w,-!p4 !Uji 'SM Wish mTwA ViK frih ff7 fS i Hr V il VA-vvA it. W m i l frA VrMvm m AvA umm v fcja i iinwiimnrnin i J Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum V h. XM1I. WI'iliDON, . ( ., TIIIHISDAY, .lAM'AWV I'S, !!(!. Tie -UOIIub 3 PkK fKNl-7 Ac?oii! Prepnniinii (br. Mmilaiiiijihifunii.mdR'ijui liHgilicSumurlBni'.dll(Mc!v (Mfrmii : Wffly Ulllfl W Infanta mid Children. -i'O! 10 -u id '.'.A? Lev rromolcsDislioiiflvrrTii! ni'ssawlHesi.Coiiiaiiisui'iito ( )uimi.Mirjliii norMiniTal Not Nahc otic. Jis.Stwm - Amcfm ''wnnmt -JtiUriiHukSiJa Itrm Wa ChniHft Suipr . ma.ftm Aire. Anorfcf I Remedy furCriistipa- t Ion , Souc Jtoiiwclt.Diarrtwj Worms .('onvulsious.ri'vrrisli ncsxaiulLossoFSlti;i'. he Simile Signaliw of NEW YOWK- Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sianatiiro of I in W I' In Use For Over Thirty Years Eact Copy of Wrapper, sa M I MY I'lldNK N n.iii I'l Tl P. N. STA'INBACK. I N Dill! TAK VM, Welclon, . - North Carolina. Full Line ot CASKIMS. COITINS uml ROHLS. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. 0 H. G. ROWE, Fll!S I: HAL DIRLCIOR AMI LMISAI.MLR. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere it Sevent ft u igsrr-ao THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Ai iii sr jinn, ':. State of North Carolina Dcposiiury. Halifax County lV'pository. Town of W'old.)ti Depository. PURITY IN WOMANHOOD. No Life is Ail it May and Should He Until it is Baptised in the Waters of I'iety. A Cfrman philosopher has poct and i.mhtully ;,;iid, "The t wo iiiust 1 liiuiiful ihiiis in the universe ;ne the starry heavens over our heads on J the sentiment of duty in the human soul." I:ev ohleeis are richer for the eoiitein plation of the truly hinh-niinded nian than is a young woman who lives, acts, speaks and exerts her pow ers tor an enlightening convic- i lion of duly, in whose soul the ' voice of duty is the voice ol God. 1 In each woman there is a mighty j force of moral power. Though '. they may he as gentle as a lamb, ; or retiring and modest in their de-; meanor, there is in them what commands respect, what enforces j esteem. They are the strong wo-' men. The sun is not truer in its ! course than they are to theirs. J They are reliable as the everlast- j ing rocks, livery day finds them , in the same beautiful, steady and : moral firmness. Men look to them j with confidence that knows no ; doiibi. They are fearless and j have, they have but to know their j duly, to be ready to engage in it, and though men laugh and sneer! at them, though the world frown and threaten they will keep at it. j No character is complete until it is j swayed and elevated by genuine j piety. No heart is fully happy till j it is imbued with the spirit of piety. ! No life is all it may and should be until it is baptised in the waters of j piety. This divine grace of the soul should be sought by every young woman and cultivated with the most assiduous care, for with out it she is destitute of the high est beauty and divinest charm and power of womanhood. A Horrible Hold I'p. A I nit trii v:iis 1 ii y luotlii-r was "hcli! in Ins milk. In lli uii'l 1 1 ii -pine1-- liy ttlal nil lielievnl I" In' llopi leM. (',H!MI!ltilell," Ulltrs U . It. I.lps Colllli. nl U :llnnul'ili, N. ('. "He look nil kin. Is nf reiiieilii'Miii'l 1 1 c:it tin-ill hum M'M'llll iliietnis, lull fnuiul mi help till he u-eil In. Iiiur Nei iHsi'uveiy ami mis nimlly eille.l h.VMX liullles. lie is n well mail Imhiv " It's i uii-K to leheve an. 1 Ihe surest cure f.ir i ak ur sine Itiniiv lleiniii iha.'