Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him and find out. Follow his advice. Cfwfo.,Upnw eave trocgn the larv may start in a very iT.a'l quant'..;.- of water and :hcn tit a-hed d i n in, the e i a:; r N an 'r - 1 . .. " - W. L. DOUGLAS s3.OO,S3.50,S4.00 SHOES son; well 1 n endorsement oi your doctor n'l Ccrv.r.i;. fuiiy ir.wreA vour conndcncc in v.cr s Filli ii i LniU, Uiitivt. Lucr pals. AJ A? your doctor a.-ut them. Weed o. p.ac : four.J :n vry ;n -a" fin J a o r.ice day. or . Kin THE ROANOKE NEWS. "It :s a very eas Thursday, .Mar. 1910. Published Every Thursday. .T'l'nc 8 A! ' S BETTERMENT COLUMN. '" r i.i t3 v " v 1 v m,..- cra.tOcS j. mo-it c musuhuo anu .Malaria. f I. A'i UNION LVW V!. MADE P " Boys' .r U fsss, T ) and ViA $2.50 In The Nets of Uar,h 3rd ap pears PAU.S of -li,M!l';ioS! MAAM.t: One Year. v y :i:a.! !-..-ra.'i. ii MX Monti.-. ' we-k'v I '.-rji' icf a 'i "-ai -Ui'.i ti th" M.at.-r V. t-l ipj' oi.t.cai an-! a.-, cm ,:a o---- . ,!..fax a:. '. sirro ire' !V-. A !,,: - iy - -a-....' ' r. t f:.r n !,! '.a r m. Tt?K hvef iru! n r. ? r.J t:-.it jn imniuoity taih. I:ke jny vthsr h .-n. is not guirjntei.l t j U-r A gr;a: jrjn-in: ;n fjv..r..f chearcr than t'.m jn J The Amcru-an pcr's "-'-"T1 sonieha! i! o .v t' Mr. i'cary in ths I:hi of a g-r,'j:n- her .. GEOK".F. 'ask-gton js hrt in war anJ RrM in pea..-, but oth ers beat him to ths iJ;a of ; ..ner vation of trers A Nc York worrrt has ir.'.ti for $500,000 withuut ore c-.-r.t of assets. Tall Street can sttli k-jm a thing or two. CHiOCO hjs a wet nl dry election set for Apr:! rt'n. tut from J two Hems uh;h perhaps eapcJ the a::ntiun of many read er I'rtdvr ths heading 'Ksfuscd to he Va.:r.a:cd--thi opinion 'of the DjViJ-on county man, uho re fused to te va;;inated i g'.vet. The summing of she rr.att-.rts this: "A i:ms ac.m.e p-;nt. a phvsi.uri. il prten: a ..e" VI., ,u.. ma:! J .x I'a .' .T:i;ed :h it u . e Cut uO'- n , matter, and not to banish mos r.pieteiy from a town near whi.h th :enve natural :reed;ng pia.es. Even in regions where there are large marshe and many streams and ponds, ry comr pre,m;ses. anJ h::y cents i of mai! pox . I :ng ' 'A arnmg t.i (.ur::v -Per:n;( j.:'j voun: rath. I:ke any .,therh,.;i. ' ' ,J; - J -:wJ ,;,n h:s r,,r,r!, Th; ,e. ",t aUirjr!,itJ'J ia, m reza'rj to re'p.'rtmg 1 V aw back great .rgrne-:: r, :he PoX ;n h:s f.nitlv. and A ".' h; v V;rr ':: ''? ;h;' rei- vtV V omoh-eMnog- .re.iiy N. for treak.rtg the ,:,n-: e ! ' ' ri" fek ' ; V :aper than .rn jnJ . regulations. S. was h.tcd ji,. ;n -":'',c a ' others even 'p,-.' JETJ Me.i m ut wjr- w:,i not remove me Of mOsJUitoeS on (hf-T !nr the health ofheer should be given j"d ;n many pia.-.b already has, the juthor.ty :. ,mpe! th.s. j. m the matter o; v a..m.i!;o recent cj-e :n M or roe vun- Appels held that W. L. Dojjlai re the lowett prue, quality coniti!rt.d. in the world. Th;ir r:elient ity'e, eiiy fitting nd lonij Ktar.nj quil.net exc;l thoie of other mik-. If you hive been pying bigh pncei for Tour ihoei. the next time i are r.O ex- rJ need pair g1yeW .LDougUhoet a trui. i ou can rave money on your footwear and get ahoei that are juit u (tood in every war ai thote that have been coitm you higher prices. if you could viit our iarge factories at 8 rockton. and tee for yourself how ca-efullv W. L Douglai thoei am made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better and wear l'ner than other makes. t I I I n N - . .