fpf '!pa ww C$l tills Hf w UI r U I mr as ill 11 SvSzmsah wrtul ilk MM lOi) p AJvertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription.-Sl.J I r i ri n VOL. XLIV. wlldon. . c. rnriisDAV. i:.Mii:i! ido!. no.:h 14 r-4 1 FN. 1 I; Tho Kind Yon Iftivo Ahviiy? nought, and v Licit lsai bona in iiho i'v: nvcr DO yrnr, lm borne) tlo hljjtmdiro of ami ha bopiitii.'tilc unilf hH imt. V jt'F&fy?- E",u' "lervislon since Us Infancy. Allow no onotoiU c, ivo you in this. All Counterfoils, Imitations nnil " Just-as-Koml" sirn hut rxpt'riiii'-nl Hint. ti-iilo vT'h ti'iil omlanjriT tho health of Infants .uiu Children Ep:rltioo against Kvperimont. What is CASTORIA Castoria is 0 harmless guhsf ituto for Castor Oil, Pnro pric, Props mid Soothing Synps, It is rh-asnnt. It contains neither Opium, .Morphine noi' other Narcotic) kiihNt ir.ee. Its ne is its (."larantcc. It destroys Worms mid Aiinys 1'eierishiiexs, It cures Di.irrhu'n mid Wind ('oik-. It, relieves Teethiuff Trimbles, eures Constipation and r!:it-le!ic,v. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stoma, Ii and lioxvcls, ff'vi,:n heai:!iyand natural sleep. The t '.lilil1-; .;' I'anacca Tho ?Iother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS JJcais the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. InC CCNTkUd COIIMN, 11 Mv STRIIT. MCW VON t.T. Get the Habit ' III I Vii V skill Jlli'S II S HH'S Of coming to our store wlicii vou want the best in footwear 1 are the latest designs made by .1 shoemakers, in other words, they are classy. Let us see your foot and we will be glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLUl'ROOF HOSIERY in Men's, Ladies' and Children's. Guaranteed to last you six months. If they don't you get six pairs of hose FREE. Try a box-Men's $1.50; La dies $2; Childrens $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children. The Shoe Store of shoe values WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDOM, r- C. kcialMucdrric 3? FOR Barm-: Holidays During the Holidays, I will offer my entire stock tit greatly reduced prices. My Stock Cons'sts of Mens' and Boys' Up-to-Dato Ki ad mi CHRISTMAS CONSERVE. ,.- Jl";, iOL isnf-ato-iatwBf'- .jsa Tak. oranges and lemons, looi c'"'v l! "" ' "v AMIM'tAN PHIS'. ASSOCIATION Remove the juke and pulp i i i i , ,M IKm And almonds. blit-cM when whole. WfZ'Z' T Stti,. 7 ' M.l&t ij -" 11, iii,,, :,:;";:',r;:r.;ri';i,..,. : rTlkJSsiagPi- 1 Iff CHRISTMAS DAY IN MI ffiui. C IHIMSTMAS ill 111 L'.UTi .olli'tl l-y I 'tli 1 c " j -i n.-v.-r '.i:-"s cut .ni'l ,lr :i!';'tl'.i f'T llir c lid ir i- I . v 1 ! y viilh lliih.' clr.i J T't 1. !! f. r 11, al tliMirr. u I, -a . 1 1. I i :(1 M:itcs w ii h-'iit ti I 1 I -1 : 1 1 i 1 . 1'ivp- !,T Is IliMlIc ill wiliiT l.li"s tll.ll K-.U'f In lie Ills '1 lie ( luil iii;ih lr,n In 1 In' v.a.v Ul.ll Sl..l.!l .t',.i a .lirali.i is ill is f 1 I. -Ill I'l liiali Inn- ll . ,1 1 1 pliiic 1 I. W ll i.r n h I ' n!.i-r: ii 1 Hi.' I 1- he pi "pills i- MKii I' lii- I a in-; IT. Ii Us III i- nf in n ,n cl.ll-'iil llli'll i a Hi- ti)r!;i-y .1 ma - il.iy ilii' y ii., I'i'i-lty II ri slllll I,. .-Il'l Hi'idii'i'iiii:, till' lli-'U af' s lliiarily nf lla lllllsl piilnnil 11 M l 0II11T days Tin' hi riiiisiuias as well us iiinl inuiary rt'irulai this r-iiuirvntwtt. h Ih vi. lillls l,,ay l' lilnii-i'S hcii tl." i' hanai lis. while ii i must i.f Ilii' lin n, ina uf thi'iii wIih h 1 I'i't lilitTini; Is s '.l.'