. s. t 'inuilis ami Oil. Is, I'.ii.iiehitis. I.a i 'Oppe. Astlimti anil all I tt ! ic 1 1 ml all'eeliinis. iiie. ami si 'trial liuttlel'nv. I i'laianleeil 1 1 v all . I ruiririst s. fSBSESS. ! SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. MOHAMMED. rJ r , y .... . jft-r tiif '!iur lsicretiifinT- s'".. jgt iuic Mi: - o ' r-. i .v5',. the i xtive principle, gEaxLS VSm'&MM and UfaV. i! il ilt'a. to t -r: 'X. f-.J (' "Mi T i mm Capital aifl Sarplns, fur more than lifteeti vears this iiisOtutiuii has pirn i.le.l hanknn: I'ai ili tun for this seotion. Its slneklnilileis aiel .lireetiiis hae l.een i.lentiln ii Hit the business interests ul' llahl'a ami S,Mt.ia:iipl..ii enmities l,n many years. Money is luancl npun appruv,',! seeanty at iheleiral latent l.iler.wi .it i.er PtOllltlll Aei'nilli III' all ail' SI it !l" 1 1 11! I . The surplus an.l uu.ln nle.l irolit havin-.' reaehe.l a sum e.pial ! Capital Stork, the Hank lias. i-i.iui,n-Mi-itiir .hiiiiiiuy 1. MM-s, est.jilu.! Saving Deimitment allunini; inteiest mi time ,lep..sils ns lullnus Hepusits ttlloMOil torenmin three nniiitlis or longer, per cent, mouths or lonirer. ;t per cent. Tele nnuilh-or lnneer. I pen-mil. For further information apply to 1'iesiileiit or cashier. the -.1 NO. INOLLI). When Willie ;ave the (earlier sauce. He ft ii in . I there was no rule Uesi'iiihlin: that of .Mary's day Against the hioini in school. CASTOR I A For Infants ami Children. Tho Kind You Hive Always Bought I'KKsiiiknt: W. K. HANIKL, viCK-i'HKsiin:vr: On. II. W. 1.IAV1S, j.Iackson, Nortliaiiiptim countyi 'AS II IKK: . Ii. SMITH. Bears tho EiEiiature of LAa THH. BEST LAID PLANS. ETC. SEAB0A1U) "Maud's fiither objected to the inn n she wanted to marry, and she olijeeted to the man ho wanted her to many, hut finally , thev agreed on a third party." "And fO she's ti'dnn to marry the compromise':" 'No, the man objects. AIR LINE RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 13. 1908. Theae arrivals and departures are only as infor snitljafjrth public anJ arc not guaranteed, and arj subject to change without notice. Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for at 3.00 p. m No. 41 lor Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 38 P- . .i. o ,l. Pullman en IS to We operate Houl.le Daily wntiuuli- serviei " ivUMiiimlli-Niulclk ..ovilli, W- AuiciMim-. Attain. ';V"."T " a , V i o k Kicliinoiiil, WaHhinirton, imhimore, l liila.lelpliia Do You Tliink Fop Yourself ? Or. do tou open your mouih like i joani I (uId down wliitcver food or modi- offered you I i Iniclllti'iit tlilnklni won an. In iiceil ofVlVf Irom wcakii.s,ncrTouiic.l. piln mil iuHjViiii. tlicn U mean" much to ton II. 11 Hii-iXfti.n- trli.j ami Iran tnim-,1 Ii"!1' '"If 0' tM''' I'm.sisQ."'.... ' f lilrd a inf maju . V LAJeJesirNn (llii il f.-r ilHM'iirei.f i... in . Ills. .luck The n,;iki r of Or. I'lcrec's Favorite I'r fK,i ij.t Ii.ti. for Oieeureof wctk. lit rvoua. run ii.....!. ..'.i r "'I .'.t'lit.'O'il I'lln-iackwl w.'ini'ii. kimnlntf lliisiiieilli liic to 1 nude up of tinrrciilciits. every one nf which lias Oil fctron.riM jKisihlc Indorsement of the Icaitliur anil slioulalil autlliirilles nf the HCVeril aetHKilsef luucilcc. iiv iH-rfiTtly wllllnir. anil lii.fai l. an-only t.siirlail lo print, a. llicydo, luV ful inula, or list of liucmllrnlt, of which It Is ciimis'sed. ill JiklOl Enfluh, oil evcrf iHiUlc-wrulHicr. Thoformull of Pr. I'lcrec's FiTorito Pr lerliiiii'ii will Is'ar the most critical cxamlm tlim of ineilleal cxncrls, for It contains no tlruhul. narcotics, liannfiit, or hahit-formhif diuirs. and no atcut enters into It that Is not highly recontinciiilisl liy tho most adrinced and Icadinir nuslieal tcachcni and author ities of their BeTcril achooli of practice Ti,mc aiiilierllles recommend the Ingrcdlcntt i-lUillell for the oTTTT! 7T, r. elite EE TTT TrcT ailiM. NH fernlii.'h is mh Im-.I. Fjr further information relative to rates, sched ulij, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon. N. C. Or write to V. II- (A'lTIN Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. IT 1. Nootli'T Dirdtctne for woman'a Ills has any lucti profession ilcndorscint'nt as Ur. l'lcrce'l Favorite Prescript lou has ns-elvinl. In the un qualified fcisammendatlon of each of lta icrural liiKredlcnts liy scores of leaning medi cal men of ill the ichoola of practice. Ii tuch in endorsement not worthy ot yoiu conslderitkn I A booklet of iiurrcdirnta. with numemut luttioritlT profeslonal endorsements by thi leading medical lulhorllles of this country, will be niallisl Ira to any one tendluir nam ind ad'' -eat with reourai for aajn Addma r. a V. Flare. Buftia N. Y. Lk.'