m m x i W V:', I rV iti.ii. 13,4.3 i?T. ' V i r ; .- ,- I ;rtisinj Rates. Alt.ie Know n on Application. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. W LLDON. N, ('.,TIiriiS)AV. MAY II. !!M!. A- of jslli : i..r k, i tr Aniutin VOL. XLVI. NO. '2 I Hi N'. '''(2tf f - . ). ' r - ! . mi u ictooi Tlio Kind Tou Ilavo Always Rotight, and wUMi hrts been lu use for over tJO years, lias born the signature of I, i r- anil lias been iniulo timlcr Iiis icr CjaSj(rfA . Bona. supervision since its infancy. ' v'''. Allow no one to dccrivo j on in this. All Counterfeits, imif tUiiiiis uvtl " Justis-g-.iorl" are but llviicriiiH iils il.ar. t:-i!!o vvi'h a"l ii!:ui!Jr r li.o iic:i!lh . Infants! ami tliilrfreD Exnenciice. against, Experiment. Wht is CASTORIA Castorhv is a'1iarni!cH suastituto for Castor Oil, Pare, (uric, JM-.ips anil S'lotliiutf Sycps. It is I'leasnnt. It contains neither Opium, jilorpliiim nor oilier A'arcoticj ntsti:noe. Its as.-c l li-i ;;'mniiitee. I i destroys Worm iiinl allays 1'ctei 'shness. It cures Diarrlnca mid Wind Culii'. 11 relieves Ti-ct !i i iif; 'I'roiililes, cures (;oiisl!atioii anil I'liMnleiiey, It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Sloinacii anil linm-ls, (fi.iiiff 1. call liy anil naiiiral slec. The Children's I'aiincca Tlio ,'riutlicr's I riend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Hare Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. T'.L CtNTtuIR tO W. TT UHt BTRttT, NCW VONM OlTf. 30! )AV I'll K '. P. N.ST A IN HACK, INDKIMAKKl!. Weldon. . . North Carolina. Full Line of CASK! I S. Day, Night and Out-ui- I'imn H. G. IIIMMMI mii l-lriL Seventeen years' Hxperie.uc. 30E FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THE TOWN OF WELDON, N. C , LOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE FOLLOWING PLOT: LEI- E TT- 'P ..J.,v.':'.' .;. 1 ! ' I FOR TERMS, APPLY TO W.E. DA NIHIL, Weldon, N. C. 2-I6-tf THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.DOX, X. Ortranlzed Under the Ijiwh ol the State of North Carolina, Antt'ST-JtiTll. tsti-j. State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VX'eldon Depository. Capital apt! Snrpins, $47,000. For more than Is yniis this 111M1l11tn.11 l.a ir..vi.lf.l l.mik mir fncili tios for this nwlion. Its st.u l,li..l.li i!. iin.l .liieclors Imve I.. .11 identillml with tlio husiii.'ss intcresu nf llalifux un.l Niirtli.iuit . ..iinlieK for many years. Money is Inam-1 i...ni approved sei'iiiilv al I .- I. iral ratr of interest six per I'.'ntiini. Accoiiiits ol all are s.ili.-ifr.l. The surplus un.l undivided profits havinir rearhcl a sum c , unl to tl.c Capital Stock, the Hank lias, 00111 mi'iinni; .lanuaiy I. I'Kis. . a.-ililislii d a ivins iKMiai'iinont n I low 1 tie' interest ueposits all.evi' l to remain llitve mouths or lonirer. '.' p. 1 rent. Six months or lonprer, 3 per rent. Twelve mini t lis or lonirer. 4 p. 1 .'i nt. Forfurther information apply to the 1'resident or t ashier. PRKH1DRNT i W. R. DANIF.L. VICK-l'HKSlimsT: W. U. SMITH. OE Old Papers for Sale at this Office. WWNWVWV AVAVVW Signature of Nil in l'iMi '.'I ami "it. COI'I INS nnj kOH.IS. 0 Culls Promptly Attended to. ROWB, AM) I Ml! 11 1I7L i !M Menrse Service Anywhere, jji MMBICMJiJIWI j ii ,i on nine ileposil. as l.illons: fur U .'AlOIIKh U. S ITiAVIS, I OLD B'BiOAL TRADITIONS. The Yellow 'iarter Is Sure To I5ring (iood Lutk. There is always a harking back for the wedding iraditions of form er generations by latter day bridal pariies so thai they may bebroii;;ht to bear on their own weJdings, thus to create novelty. The veJ din' ring lias undergone many changes in its evolution from the one of iron