.ii a lew i'f i.f tin' 1'lli'IVll 1 I !' ai's.. ihi.y r's iliily as i'l i i liiuillil is f.ir v :. i.thi-r it r.s. J i'a' I riiri u li"W null iniii'i- ilii'ii- ! i' r hi in- r.. tiv.it in 1 ',, l.il' s,,M i i t In nniiy 'lis By simmering s!l quite slowly down Till like a mtirmalad. Put into g!a:-e:. scnl ind placi Within the pantry's shade. fey7' ffi?:'' 'jy$j' With ChrirtrsT rosst or toothsome C-irne This tomc.ve ii i!c!icious. Or thinly cprerd r-i butte-ed bread At tea time proves propitious. Christmas Firecrackers. ill 111.11 after II,. iiislriui 1 tin '1 hri I' : Mipph.-s liUlH'hes , these .Ii kiln" 11 f l f"i- nr. 1 I : pru'. r ilaie la llllll I ll. isttli: (.1 the U"H ii Ini; i.f tu" 1!' Wh.it V-'-. I' 1 . Tin isuiKisv l'illv I uaut lli.l.l.y 1 want J'll..l"Sll''"Si' : 11a! Ii f -r y airs .ini Cliii-taias I .I.lly 111., i was a l.i'i's. lit cry .'I s ! a ill in I;ire;i. . a'i'l th.- small -!!; s!i..-htiil fiunrl at iiifl'el Willi li'isilCS. In 1 thin' as a tiie 1 el .Inly was mi r-. I'i'W'ii'r. the ... lis ei el" . e..Miii!iir.ity. ; . Mini .1 ehieliy ill- III: 1 tin" lieal- Cb(6 very nfgbt they're coming bome. Cbci'r facco will appear Once more around the Yule,iclc faet. Our sons and daughters dear. Chen there'll tc all tbc babies, too. Co jolt upon my hncc And mahe our big, old fashioned bouse H scene of revelry. Tbe hcmloch wreaths bang on the wall. Chat spray of mistletoe Recalls, old dear, our sparking days, Some fifty years ago, Glhcn first I hissed you underneath Che bough of fateful pearls. I seem to sec you once again, t"bc sweetest of all girls. Che pantry shelves are loaded down mitb every hind of cake Hnd pics of mince and pumpkin such Hs only you can make. Beyond tbc dose shut parlor door Hn angel bright and fair Is looking down upon a tree That stands all ready there. Put up your knitting, mother, dear. The tinkle of tbc bells Hcross tbc snow clad upper road In welcome warning swells, for here arc Dick and Tack and ess Hnd iOlly, Com and Sue flnd all tbc merry, dimpled, cute, Mischievous youngsters tool ; as iih'.ut the st calaiiiiliUH ileinil In j ttlC liUsilil Ss. Duaiil duty ami kitehea w..; are : thiiiL-s studiously m lio nv..i.l...l by the I t'tilisicil men. ll Is in.t pleasant fur a ! .soldier I" lie kepi "ii iiimnl. uaM.in.- a Peat 1 (.f ll": felleu 111'.' S' kev uf re. : il;f hi ill ; A' r-.iti'-ly .a. lie.' lip in It.'!', .1 d.iv. 11 in tr a the iv-i ,.f i:e ;.' I 1 ' !in s . II l!-e p I'll" ' 'lie LT"tii:.. waiii'S .1 plan! i'ii cral ua sel'ireant Is him. d pilssile . l.tin! . wli" are In the s timers !. wl'h Hi" Mvriel.eed s.. Idler . Christ nias 1 !e. I'h re are ser e: Iliis. 'I'll.' first 1 . 1! : 1 pa nv siiliie! lilies, it th,- 1 11 rans uiit hy a te ll, n-lii Ii throws the If I ." "' l"S l'"' !'lllls ; th"ii- 1. rst Chi'Mnias I'ii e. I!.' pellliits the ,,ld -wap dales for u mi ivl duty 1 nilts mi thil lln lalti'i' '1' ll ly the 1 p.. ml if in . 