yii1 .".eV'lTA-'i Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. W HLDON, N. ('., I IU KSDAV. M.MiCII '21. l!HO. NO. 17 ill MIND WHAT YCU DO AND SAY. The Love and Respect Children. of Your I The Kind You Have Always Bought, anil which lias bcon iu use for over 30 years, lias borne the Kijrnaturo of - and has boon made under his per. (jjyHflfa, Snfl1- supervision since its infancy. ia-S, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations &nd"Just-ns-Kooil"urn hut Experiments that ti ido with anil endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience ngainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is l'leasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine not- oilier Narcotic Hiilistanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoja and Wlml Colin. It ri-licvcs Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach nnd Rowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's I'auacca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC eCNTAUN COMPANY, TT MUNHAV TUCCT. NEW VOftH CiTT. Ladies Attention Ladies Shoes in all the new Spring styles. Come in and see our new swell line. We have them in Mini Tics and MIc Straps London Smoke, Black I Tan. Our lines are noted for FIT, STYLE and SER VICE. Call for Utz & Dunn's make and you will certainly get the best. Yours for business, WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELD ON, N, C. 'f it 1 fi 1 ew Mm ff fids! W ftd M M M M f Q " " I 4 J FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. If mothers could only realize what a critical period their children are passing ihrdigh from the third to the sixth year, they would exer- cise more ihan ordinary care dur- iiiR ihai lime. Not only physically j hui menially and morally are they undergoing a change for better or ! worse, according id the care and i attention they receive from their j mothers and fathers. A father is i no more exempt from certain du j ties toward his offspring than a mother. He should always bear ' in mind that his assistance in the i control of the children is of more value to his lire J wife than the pre- sentation of a costly gift. It is at ' this time that children begin 10 no ! tice papa's and mamma's bearing ; toward one another; let (his always I be one of perfect courtesy and re i spect. Nothing so tjuickly de ! stroys respect lor parents as con I statu bickering in the presence of j their children. The first thing a j child should be taught is respect j for his parents and elders; alrec- j j tion comes naturally with most chil- j ; dren, and is a most valuable aid in gaining control of theiractions;nexi to that is respect; without ii very little can be accomplished for the child's action. Parents should bear in mind that children lose re spect very soon on hearing ihcm disjgree; using bitter, cutting words to each other. This is in flicting the first actual pain the baby hearts have been called upon to bear. In the presence of this the child experiences conflicting emotions which ends in pity for one parent and contempt for the ! other. O parent, pause, consider, before you lose the hold on the Utile ! being who has heretofore consid ; ered you perfect. Let there be unanimity of purpose in act, word j and deed before these little creat- ures, who are so susceptible to ev ' ery impression, if you would pre ! serve their love and respect. t ONEOF"NICK" LONO WORTH'S STORIES. Mere is one "Nick" Longworth is telling some of his colleagues in the House: An old negro was stopped on the street on election day by a white man who psked him if he had voted. "Yas, 'ndeed, I'se voted," re plied the negro. "Did you get anything for your vote?" "Oh, yas, sah. I got paid foh mah vote." "What did you get?" "Well, sah, it was laik dis. De Republicans come ter me and dey says dey give $1 1 if me and my three boys vote de Republican tick et, and I took de money; an' de Democrats come ter me and dey says dey give me $7 foh mah vote and mah boys' votes, an' I took de money." "You took the money from both sides. Then which ticket did you vote?" "Oh, I voted the Democratic ticket." "Thy so? The Republicans gave you the most money." "I voted foh de Democrats foh jes' dat reason dey wasn't as cor rupt as de Republicans." New York World. OE Mm ii mm Wil (&&H wfc Vfe PfA W- H 1 ' Pura I? CONJUGAL KISSING. THE ONLY BAIUi'20 POWDSH hade wrt:i ROYAL CnHPTl CREAM OF TA!2T.'i2 AN EASTER DAT. 1 1. 