Si I spring and summer," it' natural time to iy v alth and vitality for the ar. notl'sE1 Nature's belt and quiet ENFORCE THE LAW. Tlx' attention uf the eitiens of our uivn is called to the present conJmon ol" an.ii-chy in regard to the prohibition law. Hut there is open and flagrant violations, bire faeed and continual. is patent to ev en' 'tfowor, and tl.i-; state of th:;!.;s is briii!;in': ridicule and lustly so,t (it only upon out' law but upon our citizenship. l:nrinerly when in Si ) far Mobodv has nvented a balloon t'a.'.i will teally behave it self I'litv defeated Talari in In diana even n the;.' did have to en dorse Kern. THE OK!0 VAlLtY EXPOSITION .5.. S Z Z Z 2 5 5 k-n; 1 orl lo ComnicmornU'tlie Completion of tin- Lock and Oam in the Ohio River ;it Cincinnati. Ohio. To Men, Win n y.m shoos i: I iirs! nuke sore you .11 c a the liovcrnoi s I ot i: r.nnorcd " uu-p price ol loodsiui's is el se had .seven bar l ooms including a,i'k' 10 ulir cl,v- E ROANOKK NENVb. fl)Ur llcgro p!;l,,s We enforced r,!,.-Colonel is cream a S'-oi- slna snJi,y obsers.ince. Now , ,,L. world th.oi the IURSDAY May 5. 1910. ubllshed Kvery Thursday. liquor is in easy react! seven uas bj,l)v5hp jicci per week and 24 lu.urs per day. Vet the law says this shall not be Tin ' spl t m (.'.onrc-s hunks a: and a law enacted by a sovereign if the T.ift railroad Ml w.i t m: Mate and en led to .is much fe rn into -pt ,.1 ml UK Al' I'UMOKI pect as the statutes against miir derand felonies. It is needless to lay all the blame for this shameful condition of allairs to the oflicers of the town. Thev have their share of the ivsnonsihilitv from eekly IX-.i.,.ratifj.i..n,l , w,jeh ,10IV s n0 CSC;11V, , makes IIUlllM'illl, C'llllcUllHIKll. H'l" . ..... I .1 ,1 ,, .' ,..i no di rercnee v. he her there is no ,'nciilUnal interests ol lliH " 1 ... i . .. 1 pinna Inr Inv color. '0,11,11 In' ill,- sorsfiisiHii' ear, (hy mail) piwtl'U"' Olltlls, ' " "ViiV I the nunc a Uv, inands the Uiidi," I'ost. "m Aiiv thi'lg to .n -'id a ktvk. Tnr.KI' are enotiRit XiH-ivs: over tlif bill to hum Mire that somebod) is rung. indintr counties .Mtisiui' rate i i-a-' niat a1 Hi1 1 OH ll 1 1 il H-Ut 1. PU I fur- I aw e town gov ernment nr w nether an ' honest vigilance is mm elt'.vtiw i The fact that the prohibition L-. in W'eldon is null and void t-. on j every tongue with no atiempt at denial, and this m a town onnu 228 to 9 for prohibition Where is our regard lor the ma;..siy ol the law as a nrineinle: whether c be old age, toracoumrMy. , fof or a)jainst ceJijcj .qUor sell not necessary to make any -m where is our manhood that nises for the future or offer ex-, ve are wj,ljllg , sul,l,ljt , h,. :s For the mistakes of the past, j dominjIU,n o- a VcIuI 11!10ri:v, simply promise to hew to the I without even raising an outcrv. J L i . . . . arm use our ui : ,u I What about our boasted civim.i- A Nca Yoik I sJ.Ooi'.t'i .inv taller 1m:. k clc; VOLUME XLV hi- Roanoke News is forty years old today and enters i the first stages of its forty year. Having reached this n ,i, pi.; !,.. iik.; .ip; vced on the iL.-r lo be iiiisi.tkcn ih.i". ! 1 otmg. m. m wall one gi.tss c. the coniel and the m in w h three or b oir glasses m ty comets. .e the Roanoke Neks just it we have labored for all these rs, a newspaper for all the peo devoted to the best interests )wn, county and Stale. Il::v; C.-x 1 odge well js:;ou:tcv Ins rcf.a tile Sen ue along v nh A'.dnch i;iei:I Hale THE NEW DURHAM SUN. 