I teiai fjtJI! IpsS xt if Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscriptiori"$l..E0 Per Atir.t . , VOL. XMV. WELDON, . (.. TliriiSDAV. MAI. (II I!. I1MO. NO. 14 LIVE TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY. Hi I r i liffls caw, r M.('OIIUL 3 PfcK l:l'Kl A ego I ablf Prrpar.Kion for As slmllaiinjih-rbodawlfo'duia Ungik'SiiwiclKarilUmtclsfll' nil PromnlcsDiJPslwnfWifiil ness ami Re st.Conlains nr iitm- Opium .Murphuie nor Mineral INOT NARCOTIC, jtlx.Snm fipormint- ItrmM- QerltHl SUfJOT Arjerfecl Re medv forCoirsliM lion . Sour Sloinach.Ularrlwca Worms .Convulsions .H vTrish iwssandLossoFSuxp. Fat Sin Siynature of NEW YORK. J For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of M . M I M ur y In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI QINTAUN OMMNV, NIW YORK OfTT. Ladies Attention Ladies Shoes in all the new Spring styles. Come in and see our new swell line. We have them in riv London Smok 0 11. 01 111 MIC Mips (o, Black 4 Tun. Our lines are noted for FIT, STYLE and SER VICE. Call for Utz & Dunn's make and you will certainly get the best. Yours for business, WELD ON SHOE COMPANY, WELDOIM, N, C. Advice to Our Young Lady Read- ers. Allow no lime lo pass without ' brightening some one's life. Within five minutes' wulk of you there is some one tragedy com pared with v.'hich Shakespeare's King Lear or Victor Hugo's Joan V'iiljan has no power. Go out and I'righien somebody's life with a clu'criiig word or smile or a flow er. Take a good book and read a chapter to that blind man. Go up that dark alley and make that in valid woman laugh with some good story. Go to that Itouse from which that child has been taken by death and icll the father i and mother what an escape the ! child has had from the winter of earth into the springtime of heaven. Young woman, live lo make j others happy, and you will be happy ! Live for yourself and j 1 you will be miserable ! There never has been an exception to the rule there never will be an ex-1 ception. Plan out your life on a big scale, whether you are a farmer's daugh ter, or a shepherdess among the hills or the flattered pet of a drawing-room tilled with statuary and ; pictures and bric-abrac. Stop where you are and make a plan . for your lifetime. You cannot be i satisfied with a life of frivolity and ! giggle and indiscretion. Trust the world and it will cheat you if it ! does not destroy you. The Re I doubtable was the name of an en ! emy's ship that Lord Nelson spared twice from demolition, but that I same ship afterward sent the ball that killed him, and the world on which you smile may aim at you 1 its deadliest weapon. Appreciate your mother while you have her. It is the almost universal testimony of young wo men who have lost mother that they did not realize what she was to them until after her exit from this life, indeed mother is in the appreciation of many a young lady a hindrance. The maternal in spection is often considered an ob- stack. Mother has so many no ! tions about that which is proper and that which is improper. It is astounding how much more many girls know at eighteen than their mothers at forty-five. TOLD OFTEN ENOUGH. Absolutely Pure $fw delicious, ncaiintui rfgjaum XrSS MjW give the most valuable ingre- jV- ilMKm nsures wholesome and jwll I f w rft Wltfk delicious food lor every Mmft 3 Bales of Cotton Per Acre Mr. John B. Broadwcll averaged three hW. of cotton per acre on his entire crop by using fertilizers at the rate of 1,000 pounds per acre. You should be able to do as well as Mr. Broadwcll By Using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers Get a copy of our 1910 Farmers' Year Book or Almanac from your fertilizer dealer, or write us for a free copy. Mr. Broadwcll tells in this book his own story of how he got this big yield. SALF.9 OFFICIOS: DON'T OIVE I P. ) MWs -'Mhf It "I ought to know what is right and proper." "So?" "Yes; I've three grownup daughters at home to tell me." Detroit Free Press. Special Educed Prices ! I offer my entire stock at greatly reduced prices in order to make room for Spring and Summer Uoods. My Stock Consists of Mens' and Boys' Up-to-Date Ready-Made ARE YOU SLEEPY? NERVOUS? ? TIRED ? Clothing, Ladies Gents' Furnishings. If you want Bargains be sure to call during this Special Reduced Sale. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX", X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AUCU'HTUOTH, 1H02. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. - Town of Weldon Depository. ?a!!!!L.!ilSnr!!nsL $43,000. For more than 1? years this institution has provided haukiiig facili ties for this section. It stockholders and directors have been identilied with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the lefal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided prolits having reached a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has. commeiicinir January 1, ItHiS. established a in n...rtment allowine interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or lomrer, '1 per cent, months or longer, 3 percent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent For further information apply to the president or Cashier. at vy tea !3 1 1 IT WILL WAKEN VP YOUR LIVER ami start it working. Then you can work, anil enjoy it, too. uemmmmmrmmmmniMimmi urn THE CtNUINt hM lh RED I on thm Iront i auoh packa th tiqnntur and ual ol J. H. ItlLIN A UO., on tha t'da, In RED. FOR SALE DV ALL DRUCOIaT.. Six prisiobnt: W. K. DANIEL, vick-1'Kksidrst: W. K. SMITH. cahiiisr: It. S. TRAVIS, S;ecia Sale MISS MARY n. spii:rs, Who was recently appointed Social Secretary to Mrs. Taft, is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Spiers who formerly lived in the historic town of Halifax, where Mr. Spiers conducted a large mercantile busi ness. Later the family moved to Weldon and it was here Miss Spiers spent her girlhood days, being admired and beloved by all who knew her. She is now living in Washington w ith her widowed mother. Miss Spiers is accomplished and speaks several languages fluently and is a great social favorite in the Nation's capital. She is well equipped for the duties of the high social office she will fill at the White House. THE DAY YOUWILL FORGET ME. You call me sweet and tender names, And softly smooth my tresses, And all the while my happy heart Beats time to your caresses. You love me in your tender way, I answer as you let me; But, ah. there comes another day, The day when you'll forget me. I know not every fleeting hour Is marked by thoughts I bring you; 1 know there dwells a subtle power In the sweet songs I sing you I do not fear the darkest way, With those dear arms about me: Ah, no, I only dread the day When you can live without me. And still you call me tender names, And softly smooth my tresses And still my happy, answering heart Beats time to your caresses. Hush, let me put that touch away, . And clas'p your hands above me, So, while 1 ask to die that day The day you will not love me. You need not check the thoughts that rise, With darkness wrapt about them: For gazing in your earnest eyes, My heart car, almost doubt them. Yet hush my whispers as you may, Such chidings do not fret me; Ah, no I only fear thai day, The day when you'll forget me. DtWITT'S CARBQLIZEO WITCH HAZEL VALVE For PIIm, Burn, Soraa. THE CHILDREN LIRE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP We have on hand several consign ments of the latest in wool. Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Itutlier than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. $!." Suits 7..rl. Prin cess, white and all other colors to $7, now $2..'(l to $S. Wash ('out Suits t to $0, now to 3. $t to S Net Waists reduced $1 ."." to $2. 'ill Itlui'k and col ored silk Petticoats J4 to lj.il now J-.'.tw to $:l.7o. Voile Skirts $(t to now Vn to $4.'ro. Ht.tltKI yards lace and embroid eries to close out at hall' price. 