- , . . . a... u tematic e ther here wont : selves people eedmg places r:K SALT IT- Clothes Help Make the Man "V )L' are judeil by the clothes you wear. If your garments are stylish, well fitting and nice rp pearing, they will create a good impression tor yon. If you wear Spero, Michael & Son, "New York Made" clothes you will not have to think of your appearance. Your clothes will always be stylish, and you will look neat and well dressed. Come in and let us show you a suit that will im prove your appearance. W. B. TILLERY, In ty. the C.-u a man re . a r.o j W HLDOY :&R.E. Draper Co., VV NEXT TO ROANOKE NEWS OFFICE, H ELDON, N. C. il W ' ' v ' r Spcro.Michafi. 0 Sot sc. wy default of which he N. was given 30 Jays nty roads. We read erintendent of health :- everything po smaii pox trom me people who openly and wilfully violate the law by failure to report small pox in their families, or break quarantine regulations, will be to stamp mtv. "it to The ioing m.d given the full penalty of the law. ,ion has been called for J n tr.ey su.er tnemelv fs ViVi. don would be a very healthy place this summer if that w as the law here. Let's stop charging m.i'ana up to Mush Mand. and ifrs c-r busy cleaning up our ow back yards. Kerosene wisely used will As daintv in design and finish save the taking of quinine later as the collars with which they "... are worn. Call and ste them. Tc- v.,.., r, . I... jute we;nocra;;c ionven- A:..cwmi.!..t.- I.a r.f r lll Unly in this w ay can a c !' at Charlotte. The ca 12th, He all reports a dry season i pected to follow. !'! MoM. li.Wl.I.ItV i l l i.I t"l M !N ri.N. HN1.-I ATluM.KV '1, U K nnlp i i . .. i.. .. .. . : i 1 1 i . .' - ..4 c l. -.-- . " i... i.;;i- I . i 'll' 1 1 1 i ' . i - U . I l.,''Jl. ... oui.i st,;au or ;.b -er- ty the State Executive Committee :..': u.h-;.. :m .i.---:ry u,:- ri.,e,isease ,,nd in his eforts in session at Raleigh, Thursday, Dr. Green has the hearty and Dr. I. E. Green, of the State Cen- a't''"' unanimous casing ot right think- tral Committee. The Washington IJo-t that the adverse action ot tf of Virginia is a staggering f the Federal income tax. The interest ; bank affords g tru: me has s.on iitimate sjre ;har :ng evi, m-umer was in attendance. : ira "e'or,'e- and he also represented Mr E L ,.r.1 But it :s not to the legal penalty Travis, of the State Executive I;."." a::a;r.eJ " thee smai; pox regula- Committee, who is at home slvk - tions, that attention is directed, it on account of a pistol shot w ound '" is the attitude of the medical fra- at the hands of E. E. Powell, i tcr"::' anJ of !he be- reople we The State Committee adopted a ! "' IV t IdS e. V a.J na On rVii-l li in r.f e.oe. ...t...