L Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50, Per Arri m VOL. XUV WELDON', X. (, TIintSDAY, V Kl.M'AUY :i, 1JM0. NO. 10 in B9U. -I ALCOJIOL 3 PEK iikkt 013 AcSo(ablcPrrparalionrorAs slmilalingilicfljodamlRediila I ing (lu S tomaihs arilBowcts of Promoles Dt$csKonhEerfuj ness and iWcontatas ncitlw Opium.Morphine norMiacraL KOT .NARCOTIC. Jix-Smm AmtSni mtuitomlrUi HirmStrd- A nerferl Remedy foiCmtsllpa- Hon , Sour StonBcli.Dlarrtaa Worms jCoiwulsioiis.rcvcrisIt was wut Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exsct Copy of Wrapper. Get the Habit Our are the skilled words, us see be glad to do the rest. Also full line of HOLEPROOF HOSIERY in Men's, Ladies' and Children's, Guaranteed to last you six months. If they don't you get six pairs of hose FREE, Try a box-Men's $1.50; La dies $2; Childrens $3; extra heavy at foot and knee -the only kind that will stand the children. The Shoe Store of shoe values WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N, C. Special I oiler my entire stock at ereatly reduced prices in order to make room tor Spring and Summer Goods. My Stock Consists ot Mens' and Boys' Up-to-Date Ready -Made Clothing, Ladies' Ui If you want Bargains be sure to call during this Special Reduced Sale. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. O THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Ar.;isT2oru, mi. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ail Sirpli $43,000. For more than 17 veaiB this institution has provided bankiw? facili tien for thin m-ction. It's stockholders and directors have been identilled with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties i for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the le?al rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided profits havmir reached a sum eual to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. cominenciinr .Unitary 1, l!iH, established a Saving Department allowinn interest on time deposits as follows: Htr Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, i per cent. Mx months or longer, 8 percent. Twelve months or lontrer i percent. For further information apply to the President or Cashier. prrsiiiint: W. K. DANIEL, CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL E For PIIM, turn, Soros. CAST0U1A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Ai Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years M - liX" y TUt IMTAUH aOMMMV. HCW TORN OITT. Of coming to our store when you want the best in footwear Fall lines if Sim 0 latest designs made by shoemakers, in other they are classy. Let your foot and we will Reduced Prices ! Bents' Furnishings. viCK-i'Httunitvr: cahiiikr: Dr. H. W. I.KWIS, W. K. MM ITU. (Jackson, Northampton county) THI CHILDREN LIRt IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP ELECTED FOR FIFTH TERM TV..-. SENATOR JOHN W. DANIEL In the Virginia General Assem bly Thursday, following floods of ! oratory, Senator John W. Daniel ! was elected to represent Virginia i in the United States Senate for the ! fifth consecutive term. THE RACE FOR RICHES. Is Wealth That Cannot Be En- joyed Worth the Price? The writer once inquired of a very successful man : "When do you ever get a mo ment's lime for your own self to i be yourself and to think your own thoughts? Do you ever get aj time like that?" j The very successful man hesita-! ted for a moment and then replied: 1 "VC'hy, yes, I gel such a lime ; while I am being shaved in the , morning." ! Is success really worth the price ! when it must be paid for at such a ; rate ? Of what use are mansions i and country houses and great es- ( tates if one has no time to visit j ihem and enjoy their beauty?; Why should one collect through t agents the most exquisite works of ; art if he cannot find more than ai casual half hour in which to view ; them ? What are wife and chil-: dren if you are always hastening j about the world, far too preoccu- j pied to give them any serious ' thought or to receive the pleasure which their company could afford you ? And yet ihere is one sole satis factionif it be a satisfaction. Millions of your fellow countrymen and countrywomen will believe beyond all doubt that you are real ly happy and will envy you. Munsey's Magazine. Kiilni'.v disi'ttsc is u ilmiifcroiiH ailment You shoulil ni'vcr (May a moment to take sonic pio'l, rcliaMe, dependable remedy. In such cases we recommend lieWitt's Kidney and liladder Pills. These wondi rfnl pills are lieine lined by thousands of people daily with line re sults'. Tliey are for weak kidneys, weak back, bark ache, inllainmatiou of the bladder, and all urinary disorder. Sold bv V. M. Coheu, W'eldon, N. V. A woman doesn't object to hear ing a man praise another woman if the other woman is dead. jiiripie pains that pervade the en tire system, l.u irippe coujrs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly laxative.safe anil certain in results. K. CI. A UK. The under dog gets a lot of sym pathyand that's about all. Do You Get Up With a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knowsof Dr. Kilmer'r Swamp-Koot, the great kidney, liver and oiuuiier amnii , w cause of its remark able health restoring iiroperties. Swaui tout fulfills B!m-t every wish in over coming rlieumatirm, pain in the back, kid neys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcome that unpleamnt necessity of lieing compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Koot is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested in private practice, and lias proved so successful that special ar rangement haa been made by which ail readers of this paiier, who have not al ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to nnuoutit you nave kiu ney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generoua offer in this paper and send Tour address to Dr. Kilmer at lo.. n .i.u,i.ki. Binghsmton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar site bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Bioghamtoa, N, Y.,on every bottle. 