t f SI JE Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum' VOL. XLV. WKLDOX, X. (.'., TlU'liSDAY. Al'C.l'ST II, l!HO no. 1: ., , r.. 'J I' I .. .1 ..m.i SOME ONE FINDS BEAUTY IN YOU. j Friendship and Love Have Byes When the Casual Passer-by is 1 Blind. i The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been lu two for over 30 yenrs, bus borne tho Blirmituro of S0 - aid bn been nmde under bis per- LtttttmA 8011111 lci vlslon since Its lnraucy. WCV. iWU. Allownoonolo.locmvoyoiiinthU. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Jiist-as-Kood" are, hut Experiment that, trlllo with (indcudaiiuertlio lieallh of lul'uuts nml Children Experience against lOxperirneut. What is CASTOR I A Caxtoria Is a harmless sultitltiite for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syi;ps. It is l'lcasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nureotlo KiiltHtaiiee. Its ni;o Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'everishuess. It cures Di.irrliru and Wind CoHe. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulate the Stomach and Howels, giving heultliy and natural sleep. The Children's l'anacea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CtNTAUn OOMPANV, IT MURMV THSCT, NCw VOHH BITV. ! i J(EiW Spring and Sum mer styles on sale -Now! If anything a little hit smart er and more exclusive than usual The Jcind you see on Paris louJevards - Fifth Avenue too. Every last and leather that a woman could possihly want at any time. A. L. STAINBACK, Weldon, N. C. Our dear ones, however ihey may look 10 outsiders, are always beautiful to us if we think of their looks at all. Our friends, too, have long passed the stage when we appraise their looks Looks may lead to love, but character re tains it. We love our friends for wlun they arc, but in each one we find some superlative physical beauty. It may be the eyes; or the mouih; or ihe hands. It may be the voice; the smile; the laugh. It may be the poise the carriage; but something we are sure to find. Have you ever seen in one list the adjectives we are wont to use in speaking of a friend ? She may be pretty, attractive, beautiful, dis tinguished, delightful, charming, , fascinating, siunning, interesting, inspiring, superb, splendid, glo I rious. She may be sympathetic, : helpful, restful, kindly, cordial, j unselfish, loyal, tender. For all these and a hundred other reasons, ! we choose our friends, and no two : will ever agree exactly in their es i timate of another. But with a world full of beauties of bodies and j character it would seem that every body should have a hosi of friends ' lo admire and treasure if he has j an eye for beauty. ! If one cares to make a good im pression, to be found attractive and beautiful, health is a first consider ation. And the second plain, old I fashioned cleanliness. A healthy, clean, person, neatly dressed, how 1 ever simply, is bound to be attrac ' live. But the wellspringsof beau j ty are in a woman's heart. ; Her body's beauty is but a poem j Written by God about her soul. ' Her gown is the binding for the poem, which, it it serves its pur-, pose truly, will suggest the senti-; meni of the poem, and ai the same j , time will harmonize with the other j ; bindings on the shelves of life's ' library. -Li. J. Kidgway, in The, Deliniaior, for August. REST AWHILE. i do Out Into Air and Let God's Sunshine Down Upon Your tiusy Head. I i t New Summer Goods ! i-i it t i it' r ni t"?Tf i't-? W CLOTHING Furnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for spring and summer. Respectfully, I. J. KAPLIN, THE BANK OF WELDON You art' wearing out the vital forces faster than there is any nceil, and in this way sulistrai' ting years from the sum total of your life. This rush and j worry, day after day this rest j less anxiety for something you ; have not got is like pebble ; stones in machinery they grate ami grind the life out of you. I You have a great deal of use less care dump it. Pull in ! the strings, compact your busi , ness; take time for thought of better things. Go out into the 1 air and let (Sod's sun shine i down' upon your busy head. I Stop thinking of business and ; protit; stop grumbling at ad verse