- .. U .I. ... . .v- i ..i vi j. ji ij i u . e s, w iiicil is practice, in all communities provides that county elections to wt,ere one would care to live, and State, Congressional and Judicial there is no: a prominent medical Conventions be held at a uniform m?s ; Gove'knok H e;: tenets to renr. rom Maybe that means th cept the vice-preside: pa: i.c he wi THE new Kingof Belg um starts in with a salary of only sooO.GOO, but that gives him an incentive to do his best and tarn a r.u-e. tne That was a bull's-eye shot Baltimore Sun sen; when it said "The people of Philadelphia are getting exactly what they voted for." Now' mere is . : wmici concern, much mors Nsnou : pox. terrible as that Hecau-e ; it does not lay pe. .pie low an i af. i 8ict us with terrible scars, we give i it only passing notice, and rather iae it as a mailer or .ourve. c refer to malaria. Let us vSe w hat modern medical science has proved and what the courts have sanc tioned along this line. .V.AL.AWA SPREAD ONLY HY VtOS- "It is a common idea that mala ria is caused ty drinking impure water or miasmas or poisonous vapors, from swamps ot damp is not correct of having accepted a bribe of one I In Italy many experiments have thousand dollar-, but the money ! teen made, during which persons was accepted long before the re- drank water from the worst mala cent advan.e in prices. rial marshes of Italy and Sicily, I I -. I .u.. . r .i ao'u iniiaicj tne air or me mnrsries. man m .me-ca w no is '.p?osed to time and that a the counties choose it accmation is no experiment, it is an established fact. another disease Wcldo.n people man sm.i.i the e.ection may be by precinct meetings, primaries or mass con ventions At ail times the meeting - o; ihe commmec was marked by harmony and the deliberations were Mich as io work tor the best interest?, of the Democratic p3rty. W. G. LYNCH, ,' II... t K".. !.'' lAN'.'Ki: k.sri!'-. N. i . I. io tv Cook's Cotton Seed THINK OF Mexican Mustang' Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Relief from pain that miht othenvi-c cause yu hours of aonv. Tired out muscles eased up and ma le ready tor another 'lav's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints HinLvred up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. iiS ..j The first application of Mexican Mus- tan.ie: Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work until every quivering nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power of this famous remedy enables it to do this quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness. Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per bottle, f. mu w m lw.u. LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th St, BROOKLYN, N.Y. EO CENTS PER BUSHEL While they last. Nu Substitute - ii - x I-..- ;! i .a- ii .i -aft- Leading meat dealers of the conntry predict that the price of beef is to advance 3 to 5 cents over the present high prices. We'll eat no meat. A New Yor Senator is accused i ground. The idea ' !! throat ! - V" ..(. at.-. i: i i.AitK. I Ml. Of" ..IHu j Oh nl TuI.KIio U I i ' -1 ni : vi y J ' ' ' ti.41,1-. .t). that he : ; a-::.- r i I' .1. ( !;, n.-v ( 0., I.-' .11 Jj. I ,?y f Ti.lclu, .lit- U!r I U'.- ul'.,r,-cai.. all,l (hut 1 I I I, A I, iv t,,. .,,. of lil; M i.I.I' 1-.; I.vl f..t.-i, an.l ev . a- i 'r:!, !!.! .'a:,n..t t- can. Hal! - i a'arO, I art-. i i.wnk .1 hi:nky J LIMITED QUANTITY C3 1 IK. k HALIFAX, N. C. i G H g "T ". r ,': - i,o' 'CHIN inn i u j'n n in j i m j In order to reduce stock I will close out FOR CASH Some Bargains ! Secretary Knox refuses to give his parental blessing to his son. Philander C. Knox, Jr , who married the pretty Providence, P. I., saleslady. Is this another dip lomatic blunder by the Secretary Not a single case of malaria ever follow ed these