A. 50-CCT.t L '.AC f - p VI I s COfi 8 UHGi. n i.i h il - .euspoon 0 1 doses four times a day, nixed h itr, bottle, will hist a year-old baby near ly a month, and four bot tle;; over three months, and will make the baby strong and well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. t)R SAt.F. BY AM. PKUCRISTS Sunt re, name of iwr nnd tliift ad. fur dir ln'ailllful Suvmiiilliitlk nml ChiUI'n Slcrtrli. lonk. Itath bunk conuim a Cooii I.mlc 1 ctmy. J.COTT aV BOWNE, 40 P.arl Slr..t, N. Y. THE ROANOKU NEWS. Thursday, Mak. 24, 1910. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News of Town and Vicinity Qathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. The equinoctial storms were on time. Two more school months and then a holiday for the children. Mrs. N. M. Austin and Mrs. C. J. Owen spent Thursday in Rich mond. The Easter honnet is no joke this season. It will have right of way Sunday. Miss May Cheek and Miss i Hat tie Taylor spent a few days in Richmond last week. Mrs. Henry A. House, of Thel ma, who has been visiting here, returned home Monday. Sunday was bright and beautiful and large congregations attended service at all the churches in town. Miss Mary VC'ebb, of Thclma, spent Saturday and Sunday here t ie guest of Mi . .iiicl Mrs. A. C. House. South Weldon continues to show marked improvement in the built' - ityn lin I .to nf nauf tirtttoop n-A ! to be seen. Miss Bettie Lee and Miss Sallie Squire, of Emporia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bounds, in South Weldon. Tomorrow, Good Friday, will be observed in many of the churches of the land as a day of solemn fast and prayer. Mrs. E. G. Taylor, of Durham, who formerly lived here for some time, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Russell this week. The glorious anniversary of the day of the resurrection will dawn. Sunday. Joyous Easter anthems and songs of praise will go up to the Highest of the High. Mrs. J. L. Shepherd went to Ox ford Tuesday as a delegate to the annual meeting of the State Con vention of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the Baptist Church. Miss Dora Hornaday, pleasantly remembered here at the time her father was pastor ol the M. E. church, spent Sunday with friends in Weldon. She is now teaching at Littleton college. Mrs. Ida Wilkins, Mrs. Mary Johnson and Mrs. H. C. Spiers are attending the annual confer ence of the Womans Home Mis sion Society in Elizabeth City this week. Mrs. Spiers goes as a del egate, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Johnson are officers of the Socie ty. Married. Mr. W. W. Wilton and Miss Ella C. Stancil, both of Skippers, Va., were married at Halifax Monday by Justice R. W. Carter. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post office: W. W. Baker, J. L. Brown, MissDollie Branch, John Cowman, Miss Buna Day, Miss Harriet Hall, Miss Carme Lia, Missi Mary L. Wilkins (2), Mrs. Mary Wyche. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John 0. Burton, P. M., Weldon, N. C. March 21, 1910. Are You a Paint Maker ? You don't hvo to be one in order to mix your own paint when you have a house to paint. Ita mighty cany to buy 4 gallons of L. & M. Taint, and 3 gallons of pure Linseed Oil, and put both in largo pail anil mix well together. You will then make 7 gallons of the beat paint at a cost of about $1 8J per gallon mul then have a good painter paint your uouae. The L. A M. i sold by E.CLA UK Weldon. FDR GOOD ROADS. Enthusiastic Meeting at Halifax Monday and Strong Address by Mr. Spoon County Organiza tion. Mr. W. L. Spoon, of Burling- ton, highway engineer, North Car olina Geological and Economic Sur vey, made a strong and practical address to the people of Halifax county in the new court house du ring the recess of court Monday. He was introduced by Mr. W. I;. Daniel, who siaied the object of he meeting. Mr. Spoon made a strong aJ dress in favor of improved roads. He said this was now one of the great questions of the day. The j movement was of the utmost con-1 ccrn to every community. Good roads mean belter schools, im- i proved trade for the merchants in . the towns. He spoke of the va-1 rious kinds of roads, the macadam ' road, the gravel road and the sand and clay road. Said Halifax coun ly was blessed with an abundance ; of material