Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLIV. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY. Al'HIL 128, 1010. NO. r2 1 '-Wr ' -" I Hi .rMWi II I 1 I ALCOHOL 3 PEM Km AVesclablcPrppnrnllonrorAs similaiingtlicFoodanilRfdula lingilte Si(JtnafhsardIkrtbrf rromok'S DilosHonfliff tfd ncss anil RcsljConlalns nciito Opiuni.Murphine nor Mineral fcOTrtARCOTIC. itKipetrwikmwmai Pbia StrJ' jkx.SMKU AnutSttd Anerfccl Remedy forConsHa lion. Sour Stomach.Dlantoca WorrasfonvulsKms.rcwrisli ncss and LossofSleep. Facsimile Sijnanw of NEW YORK. iranteed under tfi Exact Copy of Wrapper. m MONEY SAVED. Hurry up! Come quick! WeMoa Shoo Coepy, WELDON, N. C. few Spring Goods! FULL AND COMPLETE LINE OF CLOTHING, Furnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. OE THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AIKUW20TH, Itftt. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. CaiitalJ Ml $43f000. Kor more tlu 17 years this institution has provided hanking facili ties for this section. Its stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for ma V years. Monev is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest-sixpercent.ini. Accounts of all are solicited. Thesiirnlus and undivided prolits having reached a sum equal to the Cauital Stock, the liunk bus, commencing January 1, 1118, established a Saving Depa tment allowing interest on tune deposits as follows: t or UepiU allowed toremaintliiw months or longer, 2 per cent Six months or longer, 3 per cent Tw elve months or longer 4 per cent. For further information apply to the I'residentor ( ashler. rsRsinsNT: W. E. DANIEL, VICS-f'KKSIDENT: W. R. SMITH. OeWITTS CARBOIIZED WITCH HAZEL gALVE ForPUalunw.SofM. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years . HEW VMM OfTV. GASTOBIA We're Now OiFering i Some Special Values in dif ferent .lines, for a short while we are selling all odd sizes in high and cheaper grade shoes at about cost. Edwin Clapp Tan Oxfords regular $5.50 cut price $4.85. Crossett Oxfords $4 and $3.50 cut to $3.35 and $2.85. Be sure and see these lines at such EXTREME Low Prices as it means , casiiibr: R. 8. TK.WIS, THE CHILDREN LIKE IT K1 LAXATIVE COUCH SYRUP THE SIN OF UNSELFISHNESS. Moderation In All Things is the Wise Woman's Law of Life. Any virtue carried too far be comes a vice. Industry is a virtue, but the woman who is too in dustrious to rest at the proper time carries it too far and ruins her health. Charity becomes a viee when it throws a veil over wicked ness und protects an evil that should be punished for the sake of the innocent, The (1 rooks were riht when ihey said that the best rule to live by is "Do ing nothing too much." Moderation in all things, is the wiso woman's law of life. She will do nothing too much, aud especially will she guard against the sin of unselfishness for in the home there is nothing that works more subtly and more surely for tho destruction of virtue in the rest of the household than extreme unsel fishness on the part of the moth er. As the children grow up, in stead of becoming mother's helpers, they are continually waited on, growing daily more selfish and helpless and rudeun der such treatment. The boys come in, throw a cap bore, a jacket there, leave muddy tracks all about; the unselfish mother follows after without a murmur wiping up and picking up. The girls are no better. The moth er makes herself such an unsel fish drudge that it seemed quite right and natural. They loll in the easy chairs while mother works and rests her weary limbs on a straight back chair. They lot her do all the work and grumble when called upon for the slightest help. The boys let her get up first in the morn ing, bring her own wood and build the lire. As they grow older they feel no respect for the household drudge, and even their affec tion is tinged with a patroniz ing pity. If any sacrifice must be made it is always, the moth er must be sacrificed. She stays at home while the others go about. She wears the shabby dress and sha' 1 whilethe oth ers enjoy the new fresh clothes. She sleeps on the hard bed in the shabby back room, and the grown up daughters have the best front room. She keeps the tough piece of meat tor her own plate, and serves all the choicest portions to the others. I She saves and pinches and la ' bors so the boys can go to col lege and the girls to a stylish school; and then when they come home with their fine edu- cations (as they think) they se- cretly despise and are ashamed I of the worn, wrinkled, shabbi ' ly-broken woman whom they ; call mother. j THOSE WHO MOURN. i 0 Memory! dearest friend of those j who mourn, Grant me who ask it this exceed- ing grace Me, who without thee would be too forlorn i Siill hold thy mirror clear, with out a blur Through all eternity before my face, That I may see, past death, my dream of her ! BE BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED 1 