Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due tu lomt t!vranfe.Mt-it or dis ease of the organs distinctly feminine, Such sickness can ht curetl i ; cured every day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women WcH. ' It acti directly en the organs affected and is t the same time a llcncn-l restora tive tonic for ti.e whole system. It cures Icni.le cmpraint ritlu in the privacy of home. It makes unnecessary the dtsaftrrobU- qu.tiimins!. examitii.tiuns and local treatment so universally insisted upon t" doctors, ami u r.hhorreut tu every modest wemun. Wc shall not particularize here as to the :y:nrtr"n ot those peculiar atlcctiur.s incident to women, bi.f iiusc wanting full information r-s to their si miit'inr'. 11; means of positive cure are merri'd t i f!.c lVople s C. mon Sense Medical Adviser 1IHI8 p.i'U's, newl rci i.-cJ and up-to-date luiition, sent free on receipt id 21 :'iie cent stamps to cover cost of ir.ailin onh; cr, i.i chjlh binding for 31 stamps. Address Or. R. V. t'ieree, Hufl'alo, N. Y. E I DO YOU III i v. I WdVE TO TOWN? M mm! - wai This fiirntt r iri i! tv uil.'A.f. This ftinnvr ttle jjholtnl (tint - slint d at home. And find the market unfavorable for your produce ? The farmer who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved are worth the cost of service. Under our plan the service costs but a trifle ; the farmer owns the instrument and the equipment. For information write to our nearest Manager for pamphlet, or address : Farmers' Line Department HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Henderson, N. C. S EAB0A.K ) AIRi LIHSTE Trains leave VVeldon, Effective May 15.W10. C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent NO 32 SKAIIOAItlKl,Krsi. for l.itMiumth-Noi!'.;i. V.-tiLule . ,'. Coaches, sleeping Utv 5:10 A. M. NO. 38 SKAltiixiiH V,M.l.itlff..afht. I':l..t far. f..r '.-v. moittli-Virlulk. coti!iii'l;t!Lr ui'.ii ' 1 - !"i Va- i- 3:15 P. M. iuL'tmi. lialtiimni'. New Yuik. 1 . ' 1 1 1 1 aii-l 1';"'. .ii'iuv NO. 41 SKAIM'AliU M I'..r lUU-.ih. I I.a'l.itie. A-.Un'.a. H.i-i. ham and tilt oiithvct; cHinit ct-a: N . i h a ii.ili 'h nr ikim 12:07 P. M. let ith -r loihla ra-t Mail S... I... t..r .1 Uv an : l-'luriila point-: luninir far. h'tpmir r.u. ti.iou.::; -!.-.-;..-,-il.nn.-t and Uinninirham. NO. 33 M'.AI'.dAKIi l.l'l:l.. lur l;.u. l'Ii. viama. ti.ra'i!,j:n ' and tlie Southwest, t otintrts at llatlllcl i:!i N-. " l. r 11:42 P. M. WihnitiL'toli: with No. -1 l,.i ( 'oluinl'ia. -aannai,. Iai'..ii ville and Flori'la points; Htrpim: car l'urt!iHut:i to t l.a: iottc; ,.i.l.i!r Coaches. Sleep mi: and I'iuuil' t at to all p i tits -i .nth and ut !, fvt Write to tne uu'lcrsijued lor ratrs an.l t nic tai.ics C- J J. liYAX. General Passenger Agt., Portsmouth, Va. II- s. LKA1M). Division Passenger Agt., Kaleieh. N. C TtjE TANNIER'S PAINTS REJS0fi Why rt-tain Micir I'rt'-priiincncf ai'i'Vt' ail 'itliri Imuii.Is : ('fiau' they ate u-a-ir ut' 1 1 ie U"t timt'-i :ui nhUiiiu 11 Mi art jruumi Willi L'n at cuif i !' vn'.ii It-ulff iliM'j iit-l rui ry 1 'ii wt lie tu tin- maiiufavtiiit-ni Box 1st). Tanner Pain! & Oil Co., Ul'i E. Ma.u -t.. lilt liMiiMi. VA. Garrett & Co. da- 2vrr ---"ti MS -A! RKOISTIIRItri TRADE MAKE SPECIALTIES (lrAl:LI-HKH l-:r, ) Pioneer American Wine Growers V irginia Dare trt'tiite .