providences. You will ' never see much better times in this doomed world; and your i most opportune season is now; your happiest day is today. I Calmly do your duty, and let I (Sod take care of His own I world. He is still alive and is ; the King. Do not imagine that I things w ill go to everlasting smash wlienyniidisappearfroin ! this mortal stage. Do not fan- ROANOKE RAPIDS. N. C. ! cy that the curse of heaven, in mmmmmmmmmmm j the shape of the Vllill task (if JIJJJJJUJ EmS3 O righting up a disjointed earth, is imposed upon you. ( ease lo fret and fume; cease to jump and worrv early and late. The A WOMAN'S REASON, I have a reason now for all I do, A reason that's so sw eet, so old, so new - Well, if you were not quite so near to-day, Or if you'd turn your eyes another way And while 1 lei my hand a moment rest With clinging touch yet light upon your breaM, I might pretend that it was half a jest, I think, perhaps I'd tell ou. 'Tis ibis no, turn your eyes another way ! 'Tis easier so when what one has to say Is half pretense yet somehow makes one's heart Stir in one's side, with such a soft, quick start; 'Tis this the Old World has been born again, Born with a strange, sweet, bitter throe of pain, The sad Old World I treated with disdain Is new because I love you I I scarcely know my own lace, in the glass, It almost seems to mock me as I pass, Once of its few poor beauties I was vain, Now they can only rouse me to disdain, I should be twenty thousand times as fair, The stars and sun should light my eyes and hair- And yet sometimes I think I only care Because because I love you. I am so changeful and so full of mood, Sometimes 1 would not and sometimes 1 would; I'm proud and humble, scornful, thoughtful light, A hundred times between the morn and night. 1 cast you off I try to draw you near, I hold you light and I hold you dear, And all the time I know with ioy, with tear It is because I love you. And now my hand clings closer to your breasi; Bend your head lower, while I say the rest, The greatest change of all is this that I, Who used to be so cold, so fierce, so shy, In the sweet moment that I feel you near, Forget to be ashamed and know no fear, Forget that Life is sad and Death is drear, Because because I love you ! YOU LOVED ME. You loved me. The knowledge went through me like wine; The passion that filled ine was wholly divine, When you whispered those words, with my head on your breast; Not even my faith could have brought me siuh rest. All sorrow fell from me and vanished in bliss, When you crushed on my lips that first exquir.iie kis-.. You loved me. Not only your voice told me so; 'Twas your soul that spoke to me in passion's first glow, You crushed me up to you, unheeding your power; Your kisses fell on me like rain on a flower. No human achievement, nor worship of men, Can bring me such happiness ever again. You loved me. What odds if your fancy roams free ? I know that your life love is no ope but me, It was I who first quickened your soul in your breast. Tho' others may follow, you gave me your best. No woman on earth, be she holy or bad, Can ever take from me what once I have had Tho' you wound with your folly, you never can kill The love you created it lives in us still, And when you return, and your follies confessed, I'll forget in your arms that you ever transgressed. Helen Roslyn in Smart Set. A PATHWAY OF ROSES. But the War Came and Took l-'roni fler Her Home and the (iarden of Mowers I PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS Never was there a union of two more congenial spirits; seldom has the path of life been so strew n with roses or flooded with sunshine as that upon which the newly wedded pair began their journey together, and so, the sun shone on and the roses continued to bloom until the dreadful cloud which rose upon the horizon of North and South alike in I Slit) broke with terrilic force over the heads of these two happy beings who, in their adversi ty proved so well their marvelous strength ! Never was there a hap pier home circle than that at Ar lington; never was a trial more bit fer than that which came to Mary Custis Lee when she heard the call of the army for her husband, yet, with the wonderful heroism that the women of that day showed she saw him go; with tears, per 1 Here, you can put away small sums not needed I'M' pie-'elit g use. And while waiting your u.ill they will draw interest. An account in our Savin;;-, I )ep n tmeiit dues not always imply s small transactions, far Irom it. Many large depositors arc using :j our Savings pass lock'.. They ate using them tor the inierest they get; they are also using them because t.l the convenience j afforded. 