I In the cure of consumption, concentrated, easily digested nourishment is necessary. For 35 years Scott's Emulsion has been the standard, world-wide treatment for consumption. ah Dmj.iit. An Indiana woman went to the ! GOULD'S W ATI-1 barn and found her husband and daughter hanging by their necks r,iiiU imiU Secures 25.000 1 1 irt vt n n nw&uftM-u vt & f WUI-N VOl! WANT IT I-ARI..Y from a i after, ter down. She cut the d.uigh- THE ROANOKE: NEWS. THLKSDAY, Jl'NE 8, 191 I. Published Every Thursday. BNTBttKI) AT I'UflTU I T II K A I' l k I I ' . ' " A1 NKI'ONIM I.AfSS l s ITKU. KA1IS D! 'MBSmi'lHiMN 1AMI: Our Year, (t'V mail) piMpa,.l. r'l '.n. Six .Month. " A weekly IVinoeiatie j..ui nal .It'inti'il to tlie material, e.liicaliiinal. p,.liixal ami airrieulliiiai uiteri-.! .!' MaliTas aii.l NlirtOIIIJ.lllll'e.lUlllU'w. Rrci-NT developments mdL'i'te that the ill-feeling which threatened 10 gather between i'r.ince and Car many over the situation on Mop'cco has blown away. While the un pleasantness was never acute, it was unmistakably present and in less temperate times might have resulted seriously. .iter Power on Roanoke river ; --W cliliin to he Itc.ulini.irtcrs This Property is the Nc iicst I ure W ater Powe; t.i Vurtolk mid Pctershurjj Mierc limitds Da n the Street Pailw avs ;ind Lighting Plants CALL of Thoirj us I ll 34, Your wants u t. iwkkkk e H:m (. M"IY ' The News and Observer's Wash ington correspondent, I homas J : Pence, sends out ihe Trank J. (iuuld, youngest son of Jay Gould, has doubled the mil lions iuh,riic.l troin his Coher by inu'siments in Virginia u.uiion iniere.as and water powers. Frank Gould's share of his lath- following er's gi eat fortune was 1 ,2,000.- E. Wollett, Littleton, N. C. ll of I lliinl r 1 -1 Ll. ' item of news for whi ch, breihren, , 000. Quietly, but u nil business I let us be thankful: J sagacity like thai upon which ihe "William Jennings Bryi'ii will j ungmal wealth i'l the famous f.im j not seek the nominauon for the ' ily w .is founded, the young nu'i Presidency under any circum-. has obtained a monopoly ot pmp i suttees next e.ii'. I'he vlisiui- ernes, w liidi expcris av should guisiicd Ni.bi.ekan is auihoniy for make him one oi the country's ilns iiuoi iii.iivii,, . inch he uubos- ncheMmeii. omed to-.Lei.il of lii liicuds m The tact became kiitun tliioiigh Congi e-s u In n m Washington a the presence in New York ol a number ol engineers u tin came M conler nil Mr. I iuuld. I luel MAM TACTl Of ft inmber. . .. i i. Rouli and Dressed - - All firades ami Sizes. tew days ago. Ni iw ill it the claim is made (hat I hiro stodc kiln dried I la. .riiitf. CciliiiK. SidiiiR. Mmildinirs, etc., on luiinl at ill times. I raining cut to order Pine Shinnies and I alius always oil hand the Postulhce Depai intent is on a self-sustaining basis the public i win naturally want one cent icuei postage, a ihiug they have long Till' tobacco trust has agreed J desired, but for which they have .VlvtMtiMiiir latt'H reaswioiMc aut fur oislioil (n Application. I, to be reasonable. Bkyan will some day learn the uselessuess of sending his wool gathering. DOKS the decision in the tobacco trust case mean that smoke will now go down ? Woodkow