..-..:l'Ve.re.l'A i. u Pare absolutely .Insures wholesome and deli cious food for every day in every home No Phoaphatet No Alum GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. If you will but take your dear grandmother's word, Of how it was said in her time That children should always be seen and not heard, You'll find there's more reason than rhyme. And as they were taught they continued to grow, For a thistle will never yield figs; The girls were retiring, not given 10 show, And the boys were not insolent prigs. 'Tis true they were sportive and fond of their play, For what normal youngster is not ? But children were children in grandmother's day Unknown the precocious young tot. But now they are permitted lo parley at will, Regardless of station or age; Their elders are frequently forced to keep still, While juniors all topics engage. If parents would only continue to teach The maxim our ancestors taught, And not give their children die right of free speech, What a wonderful change would be wrought. WHAT BEFELL THEliT Being the Confessions of the Seven j Hundredth Wife and Transla- i i ted by Helen Roland I or the : Washington Herald. Oh, tny daughter, marvel not ; that a married m 1 takcih a keener . interest in his flirtations than a sin-1 i gle man. For it is only those j things which he ought not to do i ! which tempt a man even forbid- j I den fruit. ' ; I And the knowledge that he hath ( I a perfect right to make love to a ! woman taketh the edge off the 1 i game. ' ! j For no man discovered how at-! j tractive women are in general until j i he hath tied himself to one woman i i in particular. And a girl from j i whom a man would flee in his j ' bachelor days, unto her will he ! j succumb after marriage as the ici-' ! cle to the fire or the violet to ihe j : sun. Yea, a single man may be trusted lo the uttermost pans of the earth, but a husband with a grievance is as low in search of (he fire, and may not be trusted a quarter of an inch. And what married man thinketh not that he hath a grievance against his wife, if it be only that she hath married him and robbed him of his freedom ?i For a man is like unto the fami ly cat, he accepteth with no com ment his three meals per day, but he never loseth his longing to prowl abroad nights and thou canst not tell at what moment he may j hearken to the call of (he wild. Yea, is it not just when thou : thinketh it safe to go upon a long vacation even to see thy mother, that thou comest suddenly upon a pink note or a violet slipper in his v tlise? Verily, when matrimony seem eth to be running along on oiled His Vision of Heaven and The Story of the Mountain. lfalihi, the foamier of Islam, was horu ut Mecca, ia the year A. 1. oTo. He died .lime S, n:i2, at the an'o of sixty-two. He assumed the titular name of Mohammed, which means, according (o some authorities, the predicted Messiah, fine of the most extravagant j relations which can he found i in any lanuaue can he ' credited to Mohammed. Speak ' ino; of the sights he hehehl i wheh lit! was "transported to j heaven," he says: ,-l saw there ! an angel, the most gigantic of all created things. Jt had ", j 000 heads, each head had 70,000 i faces, each face had 7o,oo0 mouths, eash mouth had 70,000 ! j tongues, and each tongue spoke j 7o,0oo languages. All were em ployed 111 sillgllio; (tou s praises." When Mohammed first an nounced his divinely . inspired and appointed system the Arabs demanded supernatural proofs of his commission. ''Mo ses and .Jesus," said the Arabs, "wrought miracles in the tes timony of their divine authori ty. And if thou art indeed a prophet of God do so likewise." "It would be tempting God to do so," replied Mohammed, "and bring down his anger, as in the case of Pharaoh." As the story is told in Brew er h ' rnrase anil fauie, me Arabs were not satisfied with this answer, and Mohammed then commanded one of the nu merous eminences near Mecca to come to him. Themouiitain not stirring at Mohammed's bidding, the. prophet exclaimed "God is merciful! Had the : wheels, it is then (hat thou nearest ! llimintain 0i)(.ye(1 my WOrds it ; a creak, and a spoke fulleth out. : woulll iiaVe'fallen on us to our ' WW .: I;l i The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There i:: di::ca-,c privaiKnr; in this country mo::l dar.rcrou:; becaur.o. ro ciecep- 4.1 t'.vc. r.lLiiiy sudden ..