WfirH iiJfjl mct4 Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum, Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. XO. 2.1 VOL. XLIV. WELDON, X. C TMUKSDAY, (XTOIilvIi 7, MM. BACHELORS CAUGHT BY STYLE. I ill ALCOHOL 1 PEH L't'NT. AVc acliible Pirnarallon fork stmilaiinQihcFbudanlRMiiria fugilu'SioiffiKtisariBowlsi a Promotes Digesltonfcf rfU ness and ResuCoatains deter Opiuni.MorpMw norMKraL ISOTAARCOTIC. JlxJmm Auuttti Anrrfcrl Remeilv forComllpi- Hon , Sour StoKiacIi.Dlarrtoo Worms f milsioiis.rovtrisif nes9 Mid Loss or sin.?. facsimile SinaiOT of NEW YORK; If (iirls Wish To Wed They Must Wear Pretty Clothes. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW n .ItV li Exact Copy of Wrapper. Use For Over Thirty Years AS' TMC KNTUH HMMNT, tW II OE 10E Day I'iionr 25. N ii.h r 1'iicjm;s U and aocri 4 and 54. M P. N. STAINBACK, ------- UNI) KUTA K 1:11 Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line ot CASKETS. COFFINS am! ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Tbw'n Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. 301 301 0E3H330E 01 O THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AlHil'ST 20TII, 1S!)2. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository- Capital and Snrplas, $4-2,000- !Kor more than fifteen vears this institution lias provided banking racih- . ... . 1 1 1 .1. ..... I. I.O.... ;.iul.,.iio.i lies lor IUIB eCHOU. 1UJ BUK'KI win n uii,:vnno i,. I.1-.-H .it. mi .. with the business intercuts of Halifax ami Northampton counties for many year. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided prolits havinif reached a sum equal to the flinital xtnek. the Hank ha, commencing January 1, !H, established a Savings Department allmving iuterest on time deposits as follows: Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent, months or longer, S per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 per cent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. For Six prbhidint: W. K. DANIEL, VICK-l'MKalUKXT: CAHIIIKH: Da. If. W. LF.W1H, V. It. SMITH. (JackBon, Northampton county) The girl who goes to the seaside with the intention of coming back engaged is generally well dressed. A pretty dress means so much when you are going 10 make an impression. Men are susceptible t i good looks and nice clothes. And even to nice clothes without the good looks. If a girl hasn't actual beauty but is well dressed, men will say, "She looks like a nice girl." Love is even in league with the dressmaker, and even beauty can not afford to ignore the modes. It is natural for a girl to like pretty frocks, and what man is there that doesn't want a natural, human girl when he marries? Besides, a perfect toilette ex plains so many things. There's the joy of life in a new hat, and the shining tresses that nestle beneath it. Good temper lurks in the folds of crepe-de-chine. The soft nesses of love flutter in new laces . and ribbons. ! A pretty dress may mean a for ; tune if it is instrumental in bring' in about an engagement. Every ! body recognizes the importance ' ol appearances. None better than , the match-making mother. ! Ii is always when Betty is look ing lovelier than ever in her ex auisit costume" that Billy decides io propose, and does so. Really, men are much more sen sible than is generally supposed. They appreciate the fact that woman who takes a pride in her appearance is more likely to be credit io them than one that just has her good looks to rely on. Beautv fades, but new dresses go on forever. Some women have a remarkable habit of dressing badly, and even a pretiy face won't save them The result is that, if they marry at all, it is some man who doesn t bother about dress. Such men are a blowupon our fair land. 1 low much are veils responsible for? Unprepossing features lake on a magic :harm through a veil. By the lime that a man discovers faults in a nose and mouth, the charms of a perfect costume have had their effect. OENERALLY THE CASE. Why is it that ninety-nine times out of a hundred the friends who borrow from you are fellows you couldn't get a nickel from if you wanted to borrow yourself ! Chap el Hill News. Women may not he permitted to vote but when they are healthy in minil and body they usually make the man vote their way. Ovalo Suppositories used in conjunction with Vino Hepens, the Fa vorite Tonic for Women, is an ideal health producer. Price SI. Sold by W. M. fohen, Weldon. N. 0. I SHALL BE SATISFIED. Not here, not here, not where the sparkling waters Fade into mocking sands, as we draw near, Wherein the wilderness each footstep falters I shall be satisfied but, oh, noi here ! Not there, where every dream of bliss deceives us, Where the wornspirit never gains its goal, Where haunted ever by the thought that grieves us, Across us floods of bitter memory roll. There is a land where every pulse is thrilling With rapture earth's sojourners may not know, Where heaven's repose the weary heart is stilling, And peacefully life's time-tossed currents flow. Far out of sight, while yet the flesh enfolds us, Lies the fair country where our hearts abide, And of its bliss is naught more wondrous told us Than these few words, "1 shall be satisfied." ' Satisfied, satisfied ! the spirit's yearning For sweet companionship with kindred minds,, The silent love that here meets no returning. The inspiration which no language finds. Shall they be satisfied? The soul's vague longing. The aching void which nothing earthly fills?' 