r- f W awt Vv:." A..); ,-v: AJc-rtiiii: U:ites Made Known on Application. vol. XLnr. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms (!' Siibcriptic i --$. ft) Per Annum WKLDOX, X. ('., TIII'HSDAY, )K KM lil.li 21. IPOS. no. :: l THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS. irai irm m lsubi irm iir i 111 CHRISTMAS IS W. SRl'Til. im v. mm '! ' If "'1 Vou lluv Alwiiyn Toulit, ami vlil, !i l.H Ix-cn o for over 30 rar, 1m l,rI10 t,0 Ki;.,1;lhiro uf " t,,l 1'OlllimillMm!(T li i H JMT. J-r-UcA. Allow no mo (),(.(vivi, ym( .n (h ; il ('.Hiiifrrlt-its, Imitation antl "Just.iis.l;,Hl"iirp hut :vHTim-'iil" tlmt tfltlo wi'li aMl rinl.iiiu. i-Uio health of Intuitu ami Chil.ii'cu Experience H-jaiu-t r.xpcrinn'iit. What is CASTORIA 'attrla is a harinlrsK still! ituto fur Casio:' Oil, Paro. i.-.nif, Drop anil StMitliintf Siyn:p. Jt is I'lf.'s.mini. It .imtaiiiH nritlirr Opium, JHorphino run- ollwr Nari-ntin t, ilistaii'( Its uro 1m its glare nt.o. It destroys Worms nail nlhty.t Kctcrisliiicss It cures IVanlm-a ami Wind I ..He. It relieves Ti'i'tlihijr Ti'o.ilil."., mi'M Consiiputiou ti ml riati'lcni'y. H ussiniiliil.'S th.i I'omI, rcxiilati'M Mm Miiiiia.il nnl Jtowcls, Kivliii; IicalC.y uiul natural !,.,.,. Tim Children's l'uitaociV Tho Motliit's rri.Miii. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature cf The KM You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC SINTftW COMMNV. TF MURMa V TltIT. NtW VORN OITV. I '. N. S'FA I N 1 A ( K. rxi)i:inKi:i!. Wcldon, - - North Carolina. P l ull Line of CASK!: IS. C0I I INS ami ROltiiS. ):iy. Sight Brnl ()ut-ol-Tovn Culls Prnnipily AtU'iidcd to. n i H. G ROWE, l:r,M.RAt. DIUIX'I'OK AM) I'MliAI.MliW. ntoen years' lixperieiuc. Ilcnrse Service Anywhere The Hearts of Kveryhody Should lie l ull of l.ove. I Yet, iil'terull, lis (ihristin.is dawns ! a change iIol-s come over men. It ; sic. lis tipnii ihem gradually, takiiiR ' them, as il were, by surprise. Their steps crow light, ihey walk briskly, ljuj:h even, ami have a cheery wonl for delimiter. Soine luiw the streets i,ir ihnt one day seem suddenly loswarm wiih hap py people, liverybody has be come tolerant, sy;:ip iihetic; the i;i o.ieliievi ni.m in i iwn ha:; be come aretab!e, the hardest creili Kir lenient, the severest judge itiereilul. There i.-i time for re conah.mon, for t'oriveuess and kindly feeling toward ail the world. Il is seen, indeed, tl Kit il is a miracle of great mystery and beauty. The hearts ol men are full of love, and in their unstrained mini mid lauj'Jiter they have become, sonie 'vh.'it like the little children W hy is tins ? What has hap pened Can the mere printing of a calendar with a certain day in red figures do i; ? (Ian any mere superstition have lasted so long, display such remarkable vitality ? ' Can any sentiment, even though it be universal, accomplish so tiiu.ii ? No, it is n it that; il is be ci'isc, fr whatever reavin, men have suddenly concentrated their i thought on the great idea that Jesus brought into the world; whether they think I le brought it from heaven or found it on the pLincs of JuJea docs n it matter; men everywhere are dwelling on il, and from their united hearts have sent forth a waveofloveth.it rolls round the world, and, for a day, at least, the brotherhood of man has come in pass. Who needs an introduction to speak to a stran ger on Christmas eve'' What dif ference does it make on Christinas morning if the man does belong to another party or to another eco nomic class ? Who cares hether lie isin society' V ho looks down upon him because he is poor? Suppose lie is a criminal, in out of jail, whal of it 5" M?4tf Mow the Dav Was e,!,.,: ,., in T(Ollbi 8!i!i Hltf hl l't. tr.. , .. . ' HTL'Tr'T 1 f ' ' .. T . .. . ; i.,...i " . . !''