--cuppeniouiti Old North State blackberry Hiawatha Paul Oarretfn Special Minnehaha iKed t haiupavnr i-paiklinir t l.am puf n- il'ry N-u.-in..uif i And other varieties of l'l l!K and Vt lliil.l.rx'Mh. V. 1M .. foi home an.l hotel uw HiKhest Market Price Paid in e.oo for 1:1. t Kl'.Kltlil l: 'd; WK- and all kiudi of -injil fruits. NORFOLK. V.. 'UnmeiMheei St. UildS. .Mu. AN FliAXt 1st tl.t t. THE 17 BIBLE I K AC MLS G "i: SSTIIMES'- mm 51 i a GOOD SEED FOK COOD CKOUND. Ma.th.w 13:1-9; 13 :3. lrftereure. puttin; uinij all tl'thiua anil ntrri-Mi-; ot wkMnm receive nth meekness the entjiatfl T..rd, utiuh is "Me to Mir ye.ur souls "Jumn 1. -Sl.-H. V. SING ft boat as a pulpit, our Lord lau.'h: a great lsn teWtlns tho method usihI by the Alraishty In the seleetiou ot tne little UoeU whom he Invites to tie members with I'hrht Jesm hi the administra tion of hi Millennial KiiiL-dom. 't he Kiiisdom mesaue or Invitation is the "seed" which Is under consideration hi the above parable, whnit, under favorable conditions, germinates and brings forth the required fruitage of character-development. Our Lord was Hie (jreat Sower of this so.nl seed of the Uinidom, and utter him came the Apostles. S.nce then he has used nil of his faithful people more or less In tins seed sowiin;. The fact that most of the "seed" ot the IMvine message seems wasted Is no print that the message Is not nood and desirable This parable shows that the real fault lies In the soll-in the lieirt. It all hearts were l U'ht the lues sajte or seed would brhm forth much fruit even where. The parable states that not till ot the .di is t.nnl or suilaMe. nevertheless, the Intimation Is that It Is within the pou. r ot many 1.1 corre. t arid offset the unfavorable conditions In themselves. We are not li ft to conjecture, for this Is one of the few parables which our Lord limwlf Interpret-.! - a fot bh'h many seem not to have noticed. 'ilie "seed" Is the message of the Kiis.!:. Macy do n-l tii.derstaiMl II. On such ears the message is lost, for derxir is oa I'.e alert to take II away, as symbolized by the birds devour;: u' :he evpos.d "s-ed by the way side." Su. l) wayside" hearers constitute the in st i,un'rtt diss in every colic reeatlon of the nnmliial church, 'l'n-y are uirivly foriiialists "Stony" ground repres.MHs an-ther ei;. of li-'i:-i's of the Kinitdoin mes sage. Tii them It sounds pi-.l. tli- are im-i-vd. hit they la.l. depth of character. They make professions and for a t.mc iVurili -stra irdlnarlly . but they lack the depth necessary to u characvr .lee.