For Coughs and Colds Troubled with a cough? A hard cold, bronchitis, or some chronic lung trouble? There is a medicine made for just these cases Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Your doctor knows all about it. Ask him what he thinks of it. No medicine can ever take the place of your doctor. Keep in close touch with him, consult him frequently, trust him fully. No alcohol in this cough medicine. C. Auer Co. , LowelTMaia. Ayer'i Hills. Sugar-coati-d. All veiicljhle. Act directly on the liver. Gently laxa tive. Dose, only one pill. Sold for nearly sixty years. Ask your doctor about them. THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Mar. 24, 1910. Published Every Thursday. ESTKHKO AT I'OSI'OKUCK ATUKUMIN SKi'UMI-l'I.A.sS M ITI.K. RAILS Ol-'SlliSIKII'llllMN HVWU: One Year, thy mail) iioMaid, Si x Mouths, " lfl.-MI. A weekly Deiiiin'iutie journal d. voted to lite maU'i iul. -!iii'a!i.'ii:il. political an I uirnniltuial nitrii'.lf. ot ll.ihliix ami KUITnillldlllU't'ullllIU'. dvrl tmili; mil'!, ivasniiuhl mlied on ai'i'hi'uttoii. :ui.l fur- Ac.AlN vc arc moved id ad monish Mr. Peary that it is nut what a man w ants, Inn what he gets, that makes him happy. The army has just adopted a new type of machine gun, but the House of Representatives still clings to its same old Cannon. The Rrownsville negroes will stay out of the army, announces the New York Press. They will not be reinstated or further pun ished. Senator Gordon has retired to his Mississippi farm. No won der. Somebody carelessly men tioned him for Vice-President the other day. The high price of living is tell ing on the New Jersey prison. The wardens complain that it cosis them nine cents a day now to feed their prisoners. "The ensuing years will see no idleness on my part," says Col. Roosevelt, and that is equally certain to mean that a few other people will be kept busv. Old Prof. Linotype is a great joker now and then. A Georgia editor wrote an editorial reading, "VC'e are a thrifty people," and the professor sent it forth, "We are a a thirsty people." Cameron B. Buxton, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Buxton, of North Carolina, is one of the most promising railroad men in the country. Although he is but 31 years of age, he holds the high po sition of general eastern agent of the Santa Fe Railroad, with head quarters at Philadelphia. North Carolina continues to sit at the head of the table. Nat Goodwin talks frankly of his matrimonial experiences. He says: "My Hrst wife w as an angel, my second a silly fool; my third a 'Roman senator'; my fourth makes me superlatively happy. No self respecting American citien should take advantage of the unwritten law. If a man steals your wife, don't kill him caution him. The true philosophy of life is to achieve something and then forget it." The officials of the North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly are mak ing extensive preparations for the great meeting of North Carolina teachers which is to be held at Asheville, June 14-17, HMO. This will he twenty-seventh annual ses sion of that organization, and al ready preparations have proceeded far enough to make it evident that it will be one of the greatest edu cational gatherings ever held in the State. Mayor Riddick, of Norfolk, struck a key note a few days ago when he suggested to the Industrial Commission the idea of offering lower taxation for the encourage ment of manufacturers to locate their plants in Norfolk. This very subject is now being considered by Baltimore, which has a new charier pending before the Legislature at Annapolis. What's good for Norfolk and Baltimore would be good for X'el don. The Farmers' Union is preach ing to the farmers the doctrine "Don't Go In Debt," says the News and Observer. One day the eccentric John Randolph, ot Roanoke, rose in his seat in Con gress and cried out in his far-reaching voice: "Mr. Speaker, 1 have found the philosopher's stone. It is 'Pay as you go.' " Later on a lesser light added to Randolph's maxim the words "if you can't pay don't go." This is the lesson the Farmers' Union is trying to teach. Don't Throw It Away. Clean your old ami worthless furni ture with map anil water. Then apply one eoat of L. & M. Varnili all ready for use. It makes it new at a coat of almost nothing. (Jet it from E. CLARK, Weldon. The dissolution of the Standard Oil is now a question for the Su preme Court of the United States