Ion Who Don't Believe In Bargains GO TO THE RESCUE. Don't Wait Till It's Too Latt- 1 r 1 1 HI IJ 11 f'ollow the l:aniplo of a Wei don Citizen. WAKM I T Si at "If r 3? ! 5 "Si J , 'V Ji ' f ' r i- .i r, . r; Kcsl'uc the iiih hick. H it keeps on aching trouWc comes Backache is kidney ache. If you neglect the kidneys' warn ing, Look out lor urinary trouhlc--diabetes. This Weldon eilien will hoe you how to no to the rescue J. T. 1). k.iu lines, Second si., W eldon, N. C, says; "You are welcome to use my name as a ref erence for the merits of loan's Kidney Fills as 1 have tested this remedy and know it is reliai-lc I had backaches and pains thnuieh my kidneys and was bothered by irregular passages of the kidney secretions I finally IV.m'n kidney 1 'ills ai ( Vhtii s I i :.. n - and it as nut lone l h ' : '' gave uie clinic rclnf I ,.i -.ii, hi :' . i "' 1 1 i i: i 1 1 i.i i.n . ' -m.i,' ... . Hi- ..! I1., i " i"f - 1 HI: KOANOkl; M'VVS. Tin isn i , .h n .'V, I'M l Published I ery Thursday. KM'KKKIi VI rili'KKIi K VI UKIO.'S As NBMM I..ISS l M'il'.ll. K 1 1 S (M SI B1 1 H IN IN l' M I": One Yeai. Ly mail' in'-i.a:.l. ji X -mx Months, " " 7 .. A ueikly I ','Mii.o i Mt if j.miial .termed to tin- matei'al. educational. vl:t,i-! and aeiiinilunal interests of Halifax and snn'oiilidi nu counties. A Uvit!MiiLr lutes reasonable and I'm- !,,'.! on ai't'lioatii'ii. A SPLENDID ACHILV LMLNT 0 l: accounts audited and allowed by the tow n Hoard of Weldon, N. C, for the fiscal ear ending April MK ln, and all other accounts allowed for which no vouchers are filed. li 1 ) ' i I, I'. J ' ' .,, ,1-! ' ' ' s . ESSE MS MAY M"W W .'iU ii- ni.lV"!. s H M i "l.i'i: :i' .1- I- I i: sa.ii1 .i.'s. (- W .1 I !,!.. :' W i 1 aiUnd. .Mv i':i n.-.-i ! j; I'ain.l. ,'nlnniisli.ln'! I I' -lailii'ai'i-. ' I U I Milltt. i W I M'otl " i I U Ml I'h'.'Il. tl.'as;,,,., . , j I ' I ' "'.ii'k, i'I'. i i(' 1 .1 H I'lrn-,'. -1 ...i ' - ,(, u I II I c. i' X. I V'.. ''A V N ..,.!.: .,,!, ,, I Im.1I, c HI I'ii in I, a, !i,n ! II i i .. j" In! !.. II M i".-! ... I.,, i .,! l ''. 1 1 I i ' I "11 :.,n : .... -mv lslil civi'i. "Thoroimli InstructUm uniliT poslthdy Clirlstlun lnilui'iu-i'8 at I Ik- lowint pimslble cost." Kl SI L I': li l' l"-'lnv with lU fm'iiltv of ".2. a I'l aruh.ii I'l.truiiiH'o of 3.8, J . I , i U., .,!.,,... ..r,V. 1 Jll 1 11 Ml Till: I I AIMNt; TRAIMNt; SCHOOL FUR CIRLS IN VIRGINIA so ,. v. il .I.:.w.k f.t tin' vir InrhidiiMr tat V t -ar.I. r- m. linl.t- nt.m v I M ,'.lrv in, , in .il ttn:tl..n. I'hvsii'al rultiiiv ni',,1 ti:tO"ii In nil Hi!';s't cx.'i.a i;.iim.''.'i..I iloni!."