1. W I 100 Bushels Corn Per Acre You can build up your farm to produce 100 bushels of corn per acre, and even a bigger yield by systematic rotation, careful seed selection and good plowing with good implements, proper cultivation, and By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers liberally. Accept no substitute. If your dealer is out of these fertilizers, write us and we will tell you where to get them. Write for a free copy of our 1910 Farmers' Year Book or Almanac. It will tell you how to get a big yield of corn. SALES OFFICES Richmond, Vj, Norfolk, V. Mall ui thin Coupon Vikcinia Carolina Chkmical Company. Pie i tend me copy of your 1910 Farmer.' Year Book fiec of coit. Columbia. 1 Durham, N, C. Winiton-Salem, N. C. Charlnloi, 9. C. Baltimore, Md, Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Tenn. Sbrencport, Lit Name., Town., COUNTRY When early birds are singing and dew is on the grass, I listen for the carol of the pretty country lass; She's on her way to milking; I know it by the pail And by her cneerful ditty, which floats upon the gale. She is so spry and active she seemsto spring along As if her feet were keeping to measure of her song. The lowing of the cattle and the mooing of the cow Seem speaking in kine language, "Our friend is coming now." Her lips are like the roses that bloom upon the burn; Her cheeks are like the cherries when they begin to turn; Her eyes as black as charcoal, or sloes the summers bring; Her hair so black it glistens like glint of raven's wing. There's no deceit about her, she never acts a part; She's unsophisticated, but near to Nature's heart Knows nothing of belles-lettres or scientific things, Yet she can serve a supper that's good enough for kings. She never heard of Homer, can't conjugate a verb, Yet her biscuits are delicious and her butter is superb; A comfort to her mother, in kitchen, with the kine, And though her lot is lowly, her mission is divine. And she's a real treasure, to those who wish to find A wife and woman truly of good, old-fashioned kind, Who makes man's home a heaven, though humble it may be, For in it dwells an angel none truer hare than she. THE BISHOP STAYED. The bishop of a Southern dio cese was once making a missiona ry journey through Arkansas and the Indian Territory, and on his arrival at Natchez he said to the landlord of a hotel. "I have been traveling for a week, day and night, in a mail wagon, and I want a comfortable room." "Sorry," said the landlord, "bui I don't believe there's a vacant room in Natchez; there's a horse! race, a Methodist conference and a political convention in the city, and every house is full up. The only thing I can give you is a shake down." Then observing the bish op's tired face he added : "The best room in my house is rented to a noted gambler, who usually re- mains out all night and seldom j gets in before breakfast. If you i will lake the risk you shall have : this room; but if lie should come in there 11 be a row, I II promise that." The bishop decided to take the risk. About four o'clock in the morning the gambler returned and promptly shook the bishop by the arm. "Get out of here or I'll put you out!" he shouted. The bishop, the gentlest of men, raised himself on one elbow, so that it brought the muscles of his arm into full relief. "My friend," he began quietly, before you pui me out, will you have the kindness to feel of my arm The gambler put his Jiand on the bishop's arm. "Stranger," he ihen said re spectfully. "you can stay." PATERNAL LOVE. A young mother went upstairs one evening to be sure that her son was safely sleeping. As she paused at the door of the nursery she saw her husband standing by the side of the crib, gazing earn estly at the child. As she stood still for a moment, touched by the sight, tears filled her eyes, and she thought, How dearly Frederick loves that boy !" Imagine the shock to her feelings when he suddenly turned toward her and said : "Amelia !" It is incomprehen sible lo me how they can get up such a crib as this for three dollars and. sixty cents Atlanta, Ga, savannah, tit. C. MAIDEN. Sore Lungs and Raw Lungs. Most people know the feeling, and the miserable state of ill health it indi eates. All people should know that Foley's Honey and Tar, the greatest throat and lung remedy, will quickly cure the soreness anil cough and restore a normal condition. Ask fur Foley's Honey and Tar. K.CLAKK. A man grows to hate another tor making more money than he does; a woman grows to hate another for dressing better than she does. It