0, what desires upon my soul are thronging, As I look upward to the heavenly hills ! Thither my weak and weary feet are tending, Saviour and Lord, with Thy frail child abide, Guide me toward home, where, all my wanderings ending, I then shall sec Thee and "be satisfied."! THE CONDUCTOR'S BUSINESS. MAKING A GOOD WIFE. He Was Only Working for The Railroad to Cover Expenses. A (iirl Should Alarry After Master- ; ing Science of Housekeeping. I pilepsy, SEABOARD AIR LIlTEi Quickest and most direct line to Atlanta, Bir mingham, Memphis and all Points South and Southwest. TWO TRAINS EVERY DAY With Vestibule Coaches, Dlnlnjr Cars and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars. ' Connections made at Weldon with A. C. L., at Raleigh with the Norfolk and Southern from Eastern Carolina points, trains leaving as follows: No. 41. . 12:07 p. m Leave Weldon, " Raleigh, Arrive Charlotte, " Atlanta, " Birmingham, " Memphis, 4:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m. 8:45 a. m. 12:10 p. m. 8:05 p. m. No. 33 11:38 p.m. 4:10 a. m. 10:05 a. nj. 5:00 p. m. 9:50 p. m. 7:30 a. m. No. 41 Through Coaches and Pullman Sleepers to Atlanta, direct connection for Memphis and New Orleans. For further Information relative to rates,gched ules, etc., apply to CLEVELAND E. CARTER, . Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. Or write to C 13.HYAX, Gir.GATTIS, General Passenger Agt., - District Passenger Agt.f Portsmouth, V. Raleigh. N. C. , M Do you want Bridal Suit AND 0 8 Dwgett? It will pay you to come and see us. SYDNOR HUNDLEY, (incorporated) LEADERS, 709-11-13 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE ANSWER TO ROCK ME TO SLEEP, My child, oh, my child ! thou art weary to-night, Thy spirit is sad and dim is the light; Thou wouldst call me back from the echoless shore, To the trials of life, to thy heart as of yore, Thou longest again for my fond, loving care, For my kiss on thy cheek, for my hand on thy hair, But angels around thee their loving watch keep, And angels, my darling, will rock thee to sleep. "Backward?" Nay, onward ! ye swift rolling years, Gird on thy armor, keep back thy tears ! Count not thy trials nor efforts in vain They'll bring thee the light of thy childhood again, Thou should not weary, my child, by the way, But watch for the light of that brighter day, Nor tired of "sowing for others to reap," For angels, my darling, will rock thee to sleep. Tired, my child, of the base, the untrue? I have tasted the cup they have given to you, I've felt the deep sorrow in the living green, Of a low, mossy grave, by a silvery stream, But the dear mother I then sought for in vain, Is an angel presence and with me again, And in the still night, from the silence so deep, Come the bright angels to rock me to sleep. Nearer thee, now, than in days that are flown, Purer the lovelight encircling thy home; Far more enduring the watch forio-night, Than ever earth worship away from the light. Soon the dark shadows will linger no more, Nor come to thy call from the opening door; Bui know thee, my child, that the angels watch keep, And soon, yery soon, they'll rock thee to sleep. They'll sing ihee to sleep with a soothing song, And waking thoult be with a heavenly throng, And thy life with its toil and its tears and its pain, What thou wilt then see has not been in vain, Thou wilt meet those in bliss whom on earth thou didst love. And when thou hast taught of the mansions above, Never hereafter to suffer or weep, The angels, my darling, will rock thee to sleep. One night on our way home ' A girl should marry when she is ! from Dubuque, la., to Cedar Rap-; capable of understanding and M-1 ids on the Illinois Central Railroad filling the duties of a true wife and , our attention was called to young ' thorough housekeeper, and never , ladies who seemed to have come ; before. No matter how old she j from rural regions. Another wo-; may be if she is not capable of! man entered about whose lace there was something sinister and deceitful. From their conversa tion we gathered that the girls were going to Cedar Rapids to work. The woman directed them to a boarding place. After a while we looked back and saw the conductor in conver sation with them. They were cry ing. When he came for our tick ets I said, "What is the trouble back there, Mr. Han?" He and managing a house in every depart ment of it she is not old enough to get married. When she promises to take the position