AYER'S HAiii VIGOR ocs not Color the Hair Hair falling out? Troubled with dan Jruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing? Incrrpflipnr; Sulphur, (ilvtrrin. Qtiinin. Sodium ChlorM. IllSieuiriiij. tdpwtum. !aKc. Ali.ul.ul. Water. Fcrlunw. We btlitve doctors endorse this formula, or wo would not put it up. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR OCS .1 V ATK (ViM-AVT. l,nwll Mam air I GENERAL ASSEMBLY. : The North Carolina Legislature Session of 10Q. THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Feb. IS, 1909. Published Every Thursday. BNTKRKO AT I'OSTOl'Fll K AT It I'll. HON s SKCOMl-CI.ASs M.VITK.H. RAILS 01 SLliSCKII'llllMN AHWM I: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, Jl.'i'. Six MuiitliH, " " A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, etlucutiinnil. political and agricultural interest of llalllux and urlutiliili it counties. Advertising rates reasonable and fur nished ou application. It would doubtless surprise many Northern people lo learn that, notwithstanding ihe munifi cent gifts made to certain negro colleges in recent years from Northern sources, the South has spent $50 for educating the negro where the North has spent one. This fact is reflected in the thought ful communication addressed to State Superintendent H. C. Gun nels by the officers of the State Colored Teachers' Association of Alabama. Montgomery Adver tiser. The Senate Committee at Wash ington voted for 2 Dreadnoughts. The British Government decided on 6 Dreadnoughts. Both navies make a similar ad vance. Kach makes a larger addi tion than the navies against which they are measured, Germany and Japan. Peace is secure as long as Eng land and the United States have navies that dominate the oceans. The action taken by both makes for world peace. HALIFAX LETTER. Foley's Orino Laxative cures consti pation and liver trouble and make the bowels healthy and regular. Orino is superior to tills and tablets as it not 1:1 ipe in nauseate. Whv take thinir eUe? K. U.AI.'K. dees anv. LUMMISSilMrTS SALE OF REAL ESTATE. liy virtue of the power mid authority t'oilleired lll'i'll me hv a ccllaui deelle nl'llie Mtpcliol eotltt el' Warieli cunt' . tale el' Ninth Carolina, ini lered ai the February term J : ,uaid cmnl. in an net ii hi entitled: ( 'hatles V, !a ks. ht i.luallt and as I rustre. I leiinis l:. I'ailet. Uairenl'.. Wheeler, Ktil'u-. ( liv ed. Aipln iis N Itaiisi.n. i .emi;. i:. Mme rue. l ied II I'.l.lv. vt . i .1 iIiiimu, ami .l.ln. ts lia'l ks. I'l USUI iv A'. UN.--1 Hie I'm lev Moon,: Com pany .1 i Vision and li uilv I: v 1-ton. Ins ii'e. I I' ll, il and i:, Me ; 1 1 1 1 1 his wife. Matt A -'iiui. f.ett.e I', IM niuii.lson. V ii ii if I:, snovi a;el In. In the Senate Thursday local bills of interest to this section were introduced as follows: By Travis: To extend the time for the organization of the Weldon and Roanuke Rapids Fleetric Rail way Company. By Gay: To amend section 1 1 1 of the Revisaland repeal chap ter 228, Public Laws of 190?, re lating to the number and compen sation of the members of the Board of Comissioners of Northampton county. The Barringer bill to create a new judicial district to be composed cf Guilford and Alamance was de feated on its third reading. I r requited more than three weeks to get a jury in the Cooper ease in Tennessee, yet some nf the talesmen examined did not even know thai Senator Carmack w,is dead and had never heard ol the "Salome" dance. Your Cotton Crop Can Be Inci eared It co.