for the building of good i rnmk and tinted nnnn his lip.nvr I the importance of organization for work. At the conclusion of his admirable address, remarks were made by Mr. W. E. Daniel and Dr. A. S. Harrison in the interest of the movement. Chairman Dan iel then said nominations were in order. Dr. Harrison placed in nomination Mr. J. L. Patterson, of Roanoke Rapids, for president, and he was elected by unanimous vote. Mr. Patterson named Mr. George C. Green, of Weldon for vice-president, and he received a unanimous vote for that office. Mr. Charles Shields, of Scotland Neck, was nominated and elected secre tary and treasurer, and Mr. Eu gene Johnston, of Littleton, and Dr. A. S. Harrison, of Enfield, were elected members of the board. The officers and members of the board will be glad to confer with all who are interested in the move ment for the improvement of our highways. We cannot too strong ly emphasize the importance of the movement and the officers of the associuiion should be given the hearty support of every citizen of Halifax county in their work for belter roads. At Baptist Church Sunday. The pastor, Rev. J. G. Blalock, has announced the following sub jects for Easier Sunday : 1 1 a. m. "The Exaltation of Christ." 7:30 p. m. "Spiritual Life il lustrated from Halley's Comet." Don't be Deceived. Don't sit around the first sunny day and imagine that the good old summer time is here. You are apt to catch a cold which may run into pneu monia. The first spring blooms don't make a summer. The first note of the song bird may be fol lowed by freezing weather. The first spring day arrived last Monday, yet March may have a few more surprises in store for Ui. Entertainment April First. The ladies of the M. E.Church have urrangi'dlfor a pleasing entertainment at Entry's Hall, Friday niuht. April 1st, Ten nyson's "Dream of Fair Wo men, mere win ue tots oi pretty girls and a pleasant even ing for all who attend. lee cream and other seasonable dainties will he on sale at rea sonable prices. The proceeds will be for the new church fund and all can aid in a good cause, and at the same time spend an eveti'ng of real pleasure. He nu'inher the date Friday niyht, April first. BasketBai.l. TJdon was de feated by Wilson in a g:;me of bas ket ball at the Public School grounds here Saiurday, the score being 20 to 13 in favor of the vis !tors. The line up was as follows: Weldon Position Wilson Shaw R. F. Farmer, L. Taylor, L. F. Belk. Daniel,(Capt.) C. Applewhite. Edge R. G. Farmer, W. Shepherd, L. G. Rogers. Wilson played Enfield at Enfield Friday, the score being a shut out for Wilson by a score of 20 to 0 in favor of Enfield. Capt. Boirardus again Hits the Bull's Eye. This world famous rilteshotwho holds the world championship record of UK) pigeons in UK) consecutive shots is liv ing at Lincoln, III Heceiitly interview ed, he says: "I haw sultered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and have used several well kuown kid ney medicines all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley's- Kid ncy Pills. Before I used Foley's Kidney Pills I was subjected to severe backache and pains in my kidneys with suppres sion -ud oftentimes a cloudy voiding. While upon arising in the morning I would gut dull headaches. Now I have taken three hottlea of Foley's Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent, better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or blad der and once more feel like my own self, All this I owe solely to Foley's Kidney Pills and always recommend them to my fellow sufferers." . CLARK. HALIFAX LETTER. Items ot Interest Gathered by Our Regular Correspondent. (Cor. to the lioAMiKK Nkws.) Halifax, N. C, March 22. Mr. W. 1). Faucett, of Ports mouth, spent Sunday here with his mother, Mrs. W." A. Will cox. 11. V, (lowen is at home from an extended business trip i t the Western Stat"8. Mrs. Stisrg. of Tarboro, is here to see her daughter, Mrs. I. G. Shaw. Fj. W. Wilson, of Birming ham, Ala., who has been here for some ti me with the Falls City Construction Co. left last Saturday. Miss Emma (Jrady has been here for several days to see her sister, Mrs. L. (1. Grady. (. A. Stephenson came up from Rocky Mount last Satur day to Fee his family. Mrs. Purvis, of Tarboro, has been here some days visiting her