ip: .Safe n Tp TVBcafc, 1 1 ST lJ!j r'Ep Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. VOL. xuii. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum WE L DON, X. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2o, 11K)1. lipii kirn AM'OlloL 1 PKK AVcgc(t)( PrrparrtlonrorAs slmilaliirtiteflmfaiwiRprt,,), (inglhcSiwouctisaiulIJiMlstf PromolcsDiepslionflirfifal rtess and Ifesi.Cunialns neiihtr Opiiiui.Mornhinr iwrMinmL AOT NARCOTIC. JtrriftufMlniiHlLmsm JLt-Sima t HkMrUtl- Aatlrtf BASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ature of HtutoakiJ,. HtrnM-tifimtlmr. Anerfecl IVmedv furConslta- I Ion , Sour Stoinacli.Diarrtwi Worms jCointilsious.rmrisD wssmuILossofSuip. Facsimile S'tiarur of NEW YOHK. A Smature AU AW I S.I 1 w Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years ill, IV fTT, rxoi OE3E30E IOE l)AV I'llONK 'i XiiiiiT t'liuMs l!l anil .'t. u RN.STALNHACK. :UN1)EHTAKE1, Weldon, North Carolina. rull Line of CASKETS, COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Might and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. onnoi foe a: THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX, X. (' Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Ai'dm'-wii, mi. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital .al Sarplus, $42,000. Kor more than fifteen vears this institution has provided hanking facili ties for this section. Its stockholders ami directors have been iilt-ntitifil with the business interests of Halifax ami Xortliainplon counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rut.' of interest six put evuluin. Accounts ol all aw solicited. The surplus and undivided prolils liunmr reached a sum equal to the (apital Stock, the liank has, coiiwiieiieiiig January I. ItmH, established a savmifs Department allowing interest on time deposits as IoIIobs: l or iH-posita allowed torcinaiii three mouths or lunger. 2 per cent, fix months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve mouths ot longer, per cent. Kor further information apply to the President or I ashler. WHEN IS AJAN DRUNK? Testimony in Poetry Offered Ar tist for Doubting Court. Again comes the question of what constitutes the state of Wing "drunk." The courts m ml lexicographers, the econo mics and the prohibitionists, the pets and the historians have struggled with it in vain, arriving often at rediculously diametrical resultH in the face of the same facts. Does the house of delegates think that it can settle problem before which ! a Boston police judge stood I against? The judge went for i a rule to the poet to learn : "He is not drunk who from the floor Can rise again and drink once more. js But he is drunk who helpless lies And cannot either drink or rise." That, at least brought cer tainty to the test. ' But, apparently the house of delegates contemplates rushing in where Noah Webster feared to tread. VVebBter, who classi fies "drunk'' as slang, defines it thus: "A spree; a fit of drunkenness." A distinguish ed Chicago jurisconsult dis missed the query by saying, "When a man can't navigate." Does the house of delegates contemplate defining ttie term? If so, it is charitable to offer poetic testimony, not that whose classic . form found favor in Boston, but a fitting strain which seems to comport more with the spirit of the West. It is: "When your heels hit hard And your head feels queer, And your thoughts rise up Like the froth on beer; And your legs are weak, And your voice is strong, And you laugh like at some fool song. You're drunk B' Gosh, you're drunk," St. Louis Republic. The Secret of Long Life. A Fieueh scientist has1 discovered one secret of Ion? life. Hut long ago mil lions of Americans had proved that Klectric Hitters prolongs life and makes it worth living. Jt purities, enriches and vitalises the hlood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the entire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kidney trouble had blighted my life for mouths" writes V. M. Sherman, ofCushing, Me. "but Klectric Hitters cured meentirely " Only Mic. at any druggist. Mil m 'Baking Powder Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. POLITENESS. Politeness Is As Much Required at Home as Elsewhere. mm II NOW AND HERE, m I'bssiiiest: W. K. IMMKl, vies ikksihsst: lis. II. W. I.KWIS. (.lackson, Northampton county) t ahiiikii: W. K. SMITH. IT HAD BEEN READ. "That old tightwad uncle of mine is dead." "Has his will been read yet?" "Did you hear what I called him?" lun t women get nervous prostration from social obligations and too much housework? This won't occur if they use His. Iloair & Tttrhin's Vino liepens the Favorite Tonic for women, price $1. Sold bv V. M. Cohen, Woldou, X. C. SEABOARD If a man doesn't enjoy his work the job won't please ihe boss. ! The back yard of many a brown i stone front looks like a junk shop. Others may sing of the "Sweet by and by," In beautiful islands bless'd, Where tears are wiped from the weeping eye And the weary soul can rest. But I will sing of another land, Not far away, but near; The very spot where my feet now stand, The beautiful Now and Here. The by and by is like fairy land, And flies from our chasing