experiments. Near Pome, in a hut that stood in the very midst of the Pontine marshes (one of the worst malaria-srrickcn regions in the worlJi two English ; scieniesis lived for several months THE British Postmaster General during the worst of the malaria in his annual report, says- "The j season. Tney breathed the air result of the penny postage w ith i that came from the damp low land the Lnited Mates, established in i i . . i . i .i iu..r. l. , ;;.9Ixf s .i:i to i.t f. r. ini-an.l cai.coiiU.,1 jn ; :;. jr. .,!!... 'J... i,;, ,!ay i,f Ivoi'mU-rl i'J A I' -' 'I A. U. i.I.1;ao.S. Notary I'ui.lic. Hail - alarm ( uri' is taki'n intrnial ly. an ! at .tir.-c-ily on the hlool an.l iti'i.m- - u'ac-- i.ithi. sy.ti-iii. i I OIIKNKY.V (o. Tolcio, Ohm. I .--i.ir..n.ai. ..-lit fr.-. I'r .'e . i ci nt ..-r Uttl,-. l i,y all JriiL'i.'1-U. T.ik" Hall s 1 iiimlv rill's far ontir.a. fcTCW, . .1 i.-cx t'i A small soul has plenty of elbow- on which the house stood, and room '" a "arrow-mindedltnan. October, 1 90S, is an increase of : drank the water of the region that CaPt. BoKardus again H.ts the about 25 per cent, between two countries. the Last year Canada had 86 strikes, involving 17,881 work men and causing a loss of 842,272 days' work was supposed to cause malaria. In every way they lived as the people about them lived, except that in I have some I.araun in 7 jewel natch, c in eii y.-ar tavs, I-a.lies me Jll .isl; 7 j.-w.-l Cn year rase. ! i ii; 7 ( .!. mokel ea.., H. l iruaian-t.'i-l. ( an yo-.i l..-at if.' ( all an.l w li.i-v l.areains. isani; ar.ls an.l Wt.lin Invita tion 1 hirrai. .1 to r.r.ler. Eyes Rxamined frree Bull s Eye. This -.voi M faninii ri tie .hot who hoMi" the worl.l chaniiiioi ship reeor.i of lmr ,..! .1 . 1... . 1 . ... .t,. 1 . ... .... c 1. u-.i. ni in. i-.i-iiiiik-) un. iciiicu io ineir i"n-"oii i".n.ui.iie snou is in-- . ifiiaiantee.l. I me repairinj a peeiallv. carefully screened hut before the at ';,K'"ln-111 Itoitiy interview-: ..1 I . .. ..... ..It .1- 1 B mosauitoes came nui im.l cm,.h : ,r"' 1 "lr "erp.J a lonir i Two were strikes I behind their screens until ihe sun ,Z,: ' , ZJTZL.-, T.!,"- ,,V"aSC- lor shorter working hours, four j was up and the mosquitoes had re- nrym.M.c.n.-li..ficli iravemf no ai,.Utiant,r ,,a.t i ,e READ ABOUT CROCERIES This is not .-noueli. No n.att. r w hat e ay, to lu!ly appo ciate the iaet that ne ke.-, a hiirii iria.h- of i.Km ;i;il. ou iiiiim ira.ie Here, n.-u.-r Uavevorr net or.ler with uc tl.atwe may a.hl'yi.u to our ever troaiii.' lie! of siia lv esicto- ni. r.. (inr .1. K. VI. Hour the U -t on market. (i(....,U .l. livere.1 promptly. .W. T. PAKKF.K, WfMon. N. ' FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or madder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottle. RiruSI tUMTITUTIt. E. Clark for recognition of unions, five tired. These men had no symp- ' -'i'rf until i Mattel takm I-.!. Ki.l- i against conditions of employment, ' lorns whatever of malaria, although ""y l;, f"ri' 1 h,,l,'' '" "l''y five against reduction of wages, the people all about them were suf-' ' 1 ' "'l' '' eihl because of obnoxious fallow-1 ferine from the disease Th,., '" !n-v Mn"y: ''!""' workmen and the rest for higher i and a large number of other simi- wi. i,- ,... , the m,n,ut l T,! r'nT'rT.'lT' "f V,"i "';CU,H! I I,..,..,..,..i . . . .....,,...... . an. .i.h. r-.l l.y i..