'he first issue of the new Dur i Daily Sun appeared April h in most attractive style, 'he salutatory covers four coi ns and in no uncertain way broad the platform upon ich it will stand. It is first of for Democracy and sound men- j but at the same time it wants j nderstood that it is not a Iree I ce, but will make its tight with-! :he party ranks. j The old Sun has passed away, j : happily, "Old Hurrygraph" i I remain at the helm of the new. j Durham Sun without James A. j binson would not shine with its ' lustomed brilliancy, but with im-1 ived presses, typesetting ma- j ines, money to properly oil the , ichinery, and with the old vet-. in newspaper man, J. A. binson, still occupying the chair Jicated by long years of service the sole occupancy of "Old arrygraph," we may naturally pect the new Sun to shine for . if is a splendid new -paper, d should and will receive hearty pport of the people of one of the st towns in North Carolina. ;re's congratulations and best shes.Brother Robinson, for long : and abundant success. tion and enlightenment to say noth ing of Christian integrity and influence. This is a ital qnesiion. men of Weklon, and calls fur prompt solution. Please note that a no person claiming repcctabti;ty. white or black, is suspected of law " v.i violation. The ex-barkeepers, to waggcraicd their lasting credit, accepted to a ponan, .-. - )i i dug UP o e O' liUH'.O to entci tain Mr eh. W ell, it w is a ally l ' H 'SC- rt cheap t. e-beard r ag.ii".st man in good faith the mandate o! I r; the law and no suspicion has been lodged against any of them. Va grants and bums are selling at naught openh and defiantly a law of our proud State, enacted for the promotion ol morals and the protection of women and ch.i dren. This is sul-crims us as a corporate body to ci-nien pressions of u htch cm b on every hand. It is i: g.-r a question of pro.nh atiti-priihibiiioii liquor, but a question oi w this town, and whether re- law shall be en'oic.J responsible for tin- c fairs? liverv thing we and calling hmisj' , Mayor is calling upo for 'help. The ch.c holding out signal- idetice is difl; :uh : convictions unevrt i;: process of la . . T; . critical and ,;en,..,i.i-. of all classes nt nun. is the rented;, ' W e re-; suggest that a mas mec called t i ,X, ci::.:;:is Wl Our .citie an.! ue.b-r our ii'Ua-ioit is Nw Ami ih. re s ; ake p:.!e ab nn Mr Uouee!i He meets Khe d.ves and V::g j::.! e'ttp.r .rs oti terms ot pcTc:t eqyj'itv V.. I scents io ili-'ik ihat the iKiMOciais ate w.-fse tkr: the Rvpi"i:ci!!s, V'eii. not .so !!m;w J H W K: ;s b-as; it- m-T'-e r.i-i.e Kelt: s .mdiew Tim n.-M Wisue House cow is nunc.! ' 1 1 w emfoh n. " lust hunk tt.rne tsippmg the garlic o! earl', spring It r.'. . : l . . otcd we; last Ti'a. i s.i.i . . i y a m.r. a ;t i ' ie'i. a'lei a r,.tly toi.gin Se'.c'i v.i:-s ac . 1 ...-. tlie ..tvd HI I -ne til! Ce a.ldilioPai e'ecttoi, t'iig . i.h I me To cMiinni'in. naie the comple i: in of th.. ...k and, Jam in the C'tio n er at Ci-icinuti, lo. thereby luntishi-ii; a harbor 2? -i il.s long, there v :'! be held at Cincinnati. Ohio, from August 21 i - October 4 1 !t. l.Mil, the Ohio Valley Imposition Reahmg the importance ot the Hide relations cv.siuig between cues of the Ohio valley and the Atlantic Coast Stales, the ra.ln a.s ot the South felt that this would a'lord an opportunity to present to i''c people ot ihe middle west a " .olkcioe display ot the resources ,.: ihe smth. KeprescntJtives of in : e than ihirtv railroads met in t' ileum. in on April 1 -a and decided , th it an etvluhit should be repre s aiaiive of the South instead of :::.;kiug indiv idual i'.i;lroad displays . as has bi'cn ihe custom heretofore. I ie w oi k ol designing and assent ; : ni; the i hibil lias been placed , i ihe hands ut an ecCtiii e O'm :: tiee compi'-;d of tt'.e railioad . kisii'i.i! agents r. pi csctttmg the e'lous ..ciioiis ot ihc South, and J Y, . Wli:i. I ieiic-ral Industrial Agent ot i!i .