Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE, Terms of Subscription.. $1. SO I'cr Annun VOL. XliV. WELDON, N. ('., Till HSDAV, DKCK.M HKlt liMO.' no. : i I I n THE GRANDEST WOMAN. 1IH ALrOIIOI. ) PKH ft NT AcfjflalilfPrrparaiionror,$ slmilaiinSihcFoodanillWiiia lingUw Sumacbs oolllmdsif L 'j x?l!jljjjjig rromoles DiecsttonJCVcTul ness and fesiontalnsncitir Dpuini.Morplune nor.Miacral. Not Narcotic. JhriruHlk&WZIMBH jUx.5tma ItrnM- Anerfect Remedy forflimllM lion , Sour Sloinacli.Dlarrtofi Wornu,roiwidsions.r(wrisli m'ssaiulLossOFSLLKP. FuSiniile Signature of NEW YOBK CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Chin-lots of (loot Cume Down to I etc li Her to Heaven. IF FORGIVEN. APPRECIATE YOUR PARENTS. In Use For Over Thirty Years EeS i.fllTfll III Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMI NTAUH MIMHT. HIW VOM ITT. I run line new iicss uuuus ott uui new ime ui CLOTHING For Men, Boys, and Children V('hen you want to get your grandest idea of a tucen, you do not tli ink of Cmlicrinc of Hussia, or of Anne of lingkitKl, or Marie Theresa, of (iennany, but when you want to gel your grandest idea of u queen you think of the plain ! woman who sal opposite your fath er ai ihe table, or walked with him arm in arm down life's pathway; I sometimes to ihe Thanksgiving banquet, sometimes to ihe grave, i but always together soothing your I petty griefs, correeting your ehild 1 ish waywardness, joining in your j infantile sports, listening lo your I evening prayers, toiling with needle or at the spinning wheel j and on cold nights wrapping you j up snug and warm. And then at ! last on that day when she lay in the back room dying, and you saw : her lake those thin hands with i which she had toiled for you so ; long, and put them together in a I dying prayer thai commended you to the God she had taught you to trust oh, she was the queen ! The chariots of God came down to I fetch her, and as she went in all heaven rose up. You cannot think i of her now without a rush of ten i derness that stirs the deep founda- lions of your soul, and you feel as much a child again as when you I cried on her lap, and if you could i bring her back again to speak just once more your name as tenderly ; as she used to speak it, you would i be willing to throw yourself on the i ground and kiss the old sod that i covers her, crying: "Oh, Mother, ! Mother !" Ah, she was a queen ! -Ex. The man who is trying to reform the world generally keeps a dog thai barks all night. Vi'hen a girl gels so along in years she has to cut down her age ' the strongest believer in her figures is her mother. I used to hate Bill Hazleton, for once he done me wrong, And when I hate a man my hate is deep and wide and strong; X'e traded horses years ago; ihe one 1 got from him, It seemed was crippled up somehow in almost every limb; l ie lied like sixty, and 1 vowed some lime I'd break his head, Hut well, lei bygones be bygones -his little boy is dead. I used to love the girl he goi; I guess she loved me, loo, Hut he went tellin' her a lot of things thai wasn't true; I found ii out long afterward, when I had ceased to care, Because I'd learned lo love again but still it wasn't fair; And so I vowed to make him eat the words that he had said, But well, let bygones be bygones his linle boy is dead. Last night 1 met him in the road; it was a lonely place; Lord, how I'd often wished that I could meet him face to face! I know that in a stand-up fight he'd have no chance ai all; I'm six feet in my socks, and he is scrawny-like and small; He looked up at me when we met; I seen his eyes were red, And well, let bygones be bygones his little boy is dead. I've found out what it is to love a child that is your own To have a little chap around that worships you alone; I've found out what it means to watch a little face grow pale, And I know what it means when all the doctor's efforts fail; Poor Bill ! I'm sorry now because of certain things I've said, For well, let bygones be bygones his little boy is dead. Do Not He Ashumed of the Folks at Home. Old LIFE'S INN. The Wide World stands a-welcoming beside the sunny way, For page and squire and knight and dame to halt and ride away; And crimson sweet ihe roses