--.ls no more to cultivate an acre that pr-jJuees two bales of cotton than m aero which produces only one-quarter of a bale. Why .. what yon can do with Fertilizers Other r..-n have tvon nl !e ti .U-t.l'.c red i-ire than double 1'ie'r vii 1 1 er aero v. ith a liber..! ap;.-.i:i..ii e:' Virginia-Carolina i' ertih.ers. .Vte-.-r.s. Iie::.) & Jackson of KcU OninC, Tenn., used Vir-ri-'-la-t'iirolitia Fertilizer on about ."uii res pianted with cotton, and ; i; : "We have the finest crop ef cot'eii v.e i nr saw, and all the. people around here think tho same. W e actually counted 417 hulls on one stalk. Another stalk had by actual count Jo9 bolls, forms, I'nr. . an.! l ie son s. On ;,binit v. ivrr. He expect to make about ! haie to the ii o, and an estimate of n.ljir.in-;.farnis n.'t go fer f.liz d :i". I under ether cultural method.-, will yield only 1 hale to live uiTis." .An i'defestinir tii, 'lure of the cotton p! ::;ts referred to will bo id :n the new 1 '..) Virinia-l arohtia 1 annei-s' Vear Hook, copy i f vth h nicy be had lY'Uti your fertilize.!' dealer, er will be sent fiNe, if i v. rite c.r nearest sales t lli. e. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. i All....'.. S.I.U , Sinllljile I, i. . V.i pia,liii;iCii:"(ill,nH ri.iii.iiivJi,',,' .V,,', t 0..i PmIiiiii. N C. Clio let. iii, S c. lUtl, nere M l C'liiitiiim. t;, MiiiKotivrv, Ala. SIlIL'VI'lMJlt, l I' na ture ,le- (Cor. to the Koanokk News.) Halifax, N. C, Feb. 16. Miss Leonora Howerton, who has been visiting friends in Rich mond for sometime, is home again. J. H. Harvey left Monday for Baltimore, where he has gone in business. Mrs. Hattie Stephenson and lit tle Louise, have been spending several days in Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Stedman spent a day or two in Richmond last week, having their little one treated. Dr. and Mrs. Register, of Til lery, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Stedman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mildred have returned from a visit to Mr. Campbell's mother at (Ian dor, N. C. The condition of Edward Travis, Jr., is now very satisfactory. His recovery to some extent was re tarded by having a slight attack of pneumonia. Mr. B. A. Mabry, of Norfolk, passed through here Friday night, leaving his little daughter Margaret j with Mrs. J. n. Bans. Mrs. Ma bry was operated on at "St. Vin cents" last week for appendicitis. Late reports say she is getting along nicely. The farmers in this locality are busying themselves now with the ! grave problem of preparation for j crops and most everybody seems i to have something to do, very little loafing around. We should all be thankful for this year. No great moral issue to settle, no politics to argue, etc. There should be an incentive in all of us to do our best at our vocations, help our neigh bors all we can, alleviate human suf fering as much as possible, attend ing upon the ordnances of our church, loving God and humanity with as much capacity as we can command, thus making of our selves true, loyal citizens, an hon or to the community and State. The sermons at the Methodist Church Sunday morning and even ing by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Hol den, were exceptionally good, showing concentrated thought, and careful preparation. At both ser vices a goodly sized congregation was in evidence, and many were the expressions of appreciation, of the preacher and his sermons. W. F. C. Hurt, to i i sei-. inliich action hlouht I'm the pin po-e of l.uvrl.. by -ale of the lands hereinafter seiit.eil. tthich lands tterc eonvove.l