4 pet cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. I BANK OF ENFIELD, ENFIELD, N. C. Look Steadily at the (ioul I'.cfore You. o 01 There is a moral grandeur in the thought, "I have made my self." The world may wag their i heads, and you may be denounced, but if you are conscious of that in- j tegrity of purpose which has al-; ways characterized you, and that ' you now stand on an eminence, i Sl'BSCRIBl-: o NOW! OK Till: 1 Si haps, but with the brave words: "Which ever way you go will be ! in the path of duty. You will think right and 1 shall be satisfied. " I'p lo this parting, Mrs. Lee, who had been the petted child of ; fortune, was overtaken by a series 1 of troubles, discomforts and priva-: lions ihai followed and tried her j solely thi ughout four dreary years. Arlington had meant so much to her. It was the home of her par-i ents who had gone into the great1 beyond; it was the place of her birth, the scene of her courtship and marriage; of her birth of her ; children. It held so many person al recollections of General and i Mrs. Washington, stored such priceless heirlooms from Mount Vernon that to leave it seemed j well nigh impossible. And yet, ; when ihe time came, Mary Custis left the wooded banks of her loved I'otomac, said goodbye to the trees she and her soldier husband had i planted when they were children, looked her last look upon the fair llowers in her cherished garden ; with a sad heart bin no outward murmuring. The war had come and taken from her her home- National Monthly. placed there by your own rectitude of heart, you have nothing to fear. You had not the influence of wealth, nor the "God speed you" of powerful friends; but you had more a heart fixed and deter mined, and this is what has made you what you are. Go on add inure to virture look steadily at the goal before you, and at last your best teachers and artful companions will acknowledge your superiority and feel proud of being among the number of your friends. The man who is resolved to be something in the world should have nothing to fear, and when he little dreams of it honors are gath ering about his head and influence goes out from him, which i s exerted silently but surely for - the good of thousands. hoim:i.i:ss. "Your store is no good, Daily, Sunday and Semi-Weekly. fc Largest Circular southi of Baltimore. mm D BY MAIL Per Annum Daily and Sunday Daily only, Sunday only, Semi-Weekly, $7. $5. $2. $1. week, asked for lace curtains last and I couldn't gel 'em." "Indeed?" "Yes. And I asked for silk stockings yesterday, and I couldn't get 'em." "That's strange." "nd to-day I asked for credit, and can't even get that. Is this a regular store, or what Vj A BAD TEMPER. nesKrJsir The Bible Says That "He That Ruleth His Spirit is Better Than : He That Taketh a City.'' ! Staggers Skeptics. Thai ai'lrun. nii-e. fiunnint compound like Iluckli'ii's Aniira Salve will instant ly rt'lii'vc u I'lid luirn, put. seul'l. wound or piles, staL'L'eis skeptics. Hut ureal eures prove its a n underfill healer of the worst sores, uleers, hoils. letons. eeze ina. skin eruptions, as also chapped hands, sprains and corns. Try it. -"'C. at all druirirists. I . The hardest money to gel to spend is when you married. for it. Struck a Rich Mine. s. W. Iteuds. of Coal City, Ala., says he struck a perfect mine of health in lir Kind's New Life Tills for Ihey cured him uf I.uei und Kidney Trouhle aftel 1'J years of Kullerinir. They are Ihe hest pills on earth for Constipation, Mataoa, Headache, Hyspepsia, lielnlily. 'I'm. at all iliunirisls. AN OBSERVANT CHILD. WKLDOX, X. C. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Al'lifST-.til'll. IS!l'-. State of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?.aPM..y..aJ.ur.Dltt.sL-. $45,000. Kor more thau 17 veam thin institution has provided banking facili ties for this section. Its Htoekholdem and directors have been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton counties for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the legal rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided prolils liav iig readied a sum equal to the Capital Stock, the Hank has, commencing January I, established a Haviuirs Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, t per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve mouths or longer. 4 perceut. Korfurther information apply to the President or Cashier. I'Hbsiiisst: vicn-riiiisiDKST: cahiiim: V.K? DANIEL, W. It. SMITH. li. S. TKAV1H, No wonder the women dislike Father Time. I le always tells on them. time U Ctilliillg, but VuU eiio never bring it; (Soil can; can, and will; take breath, sit down tt ml restmd lakea long breath. Then go culinly to the task of life, and do. New Hern Daily Sun. HIS VOICE. 3E BINQHAM SCHOOL un mi lMi.lt,IA,rtbnMM, I atlM fr.w. ml,. O-f. S1UTSJW DUSirilM. OjHTKOL m, tlkN 1 11)1 -M ..H W OIM, ni, .!. ' iumi (u. a annua, ftwt. It was at a summer hotel, and the baby, being warm and fretful, cried. "Tut I Tut ! We can't disturb our neighbors this way," ihe fond father said, taking the child in his arms. "Let me sing to him, if he won't go to sleep." He sang, and straightway came a knock at the door and these words: "There's a sick lady next door, and, if it's all the same to you, would you mind letting the baby cry insiead of singing to it ?" Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A. Life on Panama Canal has 1 1 li,! one fnghtruldiawhack-inalaiia - that has brought suHeiiug and death to thousands 'the germs cause chills, fever and ire, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and debility. I'.ut Kleclrie Kilters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. " I'hiee bottles completely cured me of a veiy severe attack of malaria," wrib s W in. A. rrelwell. ofl.ucuma, N C , "and I've had good lieallh ever since." Cuic Stomach, l.iier and Kidney troubles, and prevent Tvphoid. .'Hie iluaianteed by all diuggists. Don't expect friend. liven limit. too much of friendship has CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Vx Signatura of C&tfy Little Adelaide was inclined to be cowardly. Her father found thai sympathy only increased this this unfortunate tendency, and de cided to have a serious talk with his little daughter on ihe subject of her foolish fears. "Papa," she ventured at the .use ui me lecture, wnen you see a cow, are you afraid ?" "Why, ceriainly noi, Adelaide. Why should I be?" 'Well, when you see a dog. aren t you afraid of them?" "No, indeed !" with marked emphasis on the '"no." "Aren't you afraid when it thunders, papii ?" "Why, no," and he laughed at the thought and added, "Oh, you silly child !" Papa, uiid Adelaide came closer and looked into her parent's eye, "aren't you lafraid of nothing in the world but just mamma?" The Best Hour of Life is when you do some great died or dis cover some wonderful fact. This hour came to. I. I! I'itt, of Itocky Mount. N. ('., when he was suHcring intensely, as he says, "from the worst cold 1 every had, 1 then proved to my great satisfac tion what awouderful ( old anil Cough cure ir King's New I 'iscovery is. Kor, alter taking one bottle. I was entirely cured. ou can't say anything too good of a i bciue like that." lis the surest and lies! remedy for diseased lung-. Hemoribages. LaOuppc, Asthma Hay Kever.any Throat or LungTrouble. "sic , SI. Trial Isittle free (iuarauteed by all druggists. Starve il. Give it nothing lo feed on. When something tempts you to grow angry, do not yield to temptation. It may for a min ute or two be difficult to control yourself to do nothing, to say noth ing, and the rising temper will be obliged to go down because it has nothing to hold it up. The person who can and does control tongue, hand, heart, in case of great prov ocations, is a hero. The world may not own him or her as such, but God does. The Bible says that "he that ruleth his spirit is belter than