flamed that lay upon my breasi, When all the world was but an inn, and I a welcome guest. The knights were lion-hearted and their ladies lily fair, The silver armor glittered bright upon the roadway there. When each far distant turning held ihe promise of a guest. And all the world was but an inn, and I a welcome guest. No knock was there of Misery nor step of grimy Toil: But bold Adventure raised the latch, his palfrey heaped with spoil, When Romance flew to hold his rein and wait on his behest, When all the world was but an inn, and I a welcome guest. And what care I thai youth must fade, and love locks turn to gray ? Forsooth, at every inn the' lies some reckoning to pay ! I've warmed my heart beside their fire, partaken of their best, When all the world was but an inn, and I a welcome guest. So why should I complain and curse in spiieful accents shrill Because another draws his rein, my wanted place to fill? But ere Old Age the taper takes, lo light me to my rest, I'll draw his chair and drink his health, and make himja welcome guest. Ikwous Snoi; Women LADIES COAT SUITS Everything in General Merchandise A. L. Stainback's "Always Busy Store," FALL and Winter OVERDOING PLEASURE. Heading Habit Destroyed by traction of City Life. CHILDREN'S EYES. Dis- A Kew Words In Regard Children's Kyes. to iff New Us! Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar I Mfjy ' H'LL AND COMPLETE LIN b Or- T CLOTHING Furnishings, and GENERAL MERCHANDISE I resn irom ine iiorinern mariveis. van aim Respectfully, ROANOKE RAPIDS, N. CO KAPLL . MYALL Baking Powder THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. ( Organlied Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, AnuvraoTH, im. State of North Carolina Depository.! Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Cap it aland Surplus, $45,000. Kor more tlian 17 ycara this institution has provided banking facili ties fur this section. Its stockholders and director have been identified with the business interests of Halifax and Northampton comities for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at the leital rate of interest six per centum. Accounts of all are solicited. The surplus and undivided protlts having reached a sum equal to the Capital stock, the Hank has, commencing January 1, l!is, established a Savings Department allowing interest on time deposits as follows: Tor Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, 2 per cent. hix months or longer, S per cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. r'orfurther information apply to the President or Cashier. cashiks: K. S. TRAVIS, Absolutely Pure Highest in Leavening Efficiency Makes Hot Dreads "shunt: W- B. DANIEL, VII'I-rHRSIOENT: W. K. KM ITU. ,01 3E FOHYIS (MOIAXOTI 1 roraiSORmoimTO " niTnima laairnratr- I n:ntT.i til&iM'fo III Amiability and optimism Bhine forth from every uj;o of the writings of Irving Bachi'l ler.hiinself one of the most lov able of men, but there is a note of impatieneo ith the trend of the times in a recent inter view with him printed in a Kew York newspaper. And this is a point of view he pre sents with which one must sympathize. It is that the dis tractions of city life, ever on the increase, are destroying the reading habit. And the reading habit destroyed; the public must necessarily descend ! into a condition of ignorance. ; If it is not one thing it is an- 1 other. The automobile, the ! flying machine, the motor boat, ! the theatre, golf, and the card i party; everything but reading. ''Every one is on the move. Our homes are almost deserted and we rarely see the lights of our reading lamps. Ministers complain of empty churches. Men who used to kneel at the altar may be seen on the road of a Sunday lying humbly on their backs in the sand, pray ing to a new god and trying to soften his heart with oil or open the gates of meicy with a mon key wrench." Every one is on tho move who can tind the way. On Sunday it is the same. Church attendance is neglected. Men maintain their pews in church, but thev are tilled, if filled at all, by staangers. After a while, it is easy to fores'ee.they will consider the neglected pew a poor investment, and the church will have to get along without their