TPIC 8 fl 11 LiBKSin dvertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum,! 'OL. XL V WELDON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, AHil'ST 1, IDHV NO. 11 Si Al.'ll(. 3 pKK CKM AXogeiiililf Prppanaion&rAs Mmilniiiijiiicroiidamlfaeiiia i.iigllifSinnHlisaniltolsi Promotes Dwslionjflwrfui noss ;n:d IVsi.Conialns neithtr Upmm.Murpmnc norMiutral. Not Nahc otic. lmi4tit SeJ" Jlx.Snwa ISltpcnnml tit lurktik Stila him Cleijtttil Sugar iHinluyrmi flaw. ApcrlM Renwdy forOmsllpa Hon , Sour Slowaclt.Dlarritwi WoriiisX'onvulsioHS.Fcvcrish wssawlLussorSmiP. FacSuiA Sijnalurt of NEW YONK. s Eiact Copy of Wrapper, NEW Spring and S um mer styles on sale -Now! If anything a little hit smart er and more exclusive than usual. The hind you see on Paris loulevards - Fifth Avenue too. Every last an J leather that a woman could fiossihly want at any time. A. L. STAIN BACK, VVeldon, N. C. FULL AND COMPLETE LINE 01- CLOTHING-1 GENERAL" MERCHANDISE; 'resh from the Northern markets. Call and see ur new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, . J. KAPLIN, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. C. THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. V- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Arol'ST'JOTII, I'M. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. P.a?!.tlL.aJd..ur.?.la-?:..-- $45,000. For more than 17 years this institution lias provided banking facili ties for this section. Its stockholders and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided protlts having reached a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has, commencing January I, lllnS, established a. Savings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 per cent. Forfurther information apply to the President or Cashier. psrsidint: W. E. DANIEL, vich-I'Rksiwint: W. U. SMITH. OE BIN SHAM SCHOOL ins UU TBI smoati scsiiou i. won., n lM Ik. l.k.HO. Iwa, I OOSTSOL M4 CiaHlillK. GASTQRIA For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years ZAP AW iv In THt INTU( JMHT. NEW ( IT. j i I ! hi Summer " Goods 1 Furnishings, and t'Asinxa: It. S. TKAVlS, c. tu simi '"'', 'Jril' 'U trow citf. OmMU HUTiBI to U1WIMM1. trvm SlM. K&uuM ftul fMW. imw nj. mmim iHi.i as. a esraaia. el AN IMPRESSIVE SCENE. Tribute of Pastor Russell at Albert Hall to Lata King Edward. IFrom the Leeds Yorkshire roat.J Pastor Ilusscll of Brooklyn Ttiliornn I'll', tin great American preacher, who Is now uii it tour In this country, pref aced tils remarks to a hui:e audience In Die A 1 1 mm t tin II lust ullit with tin.' follow luj;: "In licrm.iuy I learned of tha 0 on t h of your esteemed monarch, Ed win d VI!. I realized tUut nut your unties, oily, but nil Christendom, buil lost nn unobtrusive but wise counselor, a power for pr:n e and Hood will among men. I lake this uprlunlty to ex press to this grout audience my syin patiiy, which. I assure you. Is shared by thi' grout uiiijorlly of my American coiimr.v itK'ii. My lirst thought wan that out of respect fur the Illustrious (lead, bis family and the nation (Ills service should lie postponed, but my second thought was to tiie contrary. Surely nt no more flttlng hour could we consider 'the (rreat herenfter.' There Is. thank (iod, a hereafter for kings as well as pennant. Itoyal mourners and u mourning nation need n message from (iod'n word purtlcu Inrly now, nnd, slnee no more repre sentative audience will probably as semble In tills capital of the empire, I have a suggestion to offer, which I Irust will have your approvnl. It is that before offering prayer we show our sympathy for the. royal family In their bereavement by standing." After about a nilnule, while silent prayer was offered, I'astor Russell of fered prayer generally and requested t lie great audience to sing one verse of "Nearer, .My God, to Thee." The whole scene was very Impressive. IN SCOTLAND. Tha American Preacher's Address In City Hall, Glasgow. From the Glasgow Herald Pastor ('. T. liosscll of New York addressed a crowded meeting In the city hall, Glasgow, yesterday evening. As chairman of the International ltilile Students' association he Is at present engaged In a F.iiropcnn tour for the purpose of explaining the doctrines of the Dlhle tu a series of discourses which take the form of religious lec. tures. Since leaving America he has conducted meetings in the Holy Laud and the principal continental cities, and 111 the course of his present visit to this country, which he has toured on four previous occasions, he has ad dressed two meetings In the Albert hall, London, where his eloiiience and eonvliii f. ur style of preaching have at tracted large audiences. In the city hull Inst night Mr. Kussell's subject wiib "The Overthrow of Satan's Um pire." This evening he will lecture In Dundee, and tomorrow he will appear In Lillnhurgh. On leaving Scotland he will cross to Ireland, where he will visit Belfast and Imblln. YACHT FOR GOSPEL WORK. Pastor Rusaell to Work Among Sailors In the Port. (From the Nw Votk Amerlcun. June 4. 