- v.i'-o.,rd At l ine Kiilw iv ,,l No-::;, 'a . .md M. Rich::'.'-, 1 att.t md ' V.en: ot ihc Soi.iie.ei'.i la;lw ay at Washington. 1) ('., designated as .:-oci ue ch iirnieti, have been ap pointed to represent the Atlantic i i , t . as; m lies serving under 1 ssi-s. White and k'ich.irds are -;.Sconi::i!itees l.ic.ited at various - p.. uts liii'iiiuihoiii ihe South and - ih. persons composing these com mittees are making every effort to secure material as will enable a 'lu st creditable and comprehensive m-play to be made. While this matter is being han ,!!. 1 directly by the railroads it is expected that commercial orgama-r.o-.s of the various cities through out tii- South will join m the at' cement Indeed this seems a ; ,'j opportunity for each conmiu r.". io exploit us peculiar ad.m !.!.:. s without incurring any ex pense beyond that incident to as se" bhng such exhibits as they may in o.c l ite people of the South have ..a e idy manifested such interest j. a ill undoubtedly materially as s's; iii making tins affair one of g: . it importance as the realie in th it many benefits must follow !r "u the contact and intercourse v h eh such a display w ill bring about. Women, and Children For rain or shine we have THE SHOES you want. . & Summer Shoes WMiH T 1 yV2 bin V i IK 01 l'MU0 ill llii'si .a i O , Hialiest Quality Guaranteed. R.E. Draper Co., k VW Ml Tt! RUANUKt MKSItlllCt, KtUIIN, . t. 'VVv v . sx . " ,.s...'.v.'-''', J ' -O S -XV -tO -sv f li. -...j . evet v 'oil as important as correct stjle. You don't have 1 1 sat riliee the latter in oruer to secure Ine (ornu-r, i( you come to us (or a pair of REGAL SHOES FOR WOMEN A can supply you will) a pair ot tne r.-u' . omens Keoal Oxfords, Unit after exuame models worn by the tno t fa;h- "-''e women in New oik llw summer. Regal ,, f 'tT-iL-ci iuakft these CW rds lit you exactly, itoimng perfect comfort ami long service. MM I ,m a F7; WW $400 $500 - . 1 THINK OF Mexican Mustang' Liniment AND WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU. tut Relief from pain thru miigltl pi here, i -o cause ymi hours n ;ioon v. Tired out muscles t .i-od tti and n-adv 1 1 f ;m t li. f 's work. Lameness in the hack .'iti'i sli" imuil'dl V Cltre'd .and st 1 it" joints lit; lll. Burns, Scalds, Cuts and MosIk lU-ivd isiiriu-i-s .uic'kiy licile Rheumatism, Lumbago .mid N voliked ot t he t : ..n-m-li and k. totevrr. Ulcers, Old Sores .oi l ( 'pen U lieale-d t'fo'.ntitly at; ! nennatieiit ' Prices 25c, 50c, $1.00 per Lottie. 1. mm n t i II' 1- The first application of Mexican Mus la no; Liniment subdues the pain but it continues its work nut j 1 1 ery quivering nerve is soothed and utie'ed. The great penetrating power of this famous remedy enables it to do this quickly and jio'sitivcly. In all cases of Sprains, Bruises or Lame ness. Mexican Mustang Liniment should be rubbed in pe!ttcntlv. The antiseptic qualities ot this old relia ble household remedy moke it safe and sure LYON MFG. CO. 41 to 45 So. 5th St., RPOOKLYN, N.Y. lelat'tt Vtttiition Ci)t Mtinev Vite'J . bo e i'l '.ur e' -otve- , i i'UK Louisville Courier-Journal ''tent. I Iircsh mi: t't-.s q-.i-esum as drops into poor poetry: "If from ihc -mimipont oi ci;t:n.':i iry had a little lamb that follow- ceeaey a.i.i rcspcci l.-r law. 1 her peregrination, she eotiM ' J lJ' tmd order league h baiidiPi; 1 up in at the butcher's shop and Rviher '.r the putiic so,l, and ''n come as rich as all creation announce this tlun-: shall st..r. , , at if Willie's sedentary pig, that ; Demand that the :::r -f the ;. is to saiuation. were irjiwt'.