1 i Bj. I Out of the tomb of night a day has risen; be not anxious, this day is all your own; do not hurry, for in time it is like all other days; neith er delay, for NOW is passing. Lat ly turn your face to the dawn and let its fresh beam;- bathe away all the stains of night, then should the noon be dark with storms, your smile will wear the rose lints of the morning. This new day can be saved only by spending it; therefore, in its care be enduring; in its confusion be patient; in its sorrow be trustful; in its trial be noble; in its peril be heroic. Step softly among human hearts and leave so much of kindness along life's pathway, that gladness shall spring up bearing tribute in the cool eventide of the world's glad Paster. D. E. Croft. Just Imprint On Her Lips An Oc casional "Lovers' Kiss.'' Where one wife is now kissed with some pretence at regularity by the man who was always swearing before marriage that he would eat her up before the year was out, it is sale to say that ninety seven other women go moping around j the house with lips parching from neglect, burning biscuits and run ning down shoes in sheer despair, For the want of that encourage ment an occasional kiss would j probably give. This is not as it should be for a kiss after marriage is relished equally with those be fore and if you want to see your wife tripping about with melody in her soul and feet like cork just im print on her lips an occasional "Lovers' Kiss." All that most married women need to make them beings of light and jewels of gladness is more kisses from the old man and less growling about how the potatoes are fried. No woman can be an angel without a slip of nectar now and then, and the husband who Fails to grant a supply of ambrosia to the sprites in hushii, who make paradise on earth a possibility, de serve to be "henpecked" all his j days. I j A DAY OFF. I Mrs. Out-of-town to near neigh bor Such trouble as I've had to ' day; I'm nearly dead. I Neighbor "krey ! What's hap- pened? ! "My husband's watch stopped I last night." I "I don'i see why" "No; neither could we. It nev er stopped before this morning, because it stopped at 7 o'clock last evening, and so I set the clock by it, and that was wrong, and my husband missed the train to the city, and the children were late to school." "Not pleasant, of course, but" "Oh! but I haven't told you. You see, my husband, after miss ing his regular train, concluded to take a day olf nnd mend all the furniture." "1 see." "Yes. He's got everything in the house apart and can't get them together again. "New York Journal. SIMB Ask Grand Ma' ABOUT LIVER Tor over 80 years ic has been the standard remedy for Biliousness, Constipation, Headache, Dyspepsia, Malaria and all diseases of the Stomach and Liver. IE KNOWS (IN if IB tAir i in 1 Mil iisf II! L1rAI1. PATTFRNS CVIclvM.c I lor h'ylc, perfect fit, simplicity and rdmhihty m-arlv 40 SoM in neatly every cily and lrw;i in tiio Unilcl States and C';tn;ipl:i, or bv m;i;1 ilirci't. More sold tliitn iinv t-itluT make Saul tor live catalogue. McCALL'S MAGAZINE M..i sub.smhers ihim uty nir fashion in.igni'.im! miMitui i ni"itli. Invaluable, I.at est .styles, jutlcins ilri'ssinnliini!, millinery, pinin sewiiitr, fiint v ni'ctllcwot l;, liiiiniressing, etiquette, l-mkI stories, etc. Only fiU cents a year (ort!i i!'uMel, inrimiinj; A free piiHrrn, .Suicrii'j t nl.iv, (ir semi (ur sampli: C")V, WONDERFUL INDUCEMENTS loA-jem. 1 1114s prrtninni catalogue unit ne'.v (,'i'lt prize oliuisi. Address I Cllt McCALL CO.. 238 to 248 W. S71h St.. NEW VORl MENS SUITS: $18.00 16.50 12.50 10.00 Suits now 11.98 10.98 7.98 6.98 "if f aMnW BHM'Hltlllli'millllHI IO We Ask You I to take Cardul, for your female troubles, because ve are sure it win help you. Remember that si this great female remedy itlKL PAfnlGlDIO ft has brought relief to thousands of s other sick women, so why not to periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the bsst medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City its KNOW WHAT HE MEANT. THE BANK OF WELDON VKU)OX, X. ( Orianlzed Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al-t.lsTOTII, is:v State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. $43,000. For more than 17 years tlii institution has provided hankm faeili tie. for tliis nection. Ilr. Htookh..l.ler and il.iwtoni have been i.lentilled Willi th bui.ini-i.1. interests of Halifax and Northampton oountiea for manv Tears. Money is loaned upon approved security at the h iral rate of intorest-sixpercentu.il. Accounts of all are solicited. TlTiTirplua and undivided prolits hayinir reached a mini e.i,al to the Canital stock, the Bank has, commencing January I, H"oH. established a ." :! ...... .,t,.,o,,t .ll.winff interest on tune deposits as follows: l or lleposit. al owe dtormiiaiu three months or longer. 