advertising Rates Made Known on Application. ; i ' r VIA'! A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum WELDON, X. ('., TIIUiSDAY. MAY .'.HI, NO. 1 A SHORT SERMON ON LOVE. The Heart of a Man That Loves Is ! I a Paradise on Earth. j Tho Kind You lfave Always Bought, ami which lias been lit use for over 30 years, 1ms borne the Hlfru.iluro of and has been tniulo under Ills per- (7Lj &-P,-f-pL soiml supervision since its Infinity. fV, kACAMi Allow no one toUcoelvo, you In thin. All Counterfeits, imitations ami "Just-us-Koml" nro hut Experiments tliut. ti ille with ami endanger tho heallh of Infants and Children ICxporieiica against, Kxperlinmit. What is CASTORIA Cast uriii Is a harmless substitute! for Castor Oil, Pare tfnric, Drop mid SiHilhliiff Syrups. Ic in Pleasant. It eontaiiiH neither Opium, Morphine, not otlicr .Narcotlo substance, lis ugo Is its g'larantcfl. It destroys Worms anil allays IVtcrislmess. It cures Di.irrluea and Wind Colic. H relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the fstoiii.toh and Itinvcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Punacea-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CCMTUH COMPANY, TT MURM) TNECTk MCW VONR OITV. ... i IF IOE OXZSIEZXOE OCT U I)AY 1'llOSK '.'" t N I ' 1 1 1 I'iionkn L'-t and "j4. O n P. N. STAIN BACK, TXDKliTA K Weldon, North Carolina. Full Line ol CASKI TS. COITINS and KOHI-S. Day, Night and Out -of Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNIiKAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM ER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. M 5 aoc i FOR SALE! j FIFTY-NINE (59) LOTS IN THE jTOWN OF WELDON, N. C, jLOCATED AND OF THE DIMEN SIONS AS SHOWN BY THE FOLLOWING PLOT: Tlio following; short sermon : on love, selected and I runslatod from (lie r'roneh by Van Her- j init, is worthy of a most care- ; fill ami prayerful stiiily on (lie I part of every Christian. "Voli have only a day to ; spend here on eiirth; act in such a manner that you may spend j it in peace. ! "Peace is the fruit of love; for, in order to live in pence, we must hear with a great ma-: ny things. j "None is perfect; each has I his failings, each hangs upon the other, ami love alone ren ders that weight light. I or ..... ; t s, I ii )imi i a mi, it i'iiii 1 1 1 1 your brother, how will your brother bear with you ? ''It is written of the Son of Mary, that 'having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them until the end. "For that reason, love your brother, who is in the world, and love him until the end, "Love is indefatigable; it never grows weary. Love is inexhaustible; it lives and is born anew in the: living and the more it pours itself out tho fuller its fountain. "Whosoever loves himself S better than he loves his brother is not worthy of Christ, who died for his brothers. Have you given away everything you possess? Go and give up your life also! Love will restore all to you. "Verily I say unto you, the heart of man that loves is a paradise on earth. He has God within him, for God is love ! "The wicked man loves not, he covets; he hungers and thirsts for everything; his eyes, like unto the eyes of a serpent fascinate and allure, but only to devour. "Love rests at the bottom of every pure soul, like a drop of dew in the calyx of a flower. Gh, if you knew what it is to love ! ' "You say that you love, and yet many of your brothers are in want of bread to sustain their life, in want of clothes to cover their naked limbs, in want of a handful of straw to sleep on, whilst you have ail things in abundance." Pittsburg Advocate. MARY KNEW. . 4 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r i i rj : lzzls i r j.- -4";. -tin n rn h'MI'.L. J.i. ! 1-" r-Ki . i i - 'I FOR TERMS, APPLY TO j W.E. DANIEL, ! Weldon, N. 0. 4 2-16-if yili Mm ac THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Ar;rsT-Mirn, iu. State of Norili Carolina Depository. ' Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capy aBi Sirplis, $47,000. For more than is yeai this institution lias provided bankintr facili tin for thin section. It stooklioldiTH and dircetors have I t en identified with the business intt'icstB of Halifax and Northampton countien for many years. Money is loaned upon approved security at tiie legal rate of iiiteren iVix per centum. Aeenunts of all aresolieited The surplus and undivided prolits liavinu reached a sum equal to the Capitf stock, the Hank lias, eoinmeneiiiir January 1. l!Kis. established a Sarins; Department allowine interest on time deposits as follows; For Oepoiha allowed to remain three month or lonpcr, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent Twelve months or louder, 4 percent. Forfurther information applv to the President nr Cashier. psSsidint: vicE-mmiixsT: W. E? OAMEL, W. R. .SMITH. CASHIER: li. S. TKAVIS, 3E 3E "Do you know what 1 think of you ?" said Mary's laisbainl when the unpleasantness was at its height. "Xo." ''I think you are the biggest fool I ever saw." "That's right," she retorted, 'if I were not yon would still be living at a second rate boarding house ami sew ing on your own buttons."