sister, Mrs. Shaw. Miss Sue ( in ry anil her friend, Miss Campbell, of Weldon, spent Sunday here with the Misses Frtie and Helen Daniel. John Fennel-, Jr., of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday here with his people. Mrs. Sam Richards left for Petersburg Monday to visit her son, Mr. George Young. Register of Deeds Norman spent Sunday at Brinkleyville. Miss Clara K. Chalk, of Rich mond, is here to muse llou. E. L. Travis. Mr. and Mrs. George liynl, who have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. R. II. Merchant, left Monday for their future home in Virginia. The sick ones of our town are now all improving, the condi tion of Mr. Travis being very satisfactory indeed. Rev. G. G. Bradley filled his regular appointment at St. Marks on Sunday morning and Monday evening. The stork brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hux last week, a fine boy weigh ing nine pounds. (juitea crowd at court here Monday morning from all sec tions of the county. We have heard much favorable comment about the new court house. W. F. C. Vernal Equinox. At 7 a. m. on Monday, tne Jist, tne sun crossed the celestial equator, pass ing over the point of the heavens called the "vernal equinox or first point of Aries, and according to the tables and calendars of all the authorities it was the official beginning of spring. Mr. Ground Hog can now come fortth. Dirty Living and High Think ing. A very dirty boy attended a certain school. One day the teacher sent the boy's mother a note saying that he was not clean and that she ought to bathe him oftener. The mother sent the teacher a note in reply, in which she said : My cny lii!! am t no rose. Don't smell him; learn him." Don't, Please Don't. This from an exchange is timely advice that ought to be acted upon under all circumstances: "Do not 'take liberties' with your friends. Don't intrude on them when they are busy. Don't break engagements with them if you can possibly help it. Many a prominent friendship conies to an untimely end because little courtesies are set nside. A habit of courtesy carries one safely through many dangerous places, especially with intimate friends." Mantels, Doors, Small Rooms. May be quickly painted by any one with a small can of our Domestic Paints in all colors put in open mouth cans, will make a door, or a mantel or any small interior work look as bright as when first painted. (Jet it from K. CLARK, Weldon. HALIFAX SUPERIOR COURT. Mnrth Term Heine Held In Hand some New Temple of Justice Large Crowd In Attendance On Openining Day The Powell Case. The March term of Halifax Su perior Court began Monday with Judge George H. Ward, of Eliza beth City, presiding. Court is be ing held in the handsome new court house and there was much interest in the proceedings when the court convened. The first business was the draw ing of a grand jury, the result be ing as follows: Ovid Hudson, J. H. Overstreet, H. S. Quarlcs, W. M. Hudson, C. F. Hawkins, H.B. Tarry, J. E. Hardy, Z. C. Haw kins, C. C. Avent, J. M. Aycock, W. T. Fulgham, E. B. Dickens, Waller Keeter, J. M. McMurray, C. K. Harvell, Sandy Glasgow, M. P. Crawley. J. M. McMurray was appointed foreman, and W. F. Hawkins, of ficer. Judge Ward made a strong and forceful charge to the grand jury and took occasion to congratulate the county upon the handsome new temple of justice, one of the best in the State. The first case called in the new court house was No. 31, Slate vs. Henry Allen, and the jurors in the case were W. H. Johnston, F. M. Carlisle, J. W. Tharingion, E. T. Saunders, M. S. lies, K. W. Par tin, E. B. Alsbrook. R. J. Mooney, L. K. Dickens, J. M. Powell, A. E. Carter. Joe J. Pippen, of Littleton, had the honor of making the first speech in the new court house and W. E. Daniel, who followed him, made the second speech. The court house is a beautiful structure, comfortably seating the large crowd in attendance on the first day, and delightfully heated by steam. The bar is rather small and crowded, but this is to be rem edied and enlarged. The bar in the old court house was better ar ranged than in the new, and the court officers and attorneys in in attendance soon discov ered after court convened Monday that some changes can be made very easily as the railings have not yet been put up. The arrange