aid. However, the case is not entirely hope less. There will always be a few left to prefer the country as a place of residence, and these few may serve to keep our printing presses running and our authors reasonably bu sy. Let us hope so, at least. Rochester Herald. POOR ADVICE. Allow us to say a regard to the eyes. ears ago, If you asked a girl point blank j "Are you ashamed of your par- j ems?" she would answer indig-j nantly. "No, of course I am not!" and yet at the same lime it' either j one of them made a mistake in ! grammar or in what their modern i daughter considered social eti-' queue, she would look conscious and embarrassed. i A great many young people are j ashamed of what they call their parents' "old-fashioned ideas." i It is not at all unusual to hear a girl i j exjlaim impatiently, "Oh, mother, i 1 you don't understand, they don't I j do those things now-a-days." j A girl is ashamed because her father puts slippers on in the even- ing and perhaps lakes off his coat. ! It does not look very well to see i him in his shirt sleeves, but you i must remember that he has worked ; hard all his life and it has always been a rest to remove his shoes : and coat when he got home, and i he is loo old to change lifelong ' habits and ii would be cruel to i force him to. Remember, young man and young woman ot touay, mat your parents have grown old and weary j in working that you should have j an easier life than they. You have had a better education, better clothes, a more luxurious home. You have no right to try ; and swing things around to suit ' your modern taste. j It is their home. They earned i it, and the fact that ii cost you noih- i ing does not give you the right to ; : dictate. The daughter goes to school and I I gets new-fangled ideas. VThen I j she comes home ihe parlor that' ; has been her mother's pride and ! i joy is not good enough for Miss Modern. The old things must go and sometimes much more hideous ' ' modern things appear in their i ; place. ', I The daughter is ashamed to ! ! bring her friends to such an old-1 ' fashioned place. She is ashamed 1 the 1 of her mother's apgon, ashamed of her father's shirt sleeves. What she really ought to be ashamed ol is her own snobbishness. Kemember that outsiders always ; think more of the unaffected old j people than they do of the pert I youngsters. You haven't lime in; all the rest of your lives to make up to your parents forallihey have done for you. ; Now is your chance to lift some of the burden from their tired shoulders. j If you are a young man you can i help your father greatly by making him feel that you are a responsible ; person, in wnom ne may connac and trust. There are endless ways for a girl to help her mother. Don't let the lime slip until it is too late. l.ilU YOUrt r000 DDES NOT DIGEST "blur'' :ui. ,! iM'OimiU'r .( 1! ;ind )uit It you vliintU ! SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR H '.'ns tilt; liovu'l' thm-stn'c mollis. A d i health nibl tiKiy. CI IJK I'dW 1MI I'OliM i, sttiM-tfiifi t ht- st niacli - uki:ii ui 1h.'1 turn- it" anil fit 1 1 nilifiis the turiM a fine let-Hiitf OLD Br KALEK CI. lawm ilcmiii, on. J. H. ZEiLiN & CO.. Props. , St. louis, mo. I PUTTINC AWAY SMALL SUMS t ? Here, you can put away small sums not needed for present t I use. And while waiting your call they will draw interest. An account in our Savings Department does not always imply s '9 small transactions, far From it. Many large depositors are using our Savings pass-books. They are using them for the interest ? they get; they are also using ihein because of the convenience & I afforded. 