takes a woman with nerve to carry a $10 purse with nothing in it but a safety pin and a dozen dry goods samples. More people are taking Foley's Kidney Remedy every year. It is considered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medical sci ence can devise. Foley's Kidney Rem edy corrects irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lost vitality. K. IT.AKK. The real thing to a woman about a romantic novel is she knows it never could happen in life. It doctors ever get to heaven it must be awfully embarrassing for them when they encounter their ex-patienis. If you will just tako Kudol now and then you need not fearor hesitate to eat all the good food that you want, for Ko dul will digest w hatever you eat Kodol is for weak am) sour stomachs. Kodol is pleasant to take, ami it is guaranteed to give relief at once. Sold bv W. M. Cohen, Weldon. N. C. If a man doesn't grumble at home it may be a sign he isn't there. The famous little liver pills arc De Wilt's Little Karly Misers. They are safe, sure, gentle and easy to take. When you ask for lieWitt's Carboliied Witch Hazel Salve, refuse to accept a substitute or imitation. DeWitt'a t'ar holiicd Witch Ilaiel .Salve is good for anything nhen you need a salve, and it is especially good for piles. Sold by W. M. Cohen, Weldon, N. O. Trouble is the most thorough teacher in the whole school of ex perience CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of The world is full of tainted mon ey, but few mind the odor. (Mgflnla-Carollnal " AChemlctiiy lit. . w Am KENESAW M. LANDI9 Judge Says Trust" He Started "Beef Investigation. Judge Kenesaw M. Landis, in his charge to the Federal grand jury to investigate the methods of the socalled "beef trust," declared it was through information by him that the present proceeding was started, KEEP UP COURAGE. Don't be discouraged if occas ionally you slip down by the way, and others tread on you a little. In other words, don't let a failure dis hearten you; accidents will happen, miscalculation will sometimes be made, things will turn differently to our expectations, and we may be sufferers. It is worth while to remember that fortune is like the skies in the month of April, some times clear and favorable, and the man who never failed may be counted a myth, in fact such a man never lived and is never likely to. All success is a series of efforts, in which, when closely viewed, are seen more or less failures. The mountain is apt to overthrow the hill but a hill is a reality neverthe less. If you fail now and then don't be discouraged. Bear in mind it is only the part and experience of every successful man, and the most successful men often have the most failures. ORIQINOF THE OATH. Among the different nations the mode of administering the oath varies. Formerly the custom was in this country by kissing the Bi ble. At the present lime the more general manner is by raising the right hand. Among the many things for which the world is indebted to the Jew is the mode of administering the oath. It dates back to the days of Abram, the patriarch, who when offered by the king of Sodom to take the goods to himself made answer, "I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, that I will not take from a thread even to a shoe lachet and that I will not take anything that is thine lest thou shouldst say, I have made Abram rich." Detroit News-Tribune. "NO LIE CAN LIVE FOREVER." Starvation has been known among the French commonalty be fore this known and familiar. Did we not see them in the year 1775 crcscntinc, in sallow faces, in wretchedness and raggedness,their petition of grievances and for an swer getting a brand new gallows forty feet high? Hunger and dark ness through long years ! Where will this end? In the abyss, one may prophecy, whither all delusions are, at all moments, traveling, where this illusion has now arrived, for if there be a faith from of old it is this, as we often repeat that no lie can live forever. The very truth has to change its vesture from time to time and be born again. But all lies have the sentence of death written down against them in heaven's chancery itself and, slowly or fast, advance incessantly toward their hour. Carlyle, "The French Revolution Running for office is the best way to learn what people think of you. A PADEREWSKI STORY. The Great Musician's first Impor tant Engagement in Paris. Paderewski's first engagement as a pianist was in Paris. He was engaged to play in the drawing room of a lady famous for her musicales, and his fee, which seemed to him enormous, was $20. He managed to persuade the humane agent to pay him in ad vance, and when Paderewski had redeemed his dress suit from pawn and paid for shoes, gloves, ties, and other essentials he had no money left for cab hire, so he was forced to walk to the scene of his engagement. The music loving audience in spired him. He played with feel ing inspired, and mastery of his instrument as never before. His success was instant and unmistak able. The poor player had sud denly become the lion of the hour, his dream had become a reality, and fortune and fame were assured him. At last after disengaging himself from his admirers he turned to leave, when his hostess, remem bering with regret the smallness of the fee for so mavelous