-pmei.t suhahie for the Lord's use In the worl; of the K'nploin. ir.nl when the trials and testings come they stumble. They ilniupht they nujn be arri-d to the Uincdom on flowery beds of ease, while others tijht to :n the i-ri.v and sail through bloody "sens." There Is tie ei! mud to the Kingdom. '1 he Master declures to all' who would be of the elect "lirlde. l'liroiiuh much tribulation shall ye enter the Kingdom." The ground which will pnnluee thorn i Is rich, awl wry suitable for the production of proper Christian character, but i: is n.fesied witli thorn seed, and the soil cannot suecesstully produce Loth wheat and I horns; hence, as the parable shows, the thorns choke out the v;!i-ut. that a suilielent crop Is not produced. These thorns are not. as some have i,ut:el. sensual vices mid criminal tippetitcs. Hearts In which sensuality d-n nab s have no ear what ever for the Klnc-dom message, and are not in-nti.' ied In the parable, which refers only to those who are no looser wllilii- smn-rs. but who are walking outwardly In the way of righteousness. The .Master's word is, "lie that re--elveth the seed among thorns Is he iliat hcareth the wmrd. and the cares of this world and the dec-itfuincss of riches ch-i.e the word uud he becotnetli un fruitful." There are many imMe p-op e repres, i.t-d also by this portion of the parable. There are many who. If treed rt'oin the spirit of the world, from Its ambitious and wealth uud Influence lis hoe . I the things .f this life, vvouid be very fruitful In righteousness When we lo.,k about us and see the thrift and energy of ninny people of civiilzed lands, we say to ourselves, prop erly, If these lives were really turned Into the way of the Lord and were rid of these earthly encumbrances, what grand, noble characters they would make. However, their strength, their energy, is absorbed by worldly affairs and cares, and thev do not bring forth the truitage demanded as the necessary qualification for the higher honors of a :aoe witli Clo.st In his Kh;gdcui. The Master's message to such Is. You cannot give your time and strength and Influence to worldly matters and at the s.une time inaiie your "calling and election sure" to a place with me In my Kingdom. Whoever would bo my dis ciple, let him take up his cross and follow inc. Where I am there 6hall my disciple be. "Herein Is my Father glorilled that ye l.e.ir nan h Unit." said our Mast.r. In this parable the l ground varies In Its productiveness-thirty, sixty and au hundred fold. The larger the returns. ;!,- greater will bo the Lather's p eas ure uud tho Savior's glory. Nor Is the stateni-ut an evtreine one, as some might suppose. The new "miracle wheat" s-ni- nines produces more than two hundred grains from one. This parable seems to Imply that the r oa sIM'lty for the fruitfulness of the h-art a. id life and character d-peud very greatly upon Hie ludlv idual ami how he receives the message of the Kingdom. Those In whom the fruit will be the most abnnd.int will be such as grasp the Invitation most intelligent y and earnestly. -He that hcareth the word ai d iiiiili-rstnmteth it" mid who,, heart Is in a condition of loyalty to ton) and who frees himself from hindrance, and worldly n :ino ion .and ; spiratluu and, like the .Spost'e Paul. i:in say, "Tli s -. Hung I do." will surely gain the Kingdom It I not sutla ient tha' we .ir (' m,. .;,(.