J lili Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Sulscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLV WELDOX, N. i, TIIUHSDAY. SKl'TKM I'.KK 1. 1SHO NO. Is ii 1:11 i limit h UHOIUIIIH aoi IP '855 j, .3 3g: Hi .U.lOllnl, 3 PI;H I'tsr, AVc 8i-( Prrparal ion for,s similaiinSifofuudamiUfitiiia linrjilirStomaiiisarilWlsi HEROES IN PEACE. The Public Is in Debt to the In Overalls. Man Promoli'sDislionjCliff ful ness and liesix'onlalns nciilw Opium. Morphine norMiueraL OT NARCOTIC. Smrtirmsicsm'amm fitiyicm SrJ" jUx.Snm iw iiqar mnaymi thtir. Anerfecl Rnuedv foiTonsltoa lion. Sour Sloiiiacli.UlairiiM Worms fonvulstoiis.r'i'wrish ness and Loss of Sleek fcicSinulc Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of M . t 111- WAP CRY OF THE HUMAN. Use For Over Thirty Years Exct Uuy of Wuppef. tmb 4niua cow? twvon4trrr EVP Spring and Sum mer styhs on sale - Now! If anything a little bit smart er and more exclusive than usual. The linJ you see on Paris boulevards - Fifth Avenue too. Every last and leather that a woman could possibly want at any time. A. L. STAINBACK, Weldon, N. C. New FALL and Winter Goods! lULL, AND COMPLETE LIM- 01 CLOTH IX( Furnishings, and "1 X GENERAL MERCHANDISE fresh from the Northern markets. Call and see our new goods for Pall and winter. Respectfully, KOANOKli RAPIDS. N. C. ! J K APLIftl . Leasi noticed in the news of (he day are those minor ileitis telling of catastrophes met by men occu pying an inconspicuous place in ; the world. A belt slips and the mill worker is carried to his home on u stretcher by co-laborers, who administer crude comfort to a grief stricken family and return to the hazardous occupation; a man at the smelter falls into molten metal; a structural steel worker running along a girder make a misstep and plunges ten stories down; a sledge slips in the car shops and a man is crippled for life; a trainman in the performance of duty is maimed or killed these and other incidents in the world of industry happen with a frequency that dulls the senses unless accompanied by some spectacular feature to cause a inomentarp thrill of interest. Certain occupations are hazard ous, yet there is mulh hazardous work that has to be done. No machine can be substituted for the finger and the brain of the trained laborer in certain tasks. Danger is everywhere in the mighty un dertakings of industry; but where ever danger is there is always a man to brave it undeterred by any thought of the risk involved. The hazard of the job is recognized, hut w elcomed either because of its appeal, because it is in the line of duty or because there is a family back home to support. To the credit of industry much is being done to minimize risk, and in the J event of accident to render some 1 measure of compensation. Rail roads are among the most ener ; getic of corporations in looking j after the man incapacitated in the j performance of duty, and recogni tion of the obligation is general, i The debt owed bv lite public to ' the man in overalls is large, but ' j sometimes disregarded. His work i calls for no display of pyrotechnics i ; to attract attention; it is generally ! prosaic and frightfully hard. Lip- j : on the faithful performance of it : depends the world's advancement. Credit for mighty feats of construe- j i tion properly go to the brain that I I conceived and planned ilnd excu- j i ted them; but thoughts should be ; given the men in overalls who did ; the work, braved the danger, en I dured the toil, and wrought into I splendid realization the finished ; production. The man in overalls j as he returns from work grimy I with toil, weary and uncouth in i appearance, often is subjected to many little evidences of the exis tence of a petty caste of clothes. His next door neighbor may look sneeringly upon his badge of toil, careless of the