-ork-e I ,,.! an.l, j iui v.).'.i iiiic,iii3 itavc in; room IO rei nun nea iaeii. H o I liavc 1 duuht lliHI il is hv the h't- r. fh. "" tlir'', ""I-" "f r..i.. JHI STEE'S SALE OP LAND ' p.oi. r nf sale contain- I llv i. it. ft!, wages. i uuutii dial ii is ny rne p;t'. q. jh 1 ...... ....-.- ... r. ...... . r.:;;.. THE Virginia Supreme Court of ! mosquito and not bv water or hv i f''''' ," p' r h',U,- 1 '" nnr-iik hiiv ilenie.t , u rii ,.t .1 .1 i... ..i..:. n"v"t '"'""T'"1 'lh my ki.lneynor t.la.l- to A i. tM. I. laik, I.. I'. I 'ail:. 'I H lie. rriit. .Ui.-.t l..- i-i reeofle.l in ;,,..k C"l at paire .'I, in of- : lice of the IIi uiMcr of II I. f..r . Appeals has denied a writ of error , damp air ihat the malaria uerm , . ,"ur"1"-; county, to .erure: crtam iri.i,t.,i,,(.,. i an-i oiu-r mint- nt-1 iikp me own ll.ri.iii .-! out in the case of Sam Hardy, convict-' enters the bodv H ar Slotf'ollr in 10OQ r,f .1, C .. . Thp hper uvi'c nfnrjiun.l. 1 i . .. . vvi u. cui.u.n in ui nit in si J i j.. i c c. 1 1 1 1 1 1 k me . Ri.iney i -in an.l always recomniem degree murder of Tiberius Grac- j spad of malaria are: them to my fellow aum-re-m ." chus Jones at Holland, Va. This! 1st. Screening malaria patients'- K. (i.akk. means that Hardy must pay the i from mosquitoes. j . i... .il. .i, i . i -a A,.:,t; ... Genius can erect a temDle with VziiMif u. ins aiitKCU u.me in tne . "".u..i,. uuiicecssary ex- I intccrritv nn.-l PnrnricB ..,, h'iaiilt hai Irf-Cli electric chair unless Governor Mann shall extend executive clem ency, which he will be asked to do. Harmony of Dress. A beautiful woman also atudica the harmony of painting a well Kept home; takes care to have the home painted with paint that will continue to look bright, clean and fresh looking. The L. A M. never becomes dingy, because only chemically pure colors are used; only the tineat White Oxide made from metal; only the purent Linseed Oil; only expert paint-maker produce it with machinery thousand itallom at a time. Con trast with the costly and crude produc tioa of White Lead I'aint made by hand labor with a stick in a pot a few gallons at time. U 4 M. is told by K. CLAKK, Wekloo. posure to mosquitoes. 3rd. Destroying mosquitoes. The matter of destroying mos quitoes is largely a matter of de stroying their breeding places near human dwellings. The mosquitoes that give people malaria are usual ly raised by those same people, or by their neighbors. "Old cans and pans should be cleared away; water barrels, tanks and cisterns should be screened so that the mosquitoes cannot get to them to lay their eggs;soggingeave troughs should be braced up so that no water will stand in them, for in an tion walls. self. All this I owe solely to Koh v's I '"ade in the payment of the same and i j llie liol.ler l.l tile lU.iel.leilneaH ha int? i mni,-ini inr tiri'ier-llTHCM 1 rilstee to I sell the real eMate hereinafter desenlied, j hip un.iersiiriie.i I rustce will sell at pub lic auction at th ( ourt Hoime door, in the town nf Halifax. Y ('.. to the high est bidder, for cash, at 12 o'clock M., on Monday, the 4th day ot April, 1910 the same being the lirM Mondar of c.ai.1 month, a certain tract or parcel of land, lyinn situate and beimr in the county of Halifax and Stale