RCI A If fl If IP 111 L is: ! 1 iSsh PI r - li( sum LI LSEaK Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per AnnumB VOL. XI. III. WKLDON, X. ('., TNI HSDAV, FKIiHI'AliV -l,.IJH)!. NO. 10. triy?gg?rr 1 GSUi --3 HE CtlftlSTLIKE. S.M f It I U 7. fTN nuts 1 RH A f Christ's Morality and Tact Clash. IVisiness f r l Tlie Kind You Hare Always Bought, nml vhidt 1ms been hi iiiq wt uirr on ji-urs. nan lmriin m ! ..i. and lias been inmln timli-r bis hit. Botial HiimrvlH,m ,si(.0 Its Itil'uuev. AllDW 111) (.11(1 t.ll!, ; . I VI- l HI, In llila. All Counterfeits, Imitations r.tul " Jiis(.as.;;.i(i,l,'111(. M,t i:iiciliii.iit that, ttlllo vl'li rndanin Mlio lienllh f Int'.iuU and Children Kxpcrlcnoo n:iinL I :x iM-i-imt'itt. What is CASTORIA Ciistorlu Is n bunnies tuiiisl Ittito lor Castor Oil, Pare, i-urlr, Drops null Stiotllin;; Syri-ps. it is l'leiisunt. It I' liitains neither Opium, Mnrpliino nc oilier Karootlo r.stiuie. Its nBo is its g'liirantce. It destroys Worms aa I ulliiys I eerishness. It cures Dlarrlio ii and Wind I'-iii.-. It n llcvts Teetlihi'f Trouliles, cures Constipation ;t;itl rialiileney. It assiiiiilutes the I'm 1, iv",nla('S tlm SliuinieU mid llowels, ivin' lieal'.liy anil natural sleep. Too Children's l'anaeea TIio Mother's I'rie mi. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J "Vim cannot live as Jesus would nitl be nn employe of ;i large 1 level. md t .n-.i ne-.; house," says . V.i :'. Selnia McGovern, used 21, wliu alien, p-,.d .Monday mnrnitic l ) begin living iwo weeks as she ! thinks Christ would. Two days dI' the experiment convinced her I of its impossibility in Cleveland j business U'e. : "It can't be done by an einploy- e," she said. "The employer ( himself might carry the morality i of Jesus into his business if he I chose. The case is not hopeless. But the employer -at least, my ! employer- doesn't, and it is suici j dal for the employe to attempt it. ; Christ's morality and business i tact clash. An employe insisting j upon rigid honesty would be dis j charged instantly. 1 don't mean j to say any firm is dishonest. Along ! bread lines, it isn't, but thedepart I ineiii managers resort to many I evasions of the truth in order to ! escape unpleasant consequences. "For instance, a retail store is ' writing or wiring in for an expla nation of why a certain order has . r ,) V M. r sit?!- ful properties, five KOVAl. i',3 activo ftiul priiit-sicl i.i.eiiicdi Jt J" GR APLS, from their most The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. RK32 pOJ M 1 1 A V 1'IIOSK : l'ih'M CI anil ' I. y Nn. i P. lX. STAIN BACK, i;xdi:hta k kij. VVeldon, . . North Carolina. 0 n Full l ine of CASKIH S, COITINS nml KOUIIS. Day, Nijtlit nnJ ()ut-o(-Town Calls I'roniptly Attended to. H G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRI-CIOR AND LMiiALMI.R. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 30E30m EZ30SaaOE 0 3 THE BARK OF VELOON WKI.no N X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the Stute of North Carolina, Al ill'S'l' .uTII. 1 vij. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldon Depositm y. Capital and Surplus, For more than fifteen vnus tln iiislituiiini li;" pi-. i i.l.-.l Iwukini: facili-tit-H fur tliiH section, lis ntnekin I " inl iliivclni Line Ihtii i.lrul uu-.l with tlu hiisiiMiw interests t ILilif.ii an-1 Norll.nniploii eomilies lm many years. .Mmiey is luaiie. um apfi. nr.l Mvnuly .U tliele'al late of inteivsl six per eentiini. Aecnniil-ot all aie vilieile l. The surplus ami iin.livhle.l itiitit liaMim n a.-lied a -"in e.iial tn tlie l'aiital Stuck, the Hank lias, ruiiinieacinir .lamiary I. I'i. t.il .1 1! n- 1 a Savimts Denaitment allow nn; inlen-t ..mime .1. .il as follens: For liepnsits alkmeil loreinain (lin e ninnlli- or l.muer. -J 1t eenl. Si mmitlis or longer, 3 per cent, iwrli.