important and hon ' orable part played by this ordinary j workman; the latter, too, anxious 1 that his children shall not be ashamed because their father looks ; less tidy than the fathers of their playmates, may slink in through the back gate to escape the public ; gaze. But there is no dishonor in hon j est dirt. The workman plays an important and ' essential part. I Sneers at overalls are out of place. ! In America, at least, the workman 1 can look any millionaire square in I the eyes in the conviction thai his , work is relatively quite as impor tant. Let there be mutual reeog- Heidsville Heview. j Sometimes the human heart gets sad; sometimes it grows weary of' the sham and hollowness of things; sometimes it almost bursts and cries out that all is vanity. There are two things that console the heart thus sad. One is woman's pure love smd the other the sweet rythm of true poetry. The following, which we assume is from the pen of the editor of the Greensboro News, has touched our heart and voiced our cry as no other poetry has. It is a master-piece, worthy of the high est rank among the classics : CKY Till; HUMAN, (iod, how weary we grow of it all, Trying to stifle the ache in the heart; Smiling, with under the smile a pall, ; Living for service and doing our part. Tired and weary and ready for rest, VC'hat do we care when the shadows are prest Round us and o'er us just so we lie Ready and willing to whisper good-bye ! God, how we struggle to carry our cross, Keeping our.sultcrings hid from the town; Sinking our sorrow and shadow and loss Down in our bosoms, eternally down ! Sudden, the dark moment wheels to its crux, What do we care any more for the Hux, Coming or going, of good or of bad, Only the joy of the rest makes us glad ! God, how we stumble, feeling our way, Falling on error and missing our plan; Swung to be multiple day after day lirfbrts of reaching the greatness of man ! Finally, after all, dusk and despair, Dawns the dark moment when what do we care Where life's tragedy, whether it's still, Comedy only we're weary and ill ! God, we are tired and we want to cry quit; Something down deep in the heart bursts in tears; Yearning we come for the privilege to sit Down in our desolate dream of the years; Weary and sick of it lead us away ! Nothing shall matter of work or of play; The time conies when all that we care for is sleep, Hand in thy hand as we drift to the deep ! llEiD:I!fljl BILIOUS? CONSTIPATED 1 HEADACHE? 1 1 sr m tfn'r'A iV iruf'iVi u ir icidcii wit it iii'fir'f-W' i PUTTINC AWAY SMALL SUMS it Here, you can put awav small sums not needed fur nreent .s ',.,, ' ,. . .. . I ' V .5 use. iKi wiiite waitniR your can they will iiraw interest. An account in our Savings Department does not always imply 's small transactions, far trout 11. Main Luge depositors "are using I our Sa mgs pass-books. Tliej lie using iliem tor the interest? they get; they arc also using iliein because ol the convenience S FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. Nearly Everybody T4KKX SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Tot YOU? unnrucu. 4 percent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. BANK OF ENFIELD, ENFIELD, N. C. .) !! it iy;.n,n. MrfrM. (tV.I,l.,',U,U.'f if- F-f c - f) 1 ft f J, " , BY V. R. KINGSBURY. Poor weary, tired soul, Life of darkness and gloom! No stars to twinkle in Heaven's jewled crown; No ray of sunshine o'er my dreams, of earth's fair vision born No peace, or hope to heal my wounded Soul, No consumation of love to guide me on To fairer fields of bliss; No Voice to speak in tender words of trust, And fill my yearning heart with love. Oh, dismal day ! Why pierce my heart so deep? Touch not again the tender chords of Love ! Karth's tender love has failed to find An abiding place for me. , Poor Cupid's arrow has stung my heart In depths of agonizing dreams. Life's fate is upon me, Larth's sweet sunlight is blackened By Hope's lost reward. But with it all, God's sweet love forever Shines, to light the way To Heaven's home. A SUPERIOR SEX. Man Is Undoubtedly the Inferior j Sex and Should Retire to the Last Row of Seats and He Quiet. There is a lot ot vainglorious i expression on the part of the man 1 about their being the superior sex. ! e hear too much of man's eu-1 j durance, of his intellect, of his ex- j ; ccutive ability and all that sort of thing. 