Wilson's western trip cost him $00 salary. Only the future will tell what it may cost Jud Harmon. A Georgia man attempted suicide because he had three wives in the past one has been considered fieient cause. ; retrained from asking owing 10 : the constant deliciis m the deparr ; iiietit. j Why the people who write let J ters should have to pay for the i ions of useless government docu ments sent out free is a matter not ' readily understood. ' Gi iVPKSuK Woodrou Wilson. ; of New Jersey, has gamed new laurels by his courageous action in defying the State Chairman of his party rather than give up Ins fight for progressive legislation. Al though it is an open secret that the SUI" great corporations are favorable to i Harmon, there is a rapidly deep- A! Oh in umihor r,f 0, n ! Cllillg COIU ICtlOll aillOIlg the IIUSSCS being told that her son, aged 7., had eloped, said: "Well, boys will be boys.' j that Governor Wilson is by all the I odds ihe ablest man now in pros pect for the next Democratic Pres idential nomination, and the most Dia. objects 10 exile and wants j vigorous champion ol popular to die in Mexico, says a dispatch. : rights and progressn e policies. Of If he goes back his desire may be ' Southern birth, ancestry, rearing speedily grantee MARY, being a woman us well as a queen, will ask at some mo ment during the ceremony, "Is my etown on straight?" Tm: heads of the tobacco irust are figuring on how to obey the Supreme court without inter fering with business. and marriage Ihe was born in Vir ginia and began life and married in Georgial it is not unnatural that Southern Democrats espeuailv re ii uce in Ins grow ing pov. ur Ral eigh I 'n igrcsMVc FaruicT W ins 1'inht lor Pile Li. a l.me as 1 : i -! i ' Ariuit:Y General Wickersham j is said to have once been a law yer for the trusts. He must h.ne trav- j eled the Damascus road : lf; the Lorimer inesiga;ion keeps up five years longer, he will be almost as well known as T Cobb but not as favorably ... an We are prepared to admit that j the man who cooked his wife in a j tub full of acid because she was a j suffragette was going a httlc far. 1! i t .0 I. O .'t'-ts among these is William C. ho lier, an oilier in a doen or more companies w Inch have been or ganized during the last lew yens Mr. Wliiiiier declined logo into the details of die 1 rank Gould in Vc'stmenis, luriher than to .ulmu that they arc more extensive than any ol his New York friends have believed From other aiuhorua tives sources it was learned that Mr. Gould has ju-.t sectiad con trol o! 2?,i'mHI horse watei povv ei on ihe h'o moke n er Tin- propel iv , ine iH ... e-: ! !re p.;w er lo Noi loik, vv he ! e Ms ( i-md now ow ns ihe street railw ,iv s and lighting plains. It is locaied only 70 miles from Norlnlk and f-'' miles from Petersburg, where he als.i o'a ;is eve! yi'ung in that hue. The Virginia and Carolina IVv er ( a iinpanv w as org anied onlv last week for the purpose ol i iking over this property The he id qu.irters will be at Weldon, N C. William C. lutner w ill be presi dent and Fru; Smei Join s.'vfei.try and treasure!. Although Mr (.i.nild has ,ul;ii;; ledly spent much lime rro-.jv.tifg in Vtrgittta hiinseif'. Ins i.per.itMis h iv e been can ;ed la: gciv 1 a cousin K.ibert N..rthr.