-nvd ' t'' take vigor. his si-.pv 10 punish 1 to currency, what a Rockefeller-! oMcnJcrs and let them know that ition : you are nemmi i """"" every honorahli. 1 HI-: Interstate Commerce Com- , cuyc evidence ei;F ill I" '.Te in e. ins to se - v .mr.iiit ission, winch has had under eon- aganiM all those who hav e no Jeration for more than a year the . visile tMeaiu ..(' t?rp. rt e". d se of the North Carolina Correor- ii;:ih-m to the chain ioiij ion Commission against South-. e-c:.;e the statute that .ill,ms us. n Railway on the charge of dis- speele 1 places to he searched, minuting against Carolina towns , Ymi the oili.e and height favor of Virginia points in the ' depots asce''tam w iio is reeeiv atter of freight rates, will snortly ing Jiqu-.r n suspicious quantities md down its decision. State positively to these people thai this nefarious business shall stop and the trick wiilte turned. It has been -aid that W'eidou does nothing in Halves We ha e given free rem t lawlessness, and if you get her men to see me condition m its true lighi and make up their minds to create a iraiisfiirmaiion, Sahara w ill he i blooming garden lo the drouth that will then prevail. i.t ii, i - --.H- It is. V, V I I .-'S''t. ' Ill I mk i In order to reduce stock I will close o: I FOR CASH r fib READ ABOUT CROCCRIFS Till- 1 II"! rll'Hlij'l ' Wr -;IV to tu'lv ;tt-!rrUTi we k rl. U III li Ui-lt- ni Villi mil-! lt;l !r l.flf, t'rtt. I in 1 ui i' l uilh u' 1 1 1 ;i 1 i- ih.i l.i oar I'Vfi 'ioviin: h-t .1 line ImrJ, I.. . I Im! i maikrt (.Ht.ti. ..'!ifi. ii pi.. W. T. A mail j is ; l.i ... ,s :w't.'s un Jci' ii; ii iul. Don I Throw It Awav RllflSEVhLT NOT A CANDIDATE? FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE WILL CURE YOU 1 v a o I' Vk'Kl k'. W, Mini. . ( 50 SUITS OF CLOTHES FOB -MEN, YOUTHS .ion" SENUOKS Aldrich and Hale ve both announced their retire ent from the Senate it is a wise I owl that knows when to take the woods. Hale and Aldrich ve unmistakable signs of an ap )achi'nc terrific Democratic cv ne due to arrive next N'ovem- I! is iio.v conceded that the mos cHiitoesc.nist.dt.ic destruction ot ( ireece and m.e. I hey re pou -erhii Intl.' cusses. "l: sv money until fall" is all Street's lure as a summer resort. ryr.r.3:!str Julius A. I'ratt Tost No. MJ Dept. III.. 0. A. H. Mr. twirt'ook, ('omniuiulrr u( almn' t, Krwtnec, III., ritt': "furaloiii.' IP I m hnUirrtil with Iviokm-lic and DIMVUKHllljrl.iillu.yH. Almut two lths i;( 1 Mtartol takinir 1'oli y's ney 1'illa ami souii saw they ire g just as rlaiinoil. 1 kept on taking a and uuw 1 am fire fioin l.iu'kachL' the painful lilaildcr misery all irnnr. e Foley Kidney Tills so well thai I told man? of my friends and com tabuutt' en and shall rccoinnund ery oppuituuity. " E. C'LAKK LT has been reduced" ' i, and this may enabj umer to get a pinch other alleged re.i ost of living. What Ey" 1 ..I.-- Is In. v I'.tl- aie aiiiio'i'iu-. t, '' ana irsi,.iati.' m n . 1 a im:nia ci-n tot' i'l'all iiouaiv ini'.'ulaiil.i l.ri'i Mlli-I'llll.s It. (I.AItK Washington paper claims he has a r 'l. ti to President Tali making th.o statement .md endorsing the pi escut administration. Representative Nicholas cine. Take it at once. Do u im. son-in-law of former l'resi- not risk having Bright'sDis dem K'oosevelt, said he knew noth- ease or Diabetes. There is ,ng ahou, any letters being received nQthi ined . d . m tins country by anybody outlm- J 3 ing Mr. Roosevelt's political views. , 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. "I think about the tune Mr. Roosevelt arrives back in tins coun try people will learn where he stands on these matters," said Mr. l.or.gwotth. Eesides a large lot ot Notions. Call o " of any case of Kidney or beyond the reach of mcdi-! Offering gOOd bai H. Clarkl s i: A IK) A l I) Alii LINK hows mis? s,veaker doe- no e'mi pvcrlond of newspapers. Perhaps Wl' "'ll!'"