'f d f the 1 l.el, ill will find thi'ins, Ives .lei i'l d. I trn ONE of lite Lilde Tablets and the Pain is Gone HEADACHE NEURALGIA "Dr. Mil' Anil- Pi in i'llis hie been used by me for rhtu matk pirn, htidiche and pain in bi-.li and sides, and in eer cM tfcev (tv r1 saii.fa-.ron." Henrv Couner, boonwn, N. Y AND 1HI TAINS OF RHRUMATISM nd SCIATICA 25 Doses 25 Cents Your Dmaeisi sells Dr. Miles. Amt-Piln.Ptni inJ he ts iijihonzrd 10 rctu r the price of (be firw vkge i fin o - it (ai'v in benefit you. McCALL PATTIRNS Tfll.lt!". evrrv i t'an.i.l.i, rf-rt f.t, simplicity md M- .f . S ;.t in lifSTly ;it t!ic t'ltiii (1 St.itrs and ih!" '. V "ri' f t llian i l )T irci cataitij-.uc. Mc( AI L'S MACAZIM. M..,r M.h WONDKHKl'L INDUCEMENTS i-y. iofiie IT.," .ll'f! All'ltl'S S38 to MS W. Sith SI.. NtW YOT1 Many a girl passes for a beauty because her Feci dun't show. Tlioiisaiiils Have F.iky Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a IxUtlenr ru;tmiitn rI.iss with your w.Ucr and let it suu 1 1 .vt'titv-iour luurs; a I rti L ilust scili- llRMlt.nrSCttlUhf, WF.I.IiON. N. c I'raelioes in the court ol llalilax i I'liuitid the State. Spina' uli,iil,. i ijiven to oollt'Ctinns and prompt return to take Cardul, (or your femste i; troubles, because we are sure l". j ; will help you. Remember that (.; this great female remedy ;i Clothing. Lullies' ni Geiiis' Furatshings. My Stock is all new and of Latest Stylos. If you want Bargulns be sure to call during this special sale which w ill only last until January I, MO. Respect ful I v, I. J. KAPLIN, KOANORi: RAPIDS, N C. t'ie hark ; r j i' the ki l'K- - i ;i ar-1 ik-l-J jUii There Is cut;;." oftL-n fxpriS" il, S uvi-U'v t, !t" frjiills r.' iii -t i vi rli .M:i.it:.-;M, ..;, ; i I'l 1 hvi'i', 1 'la.ii icr v ry ;u I . uii'l iii!iliti j ij ii j .-;;:; :t, or h..i ! eiTt'Ois fnil.'WH:- v.- '. '-t linr.'T, wine or j j Ik-it, iiiiu .Jitromi.'S th.it utij-Icasutit Ite- ' CtMtV v.t lu rpo r 'iiielit.l to Ha cfu-u I i u.r.uiv'l: t'i'-' it.1; ;r-'l t:1 i'-'t up niiiny tii:u-s ilunnjj ut iii.r.t. 1 : v.w- and inniKvh.itf i licit of 5wanip-Root is sot 'ti n-alit'd. It stands the hi'liest be I'aiiM'ut ilsu n:.u!;:ili!e 4 health n-Moriiit pn - TirJ aiii'o. 11 y"u n.pi 11 1 ; ;.fy n u,., liRiiiciue vim Mumiu have the lu-st. SM by l-Wfj .InutMsts in il f 1 v-cent SSiMAffiS and one-dfillar sifS. , i t. k-iT' You mav linv a sainple bottle sent free hym.til. AtMiessUr. Kilmer Si Co., Hntjj ii.iiiitnti, X. Y. Mention this papt rainl tenu'mbcrthfMii.MU', l)r. KiliutT'sSwaiiip k(nt, riil the h Tilress, J'.ni;haiutuii, 1. Y., on evrrv N-MV. has brought reHrf to thousands cf isiHaf 'rlf iifnmAn en n;hl nnt frt I you ? For headache, backache, I perlcdical pains, female weak- ne;s, many have said it Is "the ' best medicine to take." Try U I t bold in This City O THE BANK OF WELDON WKhDON, N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, ArursT'-Mi n, lsif.'. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'eldon Depository. Capital anfl Surplus, $43,000. For more than 17 veais this institution li Moviilcil luinkini; fueili tie for tins si-otioii. It's st,.ekli"l'leis ami ilireclors have lieen nlentitieil Willi the Inisiness interests ol' Halifax ami Northampton I'liunliei. lor nmnv years. Monev is loane.l upon appion'.l seeiinty at tlielepil rate ol 'interest-six per ceiituin. Aeeounls ol'all iup sohi'ileil. The surplus ami iiiulivi.le.l pmlits l.avinir leaelieil a siini .',u,jl to the i'..',i.,i j...i. .1... ii..b I. .. eniniiii'iiiMiiL' .laniiarv 1. I1MS. est.ihlisheil a Savnms lepartnientalloBinif interest on Urn.' deposits as toll.ms KiMiiisitsallimeiltoreniaintlireeiiioiilhsor loncer. . per eeuP month or lonirer. pel oent. Twelve H"H"r lonc'er. 4 peroent. Koi ftirther inlbrniatioii apply to the I'resulent or ( ashler. for six I'KKSI IIKSTI W. K. IIAMKI-, vuk-ikksiiikst: Mil. II. . I.KWIS, (.laokson, Noitlianiptoii eoiiiity) r in ii ikk: W. It. SMITH. 