of wife and homemaker the man who holds j her promise has every right to j suppose she knows herself compe i tent to fulfill it. If she proves to i be incompetent or unwilling he has good reason to consider him j self cheated. No matter how plain j the home may be if it is in accord I ance with the husband's means I had been friend for a number of and he finds it neatly kepi and the SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. Being the Confessions of the Seven Hundredth Wife and Translated by Helen Roland for the Washington Herald. years ever since I first boarded his train, and, with a smile, he said cheerily: "Good morning, sir! May I see your ticket?" I remembered that I looked to see from whence the sunshine ema nated and gazed into a face round and clean and smiling as a May morning. Then 1 noticed also that on his sleeve he wore a number of gold stripes, marking him as one of the oldest and most faithful of employees. On the lapel of his coat was a little button with a pitcher on it, telling me that he be longed to that splendid corps of traveling men, "Gideon's Band," who have done so much to lift the traveling men to a place of honor and respect. That button became the link which bound us and our hands clasped in real brotherhood. In reply to my question he said: j "I found that those girls were go ing to work in the Cedar Rapids factory and had been directed by some woman io a boarding house which has an evil reputation. 1 knew if they ever went there, they would be lost before morning. My wife is with me on the train and we will take them with us over night and find them a safe home." I said, "That is a fine thing for you to do and rather exceptional for a man in a your busy life." He replied, as he put his hand on my shoulder: "That is my business. I feel that I am not only responsi ble to the Illinois Central for the fares ot my passengers, but I am responsible to Jesus Christ for iheir souls. My business is to serve Jesus Christ I am working for the Illinois Central to cover ex penses." A few months after 1 again boarded the train of my friend and asked him about the fate of the girls. There came a light of great er joy than 1 had seen in his face before as he said: "We took the girls home and the next day found them a safe boarding place. We took them to our church and last Sunday they were baptized into our communion as members. They belong now to Him." I was not surprised a little later to find that his first name was "Andrew," for I remembered: "And Andrew first finding his brother Simon and saith to him, we have found the Christ. And he brought him to Jesus. " Congregaiionalist. meals, no matter how simple, served from shining dishes and clean table linen, the husband will leave home with loving words and thoughts, and look ahead with ea gerness to the time when he can return. Let the girl acquire every accomplishment within her power the more the better, for every added accomplishment will be that much more to be used in making a happy home. Many a man who has the cour age of his convictions makes a fool of himself We are a good deal happier be cause of a lot of things we don't know. - r 'iw5aaasa"a i GLOOMY J DESPONDENT "My son was cured of a very bad car.e of qiilepsy with Dr. Miles' Nervine." MRS. 1). 1SAKLK, Cleveland, O. "My little daughter who was afflicted with St. Vitus' Dance is now entirely well after taking Dr. Miles' Nervine only four mouths." MRS. C. G. HENNl'TT, Alma, Mich. Epilepsy, Fits, St. Vitus' Dance and Spasms, are all nerv ous diseases. They have been cured in so many instances with Dr. Miles' Nervine that it is reasonable to conclude that it is almost sure to cure you. With nervous diseases of a severe type, persistent use lias almost invariably resulted in a complete cure or lasting benefits, worth many times the cost of the rem edy. The best evidence you can pet of its merits is to write to those who have used it. Get a bottle from your druggist. Take it all according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will re turn your money. SUICIDE STUNT j We Ask You to take Cardui, for your female troubles, because we are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy HEf or I has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City L THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP AJVO FORGET IT SIMMONS LIVEfl REGULATOR Stir Hw Llvw to Hultliir "'" MAKES LlFlT WORTH LIVING. WE FORHISH l . -...,,.. . ,,.!,' V A uoyui r rum iurn , j ( buv tlit-ir Ktoeeriea at our store. 