.'' '. ' 3 f- l.p' . - JS ' I n,i.K- -V. ' 'I. I.,' ! .. . ... i !,;- 1 t '( , - U f vi 4. tvJ M.!....r :!....) r,.; ... .... ,,. ' - -. )' 4-'JS 1' till Kit , ... .: ..... ,i . ' ".' ' mmwvi its?i) "i: WtmM x v v 1 1 J ;i ,-4 WkVMn k P&TJ J I tiSfDJ ti,i,i;,n.l:-.',,.ii,,;,l,o.,;u,,s ! ' P A'l f iTl vis-a-vis in two linos. At . bo 'I'BWI 'riMAVl! 1 TS words -S,t to votir po,;,.- ArrOJ- AT LAW, XV.? I P elsiRN ' t.in,,l, iln-lon so! II,.- Vh- CHRISTMAS SEASON. fll.iiilhx ami III-' MlHfMlt' -ill .lUrllliull lilit'l t'lUIIl V 7? 1) COMING HOME CHRISTMAS. THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.DOX. X. ( tlrRaniited Under the l.avs of the State of North Carolina, At iil'.-T enTll. IsU, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Wcldon Depository. Capital and Snrpln, $40,000. I .ii m ii,' tlun tiftct'u year tlii" i'i.iitiiii"'i Ua- poni.l.'.l lunlonir fm-'li- 1 ,.r tln siTtuill. It stcu'kh.il.l. :s :ii,.l ihii-rtoo l.mi' 1 1. i 1 1 1 1 1 H . I :!i tin. Imiiiii.h intiTi-sts nf llaliftx aal Sortiia.i.pto.t .ui il us mi i n- ymn. Moni'y in l.nini'.l an.u .iiinini .l uvu.ily at ti.r Intal iu!i- "I ,. :..!.. prr I'i'iitiliii. Ai'i'niiiils "I .ill a... "nhi-iliU. I !n- iliilui ami llll.lin.ll'.l pinlit- me ivai'ln-l a hum i'iiiul In 111.' i .i. til sto.'k, the I lank lias. .-. mi i ti .--i : n Jatmaiy I. i:. i'i.il'lislir.l a saM'ij i,.iurtniiMit ullnivine oiU'ii'-t t tm' .l.'..N as rlk: l 'f Ii . .mIi alluui'il tori'inaoi llio-.' nv.ml.- ui lnin.rrr. - l-r i'''io Sis t!i.r Imuri'r. .1 Hrcciit. i-K t: i . .n 1 1 . - i Iimism. I t. I ... lu.tl.er inlonimtiiiii a..ly I" I1.- 1 i . t . n t nr a-lm i . lo be a man, a human being, tust like the rest of us, though perhaps with greater sorrows and greater temptations than our own. Men have risen above such things; they have heard for an instant the an gels' song; for an instant their faces have glowed with a new and won- uertut ligni, ami uiey naic milieu ;()r s)e to cacll outer wnn nrotueiiy gieei ings on their lips. Yes, they're cumin' home for Christmas an' we're goin' to have a tree, Like we had when they wu chiliu.i, trimmed jest' like il used to be; An' we're goin' to give 'em presents with their t ames writ on an' date, An' we're goin' to hang their stockin's io the m;,nile by the grate. An' we're goin' lo do the trimmin' of the tree ourselves that night, or Like we did when they wu little an' upstairs a-sleepin' light; I le is seen An' we're goin' lo till their stockin's jes' as full as they can hold, It Is a Day of (jiving, of (iood ! Cheer, and Fellowship. Betretl.li "' J of frrvv; & lat Iiidkestiou Our uuaraniec Coiioon is when we war'nt very old. i : l . 1 1 1 K s r: vii K.i i:i..-ii':m : i. iiamkL, I'k. ii i. (.lai'kHon. .oii!Laiii.i"n I'lmntyi i aho it: W K .-Mllll ilic nl. I fa-li.uii..l voiv hI'iIm.