1910 1 rnstor liussell, president or tne rco- pies Pulpit Association, was yesterday presented, for Christian mission work, the fullv equipped and seaworthy Angel, n naphtha und sailing jin ht She is about t'Jo feet over nil. has sent lug ciipii-ity in dining saloon for sexcp ty persons and Is prepared for main deck meetings In fair wcalher. As Indicated by Pastor Itussell In his acceptance of the vessel, unique work will lie undertaken In New Yolk bar lsr. It Is said the meetings on board the Angel will lie advertised from day today, stating her moorings as well as the language of the speaker. Thus all who desire iiinv keep In touch with this wltnos of tiie "gospel of glad tld ings to all nations." "Fortunately, uiy friends, this gift Is not wholly a surprise to me," said Pas tor Itussell in accepting It. "I had Intimations anil was In touch with some of you respecting the Angel Nevertheless 1 am at a loss for fitting words wlierewitli to express my appre ciation of your loving cenl In follow In a suggestion 1 dropped respecting the soul needs of I lie sailors of all nation alltles visiting this great port. "U't me, then, briefly say I accept your gift, not In my own name, but In the iiame of the Peoples Pulpit Asso elation as Its trustee, If you please. May tile Angel always and In every language sound forth the praises of the Cod of all grace! PASTOR RUSSELL RETURNS, A Two Masted Schooner Presented to Him For Religious Work. (From the llrooklyn Kagle, June J. 1910 Among the passengers who arrive on the Lusltiinla Ihls morning was the Itev. ('. T. UusBell, pastor of the llrook lyn Tabernacle. Ills arrival was await ed by a nuuiher of friends, who pie- ented htm villi a two masted schoou er for uiissiou.iiy noik about tL L..r bor The schooner that waa given Pastor Itussell was right on the Job as the Lusltanla begun warplug In. From oue mast of the Bulling vessel to the other was strung an enormous piece of bunting benrlng the words "The Angel," that Mug the name of the rraft. Below was a sign reading "Cod Is Love," and a third sign with a re ligious adinoultlon followed. Talking of his trip abroad, Pastor KUHsell said he expected that within five years Jews would begin returning to Palestiue to make that country their home. The preacher visited Palestine during bis trip and Bald hi found evl deuces constantly of a stead, progress of the Zionist movement NARROW ESCAPE. It is a good thing Christmas doesn't come in the spring. Why so? My wife would be sure to give me a lawn mower. C h 1 1 d r n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. fl tiff C::r) If a$ i P-' , PASTOR KUSSELL IN CU A MISSIONARY SCHOONER. One Waa Presented to Pastor Russell For Harbor Work. From the New York Times, June 4. 1910. The Itev. C. T. Itussell of Brooklyn received a surprise on his arrival on the Cunard liner Lusltauia yesterday. Ills friends presented to blui a two masted schooner for missionary work In and about this port. They not only gave him the receipt for the craft, but she was waiting alongside the Cunard pier with mauy flags Hying as a welcome to her new owner. From oue must to auotlier was strung a long canvas bearing the In scription "C!c d Is Love" and the name of the schooner, the Angel. There were other Inscriptions of a religious character waving in the wind. AMERICA'S "SPURGE0N." England's Leading Daily's Opinion of Brooklyn's Graat Preacher. IFrom the Londun Daily Mall. One of America's most remarkable men, Pustor Itussell of Brooklyn tab- ornacle, who Is by common consent the "lost prominent pulpit orator In the United Statis, has recently arrived In Loudon, lie Is the Spurgeoii of Amer ica and Is viFltlug In Kiigluml lu con nection with the May uieeilugs GOD'S STONE WITNESS THE GREAT PYRAMID. The Ancients la recounting the Scveu Wonders of tbe World, placed at