5 Ml H ties' hnfW llVi yfi yjfcsQ ft roil lilt MM w&K kf$w:m SP - vYi IM (si ISi IsSt iak p tMli Hil ill!! W "IP Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Ter.ns of Siinficription--$1.50 Per Annum V L. X I.I 1 1. WKLDON, X. (., TIIl'KSDAY, -IANI AIIV 11, 1!M)!. NO. r7. U BP ForTnfants and Children. - 1 a B ts 1 i 1 1 El DON'T FIGHT THE WEATHER. Try Ihc Plan of Being on Priend ly Terms With It. .',0 " "Co .M.inilol. 3 PtK CKM AVcrti'iiiiili'IVfparailflnrorAs siniil.'iiiiifiihcroodandlVi'iia luJtlu Smnuu'tisordllowvbri r .... ... . I i'romcii's !):i's!'oiu hmful nc ss aiul ttfstjCfliiuins wiirtx ( ipiiini.Mtirptuiu.' nor Mineral. WVTNAHCOTIC. Jts Snsa l'.;i.-;trmt - Ane.fccl Rf iwdv foiCrmsttoa Hon , Sour SloiivKlt.l)tairh Worms .CnmniMmis.1 evcnsli ncss and Loss OF Sleek I'acS'imilt SitJiiamre of NEW YORK. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years li' , u I i .1 Ml I lll'TI TNI CtNTluft S0HMNV. NEW VORK fllTV. Exact Copy of Wrapper, N i', in I'ii-'N i :'l ami y it I ' 1 1 ' : L'.'i. P.N. STAIN BAt K, - i n Di.i riA k i:u. Weldon, . . North Carolina. n Pull Line of CASKETS, foi l INS mid ROUES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Culls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AM) EMUALMER Seventeen years' Experience. Heurse Service Anyw aocaociDo: there. H ociJ What a great tnisFurtune this is, t':e habit of considering the weath er -of thinking that we mustcon- :Mer the weather ! It is largely i ihie, is i- nut, to elothes ? No j ; mention is mudc of rain in the gar- j tlen of r.ilci, but we must nut ' therefore contend that rain was ' disagreeable and omitted. We . must ivc'illeei that Adam and live ! did not need to consider rain. Furthermore, in blessed ignorance ; they did not know that it was any- ; thing to be considered. To mind the rain no more than I , the May sunshine, but to plunge j into it and let the drops pell as they j will, io accept snow without a i thought of discomfort, but, rather, ! ' to enjoy the thronging presence of : it; to pursue one's daily stunt re- gardless of whether the sky be ; dun or blue this is a state which we, especially of the cities, long, : long have lost. j U'e regain it, some of us, in the wilderness camp, where we hunt! or fish if the day be dark or if the day be bright, and where we find ! that the dash of the soft rain on one's face is not death, after all; I that wetness and dryness are mere ; ly relative terms. All the centuries of fussing and ' fuming with the weather have not Affected the weather one particle. I It still rains and snows and sleets j and blows, just as dictated by cir ! cumstances. Therefore, what's 1 the use ? Are your puny diatribes or o t any greater potency t'.ian those of others gone before? Lividcnily not. Accordingly try the plan of being friendly with the weather, of agreeing with it instead of lighting it, and, 'pon my word, presently it will be agreeing with you. SAN S I.Al'OH AND LIVE LONG. -kl IL Will vim Seine FOR SALE BY W. M. Climb for Fame and Some for Cain But a'l sliuulj cliinl) or health und happiness. A package of Drs. Ho(f & Turbla's liver and Kidney Tablets Are for Liver u:uJ Kickey coin plaints in tlk-ir varied formr,. Get a package today and sec the good it will do you. Price 50 Cents COHEN, WELDON, N C. BEING LOVABLE. Never Think ot Self, But be Ever On the Alert to Aid Others. There is no woman living j who, deep down into her heart, does not appreciate being eared for, admired and loved by those ; with whom she is brought into i daily contact. ; And yet how few there are ! who can properly be said to be ' in this enviable position! ' Those who would be in this cat- A QUEER WOOING. Whistler's Offhand Wedding and the Bride's Scant Trousseau. Labouchere's claim that he I brought about the marriage of ; Whistler is thus recorded in the "Life of VX'hisiler." I believe I am responsible for ! Whistler's marriage to the widow I : of Mr. Goodwin, the architect. She ; , was a remarkably pretty woman ; and very agreeable, and both she 1 and he were thorough bohemians. Over All tl Work. Weakens Your Kidneys. y KiJUvys !.il:s Iu'.ptirc Elood. t.;.. 