hv The I'arlev Mminc-1 oui pane in certain Mort dirt's and I 'ocd of Tru-I, ol record, towit: .MortL'airt' to .lolin A. Hurt. dated lieeemlier :int!i. It'iM: Murine to Mrs, Mary A llxuin. Mrs, I'.oitioi:. Kdinund snn and M is. A nuie K. Snow, dated Jan uai y 1st. mini; Meed of Trust to Charles W. Man ks, Tru-tee dated Feln uarv l'th. I'i07: Mortiraire dated May nth. pmii, to Mennis K. bailey. Warren I'.. VV heeler, Uufus ( ovell. .iphcus N. Hanson, (ieo II. Monroe. Fred. II. Ild.h. VV. M .lohn son and .lames I,. hauk . I w ill. mi Wednesday, the 24th day of March PHIii. ,it lieiiu- the day named in said decree, l sell at public auclimi. at the etiurt huuse door in arientou. V (-.. at I'.' o'clock M, . to the ludn-i bidder for CASH, the followuur descrilied the tracts of land, viz: First Tract. That pmti f land known as the Kinily M. Kurt's e-tate. lyinir in Warren county. N. ( .. and hounded as follows: I'.cL'innin at a KweetL'iiin tree, .lohn A. burl s cornel, on the Hauls I'.iancli. corner for Mrs. Kinily Hurt Turner, thence s. so w. :' j poles to a white oak tree about three' poles below (lid's Spnni: blanch, corner for Kinily Hurt Turner on biir l'i-iiuiur Creek, thence up said ( reek, as it mean ders, its poles to an l.lni. Sweetnum and llawtree on the easl side of l ishim; Creek S poles and -Jll links above the mouth of Hill's branch, thence N. Ill il. J Is poles to the eeiiiie of hansom's I'.ri.le'e and Areola Koa l a lock on each side til the road, corner for Mrs. Mary A. Kxuni and Kinily Thomas burjess, thence S. s.'i K. 17'.i pub's to a bunch of Alders and Kim pointers.corner lor Mrs. Mary A. Kxum on the (lnen branch, thence dim n said blanch, as it mean. lets Jl i poles and H links to a wil'ow -tump li'lei'- lionet and lai cleats the an pa--aii'es. stop- the irritation in the thioat. soothes tin- iiillauied nietn luaiies. and the nu.-t obstinate couch di-appeats. Sou- and intlanied luiie are healed and slreiiirthened. and the cold is expelled from the system. Ile-I'u-e any but the irenuine in the yellow package. b. Cl.A I; k Candiuati-is may come and can didates may go, but Colonel Bryan runs on forever. ii. loll poles .lohn lour ,'Ulltv 'j'Kintn thenc N.( -lump W. Mil" t, t' eol il,e luali.'h. - In an old ueell'- Itrancli blanch, as it i-. c.'titaiiiiitLr ""-'ni:ei!,'at a cer hie ol the public Areola lo han-'-' .lohn A. Hurt s a nollhellv di- Hexamethylenetramine The above is a name of a German chemical, which is one of the many val uable ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Hexamethyle netetramine is recognined by medical text books and autliories as a uric acid solvent and anti-septic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities, and avoid a serious malady. E. CLARK Colonel Bryan says he can see the possibility of another nom ination, and everybody else will see the possibility of another result like the last one, only a little more so. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Bought Bear th BlgMtwaof and Klin on ilreen bra Hurt's corner. tlienceS. -7 l pjti to a bed Oak Stump an.l pom' is A. Hint's corn -r. thence . :'v U poles to the beeinniiiir, emi I am r no hundred acres, nioreor le--Second Tract. Known;!, ;. nan tract, lyimr in W at r and liouinleil as follows, p., a Willow on i ircui - I'.ianeli s-;. I-. bin poles toanoH be and pointers, thence s. pole- and ten links to i: ini mi the -,,'r.li -,., lis bunch, thence up -aid !: meanders, to n- (, ami a, I'm k in v. e-loru Ii i k . a- i Ini ik mi the we-t -.deoi thence N. -:i VV. -.'Iii; pole.. Maple on the ea-t -ideol'i ue thence a!oiur -aid tneandels. lo the Iwo bundled acre Ttird Tract. Thai pa; t of i he lands formerly lielom.r.iu; to the e-tate of Mi-, ljiiilv M, but! Iviiil1- in the county ol Vi ai ron. .