the head of the list, the Orest Pyrsnild He Interior paassge waya evidently aymbollcally represent the Ages and Dispensations In the Divine Government In connection with humanity. He wltueas la only beginning to go out to the world of mankind. It la commonly credited to the foolishness of an Egyptian King. Such claims as to the other pyramids which are Inferior to this one, are not questioned, but the great Pyramid evidently was constructed under PlTtne supervision. In symbolic language the Pyramid Interprets Itself If fig ured an Inch for a year. The downward passage way from tbe entrance to the bottomless pit represent! the way traversed by the human race to death. The ascending passage way represents an escape from death and corresponds to the giving of the Law to Israel. "If ye do these things yn shall live by tbein." The Intervening years to the end of Jewish favor, A. D. 32, has It exact fulfillment lu Pyramid Inches, bringing us to the Grand Gallery, which symbolises the Gospel Age, the period of the High Calling, the Lord coming "that we might hare life and that more abundantly." The grand scheme of LIHlUeKOCK J J'V KOCH ' y KIM If in JMfitCt -Low Milt leiH in UU A fl r 1 - TUB URZXT PYRAMID WHICH I'ASIOH 111 SSKLL Hbll.l ItVta HAS SYMBOLIC HIBLIOAL SKIMFICANCE. Pyramid pasaef way meaauMmentx telle us that the Ooapel Age la toon to end and that the time for Idvlne favor to return to Israel Is about dua. Tba meaaureiuenU seemingly aay Uiat by llllo the Jews should be re established, In their Promised Land. The Pyramid covers an area of about 13 acres; Is 4HU feet hlfh, and T84 feet broad at Us base. It la estimated to weigh about 8.000,000 tons, tt eon tains stones weighing; three or four times as much as one of the obelisks. Borne of tbe stones are thirty feet In length, and at to clotely together that you may run a pen knife over the surface without discovering the breaks be tween them. There Is now no machinery so perfect that It will make two surface thirty feet lu length which will meet together as these wonderful stones In the Great Pyramid. Its four corner stoues sre sunken In the earth In fulfillment of Job lxivlll. 3-7. It Is supposed to have been built B. 0. 1T0, at which time the star, riraconla, symbolizing death, looked down the de scending pasaageway, and at which time the Pleiades were In Hue and looked down the ascending pasaagewsys leading to life, the Pleiades representing the throne of Jehovah, the source of aU life-giving power. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ofCSS Signature Some men and many phono graphs have bad records. AHACTKUISTIO ATTITUDU. BACK FROM PALESTINE. Pastor Russell's Return From Visiting Holy Land and Egypt. From N. V. lleruld, Sunday, June 5, l'JIO.l Pastor Itussell of the llrooklyn Tab ernacle has returned from a trip to the Holy Laud nnd l'.gypt and will address the public today at the Brooklyn Acad emy of Music. Mr. lkussell bus cer tain Interesting ideas regarding (he Great Pyramid und lis symbolic teach ing and believes the time is at hand for the return of Israel to Palesiine. He Is a very pronounced believer in the Zlonlstlc uiuvement. The present is the second visit to the Pyramid and to Palestiue, the laud once Israel's. In one of his works pub lished more than twenty years ugo Mr. Itussell applied certain measurements of pyramid passages, an Inch for 11 year, as symbolically showing the length of divine favor upon the Jews from the time they became a nation down to the year A. D. 70, when Jeru salem was destroyed and the Jewish polity ended. In the same work ho declared also that certain passageways symbolically Indicated the length of time during which the tuition of Israel would be cut off from any and all special inanl festallons of divine favor, and when this would end I he favor of liod would agulu return to them. Staggers Skeptics. Th at a clean, nice, fragrant compound like ilucklen'a Arnica Salve will instant ly relieve a bad burn, cut, scald, wound or piles, stagers skeptics. Hut great cures prove its a wonderful healer of the worst sort's, ulcers, boils, felons, ecze ma, skin eruptions, as also chapped I hands, sprains and corn, Try it. 25c. at all druggists. BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED 1 HEADACHE? FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everybody TAKES SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR "Tot YOU? WORTHY. 