!! I "i-' a:. I ay. :..i. ti Uai.k aM'v, KLY. 1IIOS. UOSM.K Kl'EVES, B. A., rriueipul. I.I W K s. ONI. Vtc,-f,y Vr WMCN WANT li.Akl.N CALL 34, 'Phoiif Your wants ,1- With its usual spirit of enter prise, the Charlotte Observer will issue Wednesday, July 2)ih, a special edition of about 1H) pages, telling the story of the present con dition and future possibilities ot the territory uf the twu Carohnas between ( ireenwood, S. (!., and Uurham, N. C It is tlie story of staff correspondents and will be executed in the best mechanical style. This paper will be sold b all newsdealers and agents of the Observer at the regular price of ?c Wrapped copies ,;: be sent by nia:l pos:p,ii i,,m th. Observer ofbee in (ai.iilotte t, .ii". address in the w.'ild for !i'c ea.:; Newsdealers ai:..! igrtiis -!:o.!.! send the.r orders m tarty. V. matter u here mr frtenJs b v order copies of tins e.Mion s-ri . them Send the r..iT,- a::d .id dresses itii reui.n.nue . .r e.i;!i copy t . tiie (,':rcu!.:i:o:i 1 :p.r : mem. Tite 0-ser er ( . ::p.r-v, tdiarlotie. N C .11 Nl (. 110 A H .'. : i'.l' "I s M I' ....ii- . " l W i ,.., ii in a-'.i. i 1 1 I -'a in a.'l.. .'i' ii. I W f , si ,.,,; V alt' ' ' 'al iaii'1 ' I' N tai:ii'ai'i- .-..m W I. s.'i'lt. I: 1 faiiii'l t :.a W V W - i'- :' i 'af'"i :ui t a'n V -la ;,! a.'s l..o- a.i 1 .in' ii . I"j II ,u..-. Maul.- I" M.I'.OI - I ill'V tV I ,.;,. ii ai'.'.'ai.l - 1 ' ' ii i ' i i -. r:i . u.!i I'r I K on i ii. annual -aiaiy N nl,' "A! 1 nil I ! U- ll." I l'lll. l; II 1. 0 I' l.'.i'i.o 11 I'll .1 .mltvtai.t .11 LY 4. IXIO W W lV . :r.o 'i M I ..... II- !;..! ...!l;V W M 1 nil, 'II Or:l-:;n I 1' li sl.,n;0.i''L. i'i, is .1 V I n t.',' -I I'u III Wall. I oailaii l -''JO i,j, i hTl'aii.'L .'.m. I' N Ma. ii: a. W I MS li. W 1' M ;ol I, N A U l' i . , :. I'. ', I II I, K '.o I. V. n ..' -Oal V Ma :i!'.u-'o I..O an : ,' :. I' Hi. Ii ' tt H I'.o -' I M '. in I. w . i. i'ai:ki:i;. i!" r"1 . -. .v V ,V h ,S .'', , iv ft N- i . -. i, i: i oa.. , ' v I --f.a - - M i '" in I.- i'.i I ,i"ii. , ,:, i, ,'t II O . I..,, .!',.! o x . I o;,., i; , . ;.'. ... . i, N .. a I' . , E. E. Wolletl, Littleton, N. C. 1 .Mi.- v ,m - s ',X. ? Ik r MIS week we bejrin a sale of some 250 boy's suits I as made by the W idow Jones, of Huston, Mass., any 1 Samuel W. Peck, of New York. These are anion2 the leading clothing houses in America, and we w ish to impress upon our mind the fact that every suit put out by either of these khI firms, is absolutely guaranteed bv them. We are offering these good clothes at prices that sluiuld interest every one who has the least idea of pur. I chasing aim mm' in me line oi Knic KerDocker suits V an earl date, at M M I C I I'kLk 01 North Carolina Pine Lumber. k'ough and Dressed - All tirades and Sizes. I I: Hkl ft. 1011 I V, y I a I I :. !"' 11 l.m.n.t i; i i.,.. ' . "" . ! i' '. ' . ; liirKi-stiuk kiln J i rimiiiinj. Ceiling. Sidititf. .MmildiiiKS, etc., mi hand at all timi's. I ramini; ,ul In nrdcr I'inc Shingles and l atlus alas on hand Cdk'k'liCT .MAMTAC 1 1 k'l: -:- STRICT (ikADliS PROMPT SMIPMKMS. : VVK I I Mi: .-md M()M;V by sending our lumber orders to I'S. s-:i Wo please the hard to please. 