to grapple with alone. The final argument of the famous suit to dis solve the Standard Oil Company, of New Jersey, as a conspiracy and a monopoly in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust law has been made and the court now has the matter under consideration. And yet, according to our way of thinking, there are greater evils for the Anti-Trust law to grapple with than the Standard Oil. The Standard Oil people sell oil at rea sonable prices, but oh, ye "Beef Trust" and ye "Flour Trust lnj all the evils which go to make the cost ot living almost beyond the reach of the man with moderate means. Just read how Major Hemphill sings the praises of Richmond, af ter a residence of one month. He is miles ahead of the natives and knows a good city when he sees it: i "What's the use of living unless you live in Richmond? How can ! you live, in fact, how can anybody ; live, outside of Richmond, upon ' which every god hath set his seal ; and said distinctly that there is no ! other place in the world leastwise 1 no other place that should be men-' tioned in the same breath or the ; same linotype?" ' And yet the late Judge Lynch, for forty years a well known rail-! road official of this place, once said mat mere were only two places in which life was worth living Wel don and New York. The Richmond Times Dispatch says: "North Carolina has fur nished Richmond another small pox patient, Sam F.dwards, claim ing Charlotte, as his home." So much for the splendid adver tising the chief editorial writer on the Times-Dispatch is giving Rich mond. Some days ago the Times Dispatch exploited the advantages of Richmond, a city where the sun shines brightest and ihe birds sing sweetest, and where the gods have set their seals saying there is no other place so fair, and sending out a general invitation, saying to all, "Come and abide with us." Sam read that editorial, perhaps, believed firmly in his soul that the invitation extended even unto Coon Hollow, his home in the county whtre Independence first blossomed, and he straightway hied himself to the fair city of seven hills and took along a case of the dreaded small pox with him. So much for Sam. Bui our friends should not complain. We have given them some of our best men who are identified wiih the spirit ual, intellectual and commercial uplight of Richmond and in giving so much that is good it was only natural that a little evil should creep in. Put Sam in the pest house where he can do no further harm. S'l'VTK Of cilllo, ( i i v UK t ii.i:i)i i. ( iit M'V. frank .t. hi'iii'v inuki nutli tliat lu is si'iiiui .;titnei -uf V. .1 ( liciii-y , u . ('inir luvni's in tlir City nf Tolt'iln. iimitv ati.l tali- a!'"ii-siul. ami tliat sai.l r 1 1 in mil pay ti c mini miiii nf ui; III M'KI-.I' I Ml. A II- ,ai'l, aii.l ,n fiy i:i-' i.f Catanli tlial i-aunnl It ciiir.l I'y Hall - ( alanli ( ini'. n;M i iit.n ky. "in tu 1" I'uii' im aii'l siil..('ti., m :ny iivsi'iu'i'. tliisiiilMlay uf I m-i-ciiiIht A. 1 1. ISNl. li:u.) A. V. ll. i: MiN, Notary TuMii1. Hall's lalaiili Ciuv is taken iiiti-rnul-ly, ainl acts ilircctly nil tlii' Mwi.l ami imu'ims'aci's of the system. r. ,i. t 'ii k.n i: v a in.. Tolfiln, Ohio. TV!" lialu suit firr. I'liri- 7") ivnts n-r Inilili-. s.ihl hy all ilrumrisiM. Taki- Hal' lam i ly fill's I'm ( niisti-a-twill Col. Gordon declared in the bCiiaiO tlial lit loved everybody, but usually it lakes a few highballs io make a man feel thai way. No Substitute Aei-i-pt no suhstitiile fur Knley'n linn, ey awl Tar. It is tin- hi-st ami remiily for rotiirlis, eolils, throat an,l lung troubles. No ouati's. K. t l.AHK. When do they expect to start spending that $1,000,000 on the hookworm theories. I'lipumonia followH a onlil Imt never follows the use of Foley's Honey and far which Btops the cough, heals the llllilfs ami expels the eolil. E. t'LAUK Texas has made John W. Gates a colonel which puts him on a foot ing wiih seven-tenths of them. Foley's Kidney Keiueily will cure any case of Kidney or ltladder troulile that is not beyond the reach of uieiicine. So medicine can do more. E. CLARK. 