- :ir-l ,lB-.tl..- , i- 6 i. heart di:ca:.e, fr) pneumonia. heart fjl- (liIlto or apoplexy are often the result of kidney disease. If kidr.cy trouble is al lowed to advance the kiilixy- poisoned 1 lead will attack the . vital orpnns or the i. i . ;i:. :!,'(. : Lieak (iuv.'ii and waste II ly r- n. -r ti-iM-t always result from a -1 ia':i;. r:ic:.l f the kidi.eys and a cure Is o;'.ii:i- i 1 1 1 ' i '! .'i it Ly:'. pr.iper treatment of tii. !:; in':;.:. If you air, leelui badly you cu:i make n j i ii ,i;ike by taking Dr. Kilmer's 5amp-koo. tin great kidney, liver and t i l l It reinciy. It c ,1'i'ict.i i:,abi,ity to hold urine and flcald ; i:i; p:i:i in prwSinr; it, ai;d overcomes that j tinpl 'a::a..l trj -c. :.::' of being compelled to ! " often during the day, ii.d to get up many tim: d'iri:ir; the nif:!it. The mild and the j extraordinnry effect rf Swamp-Root is soon realised. Il stands the highest for its won j dcrf il cures of the most distressing cases. I S'.varnp-Roct pleasai.t to tal:e and sold ! ty all drur:i::t- in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f "-y i Have a sample be '.tie of dff"TJf. KUiS'i j this woiriirful new dis- ;: K;'-H! iMpHSl ; covery and a book th it sJJSgJS tells all abo-it it, belli h.,i (,f swamp-noot. sent free by mail. Addrens Dr. Kilmer & Co, Emghamton, N. Y. Vhen writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. T. CLARK, ATTORNLY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. I'taetiiTs in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties ami ii. tlie Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt return AN IOWA LOVE STORY. destruction. "I will thei fore go to the Ten little debutantes stand in a line, One got "cold feet" and then there were nine. Nine little debutantes monkeying with their fate, One got a good squeeze and then there were eight. Fight little debutantes sending prayers to heaven, Heart disease look hold of one, and then there were seven. Seven little debutantes playing girlish tricks, One of them took a dare and then there were six. Six little debutantes honeying round a hive, One got stung and then (here were five. Five little debutantes dancing on the floor, One got her hand called and then there were four. Four little debutantes on a flirting spree, One got cornered and (hen there were three. Three little debutantes formed a "pool" in glue, One of them got stuck and (hen there were two. Two little debutantes having lots of fun, Somebody proposed and then there was one. One little debutante in auto car, Gone with her true love so let's say au revoir. MAKINQ OTHERS HAPPY. Mild was (he winter afternoon, The sun shone mellowly on the green pine (ops, and through the bare boughs of (he oaks. The (hick carpet of dry leaves sent up a delightful perfume. Three chil dren were gathering wood in the forest picking up the dead twigs and branches that had dropped from the trees. They laughed as (heir feet buried themselves in the rustling leaves. They thought of fire the (wigs would make and (he sweet poiatatoes they would roasi before it. The baby loved the rich mellow pumpkin potatoes; they loved them, too. So they were happy in spite of their broken shoes and ragged hats. A man came out of the" pine thicket with a gun on his shoulder and a brace of dead birds dangling from his hand. "What are you brats doing here?" he called out, harshly. "Stealing my wood, are you ? The children dropped their load of twigs and fled. The man chuckled and passed on, ihe sun burnishing the breasts and heads of the dead quail. On this sweet afternoon he had stricken ihe life from two happy feathered things, and he had turned the laughter of three innocent children into tears. Mary E. Bryan, in Uncle Re mus's The Home Magazine for January! Tact is one of a business man's most important assets. How an ignorant man does en joy handing out information. You may eatall tlieKooilseusililefooil you like, if you will let Kodol ilitrest it for you. Don't worry about dyspepsia or indention, for worrv only tends to make you more nervous, liesides vou don't have to worry anv more aliout what you eat, because Kodol for Uvs pepsia and Indigestion w ill digest any and all food atanyandalltiines. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. C All things are of a temporary nature, so what's (he use of worrying? I'liis is just the time of the year when you are mint likely to contract a Revere cold, and you should always have Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup handy, especially for the children. It tastes neatly as good as maple sugar. It cities the cold by gently moving the bowels through its laxative principle, ami at the same time it is soothing for throat irritation, thereby stopping the cough. Sold by W. M. Cohen, WeHou N. ( A very pretty little story comes ' mountain. from Iowa, having to do with the ; recent wreck of the North Coast limited train near McKenzie. It appears that a young lady, the j owner of a "beauty parlor" in Des ! Moines, bade an insistent lover farewell, disposed of her establish- j ment, and started West, to be gone j a year, telling the young man that j if he was faithful for a year he 1 might hope. As the train pro ceeded westward her resolution ! grew fainter, hut still she vjs de-' lermined to make the lest of his : affection. And (hen the train ran j oft' the track, possibly at the insti- j gation of Cupid himself. She suf fered a broken ankle, which is more painful if not more serious, than a broken heart, and after she was able to leave the hospital she went back to Des Moines and her lover. He rejoiced much, she re lented, tne day was set, and all is well. So some of the other pas sengers who have suffered some from injuries may find consolation in the fact (hat a railroad accident reunited these separated souls and scored another triumph for Cupid. OLD, BUT STILL LIVELY. I have heard of poor and sad congregations, but the saddest preacher I ever knew went from Posey County, lnd., to Pike Coun ty, Mo, (where John Hay discov ered Little Breeches and Jim Bludsoe). He was starving to death on donations of catfish, 'possum, and a hundred-dollar sal ary. Finally he made up his mind to go away. With wei eyes lie stood up in the prayer incetin: to bid good-bye to his weeping con gregation. "Brothers and sisters," he said, wiping his eyes on his red bandana handkerchief, "I've called you to gether to-night to say farewell." The Lord has called nte to another place. I don't think the Lord i loves this people much, for none of you seem to die. He doesn't 1 seem to want you. And you don't 1 seem to love each other, for I've I never married any of you. And I ' don't think you love me, for you i i don't pay me my salary, and your : donations are mouldly fruits and j wormy apples. 'By their fruits ye ' shall know them.' ' "And now, brothers and sisters, ! I am going to a better place. I've j his house the other day proves b:en appointed chaplain to the pen that he has the faculty of finding 1 itentiary at Joliet. Where 1 go ye humor in the most unexpected j cannot come; but I go to prepare a j places. A friend once took him to j place for you.' " I Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest sd bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the tasta as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE- WEAK KIDNEYS Trj DeWllis Kidney and Bladder Pills Sure and Sail Sold by W. .M. Cohen, Weldon, N. V. MOVING SALE! The entire stock will be sold from today until January 1st, 1909. Men s anu rsoy s suits, men s Trousers and Boy's Knee Pants at the : : : : : C LOWEST PRICES. 