he thai laketh a city." What is gained by yielding to tem per? For a minute there is a feel ing of relief; but soon comes a scene of sorrow and shame, with a wish that the temper had been controlled. Friends are separated by a bad lemper, trouble is caused by it, and pain is given to others as to self. The pain, too, often lasts for days, even years some thing for life. An outburst of tem per is like ihe burst of a steam boiler, it is impossible to tell before hand what w ill be the result. The evil may never be remedied. Starve ; your temper. It is not worth keep ing alive. Starve it. BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED ? HEADACHE? All the news! o All the time I Lad! esi (MALLS f .-: V'oiify fti.il Keep in iyle ly Itc-auiu Rit Call's i' l.ir.:MrU.lr-XU:..-. M.l'.lt ! il, ei ltj v szrm. ' ts m r " A FOR 1 SPEEDYRELIEF.j I m, , - - J .,1 M i nearly everynouy r-rom 1 SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR S fl 1 1 fl 1 I t,t you? Special Sale! : Blacksmith; d I AMMil Nl'.K.lI. KKPAIIilNU I .a ., In.:,, mi ;a.a.. i l . Y',11 rin, PrrHfnt, Inr I'-'Utui: .. ' l"tl.ls S'-lnl I'T In ' i ' .1. I ' .i-li 1'ii.' nil,. r. , ,,i.2:.3i;,iiii37iiiSi.,Nraioi;K Electric Bitters Sacced when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Htirsf shoeino; A Special!?! How important some little things seem to a small man. Chlldreal Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A WORTH HliAI.INO. i j l J riff inaki's otii' hour ten. It is ood to ln i' the un known. Nothing is law that is not reason. Xo legacy is so riht as hon esty. God helps lltein that helps themselves. Art may err, hut nature eun nol miss. The heart will break, yet brokenly live on. Never look for birds this year in the ties In of the last. We are ne'er like ungols till our passion dies. II w.trl piitirwtilt'.'.l at I'ato's old land. neat Second. , oine to s,' riiii svcamoie Mieet, W. H. DAY, Weldon, N. ('. TIIL N. C. STAin Normal and Industrial CoIIer MuitUuine'lliy tho staU f.ir tho men uf North Carnltna. Knur reirulai Coursi's loa.liuir to I't'irn'i'N. teml Courses for Toiu'hcis. l ull Session he ir ins September I i, 1!MO. Those (lesiriiur lo slioultl apply as early as possible. Kor caUli'irne ami other in I'm mat um aihhvss JULIUS I. FOUST, President, UiKKNSUOKO, N. The North Carolina College of AiEricnlture and MecliaDic Arts. We hae mi haml seveial Consign; iiient ol the latest in wool. Wash ninf 1'i'ineess laches Suits. Hut her than re turn these suits our headquarters tleei- 1 to put them on Mile at Pali price toi eu-h uiilv. tl- Suits fr7.."0. rrili- ei , lute uii'l all oilier cu' rs K to nm ?J ! to M umi out Suits M to r. in M.'N to i, $t to f'i Net Waist le.lueetl ?l .7'. to ?''..'.o .(lack and eol hiihI Kilk IVMifiml M tn t now to f t 7''. oile Skilts $ti to $ now f't.'rO to M. Nt Iii.ihm yut.ls laee ami enihroi.!- nes to eloNo out at halt pnee. 7"ie to I .MessuhiH silks, all colors, now ro to e o ami tie, eaheoes ;V1 to le. It' ami rj',0 iriiichums 7 to '.to. About :t,tKM uuls ilrehs tot it Is to close out leftB than eost. lilies huts al hali' pnee, Kmrs, ili uLreets,earpetimrs ami matting at ami below eost. SPIERS BROS. WKLPOS, N. C. Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The State's rolleirc for traininir indus' trial workers. Courses in Airrieullure. Horticulture, Animitl Husbandry and Dairying; in Civil, Klectneal and Me clmu'ieal l.nifinccrinir; in Cotton Milling, and iiyeintr; 1 si Industrial Chemistry; in Agricultural teaching. Kntrance examinations at each coun ty seat on Hie 14th ol .Inly. D. H. HILL, President, West lUleinh, N.C. m nuatti.!iiwwi a aM mr - ir ---..'mill .i I n) m r j1 ni i U:t NO ttL. Til A DC -(MARK, tivi-aWnnrt ( m ynuht tt t,...l t. t Si t.l ell. Mi..lel Uf I 'III ltd. rWEC RtfONT ori MitftilnWilitT. t'tltwrt pTAcl ... ..... l v UNI ftlFIRINCtft. Sftitl 4 ifni in tmnp lr tmr l i invslaal'lr Nt.t.R tilt HOW TO OBTAIN Mini SILL PA.T raiTB. Win. h mt will ni. Iltw lr iffi imrt- l) r. lUttetll IllW Atut OtllT VHltltil-ltf Illltrt lllfUluU, I D. SWIFT & GO. PATENT LAWYER!, 303 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. , FOIEYlSOMOlmnVE roa utnM Tsouatt ndtvBSJttAliB