-l:''iv:lr'1 he thinks they do not appreciate Spcciul Low Rates to Bultimore. in' -a. ' ' .iiaiiii UiUl laniluL IH' ouri'd iiy Hall s calatth I un-. V I 1 llliNKV ,V (II .' lii. uhid. We. the iiii'li r-iuned. Impknunu 1'. .1. Cheney lur the last i y.iars. aiul he heve 1 1 1 in per leeilv lninmalile m all ,ns. iiicss tran-ai'lHins and linani-iallv atde locany utit any nHie'iiUon ia le ly Inn tirni. WaLMNc;. KIW ,v M HV1N, IV!, ni, s:1l,. unlets, 'I'.iledo. Ohio. . " " . Lurt, taken inteinallv the copy he has made. Kor More Than Three Decades V "ley s 1 1 i.ui-y and Tar has U cn a hiitisi'hi'lil fa'crite I' i all ailiiii iii- .a" tlie throat, elit'-t and limes I'm m fants and ehildii'ii it is 1,,-st anl as it er'ttauis nn ut,"' I'nl ,1..... linn , . '..,.. . ., ... Itefn - 1 ' i i : K ; i Md . Account Southern Baptist I Convention and Baptists ol North America, (ieneral Con vention, May llth to IHth. AcTim-A' ,j. aliin,. ,,,','a-i,'1- -'-'K!V''.i l.uie l;ad.ay ai.u.o.!i.-, '' , Te.lmiflv low '(at.- fo'Mi all i.'ie- i s hnes 'o Halt. in M ' Ticket will I' on sale May "thanh an d lmh and will apply any regular MM-. 1 ; 7 Goods and u that we are irs. 1'. iN 1 i SJAIiNBiGE. BOTTOM STORE,' Grand SI'lilSli ash M'MMl K 1 J 1 I f fll Many a headstrong man is weak ni'lomm. route final return hunt June minded. I1"1- j The SPAliOAlU) oilers excellent ser- Flytitne is responsible for a good j iivi ttaitimorc from all point on it lllliny elopements. 1 '" miVi convenient KclnHtules. lull- i niau i'ieenngv arn. Illli liacK e(umiie doesn't a Chicken-fight Come j Scat Coaches, an excellent dininif car n ihohlnod and mu ' nyatfm. -y i -- " e- , V. ., . W -.H ..lolMol.. .-V " " I d . V;. J. fc.i iv I . . .. .4 . . u.i, l nllinipnnavioncannHl.(.ur('cl ill re- . ""w house painter who mid to if1'. ut, MheftuU',. etc, u n.DW l0.,1na good front, i i.v aimivl--yur local or i.v hy applyi Is t lie result of usmif only Ihe best of inirredieiits. Bread Baked Here Has No Superior. It excels in all points. No part of the making is lelt to chance. Kv rrytliinki carefully done hy expert hakcrs. II is delicimis and whole winir. M. S, MOUNTCftSTLE, Wf.ldon, N. C. MILLINERY. . ....e! ... I .' V. T- -e'J 1 Huttenck 1'aUerliH. R. & O. Corsets, iMUuwaatTr.c. Iaidies T.'ic. to ft. j jl'riepn will lie made lo suit the j times. Hats and lluunt'la made and trimmed lo order. ALL MAILORPKRS I'liOMl'TLY KILI-KP. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Wei Jon, N. C. PIANO TUNING! Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. O, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH, FOR ash i Now on till May 1st. 10. Stock must be re duced, and in order to ie the surplus stock we have cut prces. Men's $12 S( Suits now $o o,s. Suits now d: Men's $6 suits,. 3 98. Overcds to ro at and 2.19; Mens $50 shoes tOfoft' Ladles Suitsnd Coats at halt t j asking. Qus at prime cost,., Pants, Dreioods, Outlrgs, (I 9.98 suits now 7.98; Men's $8 1 19; Boy's suit from $1.49 to tost. Men's $3 Shoes to ro at Men's $2 shoes to go at $1.49. ley are yours almost for the i jr. three hundred pairs Men's ime early and get the pick. A.U Si nback's i 9 i i ii A C7 ii -, '1h sX writing tl I umlcrttiiined. ies)n'nts in- stea "Ou, - Ml, C. it. HY.' II. 6. LKMtD, AlwaysJsy Store, i Weldoo, N C (ten. 1'n Petercfcurf, Va. .. .'

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