to the tender beveled gold circlet in ttse today. lut the , wedding ring linger has always re mained the same, having been chosen from the fact that it is sup posed to contain a blood vein that runs directly to the heart. As it is the finger least used, it wa deem ed the safest to insure the ring from danger of loss. The old rhyme runs that "as your wedding ring wears, you'll live out your cares." The origin of the wedding veil has always been a matter of dispute, but it is believed that Mary Tudor on her marriage to James of Scotland wore the first wedding veil worn in Western liurope. The veil and the house wife's cap are synonymous, the one being laid aside to don the oth er. The honeymoon is supposed to : he a period lasting from one week to thirty days, while the rice throw ing is a symbol of the saying, "in crease and multiply." T he bride in days gone by ear ned to her new home a handful of, wheat in ears to insure prosperity. The gift of a jewel from a bride groom to his bride is given nowa days in place of the "dow putse," which formerly was the first instal ment ol her "pin money." .Mar-! riages in Lent, Sundays ami in the month of May have never been looked upon with tavor m any age, , p ist or present. The saying that "Happy is the bride the sun shine on" is the cause of much studying of the clouds on the wedding morn ing. Of course the yellow gaiter is sure to bring good luck, anil no bride with respect for ancient ira d lion would think of h-ing mar rid without w earing sn;ni. v, huv a out her an old blue ribbon hmv b itTowed fur the occa;ioii, "lor s iinetinng old, soniciliing new, something burrowed und snnic t iing blue" adds the fin. 1 huJi of surety to that magical gift called happiness. While it's Monday lor wealih, Tuesday for health. Wed nesday best of all; Thursday for crosses, Friday for losses ait. I Sat urday no luck at all." Miss Ncar lywtd should remember that tiic maxim "Hear and forbear,'' with love and charity in the heart, w ill remove every sting known to the man iinonial market and dissolve "lioodoos" into their native noth ingness if lived up to consistently. NONE EXPECTED. At .1 recent wedding a baby had shrieked without intermission, to the great annoyance of the guests, etc. As the bridal party was leav ing the church a slight delay oc curred. One of the guests seized the opportunity to say t i the first bridesmaid: "What a nuisance babies are at I a wedding !" I "Yes, indeed !" answered the bridesmaid, angrily. "Wiin I send out the invitations to my . Wedding i h:tll h'lV" printed in the i corner, "No babies expected."--! Marshville Our Home. Saved Child It on) Dcn'h. "Afler our eltil.l lia-l su't.-ro.t fioin se vere liron.'l.ial tronhle for a var,"v. n.te Ii. 'I'. Iti.'liar.Nen. nf I'l.'lianlsiui's Mills, Ala., "we f. ar.'il it hail .'..iisiiinpliiin It had a had I'nueh all the tune. We tried many reiuedu's wilh.nil aotil. and doe. loi 's nu'itieine s. . iii. d as usi'less. lo nally we tried Dr. Kiii;'s Si "v Discovery and are pli ased to Miy that one liotlle elfected a eompiete cue, and our . !iil.l isaeain stione and healthy. "Fur couirhs, eolds. hoarseness, lairiipp., asthma, croup and sore hums, its the must infal lible remedy that's made. Price f.Oc. and $1. Trial bottle fiee. I liiaiantee.l l.v all drufftrista. A little travel is a dangerous thing. It may make a fool of a man upon a great many subjects. fc s.x 4 .. ' . - "Not changed, bit: glorilied. ) Bcautcou . l.aiguage For those who weep, Mourning the loss ol some dear face dep.irieil. Fallen asleep; Hushed into silence, never to comfort The hearts of ui'.o: Some, like the sunshine o! another couiin v Beyond our ken O dearest dead, w e sec thy white soul sinning Behind the lace, Bright with the beauty and celestial glory Of immortal grace. What wonder that we stumble faint and w e.