-inniitlis m limner. I pel ivnl. Fur further inrormation apply to the President m l a-lner. not been sent. The reply is that ; it is the fault of the manufacturer, 'vx'e have punched them up several times already. We will do so again j at once, and no doubt the order i will soon be shipped.' So the let-; ter runs. ; "Perhaps the manufacturer has j been punched up. That may all j be true - but after writing the let- j ter the department head may or i may not make good his word. ! Most always he doesn't. I "No doubt it is necessary in bus i incss to tell that kind of lies. But i j Jesus wouldn't. And when I type the letter I must tell the lie, too. j ! Jesus wouldn't be implicated in! ! the lie. He would refuse to write j it. IF I did that, I would lose my ; position. "Cleveland Dispatch to ' the New York Vi'otid. II' your Stomach, Heart, or Kiiliieys are weak, try at least, a lew doses only of lr. Slump's lli'-rtualive. In live or j ten .lavs only, the result will surprise I vou. A few cents will cover the cost. 1 Amrhi'ie is why help comes so ipiickly. j lir. Shoop doesn't druu' the Stomach. nor stimulate the lleait or Kidneys. III'. Slump's Restorative u'oes directly to j the weak and I'aihim m iles, laich oriran has its own eoultolhin; nerve, i When these icrves fail, the ih pendiin: omaiis must of necessity falter. This 1 plain, vet vital truth, cleat ly tells why ! I r. shnop's hesloralive n successful. Its success l ; ir sts everywhere to iriv , pn-felenee. A test ill , Sold ! All 1'ealels Absolutely Fuze It Is economy to ue Royal Baking; Powder. It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder or leavening agent can lake the place or do the work of Royal Ba'.ing Powder. NEVER YOU MIND, MY DEAR, Has the day been dark and the sky been gray ? Never you mind, my lad. Whistle a bit in a cheery way; Don't lake time to be sad. Oh, Worry's a specter of visage grim, First imp on the Fiendish list; , But smile in his face when you look on him, He Fades like morning mist. Did the dream that you dreamed go somewhat wrong? Never you mind, my dear. Out oF the shadow will float a song, If only your soul will hear, Ay, Worry's a phantom, and Worry's a ghoul, And Worry's a goblin of night. He flees from a smile, but he comes at a scowl, And a sigh is his cruel delight. Oh, I know of the hope that is buried from sight, But bravely we'll bear it, my dear, For the sunlight is born of the womb of the night, And the comforter ever is near. Yes bravely we'll bear it, my dear you and I And strength to our souls will be given. Though Worry doth whisper and mutter his lie, Earth swings to the solace of heaven. I would fain hold your head on my comforting breast Till a smile glimmers out thrijpgh the tears, But the battle of each is for each, and the rest Know little that gladdens or cheers. So we'll both do our best, whatever it be, And we'll smile through the pitiful rain, Till the phantom oF Worry Forever shall flee, And we know that e'en Sorrow is gain. DOWN AND OUT. The I'ps and Downs of an Old Washington Newspaper Man, Down, South After Everything Had Cione Dry. "1 am delighted," said an old newspaper man as he shoved his ponderous Form up against the counter in a Washington saloon, "(live me sometihing to drink, anything beer, rum, gin or plain whiskey- anything but the sturt' 1 have been gelling in the dry Stales of the South !" "What's the matter with you, old man? You look down and out." "Holy gee ! 1 am down and out, ; dead and buried. Have you been South since everything went dry ? If you haven't, don't go! Stay here ! Go North, West, Fast, cross the ocean go to Venezuela or anywhere else except the South! Everything has gone dry Geor gia, North Carolina and South ; Carolina and Virginia is on the way." "How do you get it down South?" asked an anxious citizen, "Get it? Ifyou get it, you've first got to get the ropes. It is the way the ropes yuu must learn; and iF you look suspicious you will have to stay out in the cold, way oft' in the dry. That's all. "Remember, boys, that's my old home the South and I love it dearly, but don't vou Forget it, there has been a change. When I left there ten years ago a fellow could step into a bar, get next to a good smooth