-'ate of North I arolina. and hounded a- follow- 1 tain rock on the ea-t -hurhway lea. line from smn's bridge, adjoinin line. I hence i tin n; n-s in lection to the A rniurion and I lai nseot- llel to a I'ost I l;lk tlee. tlilonn doWlll. Mourtood and I'o-t dak n.iniers. thence runnin.' easterly to W illiam silver's and I.iicv l lioinp-on s corner. I.eitur a post oak tree, thence runniiiLr easterlv across the branch to a hickory tree, known as tiie Atcoek coiner, thence liinnui'. southerly to a certain hickory tree. thence w. -ieih to a I'oplai t.eeon'the branch, thence -ouiht i ly dow n the hratich tu a I'o-t -tan, lour m the Hiaueli and Sweet iriim p ml. is. thence westerlv to the place ol heeiuuiun. eoulailillm two hun- .1...1 ...i i oo-.iaici si;.i -eeu acte-. Inoreol less I roct -'our, t hat pai I uf the lauds foruierlv beloimoitf to llu- estate of Mrs Ihiitly . Inn t. I vim: m tlie county of Halifax. North Carolina, and bounded as follow-: Hosrintiiinr at a certain rock pile on the Ksse.x and Hansom Hridire road, theiie.' ruiinnm-ea-terly to a Post d.ik al the Han- line, thence ruuninir southerly to a certain rock pile and dot: tvoo.l pointers, thence runniiiu' westerly to u certain rock pile and pine tree poin ter, thence runiiini: in a southerly direc tion to a certain po.-t oak tree on the south side ol the hintwood road, thence lit ii :i i 11 it northeasterly to a Hickory and Mojfwood pointers, thence ruiininif' wes terly, across the K-sex and Kaiisom Itroliff road, to a Hickory and Sourwood pointers at Mrs. Tin uer s coiner, thence runninir northeasteilv to a certain rock pile at (.id VV dlianis corner, thence run iiiiilt easterlv to a certain White oaktrep at Mempsy Odoin's corner, thence run niinr noilheasterly down the road to the place id' heifiiiuin.', eontainuii; one linn dri'd and thirty-three acres, nioreoi less. Fifth Tract. Known as the Ann Ay- Warren and partly m the county of Hal ifax. Ninth Carolina, and bounded as follow: On the north by the lands for merlv helonu'in to C. s llnyd, on the South hy lands of .lohn A. Hurt (now deeeasedi . the lands of ivter Odom. the lands of Mrs. Kxum and Wootens branch on the east by the lands of VV. (i. y.ger ton and the lands of Mempsyodotn.nntl and on the west by the lauds of Mrs. .Mary A. Kxum and (iold Mine Hraneh, and more particularly bounded as fol lows, viz: Heiiiuninn at a larjre pine Htuuip near another fine stump, all at the North edtre ofone of Kearney's dams on tJoltl .Mine Hraneh, and running S. 1 V. L'iio poles to a small .Maple and Ash tree on the south side of Wootens branch with Kim pointers and 2" feet west of Arl ington's corner white oak, thence aloni; the meadows of Wooten s Branch to Hurt's corner White Oak. now l'eter Odum's, on the west side of said Hraneh, tlieueo due west 2 is poles to a Maple on the Kast side of (iold Mine Hraneh, thence up (Iold Mine Hraneh. as it meanders, tu a Poplar tree Mrs. Mary A. Kxum's corner, thence E. f) chains and (in links to a Hickory and (iuin tree, thence N. L'li K. It chai'nsantl HO Links to a Hickory, thence .. tin VV. 7 Chains to a cluster ol Maples on said Hraneh, thence up said Hraneh, as it meanders, to the Hoyd line, thericiwuu tiiiiK Easterly alonir said Hoyd line to the place of "heriniiinir. containing three hundred and twenty-two