-iiil' .1 i'ak ilHinai'h. iii "tiiMiilalim: III'1 lliarl m Ki.liii-V" i" all nintiL'. I'r. sli'H'P tii-t i.,inl..'. mil this i on! I Ins is wliy Ins ,is.MiilM,ii In Mi..i..'s Iti slnialivi is .tin rti 'l .-utili ty In tin' i-ansi' i.l llu.' ailments llii' iM'ak msi.le nr rnlitn.ll iiil' lienes. It isn't sn ililtii'illl. says In. slioi'l'. t" slieiieliteil a neak St. lii -ai-li. Ilearl r Ki.lnevs. il'niie L"'es at it .,., v. I.aeli uisi le nriian lias iIh (iintriMl'illiroi insi'le liel ve. W lien these iirm s tail, then lh..se.niiaiis must sine K l.illi t Tie's.. .':il tiiilhs are leaUmir lil'l.--' -'s eveimlieie In , llsliel.se ami I "imiiiimi'I In .!f..'it l.'i stnlllloe. I , -l i! a fen .lay- ami see! lninie tMent n II ii"in'llv uiul s.in ly I'lillmv. All Peal' TS Like we did when they wu babies an' So we two has been a-wund'rin' if we'll feel the same ole way, As we did when planum' Christmas 'fore the chilluu went away; An' lo-day I said to mother seitin' in her easy chair; "Shall we get a present, mother, for the one who won't be there?" An' I saw the tears a-llowin' an' a-fallin' on her breast, too, had been a-thinkin' 'bout the one wc laid to rest; An' she seemed so sad and lonesome-no one here but us two now So I took her to my bosom an' 1 kissed ihe faded brow. Whispered lo her 'bout a Christmas in a city far away, Where the streets are full of ehillun'- boys an' girls an' all at play Where we'd have our own around us an' we'd never lonesome be, Where the Christmas lasts forever 'neaih a fadeless Christmas iree. ELX imbiZI! Smm!ZiZm2 iiHijl i ieabuaiht AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals anJ departures are only as infor mitin forthj pablic and are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. A CliklSTMAS FACT. The future has a golden tinge; The pasi, loo, may seem pleas ant; i But just about the Chrismasiide ', There's nothing like ihe present. ' 7hat Do They Cure? ! Tho atnivci question Is ..fteii asked rim- C.nldon Medical fltifo. "IfOHIt'll K.iv..ril' I'ri-HiTiiilmn. i-i... i. ..(.ui-r in that li;.. r " lui & niHM HllVIlI ail m"" Hiii mhiii i'i : When Chrispnas came to Boyville once, a long, long time ago, ; It used to come a-ereepin' on, so slow, and then awful slow; We counted everyday till then and marked 'em oil' with lead, i And every little boy would kneel lo pray beside his bed, And every Sunday-school was full of scholars, 'cause they knew The Santa Claris of Sunday-school would - well, would want litem to ' When Christmas came to Boyville once, we studied hard and long To make our teacher's heart feel glad and keep from spellin' wrong, And know our g'ography, and know our 'riihmeiic, and all, And come right in at recess time the minute she would call; For, lest we got our lessons right there was no use to pray And keep on bein' nice and good till Christmas holiday ! When Christmas came to Boyville we were proud as we could be If we could gel a reindeer sled and, my, oh, jumpin' gee ! If we were lucky 'notigh to get a pair of brass-toed boots, I With little red-top leathers in, and bran' new cord'roy suits, We were a king in Boyville, sure, and gayly rang our cheers, I When Christmas came to Boyville once, back in those other years ! ail ,.) a -ts es'vially favorably In a uint' fi ... wayutm all Hi" niu.'i'ii I"1''"-' J . .. . .... . r il... nasal lia-sat'es. tl..'