1 BETTERMENT COLUMN. I THE UNPAID DEBTS OF THE WEALTHY. Under the above litle the follow ing article, by F.lla Wheeler Wil cox, recently appeared in the Rich mond Times-Dispatch. We re gard it as worth reproduction in this column. "Do you know what helps to make anarchists?" said a bright man to me. "It is the indifference of scores of people born rich to the needs of their creditors. Never having felt the lack of $5, $10 or $100, they cannot realize the misery it entails when they withhold those small sums." A milk dealer once told the writer that families in New York City, whose names were syno nyms ot wealth and aristocracy, .r. ... .It . l . p iA . outii auoeu n,i ot ?0u or jwu to go unpaid tor years. A news agent gave me the names i of a wealthy family whose news- ; paper account ot sj? had been j vainly presented six times. The ! family had sailed for L'urope wiih ; out one word or dollar to the man. i THE WOMEN TO BLAME. ! The millionaire is busy with ! large enterprises and leaves a sec ! retary to attend to these bills, per J haps; and the secretary considers I the small bills unimportant and puts them aside while he attends to "more serious" matters. As if anything could be more serious than the needs of the man or wo man dependent upon a small, hard earned income ! More frequently, however, I be lieve the fault of these neglected bills lies with women of wealth. The husband expects his wife to attend to such details, and when madame is called upon she is busy with a visitor, or taking a nap, or dressing for a reception, or going to act on a charitable committee for building a new hospital or church, and she sends word to call again. So small a matter can wait. If the I ill is presented too often, how ever, madame becomes indignant at "the presumption." She does not like to be "importuned" in such a matter. It ought to be made a law that all people of wealth should be post ed on the sireei corners in large red letters when their petty bills remain unpaid longer than two months It is criminal for the dispensers of large chanties and expensive hospitalities to ignore the needs of small tradesmen or workmen Or ! women who are dependent upon ; anj is working to raise $5000 per their little earnings for daily neces-1 year, ,ulMie public library may be kept open on Sunday afternoons, now to khgahd debts. at night, and on holidays. An an One of ihe first principles to in-; rmal cleaning up day, the removal still into the mind of a young boy of fences, and a petition for a union or girl is a high sense of honor 1 railroad station, show the work an aboui money matters. Teach your ! other club is doing for its town, children to repay a loan of a post- j Several other clubs report Arbor age stamp as punctiliously as they ! 0'. and cleaning day observance, would a Si 00 note. Children absorb ideas gained by listening to the conversation of their elders more quickly than they do sermons directed to them individually. If you are forced to let a bill or a debt run any length of time, speak of it in the presence of your children as a misfortune which you hope to avert occurring a second time. Show that you are anxious about the matter, and that you feel that they will be ready to deprive them-! selves of some pleasures, and even , necessities, to aid you in wiping I ou, the deb, and s,ving ,he family I nollor- j Bring them up wiih ihe idea thai I patches and old clothes are honor- able when ihev save ihe we.irpr from incurring debts. No mailer how brilliant and gift ed a man may be, no matter how beautiful and accomplished a w o man, both are blemished hopeless ly in the eyes of right-thinking people if they are negligent about their financial obligations. Hundreds of unhappy marriages can be traced to this one fault in either husband or wife. There is nothing mure Inimiljfl ting io a woman of refinement and delicacy of feeling than the knowl edge that her neighbors and asso ciates know her husband disregards his money obligations and that trades are needing what he uses for oilier purposes. There is nothing huns a man of good principles more than to find his wife inconsiderate of the rights of her creditors. The moment a man and wife be gin to have discord over monev from any cause the bloom is gone from the domestic rose. Every young woman should learn some thing of her lover's methods in these matters before she becomes his wife. The man who makes light of fi nancial obligations is the man who will make light of his marriage ob ligations. There is a streak of dis honor somewhere in his make-upt The right son of a father or mother could overcome and eradi cate such a trait by beginning ear ly, but it will prove a difficult task for a wife. The thoughtless girl is more easily molded by a high-principled