-paig And sick with fears, Since thou hast left us - all alone with sorrow And Hind with tear.. Can it be possible no words sh.dl welcome Our coming feet ' How will it look, that face that we have cherished. When next we meet ? Will it be changed? So gloritied and saintly That we shall know it not ' Will there be nothing that will say "I love thee And 1 have not forgot ?" () Faithless heart ! the same ioved face transfigured Shall meet thee there, Less sail, less wistful, in immortal beauty Divinely fair. The mortal veil, washed pure with many weepings. Is rent away, And the great soul that sat within its prison Hath found the day." THE Him VOUNG KING. Oh, golden is the Summer, the lime of bud and bloom, Of roses fair, and lilies rare, and gardens of perfume; Of such winds softly blow ing, .icross a sandy way, And little ships in sheltered rips, ;incl crested waves at play But who would hint at treason, tmio the Year's Young King, The royal, reigning season, the hopeful, happy spring. And tender is the Autumn, the davs ot corn and wine, Of burdened trees and g irnered leas, and purple FnmeJ vine. Of birds that band together to plan a journey far To orange shade and elovered glade, beneath ihe Southern Star. But who would toast a riv il. l elore the Year's i rave King, The finest for survival, the heart entrancing Spring. Oil, wondrous is liie Winter, lite zenith ol the year, With drifting snow and lakes that glow like mirrors deep and clear. When tempests sw eep unbridaled and strangely through the night The Star w orlds final each o"e a rout, upon a sea of 'a lute. ! .tit w ho would crown -mother, the years have but one King, From each to each, no other than ! v-compelling Spring. A truce to all d:scib-io:i. a iir.; to :li doubt. When white and bine ;aid yellow. : , hvacmti. mmc out. Blue kies and dimplci waters, and. subtler yet, a ; ;; ie. That never man o; mortal elan, n id; a.aed to give a name And who would signet oiler s.kc to the fair young King, Love's iewe'.s h ilis cotter, tne pulse bew itching Spring. I. alii Mitchell in Columbian Ma,:ai,iL. HOMIi. Y, .ay not nailize. .i-r- eliain-e, hat home means to us until seas and ii.oontains separate us from the I..ved ones l i .... O ' I . . - pet'cnance not lllllll sickness and misfortune eonie per- chance not until the Breaded Shadow falls upon the threshold and the Haven croaks above the bust of Pallas. Hut when some tie is snapped and some link is broken and some chair is vacant at the ilrcside then 1 ' . . . t. . .,1 1 we re,ui,e i tin- cnoi.is which hind tl to Ihc home stead are knotted in the bosom core and center then we real (iz.e that the poet sane; for us ii. I sane; tor all t ne world winn be ' ati;' beside the Thames: :--'Mii pleasures and palaces ! tVao' I may roam. 1 Pe it ever so humble, there's no i pbici ; like home. W II ICII WAY The world rt.iws old. ami the stars will cense 1 to illuminate it. ami the water.-r to relresli it and t lie inouiitililisV to unrd it and it's a lone; store: of sin and i shame and nlory am 1 triumph w ill soon turn to asbeis; but in- . Ihieiu-e wbicli siiirte.n in tne early home roll mi and up j tbi-ouo'h all eternity bloicuing in all the j..v, waving- in all r he :triu...,.h, or shrinkin; back ! to all the darkness. i'iuh."