1-1 IF1 till lib Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum! VOL. WAV WELDON, X. C, TlH'ltSDAV, MA1JCII 10, 11)10. NO. IT) : , THE CHARM OF KISSING. It la Impossible to Scare the Sea soned Kissing Man with Sinis ter Talk of Microscopic Reptiles. - and li The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use iop over uu yours, im homo the signature of lias been made under hU pcr .1 wiporvlslon Blneo its Infancy. Allow no one todeeclvo you In this. All ConnferfcltM, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-Rood" nro but Kxprlincutx that, trifle with and endanger tlio health of lufunU nnd Chlldrcu-Exnorlunne against Kxperiiueut. What is CASTORIA Cantor la Is a harmless mibstltiifo for Castor Oil, Pare. Ifnrle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not- other Narcotto wihstance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrluea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble, cures Constipation und Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of tzr The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Ladies Attention A Ladies Shoes in all the new Spring styles. Come in and see our new swell line. We have them in nv r V I." Oxford In ; n vfpniw ia nnn no (Uiu n London Smote, Black & Tan. Our lines are noted for FIT, STYLE and SER VICE. Call for Utz & Dunn's make and you will certainly get the best. Yours for business, WELD ON SHOE COMPANY, WELOON, N, C. New Spring Qoods! FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CLOTHING, Furnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. Once more the warning goes out that kissing is dangerous. This lime it is voiced by Miss Kllen M. I. a Motte, the ranking officer in Dr. Bosley's corps of fair and ac complished nurses. The contact of lip and lip, says Miss La Motte, affords an ideal opportunity for , the voyaging of pathogenic organ- isms. Most of these germs, when ! they enter the body at all, do so ! by way of the mouth. Of such sorts are the germs of diphtheria, tuberculosis, meningitis, influenza, i the simple cold and all the familiar ! juvenile plague. Therefore, it is thoughtless and often cruel to kiss, and sometimes suicidal to be kiss ed. Thus speaks science, and its mandate should be observed as to ! babies and by invalids. But the great majority of folks, no doubt, j will keep on kissing. We have ; often wondered at the enormous i popularity of the exercise. Why do people kiss? The act itself is 1 ridiculous as a spectacle and unsat ! isfying as a amusement. It sole physical accompaniment is a feel ing of sutfocation, and on the physic side of it is frequently em barrassing, particularly if an tin ; suspected rudience reveals itself say, by satiric whoops and cat ' calls. It has none of the charm j of other pleasures, such as solfeg I gio, eating and automoboling, for ! example. Kissing will neither I build up the anaemic nor soothe ' the neurasthenic. But it still thrives, and no jere I maids on its perils will ever work its abolition. The man who makes a practice of kissing the fair sex is a man attracted rather than repell ed by danger. He knows that every kiss he steals is full of fearful haz ard. The girl herself may black his eye, stab him with a hatpin or call for the police; and then again she may choose to regard his idle i favor as an offer of marriage, and , accept him before he can escape. I Yet again, her father or brothers, j detecting him with his arm around j her neck and gazing into her fore ; head, may rush him and hail him as a relative, touching him for small loans, calling him by his first name and seizing offensively upon all the other familiarities which relatives -in -law affect. Finally, the mother of the girl may knit ' him pulse-warmers and send him ameteur remedies for his rheuma . tism and red nose, and her little sisters may giggle every time they see him. ' No, it is impossible to scare the i seasoned kissing man with sinister talk of microscopic reptiles. He is used to larger game, and he loves danger. It is his pleasure to fare out into space upon a gossamer strand, blown by strong winds.and with fathomless abyss of matrimony yawning beneath him. In such grisly perils he joys. Baltimore Sun. MINISTERIAL DIPLOMACY. CAKE, $ mWA It biscuit, h m-Wi lEoa n ffkartA-V Paltry, arc $ 7 r U-'3TO4 X' lessened In cost I WkiA nd increased U l r--,ttM 1 saaiiiy and $ wfeolesomeness, J Baits the food tut horse jVtti ana save mE2cv ' r- 31 O TUP RANK (IF AVKLDOX, X. C OrjanUed Under the Uws ol the State of North Carolina, AUGUST 2UT1I, 1S92. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. capital Si5in $43000. with the business intents of Haifa "'i.h.n.ptoo nt,e. fa many years, Money Y, " M U. tlie a on time deposits as follows: For lis or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve montna or lonRer, per cent. For further information apply to the President or tashier. At a dinner given by the prime minister of a little kingdom on the Balkan Peninsula, a distinguished diplomat complained to his host that the minister of justice, who had been sitting on his left, had stolen his watch. "Ah, he shouldn't have done that," said the prime minister in tones of annoyance. "I will get it back for you." Sure enough, toward the end of evening, the watch was returned to its owner. "And what did he say?" asked the diplomat. "Sh-h," cautioned the host, glancing anxiously about him. " He doesn't know that 1 have got it back." interest six per centum. UnmnK nra 1 are HOIieucd. The surplus and undivided proms nay.n(t reacn o a sum ... Capital Stock, the ltank has, commeno.nir ,i.u.u.jr ., ..-., ,a.. e,. , Savings Department allowing imerenv uu m..j. .n.iL X,n,l to remain three months or longer, 2 per prksidbnt: W. E. DANIEL, V1CR-PBKHIIHNT: W. R. SMITH. casiiikr: R. S. TUAVIS, IE A ROBBERY THAT PAID. Scott I always thought it was rough on Adam to rob him of his rib. Mott Yes; but on the other hand it was the making of Eve. Puck. IN A BEAUTIFUL MORNING, For the storms that have driven the blue from the skies Give the dark of thy tresses the gray of thine eyes. And song shall be sweet where the heart knew but sighs, In a beautiful beautiful morning ! Thy tresses were midnight, but ever thine eyes Made the sun of the morning in splendor arise In the varying blue and the gray of the skies, In a beautiful beautiful morning! You knew, dear, but only Love's tenderest art, And now, as the lights and the shadows depart Let me dream with your dark tresses over my heart, In the beautiful beautiful morning ! Let me dream, when no longer your eyes I may see, That love in some bright world untrampled will be That your dear lips will steal through the mosses to me With a kiss in a beautiful morning ! DEDICATION OF A' HOME. OUR STAY IN DEATH, When on my day of life the night's falling. And in the wind from unsunned spaces blown, I hear far voices from out of darkness calling My feet to paths unknown. Thou who has made my home of life so pleasant, Leave not its tenant when its walls decay; 0 Love Divine, 0 Helper ever present, Be thou my strength and stay ! Be near me when all else is from me drifting Earth, sky, home's picture's, days of shade and shine And kindly faces to my own uplifting The love which answers mine. 1 have but thee, my Father ! Let thy Spirit Be with me to comfort and uphold; No gates of pearl, no branch of palm I merit, No streets of shining gold. Suffice it if my good and ill unreckoned, And both forgiven through thy abounding grace I find myself by hands familiar beckoned Unto my fitting place. Some humble door among thy many mansions, Some sheltering shade where sin and striving cease, And flows forever through heaven's green expansions The river of thy peace. There, from the music round about me stealing, I fain would learn the new and holy song, And find at last, beneath thy trees of healing, The life for which I long. John Greenleaf Whittier. A World of Care Shut Out, A World of Love Within. Not long ago Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Page, of Des Moines, Iowa, formally dedicated their home. And why not ? Churchas are formally dedicated to their uses and temples of learn ing and of justice and of charity and of pleasure. Why not dedicate the holiest ot all the home. The home is more needful and more precious than any stately place where men and women con gregate on whatever mission. Hearthstone and fireside arc great er than pew and pulpit, forum and and foyer. Take up the old book of Deuter onomy. There you will learn that a man was excused from war if he had builded a house that was not yet dedicated. The home was first. In the olden days a home meant much. It was to be the abode of many generations. It was built to stand. It passed from father to son. Nowadays we build houses only to tear them down after a few years or sell them. Many of us are like birds of passage. We make our nests first here and then there. We are in too big a hurry to dedicate them. Even the old customs of an evening's "house warming" have passed away. Es pecially is this true in the middle west. This Des Moines dedication was notable. A dedicatory hymn was written for the occasion and sung, and the minister offered a dedicatory pray er. The two boys of the family then lighted the lire on the hearth, and the two girls lighted the even ing lamps. Then the four-year-old brought "papa's slippers." Father and mother read alternate verses of the poem "A Foretaste of Heav en." That was