counter, and take a drink, or two drinks, even more, and move on, but not so now. The ! IW0 or ll,ree sma nouses "W hy, a buttle of beer cold beer." "K came. There I was sipping Budweiser, and thousands of poor devils in the streets thirsty, starv ing for a drink, but just didn't1 know how. THH CIXIKUA METHOD. "Down in Georgia, Hoke Smith's State, I struck a prosper ous berg, and started out to hunt some sort oF cordial to satisfy a ' burning thirst. I met an old tie-1 gro, whom I interrogated after this ' Fashion : " 'Uncle, where could a stranger get a linle stimulating liquor?' "Turning so that he could face j me, the darkey said : "Boss, des go right up dar to de cornder, an' slop an' git yo' bearin's. Da fust buildin' to de right is the Fust National Bank; 'cross de street is Miss Mehnda Jones's milliner shop, and two blocks fudder down, on de same side uv de street, is de Baplis' church now dent's de onlies' places in town dat you can't git it. Yes, sir. Des don't make no mis take an' git in de:n what I tolt you.' "That was a town of several thousand inhabitants, and the old negro was right. "But it's nerve-racking, this here business oF hunting a drink in a dry town. Give me Washing ton, where I can put myselF next to a good old counter. A TUB OF RYE. "At one place where several railroads cross a companion and I got off and went to hunt a drink. We saw nothing but the hotel, the railroad station, an old mill and A ne- DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Almost IfJ vond';rf:'.!!y su Uiiiocy Trouble Makes You Miserable. iV body who reads the n?.ws 10 know of th wonderful cura made by Ur. Kilmer's Swampr-Root, ii.- frcat kidney, livr and bladder remedy. 1'. is the preat medi cal inumph of the nine t..ci.t!i century; dis covered after years of fdentific research by -sR Ur. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and Is s:f.:l In promptly curing lai;c bucv., i'.i.inoy. bidder, uric acid trouble.- and Brifht's bisease, which is the worst ijrm cf kidney trr.ubie. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec- ommenucdfirevcryiriiiiEbut ifyou have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many w ays, in hospital work, in private practice, ar.iorifj the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in evry case that a spesiai arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Svamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or biadder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this par.er and ff"'l send your aduress to r ""lia Dr. KiimercCo.,BinK-g .i-r'jHrn hamton. Ii. Y. TneS2ife R'u!ar fifty cent and nomeof fewamp-rtoot. toiiar sizes are soid by all good druggists. Don't mako any inistar.e, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. JJ T. OJliiLHIC ATTORNIFY AT LAW, W ELI ION, N. I'raetid'R in the courtB of Halifax and ailjoininir cotintirw and h. the Supreme cum t of the State. Special attention (riven to collections anil prompt return S 0 VI E TIME. i uniu'isilly j ':) 1 1 ii ur ilnnr it tiimiTMil i finely tell, i i ritKsiiiKNT: W. K. DAN1K.I., VII K I'III.MUKM : ln II . l.liWK (Jackson. Northampton rmintvi iasiiii.ii: W. i; SMITH. SEABOARD SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN, 4, 1909. Thess arrivals and departures nre m ttijfi fur liie pumic ani are nat !' are subject to change without notice. only as infor irantecd. and Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 for Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. in. No. 38 for " " " '305"m No. 41 (or Raleigh and points South at 12 07 p. m. No. 33 through train South at II 38 P- A SONO OI: Sl'MMIiR Summer in the fields, my dear, And summer in the skies. But brighter lar than sun or star, The summer in thine eyes ! Thy beaming eyes. Thy dreaming eyes, With all the love that in them lies! Summer on the land, my dear, And summer on the sea, And with her Mowers .and thrilling hours The summer worships thee! O'i, summer brief, watt one rose leaf From my love's lips to me. F. L. Stanton The Story ofa ModlrlnA It iumv-";"l'!cn M.ilicil linvrf na MWHtiil by one of H nmt Import ant ami valuable Innredienm Colden N'al rimt. Nearly lertv year airo, Ur. Heren nl cnvepil I tin t iieenulil. by the uw of purn, triple-relitied itlyeer; aided by a .r-l.