!', 'mother, winch wav are v.L.i 'leading your i-hihlivn:- ' j 11 CAl'SE TO KICK. ' i Manager -Whin's the lead 1 j ing lady in such a tantrum I about? Press Aos'iit S" only got nine bou.oiets over the foot lijibts tonight. Maunder - Ureut Scott! Ain't that enough ? P. A. Nope she paid fur ten. Cleveland Leader. - F0lEYSIVllL'iiiy,;j fm Bc.cr K.wKiwt Bunu NOT THI" KIM) or A Cl'K Several yoitii"; mcti vorcht;tn.l- in before the desk in the Shir, io I louse yesl. idav afternoon talking aliotil doe's. ( ine of ' . I . . .1 i.i... . ineni lll..lle( lie . f... tiler the telephone girl l.y rawing her in;., the discussion. She is , , pretty and good iialmvd, hut : yesienlay alien i she was! very busy. "Say. Fessie," said t he vollll'' . man. ' whar kind ,,f .los do you like?" ' ' 'l't - I ! i ne can looiiO lone to s.v fox tei'i'iers." " Vi nt do ?" "Y-s; I'd just love to have a ! nice little fox terrier." ; "i, "I would like to be ;i little fox terrier. " The eirlsmile.l. "You might not till the bill," she said. "Why not;-" be asked. "ISecaiise." she replied, after answering- a call, "I'd want sontet him;, " Call Some people travel to view the their own scenerv. ( it cloesn t matter whether you j give his satanic maiesty his due or ; not; he'll get it just the same. .., A yol, VV(mi js , , . ., , , I k,Um loss lha" she know"s :l,,d a young man more, i It's dillieult for a rounder to keep in the straight and narrow Ii ' .'.osi ol us feel that we could ' aieely on double our in- 1 sjie'n-es a man's idea of oi;i ,j v ? to tell his wife how to save m.-aney. The first time a girl is disap- peimed iii. love she begins to map out il C'trcC V JMcs tas Baling Easy Absolutely Pure The ostfy hnkinif powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar HDALUM.NO LIME PHOSPHATE A'l) WHY. This Was Put ( pto the Greeley I'aehe-lnrs to Lxplain why They j are so (iacliward in Coming j lorwiird. I Some days ago a number ot ihe girls at the (Colorado Normal j School at Greeley frankly avowed I that they preferred husbands to j careers. This has Ken put up :o .1... I -....l.... I, ,V, ,1. 1 .... uievneeie) o.ieiieuiis 10 e.spiaiu : why they are so backward about coming foward, and so twelve rep- ! rescntaiive baclielois !;.:ve tiled uemurrers ,n reply. Here are tne reasons tliey setup: Hie old story. I lie one ! want I can't get." 1 his, as the poets s;iy, stnkcs ;i "universal note. " " . .. . . . . .o position is insecure, it s!1,,,.vsi ;1 W;.rninu- to the, would be cowardly to undertake to.(ll(W , W,M , .,,,,.,, support a wile under such eireum-' ,,.,'. ,. ,...lt , ...i..,. l( i ,. stances. I Ins is a num. me view, too t .n'ely taken by fren'cd lov. rs. ever building air-castles. "Mothers are teachint: their daughters to look out lor the fel low with money." Belter so. They ought to he taught to "look out" for the man with no money. "I want a home. All 'he girls ! know ;i''c f'ri I ot v;ieiv " ,A tlx ir Highly conceited vi.-w. Bresthes there a n.ati v. :'h so !,; a head that he Is nil t. . iii"i,:i! s id, "'iv vciety is -ulrceie ! r a.v " 1 ..e use o: LsNc i,,ar !:.r. tea lied r.t make girls deeee!,:! ! w.i..i to kttow what I :i:u getting " A touch, my lord' I. to us pe-d; :si.lc t'l'.' trellis of p:iK :er,i wh.i''. n h n anyway. ' " "( itrls expect too natch, scaled me o'f. " A wi-.e t mark you. "My salary is .stit) a month Two t live on that. No, "or on tw ice tli.it. "March o i lie S.1M. "The young lady refused me because she did not care, she -.ad, to take a short com sj to the pom house." That's an old story, I Here was another lellow wailing 'round the coti er umii No I was pushed oil "Because they all look good to . to plant in the sprine, time of i me, and I can't make a choice." ' life for liie ban est he w ill e,aih Tlns was not really said in Gree- er when be is :,n.i n. ley, but m Richmond, where 'tis , passing true. "1 alwavs 1 1 I'lld s.:;tte coins in my pants ivcku when i get up in the morning A reasonable position. --Ri.hm -aid Times - Dis patch. I': rs . r y i . s AC - : a Ignorance is bliss v. hen a man has more money th.m he know s what to do with. It Startled the World win :i Ihe astiimiiiiiiii elaaiis ,, ie Mist lua-le for HiieUi'i,' Atniea s:.e. I.ut t' nlv yeai nf umii tertal eat. s ete plov ed them 1 1 lie. tlli.l 1 el V'.. In ie it , ana l::.r.v. ..