5 M kV II ft. I lishlll si'llU'llls ' ; i - ' . ' i l til SI I. I'I0 '. '.' -On. '. . i - H " I ; i VN'dk S k'l I'tik' I 1. Mere's Proof of Truth As In the aboe loo in our show windows al the liiuh grade suits we hae mar ed down to such a low price that lite) are in oi an. I hey may loo to mu lief higher priced suits than we first had them marked, but i .. . i . ... i . i . t iiii uui v11 iwpiuiue iii it ii simc iiu see mere in anv size iiu wish at the price shown today or anytime while this sale lasts if mhi hurry before the sizes are broken ton badl And We Go Further Every man or woman who lives in or visits Weldoii is given the unrestricted right to come into our store go to the rack or tables and select identically the same suit at the prices given from the show window. Look here Parents Guaranteed Blue Serge Knicker bocker Suits, any size worth a $5 bill for only $3.75. Guaranteed Brown, Gray or Tan Mixed Colors, etc., worth from 3 50 to $10 now going at $2.65 to $7.50 Others from $1,50 to 3 25 now go ing at from 115 to 2.45 a Widow Jones Eg lS h 1 Tl!!- l.Uil'i'l'J lUl!A (,:' I t'ompany has .IccJeJ to flic I' s (ic ennncm a s;:c 1 00 'c: mj.i ire on Guilford iMtii.f";.-!,! r cru tion of the .0.ihh) ; General Naiiia:!:-.! tircvic. : ' commanJc! the At.vt.vm:! f..r..- 1:1 this great hattle The : leeteJ lor the ;:m;' ,ni " 1 .- a'-. 1,1 lull feet simihe.1-1 ot (:k- N i n iiioininieiil i: is n:i.L rsiunil ili.n 1 he go., i-mr.iei.i .i ill m in.,'! uaietit Juiir.: ih.. e.11 in,t ;!i.' iitn eilin ee u ,-.','-. a ii! ukv r.i.e .it the I ali ul .la! . , ri' l 1 ii,. mi ill i'-ll.' I I ,. .- !"l 1, : 'A .1.1 1 .- 1 1 1 a 1 I., i' N .0:1.', :..! . 11 o i. .,,' ,v M'kfll. .1. I ''I I 1 s-.a 1. a.' SI ITLMlU k 5. ICHO Tin oi;..;:: -u:!r,-el.:: a., i.o lecteJ by the New York Senate I y the ehise vote of 17 to hi xna tor Tun Sullivan, however, ,nd U u of profihe.'," "1 '.v.i"i tell you that v..;na:! sarage is ! o,;;i,l to come, li is nut a matter of ti e next fifty years, hut it will he given in the next year or two.' 1'ini is a practical politician, aiui he knows . what he is talking ahotit. Canaia is in such need of farm hands that the Immigration De partment is advertising in 7.UU0 newspapers in the 1)01111111011, the I'niteJ Slates and dreat Britain For uurkeis, and yet there are men who say they can't find work Makk Twain's estate ann..unis , to considerably more than S 400, -000, showing that a man may be toth au.lio," ,tiij liiiihoi, and ) et 1 make as much money as some . snug business men. j I In n' is mini' l a'.airh . ti s. i'in,n of llii-iMiuniiy tlian all ,aliT .li.'a-s f put tuir, 'tin i and until tin. U-t 1, yoais was sii,ins,.,l tu 1,,. itiom ai .It . I ur a great many y, ai. dui'lms piuiiounocil it a local ilisi'as,. an. I pn'siMilicil lui'ul remi'dioa, uihl liv t'liiistantly fuiliuK tu cure with local tii atiiii'iit, inonoiiiici',1 it mcuial.lt1. si'it'iii'i. has proven ca tanli to lw a constitutional disease and therefore re. nines constitutional treat ment. Hall s Caiaarli Cure, manufac tured by F. .1. 