HEADACHE? SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everybody TAKES, . simmons liver regulator WHnYotYOU? FOR HOa c. rich, V Wjdi Indispensable For Home Baking HE HAS MADE He has made a success of this life if a few Pause to weep at his bier when his journey is through; If the smile on his face, and the words that he spake Will be missed when he's gone, and if one heart shall ache Because he is not here. Yes, if only one mourn, The world is better for his being born. He has made a success of this life if the end Finds him tenderly borne to the grave by a friend; If but one man shall say : "He was gentle and true, His voice was a voice that I oft listened to. I shall miss him," and weeping, shall turn from his door, He has made a success, for no man can do more. Success, when you sum it all up, isn't gold, Nor is it in doing some deed that is bold; For the money we make and the houses we build, Mean nothing the moment our voice has been stilled; But he has succeeded who, when he is gone, In the heart of another is still living on. INDIRECTION. Fair are the flowers and the children, Rare is the rose burst of dawn, but the secret that, clasps it is rarer, Sweet the exultance of song, but the strain that precedes it is sweeter, And never was a poem yet writ, but the meaning outmastered the metre. Never a daisy that grows, . but a mystery guideth the growing; Never a river that flows, but a majesty sceptres the flowing; Never Shakespeare that soared, but a stronger than he did enfold him, Never a prophet foretells, but a mightier seer hath foretold him. Back of the canvas that throbs the painter is hinted and hidden; Into the statue that breathes, the soul of the sculptor is bidden; Under the joy that is felt lie the infinite issues of feeling; Crowning the glory revealed is the glory than crowns the revealing. Great are the symbols of being, but that which is symboled is greater; Vast the created and beheld, but vaster the inward creator; Back of the sounds broods the silence, back of the gift stands the giving; Back of the hand that receives, thrill the sensitive nerves of receiving, Space is as nothing to spirit, the deed is outdone by the doing; The heart of the wooer is warm, but the warmer the heart of the wooing; And up from the pits when these shiver and up from the heights where those shine, Twin voices and shadows swim starward, And the essence of life is divine. -Richard Realf. INDEPENDENT IN REALITY. Now Girls, Consider This Impor tant Fact. Women may train their daughters in all the ways they imagine to be pleasing to men; they may teach them to wrig gle and squirm and reef in their waist and roll their eyes and lisp out insipid nothings between carmine stained lips, and yet men will desert them to flock about the girl who is fully and completely indepen dent of them, and who cares very little whether they fall in love with her or not. It is nat ural for men to want what they cennot get too easily, ami wo men cheapen themselves who thus "stoop to conquer." But no girl can affect independence. She must be independent in reality. And in order to be so if she has no fortune in her own right she must have an occupa tion that renders her self-sus taining. Now, girls, consider this fact. The day of useful ness is nearly past. Young men are not gning to gobble you up for wives on thestrength of any looks or manners you may possess. Some of them are fools enough to do it, but they cannot afford it. The pressure of the line is inexora ble. Use, use, use the constant demand. The meanest of all mean men is the one who makes capital out ot a calamity. Anyway, it isn't a matter of re cord that an old hen originated the shell game. jiff A SUCCESS. but their subtle suggestion is fairer; I SEN. FRYE'S FISHINO LUCK. Senator Frye is an enthusias tic fisherman. He was once the guest of a family who ar ranged for him and other visi tors in East port, M aine, a pic - nic at a lake a few miles dis tant. The head of the family noticing that his brother, who had charge of the vehicle, had placed a supply of fishing para phernalia in one of the wagons, asked why he had done so. "They're for Frye," was the reply. "But, man nlive! There are no fish in that lake," the older exclaimed. "Well, Frye doesn't know it. " Frye didn't. On arriving at the lake he took the fishing tackle and trudged off to return some hours later very warm and much bitten by mosoui- toes. 