- !.. ! . ! . . ,.,:!. fur Hiirus, Hulls. Seal.ls, sui.s, i'uk, I '.rinses. Siiiiiiis. S..liiie-. leelnu. ' happed llaa l .. Ii. 1 1 s ,n.l ',,.v 1 udy i.'"ie. .11 all di nei .sts. Only a girl with liny feet and a : genuine complexion enjoys being 1 caught in a rain storm. REST ANO HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. 1 Mr-. ilii.Hi.Vi piena-ti Spi p lias I'.-, n 1 te-ill .tn.ir s:l ,' . o. -1 , Mii.l.uNs.l MoTillii.S l .r 1.... : i iill 1KI s Willi. B 1 i 1 TiiiS'-. eii r: a. i r si ei'i-s. it i .. l.tflir IV ' nil 11. . a TUNS l.-r lil'MS a.i s ;,:: 1 1 s , . 1 im v 1 s 1 . eoiae. ui.d , ! - . a I r in wool.: A. Il is nl 1 ., ,... ) ,:,,!.. ak lef " Mr. ii -. ,' i n. t ukc nu oilier ; a .0 e. .1 liiitllc. j Occasionally a man marries for I a home, so that he will have some I place to stay from. Chlldron O r y FJR FI.E7GHFH':! CAS T O R I A. T.TTBriwvur; t." ".sums l!l.ii:i ;;:!!. o . V.':;!i,i r, tjniia;- lii-ynii- ',s ! 1. 1,- r I'li-n?;. hi I : tiai've'.l, a ouii;; ,' .a:i "tins Plant in Ihc Sprinj'tiiiie of J.,i In I'larvesl Vvlii-n iie is (iron J .4 ; -s I; & ,v, .WV-C .. ' - t'y y ' hon william j. bryan. .,-,. , , is , s.n , ,,. lias lic.-n and lie i- not likelv to .,.,., , .,, in , ,,,lrs to ,.. ,,is i,lllllNs .,n. tlu! simic thev were c,.turi,.s ao. a,,,,',., .i.mi ,.,,ntv.,.,i..,li,i fai her and his 'rraiiill'ai b.-r in their ,oV ood .lav; I Were t.-xt. '-The a-is lll .!.-;.:! i "' 1 li.it is th.- law nod it. ' raiinol lie repealed. I ' i I . - boll- ; I'M, truthful, indiisl idoiis l.o will stlereed ill pl'opoi t ioll to his in 'ii'iiee. b:i' no intflli- ! n-. nee rim make up for lie- Piek of honesty, 1 1 at lit" uniess or in- ! dus! i i esp. oia il il i iitipns sil.le to -itl.- tiiai :;o; thin,; for ; bote sty ami t rut l.i'oille-.s. . a- ; .ill' 'ss n ill Iiinl! oh"'- aeeinn- j pi i-l.im to s v, ha', it h ' other ' iU IO' e oille'l'e. oa In IO!' - at il- can :' :-,.- Ii" .Mil it'.:: oi. of is i ! 1 1 1 e ! I throve lack a t rat lii'nl- 11 ai .-. otii i nit to oi. or i . i . e , e .! oli'iii' -o s'i" tl.a. I'.-iti- nee is a ir; m Which -iiol.ld be added to ;h. ones iiliS ii'l v in. nt ion.-d. tin p. it leiiei- nits le.i many youn:. Hi' ii I'll i ii ; t iiev lm e not been . vvillno' to won. for a fni-hiiic to t come ''iroiieli ji-uitimnti' aeeu- ' inuia i imi a' . I ;,,-;,,rj, their ,,-.s;,. i,, , t n.-h t hev ha e fall-i Thelmv should -learn to' ; labor ami wait.' Character is' built sl.ovlv but it can he lost' in a day. The fanner must wait before be .'athers hiseioi.. and the l.ov must he willinc- THE DOCTOR'S TWINS. An Irish doctor whiie enioving a holiday in the country took the go Kshiitg. During cperaiuais the doctor's sinker came otV and was lost. Here w as a dilemma-no sinker, no m..re iisintig that day. Happy thought, he had a bottle in his pocket. Th.: bottle was tilled with water, carefiiilv corked and sent don 11 on its :tia.-.ion. Wwr a Is v. nitmiti s' itit i v.it ihe doctor had ;i bile and pulled on his "Ha, doctor, twins this nine," ex ; claimed his companion. I '"1 es, " uuotlt the doctor, ' and ; brought up on the bottle, loo. " i Belfast Times. A Murgl.ir's Awful Deed may mil paralv:te a Iiumu v,i eniupletety as a timllier's loiiir illn. ss. Hut Dr. Knur's New l ife l'ills are a splendid i."iie ly ftn worn. 11. I lu y utive me uiiiiilerl.il lien.