feet; We never enter its portals grand, Or walk in its shaded street. But the real land to be loved and tilled, Where we can dig and plow, Can sow and reap, plan and build, Is the beautiful Here ancWow. My heart is glad for the "happy shore," Always so fair and shining; But yet the present has golden ore. That needs but love's refining. There are some flowers on the wayside bank, The lone pilgrim's heart to cheer, And life is not all a weary bank In the gliding Now and Here. Let others sing of the "Summer land," And dream of the "Eden shore;" The sun shines bright on this earthly strand My feet are now tripping o'er. The by and by may be very sweet, And it gives my heart good cheer; But the joys of the past and future meet In the glorious Now and Here. JUST FOR FUN. AIR- LINE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN. 4, 1909. These arrivals and departures are only as Infor mstion for the public anJ are not guaranteed, nd are subject to change without notice. The Modesty or Women rfaturully makes them shrink from 0 Indelicate iiuiMIoiis. llio obnoxious el iminations, and unpleasant hs-al treat ments, wldih some physicians consider essential III t". treatment of d seaaes of women. Yet, If help can ta had, It Is tidier lo submit to this onh al than let the disease iru snd spread. The trouble Is that so ullen Urn oui undergoes all the snnovnes snd hsrn lur nothlmy. TboosanuVN( women who have been cured Or. Three's Favorite Prescrip tion wrofc in iWeclatlon o( the cure which diiMtNh the eliminations and Iocs) trestmentTJUlft la.fl0 "TO Trains will leave WELDON as follows: No. 32 lor Portsmouth and Norfolk at 4.55 a. m. No. 38 for at 3.05p.m No. 41 lor Raleigh and poi" South " 12 07 P" m' No. 33 througl. train South at 11 38 p .m. Vt operate Itouble hail vestibule service with '""".ShlLfudk onville.M- Augustine, Atlanta, Hmmng .'' , York. K.ehmond, Washimrtou, Baltimore, 1'hdadelpMa and Ma For further Information relative to rates, sched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E, CARTEK, 1 Ticket Agent. Weldon, N. C. Or write to C. Ib 11A11W Traveling Passenger Agent, RalalgtitNC. J i. an SlirP iwt ,u fw fur . ""L.".!tlv,.,lto Prescription" It cmci ueCllllallnf araiin. irregularity ind female weakness. It always heljw. It almost always cure. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non secret, all Its Ingredients being print on Its botile-wrapperi eon Ulni no deleterious or habit-forming drugs and every native medicinal root entering Into Its composition has the full endorsement ot those most eminent In th several schools ot medical practice, hums of those numerous snd strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its Ingredients, will be found In s pamphlet wrapped around the bottle, also In u booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. It. V. Pierce, ol Buffalo, N. Y. Thoso professional en dorsements should ' far mon T11 than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-protesslonai testimonials. The most Intelligent women now-a-days (ntite on knowing what thoy take as med icine Instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping down whatever Is offered them. Fsvorlte Prj acrluilon" Is of kxowk composition. U makes weak women strong and slok W uf "pter's Medlcsl Adviser Is sent fm on receipt of Mar jay .. of mailing only. Send to Dr. K. V. rieroe, Suflalo. N. Y., 21 one-cent stamps t.w pe, r-covered, or 31 stamps for eloth-tmund. rf. ?.k insult the UocUir. tree of chargs by letter. All such communications ari hMM sacredly connoenuai. " li Pierce's Pleasant Pellets InvlgoraW tod reevdate stomach, jlrer and bowel. She What did papa say when you asked for my hand? He Why, he couldn't say a word. "He couldn't ?" "No; your mother was there." "He has eyes like his father, hasn't he?" "Yes, he's pop-eyed" "Father, what are w;rinkles?" "Fretwork, my boy, fretwork." "You're never too old to learn," says the Philosopher of Folly, "but you have to be pretty blamed old before you'll admit it." She Do you think the married men really envy the bachelors? He Ask me if I think the barn yard fowl envies the wild duck. Teacher Your name is John Ttmmins, is it? Where are you from, Johnny ? New Pupil Snohomish, Wash Teacher How do you spell it, Johnny? New Pupil You don't spell it, ma'am. You sneeze it. "What are you going to give up during Lent?" Well, I ve thought it all over and I've decided to give up kiss ing George. , 'And what about George.". "Oh, he doesn't observe Lent.' SBfJlJSSSSSaSSSSSSSSBMBSS THE TRUMP CARD. Two neighbors in a Missouri village were arrested for fighting and brought to court. The judge asked the assailant to tell his story "Judge," he said, "we war playin' of seven up, seven pints t th' game, two bits on the, corner I had been loosin' all day, jedge, an' I had up my last two bits. "I dole kvards. He was iwo an' I was six. He begged an gin him one. He flang his queen an' I played my tray fur low. He flang his king, an' I played my ten. He flang his ace an' I played my jack, an' then, jedge, he flang hisdeuce. an' I hirhim." Satur day Evening Post. . A skeptic is a man who has lost faith in himself, What is