. .1, .'.'. '.?i., .1 till.... slullllieh. b"l'l . i . i i.... ... n !.irvi IMr rpllt. of r . .IT' r'lial i' iV l"''l",r 'Ii"'".' afTwts t' nnsji Hani's. "-se, ... . . ...... a. . ..I 1 .: I :., .!,..... k.... nl.,.c Cllla, Hlolllill'llsl f,irr4! ")" ' I l't Spall Ol Hie OIU-UIUC as, lllisi in iiuji. eimnn k11'"0 . j. ., , r , . . . ,. ....,.,, I lie noiygiauness mat weieu, in snnpic inn uno mii.vi e meant warm things for head and feci! ! Ah, Christmas comes to Boyville now with rich and rare array, ! Fine toys and lovely ornaments and playthings grand and gay; I But, somewhere, maybe, there may be a liule boy who knows ihe ,'hrrmli! l a 1 1 ui 1 1 i 1 1 . i Tl h lllU'll t Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No 32 (or Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. "'. No. J8 for at 3 (M) P m No. 41 (or Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II. JS P' m- We ,erate Double Oailv vestilnili' servi.'e illi ''"'"'I;'' J'""!"" m, tleNoOolk H'lmlle. SI-A.itii.i., Allunta. 1 'II n . I nn I. u j" . '" "' '... u Kieliini.n.1, Wahlimut.m, littliiim.il', I'lula.lelphia aim Pjr furthssr Infonnatioti relative to rates, sched-ul-'s, etc., apply to CLEVELAND CARTER. Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C. Or write to C, II. (JATTIS, aUiejiineUtlU.J7PvrJM,ll. 11 lsaHjvcrliil )iipy u'uim ii B. '... Inn Willi.' ami nervine, lor weak wi.ni oiit,..vi'r''..rk.sl iiienTiio mat er h it h a i-ans.,! the lireak-diiwn. l aviirilo i...rlni ill !' tiiill.il niostetTivtivo When Christmas lime in hoyv There was not so much splendidness for Boyville that I knew Was just as hard-tip as could be, and didn't know what to do To make ends meet nt Christmas lime, and make the ehildheart know The old Kris Kt ingle innocence and make-bclievey glow; But hearts were tender with their love for childhood's ringing glee, And just that old-time Boyville fun was good enough for me ! When Christmas came to Boyville once -well, I don't know, it seems tlni womanly fmietloiis. suUliiinK I'uui ami briimliiK aUint a iiealihy, vigorou." w,l,mi. ii"i' " ';;' -'..,, i ..... . , . , Atlll Wlieil I lOOIV III U IIIIIC lace lllill 3 luuMi.g iinu num., Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C quiiti.ilf wlial aeores of t me,t- , . i .r.i...M ...t...rt u.,rks lire consulted by iihysiiMiiliiM't ll tliflia'lii"'!""' tirai ti.o Bi Ei.tdra In prrs.TttiiiiB. say ot i-aeli In Bre,liiMit entering Into tlieiw inislu'lnea.' The wonts of iranw liesliiwisl on tho . Several IllKrnlll'llia i-ni.-i ok '-'"",' l I'lero'smiHlii'lnes hy mioli writers nhoii Id ' hiivn morn weight than any an.oiint ot ,,.,-, irofeasional ti'sllmoiiiiils, liwanse .in -h liion urn wrlling for the gulilne of i their rrnslU-al bretliren and know wlterauf i they siioak. , , ,, i It'ith medlclnm ar non-aleolio le. iinii i eret, and contain no harmful linhit i (nrmintilriiir. t'ina conitwiied ol Blyeerlc i eitraetsol tlix Mot ' iiiiilvii. Anierleiin ... i ... i i....... ..,,.. s '1 liev am I'.'lh sold hy dealers In mulleins. ou cant aflonl to aeci'i.t as a snbstituU. for o.w ot thoao niedlolni's of known com position, any awrot nostrum. , ftr. Pierce's Pellets, small, snifar rnated, easy to take as