1 i.i ; very 1 ?!.:? ;,r.;:.i.:i warn' egory of women who are truly j 1 was dining with them and some loved Kliould study the follow- j others one evening at Karl's court, ing few liints: ; They were obviously greatly at- 15e generous; not so much ! traded to each other, and in a with money as with your mind. ' vague sort of way they thought of Largo heartedness is always i marrying. So 1 took the nutter in ! popular; while the woman who hand to bring things to a practical : is narrow is never admired. point. The world loves the one who "Jimmy," 1 said, "will you ; can find a redeeming quality ! marry Mrs. Goodwin?" 11 vur.-c -j twanip Uoot. i:i :e!f..lr.:t.: 9) iff i TODAY IS OURS. THE MM OF WELDON WKLDON. X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the Stute of North Carolina, Aftil'ST J'lTII. 1-"-'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. C apital an d Sarplus, $40,000. K..r more than fifteen veara t!ii institnt'on pruvi.li-l l-ankinir farili tie lor this (lection. Its stoeklmMT- ;im I .1 1 1 .--t.t I.ave l.een . l.-ii 1 1 ti i-. I mill the liusinesa InU-reHts of Halifax an l Nortliainptc.ii .11 si t i.-f fur many years. Money i loauinl upon appM'c l seeimty t the leiral rah' ol inteies't ix per centum. Aecoiiulx of all are milieileil. II,,, o,....l.. 1 .....i;,.;.l...l .,r..ilu I, .iv -hit rraehivl a nun 1 1 : 1 1 lo On' Capital stork, the Hank lias, eotiniieiieiinr Januaiy I. I'i euMi Sjim.ru 1,..., art, ,,,,, .,11,.,. 1,, j ;, ,t..r,. st on time 1I. I1. i:t a" lollnu alloweil toreinain three months "i loinier. .' pel e. nl iiii.ulhsor lonirer, 3 percent. Twelve ni mtli"i Iom.'.t. I -i e, :il for further iiiforination apply to the 1'ieM.h iil or i :i-hier. 1 vmiikh: W. I! SMI unlv 1 he.l a .: I.i' i'Ukhidknt: W I:. DANIKL, vii-K-i'iiiuiKxr: Ph. 11, w. is. (Jackaon, Northaiiiploii ei l'rancis Krandeweide, of Alton, the oldest officeholder in the city, and now S3 years old, believes he '; has solved the problem of how to live to be 104. He would laugh himself there. I Icre is the recipe of this octogenarian and the rule he practices : Laugh all you can, get hold of 1 all the funny stories you can think i of, chew tobacco, drink a little 1 beer each day, and always get up from the table hungry." ' One year ago, while clerk of the city court, he became ill, and his family despaired of his getting well. Brandeweide asked the physician to call his friends in and tell any ; g.Hid stories they might know. He also demanded that they allow him to have his plug of tobacco close at j hand, and mat lie be anoweu to drink a bottle of beer now and then. In spite of the protests of the physicians, his order was followed, ; and Brandeweide began to mend. St. Louis Dispatch. happiness I ie itt s -sii. all, itenlle, easy, the hest niaile. M. Cohen. Wehloii. N. '. There's many a man in this world of sin Who's biding the time when his ship comes in, And wasting the hours to find, too late, The craft brings a cargo of worthless freight. 'Twere better by far, as he sits on the pier, To fish in the waters so deep and so clear, Much better a cod, or its kith and its kin, Than cargo of ships that may never come in ! There's many a man in this life of pain Who's constantly building his castles in Spain, Erecting great towers and proud minarets, To house in the end only darksome regrets. 'Twere better by far, and there's less to repair, To build them of shingles instead of hot air. A cottage at Marblehurst-on-the-Gobang Will rent for more cash than chateau d'Espagne. There's many a man in this cycle of sorrow Who's thinking of yesterday and of to-morrow Of things that have been, and that may be once more If Fortune will open her auriferous store. 'Twere better by far in mere dollars and cents To say to each one, "Get thee instantly hence ! The past and ihe future, perhaps they are thine, But as for the present, by jingo, that's mine !" It W Ui l it h i vl i id l iiii 9) 9) even in the greatest sinners, and her who forbears to strike a defenceless soul. Ever look for the good, not for the bad. Xever think of self, but be ever on the alert to aid others. Show your helpful spirit to those around you, and in turn you will be pushed on, and will buy your love. Learn to say pleasant things and to think pleasant happy thoughts. Your face is the index of your mind, and what you think is vividly reflected there. Look on men and women as they were when innocent, be fore unfortunate heredity and sad troubles have made them into wrecks. Fity, but, do not condemn. Be ever cheerful. The sunny, hopeful woman is ever in re- .quest. Every door Hies open to her who has a cheering word and a bl ight smile. Never remember injuries. If