-r. Inner, and Sitterdiug lutner. w ho is a Souihernei .-t cinei and unassuming manlier, i s.i.J lo be one or ihe aMc-t mgi n i is in the ninti'v 1 1-j a is ' u-.e! ! v ( iou'.l ! i ! lei : ii a:.. I ,!e Vc'.'T :e large w .itcrp-.Wv- -n il J.mies r.ver .11 U.chu'r.nd. . ' i1.--App.i!n.ltti., at I'elels! u; a. ,,:.! ,, . the h'appahamiock at liesknek--ii burg, and l,s on ihe lueiiioke river at Weld..n Auotiv.r o! tlie valuable G-i.ld propel ties w h,vh :-, be1.:!;' rapidly ., developed Is l!ie Richmond ,,r;J ! Chesapeake ka.lr-uJ More tlia.u S,t)iHi,00il has already Lea '" spent on tins work M.ss Helen Gould is said to be inieresl- h.-r nroii'eK enh COkMvMXT MAM I AC I l'ki: -:- S Tk'IC I (ik'ADliS I'kO.MI'T SHIPMENTS. f W- TIM I' aiul 'I.V h sendiny; "AtU iir lumber orders to US. Wo please the hard to please. YOUR EARfJlFQ CWtflTY .mcl.t I" ' lli, 'II. oa!. -ll. 1 III n-t iiialo- ii. I Ihil.e ..iv l a v.. a in- a l i-ii I., 0, .. :-$:The First National Bank:S: oi h ' t I ill1' s i ! 1 'i i -1 s t in i ! ic t't n i ' i ' '' . I lii-si' i't'1 1 ii.i-;i'.cs me i -sin 1 1 in any umi'iitit :iti! I t-;i in', n -la! I i i-i'iit.. paynhli- t mi niniii;i!iy m :in sn.al! .III-1 IrllrUuMr I " V lltf llf- I i.lUr t 1 1 1 1 1 l M M : i 1 ll I l I If 1 1 III II ill lit; nmlfi u!.!i!i;iiv C"ini!loui, I'll :iu cuimiiL' lu'W hut t-ii' i-.ii n iuv i-apm-u y CAN'T LAST Ok'JiVIIW . 1,11.1 I.. I.ill.1 ulal... I .hi. . ,a a. I- -' I . a laie rapaal. I ,.l II. os, ..ac. t! 1 1 . i 1 1 1 tr . 11, i l ti i t ti. t : . 1 . II. . i . . It.- i av - 1'ai.l, an-s:il, .an .-afula!. c,n .i; an.! imi.1i-i- MankMii llaliiax. N. .itliampti.il and Wuin-n I I p. r r.ail nil.-irsi is a pii.l.la' i. iiil.-ii'M i.--r Oo I'-aiiioiu" I. lis in.iiv ali.nu tlie ..:it laiiilone-aiid llim T I'" lii'uai; . n, lut ' 1 he First NiiiiiUl M cf Weldon, N. C. - fjgSigSBftiteg j . Konnokt' kn puis & KuscMitary.N.C h MANTb rf' Mi i 1 A BKAUTIFOL MANTEL T not . ::!v ;;s.:ui. i-u: oi .a I Jfi VY r jr . mei.i.ii. It m.iMs .1 r ...m i ,, i,.,.., i,. i ., i i, . .. !.. ,..!. 1,,.- n.- nil I b ) ii h i h h li if li vi i Mi ii 9) Clothing caps, Col YOU IN Shoes, Hats, ars, Neckties Jewelry, Watches Umbrellas, Ganes, Trunks, Bags. Suit Cases, Toilet Articles, etc., will be found in our new store, the one formerly occupied by W. B. Tillery, next door to H. C Spiers. Y i; V TV 1 lilAf, We tarry a complete line of Regal Shuts ror ,Men and women, $.3.50, $4, 4.50 and 5 Nettleton's Shoes for Men. $6.00 American (iirl Shoes lor women $2.50 to i lUister l!roMi Shoes fur Hoys, (iirls and Children, $1 to 2,50 Queen Quality Shoes for women $3.50 to 4 (iolil liond Hats for Men and Boys $2 Mallory Mats for men from $3 to 4. Onvx Hosiery from 25c to $1, We also tarry a complete line of cheaper goods The best that can be found in this vicinity. Call and see us when making your next purchase. New Goods Arriving Daily. 1 9) 9) n One means very eheetu.il lor the eU m this and other pn too I rrcscrvation ot health i-, a uuiet her brother. ! and cheerful mind, not alllieteJ with violent p.issiotis or eiiMr.uT.'J with immoderate earcs. All the nurses ot a .New V..rk hospital have quit because the are no longer permitted to receive le! j A Leading Ciiliiornia I )ruifKi-.t . ephone calls from ihen- jnung men , i'a-.i. m ri . u-u rn. friends. Fine. It pleasure inter-! ' m mi.