- the Kingdom: It Is not ma in dent that we have ..' or j inieiifion In respect to It; It Is addi tionally necessary, as the M ister sas. tti it we slioipd u'i;r.lt.oid the Kingdom message, lidce the in .it -t 11 I le -::;.!; I nf,.;..ci.t i co:;dcr It very wise and proper that several years . f study be doi u to preparation f-r the few years ot earth!- lite. How :nu '. study, then. h"iiil be considered proper for our pivoirition f-r t:,. ci-rnal lite and Kingdom blessings? The time and effort thus consumed in ch. factor development for the Kingdom are wisely spent, in.' the harvest of Hi.rtv, slty or a hundred f oh! illustrates the degree and Intensity of our earn-stnos. The n w iMi hi the Kingdom will also I proportionate. "As star d.lTeroth from star In glory, so shad it be In the resur rection of fir dead." Varying degrees ot glory hi the Kingdom will lie tnanl 'ested, yet none w:'I be acceptable to the Lather who shall not have brought forth fruitage In g -o,l mca.-ure. In Bad Fi R "t liaT OwrtlBWHEN YO'i cu' c-v. . : fj HUH I will I tii j Cutej Wfior. All Cl-iu. j t W 1 lis . U OVl'llil ... .-o . ' . ' , . "1 e: iiiiriinsa-nuis: t,,r llllre (i. '.',-. ;tl!il .'ifl.T tlldt I L i - ' . . ' .J vvoulil have f.untinu spells, v'..'iness. norM 'I'ih-s, sick lie.Ki.idie, heart pulpttalion nml m.'.ny ::;!:it:e telint;s. "I suffered creatly Willi ailmcrts due tu !iie i.ii'.e cf life and had 3 doctors, but tin v did no C""d, so I cmiduded IU in v.liaui. '"Since taking Cardui, I am so Hindi tn'iLr and can do all my lionsewuik." 'J "I had a mishap at the a::.' "f 41, which left me in ba1 8 fix, writes .Mrs. (teorta Lsl.er. 't t-tners, tu 1 Iff. J I, BREEDERS Ta J41 The Woman's Tcnic Do not allow yourself to jret into a b.ul fix. You mi.qht i i c.t !m ci, Kt.I i,im vv.iiilrl fi'id it li.inl 1,1 t-t't out. Better take Cardui while the:e is ti iv, while ou are jfj still '-t moileiately toud health, just to CtinscMO ynr sirt ivih M and keep you in tip top condition. 5 j In tins wav your troubles, wh.itevir ti'.ey a;e. will j;r.-i.t- 3 ually '.-row siti.'iller instead of larc. v. u will l on the np-rrode instead of the down - and i y and bye uu Will U, arrive at the noitli pole ot peL.tvt hc.'.:.li. Hi t lot a hnttlo at v.inr t'., ' isl:' I; !..'.'. if) v.. . v h. ....... .....f,,, j- e(1 isiMml O Hum NEVER FAILS EVERY BOTTLE GUARANTEED Salisbury, Pub Station, No. 2, Aug. 16, 1908 North Carolina, h'owan County I, J. L. Knf ty, the Deputy Sheriff of Rowan County have been suffering w ith Kheumatism for ten years, have ! on confined to i.,y bed part of the time, could not sleep 1 1 i. c'iils ar.rl went io Hot Springs, Ark., for six weeks but s-' a tot t ) le'ief. 1 have used live bottles of Breeden's i:l:eum i ic Cure and after takintf same 1 can sleep at nighta, va it a', t"'-"' 11J w and do allmv work. J. L. Rutty, Deputy Sheriff. o 'U Evetywricro, i:k Your Dealer for a Sample Bottle -f 1.00 PER E0T1LE, OS SIX BOTTLES FOR $5.00 For further information, write Information Dept. EM!OEOICIHECO.,ChaHanooga,Tenn ::l aid :.l I'. N. STAIN. BACK, INDIM; TAKKl!. Wcldoii. North Carolina. l ull Line of CASkl.lS. Col I INS and Rolil S Day. N i k h t and Out -of-1 o n Calls 1'nimplly AlUnded to. H. G. HOWE, It'M ini, Dlk'l C I DK' AMI I MltAI.MI I.'