candy, nwulaw and Uf yl-oraU itooiach. livar aud Iwwala. Nearly two thousand years ago i the shepherds watched their blocks by night under the star lit heavens, an anthem from angelic choir brought the tiding of good will lo man and peace ineffable on earth. It told in simple words the story of the babe of Bethlehem, the birthday of the King. Out over the silent plains of Ju dea the immortal music. Honied in rythmic cadence. Wise men fol lowing the star that stood as the heavenly herald high in the heights above, caught the melody divine and heard the simple story of ihe Christ child in that lowly manger. There was no room in the inn, but the wide world waited for the echoes that were given to the winds that swept over the town of David. On through the ages has come the anthem "peace on earth, good will to man," not a discordant note has marred its repetition and to day, as of old, we hear the glae tidings that are told in every tongue from the rising to the setting of the sun. " Tis the birthday of the King," and the children of the succeeding generations hear anew the story of the shepherds' watch and toe child in ihe manger. Il is the children's day, the day of love and charity, the day of good will to man. l.ove builds the altar in every home and decks with evergreens his sacred shrine. It is a day of giving, of good cheer and fellowship, a day of happiness and rejoicing. It is a time for the remembering of oth ers, for the care of those who need and blessed, indeed, are those w ho give to them whose unhappy lot would otherw ise be devoid of joy and gladness. The day for the older ones is sadly surcharged "with memories that bless and burn " Unbidden sorrows ride to the door ot our hearts and recollections of the "days that are no more," throng the mind, and we sit apart awhile with retrospective glance adown the long dun corridor of years that he behind. Still to us all the day is one of gladness. made ou Real i --,..ii. iv y-'!i t!.i-.i cf ii..- i yk.u Loiii;lit If 3. noses 4.1 . i. . . .,w is: V '! I K N.!"-. i v:'. ',:":v"-? ' Real Rose Ha f Phis i ,. ll i: iIi.m- 11 i i'.:'t lire r.'. I.! - O'it ol nt' Ji i r...... .iih'. 'i i;.,.. .Ii-,'.-.' i, i.:' I -. .is.'tu-t -! I II. ,Tv I V iltie n! t iiis i in,. .i.t.. ..ii y P I lies Jl.'lheli.os. ho u,,i (t ff SI ' i!e S Kj. " l i :i 1 I i itsWhatYouEat Ana Mhes the Stomach Sweet E. C. EtWITI k CO., Chicuao, III. N.I'. I. J. KAPLIN, .:ui,.l.r II. ,u I North Carolina. Roanoke R.ipids af. .laee I, icr' n MIA' ami umi' taii. ty ' a Specialty' M-s. 'Il.e. i ,., . I one i t ll'.' ; ; :m':.;ih.. .' .a nl H..I Tie.. N.uworu..;.' i.. ; .!. Iin.sli. ti eontorm to Iti.' r i.' it! i.isli in millinery. Six .ic i l(ill..winu pri.i's: V St. 50, S2.00, $2.50, , SJ.00, S.t.75, $4.50 W Kvervbody i.t.lkinaiihoul tliem. Pon'l M luil loci.mi' in anil seel hem. Th." & llu genuine I 'I LAMI1 1 111: Ui-Jl Hum It.tt I'm.. W, W, CQNOON jrwi.i.i:R, WELDON, - N. C. JJAI.E OF LAND BY TRUSTtE. Gent's I'urnishings, Etc I. J. KAI'MN, UnuiuiKf Kui)nl.. ('. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong c.c given you. For this reason wc urc you in buying to be careful to get the penuine Lack-draught Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, fr constipation, in difesti 'H and Hv . r trouble, is firm ly established. U docs not imitate ether medicine. It is better than cv.hers, or it would not be the fa vorite liver pew !cr, with a larger sale than all otln rs combinea. SOLD TOWN 12 till- p.. 