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. j BANK OF ENFIELD, ! J ENFIELD, N. C. -a Save your Money "A dollar saved is a dollar made." "Any man can make money, but's its a wise man that can save it." Old adages, but very true. We pay you 4 per cent on SAVINGS DEPOSITS in sums from $1 up. Collections, Loans, Accounts Solicited. TfJE BfiK Of f0fi0KE ffjpiOS Roanoke Rapids, N. C. OFFICERS: I Wm. II. S. I!cni.wvx. 1'ieMiU iit W. ( '. hmiAiiiix, -Jnd Vice-Trcsi Jen I .Inn s I.. 1'vriKto-os, ll Vice-I'residcut I'll S. It. 1'itm &, Cashier, j 1'. C. IUi;ii, Assistant ('uliier. few words in regard to the children s Years ago, when the children studied their lessons from their books we did not hear much about their eyes giving out. Let us consult our blackboards and see what they can tell lis about the world wide subject. l'arents and guardians all over this broad land, how many hours through the day are your little children sitting in school staring at a blackboard, upon which are placed by the teacher most of the lessons for I the day, many times the lines being so tine and pale they i could not be easily read more than half or two-thirds the way across tho room, but the chil- j dren are required to see them j all the way across and from the remotest corners. Many of the children when first looking at the board do not seo much of nnything but by looking! verv shai n for a few seconds ' '. the lines reveal themselves. I This, mv friend, means strain-1 ed eyesand strained eyesnieans ' Marrying for weakened or diseased optic nerves, possibly 10 eyes at all, all depending upon the severi ty of the strain. Even when the work is quite distinct, for children who have naturallv weak eyes the distance many times is so great that tho air waves coming between the poor, tired eyes and the board caase tho lines to waver and flicker, and especially is this tho case when the light is jioor and the ventillation is bad. Anything put oil the board for children to see, whether old or young, should have large pro portions and broad, clear lines throughout, so no extra efforts will have to be made to discov er it? There is a great differ ence in eyes; one child will readily see what another could not without the fatal strain. Wants to Help Some One. l or thirty years . I. V. Itoyer, of fer tile, Mo., needed help and couldn't lind THE INH ERENCE. A prominent lawyer of New York city once overheard the fol lowing conversation between two boys of the street, (newsbovs): "Say, Harry, what's the best way to teach a girl how to swim'" asked the younger one. "Dats a cinch, birsi off you puts your left arm under her waisi and you gently i.ikrs her left hand'' "Come oft', she's my sister." "Aw, push her oil' de deck.--Mack's National Monthly. TIME ALONE WOl I.I) TEl.L. The father of four boys, discov ering the eldest, aged 13, smoking a cigarette, called the four together for a lecture on the evils of nar cotics. "Now, Vi'illie," he said, in con clusion, to his youngest, "are you going to use tobacco when you get to be a man ?" j "I don't know," replied the six I year-old, soberly. "I'm trying i hard to quit." PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, U I.l.Kl.N, N. ('. Trui'tice in liie c,uitH of Halifax anU Noitluimplon ami in the Mipreme and Kedcral coiirls. I otleetions made in all parts ol North i 'ui'ulma. 1'ranch otiice at Halifax open every Mondav tilORtii: C OREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i National hank l.uddiii:) Weldon. N. C. ELLIOTT 15. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, M A I.I I V V , N. ('. fl ic.m in i.- in the comU oi'llalifaxand ailjiiiiiinii oomilie it. That's why he mints to help some one now. SuH'enm; so Imnr himself he feels all distress fiom I'.aeLache, Ner vousness, loss of Appetite, Lassitude and Kidney disoulers. Ileshons that j Kleetiic Hitters work wonders for such j troubles. "Five Mottles," he writes, j "wholly cured me and now I am well and hearty." It's also positively I (Ti.aranteed for Liver Trouble, Dyspep- Itlood lnsordi'is, female Com plaints and Malaria Try them. : at all dnnitfists. j Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A. Bui ii is more blessed to receive than ii is to deceive. position has got many a woman into an uneomfor- Saved from An Awful Death. How an appallum calamity in his fami ly was prevented u told by A. 1. Mo Donald, of I'ayetleviile, S N.C. Ii. I'. D. No. S, "Mv sister had consumption, he writes, "she was thill and pale, had no appeme alio seenieu lugiun nran j jy everyday, as all remedies failed, nil t Pr. MliK s -ew i'iscocry was iricu.aim so completely cured her, that she had not been troubled with a counh since. Its the best medicine 1 ever saw or heard of." Kor coiurhs, colds, lacrrappe. asth ma, croup, hemorrbaire all bronchial troubles, it has no