ment of the rooms for jurors, con sultation of lawyers and clients, judges room, retention cell for prisoners during recess ot court, grand jury room and all are ad mirably arranged for convenience and comfort. It is a building to be proud of, a credit to the county, and to the contractors and archi tects we can offer our congratula tions and best wishes for the admir able manner in which they have pertormed tlieir part ot tlie con tract. When court opened Monday there were 55 cases on the State docket, three of these were against E. E. Powell, the firs: charging him with assault with intent to kill; the second the same entry 1 he third case was lett blank on the docket. On this case the grand jury returns a true bill for murder. The trial has been fixed for today on the capital charge of murder. It is learned that the defense will enter the plea of in sanity for the prisoner. Easter Next Sunday. The time honored and hallowed anni versary of the Saviour's rcsurrec tion from the dead will be fittingly observed in the churches next Sunday, the 27th. This week known in the Church Calendar as "Holy Week," in which is com memorated our Lord's passion and death on Good Friday. Easter falls early this year, yet it can come as early as March 22, it always be ing the Sunday following the full moon on or after the 21st of March. If the moon is full on March 2 1 and that be Saturday the 22nd would be Easter Sunday But it tne tun moon occurs on March 20ih, it would place Easter at the latest possible date it could fall. PITT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. They Visit Halifax and Inspect the New County Court House. The county commissioners of; Pitt, and those who went with them, had a pleasant visit in Hali fax on Thursday. The purpose of the commissioners in going there was to inspect the new court house the county of Halifax is building and to get some ideas to help them in planning for the new court house Pitt must soon have. Halifax certainly has a beautiful and well arranged court house. Work commenced on it last July and it is now nearing completion. The first court will be held in it the latter part of this month. Our commissioners were taken in charge by Mr. S. M. Gary.clerk of Superior court of Halifax, who showed them every courtesy. Clerk Gary is very proud of the new court house of his county, and justly so. He broke the first ground for the building and has watched every step in its prog ress. He has placed on the wall in his office in the new build ing a marble table containing; the name and dale of service of every Superior court clerk Halifax has had. His own term began in 1894 and has continued without inter ruption, and from the way his fellow couniymen speak of him he is likely to serve many years more, if not for life. After being shown over every nook and corner of the new court house from basement to dome, the visitors were taken to the Masonic hall that contains many historical relics. There is a beauiiful hand carved and inlaid Worshipful Mas ter's chair that has been in the lodge since 1765. George Wash ington once sat in that chair. There is also the charter from England, dated 1770, appointing oseph Montfort the first provin cial master in North Carolina. There are other articles in the lodge furniture that are more than a century old. The visitors greatly enjoyed the day in Halifax, and the going there of the commissioners to inspect the court house was well worth while for they obtained ideas that will be valuable in the work they are about to undertake here at home. Greenville Reflector. Don't blame the cat. No doubt a canary bird looks as good to him as a watermelon does to a country by' 1 OF MIDDLE AGE Need Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lirookliel.l, Md.