7 ( All' tlie seasonable (li'loi'acii'S are:!; lollllit III l"ir !" inc ; ; ) i ) ) T. CLABK, ATTO!Jf.Y AT LAW, WKLHON, .V C. 1'iaetiei's in the courts of Halifax and mljoiniinr counties and ii. the Supreme court of the Slate. Special attention gin to collections and prompt return Foley's DRI1J3 Laxative la Pleasant and Effective CURES Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble. by stimulating these organs and j restoring their natural action. Is best for women and chil dren as ORINO does not gripe or nauseate. E. CLARK. CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Hearken unto my conclusions, oh my daughter, for a conclusion is like unto a man something at which a woman always jumpeth. Yea, and men are like unto cigarettes. They come in many assorted brands, yet they are all made from the same material, with but one difference, that some are a little better disguised than others. Moreover, none of them is good, yet some are a little worse than others. Lo. I charge thee, thou canst not judge a man or a cigarette by ap pearances, neither by the outside wrapping; for many a gold-tipped cigarette leaveth a bitter taste in the mouih and many a gilt-edged lover leaveth a womuii with a bitter henn. Behold there are "ladies' cigarettes and ladies men; and the kiss of a blonde debutante is not more sweetly insipid than either of these. Goto1 A cheap cigarette, like the love of a flimsy man, goeth out upon the slightest provocation, but the flame of a standard cigarette and the flame in the heart of a man of the right quality endureth unto the end. Yea, ii payeth always to choose a classy article, whether in love or the shops, for it lasteth longer ana is less expensive in me nnai recn oning. ... Yet, when all is said and done, wnat is so uninspiring as a aeaa love or a dead cigarette ? For the one, like unto the other, is coia ana unattractive, ana to re kindle either is a folly ana a atsappotntmeni. Verily, verily, I charge thee, beware ol love l For the first love affair, even as the first cigarette, goeth hard and seemeth bitter, but, in time, love, like unto cigarettes, may become a habit I Selahl Frightful Fate Averted.' "I would have been cripple for life, from terrible cut on my knee cap," writes frank Disberry, Kelliher, Minn. "Without tlucklcn's Arnica Salve, which soon cured me." Infallible for wounds, cuts and brumes, it soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old Bores, Hoils, Skin Kruptions. World's best for files. 2.". at all drug-fists. The Bed-Rock of Success lies in a keen, clear brain, backed by in domitable will and, resistless energy, Huch power comes from the splendid health that Dr. King's Now Life Pills impart. Tiiey vitaliie every organ and build up brain and body. J. A. Har mon. Liiemore, W. Va., writes: "They are the liest puts 1 ever used. ' 2oc, all druggists. A young widow can make a man believe he is making love to her, when in reality she is making love to him. A woman first sheds a few tears and then proceeds 10 open the telegram with a hairpin. Young man, beware of the peach who is the apple of your eye. She may prove to be a lemon. A 2rl never feels more impor tant than when she is getting mar ried, and a man never looks more inconspicuous. You can tell a girl is in love with a man by the way she pretends he is in love with her. The easiest thing to see is why a woman thinks sne nas pretty ankles. The reason a girl won't let a man kiss her is she knows he will do it anyhow. Don'tbe afraid of criticism. We all need calling down as well as boosting up. !) (''Wooden and Willowware, Ete.j ( lioods delivered promptly nyj ('where in town. Polite clerks. !!) (! l'hone So. SO. -i) ('! ti ir Tmnum t !' In Doubt About Your Wile's Xmas Gift? R. M. PURNELL, (1 WKI.IUIN, N. !. .(I iL HELLO! That Parker's Store? Yes. This is Mrs. Wilkins'ilBoarding House. Please send round one barrel of J. n. M. Flour and one 50-lb stand Shaffer's lard. Want flour to make bread for sup per. W. T. PARKER, Weldon, N. C. The only way to get something for nothing is to start fight about "I Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A iiP 4F A Telephone In your RESIDENCE A Daily Reminder of Your Excellent Judgment. Try One. For Rates APPLY TO LOCAL MANAGER ON Home Telephone and Telegraph Company, smr""OM, -,. v. n- Met ALL rATTERNS U,M lot .lyle, t, Implicit? .nd 1t-l,..b.Ir nearly o y"- 'f cvctv ciiv and lovvn In the UmltJ Stntt. ami L'.in:M.i, or by mall direct. More sola M ,.y u!.r auke. hm U Ut catalogue. McC ALL'S MAGAZINE .,re ub..eriberi than nny clhcr lashinr. iniBaiMie-millinn a month. Invaluable. l.M-.-l lvlc. n:itt. iTiB. 'rr,f making, iiiillin. ry, I. am, lum-jr CBlleirk,l,ai,drw.v.n, w.u- ile rtorlcs elc Only U renla a v V, I. ..'un ,1 'It), inclml.Mi; a Inr ptlcrn. .. '.. ril,c tulay, M aend lor aam.!e copy. '!ltn.X INDUCEMENTS IV-tal ,-tne premium Cat . l8 I i caili priae one a. Addref . . fUl CO., It Ml W. Wl St.. HEW ilitmntMl in all nmti n on NoFi. tit Aftl-MAKKS. niveau atHl CopyrtKl'ts r tuti-ml. N hd Kkfti'H, AI'Hlfl Ol I'Juuu. toy FHII RtPORT oi. jwtenUI-illiy-. i'iu cut iinwl-.oeexi-liiAiif' ljr. SANK MnHC.. 8nd4iwfitfl ill Btiiwim for om twom'mlutu.lo book! OH MOW TO DITUN milt SSLL PAT- tur Wti .'H (MIWI wilt D3T. H'lH l: ' uustl- HeT, tW W WHI OI1IPI aunH,u"iiiauuBi B.g w Aierii"!1 t.. m D. SWIFT A GO, 1 303 Seventh St., Waihir.non,O.C j ifV i "Mat., y ii