acres, more or less. This 17th day of February, lfKtfl. TASKER POLK, Commissioner. How 's This? W e iill'er One Hundred Hollars Reward for any ca-e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by llall'-Calanh ( inc. V. .1. I'll KN E Y .v. CO., Toledo. Ohio. We. the under-iLMie.!. hate kmutti I . .1. ( heney for the last C' years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all Ini--ine-s transaction- ami linanciaily id le to carry out any ohii-ation- made hv his tirni. W aldiiie-. Kmnan ,x Mart in, W hole-ale I 'i nsists. Toledo. Ohio. I tall'-Catan li Cure i- taken internal!)' aetiin; dircctl) upon the blood and uiiu cous -iti'l'ace- (if the sy-lem. l e-tiinomals sent ftee. I'nce 7"'C. pet bottle. Mild by all driiL'L'i-ts. lake Hall s Faintly 1'ills fur constipation. I Do vou Want A Bridal Suit AM) iDnggott. It will pay you tu come and see us. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, I I Incorporated) KKADKISS. 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND. VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE! frost s?'mm- zmw&z plants GUARArt iilcD SO SAVJJTy PURCHASERS KAU Jl-K'd Mi"irrnrnsidr.li f , A I.I I" 'I .-.I I.aI '.'.K(. Ial4.r t.iv. n. '...(. , V... -' -I. f J j, WKE tn lets tlltH m ! tl M p. ' ., S to ti. ni ,'. '. vf it. 1? a. iff mtr. al SI H fit m. r. 0. B. tWtNtt'ji iS.'.- Nii, .. f. c . ? Speed I Kx-.t-c t uk on Plant b Voy Low. j We crew the tint l"fx! I'u-A S :n ICfS. N. w have otcr tcnty lliout.ind .satisfied i-ut!imm; and c li.au gmvfl Sid so':1 cioie cd-b.'jP plants than all Other persons in the Southern slates a-wbiaci V HYi Ikciusc our plants must please or we send your inoiuy b.i k. Oidir now; it is time to set thee plants m your sec tion to get ixtra caih t iWvioe. .-r.d llt-.-x are the e.rv , tint tell for the most money. f oil:, 1 w1;;,;"';;;:;;:;.::!::; : zM' 5a f. Geraly Co., m 17? vonig's ixo, s. c El TI Hill 5 1 1 iawr.'nii VHDWAJi T j U jllll ti I 1 CLARK WeldoD, N. C. Deals iu u Choice Builders' Hardware, Lime, Cement I carry in stock a full line of SJS; D00F$f BLlflDS JouLDfJqsf f7"fs Etc. If it's a 1 L ill 1 You need I can supply you. My pumps are the pumps that never to fail pump. I furnish supplies for pumps of all kinds. Also remember that I still han dle and sell FAMILY GRO CERIES, Flour. Meat, Lard. Ten Doctors Said He Would Die "In vc wrote you regard ing tny husband, v. 10 was suf fering from heart troulile. lie was stiperaniiated by the Nonli (ieorgiait ( onferenre. Ten doc tors at different times said he would die. Vou advised Dr. ; Miles' Heart Remedy and Re- ; storativc Nervine; we did as r advised, and improvement was j apparent from the very first. He j recovered and the Conference in 1904 gave him a charge. He never lelt better, although he has very heavy work and does a great deal of eamp meeting work. I am so glad we took your advice and gave him the medicine, and feel that I ought to let you know of the wonder ful good results from its use." MRS. T. S. EDWARDS, Milner, Ga. This proves what Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy will do. Get a bottle from your druggist and take it according to directions. It does not matter whether your heart is merely weak, or you have organic trouble, if it docs not benefit you take the empty bottle to your druggist and get your money back. tu n y m imp gi .!, jf. 1 n m 1 1 iiu 1 mm miphi jjnaunt? aMw awimiMinn Tiraaaniii in Miiirfri-Ml nyjti E. CLARK, Pioneer Hardware Dealer, - VVeldon, N. C. Hli.ViSKITOHKN. Next door to S. A. L. Ticket Office. Oysters. Oysters. i -Served on short notice, any style. Pull dinner 50c. Hot and ".vv Cold Lunches, Hrst-Class Dining; Room for Ladies and Gen. tltmtn lidy Clerk in Attendance. Meals at all Hours. f H t .'