. Seventeen years' hxperiiiue llenre Service Anywhere. Y0U,mRm capacity ouuiit tu tn:it lc ynti In .In mint' than juM loakt youi livmi:. You nulit to -af iih'in y l lirii lia mi: j:icI. tht- next tlnii)f m rt t your Miijilut. to work Ntti'ly niht j.toliiaS'ly, 1 In- ln-st way lor you to iiisuir a Ktrmly, rt-lm-Kit' nu'tniif ftMin ymii mhiii.'s ih lo m ciiu- m ritilii-atcot Dt'ottit iu" ' :-$The First National Banki t Mu- el tin- ftnmtrrst in llu'County. Tln-st' ot-i tilit'utt-N are i.surtl iitauy aiiiniiin aii-1 liyir uitrii ft at 1 per Cftit., payalilf nt'ini-aniuially or annually I aiul rt'iu'walilr. I ln y ate n'-Kntial'le by t'li.loiM'iiicht tor tlirir full taint) uutii-i ohlinaty ftMi'litiuiis. Vou arc ratnuiir ih-w ) mt your funmijf oa jnlv CAN'T LAST FORl;VI:K Ni'H i Ittnc tt tuini m.iih-of your capital, l or tlmM mth funU aluaJy at'CuMiiiiulcti. 1 1 1 tii wnn a Uutfr rcM-iM1. Unix1 haxnitr cliaiue ul t-vluit awaitniL' itiM-Muit'tit, tlit' 1 1- is no i n-1 It I nm-stmcut, thcic in iiu I't-tlcr huv to cinpitty tniMK y. ( 1'ititu'utcH ot I 't -pOc.it in this Jtahk an safe our capital, Riiiplit' ami mn.li-Milt-il piutitM is !iit amoiiLr llif Hank in Halifax. Northampton and W ant u count if!- iriiuiantrc that ami -t per criit intercM if a jiiirJitahlc intrrot u -tuin. (Mu valual'lc Look let "How To lo llanknsif" (i'IIh more ahout llt ('t-ititicatt'ci ol I'cpoMt aiiii alout J':tn k inr uud II ovv 1 o I 'o lian k i tiy N-inl k i It tililV. Tit First National Bait if WiHii, It, C. Save your Money mod Mile i uteri. htitnitrahie individual licket j " j0ar saved is a dollar made." "Any man an Sill 11(1. 1 ov, i lie Atlantic ( oast l ine and ::i i - , , . , . ,ti, .a lines iii tin- Boutin ast aitii i-'at'to-' !. I'n tiiiirs. i iiiuivc uiiiiii, uui u u we man uiai Lctu v it." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 pi. i cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in stuns from$l up. Collections, Loans, Accounts Solicited. BULLETIN S(H) Mile State l aniily Tickets. $11.25. ... I ,m Ilie ilaul c i ,,a-t I in acl, Mat,- for !,, 1,,-a.i ot ,..n n,ii nl locinlc is ,,t a iainilv. unit, , lo oi.e vi ui :'i I'm date ol .alc l.iUiili ,1 t.. on ' vi ai i'loiii ilatc ol -ale 2(KK) Mile I'irm Ticket. J lO.fMI.- I ,o. a Hie .Mlautu-1 '..ast l ine and tn ,,ti:ei In. - , n ; i.r ,,;i . , ;st a : -: i cm niu llo.ooo mi li s; lor a inanac cr or In ad ol (; i ..,., 1 ,.'li il- o ' s i iii led to till lilt B1 I..t I 111. .-t I i:e!l frlM.n lit U tlllH-. I.i :i, t.-.l to "io :u :i"iii 'late d'-ale l.fHMl Mile Southern Interclmnfreahle Indi.idtinl Ticket. $25.00.-- 1 1 1 1, i i c i tin :,ai;i c i me atiil . oiiici i ii. - in to. M. iii., a-t a.'L'tei;aliiiii , uui. a.'.- t el.. is -.0.! mi a; .1 a t. i fi I M. I i.l I "I ! . !''' d for I :i s -ai.'.' mi lia ii-. mo ,,i . in ckii.c i . ' .' sial eti- and ta Hons ,it ,,; n tin lie s.i'i o; tcei- hilt must be prevented at Ticket (Itlices and there exchanged for ennt inunits tickets 15 tents Saved i 4k- fat. ' v i-'tiel a:n 1. cal t.e. t li..m our l" nt A TLA N TIC C 0 A S T L I N I: w j cwaici. t c w nnr. I'a-, i, c"t I rui!,,- Manuc'i r. ' " ' ''i ilminictnn. North Carolina. 