-ai.-ii - w, -t,m,. m.i.i feres with jour work, give up the work. i Wkiting about the tobacco trust j ,,"J'' decision, the Rowland Sun says: ' I'ai i ii it I.. I.. ii i n u-ii . L,-. 1 I .il.-y li.itil.l I.. I .;ll-.ill.- ..I tin- liin-l , ..II the llUlk.-l. ' ll.airv :tu r l.ilii-, .,-,,111 .A.U .ii.taaiiii ii. . ihe effect of this decision right now, j j-,,- but it should in a short w hile cause ' (" "i thp nriei fr. nil.- iiii-H ic ..rli..r M' H ...V . .Vto MU.U.IW, ...l.'l.ll ....III- panies will now have some show ing on the market." Tm-: sentencing to prison of ihe half dozen men, w ho were using the mails to defraud innocent pur chasers into buying stock of the United Vi'ireless Telegraph Com pany, ought to have a deterrent ef fect on those who are still engaged in business of a similar nature. That is an interesting story that comes from the University of North to the effect that the degree of bachelor ot arts w as bestowed upon 88 gray-haired men who left ihe University in 1861 to join the Confederate army. A special act of the Legislature had been passed to make ii possible. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by loeul applications, us Ui,jv cannot rpoh the diseased portion of tl.e ear. There is only one way to cure .ti-al'iu-ss nd that is by constitutional reinedi.-a. Deafness is caused hy inilanied condi tion of the mucous lining of the lais tacian Tube. When thistuhe is inilani ed you have a rumhhnir sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is theresult.and uulesB the inltaintnation can be taken out and thie tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused hy Ca tarrh, which is nothing but an iullamed condition of the mucouB surfaces. We will give One Hundrel Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent tree. 1 rice 7o cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for ConBtipa tion. -I Iiail'l'U.' ll .'.ill i.r LliVrU ti, ,- I !n a I. in. a. I, ,,l l',. i.. air.lv 1... ti l-. t.-L.- .- a .'..I t. :i .1 iA ul llLr ',-itM.:lii. - t..,- li-.t .i.t.-l-i i!-Lr. i. ai . .a .-i v 1 1 i i v , a. I Piiitf ... I . I. I'.li-a.-. -i-i' an. I Yn :- " O.-l the ..n.'Mial I ..- It-v s 1 1. ai. 'y .in.l I at I ..iti...uii.l in ihr y, -II, , lau-ka.'-. i: ' I.V1IK Self is the mother of the biggest brood ot evils in the world. Self interest, self-will, self-esteem, self conceit, self-love, self-ease, self indulgence and self-gratification. tb'eol Mr. (ioulds asMiJ.ites said "l:r.i;ik J (iuuld, who i; iin e but little more than eiO eaiN i .Id, is ...'ic of the siiiancst biiMii,--.s men in ihis votiiury I le I.M.'t.N ahead all the while, aiul the ui.e-i metits he has made in irginsj ai e ol a character bound to tarn bag prolits In tact the earnings at ihe pieseiii tune are large. "I have watched mm fur e.i's now, and know linn to be thor oughly rractic.il Mr. (iould sel dom lets the public know w hat he is about until Ins purpose has been accomplished. The properties, which now coiisuuiie almost a mo nopoly ot ihe Virginia lighting power, and traction interests, have all been acquired through conli tlenti.il agents in this way."