2 per cent monll or longer, S per cent. Twelve months ,,. lonjrrr 4 per cent For further information apply to the President or Cashier. Six pbkhiiibnt: . K. UASIKL, vicr-1'Kksidknt: V. It. SMITH. cahimkh: It. S. TKAVIS, This story is traveling through Kansas now. "Number?" "Blank's grocery, please." "Number5" "Blank's grocery, plensc." "Number? Haven't you a di rectory?" "I suppose so, but I don't know where it is. Blank's grocery, please?" "Number?" "Say, central, are you a lady or a man ?" "A lady." "Go to heaven, please," and the receiver went up with a thud. AMONQ THE OIRLS. Douie I hate this windy weath er. Louie Why, dear? Dottie It ruins my complexion. Lottie And I don't suppose you could help things by pulling it on a little thicker? THE OLD BUCK MAMMY. 'Tis easy to wander oft' from my theme When traveling over the ground; Thro' evergreen pastures across the bright stream When in fancy I wander around. And see in the picture which never grows older Tho' age chills the blood which never grows colder. In fancy I see those good old negroes again I loved in the days long ago, As they worked in the fields of cotton and grain And sun as they chopped wiih the hoe; 1 can never forget, wherever I roam, The scenes ot my childhood and home. The dear old black mammy, so gentle and lender, So faithful a"lid true to her trust I loved her so well 1 dared not offend her; She is gone, yet 1 honor her dust. From the wells of my heart arise tears of regret; Tho' she sleeps 'neath the sod, I can never forget. She was lovely to me in her colored bandanna With which she unbailed her head; Her songs were far sweeter than flute or piano As she put me to sleep in my bed; Her soft crooning voice 1 can never forget, Like an angel, in dreams, she comes to me yet. Ex Senator Cordon, of .Mississippi. lor Iuiauts and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of LfLc.fy 2.50 1.98 It's easy for a busy man to keep j out of mischief. Often The Kidneys Are ; Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy KiJncys Make Impure Blood. ttY.ik :iud unhealthy kidneys are rc- spoiisilik' tor much siekiiessainlsulIeriiiK. -5 : w.vrr ONE FAIR FACE, The might of one fair face sublimes my love, For it hath weaned my heart of low desires; Nor death I heed, nor purgatorial fires. Thy beauty, aniepasi of joys above, Instructs nie in the bliss that saints approve; For 0, how good, how beautiful, must be The God that made so good a thing as thee, So fair an imagine of the heavenly Dove ! Forgive me if I can not turn away, From those sweet eyes that are my earthly heaven, For they are guiding stars, benignly given To tempt my fooisicps to the upward way; And if I dwi.ll too fondly in thy sight, 1 live and love in God's peculiar light. crctoii', ll kutiiev ,ulile is pi-ruiiltcd to iiuiiiM', mthhis re- me iti"l likely t.i l..lim,. VotirntllLT (!;.':!;; 1 IUV lH'ed l't triiiKiu, Imt your kid-ii'-sT. met, bL':iise th'.'V do ino:-t und sImiiM li:",v ntteiilion li-t . TIkt, f.'ie, when your kidneys .ire vi al; ei out "i order, von ci ii miller1 timd Imw inn kly your en tire IknIv is nlleetiil mi l Im," i ,vry or;;:m sterna to I'.iil to do it ,it:ly. If you are sick or "ltd kn'.ly," bc'tin l.ikiiii; the jin-iit l.iiittey remedy, lr. Kilini r's Svv iiiiji Hi . .1. A tri.il ill con vince you of iu. en it i,n nl. The mil. I und in.tm -di.ile vl'fcct of Swamp-Kool, tin- ;:rcal 1-i'hicv an I bladder vcimdc, i- soon r. ali.td. It taiicisthe hijdu si Ikcimw ilMeumrk.iblj ltc i.tli re t.wiitn rtics h in' l-eil ll lit thousand ol the uiovt ills! resu lt' von re d a UHiiiciiie r on should liave the 1 ltl bv dnre-i iN in ltttv-r.l Hi, l one-itol lar sizes. Yoii 1 have n sample I 1 bv mail fne, nl : rmintlilet ti llim: liow to lind out if voii li -ve kidney or bladder trouble. M. nli.ni this paper when writing to Kilmer S: I. '., , Hiiii;liamtoii, N. V. 1 'mi t ri i'.e iny mit- take, but remember t' e n .me, S uiiii,. I Root, and don t 11 n dealer sell yon Boinethinir in place