politeness? It con sists of a sincere and honest de sire to promote the happiness of those around us, and not of false smiles and flattering words, The word politeness means real kindness, kindly expressed and also good breed ing or elegance of manners. It is a trait which everyoie ad mires and which confers upon its possessor a charm that does much to pave the way to suc cess, it has been said that "a Man's manners form his for tune." Whether this is really so or not, it is certain that his manners form his reputation. If his manners come directly from a kind heart, they will please though they be destitute of graceful polish. Politeness is as much re quired at home as elsewhere. We should do things willingly and cheerfully. Should by acts of kindness make life more pleasant and desirable, they make the difficulties of life seem more trifling and help to wipe away the tears of sorrow. We should always show the greatest politeness and defer ence to our friends and parents Some people are polite every where, but at home and there they are rude indeed. Perhaps if they are asked a question and they are occupied they will scowl and mutter something to themselves and pay no at tention to that one who spoke as though they were two insig nificant. How does it sound to hear a person say "yes'" and no" to everyone, especially their seniors? There is scarcely anything more important in a child than good breeding. While it is comparatively easy to be polite toward stran gers, or toward people of dis tinction, whom we meet in so ciety or on public occasions, still it should be remembered that it is at home, in the family that an every day politeness is really most prized, coining as it should from the kindly feel ing of the heart. MAXIMS. BEAUTIFUL SCENE. How Sublime the Act of Those Parents Who Thus Kneel and Pray for the Blessing of Cod Upon Their Household. THE SPIRIT MOVED HIM. m old negro preacher ap proached a Southern physician and offered him a scrap of paper, Please, sah, to read dat," he said. The physician found it to be an advertisement in which it was as serted that whiskey was the only genuine and reliable specific for malaria.. "But you haven't any malaria, Uncle," he assured the old man; "none of it around here at all." Whar do dey hab it de wust, Mars' Jeems?" the other then asked, curiously. "It's pretty hard down on Cy press River," the physician told him, naming a locality some 20 miles away. A few days later the physician was passing the old fellow's cabin and observed him climbing upon a rickety wagon piled high with household goods. "Moving, Uncle Ned?" he asked. "Where are you eoine?" 'Mars Jeems, the old man said, solemnly, "Ah done had a call; de spirit done move me to go wuck in de Lord's vineyard on de banks ob Cypress nbber. It you need a pill take leWitt'aj.itt1o fcarly Kisers. insist on them; gentle, easy, pleasant, little liver pills. HoldtW. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. C. Even a fiirl has no use for the other side of a rriirrow. As men, we are all equal the presence of death. in What scene can be more lovely on earth, more like the heavenly home, and more pleasing to God than that of a pious family kneel ing with one accord around the home altar, and uniting in their supplications to their Father in heaven ! How sublime the act of those parents who thus kneel and pray for the blessing of God upon their household. How lovely the scene of a pious mother who gath ers her little ones around her at the bedside and teaches them the beauties of prayer ! And what a safeguard is this devotion against all the machinations of satan. It gives tone and intensity to their affections and sympathies; it throws sunshine around their hopes and interest, it increases their happi ness, and takes away the poig nancy of their grief and sorrow. It availeth much, therefore, both for time and eternity. Its voice has sent many a poor prodigal home to his father's house. Its answer has often been, "This man was born there?" The child, kneel ing beside its pious mother, and pouring forth its innocent prayer to God, must attract the notice of the heavenly host, and receive into its soul the power of a new life. Rheumatic Pains "My mother is a great suf ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills is the only remedy that relieves her." MRS. G. DAVENPORT, Koycefield, N. J. The pains of rheumatism arc alnuiM invariably relieved with Dr. Miles' AmM'ain Pills. They also overcome thai nervous irri tation which prevents sleep be cause they soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers thev are invalu able, they save The loafer is willing to work he can work a loan. -if AND A SOUR STOMACH ARE SICNS THAT YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER. TAKE Simmons Liver When taken as directed, relieve the distress and the weakening influence of pain, whiih so frequently pros trates;. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why not you ": They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. W hy not try them? (let a pack age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and if it docs not benefit he will return your money. L T. OLABK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDOX, X. C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the Supreme court of the Slate. Special attention given to collections and prompt return . When we pause to think, we often miss our opportunity. The fear of death is more be feared than death itself. There are times when we may do well to forget what we know. , The two greatest blessings of human life are good health and good sense. Observe the golden mean of saying too much and too little. -Publius Syrus (45 B. C). SET YOUR STANDARD. And Feel 44 Like Yourself Analn." THE GENUINE has Mis RED I Trsdo Murk on th Iron! ol oaoh paokaoe and the algnelur and seal of J. H. ZEILIN & CO. n th aid. n IN DFfl. saDBHBBaaaviaVslVntS3 Hat Pins zjw made out of f . fe. Roses il V a 1 H(ii: I as I I For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills A Week's Trial For 25 E. C. DeWITT Ac CO.. Chicoao. lit. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, X. ('. REGULATOR NOTICE ! Soldier Balks Death'Plot. It seemed to J. A. Stone, a eivil war veteran, of Kemp, Texas, that a plot existed between a desperate lung trou ble and the grave to cause his death. I contracted a stubborn cold," he writes, "that developed a cough that stuck to me, in spite of all remedies, for years. My weight ran down to 130 pounds. Then 1 began to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which restored my health completely. I now weigh 178 pounds. ' tor severe Colds, obstinate ('oughs, Hemorrhages, Asthma, and to prevent Pneumonia it s unrivaled. 60c and ft. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Even a married man may be happy if he lets his wife have her own way. , OAHTOniA. Uu4 yddh M Vw Hi iNn Ecught Kfutart t Have your standard and live up to it. Set that standard ac cording to your own income and your own judgment of what is best for you and yours. The trying to live up to the standard of others is what de stroys the happinefd of many households. Families with an income of $1,000 a year make a desperate effort to live up to the standard of those with $1,;00 and thoso with $1,500 try to imitate those with $2,000 a year. We have a fear of what our neighbors will do or think, or say. We have not the moral force to fix our own standard and live up to it as we ought. The courage of one's convic tions, the independence of one's sense of what is best for one's individual self and family are valuable possessions of this age of artificial and striving for effect. of Roanoke Rapids' New Store New (ioods I have opened up my new place of business: near the postotlice with a new line of .Men's up-to-date Clothing and ( ient s Furnishing ( iouds, Hats, Caps, Hoots, shoos, Ktc. Also a fine line of Ladies' skirls ami Ladies' Heady-Made Suits, for the spring, in the lincsl pat terns, at the lowest prices. Come. Ion't fail to see suon-uiy spring opening and rum pa re prices. You will surely save money bv buying vmir poods from i. J. KAPLIN Unanoke ltapids, X. C. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine BLacT-draugHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does riot imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Sale than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa Unless you have faith in effort it will be a failure. your This is just the time of the year when you are most likely to have kidney or bladder trouble, with rheumatism and rheumatic pains caused by weak kid neys. Delays are dangerous. (et De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, and be sura you get what you ask for. They are the best pills made for back ache, weak back, urinary disorders, etc They an antiseptic and act promptly. We sell and recommend them. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Wldon N. C. I Real Rose Hat Pins ii HON not fs?cm posuiDie. yet it it true, that these Hat Pin are made out of live roara.aQd chantred into metal by a secret process. This discovery it without douht one of Ihe lost arts of the ancient Egyptians. They are the most beautiful of all Hat Pins, No two are alike. Mude in finishes to conform to the prevailing fashions In millinery. Six sizes at the followinn prices t $1.50, 2.00, $2.50,' $3.00, $3.75, $4.50 Everybody Is talk inn about them. Don't fail to come In and seel hem. These are the genuine DLLAMOTHE Real Rom Hj( Pirn. W. W. CONDON, JEWELER. WELDON, - N. C. I First lT 1 na r r Bakery HAVING secured a first-class baker I am prepared to fur nish Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes Etc. in dny quantity. . The best of everything in the bakery line. M. S, MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Plre Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Weldon N.C rronirsU? oWstliwI, or pfC RCTUHNrO. ftO VIARI' E NPrWINOC. Our CM AltQCt ARC THI LOWKST. BhihJ model, r-butu or kwtt-l. I. a port March ftM fre report on pattoittaliility. tMrajNOlMSMT wilts completed before all eoerU. frUavntu otrtalnsd ttnoutrh tta, AOVtH TISIDnnil SOLD, frr. TRAOC-MAHKi, HCNV ION and COPVIIIOHTf) ,iucUy osUUaWd, Opposite U. 0. Futant Oftloo, WASHINGTON, D. C. ...

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