-uii lieu-rev of ei.n-iaiitly maintained I,, at ami lth the adit tiH'.iralin ui'd appliance l' i;-n'J I 'T that i:tr- x trail from wtir in..st alual.h' nal,w me dicinal not their curative pr.'HTiti'J much U'tli r than by the li e of alcilnil, . ..,T . I'. rmt.lnV,Hl. Nil till' II'IW Will ,d- 1 fauud "liolileii Medical Dlwovery." for the cure ot weali stomach, InillireMiiin. or dvnepla, torpid liver, or bilioie""s and kindred d.tra.i8cmenutistir-t It ever sine has tn. ittiout a panicle of alcohol Ih Its mawVup. A alanceW'k J'lH h"' of 119 Inkredl ents prini.YTrfi-e.V boule-wrapicr. willVhow that It Is V from the niixt valuable medicinal nifoiirid (trowiu In our American foretSJ Al these. In. grerfienK lavereceivyn IC Some lime when you are weary and alone You'll hear direct in spirit undertone The voice of one who loved you long ago, Down by where the blue grass water flash and flow, And where the (lowers and birds are ever bright And love-lit stars are winking all the night. Some lime your heart will w ish for other days And wander backward through the mystic haze That separates the present from the past, And blots the beauties ihat could never last, Yet in those stary realms so Far a way We'll meet them in some bright celestial day. Some time in the vision of a dream I'll flash into your soul across the stream That separates our w aking from our sleep, Where angels all their nightly vigils keep And nature, with her splendid, glorious powers, Enihrills the dreaming with fantastioflowers ! BEDTIMO. A"lllde lioolTol these endoruieiiUi 0a3 l.n coniniled by Dr. It. V. l'lere.'. of itnff iln N. Y.. ami ill ! miuleii .lire Ui with tliioimli riill'i'''" e operate IHiulileKailyvestioine e...... .. . itMiio onv,ll,',St-A((1.Stine, Atlanta. 1 '.'."'i'"? h a ami New Yoik. liichmoml, Waali.ufton, llaltimoie, I'hila.lelplna ami to .lack iith-Norlolk B.-.kliig same by pusial earn, er letter addnwscd to the IHvlor as aiiu liny one sched- For further information relative to rates uies, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. Weldon. N. C. i II. (J ATT1S, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C. L-...n n.. emliirsenielilH. Co lien inmi utandiiril ineilical Inaikaof ai lliecliflcr ent. 8clnils of practice, it will be fmmil that the liionilicnls mtnpnaiiift Ihe'Oold en Mimical lliscoverv " an- a.lvlsi-d lint onlv (or tlie cure oi INC move mem Hieu dieH.se, but also for the run- of all ca tarrhal, bronchial and lliruat atleclioiis, aceoiniiained with catarrhal ilisi-liarRes, lioar'nes, fore thmat, liinrerlinr. or hawr-nn-coiiph. and all tlms wasliui 8 tT.x-tJis which, It not promptly and properly treated aro liable to terminate In consumption. Take Ur. l'lerce ins coverv In time and rs. vi in In Its use until vou give It a fair trial and it is not likely 'todisapiHiinU Too much must not he exiiecteil of It, It will not perform mlrach-s. It will nut cure consumption ill its advanced stneo. No medicine will. It cWJ cure the arTi-ctiona that load up to euDuunpUM, V tuJiot in U"M. Too intK'li stress cannot lie laid on having the little ones go to bed happy. Whatever may have hcen done in the day or if there is some inevitable disappointment or grief ahead, large or small, say nothing about it at night. Except for some reason, let a mother put a child tobed herself; let theeven ing prayer be said at herside;let the hour be associated with story or song, or loving, confi ding talk. For sanitary reasons it is very inipoi luiit that bed time should be happy and the night's rest perfect never le laved or broken by childish grief or fear. Impottant, too, for mental vigor and most of all, for the soul's life, the good night kiss should never boniit ted. There are times when disobe dience or deceit has occurred