1 Take a man and make him wear j ! a spotted veil and he will be nearly j blind within a year. j ' Pinch a man into corsets and ; ; within a week he will have heart ' ; trouble, chronic pleurisy, acute in- j ' digestion, appendicitis and a funer-1 j al- ! Pile a few pounds of false hair 1 i on a man's head and he will sue-! cuiiib to brain lever within a month. , Tie a man's ankle in a hopple I skirt and he will have rheumatism, j followed by paralysis of the legs 1 from lack of exercise. j Clamp a man's teet in tight shoes and make him toddle about on high heels and he will 'die of the ' charley-horse. 1 Man loses on the score of endu rance alone. Intellect and execu tive ability are argued by the ca-, paeity to combat these tortures and : trials. Man is undoubtedly the in- j ferior sex and should retire to the j last row of seats and be quiet. IN THI: NKiMT SCHOOL. (r i SSI li- SUBSCRIBE o NOW! Teacher (of niht school) What do you uiiilerstnnd In' the term "lifo sentence (Jive tin example of one. SliagK.v Haired Pupil 1 pro nounce you man and wife. Chicago Tribune. Child r o n C ry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A. ON THI; WRONO SIDI: OP THB RIVLR. OR THI: Daily, Sunday and Semi Weekly. lor Largest Circular south of Baltimore. D BY MAIL II REFORMATION. 3E THE BANK OF WELDON AVKLDON, N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Al'lifSTaiTII, IS!. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Kor more than 1" years thin iimtitulion provided Itankintr fanli ties fur Una aectiop. It HtiK'kliulili ni and director !iaT ln-eu identified witli tlie buNiiieaii inteiVKlH ul tlulilk and Noitlimiipluii euuiitii-H for many yearn. Money la luaned upon approved arcurity al tlie li iral rale of nilereat am per centum. Account" of all arc solieiled. The aurpliiK and undivided proritx liavnnf readied a Hum e,ual Ui the Capital Stock, the Hank liaa. commencing January I, l'is. etalililicd a Savinira Department allnwinir iiiternat on time depuait aa fulloaa: l or Drpiiaita allowed toreniam thrw monllia or longer, 2 per cent. Si muntliaor lonifer, !l per cent. Twelve mnnlliaor longer, percent. Kor further information apply to the President or Caahier. raasioiNT: W. K. DANIEL, vica-caRMiDKNT: W. K. 8MITH. CAaniKH: 11. S. TltAVIS, "You say you are a refor mer ':" "Yeii," replied the local boss: "of the deepest dye." "But you were not always so." "No. The reformers reform ed our town last year and 1 want to reform it back again." A Man ot Iron Nerve. Iiidoniitalile will and trcnicuduii ener gy are never I'miiid wliereStoniaeh. Liv er, kidneya and llnnela aie out of ol ,I,t I r vnu mini ttlene iiualllil'S and less of class clash With the cleva- twivm they brinx, Mac I'r. Kiuts'n lion of the laborer to his rightful New Lite l'ill, llie nmlchleaa regulator position in the esteem of the COIll- ; f'" keen limn and atrouir body, i f mutiny - Prom Baltimore Ameri-, l ""'"'iw"1" can. niiion in this, and there will be WHY SHF. liROUUHT IT VV. Don't lireak Down. Severe strain" on the vital oiyaiis, like ' atraiim on machinery, eaune break dow lit. You cau't oetlit stomach, liver. Ltd 1 neya. bow elf ol neivei without ciioii dauber to youmelf. H'you aie weuk or lull-down, oi iimlfi strain of any kind, j lake Kleelnc Hiltera the matchless