..' ,--. i'l - 1 14 inn A nice line of Strouse Brothers High Art Clothing for Men, Youth and Children. Nice assortment of 0 s 11 A LUi. All bought since the heavy decline. We carry in Stock Shoes, Hats, Buggies and Harness. FURNI TURE, Stoves, and an up-to-date UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. Call and examine our line. We guarantee to sell at lowest prices. P. N. 8TATNBACK BOTTOM STORE, s ALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER. lti'Hirt (if the Condition of the The First National Bank of Weldon At the cliir of litipim'stt, Kehniii! y nth, Plant Wood's Seeds For The fit aJnn I mrn uaiucu uKua Tiiirty years in hutnpss, with a steadily inereai'inir trtvlf every year until we hate to day oti of the Iftrty, wt htisinenses in needs in this country is the bent of evidence as to Ihe Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seedi, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and aJl Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog the most useful and valuable of Garden and Far'ii teed Catalogs mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seedsmen, Riohmond, Va. JO I'.v vit.'Tti: nl' tiii; I'nwr.K contained in a ileeiee rntcie.l al the An- L'lM tl'IIIl, l'l-N. ni tll!'llM'lHH court oi' Halifax county, in the action lliciein 1 ifi.inir entit. c.l "M. McMaliiui ami otlitis t. I'. N. I.ynoli. Tin-lee, ami ' tit lli'l .. " the lillilelMi;iii'i, tlicliily ai- l.ollllt ! collltlll!?.iine-, will M'll lit pull- lie auction to the hnrhcM hiil.ler. at the (Mint hinix' dour in Mahl'at Tnttn. N. ('. . on Monday the 1st day ol .March, lotjo the antc l.i'iiii; the lirsi Mmnlnv of Mar. I 'iiii. the loll. mini; . ! . m-1 1 1 .. I t i m ! tnllll: All tile lllllliel tiees mcitsiirillir t. n hh'Ih in ihatn.'t. i ai'iuvs t)M, t('t.t. inini'aii'l laitri'i at lite tune of euttinir. on that tun't of Ian. I It t'tL' ?ttiiale in the county of Halifax an. I -tale of North i at. 'hea. tin- mimic l.t iiiL' a pint of the liantrl tun't l.t Iliiltuii; to the elate of M. renal, il ct '.ise.l. lymi; noith of .Mtnsh -itaiup. ailjiiiuiiiL' Ihe lan.U of (,iii!liu. ini1. .- I'., i'.uts .in.! .1 M. I lutein and ci'tiiaiiiititr I'oat'u ... hv mihw. Mtr ',. v nl -anl Ian. I on n Inch tin, 1 1 m I 1 1 tli will he u.lil. ttill he exlnlilel on the ilay of salt- and can he Men prior III. 'let the otlice .if the lilMler-lirned iu W . l-i'.n, . c. l lu' piiieha. i -lall hate Ihe usual i in lit- tui'l pimlcjes met. hut to the cut tun; mi. I reiiiotuu; oftiinhcr. tthichshall ini-lti.lt' the unlit to erect Mich inilNaii.l huildiiic- on Mii.l laud as may he nec-e-faiy Iiu the ruttiiur ami ri'inoune ot the said tiuiher trees, an.) to huh. I and i'1'i i.iti' iailii'a.1'.. tiatuttats. or loi;y loads aii.leaitttays oter ami across the said laud foi that purpose, and foi haul iiil' aiiytliitur else ttlitch the purchaser may tti-h to cairy over sai l railroads; these periods to continue i i 1 1 1 i 1 1 IT the pcnoi! allotted tocut and icniote nai.l tnnhcr, u lietlii r the tiinhcr is rut I it--fore the end of said periods or not. And the purchaser shall he allowed one year to remove the said luuldintrH. rail roads, etc , alter ceasnitr to ue and op. erate the same, the purchaser shall he allotted cifht years from the dateol'sale in tvliich to cut and remote said tiinhcr trees with