7.ric to $L Messaline silks, all colors, now 5n to 7"ic. ft and (1c. calicoes 31 to 4c. 10 anil 121c ginghams 7 to !)c. About 8,0Ol yards dress goods to close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Kues, druggets, carpetings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WEI.PON, N. C, A NOVEL irn If I had it to do over again 1 would be born triplets then I could be on all sides of the lead ing question and make good on one or the other. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Th Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Money can be lost in more ways than won. MAY CHANOH. '"Among some skaters was a boy so small and so evidently a begin ner that his frequent mishaps awakened the pity of a tender hearted if not wise spectator. "Why, sonny, you are getting bumped up," she said. "I wouldn't stay on the ice and keep falling down so; I'd just come oft' and watch the others." The tears of the last downfall were still rolling over the rosy cheeks, the child looked from his adviser to the shining steel on his feet and answered, half indignant ly : "1 didn't get new skates to give up with; I got 'em to learn how with." Life's hard tasks are never sent for us "to' give up with;" they are always intended to awaken strength, skill and courage in learning how to master them. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTQ R I A. Hope springs denial in the hu man breast, hut it is hunger that everlastingly rummages lower down. CHILDREN TLLTMINQ Mi:-. V inflow'"- Sh.ihin; Su:i v hus lic.'ii usfl for Mwr .vi yi ly million! of MKitln'is iui llit'ii I'liiMit'ii w liilctct'tli tliiT, with Jx'lltTl Mtfi'c-s. It st ml lies tlif HiiM. sol'tcns ilu' tfi.m- ulliiys all jiaiii; (Mires wititl ctilic. uih! is the lu'st rt'iiH'tly for lMiirrhn-a. Sul.l by thuirtiists in ('Very :iit of the wotM. !e suit1 ami ask for "Mrs. Wiuslnw's Sootliimf Syr up," iiml lake no otlici' kiml. Twenty- live cent :i Intuit'. Mill ui thi Co'ipnn VitGiMA Carolina chemical Company. PltiK 'fiid me copy ol your iqio Fur mm' Yen Book iree of cult. Name., Town., tta'r. . Rk rimnr.fi. Va, Atlanta, Ca. Norfolk, Va. Savantiaii, Ga. Columbia. 5. C. Durham, N. C. Wiimun-Salcm, S C. Charleston, S C, Hiltiiiiuic, MJ. Colmbuv (ii, f.ri;;tg(tmcrv. Ali, Mtmphii, Tcnn. Sh rev upon, La, nr. q guirjfinia-Caniiiiui w I! ill ill jlinll a.r-a ii.trrrDvc Ot ifi'i.it.'.i ir ,-iv..', pt-tfrrt fit, simplicity and reli.ttilitv in.irv' 10 vi.rs, Snkl in nearly evety city i fi-t t.-..: i:i tl.c L'nitfd St.ttes and C.ui.ni i, or tv in. ui timet. More fnM tlmn any other i. il.t-. SenJ fur lice catJiUigue, McCAI.LS MAGAZINE Mo Hl.t'.lltU - plain m vm ttiiim '.tr, , V-:ir r.w.rl ShI.sm !( nnv nilirr fasltinn m ;t tf.or.tii, lnHUiiil!e, I,:tt . i t -i j - ., oc'-multi'ia, tntltinrry. f ti" v in i li.i woi k, li..irdrt;ssinn, .1 .t-.rif,, Mr. Ottiv till cc-nts a ,. i!ih , it rlmhrir a Irtt- patlern, . iv, (-r r nil I t- satiijile ccpy. IV0MFR!M. lrlKFMKNTS ,,, .y-'tit . l'" 1 i-" ft.i-.i:i iMt.iiogue aiul ne -a . if..', "-r A.i.lif.-.- (Ht Met ALL ( 0.. KH to ?4S tt. 37th Si.. NKW YOH W e Ask You to take Cardul. for your fmals A troubles, because we are sure it i will help you. Remember that i this great temale remedy- has brought relief to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it Is "the best meoicine to take." Try It I ill I I ii -I I i ; r ' . ju r izt. It has just about gotten so in this country that a girl's own com plexion looks unnatural. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Ftud Out. Fill a botlk' or common glass with your water and let it stand tweutv-four hours; a brick dust sedi- eineiil, or settling, -T7l stringy or milky I ' ntMicuranceottcn liuhcitos nn un l.ealtliy collili tion of the kiil- -Hil too fri. ' onftit desire to S2mmm I'ass it or pain in the hack r.re also m nij'toins .I'.at teil you the kidneys and bl.-dJcr are out of order ui'd need aUenlior Wh t To Do. There is com:... -i 1:1 the V.noHed.ne so often expresfL'.!, t'.'