touic I mediciuc Mrf. .1. K. Van de Saudc, of kirklaud. III., wnles: "Thai 1 did not break down, while enduiiuy a moat se vere strriu, for three mouths, is due wholly to Llcetiie Hitters. " I'se them and enjoy health and HtieiiKth. Satis faction positively guaiauteed. -jc. al all diuiorist. OE Men are always betting that their sins will not bind them out. INQHAM SCHOOL ina ui tii aniMia rim. iatiiia, a t .iu p.r-4 kukain m m .J ImM . ft., n I MIM fiuM cil. Ur.,M.,n aiUTltr ' UlWIPUSk. onrraui m4 CAUi.ua It Saved His Leg. "All thouifht I'd lose my lex." writes J. A. Kwensen, of Waleilowu, Wis. "Ten years of ectema, that la doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then lliieklen's Arnica Halve cured it. sound and well." Infallible for ISkm j Kruptiouii, Kczeina, Sail Kheum, lloils, I Fever Sorea, liuliis. Scalds, t uts aud I Piles, i'tc. at ail diug-gisls. A BIT AMBIUUOUS. Mrs. Jones Vt'hat did the par son say when you sent him the brandied peaches ? Mrs. Giles He said he didn't care so much for the peaches as he did for the spirit in which they were sent. The Lash of a Fiend would bate beeu about as welcome to A. Cooper, of (Isweifo, N. Y , as a liter cilens I u it rackiHK coukIi thai delied all remedies for yeais. "It was niosl luiii blesoiue al midil," be wutes. "nolliiiii! helped me until I used lr. kinit's New Discovery which cured me completely 1 never comrh at nieht now." Millions know ils matchless merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coukIis, sore limits, la rippe, asthma, liemoithaire, croup. wbooiiiiK couh, or hay fever. It re lieves iuickly and never fails to satisfy A trial convinces. "sic.,$l. Trial bottle flee. It' positively guaranteed by all dniKeists. Dt' ii :. r : in i m I iw .!rst xi NOT JOIvINO THLN. j ft fs lie Wolf Hopper, the comedi an, was talking almut an obsti nate man. "He is 'iif in his way," said Hopper. "He is as bad as the old planter of history. "An old planter in the palmy days before the war was blown up in a steamboat accident on the Mississsiiiiii. Thev tislied him out unconscious. At the end of an hour's inaiiipulat ion lie came to. 'Where am I'r" be asked, lift ing his head feebly. " 'Safe on shore,' the doctor told 1 1 i 1 1 1 . " 'Which side of the river'''' he iiiiiiired. "'The Iowa side.' the doctor replied. "The planter frowned. He looked at the turbid, yellow stream. Then lie said. ' Just my luck to land in a prohibition State. Chuck me in again.' " -New York American. Per Annum Daily and Sunday $7. Daily only, $5. Sunday only, $2. Semi-Vt'eekly, $1. All the news! o All the time I o Ladies! avc Money and Keep M Style by Reading McCaU'j Magazine and Using McCall Pattern MrCaH'a Mm aiiat v til iM'lp y t in (1ir' -lllv al H lli.nlcl.il.t vn iim' by k t' f p I II n V'wU poMpil tin lln l:ui"t lus-hloin in iliillil'-t UUlt liHK. Nt-w I itslimn ln-sii ; MSCALLS MACAZ1ME IMcf.ll I'all.ro. 't ill t 'ii;i ll II lloltl . IHl t -I'll i 1v. .rlf ;.-hI fnl-li. in M ill (it. I'id . -lit.. ixl 1-1 In )l) !'; li I'M AI- liittbln itifurniiuioii on all lio:iif auii r iial u i. liters, luily I' ii yt'wr, incimliiu: it fn-n luillrni. Huli h' i idtt tinlny cr wmi fur ( r--o &aiii(ilc ci . ii tit tit rk f ii v"ur miiK el. ihitit: fr m w In Ii will lr )l rh i'L i lump hiL'll'T (liitll 10 I'.IUl lli t alalntUl?. m W Will Give od Fiat Prtifatt for C'ltiiir; tuu .n ipn.ii. linn nit vunr (i n Mis. f-tut turliro 1-1 .-!. -ITfl IiU'LlMI.- ;hmI i .i-h I'll.' (HIT. Tin H. U I. ! OMI'ANY. 233 1 2 :9 Wt 374 St., NEW YOKK A ri;V CKL'MBS. "Madame, could you assist an! unforiunatc aviator ?" ; "What's that?" 'C'ould ytiu give a hungry bird man a few crumbs?" "A bird man, eh? Go 'round to the back yard and I'll shake the table-cloth out." CONVINCING. Electric Bitters Sdcced when everything else fails, (n nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have teatiried. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE It is the best medicine ever (old over a druggist's counter. Helen l never Know when your friend ( iruet is joking and when lie is in earnest. Henry - He's in earnest when he tries to borrow inonev. N. V. World. "This palpitating age calls for men who have convictions," de clared the orator in the park. "Where, I ask, shall we rind them ?" "In prisons," called out a man in the crowd. A M'kSli'S OPINION. Socond thoughts are best case of love at first sight. in a ullJlliliLi "Do you remember," she ask ed "that you said once that un less 1 promised to be yours (lie sun would cease to shine?" "1 don't remember it now, hut 1 suppose 1 may liuve saidr something of the kind," "And have you forgotten that vnu assured met hat unless 1 permitted you to claim me as i your own the moon would fall from her place in the heav ens ';" "tih, well, what if I did say so ? W li v do you want to bring that up, now ?" "I merely wished to assure you that I'm sorry 1 didn't shut my eyes and let her fall." Vonien always smile and occas ionally mean it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA No matter how well a girl can swhn she always needs to have ihe right man teach her 10 boat. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Ibe Kind You Have Always Bought Buars the Blgnatur of A nurse had been called as a witness 10 prove the correctness of the bill of a physician. "Let us get at the facts in the case," said the lawyer, who was doing a cross-examination stum. "Didn't the doctor make several visits after the paiient was out of danger?" "No, sir," answered the nurse. "I considered the paiient in dan ger as long as the doctor continu ed his visits." Chlldroi. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Blacksmithing AMMiKNKKAl. l.'Kl'All.'INii Horseslioeini A Specialty ! All nurk iruarautt'eil. Come to nee rue al I'ate'a old staml, Sycamore Mi t, near Seconil. W. H. DAY. vti-iiiou, n. :. The North Carolina College of Apiltiire aid Mecliaiic Arts. Tin' Slate's rolli'ire loi ttaminir indus trial aoikera. CnureH in Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal llusliamlry ami ltairyiwr; in civil, Klectrieal and Me chanical Kiitciiiccruiif: in Cotton Millmx and liyeiug; in IndiiHlrial Chemistry; iu Aifiicullural teachinir. Kntrance examination at each coun ty neat on the Mtli of .Inly. D. H. HILL, President, cut Italciuli N. C. Special Sale ! We law on hand heveral coukiii' menu of llie latest in wool, WaHh and I'niit'em ladie Suits. Hallier than re turn lli"-c kuiIn our lieaihuartera deci ded lo iul ilieiiMHi sale at half price lul e:e-li only. ?l iSuiW tr.Till. I'rill ceis, wlutr and all other colora JCi lo 17, in iw io to ;l. Wash Coal Sinla t In Know huh to .. UtoKiNct WaiHt ivdue, d tl.r.'. to2..VI Uluek and pol oreii Mlk I'ctticoatH ft to fll now t-'.ss lo :l.7 . Voile SkirU f4l to J.s noa lo H. 'io 1 0.tMHI yanl lace and emlirunl ei ieH to close out at half price. 7.rjc to frl Messahne silks, all colon., now im lo 7 '' ami He. calicoes 8) to 4c. Ill and l-U" eiiitrliaina 7 to Ahout :j.(K0 yauls dress oodn to close out less Iliau en st. Ladies hats at half price, liutrs. drucirets. carpctintrs aud mattings at and below cost. SPIERS BROS. VhlJON,N.O. lutil 1 1 OR NO IKK. W iiuiniitiy I'HitiiitHl in it TRAOl-MAHKt, fiwut md ropynutiti ivwn IRtert-d. M-IKl SkK 'h, iltMtfl Wl )'tlttO. It. I nil UPORToti tminiHi'iiiiy. I'tii.'ntprmci It fVclu.iWtly. BANK RirCRKNGIS. stitl 4 ttnu In iiiifr our 4 wo uivitnmhli ttt'i'ka ii HOW TO OBTAIN una SILL. PAT INT, Wlin h wn.n will iitty. Ilowii'irtsiiait- U''Mkl-tll UtW Mint .it I eel VlUUitliifr llllot lit! lotL D. SWIFT & CO. PATtHT LAWVIUS, 303 Seventh SI., Washiautoii, D. C. 77

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