'Get any bites, Frye?" he was asked. "(let any bites!" was the half indignant reply. "Look at mv face!" Saved From The Grave. "I had about given up hope, after nearly four years of suirering from a se vere lung trouble," writes Mrs. M L. I)ix, ofClarksville, Tenn. "Often the pain in my chest would be almost un bearable and I could not do any work, but llr. King's New f iseovery has made me feel like a new person. Its the liest medicine made for the throat and lungs. Obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hay lever, la grippe, asthma, croup, bron chitis and hemorrhages, hoarseness aud whooping cough, yield quickly to this wonderful medicine. Try it. 50e. and $1. Trial bottles free. Uuamntecd by all druggists. No man knows so well where the shoe pinches as he who wears it. A GORGEOUS SCENE. The Press Agent's Description the Wedding. of When Emory, the society repor ter, telephoned that he was sick, it so happened that all of the other reporters were busy. The editor turned to the circus press agent, who had dropped in, and asked him if he thought he could write up a wedding. "Sure," said the agent. The following is what he turned in; "The wedding of Miss Million and Count Air took place at the Fifth Avenue Church last night. Long before the Grand Entry the Monstrous, Absolutely Water-proof structure was crowded to the doors. After the Grand Prome nade Concert, there entered the Most Glorious, Elegant, Colossal, and Fabulously Rich Pageant of all times. A Magnificent and Opulent scene of Glitter, Splendor.blending the wonders of the Orient with the Marvels of the Occident. A Kale idoiscopic and Dioramic Presenta tion, Eclipsing in Magnitude and Surpassing in Barbaric Splendor, all previous efforts. A moving Panorama of Grandeur, a Superb Eye Feast of Magnicence, teeming with life and color, exhibited in a series of Pageantry Displays and Brilliant Tableaux, the Pomp and Splendid Regalia of the East. The Procession moved in Mastodonic, j Majestic, Massive and Magnificent ' March under the Irridescent Sheen of a Thousand Glimmering Lights, ; the whole forming a Sumptuous, Satisfying and Surprising Exhibi tion, so Overwhelmingly Superior to all previous efforts that no lan . guage in its praise is extravagant, and it is simply impossible of ver bal delineation. Never before has there been such a Prodigal Plenti ! tude of Princely Pageantry. "Into this enchanted dreamland : there came Handsome Knights, ! dressed in Gorgeous Manner of the Imperial Claw Hammer, Beau tiful women in Sublime Creations, Beautiful, Impossible women, with waists three degrees below their swan-like necks, with silken gar ments falling eight inches under the toes in front and four yards be hind the heels, decorated with one thousand yards one thousand of lace and ribbon. Silken hair drawn gracefully back in beautiful folds over a bale of hay and held togeth er with flowers, fly-net and fuzz. Thus they entered a wonderful presentation of Strange, Odd and Remarkable shapes, whose dupli- 1 cates are not on earth, represent- ing the Whims and Fancies of the designers in their most Eccentric moods. The Knights and Ladies, flower girls, Ladies-in-waiting, and other members of the Superb Com pany formed a line on each side of the Altar. The Minister poised himself gracefully in the center. "Now came the time when all hearts ceased to beat. The Spec tators see the two Principal Per formers appear at the head of the Long, Steep, Inclined aisles. The Music plays, The Signal is given. They are off, and down that steep incline they come, a most superb exhibition of Unparalleled, Dan gerous and Death-defying Nerve. Timed to the Second, they meet at the Altar, the Minister says a few words, and then the hero. Laughing Death to Scorn, while Diabolical Audacity sits upon his brow, lets his hand, containing nothing but a band of Pure Gold make one stupendous awful flight across the wide chasm and alights safely within the waiting hand up on the other side, the ring fits upon the Fair Girl s hnger, and the act so fraught with Awful Consequence as to Appall all imitators is over. The Music grows louder, the spec tators sigh with relief, and the greatest spectacle of Modern Times is only a memory." Judge. Some rise by sin, and some virtue. by Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA a. t'rit U!t titirit M-i. U ti n it it iiirifliWii'irii'' ifiiii-ii uj L'ii ii&tiitirirto-li AiGiitf PUTTINC AWAY Here, you can put away small sums not needed for present $ I use. And while waiting your call they will draw interest. An account in our Savings Department does not always imply i small transactions, far from it. Many large depositors are using our Savings pass-books. They are using them for the interest g they get; they are also using them because of the convenience I afforded. 