve." When these neivew fail then those ononis must Miie 1v falter This vitul truth is leinhtur (trupirislB everywhere to ilispense niut reeommeml Dr. Shoop'g Kestoralive. A few ilayn test v, ill kuitIv tell. All Dealers. First Class Bakery HAVING secured a brst-class baker I am prepared to fur nish Prcsh Bread, Pies, Cakes lite, in any tpianiuy. The best of everything in the bakery line. ; M. S. MNTCASTLE, W'hi.noN, N. C. I'p.itniitiv ' ... ' FtE PETUHNfD. o yiah .u i;HAnt-.s ark MHI LtiWfir.T. i--;-1. 1 'i l.f il t. n.'i. . i . I . 'I ' "it 1 '-A' Ii''"!:il. WFBtNCIWLt ' ...t : i Ul- vll wiiirtv IHT.'i.i- t '.;-! v -h !)VH?. Tltitiil SOLO, ! vr1,6.MAK, PtH SIOMt mill COi'VfclC'NS imi dMiliiJ. Opposite U. 9. Pi-tent Omcet WASHIMCTOS, P. C. mm rtas"'"fe mm i fb-n i mm in iii.i .j i .