equal, "sic. $1. Trial bottle free, (iuaianteedby all druirirists Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A A woman can always find some thine to admire in a man if he admires her. prelile ('out t o! tin1 tion imi u toeolleelion turns and ill the f-u- laie. special attcn- and prompt re-10-M-lv W. J. WARD, di:ntist, 'ui-TU'K IN DAMKL l'.l'ILDINU WKI.HON. N.CJ spolL' lv D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Kianiike News Office -:- WclJnn N l Maude George and I have de cided to form a life partnership. Clara That's nice. There does George come ii? Maude Oh, he's 10 be a silent partner and pui up the money. Chicago News. Ends Winter' Troubles. To many, winter is a season of trouble The frost bitten toes and Hngera. chap ped hands and hps, chilblains, cold red and rough skins, prove this. Hut such troubles fly before Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Atrial convinces. Oreatest healer of Bums, Koils, Piles Cuts, Bores, Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c. at all diuggists. mm People are often suspicious of a man who gets there with both feet. Banks On Sure Thing Now. "I'll never be without lh Kin'aNew Life Tills again." writes A. Sdiinifck, i7 Klin Street, liutlalo, X. Y "They cured me of chronic constipation w hen all others failed." 1 nequaled for Hit iousnoss, Jaundice, Indigestion, Head ache, Chills, Malaria and Debility. 25c. at all druggists. It's pleasanter to be rich and im posed upon than poor and neglec ted. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Nmr Suspect it. Bow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common (jlass with vour I water and let it statu! twenty-four hours; a brick dust si'di-nu-nt.orsfltliiiL', 7j) stringy or mil W y i i aiM;iranceoitt-n iiTlirtt- an un healthy condi tion of the kid neys; too fre quent desire to UltaM pass it or nam id the hark arc also m niptoms iliat tell you the kidneys ami bladder arc out ot order nd need attention. Wtiat To Co. There is comlort in the Inowk-dge so often expressed, that lr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the I'reit kidney remedy, fulfill:, almost every wish in "correcting rheumatism, pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, Madder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water und scalding pain in pas'-my; it, or bad elfecis following live of litjuor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne- ct.Mty of l-fiittf compelled to go olteti tli rou tiie uuv, ami to ect up many times during ihe niht. The mild and immediate eltect ot wamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest be- eauseot us remarkauie health restoring prop. erties. It you need a f;rCi,ltr3r-3 nu'Uictne you siioum have the best. Sold by MmW.imim druggists in fifty-cent fcSgjgr and one-dollar sizes. nTap'h' You may have a sample bottle sent tree rivnuvtl. Adores I r. Kilmers to, Bing- liamton, N. Y. Mention this paper and tetnetnbertbename, l)r. Kilmer s Swamp- Root, and the address, iiinguauitua, X- Y-, on every bottle. T. CLARK- ATTORNEY AT LAW, WEI.IHJN.S.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoiiiinir counties anil iu the Supreme court ol the Mate. Special attention given to collections aud prompt return JOHN H. TAYLOR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i:si ii:i.n, x. c. othces over Hank of F.nlield. 10W m Special Sale ! We have on hand aeveral consign' mi nts of the latest in wool, Wash and Ptmeess ladies Suits. Rather than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. SbO Suits 17.50. Prin cess, white and all other colors $3 to $7, now jo to $X Wash Coat Suits $4 to ti, now ilM to W. 4 to Net H'aiat reduced l.7j to fJ .So Hlack and col ored silk Petticoat 4 to W now '.'.88 to fcl." "i. Voile Skirts to W now lo.&O to jit. jo. 10,000 yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. 75e to $1 Mcssaline silks, all colors, now M to 7.'c. 5 and Uc. calicoes 3) to 4c. Ill and 12jc ginghams 7 to 9c. About 8,000 yards dress (roods to ol. se out leit than cost. Ladies hats at half price, kugs, drui(!?etB, carpetings and matting! at aud below cost. SPIERS BROS, WELDON. N. O. t v V- I

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