...t I r. Kilmer's Swami-K.)ot, th': j;rcat kiiliicy remedy, fulfills almost tverv vi;h in eoirt'cting rheumatism, p'lin i i tile b:-i k, kidneys, liver, bladder ami every part oiilietirinary jiassage. Corrects inabililv to liuld water and scalding pain 1.1 p;:.i.-iii;; it, or bad etfecis following ue of liquor, w ine or beer, and overcomes th:.t unpleasant ne cessity of being Ci.-.inK.lled to go often through the d;;y, and to get up many times during Uie night. 1 lie mild and immediate elfect. ol .Swamp-Koot is soon reali'cd. It stands the highest be cause of its ri inai luible . health restoring pr.-j qrfdijJiK: erties. II you need a r S .Zl'lt;, medicine v.m t-liuuld U hae the best. Sold bv tiKjtiJKtSfcRtli di ug gists i n p. :t ecu i s iisa,5s and one-dollar si..es. " . . i ..h.... N'ou mav luue a sample bot'.le sent free by mail. Addles.il.r. Kllui.'r. t.o., nun;. Iiainlon, N. V. Au'tition this iaHT and teiiieuiberlhenau:e, Dr. liiluu r's Samp Root, and the address, lnnghamton, N. Y., ou every ooit!.-. MENS SUITS: $18.00 Suits now 11.98 16.50 " " 10.98 12.50 " " 7,98 10.00 " " 6.98 Men's Overcoats $15.00 now 9.98 12.50 now 7.88 10.00 now 6.49 A. Clean Sweep Sale of all Hats ! BOYS' OVERCOATS $5 Overcoats cut to 2.50 $3 " " 1-98 All Shoes at Clean Sweep Prices Women's $1.50 Shoes to ffo at 98c Men's $2.50 and $3 Working Shoes now 1.98 Bargains for all for few more days. "I've never been ottered a bribe," bragged the eloquent poli tician. "Cheer up, old man !" shouted a piker in the front row, "your luck may change." A MESSAGE FORM BURBANK. Burbank says cactus offers a satisfying substitute for meat. It should be served piping hot and eaten with a safety razor. N. Y. Herald Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WE FURNISH ) ) i lit rumiiou j ( A NovmI .'..nsl lit ev ei v one w ho 7 ( buy their groceries ut our store. ( All the seasonable delicacies are ( found in our store tne year round. j CONFECTIONERIES (I FRUITS CROCKERY AND TIN WARE Wooden and Wiilowware, Etc.fi ( (ioods delivered promptly any J ( where in town. I'olite clerks. ) f l'honeNo. SW. c ( I 0 H I i? ii h ii i ii V Ii Ii 1 Weldon, N. C. Sold in Tills City F3 ctric iers Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Seed Potatoes are bein? planted in increasing (luautities each year by the largest und most successful market-trrow-ers. Tnis variety makes uniform ly large sized potatoes, of excellent shipping, market and table quali ties, and is proving to bo one of the most proli table and reliable of early-cropping potatoes. Wit are headquarters for the best Maine-grown SggfJ Second Crop n . . Northern-grown rOtiltOCS Wood's 30th Annual Seed Book gives lull descriptions and infoimation, with the highest tes timonials from successful growers as to the superiority of Wood's siecd Potatoes, I M. PDRNILL, wm.iu.N, N. r. ROSES . Carnations, Violets and''other llowei" al.nivs on hand Shower We.l.linir llouiiuels. llandMime Floral iH's'uriiM. I'alms and Ferns for home eulluie. hyacinths. Tulips, Narcissus and inanv other vunelies of Itulbs for fall planting either fur nut or indoor cul ture. Koe bushes. Magnolias and 1 v ergreeiis. Write, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh, North Carolina, 5-23-17 Write for prices and Wood'i Seed Book, which will be mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seouainon, . RiulillionlJ, Va. ..in - Ci GORGE C. GREEN, ATTO RNE Y-AT- LAW, (National Hank Building) Weldon, N. C. I i.. i i .hii ,'i.im.i i u-4 L.fi iu tta. I TRADC-MARKB, 'tiVfHtB fun! 'i' t ltflH rtr((ll- fr'HH RfWoUT on l'ltirfiliil'ility. I'attritliiriu L'ml t t'iii- in wuiiii'i for uur lvt nival iifiblf I Kk.Kk Ult HOW TO OBTAIN ntirt Bf tt. PAT- I1T, pttt Wit IllW HIHt OtlHT viuaii.iiitttiiiHlloo. D. SWIFT & CO. L 303 Seventh St., WasBinotoii. D. CJ T.OLARK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C. Practises in the courts of Halifax and adjioaing counties and it. the Huprems court of the Btate. 8poial attention given to collections and trromfct return 4

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