'To The Right lor Your Harp and Crown. "Well," asked St. Peter, j "what have you ever done that j makes yon think you ought to j be admitted lierer" "Let me see," the applicant j replied, trying to think. "Now ! that you ask me, I really don't j recall anything that gives me much of a claim to admittance 1 here, and that's a fact. I can I say, however, that I've never j been a wicked man. I never j deliberately did any one on j earth a great wrong." "That is merely negative goodness. S'e have a separate heaven for people whose sole claim is that they never did anything wrong. They go in with the ones who were defec tive mentally the weaklings. Didn't you ever feed an orphan or comfort a widow ?" "No; I am compelled to say that 1 never did. You see, 1 never came in personal contact with orphans who were hungry or widows who needed com forting." "Never caused a brutal driver to cease abusing a poor old ! horse?" 1 "No, I saw a man try that j once and what happened to him : made me decide never to mix j in." i "Well, didn't you ever assist I any poor, struggling young man who was worthy?" j "No, really I never did. Oh, j by the way, once when I was going home at night in an 'L' ; car a man who sat in the seat in front of me had on his shoul der a long brown hair. With out saying anything to him about it 1 picked the hair from bin emit I tbmurlit bo bin looks that ho was a married matt, and " ', Come on in. To the right for your harp and crown!" Life on Panama Canal luiK had one frilitful drawback-malaria ' that Iihm lirouitlit NiiH'erinir and death I to thoiiHanilM. The irerins caune chills. ; fever and airiie, liihousness, jaundice. I latitude, weakneHM and deliiiity. liut Kleetric IlitteiH never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troulilen. "Three j liotllcs completely cured me of a very i severe attack of malaria," writes Win. A l-'ii'tw idl, ol l.ucuiua, X. C.,"aud I've had jjood health ever mnee." Cure Stomach, Liver ami Kidney troulilen. i and pieveut Tydioid. 'inc. Ouaranteed ; hy all .1 rt.iriHtH. You can learn a good deal about women by pretending to be indif ferent. The lies! Hour of Life is Hlieu you do some great deed or dis covei some wonderful fact. This hour came to J. K. Pitt, of Itocky Mount, X. C, when he was suffering intensely, as he says, "from the worst cold I every had, 1 then proved to my great satisfac tion what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure I r King's New lhseovery is. For, after tukiug one bottle, I aas entirely cured. You can't aay anything too good of a medicine like that." Ha the surest and best remedy for diseased lungs, Hemorrhages, LaOrippe, Asthma Hay Fever.any Throat or LungTroulile. due., (I. Trial bottle free. Uiiaranteed by all druggists. A man is as fat as he looks; woman is as fat as she wants look. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA o- icu tttHrit is tfitiiiv i - r - utii 9 PUTTING AWAY i Here, you can put away small sums not needed for preseni use. And while wailing your call they will draw interest. An account in our Savings Department does not always imply a siiiuii tiuiisuuioiis, Kir iioiii it. .5 uui oinuiRs pass-notiKs. 1 ney g they get nicy me iiisu usiiik iiieiu ncciu-.e oi tne convenience e 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. 3 afforded. BANK OF ENFIELD, ENFIELD, N. C. POOR FIU.I.OW. I Do you think you can manage I me when we are married, lidith? I Manage you? j Yes; I am an awful fellow some ! limes, 1 tell you. I Are you? ' I am indeed! Well, if I can't I'm sure mother can. Struck a Rich Mine. S. W, Hciids, of Coal City, Ala., says be struck a pcifect mine of health in Dr. King's New Life Pills I'm they cured him of Liver and Kidney Trouble after I'i years of'siiilering. They are the best pills 011 earth for Constipation, Malaiia. Headache, Dyspepsia, Debility. ''.. at all druggists. Many a woman wouldn't want a vote if she could boss some voier. a day. They i;ivc on less results in beef, pork, work, orcngs, whcnlliey are not in perfect health, i -,a. a nme interest in uu pocket book and doctor Ihcia up uilli Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine It will pay you to do this. It has p:iid thoii-,;inds of other successful farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not a food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepared from medicinal herbs and roots, acting on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all