that, in sweet and affectionate evening talk, the child can be imperceptibly led to eonlulo to mother the whole story. This opportunity is a valuable one and should never be overlook ed. But anything of the nature of punishment has no rightful nlnee here. Mrs. Mary John son, in American Motherhood. The Secret of Long Life. A French scientist lias discovered one secret of lonir life, l'.ut loii? airo mil lions of Americans had proved that Klectrie Hitters prolongs life and makes it worth livinir. It purities, enriches ami utali.cs the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life ami tone to the entire system. Its a irodsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kidney trouble had hliirhted my hie for months'' writes W. M. Sherman, ofCushinir, Me. "hut Flcetiic Hitters cmeil iiieentiiely " nly 'me. at any di uirifiat. If every man was taken at his own valuation ihcre wouldn't be half enough halos to go around. Soldier Balks Death Plot. It seemed to. I. A. Stone, a civil wart veteran, of Kemp, Texas, that a plot existed hetweeu a desperate lung trou ble and the truvc to cause his death. "I contracted a stubborn cold," he writes, "that developed a couirh that stuck to inc. in spite of all remedies, for years. My weight ran down to li pounds. Then 1 began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which restored my health compleiely. 1 now weigh lfs pound." For severe Colds, obstinate Cough. Hemorrhage. Asthma, and to prevent rneumonia it s unrivaled. .rinc. andol. Trial buttle free, (iiiarantecd by all druggist. Fortune knocks once at every man's door, but misfortune camps on his from step. j first town I struck had been dry about four months, and the ropes I were securely hid from strangers, i and pious-looking people. j "Is there anywhere a fellow could get a drink?" said I to the I first pink-nosed chap I met, and '. this is what I got: "Drink ? Why, I Friend, I have been here three days, and walked the streets con- ' stantly, trying to locate something j stronger than an egg-o-see, and I i can't do it.' AtEETS AN OLD I'KII-ND. j "Ten minutes later, while mo seying aiong me main street ot tne little city I met an old friend a resident of the place who inquir ed if I ever look 'anything. ' " 'Gee !' said I. 'Take any thing? I guess I would if 1 had the chance.' " 'Had the chance? I lere it is ! Come right in I' "We turned into a little store, sat down ai a table covet ed with a while cloth, and he beckoned to the w aiter. " 'What is it, Boss William?" asked a negro as polite as a French j dancing master. ! " 'What? x Anything !' said 1. " 'Make it two of thirty-four-1 fifty-Four.' "Well, sir, I had heard oF all sorts oF drinks highballs, cock tails, gin-rickies and the rest but Thii ty-four-tit'ty-Four, was one on I me. I had not met that. But, all I the same, I made no kick just i waited and wished. Soon the boy j came back bearing two Black and White Scotch highballs. I kicked myself to see iF I were alive. I couldn't realize that it was true a real drink, mixed and ready For use! "I had caught on. The next day I went back that time alone and sat down at the same table, in the same chair, to make sure that it was not my Fault iT the order didn't go through. " 'Yes, boss; how is you to-day? Whar is Boss William?' said the llCfrt'O. "I knew that I was right. I was known as a friend of Boss William. Give me one 'Thirty-Four-fiFty-Four.' 'Sartinly, sir,' was the ready For Weak Kidneys gro hall-way insinuated that we might get something at the store in the mill. We strolled over, and I inquired oF the storekeeper in a roundabout way if there was any thing to be had. After looking us over and making sure that we were not spies, he told us to follow. "Vi'e went back into the 'dark- j rjs "IT? Af room'; lie tapped on the wall, and i X 1 131 I OP ivjC said: 'Let down a tub of rye!' j II is u h it i " u,wl 1 1 -n,c0 ai. .ii is NlM,vW. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. down and ' Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's The dumb-waiter, or t it sounded like, came brought the goods. We never knew who sold it tons, for we were required to deposit the right change on the Hour of the waiter or elevator, and we got a quart. ' No more Dixie For me ! I shall not cross the Potomac any time soon." NOTICE ! of Roiiiioke Rapids' New Store New (ioods A man ought to be born or a Fool. king raiMiUMiMdiiH iiiiiiifiiiiiifMtt-wnHl AJVO A SOUR STOMACH ARE SIGNS THAT YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDCR. TAKE Simmons Liver REGULATOR And Feel " Like Yourself Again." THE GENUINE has ttn RED t Trad Mart on th IronI ol Men MOliaa mt th algnMur and mI ol J. H. ZEIUN & CO. on Dm sMo, IN RED. I haw opened up my new place of liusiney near the postolliee with a new line of Men's up-ln-ilate Clothing and i ieut s Furnishing I ioods, Hats, Caps, Hoots, shoes, Fte. Also a Hue line of Ladies' Skills and Ladies' Keady-Mttde Suit", foi the sin iic. in tlie finest pat terns, at the lowest prices. Come. Don't fail to see soon my spring openiu and compare prices. You will surely save inonev bv luiving vour goods from i. J. KAPLIN. Roanoke Kapids, N. C. Em Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLacY-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, ( r constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would riot be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. Rnr n m Town n ' EMBMBtaMlllil H ill " i Hi IBBMHB PAIN It is easier to tell how a thing ought to be done than it is to make good when you try to do it yourself. OASTOUIA. Bmri tin 11 to H"" Hm Bwtfil If your ideas are not worth 2 cents write them on a postal card. Pain tn the heail twin nnyw Ti-T". hft It. ranw. Pain iM-imavstion. twin ist,iin1 en-x-nn' nothing iMUHuaUy. At i,.l. so sii Ir Slioop, an l to nrnrn it h h rreuteil a lilt Dink tntilet- 'Hint renlv and two minutes later 1 was aw' miied nr. xhonp's u.-aiiarhe Tallin iciny, aim iwu iiiinuits i.iici I v.is .. . lm,sm, .,... min ,,,.. Itieftpottscharnilnf. plpftNinnlyilt'liBlittul.lit'iitly. though Mtlr. It lurul)- eyimlics tlm blood circu. ktioa. II too havo a hmilachis It'll WikvI iircs'iiro. If it'i painful neru.li w itli women, muiie eaus. BaantlM Bl(aatan) at Iha Kind You Havii Always Bonjtt iihi miui iua non getting outside ot a highball a genuine Scotch highball. "I love that little place; it will always be dear to me. I saw oth ers go in and do as I did." "Why, that wasn't hard a little bit?" said a Friend. "No, 1 never felt easy; I didn't I know what minute I might be haul ; ed up as a witness. ; "I was stumped for two days in j one place. I tried drug stores.pe- desirtans ana otners, but got no hint. Finally, at dinner, one day, I I asked tMe waiter if he could get j me something a little stronger than ; coffee. "What, boss, would you like, sir?" was the answer. First 01o.ss Bakery HAVING secured a first-class baker 1 am prepared to fur nish fresh Bread, Pies. Cakes Etc. in any quantity. The best of ewvwion-Mnod pivhsuiv. Thm wm-iy i t j everytningin the bakery line. eeruintjr. lor lr. tiuwii s n -nutit no 'ihhich wnp i It in -iOminuten, inl tlif tahU u wutkily diiinbute j the un natural bltKxl pivswun. Bniiae vmir tlutfr. and ltp(in't It Rot rM, and iwll, and pain you? Of courf it ritvs. It's nv nstlon, litood pn-ssiirc. You'll lln1 it when pain fa always. It's simply Common Sms. Vcicll at 2o wills, and clioerlully recommena Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets All Dealers. D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Weldos N C M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, WELDON, N. C. iTomptly oMalfitt), or rCC afTURNEO. tovtanrtxPfKicwcK. unrOHAtvaiaaM THC LOWEST. HcIhI wbmW, pltoto or ukrti h fur xpert trvii fetid fitw rvorl on palrntfelilllty. MPHmOCMCNT mtlH coodiichod bufum all Htirln. I"iUril oMfllnpd IhrmiRh nn, AD Wit Tiaroami aoLD, frw. trsoi-marki. rtN tlOMS and OOFVaiOHTt Uiaiijr ottUlluxi, OppoaIt U. S. Patent Offlovf WA8HINOTON, O. C. u"L' r-" -f-ffri '"-iiiir urn