1 heney ,V t'o., Toledo Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the inaikrt. it is taken internally in Jones from 10 drops to a teaHpoonful. It acts directly on theliloyil and mu cous surfaces of the system. They of fer one hundre 1 dollars fur any case it fails to cure. K. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 7." cents per bottle, gold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for Constipation, M i 1' I -' i u r 'l all' , II I '' A I I s - 'a i -. u l , I. .'.Ml. ' -'!.!. OCTOhCK ,t. uio W., ', 1 I'.u.i,!' i -.'.,. .'...'. I s l ; ay I, I 'A Jani' - l''I';iu I..: i'l.'S ll i; , w i' i .. , i ii... -,-pt .in S li '-i ,'!'. i'.-,'-t:l,L' I'l i, W Tv.- 'ii:u!ULr Lrail,aLre can 1' --ia i.i'a.'k. I.av and i'"in. i-.i.i.- i'-aoi''-. M j'a'iii.ii slu'.l-' j ii-. n.av.ii -Mil ii- i'l. ,i-i roll,'.-. ' M i "i..'ii. ti, -as 1' I. -U'lifia.'!, el, 'ii; .1 I'.. I.',', -I I'uiii I' N -laitil'ai'k. com W i -l,a. if I' I'aiiirl. W I. si'ott. II l.l, rant. W 11 l'av. slmeiliif mule, etc 1 in. Ml Jo .'! (Ml :t 'm i'J li". t :" te mi in no a os 1 no I no I mi t no 1 no 4 :ki ulll - M 0 U 'A 1', a ii. I.' and t,.. .o.ih and I, ,'dnm' llOL-!.l 'HI dl-'lll',' I ., : : ii-.,- 1 l !' ...- 1 :". .o I . ' I i 'I- W v .. i- II i I..-.1I ,.a,. i:, I'.'.iiuli, W U l. i. IN- Ma M o . ' i '1 1 -" f!' nl .nil. I ' 1 1 ii o l.i I.'. I"i A 1 iv,- It. ll A I'. I ,.,, il I i o, a. i', - I l.y ami paid 1 i. asiiii'i Halaii inc. Mavl 10 1 . .'a i iinI eea ' c 111 I llil, .tit., t;. OVUMBER 7. 1910 W W iifitins. mayor s aa S M Oickens, chief police :!.", on V M Cohen, treasurer I'. :,o t) K Stainliaek. clerk In On ,1 W Tierce, st com W lieoive Iaimr. scavenjrer In no II I. ilrant, com I ll V 1' Shaw, " 1 no W I. Scott. " I mi K l" haniel, ' 1 no 1' N stainliaek " 1 on 1' N Stainliaek, blanket, hay and corn Hi In Man-ell's House, dockets, 4 utl S M Hiekens, pay roll "i 7n lr I K (ireen, J annual salary !."i ihi Willie I'ortis. disinfecting e "in DECEMBER V 'V Wiggins, mayor s its ii M Dickens, chief police, 60 00 KECAPITl'LATION. iid.'is paid, ay Into " .tune " .Inly " August September " ' October " Noveuilier ' " lleceinber " .lanuaiy lull letnuaiy " Maich " Apid I . l;lll. I Intnl. ; . I. I'. I . slauihai-K. eleiK ol ttie linunl ol'i .iniiiiis.inni'is f,,i ti,,. tri f w,. dnn. f . ,n ll, I, -by ,','ltlly Hun . I'lfmiiiiL' i" a true and eiunvt stui, :,, nl' all expenditures f..r the Itseal vai eii.timr mil, as appeauin; on the records nl this nlliee U K UMlAl K.( 1,-rk May I, pall. TREASl kl;R'S REPORT. I'o the Honorable l:.,aid of Couuuissiou. ers of the Toimi of W eldim. N. t .: (.entlenieu: I beg tiisuluint herenith a statement of the nuances of the town of Weldon, lor the year ending Apnl in, lull: Receipts Hal in Treasury. May I, ttlltl, ijisTsi :s liee'dofs M Dickens. taxes iimo. eiitrr 111 liee'd of S M Dickens, acet. street ianng in:! Ml Dog Tax la ihi Near I leer Tax, tlnn no Privilege Tax, Ml vju Int. on bridge Kuud 9 (hi ale of Mule 50 00 eted. SI-- w T. sll AU . U I iMtl. 1. -Mil l, t ouiuiill.' WATERWORKS AND SEWERAGE ORDINANCE, A pi titimi baMiii; been presented tu tl.e llnaid ot I ,on:ill--l,.llets nl'ttie tow n I'l tt ei'l. -ijllvtlllK the said lloaid 1,1 I "iii:i. --:.'liei ti, ploM.le holding an el. et'.'l, t.. ;t-i'i 1 1.1 . ll the will nl' the p. "... .'