a fiiither exieuMou of live j fears, in the event the said tiees ; have not lieeti cut and removed, upon i the payment of a sum e.iial to li per (cut. upon the purchase price of said ; tiinhcr trees annually for such time of i the extension penod as the purchusi'r shall take. Terms of Sale. Half Cash, the halanee incitial instal- i mcnts, evideiied hy the notes of the purchaser heiinnir interest from the date of sale at the rate of ti per cent, per an Hum, ucL'otiahle and payahle at some hank in Halifax county." and maturing one and two years after dnteof sale. No part of the tiinhcr trees shall he cut un til the whole of the purchase money is paid. The sale to tie made is subject in the continuation of the Superior Court of Halifax county. This the 1st (lav of : February, llKM. W. E. DANK2L, Commissioner. Resource. Loans and dise..imK ilveidial'ls. I S.huii.U to .i'i'iiiv cii.'iila tmti I .-. builds In si'i'iu,' - 1 1,.. 1 pnSlts rii'tuiimis (iu f. s p.nti.is. I'.oihIs, seeiii it les. etc. I'.aiikiiu: limine and 1 ixtuies. I f National hanks, i tint t lesi rte UL'-'lits, j I 'ue lioin -tale hanks a hank CIS, hue from appiote.l rescue agents. ( 'hecks ami other cash items Notes ol other National hanks Fraction pai.ei euuencv.nick- I e's an.l eetils -pieie. I. :;:.". mi l.etal tender notes 1.7'iH.IM Ue'leinption fund with 1 . s. I lei.-urer "i p e ol 'circulation I l,-.'.'iil.il '..spins !i, on l.M'.' in i.i..'ii.-i.:i; :ii:.i;i Liabilities. Capital stock paid in t'.'.'i.iiim.e'i Surtiliis fund, l.'i.iitKii i I ndivideil prollts, less ex penses and taxes naitl. L' li'r. :i i National hank notes outstaud l.'.iiiio.iHi mg '.Vi.iKii.ii (.."Hi .jli I hue to other National banks i.:,'.:: (.ii.iii ., luieio state hanks hankers ,"i .'K(' Invidends unpaid. p. , i Individual deposits subject to check M.lfr. il F. S. heposits 4o.in mi Notes and lulls rediscouuted B.m i i U I'l.lKIti 117 rlss.M i lisri.iHi I s o7 li.lii.'i.litl Total, i.lTI-'.ij Total, f.'l.-..i;i.7! Slate of X ol tli Carolina, County of Halifax ss: I. Win. II. s. I'.uriu tn. president of the ahove-iiaiucd bunk, do solemnly car that tli- ahme statenn ut is Iiu,- to tl. hest of tnv kiiottledL'o and Is'bef. VM. il. S I'd Id , VN, Fresideut. Siili-M'nhe.l and sh in to before me ( 'onect-Altest: this the l:;th dav of I'ehrnaiv. pmii. .1 - ii()(i(' k .IAMI H. Tll.l.ilMAN. VV. i'. I'AI! KF.lt, hiieftum. Notary Public. V. A. PIKKI'K, I li. EMRY & CO. V1 E3 FAMILY GROCtRIES. ft To Washington, D. C, and Return Via Atlantic Coast Line. Foley WW have moved across the railroad to our new quarters and have fitted them up to give the best service in Weldon to our patrons. The store has been remodeled and painted making it a most at tractive - . Bp-Mat, Grocery Just received a lot of Fresh I.ouncy's Chocolates and oilur candies. Crape Fruit, Fine I'ure Apple Cider, Pine Applj canned in slices and chunks. Roe Herring, National Biscuit Co. s C.oods. New Ginger drops 20c. per lb. Moonshine cake 15c. per lb. Fresh country eggs 25c. dozen. Fresh Mcais always on hand. Respectfully, C. R. EMRY & COMPANY, W MI, DON, N. C. FAMILY QKOCERinS. w ALTER E. DANIEL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, WELDOX, X. C. Practices in tlie courts of Halifax ana Northampton and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. Branch ofliec at Halifax open erny outlay Account inaugural ceremonies ! of President-Fleet Taft. Tickets I on sale February 28th, March 1st, 1 2nd and 3rd, final limit to reach j original starting point not later lhan midnight