and and careful husband, but, were I a man, I should steer Cupid's bark far away From die course of the fair voyager who left port with unpaid bills behind her. Stan your children out in life with fixed high ideals on this sub ject and rest assured they will not wander far away. Too many boys and girls hear poverty and econo my preached, but hear nothing to set them thinking upon the disgrace uf debt. Once a young mind as sociates debt with dishonor, the foundation of right principles is laid. It is your business to do this for your child. It is a better fortune 10 nestow upon a son or daugnter I lIia $ , ,000,000 and loose or in- - Mm idi:as of honor in th ic use of other people's money. THE NOKTH CAROLINA l'EDl.KA j TION OF W'OMl-NSCl.l'HS CIVIC DEPARTMENT. (Miss liliabeth Schwanberg, Chair man, Southern Pines.) One of the besi ways to cultivate a love for the beautiful is to begin with our own surroundings. Civic beauty means cleanliness, comfort, pride. The vacant lot over grown with weeds and brush is a reproach to any neighborhood. Civic beauty is not an idle dream, it is an easily realized ideal. The reports that have come to this department are most encour ing. Though not all the towns represented in the Federation have a civic department in their clubs, yet those that have, report better work done this year, and ihe com mittee has helped to arouse new interest. One of our newest civic clubs, during the two years since its or ganization has raised over $2,200 most of which has been spent in restoring and beautifying the town hall, now the library and club room. A civic league in one town organized with a cleaning day, and a law imposing a fine for expectora ting on the side walks. Another civic league is determined to have clean and beautiful streets and lawns, while still another exercises close observance of health laws. Five hundred trees planted, Ar bor day and Civic day celebrations, improved conditions around the railroad station, and a systematic garbage collection is the record of one small town. A large neighbor, through the influence of its wo- ni:in Huh ll:ld a Hivin nn iUv while still others are working in a quiet way toward general civic improvement. Everywhere may be seen ihe good results of the woman's club with the local civic league. To those clubs which have not attempted anything along civic lines, the committee wishes to makea plea that they inaugurate a movement towards better condi tions in their towns. Do ii at once. Will not clubs which have not al ready esiablished junior civic leagues for the training of otr in principles of school children law, order and cleanliness, do so "r , ' S, . .'1 T I . . . in ihe effort to have clean streets if they are taught this, and have cultivated in them a taste for beau- anJ cleanliness. i nis paper was contributed to the Betterment Column by Mrs. X II. S. Burgwyn. There is this difference: Pin chot was fired; Ballinger seems about to be smoked out. THUSTKE'S SALE OV LAND. Ily virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a certain deed of tiust executed and delivi'red by ii-iuirii M. Ianiel and 1.. 1'. Da I. his wile, to A I., ( lark, I riislm ilst'-'l M-)- f-'tl, I'M, .);) recorded ill Honk jut at paife'.'l, III of lice of the Keirister of Heeds for Halifax County, to secuiej certain indebtedness therein set out. default liavinif been made in the payment of the same, and the holder of llie indebtedness haviuir reiiuesled the undcr-iuiied Trustee to Bell the real estate hereinafter dcscnlied, the undersigned Trustee Kill sell at pub. lie auction at tlieCourt House door, in the town of Halifax. N. C.. to the high est bidder, I ir cash, at 1J o'clock M., on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1910 the sainebeinit the first Monday of said month, a certain tract or parcel of land, lyinir situate and being in the countv of Halifax and !tate of North Carolinaand beinir more particularly dellned as fol lows: Heirinninir at a point along First Street I'JS feet from the corner where First Street intersects Roanoke Avenue, in the town of Roanoke Rapids and ac cording to plot of said town, and run ning west twenty live (2i feet) feet to an alley; thence south alonir said alley fifty (."HI feet) feet; thenat right angle to said alley east twenty-live (lii feet) feet; thence north tll'tv (."si feet) feet to the beginning. Said land being a part of lot No. till on which F.dwin T. Zolhcoirer