of North Carolina. and being more particularly denned as fol lows: Hi'irinninit at a point along first Street 1JU feet from the corner where first Street intersects koanoke Avenue, in the town of Koanoke liapids and ac cording to plot of said town, and run ning west twenty-live (S) feet) feet to an alley; thence south alonir said alley lifty l 'i feet) feet; then at right angle to said aliey east twenty-live (ii feet) feet; thence north lift v ("i0 feet) feet to the beginning. Haid land being a part of lot No. Iui on which Kdwin 1', Zollicolfcr now owns a brick store on the front and being in extreme rear of said store and racing on the back alley and Kirst street This the Urd day of March, lulu i. L LA RK, Trustee, Every Old Thing Made New. Old kitchen chairs, benches, lawn swings, porch tumiture will reiiuireonly a small can of our Domestic Taint in open mouth cans to make them look like new. (iet it from E. CLARK, Wei don. The man w ho pursues the even tenor of his way never commits a base act. I'aeumonia follows a cold but never follows the ue of Foley's Honey and Tar which stops the cough, heals the lungs and expels the cold. E. CLAKK AT 01 50 SUITS OF CLOTHES FOR MEN. YOUTHS and CHILDREN 250 Pair Shoes I 100 Hats, Caps. Besides a large lot of remnants in Dry Goods and Notions. Call and we will convince you that we are o 0wv 5amo lu uasn customers P. AT. 8TA1NBA0 BOTTOM STORE, PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS I'ek V ' 't J f-'3 VJ Vs". ALL KINDS of good baked, fancy an.l plain cake are relished by all the peo ple, all the time. All Kinds Cakes Pound, Jelly Layer and Fruit, is supplied from this Ukery. Its daily ready on sale. lie good and for Stomach's sake get our cake. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, VTeldon, N. C. FoixYsSnpnw KALI, ami IN U.K. MM I M c n v in i L L i n l ll I. KA.('Y .( Mill.-and NOV EI.TIKS. Huttenck's 1'alterns. R. & Q. Corsets, I Misses at 7"ic. Udies 7 jc. to (I. aVPriees will be ma.le to suit the tunes. Hats and llonnets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAIL OKDKRS I'UO.Ml'TLY HLLKI). MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Vtldon, N.C. sV llnlrsMCsa PIANO TUNING! Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. Q, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg. Va, ' Mere, vou can rui auav emiti c,,m, j j r us. And while wailing you theVwdl uYaw hes .nte "f?V" d- "0, ...w.,, imply c ! . " iruiiy large Uf rMwiiriM nr u.r. I CUP SaViliiis Imss.hnriks I h ... ....:.' .l . ..' . ' '. . 5 thevppr iL . ni-T i : U5'"K incn' ,orine 'merest i iney gi . they are also using them because of the convenience 1 4 P cem. interest allowed, compounded quanerly' I BANK OF ENFIELD, I ENFIELD, N.C. ilsti: . IvOOF CABBAGE GUARANTEED TO SATISFY' PUECHASEIiS S ys. f. i raid In Caot'al Stislr San nnn nn . . .. Ot..t ..:ili.l:,,i,rl th.. i.l.nu uITJii Z " .nl oor ..,., lark. STJ fall llotif SlrwwWtTT II- skaliVl'S,' IL'iSZX? " "" " " We sow three Ions of Calbago Stvd per susor . TO v . w tnOUMTM,. IH M.U. .. I . .. . . t.s tl ssp-r ttmrauM? s .uVii sT'ss .I.TI .-.rmS""."- s at l K l ss as IsnirlHMi O. u-q.1 ' ..1. rt"' '". '-S" arllwsaassLl.a.sk O tVasa. C Gcrastv 4Ta.. nw sin ' . . a sssssssf lanwassa. as. c.

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