March I Oth. Oreat Military Parade. I For further information ner vations, etc., call on nearest Ticket Agent or write VV. J. Craig, T. C. White, Pass. lruf. .Man. (ien. Pass. Agt. Wilmington, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " I luvintr (umlilied as administrator of the estate of l Ilium Smith, deceased, late of the county of Halifax, North Carolina, this is to notify all persoiiH having rlaima airinnt the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 21st ilavof Jan uary l'.HO. or this notice Bill be' pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to naitl estate will please mako immediate payment. S IV .KIIIVsTiiN 'A,l,.,r (ieo. C. (ireen, atty. for administrator. i ins me zisi day 01 January. PKlti. 0mr nliHdrwnt nfttm, Mm fttM DRIND Laxative ! Pleaaant and EffectlT CURES Conttipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble. by stimulating these organs and restoring their natural action. Is best for women and chil dren as ORINO does not gripe or nauseate. F. CLARK. WANTED liesponsible man with horse ami honey in each commu nity, salary tr to $10 per day, to take orders from owners of farms, or chards and home jrardens. A splendid opportunity for farmers' sons, also fruit tree and sewiuif machine agents, 10 make a business connection w hich will ueeome more prolitable each year. Address l 0. llox 177, Young' Island, K I'. KlIYSnraIAE RlIiriSKlMEYCOlE mMy mmm BlaMar Hikt JOTIOE. North Carolina liuiifux t -(iiiik f Ail". M. liilssell In the -.((pel lol ( inn t. IN OTICE. w not I ():. I '. Iliissctl The defendant shot e named will take nol ice that an action entitled as alioto has Ih'cii commenced in the Superior court of lluhiax county to seeuie a di vorce from bed and boiiid fioni the de fendant; and the said defendant will fui Ihci take notice that be is rci)uiic,l to appear ut the next term of Mie Supciior court of llnlnax county, N. (',, . held on the 1st Monday' in March at the conn I oiu Halifax county, n! ( .. and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plainliir in said action, or the plaintiirill apply to the court for the ri hefilemanilcd in said complaint , , ' M- (IAKY. ( lerk Nipenor Court Halifax countv. This nth day of January, FKIil. QDM1NISTRAT0U S NOTICU; ri Hat ini; iiialilied as administrator of the estate of II. A. Minis, deceased, late ol the county of Halifax, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons liavtmr claims against the' (state of the said deceased to ev loliit il,..,,, ,,. . i, undersurned uii or In fore the Istli dav ot Januaiy, Illlll. or this notice will be i'-ii.n-o tu oar oi ineir recovery. All Iiersoill illdehle,! tt u.,',.1 A I.,.. will please make nnmediat payment II KN KY FAlibKli, Admr. tied. ( (.rct'll. attv for adniiniulr.,ivr North Curoliiui llui.mj. Cvt.,,-.y. , This is to certify that t I'.uu' h st t" , notes Kiven by Jo'liu Armstiiii.i; Clianlei , to T. I.. Fun y I ne note hearing t'ate SeJ 't mix I -I' I'lil". for 1(Hi.o). ( hie note beurinjr date Not i iiilw i I ; 1 1 1 I'HUi for?' ,.Ui). That said notes have lieen paid and satistie.l in full. This the ttti duv tif Feb. Iiiii.i. T. I.. KMi.Y. r-woin lo an l sulitcribttl lo th's the nth ilavof hi-li IIMt. JAMr H. TlUlllM X, Notaiy I'uhlic for I a ifax " KILLTHinOrJC and CURE the L.UNC J WITH Dr. King's t'cv Discovery Mini lA. A II fA ill na i . WbHO inn wmvmw HMD HI THBOaTAWOU'NB TROUBLES. Ffin rwcHs WOLDS aUARJ NTEED BATISFAOIOitV tin mvuB x wu uiiiiau j toft Um eowflk ataUl kaaOa This tuu l.iih day of January, luo!. I 1 I