all save the remarks of a few neighbors and congratula tions. The four walls of this home.thus set apart for holy uses, will house real affection that dwells within all the better for this distinction. Its every precinct will be hallowed by this joyous and loving consecra tion. A home that is built upon the foundation of faith and hope and love, where dwells light and purity and truth, where the voices of hap py children are heard and patter ing feet, is heaven in miniature. Let us have more home dedica tions. You are less than nothing if you do nothing. Ask Grand Ma' ABOUT SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR For over 80 years it has been the standard remedy for Biliousness, Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Malaria and all diseases of the Stomach and Liver. SHE KNOWS is SALE 11) lit 11 ! WcC A LI l'ATTFRS l ir:it I 1 r y !,-.", perfect fit, simplicity and rt i.-ii v rf:n. v' 4'i vi-nr. N-lil in nearly C'mtv t.'y tout; in" lU- Urn led States and t'.m.i.l.", "T 1'V nun iiirol. M"rc miM than .,nv 1 1 1 i i ' r r.uiu'. St i.J lor ticc tutaingutr. McCALL'S MAGAZINE More sulKrr.t-.-i-, tl-..n ntlirr fnsliion Invaiual'le. I -at- rst styles, nHi rn-., I'lrsMiiukine, millinery, p,iim mwicl', f.iii- v nit'iii woi lf, ti;iinirt.-ssin, t-tiijurlli1, L'OH.i stwrics, ttc. Only U) cents year (wwlli double), including a Irr-ft pattern, Siil'scriliu tmluv, or ncnd for sutnjilu copy, IVONDIUFUL INDUCEMENTS tn Atjeiit?. I'orLtl tn-inn premium catalogue anil ne'.v i-.i- U t uti otlei s. Address (HE McCALL CO.. 238 to 248 W. 37th St.. NEW YOB We Ask You to take Cardul, lor your female troubles, because we are sure it will help you. Remember that this great female remedy MENS SUITS: $18.00 Suits now 11.98 has brought reHef to thousands of other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, manv have said it is 'the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City 16.50 12.50 10.00 10.98 7.98 6.98 A SABBATH SCHOOL THOUGHT. I giving his parents a snock The Railroad Guide on the To Heaven. Road DeWITT'S CARC3LIZED WITCH HAZEL 0ALVE For PHM, Burns, SorM. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP CHILDREN TEETHING Mus. Winslow's Soothing Syhi-p has been used for over 50 years by millions of mother for their children while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain; cureB wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhica. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Be sure and auk for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr up," and take no other kind. Twenty live centa a bottle. In our common schools, acade mies, colleges and universities.each have their course of study, and text books for the same; and as a stu dent masters each branch, the text books are laid aside and he gradu ates to a higher. But in the Sab bath School it is different. We have our text book lor the whole course, and that course should be for life. In the Bible there are truths which the merest child can understand and depths tf thought which the most learned cannot fathom. It may be called the rail way guide on the way to heaven, and the Sabbath School lunch counters along the way at which we may refresh ourselves. One of the grandest sights for mortal eyes is a whole family from the tottering grandparents down to the prattling child, all in school and studying the same lesson, and that lesson for eternity. A person should never be too old, too rich, or too wise to cease being a Sab bath School student. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Young Edwin Higbee made his parents quicken their respiration and look up from their papers the other evening in a hurry. Father," began the young man, 'how far should a fellow go with i girl ?" "Why, er-uh that depends," stammered William T. Higbee, the parent. "What do you mean?" "Well, I went just as far as I could. I didn't know whether she or her folks would like it if I went any further. So I just " 'How far did you go?" broke in the father, excitedly, wonder ing what sort of a mesalliance in the family he might have to face some day with such a Don Juan for a son. "Oh, I didn't go any further than the gate. I had a notion to walk clear up to the door with her, but 1 didn't know whether 1 ought to or not, so I just stopped at the gate apd said good-bye and " The parents were already breath ing deep sighs of relief. THE REAL WAY. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or rummon tflass with your water and let it stand twentv-four hours; a hnck dust sedi- 8- 1 M 1 W?flf' n v W ir- TlL- TO r.uMit, or settling, stringy or milky appearance often indicates an un healthy condi tion of the kid neys; too fre quent desire to pass it or pain in the hack are ah o s mptums that tell you the kidneys ami bladder are out of order end need attention. What To Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the yrvnt kitt;;ey remedy, fulfills almost ewry wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Cornets inability to hold water und scalding jmiu in passim? it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne cessity of heing compelled to e,o often through the day, and to get up many times during iho night. T'le mil l and immediate efTn t of Swamp-Root is soon realized. H stands the highest be r:iuitif its rtMii'irkuble health restoring prop. fr'CTOjjM erlies. If you need a r:",'l(!"-S r,.'!;;6;2r" medicine von should H have the best. Sold by fclMIIff 'S&iHKl and one-dollar sizes. You may have n sample bottle sent free hynmil. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., King hamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, lUughamtou, N. Y., on ever y Lottie. Men's Overcoats $15.00 now 9.98 12.50 now 7.88 10.00 now 6.49 A. Clean Sweep Sale of all Hats 1 BOYS' OVERCOATS $5 Overcoats cut to 2.50 $3 " " 1-98 All Shoes at Clean Sweep Prices Women's $1.50 Shoes to sro at 98c Men's $2.50 and $3 Working Shoes now 1.98 Bargains for all for a few more days. n. my Weldon, N, C. ROSES . Electric Bitters Succeed whtn everything else foils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme icinedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. f'Ti'Sffrnv1 1 l'mL lirfrifMiiiimi i-iifni Tl , E I TRADE-MARKS, I'll OA NO ttfc. i. .imdfi ur niu "i FREE REPORT oil (nilt'iitahility. Patent lmel- I vinW - i-nti in f". uu i' tnr our iwn in vain Vie j I !ookn ti HOW TO OBTAIH -- I ENTS, W Wl11 !'" Howl"' K''' ft 'rt- I D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWTtKB, ana Seventh St.. Washington, D. C. , Carnations, Violets ami! otlirr llowi'M al:iys mi liaiul. Slioor We.MiiiL' limiiin'ts. Ihiu.lMimo Floral IN'siirns, I'alins ami lVnis fur homo cullinv. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus ami nmiiv oilier varieties of Bulbs fur fall plantlne either for out or in. I cul ture. Kiwi- Implies. Mairnohus ami l.v erk'reehx. rile, 'plume or teleeiapli. H. STEINMKTZ, Florist. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5-'J;i-ly Wood's Early Ohio Seed Potatoes are heme planted in increasing quantities each year by the largeBt and most successful market-growers. This variety makes uniform ly Urire sized potatoes, of excellent shipping, market and table quali ties, und is proving to be ono of tho most protitable aud reliable of early-cropping potatoes. We are headquarters for the best Maine-grown SCCd Second Crop n , . Northern-grown r0l3I06S Wood's 30th Annual Seed Bock gives full descriptions and information, with tho highest tes- ilul growers of Wood's Do you think you will keep your new cook?" "We don't know. She has tak en us on trial, but we are in hopes that we will suit." Philadelphia Press. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA aiiOQR C. iRCI;N. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank Huilding) Weldon, N. C. T. OLAR KI. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjioning counties and iu tho t-upreme court of the Mate. Special attention given to collections and prompt return WE FURNISH (V !) (i ( ( ( A Hoyul I'east to every one who1 V buv their groceries at our store. ( All the seasonable delicacies are found in our store the year' round. CONFECTIONERIES V FRUITS ( I CROCKERY AND TIN ij WARE Wooden and Willownare, Etc v (ioods delivered promptly any ( where m town. Polite clerks. l'hone No. HO. timonials from successful as to the superiority Heed Potatoes. Write for priccB and Wood'a Seed Hook, which will be mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS," Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. Special Sale ! E. I. PUBSELL, WEI.IMIN, N. C. Wc have on hand several consign inents ol" the latest in wool. Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Rather than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale nt half price for cash only. SU." Suits $7.00. Prin cess, white and all other colors 5 to $7, now S'J.'ill to if 3. Wash ( 'oat Suits $4 to ifli, now ifl.'.W to J3. $1 toliifi Net Waists reduced i. 75 to J'ABO Illack and col ored silk Petticoats ! to W now $2.88 to $a.75. Voile Skirts $0 to H now $5.60 to $4.11. 10,000 yards lace and embroid eries to closo out at nan price, toe vi $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 50 to 7"ic. 5 and lie. calicoes 8J to 4c. 10 and 121c Binghams 7 to 9c. About 3,000 yards dress goods to close out leBS than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Rugs, druegets, carpetings and mattings at and below cost SPIERS BROS. WELPpN.N.C. T