7E BuflK Of HoflOKE UOANOKK llAl'IDS. N. C. OFFICERS: vi It . Ill liiiUlv. I'lesidelit W. C. Illin.viiliK, 0id Viee-Tri-l-.. John I.. I'vi-iKiisos, 1st Vii-e t'ri'niiloiit I'll. S. II. I'm hi k. ( ashler. P. t'. :.mi..ihii. Aistanl Casliior. it Au- rit I k'OM Tilt; DI I'TMS "Num. Jiihnny," .isk-.d ihc ge:i!lc:iian who h.iJ kindly cun-st-ntci to t-.'J.'li i he cluss, "w h.ii Joes th;s fjsw'iiunng story of Jonah 3:1 J the hale te.U'h us '-' ''It te.uhes us," s.nJ Johnny, "that vou cannot keep a good man down. " CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought tar of (ZxAAcMi A Woman's tireat Idea is how to ti.a'se l.cisi If atiriictiie Int. tl.01;'. hi a!'ii 't 's laid for l;er to ... Ion !v 111 face I"iai 1 ' ' !' tii'cr n, a'k. s;cl.lv 1V.C1..1II U 11 Ii-'tvoiis atl'i itl'lll l,e I ' ! I s 1 1 j ' .1 1 . 1 II a'l'l In ''Iiu ' n,,.is ..ui in ,1 iiipics. M.iti'!,. sl.ni enip- tl.ill- Ull'l a Ull'ti'lii' I l"Cllill'iol. I.'ll l.ieot: ,v r.ittcts uimii s 1'ii.ve a iio'isi a 1 to ,i,,!i:e!i wi.o want i.i a';!., l- antv aiul flu icls 1 iiev teitulate si.ci.aeli, l i.i and kcliicv's. luinfy tin- Moo.: en s'ti.tij llci.es. 1, .'l.t lies, pure 1 ! .it 1 1 s'lu.otl,, vein IV siiin. Iiivel'- i-,.:i. p.,' Bears tiie ,11. .',,'. 1 I rait II 'I IV Ho 11.. ail dr ict.t- o,' at If i person really understood himself he might have a ehanee to understand other people. CHILDKKN TtFTHINU l h- isi ,ov ooi him , mhi i' has t'fi-11 ll-ed lo! llifl ,0 Vcms liv l,,,.s of motlirrs mi i .r r.'liil.ll.-li l.ile t. etli ' l!itr, with pettiet siieer-s. It snotties tl.t- vliil-l. so liens tin fctuni. allavs 11 am. cures mud cola', and is the b.l remedy for liiarrlm-a sold l.y drait'ists in every part uf the vn.rld lie ure and a-k f'-r 'Mis. Wmsluw ,,ot!oiitf vvr up and take no otlo-i kind lrutv 1. Vr Cellts a hotllr It's a poor tinanci.il rule that won't work everybody in every possible way. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA When a girl gives a young man the mitten she handles him with out gloves Aaiiysuy, the nun ulm hoasts ol his ahilny as a liar isti'i a liy po et ttc. Bank of Halifax, After one hundred and tiftv yearn of corporate existence nitliout lianLltiir fa- i eilities, the home of (ieneral W'tii. K. i'avie and of Willie Jones where the I'ccla- 1 ration of Independence na ratified and the state constitution adopted, the tuwa of Halifax han taken on new life aud a liank with a charter from the Mate i an, accomplished fact, it doom are now open for the transaction of lmmneiu. The j Bank hat two department. A COMMERCIAL DKPARTMENT where general banking, exchange and col leeting bumneiv is eonducted, and A fAVlNti'S I'Kl'AKT.MENT liepoait in this will hear intercut, and amounta from one dollar and upwards received. Witli ample facilities and correiipondenta in and out of the state., the llank offers it neirieea, and solicit the patronage 01 the public one and all. t Wm. H. S. Burgwyn, E. L. Travis, P. H. Oregory President Vioa-Preaident. Cashier. Kept the King at Monte, ' l ui the past vent c law kept the King of all laxattvo I r K tig's Ne Life 1'ills iu our Inline aud they liavr piovwl a Mrasiug to all our family." ant.