0- I w ill move next to l.vneh's Jewelry ; Store, near the postolliee, where 1 will keedit lull line of Meifn and Hoy's up- 1 to thile Suits, lints. Cups, boots. Shoes, etc.. also a line line of Lad ion Skirts and i t'lirnishinir iooils ut the lowest prices, 1 want to thank my friends for their i past patronage and hope they will give ; tin- a liberal share of it at my new stand. ! Wishing you all a Merry Christmas ! and Happy New Year. ' liespeetfully. 1. J. KAPL1N. iiuanokeltapids, N. C. MARK TWAIN AS A CRITIC. Mark Twain's humorous advice j to some burglars who broke into Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLAcT-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined, SOU) IN TOWN K When a woman finds time to rest, she sits down to do tancy work. It requires a proper combination of certain acids w ith natural digestive juices to perfect a dyspepsia cure. And that is what Kodol is a perfect digester that digests all the food you eat. If you will take Kodol for a little while you w ill no longer have indigestion. You then couldn't have indigestion. How could you have indigestion if your food were to digests? Kodol digests all you eat. It is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Slid by W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. The common way of speaking is to use slang. oAsToniA. Bun tin A Kind Yno Ham Alwuw Bought Bigaitars at see a very beautiful and valuable piece of sculpture. It represented a young woman coiling up her hair, and the workmanship was such that the owner's other com panions stood open-mouthed in admiration. "Well," said the host, turning 10 Mr. Mark I wain for his verdict, "what do you think of it? Grand, isn't it? "Yes, it's very pretty," said Mark, "but it's not true to nature." "Why not?" inquired every one in surprise. "She ought to have her mouth full of hairpins," replied the humorist, gravely. Wasp. A great many people have kidney and bladder trouble, mainly due to neglect of the occasional pains in the back, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc. Ilelay in such east s is dangerous. Take IieWitt's Kidney and Bladder 1'ilK They are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and blad der trouble. Soothing and antiseptic. Regular siie joe. Sold by V. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. The man who acts little makes a big mistake. Bun til Bifutir f The tender leat.s of a harmless lung healing mountainous shrub, give to lr. Slump's Cough Kcinedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling, or distressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing, soothing action of Hub splendid prescription Dr. Shoop's ("iiugh Reme dy. And it is so safe and good for children, as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harmful drugs, mothers should in safety alw ays demand lr. Shoop's. If other remedies are ollcrcd, tell them No! He your own judge! Sold by All Dealers. Many a vain woman has tried in vain to get a husband. l'or health and happiness DeWitt's l ittle Karly Misers small, gentle, easy, pleasant little pills, the best made. Sold bv W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. D. E. STAIN BACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Weldon N. C First Class Bakery HAVING secured a first-class baker I am prepared to fur nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes Etc. in any quantity. The best of everything in the bakery line. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. lltt Kind m Han Always 8ougtt I W. J. WARD, DENTIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL BUILDING WF.LDON. N. C eep!2 ly Willi l'm.n,.Uy uWtii. or FI fiCTURNEO. tO VEAttt'lXrCltlENCC. OUrCMAaUt AMI THt LOWIftT. b.nl modr), pbtrto or aktU)b for expert M-iarcti mid fttw report on pWnUlOiity. WmiMOCMtNT " conducted bafor ail court fou-nta otrUilnod tlirrii(th tw. ADVfK TIM Mid MHO, fn. TH AM -MARKS, M IONS Ud OOfVRIOHTt qukkl wWilnwd. OBpoetU U. 9. Putent Omo WASHINGTON, D. O. l.hrwwiiii jjhuwsiii ju w, mis.v:.'mmmmmm 9f '.miMI !- , BdWSLii ft .yuiUiVVii i.vK- i .j.t -y UsaiXn, .,m rt&L'iit

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