now owns a brick store on the front and being in extreme rear of said store and facing on the back alleyand Firststreet This the 3rd dar of March, 1010. A L CUKK, Trustee. Clothes Help Make A r OU are judged by the clothes you wear. If your - garments are stylish, well fitting and nice ap pearing, they will create a good impression for yon. If you wear Spero, Michael & Son, "New York Made" clothes you will not have to think of your appearance. ow clothes will always be stylish, and you will look and well dressed. Come in and let us show you a suit that will im prove your appearance. R. E. Draper Co., Ilt VV( NEXT TO MUMIKUEK OFFICE, KEIDON, S. C. D THINK OF Mexican Mustang' Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. Relief from pain that miyht otherwise cause you hours of agony. Tired out muscles eased up and made ready for another day's work. Lameness in the back and shoulders promptly cured and stiff joints limhered up. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Mashes ren dered painless and quickly healed. Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica robbed of their anguish and banished forever. Ulcers, Old Sores and Open Wounds healed promptly and permanently. Prices 25c, 50c. $1.00 READ ABOUT C ROC ERIES T'lns is not i nmiji. No matter what we say. to mllv appieeiute the fact that we keep a hiirii trade of ( . lit M 'Fill i:s. you in u-t trad,- here lletter leave your nest order w itli us that we may add you loom eier l'iowiiic li-t ofsti-udv custo mers Our .1. f. l If. in ii,,' i.vt on market, (.nods delivered promptly. ,V. T! PARKER. Weldon, S. I'. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE WILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. 50c. and $1.00 Bottle. MFUtf iUMTITUTIS. H. Clark a.'-J''' T ""-f ! J ALL KINDS of pood baked, fancy and plain cake are relished by all the peo ple, all the time. All Kinds Cakes Pound, Jelly Layer and Fruit, is supplied from this bakery. Its daily ready on sale. He good aud for Stomach's sake get our cake. M, S, MOUNTCASTLE, Weldon, N. C. I '11 lOLEYSKlDNEYI'IIlS fm Ihuw imiihm Bpsecg the Man i illl per bottle. f w, .ii d. LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th In order to reduce Besides a large lot of remnants in Dry Goods and Notions. Call and we will convince you that we are oflenng good bargains to cash customers. P. N. ST AINBACK. BOTTOM STORE, SI'lilNil anii SIMUflt MILLINERY. KAtit'V (iOOI'S and NOVELTIES. Hutterick's Patterns. R. & Q. Corsets, I Misses at 7,"c. Ladies 7."c. to $1 . MLl'nct-R will be made to suit the times. Hats and Itonncts made and trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDER l'KOMPTI.Y KILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, S.'C. PIANO TUNING! Voicing;, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. G, Rowe f . J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg, V, r i SPERO. V The first application of Mexican Mus tang Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work until every quivering nerve is soothed and quieted. The great penetrating power of this famous remedy enables it to do this quickly and positively. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness, Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in persistently. The antiseptic qualities of this old relia ble household remedy make it safe and sure PI bn Ub stock I will close out FOR CASH a cost 50 SUITS OF CLOTHES FOR MEN, YOUTHS and CHILDREN 250 Pair Shoes 1 100 Hats, Caps. I PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS 1 I I Here, you can pui away small sums not needed for present I I us.c' AnJ 'ne wailing your call they will draw interest ' I I cn7?na.CC0Um in ourrSarvi,12s department does not always imply t small transactions, far from it. Many large depositors are using t i our savings pass-books. 1 hey Bre usinB t"n Pr i-- ifirr i they get; they are also using ihem because 'of ihe convenience airorued. 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly ! BANK OF ENFIELD t ENFIELD, N. C. FROST PROOF GUARANTEED TO SATISFY PURCHASERS, . ... -- v.vuuui wwanw ruin a wKWiVLKS. XI.. ... rata in canitni Axb ca nn WoSowlkMlonsofCLbagSeJief smsmi " t Waw C Cgr"7 Co- Bo 31 J Yonnga Ila4. 8. C ' DESIGNED BY MlCHAF.L & SOU NEW YORK St, BROOKLYN, N.Y. -6 V rev- t CABBAGE PLANTS AtfurmiTiu-i:fc!.a. iH.'HTMXMhl Ii'JmmLiihiAI aa . r. .

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