-s Paul Mathulka. of llutUlo. N V. r.ay, hut sure retucdy forall stoniaeh. Liver and Kidney troubles. Uuly e.V. at all druggists. SULPHUR "SULPHUR COMPOUND LIQUID. LA BO f, fun, ALU . lLITM-tlTa lew fVlMij Tlote Rlsnnm VoUnv ok. lM-rt HUttft, Mo. Ail hUa knivuuuail Ml Stp AllBMBttV m -wl tntiuMtk Mpkir tpftBtta: Vt p ft lrfcitH.,,lw M4 trn'ofkUD fcAtc rrlf riac tta Utuml, Tninf in Stvxnavh. and In tb trvatmwal ud praMtiIon f INtMttKMrtoN, lt naisf lav. lAnintigti, I Mrrti, fUtmituatl-m. Ooat, NHHllrfittr SbB la Ul Kti1oT and Bladdaff, au4 aaVMMtKklttcr Llvarand uuacli A Urn an ta. A HX1IO WOrfDRR for HtmOTftoritla. tlimL lONaV pla.iM tor ttwrtMipIpiio. htpthtkln mift aad ifmatM PIbibm-i . ifit-mwht. inacklvaia, ata, Trrlt, unau. Maanb, MA(KK LlOtlU MlPHtK ( U. Ballimow. Mi It gam i water caa i laippij si bj Mali ar As&araam. (irvpaic Wrtta tor euwit SuiMiai, OIITMERT. LHi JH. 9Dr. Kill. Br. You will always have money if you save half of your earnings. The thicker the letter a woman writes the less there is in it. REASSURED. When first the comet wandered pale It gave us some concern We thought that it had tost its tail, But it has tail to burn. With what expanse is now in view It wouldn't miss a mill or two. CKIIdron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR IA it i Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA To youih consequences are iust 1 likk Du You Gtt Up With a Lame Back? KUncy Truubli Mikes Yoa Mlwribk. Almit vvrtMJtic tnowMif I r kiluirr i Swauij Ktjul. tin- i',trt kutiirv, liver ait'l t t'ludtli-r rmicxjv, .IrJ cause of Ui rruwrk- il plupVIttca. bJUi,- . kuot tulblli sinitit cverv witah in Avrr. i 'tin iik; rlic-unutwn. ; piiin in the ba k. kul- 1..-r C'K.J md evrry part of ih urinary pasai(e. it correili uiabilitv to hol'l witff and uralthngpain in pasting it, or bad tile M lollowinK use of liquor, wine or beer, un t overcomes that unpleasant neceamty of teing compellet! to go often through the day, and to get up many timet during the night. Swamp-Root is not rerommended U r everything hut if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor oughly tested iu private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al ready tried itf may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to 6 nd out if you have k id nev or bladder trouble. When writiiigmcntion reading this generout O0er in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. tw bin glum ton, N. Y. The regular nftyeut and one-dollar wire bottles are sold by all druRKittta. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dreaa, Bioghaatoa, N, Y.,osi every bottle. You Iii! Ii at Cohen's. ANYTHING YOU WftNTIN IHEUHUliUNtg y Ej Job Printing! You are often in need of something in my line, suddenly, in case of sickness, an ac & cident. an emerirencv illness, or other- wise. I have built up a reputation for ijr keeping only the PuiE$Tr ffiEsqESj Diuqs nml for krumimr how to mix them skill- fully according to prescription. Prompt- ness. accuracy and economy are our three t leading features. FINE PLRFLMERIES, TOILET ARTICLES, ELEGANT STATIONERY, CIGARS, ETC. u u u m n u n n n i coheJ'S PH4MWY vi:ldon. nohtm caholina. 