--New York American ; keeps ace.ni .it." t.mc i not . -::! uclui. bu: :.a mei.i.ii. It ui.ike-- a r "!! lii.re vlicer!!!! ;t:iv! ike W't li.iv.- them ..: d,!t. pnces. ALL STYLtS AND IIMIill. 1 hev make a handsome pa - tut It i hi w .mi to be loi g and Lo ..; a blv renieiiibeted by son.,.- .It.ir tia-elid pi'eseili him or her olle id l!i -e oi Halt and sei ic.a'.a. .io, i. . J. H. WALLER, u i .i.t i: m "i-i 1 1 iv. ri.l.ill . I al.-l. I I-;.. . i -. ai.i.ai 1 Vi I ai. 1 Main! .- l .-a-l 1.::,. MA( 'NAlK's CHICKEN POWDER Is Life to Chivkensand Itnkevs; Death In Hawks! Tolcy's Kidney Remedy I- paitieulaily 1 --, r 1 1 : 1 n 11. 1 .-. 1 I'm- ehii.n F s fel'..i.l. til". New Vork late , ' ' "f U.l-- and bladder 1 '.i.- lll.lir . Kansas ( it v. Mo., saw - t.a.l ; 11 ,rl" " ntuhw an. I fuiiiml II. e k.l a se ere attack of a did which settled ' "''V bladder actum and is li.-almn 111 111 v back and knlnevs and I was in ' sln'iiulheiiimr and l.iac-iu great pa. 11 fioiii tmul.1.'. A friend lec- ! onmien led Foley Ki-luey 1'ills aiul I , us. ,1 two i...ile ..f tliein and ll.. . have ' .lull.- me a woil.l 1.1' ir.n.. ' i I-: I l.MtK I 1: i I.i;k Measure up to every good op portunity that comes to you. When you live for others vou live in the best way for yourselves. Live for love, and you will love lo live. Loving folks are busy folks. 1 Middle Aged and Elderly People, I sc Foley Kidney Pills for ijuiek and permanent results in all cases of kidney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying irregularities. K. CLAKK. No life can be pure in its pur pose and strong in its strife, and all life not be purer and stronger thereby. The strange thing is thai a man who is satisfied with so little in himself demands so much in others. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA HOW TO CURE RHEUMATISM tf In Ad Intrrnsl l)U-atr Anil IU qtiirra An lulfrnal Hfin'il. Th rauso of rhrutniulsm and 1 In il e uses la an pxci'ps u( writ- .1. .J in o.-- ('IuihI. To euro this tt-rntiU li-,im i1 h u nl tmiHt be pxprllt'd an I I ho mi .- r vMiin t 1 ttuit no more nvi! v:. i tl 111 iJii fMMI VO UIII)UlM-H. hln (lift 1 1 "ii l un intiTiml lilaeiine nnil r-t-i" hi internal rftnctly. 1:1 'HH1 Ni : t,s i'Hs ami Liniments WILL N'nT I'l l;!;, un.it'ls only tonnMirary rt'llf-r ut I :.u.sim you to delay the proix-r u :n -n tit, anil allows tht malady to h i tirnuT (iolil on yo'i. Liniments ma;. i tin pain, but they will no mu?.- ur 1:1 t imiatism than paint will chun.- tn -flb'-r of rotten wood. Sutnce has at last ui covered ft ir. f i nnl complpto cure, whii h h lMu-ttmacidp. 7stel in hunJroilsnf l u-n it has effected the most marvelous ruro wo believe it will cure you. Hlu-uma ma prts at the Joints from the Insule, sweeps the poisons out of the system, ten. h up I tlifl stomach, regulates tlie liver aiul I kidneys and makes you well all over, t Ulieumacide strikes the root of the d!- ease and removes Its cause. This splt-n- did remedy Is sold by drusst aid ; dtalera Renorally at 50c. and $1 a bottle. ! In Tablet form nt 2T.c.and 50c.a package. Wiite to Bohblit Chemical Co., Haiti nmre, Md. Booklet free. Tablets pent Coif Walk "HOT' je The H:unaiJ I l.u.i- M o at'- I' I 11 I" K ! N !''