a perform ance, offered him her carriage for his return home. But Paderewski's pride came to the rescue. In his courteous yet reserved way he made a formal bow, and, saying : "No thank you, madame; my own is waiting," he stepped out for his long walk homeward. ANATOMY. A More or Less Helpful Lesson For Beginners. Proceeding in a southerly direc tion from the torso we have the hips, useful for padding, and the legs. The legs hold up the body and are sometimes used in walk ing, but when riding in automobiles they take up valuable space which otherwise might be employed to better advantage. , Attached to the legs are the feet. Some varieties of the feet are cold. Some people are born with cold feet, others acquire cold feet, and still others have cold feci thrust upon them. The surface of the body is cov ered with cuticle, w Inch either hangs in graceful loops, or is stretched lightly from bone to bone. On the face it is known as com plexion and is used extensively for i commercial purposes by dormato ! logists, painters and decorators. ' Between the cuticle and the I bones are the muscels, which hold the bones together and prevent them from falling out and littering up the sidewalk as we walk along. Packed neatly and yet compact ly inside the body are the heart, the liver and the lungs; also the gall, which in Americans is abnor mally large. The organs are used occasional ly by the people who own them, but their real purpose is to furnish surgeons a living Thomas L. Ma son in Lippincott's. THE WAY HE LOOKED AT IT. "So you want to marry my daughter, do you, young man. "V-e-s, s-s-i-r." "NX'ell, can vou support a (fami ly ?" "H-how many are there of you, ss-sir?" Charity appeals to most men as strongly as taxes. IT WILL WAKEN VP YOUR LIVER and start it working. Then you can work, and enjoy it, too. THC OCNUINf ha the ND t the front at sash Msaas mn4 the alonaturs mn4 Mai t J. H. UIUN CO., a tha Shi mi RED (TOR ML! BV AU, DMUGOISTS. BrXtasWHsaiBWiinM auk you I SLEEPY? NERVOUS? I ') rr I 1) V 1. 0 I r i i n r. if r Rheumatic Pains "My mother is a great suf ferer from rheumatism, and Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills is the only remedy that relieves her." MRS. G. DAVENPORT, Royccficld, N. J. The pains of rheumatism are almost invariably relieved with )r. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. They, also overcome that nervous irri tation which prevents sleep be cause tliey soothe the nerves. To chronic suffers they are invalu able. W hen taken as directed, they relieve the distress and save the weakening influence of pain, which so frequently pros trates. Many sufferers use them whenever occasion requires with the greatest satisfaction, why, not you? They do not derange the stomach nor create a habit. Why not try them? Get a pack age from your druggist. Take it according to directions, and i it does not benefit he will return your money. McCALL PATTERNS t drl'Mt.-d lor Mvle, prrfrct fit, simplicity ind reliability ihmpy' 4') yr:irs. Sold in nearly evrrv city ami inwn in the Untied States anil I'artiiiLt, or h in.nl direct. More told thnn any olli'-r ir. ;. Send lor lree catalogue, McCALL'S MAGAZINE Mure ulh ' i vt U lhi any other fashion pui:iMit mi Km ii ninnlii. I nvaitianie, Lat est style l-rl.ttts .)!, I HI V 1 -tiM-i i kin ill, ntillinery, iiaiulrrssing, plain sfwi i-dicwo etc. niy Wl free yr.tr (woiib tlmiMi-i, mr'tuling a tree pattern. Snrstnlc 1 il.iv, nr mh.1 M tamjile copy, WONDFRF1X I i!HTEMENTS In Atit-ii'-. I' ' 11 i"!."- pmiiium catalogue iiml i i . . i ' i ' !''! Adiliess i lilt Mrf 4U X ; StoCtS W.S7lhSt.. NtW VOKK We Ask You to take Cardtl, for your femalo troubles, becat e ve are sure It will help you. Remember that this great ferrule remedy- has brought reH sf to thousands of oilier sick worn in, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pairs, female weak ne., many ha 'e said It Is "the best medicine .o take." Try It I Sold in This City E! Bitters Succeed when everything else fells. In nervous piostrauon and female weaknesses trey are the supremo remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ia the best medicine ever told over a druggist's counter. Plant Wood's Seeds For Superior Crop Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book is one of the most useful and com plete seed catalogues issued. It gives practical information about the beBtaud most profitable seeds to plant for The Market Grower The Private Gardener The Fanner Wood's Seeds are grown and selected with special reference to the soils and climate of the (South, f) and every southern planter should have Wood Seed Book so as 10 ho foil posted aa to the best seeds for southern growing. Mailed free on request. Write for It T.W.WOOD ft SONS, Seedsman, Richmond, Vs. Ws are head quarters for Grass and Clovsr Seeds, Sd Po tatoes, Seed Oats. Cow aaas, a Sola !. adalltrarnl ana Garden Seeds. jiroi.H't TAD- lAIIR,( aTfllruMtlthIlril I S.-ml KkptrH. M.mUI W fliOtO. tot I v ttl-u tl ui nil - - Mtt MO re.. Pfttt RtfORTen imlenUWiny. tlHij hfttd trfiiit In Msttmt ftrTourtwuitirafctthU I N'oVS Oil HOW TO OflTAin mi ri. sisjTti Wlii.'li on will it. How It. lift prt- D. SWIFT & CO. PATINT LAWYiltS, l smV torn Si ;. Tsswaii VI i 1

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