-Chicago Herald. Old Papers for Sale at this Office. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA UNDOUBTEDLY. "She married for spite." "Then I dare say she got what sue married for." Saved Child From Death. "Aft1 our child had suffered from se vere bronchial trouble for a year,"wnite G. T. Richardson, of liichanlson's Mills. Ala., "we feared it had consumption It had a had coutrh all the time. We trad many remedies without avail, and doe- tor's medicine seemed as useless. Fi nally we tried Pr. King's Ne Discovery and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a complete cure, and our child isatrain strong and healthy."For coughs, colds, hoarseness, lagrippc, asthma, croup and sol:- hints, its the most infal lible remedy that's made. Price 50c. and $1. Trial bottle fo-e Uuarantced by all druggists. THE OLD ELM TREE. "There's a path by the long deserted mill, And a stream by the old bridge, broken still, Where the golden willow boughs, bending low, To the green sunny banks where the violets grow, The wild birds are singing the same sweet lays That charms me in dreams of the dear old days, When Lora, my beautiful, sat with me On the tnossgrown seal 'neaih the old elm tree. 'Twas there, with the bright blue sky above, I told her the tale of my heart's true love; And there, ere the blossoms of Summer died, She whispered the promise to be my bride. And there fell the tears of our parting sore-- Ah ! little we dreamed we would meet no more; That ere I came from the far blue sea They would make her grave 'neaih the old elm tree. Oh, cruel and false were the tales they told That my vows were false and my old love cold; That my truant heart held another dear, Forgetting the vows that were spoken here. And her cheek grew pale with the crushed heart's pain, And her beautiful lips never smiled again, But she bitterly wept where none could see, She wept for the past 'neath the old elm tree. She died, and they parted her sunny hair, On the cold, pale brow, death had left so fair, And they laid her to rest where the bright young Holers Would watch by her side through the Summer hours. O Lora, dear Lora, my heart's lost love, Will we meet in the angels' home above? Larth holds not a treasure so dear to me As thy lonely grave 'neath the old elm tree. SOUL SAVING. I am sick of the preacher's only strain Save your soul, save your soul, save your soul; I am tired of hearing forever and aye The same old song Irom the pulpit roll. It seems to me like a selfish cry This telling a man that the only thing Of any importance here below Is saving himself from a future sting. Tar nobler, far better, it stems to me, To tell a man to save some other; To send him up and down through the world Seeking and saving a fallen brother. To put him off from the beaten track Out into the hedges of sin and shame, To teach him to tell the captive there The beauty and glory of virtue's name. To rescue the starving one from death; To rescue the sinning one from crime; To preach the gospel of present help To the weary one on the shores of time. To seek out those whom the world forgets; To plant a flower on a nameless grave; To hide the erring one in the heart, And strengthen it with a purpose brave? To do the little ones of God The things which the world does to the great; To walk the world with a purpose grand, And with eye on the final good, to wait. If a man does this, I dare affirm That he can afford to forego all care About going to heaven, and give his whole time To the work of getting his neighbor there. MARRIAGE NO JOKE. THE PEST. Experience ol Arkansas Lawyer Points to the Obvious Moral. livery sport has its hazard, as the Anne Arundel philosopher tru ly observes, but the joke marriage carries with it an element of risk sufficient to appall all the tempora rily imbeciles. Instances in point crop out in the news of almost every day. There is the Arkansas lawyer, who, on being twitted on being single, wagered $100 that he would marry a girl he did not know, but who had caught his fancy at a public entertainment. He did, and is now touring Eu rope to give the lady a chance to divorce hint for desertion. In the news of the same day is the ac count of an aged woman who married her nephew, twenty-three years old, while she was on her deathbed, 10 save herself the trouble of making a will in his fa vor. But worst of all is the unc tous divine a misnomer, if ever there was one who holds him self out as willing to unite boy and girl elopers, and then square his conscience by a suable fee and a doubtful Scriptural text. Of course, the divorce courts are crowded. But they won't be when men exercise the same de gree of care in picking out a part ner for life that they customarily devote in buying house and lot. Baltimore Star. It Startled the World when the astounding claims wen- liist made for llueklen's Aruiea Salve, but foity yeais of wondeiful cuii's have proved them tine, and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on faith for Hums, Moils, Scalds, Sores, Cuts, Bruises, Spiains. Swellings, Kczema, ''happed Hands, Fever .