i f S.iin)i-!',oot if I you do you v ill 1 disiipiuiulcd. Men's Overcoats $15.00 now 9.98 12.50 now 7.88 10.00 now 6.49 A. Clean Sweep Salo of all Hats BOYS' OVERCOATS $5 Overcoats cut to $3 All Shoes at Clean Sweep Prices Women's $1.50 Shoes to go at 98c Men's $2.50 and $3 WorkingShoes now 1.98 Banrains for all for a few more days. 1 T J IJ IJ 1 Weldon, N. C 1 ti till ill t it 11 11 U 111 itii i' Ti i irrr" iir-iir-iwuiiiii'iiiiiihui n nr if Sucrccd when everything elae idla. In i.i-r'.u'.s I'l'Obiiation and female i weaknesses luey ore the supreme remedy, us thousands have testified. FOK k'lWEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it h il'-' t.'st medicine ever sold oc.r a druggist's counter. Hk-C R. B1 nr m Km - i I TV ' -V ..tfisj B-,..i :. ..f.l in .nl .'tiimiit' UNOu TRAOt-WAUKfc, ( HVfHUKli.l ( uiyi!i:Llntn it. rt v. ,i HkHi-ii. .M.mIi I ui riti.tu. tur HlfORT I'll I'.llflllill'ilHV. I'Ull'tlt ir't 1,", -. ,1V. BANK REFIRENCES- -t ml 4 ! it t M.mif 'i inn t" niVHlnnMr ),',,, ks .-ii COW TO OBTAIN nml SCLL fAT INTS. W 1 'i i'ii. Hilt pity. IL.iw t- i I'trt- . ... : Hun VrtlllMl.i('lli1,irm;ltloD. ED. SWIFT & CO, I'ATENT LA W V fcn, 303 Seventh St.. Washington. D. C prove l.!iK-y'miJ;.5iiiiJ ROSES . Carnations, Violets and other Mowers alnays on hand. Shower Weddinir I'.oiiij ui'Ih. Handsome rioial liesitfiis, I'alms and Kerns for home culture Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and tiiauv other varii ttes oi l'.ulbs lor tail i I ii 1 1 ti 1 1 tr eillici I'm out or indoor eld ture. 1,'owe bushf. Maiiiiolius and Kv- eru'reens. U lit-. 'iioiie or tclrirrapl1 h. STEINMHTZ, KulclKh r--j.t iv llorisl, North Carolina. DeWin'S CARBOLIZEO WITCH KiZEL (ALVE For PIIm, Bum, 8or8 TH K CHILDREN LIRE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP CKIIdron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA What kind of wings do you ex pect to get for the pennies you drop into the contribution plate? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Most men do as they please when away from home. A man isn't necessarily crooked because he can't keep a straight face. UEORUE C. OREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank lluildinir) Weldon. N. C. J T. OLAR IC ATTORNEY AT LAW, WEI.nON, N.C. I'ractices in the eourts of Halifax and adjioninf? counties and ii. the Supreme court of tlio Mate. Special attention Riven to collections and prompt return j WE FURNISH t A Pi'.il l',..i.t iiin'i.riilllwlin ) ( buy their trioeencs at our stole. ) ( l( the seasonable deheaeies are , ) i found ill our store the year ) , round. ' , ' CONFECTIONERIES P FRUITS j1 (, CROCKERY AND TIN I) ( WARE ; ) Wooden and Willowware, lUc. ) t lioods delivered promptly any ) ( w here ill town, l'ohte clerks. .) ( ! I'hone No. stl. ; ) ( R. M. PURNELL, ( I wki.don, n. r. l) (J lb Wood's Early Ohio v Seed Potatoes are beinu planted in increasinit quantities eacli year by the lanrcst and most successful markct v'row ers. This variety makes uniform ly lanroHized potatoos, ofexeillent shipping, market and table quali ties, and is proving to bo one of tlie most profitable and reliable of early-cropping potatoes. Wc are headquarters for the best Maine-grown gg(J Second Crop z. " . Northera-rjrown fOtdtOCS Wood' 30th Annual Seed Book gives full descriptions and information, with tho highest tes timonials from successful growers as to the superiority of wood'a seed I'oUtocs. Write for prices and Wood's Seed Jtook, which will be mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD & SONS, r Seedsmen, Richmond, Vs. Special Sale ! We have on hand several consign nieiits of the latest in wool. Wash and 1'rincess ladies Suits. Hatlier than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. $!" Suits 7.50. 1'rin cess. white and all other colors $." to 7, mm f2."iii to tH. Wash t 'oat Suits M to S.H. now tl.li to lt. t to."i Net Waists reduced t-l .oi to V-. ill Hlack and col ored silk Petticoats 4 to fit now W.m to ?:l.T". Voile Skirts $tt to now (j.; 'si to f l .'Ki. IO.IHiO yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. T.'ie to $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 60 to 7,",o. A and lie. calicoes Ht to 4c. 10 and l'-"c ginghams ? to !)c. Ahout B,lNm yards dress goods to el' sc out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, lings, druggets, carpolings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C.