people have wronged you try at least to show a forbearing, for giving spirit toward them, and if opportunity occurs ''heap coals of fire on their heads." He very considerate of the rights of others. Never at- "Certainly," he replied. "Mrs. Goodwin," I said, "will you marry Jimmy?" "Certainly," she replied. "When?" I asked. "Oh, some day," said Whistler. "That won't do," I said. "We must have a date." So they both agreed that I ! should choose the day, what church i to come to for the ceremony, pro- j vide the clergyman and give the bride away. I fixed an early date and got the then chaplain of the house of commons, the Rev. Mr. Byng, to perform the ceremony. It took place a few days laser. After the ceremony was over we adjourned to the Whistler's studio, where we had prepared a banquet. The banquet was on the table, but there were no chairs. So we sat on packing cases. The happy pair when I left had not quite decided whether thev wjuld go that eveii- in to Paris or remain in the s-u-j tlio. j How unpractical they wete w::s j shown when I happened to mca i the bride the day before ib i.iar I ria".e in the street, j "Don't forget to 1 1 1 n ft .,' " I said. "No." she said, "I am lust go ing to get my trousseau." "A little late for that, is it not?" by all .:,-:,.::::(.;.)' c?nt a:;J unj-cLihr lit, e.;. Vsa may l-ava i ssmpb bsv.ls by m.-.i free, alio rirr.pU'.t tti o it if you hiivs k;d;.L ".e:)'.i.n tl..-; f-p';r v. I: Co.. sutKr.air.tvn. x!y :aC3 tluough il'.roe minutes. 5 !:.U:wy3 are your i r -iii.crs. :bey fil 1 .:; .ho v.auo or u, i.icj n tiic blood. y aic-ici; cr out r '. u : i.v:y (,ul to do :.... ai.l.'.,;aiidrheu ;.. vi cuu' from c:: . iv.-tin the i. 1 neglected 5 J.:. ' r i.r.ir.eijy , ..c f iaoui;h I... ::, k.UlK, ' .,, : artcaic;. : .,:.! ui irt ry : ry;::, t'.at v.-.t'y . lavs tirerr testa- 1 .! ir.t i.i mUia'r'.a .idncys. The mild v:i cf Dr. ICilr..er' t ..ine ii;;nedy is the h-ht-.t for Its ... r yvrxrl Homo of bwuilil' Iioot. i: II y:u h-'.v t find biuducr trouble. riimg Vs. Kiimcr Y. Don't make ai.y n.Uake, but remember Vie name. Swamp-Rout. Dr. Kilmer'-. Kvamp-Root. and the address, Binghamton, H. Y., on cvc:ry buttle. j-jj T. OLABif," ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. I'ractices in the courts of Halifax and adjoinum' counties ami ii. the Supreme Court of the Slate. r-pecinl attention I, ' u en to collections ami prompt return t I For 1 ! I Weak n dm Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles und backache Uoe OeWitt's ISidner and BIcdJe.- Pills 71 v 19 A wees s Trial For 25c tempt to monopoli.etheconver- j I asked. S' .5 .5 igli ' O n I'm health and Little Karly Itiser . -.. i . : 1 1 pleasant nuie pi Sold l.v W. ' SEABOARD i AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13, 1908. These arrivals and departures are only as infor muion for the public anJ are not guaranteed, and are subject to change without notice. Occasionally a woman marries a man for the purpose of lifting him up -and then makes it a case of hold up forever after. Nursing Mothers and Over-burdened Women In nil ftatloin of life, whoso vigor and vitality may have licen undermined and broken-down by over-work, exacting gm-lal (liillca, the ton trcrpient bcaniiK ot eHiarc r other causes, will find In lr. l'ii rce's l'avoriln l're ripllon tho most poleiit. inviuonitliiR restorative strcn(?th KivcrcvcrdevKil tor llielr ipcclal ts-no-ft, lairsliiFuolhers wTHJind It especial ly valuable. iK sustahilnn tit'tr strength rind piuniiitliigyn atoiiiitanl nitnrisbmi'nt tor the child. EictntJ(iiBfr too .ll bad It a prlcidcsHuVWilHaVff the tlm ordeal comparatively palnlcs. U mujoiio harm in nnv state, or rendition male cak women, who Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. iZ for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38, or at3.00P.n' No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. tn. No. 33 through train South at II 38 P A BOXFUL OF MINT. Someone has sent me a boxful of mint, With the smell of the dew and ihe green of its glint, The dream of a spring at ihe foot of a hill, A willow-oak spreading its shade o'er a rill; A boxful of mint from the valleys of dawn, With the breath of the blossoms of Eden thereon ! Someone has sent me a boxful of green, With the spear-bloom all regal in purple-soft sheen; An odor of gardens, old gardens of song, Where roses recline and the daffodils throng; A boxful of mint