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. ! BANK OF ENFIELD, I 1 ENFIELD. N. C. I UNATTRACTIVE HOMES. Make Your Homes Attractive and Bright Bring In the Violin or the Picture. Winter has especial tempta tions in the fact that many homes are peculiarly unattrac tive at this season. In the sum mer months the young man can sit out on the steps, or he can have a bouquet in the vase on the mantel, or the evenings being so short, soon after gas light he wants to retire any how. But there are many par ents who do not understand how to make the long winter evenings attractive to their children. It is amazing to us that so many old people do not understand young people. To hear some of these parents talk you would think they had nev er themselves been young and had been born with spectacles on. Oh, it is dolorous for young people to sit in the house from 7 to 11 o'clock at night and to hear parents groan about their ailments and the nothingness of this world. The nothingness of tliis world? How dare you talk such blasphemy? It took God six days to make this world, and he allowed 6,000 years to hang upon his holy heart, and this world has shone on you and blessed you and ca ressed you for these fifty or seventy years, and yet you dare talk about the nothingness of this world! Why, it is a mag nificent world ! Wo do not be lieve in the whole universe there is a world equal to it ex cept heaven. You cannot ex pect your children to stay in the house these long winter evenings to hear you denounce this star lighted, sun warmed shower baptized, flower strewn angel watched, God inhabited planet. Oh, make your home bright! Bring in the violin or tho pic ture. It does lot require a great salary or a big house, or chased silver, or gorgeous up holstery to make a happy home. All that is watched is father's heart, a mother's heart, in sym pathy with young folks. CHILDREN TEETHING Mhs. Wixslow's Soothisu Nyhit has been used for over ."0 years by millions of mothers fortlieirchildren while teeth ing, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gum, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. !?old by druggists in every part of the world, lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr up," and take no other kind. Twenty five cents a bottle. In time it may be made criminal by ordinance or statue to perform anythink like quiet unostentatious charity. Women as Well is leu tn lade IMli by Kidney and 3laddoi Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discouragcsandlcsscusarubition, beauty, ,t c - fi less soon aisappeur vigor ana cueenui- wnen iiickiuneysare out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble hai become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be horn afflicted with eak kidneys. If the childurinAtestoooftcn, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet-tniK, depend upon it, the cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these importautorgiuis. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of fwainp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pnmphlet telling all about awamp-Koot, Hon .is,p-xo. including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Biaghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. 'li SMALL SUMS SUBSCRIBE o NOW! FOR THE Atlanta Jirua Daily, Sunday and Semi Weekly isrLargest Circular south of Baltimore. D 0 BY MAIL D Per Annum D Daily and Sunday Daily only, Sunday only, Semi-Weekly, $7. $5. $2. $1. All the news I o All the time ! IllillllptlV i.l'l.lllk'll 111 Mi t'UUlllI.' n Lit MO ta.fc. TfUDC-MARKS, HvertU nii1 0yi I uhl resit latere.! Ni-ml Nkftl'll. Mo1l Of I'llOtO. to! met REPORT on iiatentfttHhty. I'lilem. prael ..... ,,.l.i., .Mat CFEKEMCES. Stt14 t'frtt fn mump tor our two mvalnaWp tvk on HOW TO OBTAIN til Hi ftCLL PAT ENT!, W !n li oni'8 will pay. How to nn a ;irt iier, iiaU-ul Uiw mill oi her vulunole mfonnatton. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS. 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.J j We Ask You !to tako Carduf, for your female troubles, because ve are sure It win help you. Remember that this great female remedy OF has brought relief to thousands ot other sick women, so why not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said It Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I Sold in This City n Oecfric Bikers (Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY(LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine tver sold over a druggist's counter. We have on hand several consign meuts of the latest in wool, Wash and l'rmcess ladies Suits. Itathor than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sain at half price for cash only. $15 Suits IT. fill. Prin cess, white and all other colore $5 to $7, now $ 2.511 to $8. Wash Coat Suits (14 to H. now M to $3. to to Net Waists redueed 1.75 to S2.5U Black and col ored silk l'etticoats $4 to tkl now $2.88 to $11.75. Voile Skirts $r to $8 now $5.50 to $4.50. ltl.OUO vards lace and embroid eries to close oul at half price. 75o to $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 50 to ioc. 5 and lie. calicoes 3j to 4c. 10 and 12Ac ginghams 7 to 9c About 3,000 yards dress goodB to close out less than cost. Ladies hats at half price, Kugs, druggets, carpetings and mattiDgs at and below cost SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N, C. roiEYsomoiAijii rM.trvHACii Tuou sit anatCsjjtjiPjjTieit Special Sale !

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