.',, I ' ) I ' . i-l aa.l 1". - -. 1 in v .-l.i) l: .1. . ii w.ili .1. I.... 1 .k ai ax- an.i r- l!,, Il.mk. i m-k a .1..,. .1,- ,1..,. R. E. Draper Company, I.NCOKPORATED WELDON, - - - NORTH CAROLINA. Watch, Clock m Jtwdry .ll- ..! i - a. In 1,1 a- i 11 I'- 1 It. i. " '" "" y " i 1 ;i 'i an I ! ll. a: a- .a "W. G-. XSY. an. I lau- NCH. 1 la-v I . ,. wiKi i. u n,-. r. . I, j SIMdNli ! I 'or lieaut ifyins the Yard AiMi Jcijtu .itive pKinis for ihe house I ul'tiT atuiy a I i.f li.at -tt'l . U llifli till'! i'uii ti ll mi M i N 1 - - I llli KKS :Choice Cut l:lovers I. -i ii-Miiil :iu I ull mumuI 'rnts. Kloitil -iiliMiii' ananLr''l in tin most artinlic -tlrut short inHiet'. Mail, toleplume tn! tvl.vTtaph (nliT prompt I v executed I IV J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY, -.iKl.-TS, K.M.LI'JM, North Carolina. Ii.iiii-s I III Ask fur puce lti MACN.MR'S LHILKtN POWDER K ill- llaak- I I ),. un. I MiiiI I:. -t I. III. i I.. I 1 la. I.:l.r, Hi nip. I.i:i.l-. - Sivk. In lik-.t.ii an. I I..-U Walkll. " kri - II.. IH Ilia. Imin .a nun. ll.t-i. !.v can aiL' th.aii to .ii..lm.- an :i!a;a laiiec- ul I'rice 25c, SOc nnd l.t)0 Mai.at.i.'liir. .1 unly l.v W.lt.Mncnair Chicken I'owderCo. i ..v :;n. sm:i di.K. V.v. -aii'pli' I'a.-kafi'. . ciaits. w ii!. y..ui t!rali-i s name. I ur val.- l. 1! . -II iV, Wi-I.lon, N.C. t :'7 -I j pi ANO rn'NlN( m'ail. FOR HAI.K RY W. M. Colwn, WbKIoii, N. V. Itouuoke I'l rinaoy, Koanoke HapiiU. foiontH.Teun unaitfijuiifAlje Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. (i, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH, I'etersburjr, Vii FOLEY'S ORINOlAXAllVi ifOIIYSlilDNEYCUM ukm ma)r( and HUMm- Hlght Onyx U0W ,ftr. ry . f- ' j 1 k. . ; . ... i . . - .....-., $'6 g"4r Famous Hosiery Men.for Women and Children. Oau.e Lisle and Silk rf5rr''' R. R. DRAPER CO., Incorporated H m m n m n u u u m u u u m n n n n m n n n-u $b $e, $tir $b 4b n$ 'a xV- u n i i n 1 1 a JiMtv $b W W W W 40 .. a si s a he m m rn K LLI Suits Furniture going at About half price. Jftfj the WU suit. Crockery, Glassware, Druggets and Blankets from the recently closed hotel. Bargains for all We bought these goods under the hammer and give our customers the benefit, Come quick while it lasts P. N. Stainback. The Insurance business of the late P.N. Stainback will be continued by ROWT; & STAINBACK, (II. it. H"n il'.N Smsim K,.lr ) m u m n m n m u m m n n u u m n m n m 0 ItG S VA 'A y$ Lisle from 25c. and SOc. PURR SILKS IromSOc. to $1.00. In stock at the IMlOTOtiUAlMIS ! The Satisfaction Store, Weldon, N. C. 1 Buildings covered over twenty years ago are as fxxl as new and have never needed repairs. Fireproof Stormproof Hand some Inexpensive. For further detailed information apply to T. W. BUSSBLL. Weldon. N. C, 1 have just put In new backgrounds un. I -. vcial !! Ktvlriof I'liotofrraplix. an.l t.llei M.ccml in.liii't uienlg I. r the j ne.vt ;m (luy. W e know vie can plea'e yi .i wiih a gi.o.i pnuid((iaph or your self. 1 all ami n t ine. M. F. TIMHY t'liotoKrapuer, Weldon, ti, C, ai naiiux every Ul Md Sti Kondar,