from the shores of a stream Where the barefooted Summer sits down in her dream! Someone has sent me a whiff of the shine And the green of the vales that are sweethearts of mine; And glimpse of bright meadows, a gleam of sweet lane, And a heart in the land of the lilies again; A boxful of mint, full of dreams running over, With lilac and rose and the honey-sweet clover. It sits on my desk, and I see o'er its brim The spring by the hill with the green round its rim; The trees in their glory, the flowers in their grace, And love in the door with a smile on her face; A boxful of mint and good luck to the lass As I bruise the green joy on the brink of my glass I "No," she answered, "for I am only going to buy a new tooth brush and a new sponge, as one ought to have new ones when one marries. THR WORLD OVER. sation or to make yourself the center of attraction. Above all do not forget " that money will not buy love. Though a woman may enjoy every comfort and luxury ob tainable, her home may bo ab solutely cheerless because of love's absence. Lastly, do not forget that you have an object in life to make those around you happy; to keep your little garden in the world well tended and free from weeds, so that when the tlreat Reaper comes to your plot he j will have a crop of good, unsel fish actions to garner, and to All other men's delinquencies j place to your account in the I We freely criticise, book of life. Thus will your ; We note their failures and mistakes; actions buy ymi the best thing j In sadness and surprise. of all love Fhiladelnhia In-1 But while their weakness we de- 'Tis strange we think our neigh bor's faults Are always full in sight, And glaring to the public gaze As plain as black and white; We never fail to notice them, So clearly are they shown But magnifying others' faults Will not correct our own. E. C. DeWITT fc CO.. Chlcuiio, lit. .-.I I l.v U . M. Cohen, UcMnn, N. C. MOVING SALE! The ei.tire slock will be sold from today until January 1st, 1009. Men's and Boy's Suits, Men's Trousers and Boy's Knee Pains ' at the : : : : : ! :; LOWEST PRICES. 3- ! J will move next to Lynch's Jewelry ' Store, near the pnsl.illiee, w here I w ill i heed a full line of Men's and Hoy's up i to-ilatc Suits. Ilais. Caps. Hoots, Shoes. tie, also a line hue of Ladies Skirts and i I'liruisliiiiL" ioo.ls at the lowest prices, I I want to thank niv friends for their i oat patronasre and hope thev will prive me a liberal share of it at my new stand. Wishini; you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Kespeelfullv. I. J. KAPLIN, Ivunoke litipitiw. X. ( N'e operate Double Pailv vestibule service Willi 'T-l ! in I in 01 H Muille.St. AuRuatine, Atlanta, "''"f" York. HH'hmoud, Waahincto i, llaltiuiore, l hilad, lphu ami to .ill' 1- aNtillolk ; For further information relative to rates, sched etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER. Ticket Atent. Weldon. N. C. r, 11. (i Arris,- Traveling Passenger Agent, Halalfh, N.C, cat.'. lieTlou: fr.im Trim,! . . ... dniira-lnil-dowii dhtress low down i in the aUlomeii, or from painful or irrcir nlar monthly ix runts, nnwln nr dls ' ti.m In stomach, dl.iy or ! f iint -pells, see Imaginary siecls or siiots llont'lii: oeiore ,-. -. i .. . 1. ....i.rrlml .Ira n, nrolnusus, ante- tnr-h iior retroversion or other displace I I J f ...,ioilv oraans from weaknesi 1 uf parts will, whether they exponent' 1 I anv or only a few of tl.n als.yo ym- tonis, liud r. lh f and a iK-rmaiient cure by V'hii faithfully antl fairly wrsistently l)r Pierce's Knvoritfl rrescilution. fhi" world-lamed sieeilic tor woman! '. 1 n,l is'ciiliar ailments is a I'liin clvceric extract of the choicest na ive, medicinal roots without a drt.p of lcniol in lis niakt-up. All Its limredl J, ts nrlntcd In plain i!.iKllshoB lu bottle wrapiMT and ottesteil under oath. Dr. I'iercn thus Invites tho fullest Invcstlna tion of his formula knnwlna that It will on found U contain only the best agents Itinmn to the most advanced meutral science ot all tho different schools of irac tiro for the euro ot woman's peculiar weaknesses and allnirats. If you want to know more about tne comiKisitlon and nrufessional endorse ment of the "Favorite rwcrlptliin - send postal card request to Dr. It. V flerca. Itulfalo. N. Y., for bis fret booklet treat ing of same. . Von can't afford to accept as a sntistl bite for tbla remedy rfhtiwn entnxwilt'm a secret nostrum