1 All kinds (if Commercial Printing at Kock liultum Prices Ueddinj; Invitations and Society Printing A Specialty Hxcelsior Printing Co., Weldon, N. C CHARLES C. ALLEY, Inc., (Micci'SMirs t.i ( las. ('. Alley ) WHOLESALE ConfcctiorisrG h Fancy Grocers ri-.TKliSIH:i:(J. VA. 1 1, m-ial Aim-iiI iii ut ,n 1a uikI N hi III I an.lii.u lur the n il l.iiiti ii Si'KFi I 'i i ui ' II. I'n-rtitrii iii l.asii'iii ( milium l.y .Mivsra W. T.' J'auli ami T M .-!l,. 'hiinl II, -i n- v. nr i.i.I.'ts li.i il ni ' t iraiiiiiaatmaaw imi aiaaMiiiaMaMaaaiaMaaaBaaaaawaMaaaMawaamaMaaiaiawMaaa We're Now Offering .-I Some Special Values In dif ferent lines, for a short while we are selling all odd sizes in hixSi and cheaper grade shoes at about cost. Udwin Clapp Tan Oxfords regular $5.50 cut price $4.5. Crossett Oxfords $4 and $3.50 cut to $3.35 and $2.85. Be sure and see these lines at such EXTREME Low Prices as it means i WE FURNISH ' A llu ul Ki .if I t. t'i'ry one lio (. 1 uv tlir'i .iTir at our Kture ! ) ( Ail liie M-d- all - Ifluavien art ) i fu ii u I iu o r -lure ilie yar ) round. ! ! CONFECTIONERIES C FWUITS ' ( CROCKERY AND TIN ( : WARE ) ' U(Hdrii and Willitwrtjre. Ktt ; (utaMlf ilrlii'itd rt iiu ptty ii.v ) Hlicif in t.mu. Itildi' cltiLH. ) I'liuiH' No Nl. ) E. M. PORN ELL, i ki itos, v r. ) hinw'i Cfcicten Powder Is Death to Mawks Life toChick. ens and Turkeys. Cock of the W alk "HAWK" The Karn Yard Robber mi MONEY SAVED. Hurry up! Come quick! A Weldon Shoo Company, l&" WELDON, N. C. Jg? sROSES . Carnations, Violets an.l othiT tlom-rs always on Itainl. shower Wr.l.iuir liouijuris, llaiiiisonie Horal ii'siirii, I'alniH ami Keiim foi home outline. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus an.) many oilier varietieB of Puill.s foi fall planline either for out or imloor cul ture. Kose liushi a, Mamui.as anil kv erifrwns. W rite, 'phone or telegraph. H. STEINMETZ, Florist, Raleigh, North Carolina. (- ly D. E. STAINBACK, I NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. I Vuiiilt Nit s Office -:- Wcljoi N.CI I late UiiNiih'. In, , after eatii.ir (iihhi.v- I iiiim n a ihiek of that anil lei-il in v i lnl l.'.iuii r, nhirh I ail Inn with it iii, Urn le.1 on Mm I. i. nl. at rii.- :uiii oh Naik'n ChiikM n-ne tl.H II au k . I'l.n mu. I ork a iloo.i!,- ,oo I Alas! Alas' I TiUHK M A I! k MACNAIR'S CHICKEN POWDER kill, l!ak. Crow, .C!s4r.:rln lli't it lo.-ily loll hoti'ia.tiapea. l.i ufi, I.':,,!., i Nii'k. In.liiri'siiou ami l' VliukiHs Kti-ps tli tu flee from '.ii linn, llifirhy luusiiiir them to pti'UM'e ill ulillil:llire ol eirs Price 25 and SO Cents. mam t'Ani l:;l iim v uv V. H. MACNAIK, Tarboro, N. C. au.plt- paekate '!' centa with yi ih-alet name. I;. II. Siiaii, Airi nt, Wehlon, N, I . OKOHOEC. UREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. (National Hank l'liiiljiuif) Weldon. N. C. W. J. WARD, lENTIi!.T, OFFICE IN DASIEL Bt'lLMMi .WEL1HJN. N.C, aeplJ If