-"Two years nco I wis iiniilile to tin any kind of work and only weiylud lis innmiU. My tronlilo tales tiaeiv to mr time that women nitty exiii et nature li l r i n k on then) the ('haiine of l.ne. t (rut bottle ot Lydia K. I'inkliain'? Ve ire table l1' im pound and it made nieteelniuenueiier, and 1 have contln- tied its use. I nil) very gl utei ill to you for the pood health un now ciiiovinif. Mrs. Sah.mi I.m muNont, 414 S. Livingston Street, Brooklleld, Mo. The Cliai'iro of Life is the most criti cal period of a woman's existence, and neuleotof health at this timo Invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should ti mem. ber that there is no other emedy known to nietlicino that will so suc cessfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia, K. l'inkhum's iwiuhio compound, mado irom na tive toots and herbs. For SO years it lias lieen curlnff wo men from the worst forms of female ills inllamniation, ulceration, dis. placements, tibrold tumors, irregulari ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. Tf you would like spcclat advice ntiout your cane write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. lMnkliam, at Lynn, Mass, II or advice U tret, ml always helpful 11 ! w i 1 1 Everyday Lock, iok Every day Girls.-- What the average young girl needs more than any lh ing else is common slum.. Thai ; is perhap's her mother's fault as much as it is her own. The young arc apt to judge by appearances, to be attracted by j ! gliiier instead of real worth and i i not to look very deep into things. ; But what about the examples the ! young woman' elders set her? ; Are we not apt to choose the ; clothes, friends, mode of life, etc., I ! that make the mo-1 show for the j , money expended un them ? j Do we not rather despise the i ' slow, the old-fasiiioned qualities, J perhaps the reliable ones? ' Under these circumstances a g rl often chooses the man she falls in ; love with as she would a new ptr i ty gown. She wants him to be , showy and she passes by the dura- ble kind of man who is slow of speech and can't make small talk. BBMMaMMBHHHHi W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00,$3.50,S4.00 & s5.00 SHOES Best in the World UNION MADE Boys' Shoes $2.00 and $2.50 Fust Color Eyelets Usui W. L. Douglas shoes are the lowest price, quality considered, in the world. Their excellent style, easy fitting and long wearing qualities excel those of other makes. If you have been paying high prices for your shoes, the next time you neod a pair give W. L. Douglas shoes a trial. You can save money on your footwear and get shoes that are just as good in every way as those that have been costing you higher prices. If you could visit our large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. I- Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why I they hold their shape, fit better and j wear longer than other makes. j r'l'lOX W, l D.niiilim name ami priep ts i Kt:iiii'il un Un' bottom to protect tin1 Wfiiier HUdinst 1 lii.li pnift) mul in!Tior hIioi'H. Tiikf No MiilmtU 1 ( nt. ii W. I.. Ilorcliin sh'wuari' not for naif" in your . -, tiuty. writ lor M;ul order Catalog. W.L. Douglas, 1 ""'""""""-WRBALEBT W. B. TILLERY, WliLDON, N. C. Macnair's Chicken Powder Is Death to Hawks - Life to Chick- j ens and Tu. keys. Cock of the Walk I "HAWK" The Barn Yard Kobber 1 tulic MwXuir lici lifter cal'intc t'lllrkl.N- I'otUH'.l! a ('hick til' lllul old ami H'fil my clul-i Itoonter. liii'h hail 1 1 it'll Willi it tiHi.i litvn ffil on .Mac Look at nicamlol'-j t'nti kkn serve I In II a k I 'ock a ilootllt'-iloii. dm iii.it. Alas! Tlt.MiK M AUK MACNAIR'S CHICKEN POWDtR Kills Haw ks, Crows, Owls & Minks Host it'iiicily ftirt 'liolt ia.tiapi s, 1,'oup, l.imlitT Neck. liiiliL'i'ftHin mul l.t'ir Weakness. Kt'eps tlii'in fice fnmi Ci min. tlit'ifliy citusinir Ihcni to pnuluM' an ulninilaiiee of fLrL!". Price 25 and 50 Cents. M AN I'FAI'IT HKll t'M.V 11 V W. H. MACNAIR, Tarboro, N. C. Sample pnekase -'i rents with your ilealer's name. i. II. Siiavv, Airent, Welilon, X. ('. For Sals ! Standing Timber About one hundred acres I 0f fine large timber, most. ! iv n:ne on th.e Roanoke ! rivpr in Halifax conntv. i N. C, between Weldon j and Roanoke Rapids, and ' adjacent to railroad. Trees over ten inches will be sold on the stump, Com municate with W. HOWARD HAMILT0N.745 Calvert Build ing, Baltimore. Ad. n-i7-it Some Bargains ! 1 have some bargains in "jewel watch es in ill year cases. Ladies sie Hl.tH); 7 jewel lf) year cases, H jewel, nickel cases, If (..'ill. teed. Can you beat it? these bargains. Visiting Cards and YV tiol 6 I'llgraxcd to Older. Eyes Examined Free and glasses properly adjusted. A fit guaranteed. Fine repairing a specialty. WALLER. Jeweler and Optician, Weldon, N. C. Watch Inspector for Seaboard Air Line ami Atlantic Coast Line, L - i inteai size !f!).