3E 31 r ei, mi's I., the ,il- i ,' 111.'"'"" MPlI 1 1 II I'M - ! tlVeh'. I.'1 r'ullii"! ti n 11- '1 llli' 'll:lllS ; ct siv..'. . m ' -, ' i' ( or III" "'V I I" llp'l' i ' I" t' " sll'ipi' ' rn,.M7e-l''''i'e'-!"x''oii I.f H.' "1 I'ii .i.- i" i ii'.iue ( f . ilk s (Mi hi SM a mo nth the snl.lier Hkl JmM &m. Jfraik jeMl S,H"'1 '" u,yUv; "' s''1"1 ' .... . ... -- event In niiiil' nf liurr:ii-l; When snlllO rp - . . -r, -rj- itiiiiy,,.',, ! JLIlOa IKJL AAA t' 1 lAUilJUU Sl MSJ ' i Mill SIVlip. I I J I rvii Ai:Fn i yp3" "ufoni ( lie pupils in the me tning of w.ird- -t CAT ys7yy W i S$$ BlxTHES0iE maid, divine- i and requesied ihem to form sen- 'if CxSi jLOi ! tK Oit r'-''-'lt 4 lS, !y fair. fences containiiie the words "bitter ; i fflll X - lfP Sti'j.ped. thoughtless, ' end." Directly a little girl sub- $ j iZxaI v V-y '""-th the mistletoe j i ,jt:eO thi: "The dog chased the '1 V yi V. j' Hung; hih above the car- km under llie pi. iz.i mid !ii hei 3 .'Ji'v'P - ment.i.rscu,.n,., i SWiS While out of I'oor fell fleecy snow. , , j :VNFm" f m?M ) p,vvTj.'iri"i',.. "iky .'Wrii tt m,- ( ,vvA, A girl sdd.mi ad.ims ih.il she's- '- l v.. . v, -. ttlAx -.V, ..J . S r 1tn IS. ail i'iv'K a M7U& X W t'" :itito v . h i.i i-i. i.'i'tn'.r r " t 4 !. ulA r - e ... . . . . . !i a i'UI ! t i htisoaiat'ctt s lilnev., j lU1 V, TV ' ws deftly fixed, but , Uvvr E J v t i . V 'TO.X r' 0h.no! 0h.no! . f5 -gsa i; gktV,' ) ' In ambush wan the mutletoe. fi il j tJi iT 1 w IM I HvVT NCE in the meSh and fairly j fj T I IC3 I IT ! A m c.:" - 8 i S3 - nimc,,' . . iou can at lord ill V sy. Are brnve brneath the 3 B V YP mis,Iftoe S TO-DAY. t tji..ic . , . '11 'ii Vt s. ti , ., . , R u i u .ll tul lu ttii almost I '1 1 VV The com aKe-g;ivin mistletoe! M , , , .,, , t 1 . '.li.iti'K, .in.1 still beiler I : y,r- Vs - I pays for a ! V. -!-V " vi ITH chce!:s nuffused a rosy fct 1 s-iV V"' LflfW ' ' FjXtrm- r-a II Tui CtNUINt h. II. HtO i on u C ! f f ,ru R Ih. frunl ol ach parknon and Ihn yAl TO That shamed the holly'! J iTC"nTh.:3:!.nJioH ",UN I 7Jft livifl glow (l FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. 1 f sf I lo She held aloft her charm 6ftbiSMBWBWsBWfasBS Ky, jj j j ' ing head, . -..1.' III h It I I IX I . lv i ruuuiv i j I i J That kis beneath the miitletoe! j And Fire Insurance. I I I Ko.ir.nkC i!VS lillWC-IMJjj - i nscrc t ' Carnations, Violets lALTIiR I:. DAN ILL, ATTOlNKY-.iT-l WHI.IMIN, N. (' I'lai'liees in the iMints of llahfux anil Noilliuinpton ami in the Supreme anil l'Vileral couits. I 'ollei'tions maile in all parts of North Carolina. P.iaueh otlice at Halifax open every omlay DeWITT'S CARB0L1ZE0 WITCH HAZEL SALVE For miM, urne, SortM. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP Steial Sail We have on haml seveml eoiiMirn ments of the latest in wont. Wash un." Pi'ineess lailies Suits. Kaiher tliuii ie turn these suits our hea.hpiai'ters ileei ileil to put tlieni on sale at half piiee for easli only, .fl.i Suits $7. .Mi. I'riii eesM, Vihite anil all olliei euhns J.'i to 7, now to if.'k Wash ('out Suits l to Jt), now Jl.iw to:i. ft toVi Net Waists reiliioeil 1.7"i to ..Mi lllaek urn) eol oreil silk l'etlieonts H to jii now .ss to f:t.7."i. Voile Skirts iti to $ now ." . "n I to il.Ml. Itl.iHHI yui'ls laee ami emhioiil eries to olose out at half price. i.'k- to ft .Messahue silks, all eolors, now .Ml to 7ie. a ami lie. ealieoew HI to 4e. 10 ami Ule jrini:iiitiiifl 7 to He. Ahout H,tHIO yarils ilress irnoils to eh so out less than cost. Iji. Ins Inns at half piiee, UiiKS. ilnnritets. earpetincs ami niatliiiKS at ami below cost. SPIERS BROS, WELDON, N. C. Alone in a Saw Mill at Midnight ii ii in i n . I I'ii I o'llani ness, iliatts. stonns I or I'ol.l, W . .1, Atkins wuikeil as Ninht W ati'lin.iin. at runnier SpiiiiL's. Tenn., Slieh expiisuie Lrlle liilll a siveie eot.l that si ttli'.l on his hunts. At last he liiul to Lrit' up wink, lie tiie.l niiiny lenin.lies hut nil fiille.l till he nseil I r. Kiini'sNevv hiM'iiM'iy "Afler usin one lioltle."' lie wntes. "1 went hilfk to work us well as ever.'' Severe r.il.ls. stuhlioin Coinilis, iiillaine l thiuats uiiil sore limits, lleuioirliaL'i s. ( roup ami W'lioopiiiK Couirh iret ipiiek relief ami prompt cure fiotn this jtloiious ine li cine "iOc. and ft. Trial buttle flee, iiaranteej by all druirgitits. Children -iry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A. WHAT HI: FOl'Nl). "l ie went into tin country to Hud solitude." "Did he find it?" "No; quite the opposite. He sat down on ant hill." December Lippincott's. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MUM); nil l.l t llll s hy Iniliirestion's panirs tivinir many iloelors atul S'JiHiwiiith of inoilieine in vain. 1',. 1', Ayseue. nf Inirlesiile, X. ('., at lust nseil Ilr. Kind's New Life Tills, ami writesthev whuly euieil him. 'i'hey euie Constipation. Ilihousuess, Siek llea.laelie. Stomaeli. I.ivei, Ki.luey ami llonel tiouhles. 'J."ie at all ilnnri-'ists. Hores talk about themselves; gossips talk about others. The best pill is lieW'itfs Little Km ly Hisers the sale. easy, pleasant anil sure little liver pills. lieW itl's Carholizeil W'iU'll Hazel Salve is tbeoiiifinal. tiooil for cuts, burns in bruises, anil r-spttciiilly for piles. Hold by W. M Cohen, Weldon. '. C. TELEPHONE at your RES!D1:NCl: For Ratee; APPLY TO LOCAL MANAb OH Home Telephone ard Telegraph Conipar. am! other tinners alwavs on hand Shower W'eildinp Houiiu ts. Handsome Floral Hesicns, l'ahns ami Ferns for bome culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties of Hulbs foi fall plant'inc either for out or indoor eul ture. ItoRe bushes. Magnolias and Ev ergreens. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh, North Carolina. 6-23-lj i siiS Irterwl. Si'inl Skctcn, lo1H Ot Yhifio, lt I Mtl RtPOBToiiimlftitillilHljf. PA If lit - 1 i. ui ..miiiiHixaviv. H bkf .;. u.nil a fiii ui minima far our I ivi mvalnftbU1 1 Nok Oil HOW TO OBTAIN mid MLL FAY INTt. Wliii-ti Dim will py. ttdwto HTt I niT.iWni lW una rntwr nuinnieiaiBiiimnuii, D. SWIFT ii CO, PATINT UWTUI, 303 Seventh St., Wuhwgton, B. C , mm? i :