'A. I .I.H. ii M it 'li - And think how much my eyes, like his, with Christmas joy would shine It makes me feel thai Boyville lives eternal on the hill, And just as Christmas came there once, it keeps on comin' still ! ..in! ; Ml Iti" l.-l Sat urilay , .himmry 2ml, W)lt ,u i:..vii'i m.. tin- i.tii.-wMut ,i.--i'i.-.i ;i,ii ...ti.-. l i.ti..i 'i Hi- l' " "t '"'i it,) si, a.- "I V'ttlt '.it.-lHi t. h.'t I M.t Tli't'l mi. ..I tli. vl.lt .sit 1 1 nil tl .In w i.. TAM; NOTICE! In sending in the turkey Send little else to boot; And never mind the trimmings; We'll trim him just to suit 1 It is easier to do a charitable act than it is to refrain from talking about it. Kti'lul for lUrtprpMii, Indiurslioii. ttlnmat'li, Koui stoinueh. cuKun tlii'Htoni itch, clc, in a cuinlHimlmn ol llu1 nut it nil difHtiw juu'i's lounil in a hciiltliy .situnarli with iitTt'Hsaiy viirotultlfaei'l''. tun) itho only tinner knoun totlay ihat ill I'oiiiplclfJy diL'cwl till kinds ui' luo.l uiiiltT any condition. It in puamntn d to Kivf pioinpt rt'lici fromany fnrm ot Hlomaoh troulilc. Take Kodol and be convinced. It tt ill cure your dyspepsia. Mold by W. M. I'oliwi,' Wcldon, N. ('. Hconomy is the poor man's min t Coughs that are ti'jlil or ltsU'eMn;:' tu-kliiiL; nu tr't tjinek uii.l certain help bum l't. Hmop's foujrlt Uemedy. tn thin aeConiit dniiiciln eu-i yi here are raonnir I - Mniop'M'oimh Keine.ly. And it is entirely lite t'roin Ojiniin.t lilo iDfniin, or any otln i' slupel) imr dim:. I'lie tender eacn ot" a hai mlew liiim liealimr mouutainoiis sln uli elves to 1 i . Shoop's I'ounh Remedy us eiuatie p'iDpi'ities. riiose leaen havethe pow er to calm the mnt ilistieswnin t'ouwli, and to soothe, and heal the most sensi tive bronchial membrane. Mothers should lor safety's sake alone, Always demand lr. Shoop's. ll can with per feet freedom be irivcn to even the youngest babe. Test it onco yourself and see'. All Dealers. lln'ii.v ;tlmu vaul I .1.1.1 liiu- i. In t.-il, l. 'i ... 4-. Ui ..- ii an iM-t. nnlii'-i'tint I. -la lit n. 'i i th.- I . ' Tllll'i! SliriM iti i n.'. ..I Tint. I Sin , iti.iun Hl.tUi 1, i Si i t-rl, ii.- Iiiindi, illli'i intf I M..I. ll IS- tn kill i .I. .-.I -.1 ' il ! i N.-. -I- ihi-i I .iI.iiik If p.lllll tll.lt 5-'I ItU'l, Mill f I..' IMiiUu II. llt.Wf. Jt. ;iii. wilf. In si. -ti.. I'.IK"' ' th.tl iortitn t'.n .1'. ;t.it'Mil. ' I'M. '.I si,.. ,.t Mi-. Ll. U-KMiieitii "'i '1 l,.,.-.l ( th' -..i.l i,. nt l.il lif Ki.-tlll'l-.tl, tlf. W. D. K. Ku'h in i .vi.nl. il :n !ti...li- 7-U t . p.' if 117. r. p.'.-m.Js. f.l lo Ml-. I. Ill V. SMnil , Hi.. ..Hi ,l:n ..f N..M- w. i: I'ANir.i.. 'l't tisl First Class Bakery J AYING secured a first-class (I baker I ant prepared to im nish Fresh lircntl, Pics, Cakes Lie. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S. MOUNTCASTLE, Yi:i.no, N. C. W. J. WARD, UKNTIST, oiTit'niN iami:i. iuiiuhni; wki.imin, s.t; tipl2 ly "I ri t , SV ! I1 . MHf RIMCCMt B ION ft Juul CoPV Oppoiitu U WAS v i . ; : .1 b. .-.tent Oflcflt iHIMC ICS!, t. L ft fani tWirwi ..'isi',. ... ' ..J

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