uf unknown uvrnput turn, Don'ldoli HANDSOMn IS AS HANbSOME DOES. Augustus Tlininas, the play wright, told in a recent speech of a hunting trip he had taken in the South. They were after 'coons and 'possums, but the only trail the tlogs struck was one which made them put their tails between their legs and turn for home. "Just what does a polecat look like?" Mr. Thomas asked one of his negro guides. "A polecat, boss? Why, a polecat's somefin' like a kitten, only prettier. Yes, a polecat's a heap prettiei 'n a kitten, ain't it Sam?" he said, turning to another negro for corrobora tion. Sain did not seem bo sure. He hesitated a moment. "Well," he replied, scratch ing his wool, "it's always been tnah contention dat hanesome is as handsome does." Success Magazine. A great many people have kidney and bladder trouble, mainly due to neirleet of the occasional pains in tlio hack, alight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc. I clay 111 uch cases is tianjrerous. 'lake DeWitt's Kidney and Hladder I'ills. They are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains ami all kidney and blad der trouble. Sootliiuu antl antiseptic. Regular site 50c. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The only regular thing men is their irregularity. about Croup positively stopped in twenty minutes, with Dr. Slump's Croup Reme dy, tine test alono will surely prove this truth. No vomiting, 110 distress. A safe and pleasing Byrup 50c. Sold by All Pealera. A man is always willing to lend you $5 when he hasn't got it. CASTOR I A lot Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The sweet music children make in a home has nothing in common with piano lessons. Long before a woman acquires any jewels she likes to worry for fear they may be stolen. What a splendid thing it would be if people who lose their tempers were unable to find them again, j Foreign titles come high and a good many American actresses have discovered that they were not worth the price. A man isn't necessarily an ex convict because he doesn't cure IO talk about himself. He may be afflicted with modesty. Kvery middle-aged woman is set in her ways and opinions, but you can't induce her to admit it. It may be that some men are born great, but a woman seldom acquires greatness via the matri monial rouie. Did you ever notice the look of pain that doesn't show up on a doctor's face when a rival M. D. is spoken of contemptuously ? There is always a good-paying job on tap for the man who can deliver the goods. Be kind to your friends, be agreeable to your neighbors and beware of your enemies. plore And haste to make it known We are too shocked at others' faults To rectify our own. The light of truth on other lives O Reveals their wickedness, It gives us pain to contemplate Their base unrighteousness. But while we censure and condemn Mistakes we would condone, We're after other people's faults And cannot see our own. I We never stop to question self If motives are all pure, But find out other people's sins, And then prescribe a cure. The mote that's in another's eye j We'd better leave alone, And hasten to investigate The beam that binds our own. Margaret Stone Hall. Gold is of less value than virtue. man is guilty of Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcWraugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, ln digestion and liv r trouble, is fitrr. ly established. It does not imitate other mediciner.. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Gale than all others combined. SOtD IN TOWN Fa Bears the Signature of Many a singl double dealing. OASTOIIIA. Basntbs ll Kind Von Him Always Bought If a married man learns to love another woman it is usually be cause his wife makes the lessons easy. Look out for the man who looVs otit for himself. D. E. STAINUACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Wcllm First Class Bakery HAVING secured a first-class baker 1 am prepared to fur nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes L.tc. in any quantity. The hest of everything in the bakery line. M. S. iiOllNTOTIi, Wki.son, N. C. NIB V J , V. , (V. IV W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUlI.ULNtl WELDON. N.C ep!2 ly 1 K Mi ktf VI 'ill '. r FIT ' THC LO 'T-T. t " ' xrx-rt nui ' " i i ' tNFRIHCKb. r court. I'nlpiii-- '.i i ' mrontut soli, f ION ft (Mid COfff.ir.fN OppWltA U. C T:t

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