(KI; 7 II All Imuran- I I ( all uml see I I eddinir Invito,- (41 Silence! The tmtinct til moile1!' nrthiral (0 every womnn is often a treat hindrance lo the cure of womanly discuses. Women shrink from the persun:ll quesfiojr. of the local physician which seem indelicate, 'ihc li:ou.;lit of examination is tilv liortent to them, nnJ so they endure in silence a condition uf disease wliieh surely iirugi esses from bad to worse. It has been Dr. Pierce's privilege to cure a treat many women who have found a nufie or modesty in his offer ot FRLIl consulta tion by letter. 'All correspondence Is held as sacredly confidential. Address Vr. R. V. Pierce, buffalo, A'. V. Dr. I'iercc's Favorite Prescription restores end regulates the womanly functions, aholishes puin and builds up and puts the linishinij touch of health on every weak woman who gives it a fair triul. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept a 5Tf nostrum as- a substitute for this non-alcoholic medicine of known composition. n K LI SALE FOR ASH Now on 'till March 1st, 1910. Stock mu t In re duced, and in order to move the surplus stock we have cut prices. Men's $12.50 Suits now $9.98; Men's 9 98 suits now 7.96; Men's $8 Suits now 6:48; Men's $6 suits now 3.49; Boy's suit from $1.49 to 3.98. Overcoats to go at and below cost. Men's $3 Shoes to go at 2.19; Men's $2.50 shoes to go at 1.98; Men's $2 shoes to go at $1.49. Ladies Suits and Coats at half price; they are yours almost for the asking. Quilts at prime cost, including three hundred pairs Men's Pants, Dress Goods, Outings, Etc. Come early and get the pick. A. L. Stain back's Always Bnsy Store, - Weldon, N C Do you want Bridal Suit AND It will pay you to come and see us. iSYMOR & HUNDLEY, (Incorporated) LKADKliS, 70Q-1M3 E. Broad Street, RICHMOND, VA. EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE And First to Introduce Cool's Improved Cotton Seed in North Carolina. All Seed offerings for 1910 s Crop will first be run through a Bridge water, Massachusetts.Linting Machine and their lint taken off so that seed can be as easily handled as shelled corn. This insures germination though planting season be one of drought. Furnished United States (lovernment doing demon stration work in North Carolina for two years, l0 and I0t. The greatest upland cotton yet discovered. Ottering for IMlti's crop treated us abtivc' $1 per bushel, sacked and placed f. o. b., Fnfield. N. C. Write or call on CAREY A, WILLIAMS, KINUWOOI), Halifax County, North Carolina. Lamest Steel in tie South. When in Norfolk call on us You will tiinl what you want ami get it quickly. Having no canvassers, no agent's commissions are ad ded to our prices. This eua allies us to use II rstelass ma terial and tiuish it properly. We Pay Freight and Guarantee Safe Arrival, THE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. (flu years in business.) 159-103 Rank St KOItFOLK, Va Choice Druggett ? Cipy ! Williams, im:ai.i:i; in i i I uj I EU ' 1 rv 11T I u f Biacksxnitnmg A N I M ; !: S EI! A L REP A1KIXG Hurs shoeina; A Specialty! All work iruatatiteetl. Come to see me at Pate's old stand, Sycamore Street, near Second. W. H. DAY, Weldon, N. C. Is that you Central? "Yes" Ring 'Phone No 75 Hello, who is that? J, L, Harris What have you in the feed line? Anything you want Hay, Corn, Oats, Ship stuff, Bran, Cracked Corn, Etc., and always ready to serve J. L. HARRIS FEED STORE, Weldon, N. C. Horses and Mules. l'or sale or exchange some desirablo HOUSES and Ml'LL'S. Come quick and et the pick of the bunch. Terms and prices to suit all. W. T. Parker, Weldon, N. C. DUTCH COLLAR PINS As dainty in design and finish as the collars with which they arc worn. Call and see them. Also a complete line of WATCHES, DIAMONDS, .lEWKI.KY, CUT OLASS. FOUNTAIN l'F.SS. I-INK STATION Kit Y Kdison's Phonographs and Records, I v' ine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Re pairing and engraving done promptly. Orders or repairs by mail given prompt attention. W. Q-. L1TUOII, I .ock Hex 175, liOASOkF. HAl'lDS, N. C. sep .'in 1 y Cook's Cotton Seed 60 CENTS PER BUSHEL While ihey last. ggpLIMITED QUANTITY ILL a. HALIFAX, N. C. 3-10-lm roIIYOMOlAXAllVl roil Imua Tmvm antt.CowtTiwioai

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