-lit in eenstipanon ami fel.iale tieulile." ttoite Mrs. M. ( . Duil lap. l.i adill, 'l enn. I f ailinc, tiy them. ;.'.'. at all ilnureosts. It's queer how much interest a dignified man can generate in a dog tight. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA w n 1 ... ' , K'-..jTll; :.",r-' n 5.a. ;,- M... :v.-,.'c : . , '. -i' s I - :'.-: I F0IEYS 0SIN0lAXA31T ro SToMcH.TQvi.s..njbTi&Wsa -' r i; t j ?! ivinr'i it. j : ie1-.) f:i Ifeimr-s, .ii' i a general "no aeeovn !" ..i."j is a cure skrn of ; torpid iivir. The 'e!nei:y is Simmons Reel Z Liver I. e j;u lat or (.The j I'owcii-r l-'orni). !t i-.oni.-'-s its greatest rest oral i :c rfh ct in Hie liver, 1 1 i1 is 'hi live in the stomac!') v:.:.i oowels. Indi-.(.-''slion, c.i't-.lipation and i'a iHt.-r.i :'i.t e- ii:. disap pear b i: ie its povvi-rful, retrt-'latitii,' ioouence. Try its wi-.ole'soni o.irifyinp; proper ties. It v.-it: ;;i.c ;-ouaKOod appetite, t;ao;:,J cliircstion and jna'r..- yn feci well. Holt! fcy Dsiiicrs Price, Ln,- Package, S1.00 n k iiii t!..' ;"-mtiti" 1 1 fie Ii M 7, on the lat.cl. II -..ii v.nni'it j.' t ;t. m it.il i . ii . we mil n-i. I ii liv ititin. ji.i!,v,,i n;iiunoru I.r r: l.-.-i i.twr - put up in Ii -.t;.i t.rm f..r ti.nic v'.v tuner Pn"C rl.OJ pT liutUr. :.ilt ft if lite M'J Z Jlbcl. J. 11. IVAUX fci CO., Proprietors :it. Ittui'J, Ailflsciirl PROl l-SSIONAL CARDS. WALTER H. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKLHON, .. C. I'oi.'li.'.'s in in.' coiH'ts of Halifax ami Nuilh:uii'tiiii ami in llu; Suireni.' an. I i-eile. at Coin Is. I 'nllectioiis inuiUi in all parts of N.ii th Caiulina. Jiiancl. ollice at Halifax on'n every Monday (jLORUE c. oreen. ATTORNEY-AT-LAVV, ( s'lLtioiul Hank 1'uildinj Weldon. N. C. LI.I.IOTT K. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, hAl.ii'.W. N. C. Y i; " it i. in Ihc tMi tut c! Ilnlilax untl it' lj"!li tnaullf.s li.Hl III UlL' iU jiU''llr t'Mill I o! 11H' MiLU'. .t L'lill UtU'U Ui'il Ulf!l liM'niifflluiiS Ulitl plUIUl'l tt'- im us iu-tj-1 y W. J. WAiii), ;..M l:.'J , in i h i: in i an i i i. ta n.iiiMi Kl.l'O.X. n. c -i.M'te t v 1 ii. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'VI- (,IHIN, N. ('. I'la.'lii'. s in tl.t- .-Hil ls ol Halifax and .. ijiiiiiiiie n.ii '. ainl a. ll.c uii.'ine r.iiiil.i! Or -iau- snrial atU'iiliou eora i" oi iiii'iiiHi' an t i.tontil r. turn J()IIN H. TAYLOR, ATTORNUY-AT-LAW, KM 1 I.I.I i. N. C. (illi.-o: iiver Hank of Knlicld. IIMi -Ii il Tie iliiics-A-Wetl Edition OF THE Praetieally a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. TUP great political campaigns are now at hand, and you want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record of impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thriee-A-W'eek edition, which comes ev , cry other day in the week, except .Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-A-W'eek World also abounds in other I strong features, serial stones, iiu ' nior, markets, cartoons; in fact, I everything to be found in first-class : daily. The Thrice-A- Week World's I i VSR regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays tor 156 papers. We olfer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NEWS together lor one Ol (JC year for ... 00w T he regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. pi ANO TUNING Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with Ii. Q, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg, V,