druggists, price 23 cents, 50 cents and jl. per can. S-Wrilc 1-ir vilti.ihle bnnk ' Success villi Stoik aiulPmlirv ' Sent trtt lor a Rn!lal. Addrrss Klai'k-Drautht Stock ttdictne Co., Chattanooga, Blacksmithing ANPiiF.NKKAl. KF.I'AIIMSG Hrtuio& A Specialty"! I All work guaranteed. I ome to see nie ' at Pate's old slum!, ' near Second. sycamore Street w . H. DAY, Weldon, N. 0. I THI- N. C. STATE Normal ni Mistrial Colleie. Maintained by the Slate for the wo men of North Carolina. Four reirular t ourses lcadinif to lifirrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session be ams Seiitemlicr 14, liMU. Those desirine to should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other information address JULIUS I. POUST. President, I.IIF.F.NSItoltO, X. C. The North Carolina College of ' Asricultnre aid Mechanic Arts. The State's college for training indus trial workers. Courses in icuiluie. Horticulture, Animal Husbandly and I'miymir; in Civil. Klectrical and .Me chanical Fngineeriug; in Cotton Milling and Dyeinit; in Industrial chemistry; in Agricultural teaching. luittance examinations at each coun ty seat on the llth of .lulv. I). H. MILL, President, West Italeinh, N. ('. We .Ask You to take Cardial, (or your female troubles, because we are sure It will help you. Remember that tins great female remedy has brought relief to thousands of otoer sick women, so wny not to you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it Is "the best medicine to take." Try It I M.lS 1 MILIas l!eV aoiu in hub viiy t pi i 1ZS MONEY when )ou allow any ot your S slock or poultry to remain sick 6 SMALL SUMS 6 H .'Many larce uepositors are using are using iiicm lor Hie inierest ei-6- 301 o SUBSCRIBE O NOW ! l'OR THE Daily, Sunday and Semi Weekly. arLargesi Circular south; of Baliimore. awl n Psi D BY MAIL D Per Annum Daily and Sunday $7. Daily only, $5. Sunday only, $2. Semi-Weekly, $1. D All the news I O All the time I o Ladies! Svc Money and Keep i;i Style by Reading McCali s Magazine and Using McCull Patltrr MtCall'i Mtinine v, ill Ih'Ip you tin sn Kj :-i-'My m it mull-!:.;' ioum' I'V k 'M' . 1 1, ir ' H I'lPMCtl till tl " t 1 !! il 1(. II S ill rl ili", unit Ji.iu, ; .i New r'uslilnll 1 it vi-l:s t n. il 1-vMie. AI .i lnriun:il."ii n nil Ik Hue mal 1 i -iiil niatU'rs, tit!y yv ii yt'iir, lui'ltuhi -a a fico ,;iHirn. f-i.i 5'Til Ui;y ot hm.'J lr li-e sit in i 'lo 'Ji'V. rnl n Ml rt;ttii VfII tnm;ikl f" ""r tHir.titrunn lunula, rlmliii , j i-t m1 rtnli'P'ii wlinii willt'O Mr'i' t il hi. I'lici iimi- hu'luT liiHU 1j i l l'r hi e I'niu-rii ( ulalucuo, Wt Wilt Get Tom Fi Preti for KriUnc m,i sitih ifii' Hrtmiip yi'iir Iricintsi. Seiul fur (n'O 1'ri in in. i .i tu h. t--in- a ml Casli Prizo i ifliT. Tilt 11. ( Ml COMPANY, 239 u 249 W 37 St., NEW YORK Electric Bitters Buccrcd when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Spscial Sale ! We have on hand several Consign ments of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits. Rather than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put t hem on sale at half price for casli only. $!" Suits $7.50. Prin cess, white and all other colors (' to (7, now 2.:si to f:l. Wash Coat Suits Jl to f ii, now 1 .(is to 3. $4 to .') Net Waist reduced el.Tft to t- 50 Wack and col ored silk Petticoats 4 to $t) now $2.88 to M i .i. S one .-kins ro to ex now to t-Loii. ltl.lkio vards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. 7oc to H Messaline silks, all colors, now to c. f. and tic. calicoes 3 to 4c. 10 and I'-'le gineliama 7 to Be. About 8, (KM yauls dress goods to close out less man cuii. i.auu-x nais at nan price, linirs. druggets, carpelings and mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. WELDON, N. C. pruii.i)l.l olituiiieil 111 all t-uiititiU'H Of) NO f TRADI-MARKS, 'ftvpata mid roiiYilirlilrKli- I tutored. Keml nkMi'ti, Mil, or I' In. to, tor I Mil BtPOHTon imtPntRl.UHj. Vntftit prmit- Nmtt 4 '-fill" In taiiipn fur our two Hivulnaltle I I b ,.. unit TO OBTAIN mid BILL MT. I KNTi, Wludt OHM will phj. How to KflApAlt ntr, patent law and iitliprvaliuililnlntorumtluik D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C, FomsomoMra'E foa SieMam Tf ma andlCowariMTiois - .', iritirb-M A itiob mi & i, ;; At antaJourna ; MscAtts mac,2ih: taW "yrniifii IMcCnll Pall iwn linn, V..lliv. lf : in m; ! j reins. S. (will

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