-kires an 1 Tih s. Duly 25c at all druggists. the When things go wrong cheer up man Comes round and says: my plan. Just smile ami say : 'In might lie worse than this, an aw ful sight.' " o we listen to his cry ? Ami makes Home Baking Easy A VALUABLE WITNESS. Absolutely Pure Tho only baking powder mado from Royal Crapo Cream of Tartar WO ALUM.Wa LiME PHOSPHATE SMALL VICES NOT SO BAD. A southern lawyer tells of a case j that came to him at the outset of ; his career, wherein his principle ' witness was a darkey named Jack son, supposed to have knowledge of certain transactions not at all to the credit of his employer, the de fendent. "Now, Jackson," said the law yer, "I want you to understand the importance of telling the truth when you are put on the stand. , You know what will happen, don't you, if you don't tell the truth ?" "Yessir, was Jackson's reply; "in dat case 1 expects our side will win de case. " Beware of the Eminent Respecta ble Says Judge Ben l.indsey, ol Denver. He warn of the eminently re spectable citizen with the im maculate personal habits. He ware of (he man who has no small vices. He ware of the person in public life who neith i cr smokes, chews, drinks nor ' beats his wife. Judge Hen Lindsey, of Den ver, gave this warning to the women of the Arche club in a lecture recently at Abraham Lincoln Center and, revolution- ary us it was, the remark was ; received with applause. It is the goody-goody boy, said the ; judge, who usually proves the j weakest in the presence of I temptation. The judge used the goody -goody man to illustrate his idea of the dill'erence between vice ; and sin. Algood many small '. vices, he said, are not necesn rily sinful or indicative of sins that may be hidden. On the. contrary, an absence of tin; i small vices is a psychological evidence of character weak ness, rather than of austerity. The judge didn't say, of course that a collection of small ices. ; is always a concomitant civic : virtue; the idea he desired to emphasize was that as a crite rion of righteousness the lack of small vices was entirely misleading.- Chicago Record -Herald. SHE HAD MUCH TO LEARN "Oh, mamma, mamma John d-d-d doesn't love me any more!" "Nonsense, child. What's hap pened?" "When he came home last night he didn't kiss me. And he kept edging away from me whenever I'd go near him. " "Did he indeed?" My dear, he'd had a glass of beer and didn't want you to smell it. It probably didn't hurt him at all, but he was afraid of you. Don't make any mistake, daughter if he hadn't loved you any more, he'd have kissed you without hesitation. You've a lot to learn yet." WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. A school teacher was trying to make a class understand what a volcano is like. In reviewing the lesson she drew upon the black board her own conception of a flaming mountain, using colored crayon with extraordinary effect. "What is it ?" she asked. The scholars shook their puzzled heads. "What docs it look like r" She pursued. "It looks like hell, ma'm," re turned a small boy, soberly. I.ONti WINDED SPEAKERS SALLOWNESS This disorder is due to a torpid liver involving the stomach and bowels. To correct the trouble take SIMMONS RED Z LIVER REGULATOR (TUB POWDER FORM) When the complexion is sallow and you have spells of vertigo (blind staggers) on stooping or rising sud denly and your bowels ni e irregular, with much flatulence (wind in the bowels) you are badly in need of Simmons l.iver Keguhitor. The liver is the cause of all the trouble and when the liver is at fault, there is nothing more effective. Simmons Liver Regulator quickly restores sound, healthy conditions in the liver, stomach and bowels; sweetens the breath, helps digestion and brings back the ruddy hue of health to the complexion. Sold fry Dealers Price, Large Package, 31.00 Ask lor be tcnuiiic with tlic Red 7. on tile label. If ynu ciiniml t'rt il. mint to UH, we will smii it by null, pnstpakl. Simtnmil I.tver Ki-guiatot is aku pm up in llguiil futm lor tliuse win, ireb-r it. Price S1.00 pel buttle. lor the Keil 7. label ). II. HUN & CO., Proprietor. St. Luuls, Missouri Bishop Hotter was fond of telling of one occasion when he was to address an organization of women, ami just before the time for the meeting to begin the Bishop saiit to the lady who was to preside ; "I suppose that there are to be a lot of long winded speak ers," "No," replied the lady sweet ly, "only yourself," - Christ ian Times. Adopt eed, it o: wt fane our ! i i I.N HIS WIPE'S NAME. On one occasion Bishop Talbot had reached a mining-camp and was in the wash room preparing for dinner, after a dusty ride in the stage-coach, In the adjoining room he heard two men talking and one said to the other: "Are you going to hear the Bish op talk this evening?" "Yes," was the reply, "I thought 1 would go. They say that there is quite a number going to join the church." "Is that so? Do you know who they be?" "No. I ain't heered who they all be, only they tell me that Jake Simpson's got religion, and he's among them." "You don't say ! Well, that beats the Dutch ! If Jake has got religion, I'll bet ten to one he's got it in his wife's name !" WANTED A HORSE. HIS SUSPICION. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WELKON, N. C. l'ractices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton anil in the Supreme and Federal courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina, branch office at Halifax open every Monday UEOROE C. GREEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (National Hank Building) Weldon, N. C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, X. C. PitArri" t:s in the courts of lialifaxand adjoining counties ami in the Su pieme court of the State. Special atten tion gum to collections and prompt re turns, ln-li-ly W. J. WARD, DKNT18T, OFFICE IN HAXIEL 1;FILI1NU WELHON. N . V sppl2 ly 1 T. OLAR K, XJJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELKON, N. C. l'ractices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iL the Supreme court of the Stale. Special attention given to collections and prompt return We do not mind And show him where the door to tind. How those who force the smile annoy, For can't an editor his cigar enjoy? Ministers themselves sometimes contribute unconsciously to the humor of the world. The linglish minister who inserted the follow ing advertisement in a newspaper must have been lacking a sense of humor or he would have seen the amusing side of his advertisement: "Wanted A good strong horse to do the work of a country minister." "I have decided," said Lo renzo If, Mormom, "to take a plural wife." Mrs. Monnotn looked for a moment at little Brighatu V. Mormom who was playing on the lloor. and wearily replied: ''Have you ?" 'Yes. Think how happy you ought to be. This w ill add to vour glory in heaven, you know." "I suppose she is young." "Yes. Only twenty-two years old." "Pretty, too, I suppose." "Yel,"ye" "And you want to marry her just to insure for me greater glory in heaven?" ''Certainly." "I wish you'd takeanother look around. I've just hail a reve lation." 'You have had a revelation !' Hut women never have revelations." "Yes I've hail one. My elation is that I shall half ai much glory in heaven through a young ami beautiful plural wife as 1 would through one about my own age and ap pearance. I know you are a kind, good man. Lorenzo, so JOHN H. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,, N. C. tnlice: Over Dank ofl'.nlield. UMi-llin Tie Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE New York World Practically a Daily at the Price ol a Weekly. No other Newspaper in world gives so much at so low a price. TWO SMACKS. A Burglar's Awful Deed may not paralyze a home so completely as a mother's long illness. Hut Hr. King's New Life Fills are a splendid remedy for women. "They gave me wonderful heiielit in cunstipation and female trouble,'' wrote Mrs. M, (.'. Dun lap, l.eadill, Tenn. If ailing, try them. J V. at all druggists. It's a pity a jealous woman unable lo keep the lid on. Chlidran Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA IS ! j "I saw John, the butler, smack i ing his lips, just now, as he went out. Had he been taking any thing, Katie?" asked the mistress. "What was he doin', ma'am?" asked the pretty waiter-girl. "Smacking his lips." Sure, he'd just been smacking mine, ma'am!" It take a conscientious man to enjoy his work if the pay is small. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. Mss. Wiks!.ow'!i S00TU11.0 svsrr han hero U'fi! lor over SIXTY YKAHSIiv MILLIONS of MOTIIKKS lor Ihrtr CHII.LiHKN WIULK 1KKTI1INO, wilh rKKI'KCT SUCCKSS. It BOOTHKS the CIIILII. BOITKN8 lire GUMS, ALLAYS all 1'AIN ; CL'KHS W IND COLIC, snd 11 the let remedy lor DIAKKHlhA. It ii ib oliitr!y harinlftt. fie lure snd ak tor "Mrs. WiDtlow't Soothing Svmp," and lake, S9 eOltf slB4. imi.t-bvevaUi bottle. want please get an old one. I all the glory I can get in en, for that's the only where I'll ever have any." After L. H. Mormon had emerged from the shanty he stood for a moment in deep thought. Then ho scratched his head and said half aloud: "Darned if I don't believe she's onto nie." Chicago Herald, HE great political campaigns are now at hand, and you : want the news accurately and ev promptly. The World long since n, it ir,.t established a record of impartiality, " ' 1 1 u l.. uv.. j :. ti iiuu uiiyuouy win uiiuiu us 1 111 ice- A-Week edition, which comes ev ery other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now The Thrice-A-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, hu mor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything to be found in first-class d'The Thrice-A-Week World's regular subsciption price is only $1 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the ROANOKE NliWS together for one year tor - - - tpm The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. When a girl gets engaged 10 a man she is merely sparring for time in which to make up her mind whether she wants 10 marry him or not. F0LEYS KIDNEY PUIS fi 0IIJstM KlMIIIANI lUHU piAXO TUNING Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty.' Leave your orders with H. Q, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg V.

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