! . 1.1. .11 as to Issnilni l.nn.i t"l II,. i'-l;il'l,s!,lllellt ,.t a system ,it H alei 11 i'l,,. met s, , 'Hi!.',,. I I"'!' I. .1, . the I'.nllld .,1 I '.IMI I ,,111 llii-s:,,!,, ,, ll,, -aid to.MI nl' Wl'l.l, 111 10, d the weila I the said !"! ol ttel'l'.ll le.jlllles the estal 'I is h men t of a si-leni nl' unlet l .iksiiiid -eleiaL'e and dn so de, laie by ihis ordinance. 1 be H .1" . I l.t tn I" .-v ,.'.i.... I,,.- ll, ,. Ol , s;l..lLr ;l - slcln 1,1 IV Utl'T IK, I k - Hil l M HI'MLI' chilli Hot ,','.', d till' S nt Mo no". l i, a itam tl.e will ol the people nl II, e t.'ll ll nl , .,. a t,, ,.. Illg l"'li.!s I., I the estab t.sbuielit nt a si -tell! ul liit, I ll.ilks all"! sewetai:,'. 11 IS nldeled that an eleetloll be held on the thlld l iles.hiy in September, I'M I. the -ame beinir septeiuber the mib. mil. and it is lintbei otdeied that dot ' notice of said eteelion shall beigiven as nrnlided bv law and that said eleetun, shall be held under the said rules and regulations as me inesei ibed by law. ll is tiirtlier ordered that those in lavor ol ' issuing bonds lor water winks mid sew erage shall vote a ticket on which shall be the wolds "I'lir w ater wot ks and sen eiai:e" and those not laiormg ismou said bonds foi water iioiKsaudsewet age shall vote a ticket on n Inch shall be the i words "Against water works and sewer- 1 age." I 1 1. K, StainbaeK is hereby appoint- ed Registrar for said election to be ' held as aforesaid and .1. T. I'oiie nud K A. Harris are hereby appointed judges , and inspectors of said'electinii to beheld as ordered as aforesaid. I'.v order of the board: W. W. tt U.UINS, Mavor 1 1. li. s lit N HACK, tiers. TESTING THE EYE W lie a of tiiiJ. glasses ate :: ."J.'.l ,i hi os oj-ii, .md have ''in i es - .i!i::;;i il Don't Lose Siv;ht "i the t.ut th it ymi i ill ruin your iU's'.v t.ij'lcvt I e mi '.nil causes hcaJ.iJie, uet'Vuiis prustr itiuti and other ills ul' body and until. All this can be prevented by the use of "lasses properly titled and accu rately made. J. H. WALLER, tl.Wl.l.l.U AND i'1'l b I Y Weldon. N . c. ttateb Inspector for An .,iH. and Mlantic Coast bin,'. Hello! This is just to remind von Hint the linul iigcnt for I lie SATIKUAY EVEMNd POST Is .1 Lewis Karkley, Phone No. 70, mid that your order (or this publication will he greatly tippre cinted. and that you can call me up or drop me a postal card. (live a hoy a chance. Cost 5c. per week. EXCURSION FOLEY'S ORINOlAXATlVl (em Siisuii Tnuuni ndCeiuitrtTien To Washington, U. C, Richmond or Norfolk, Va., July 25th via The Atlantic Coast Line. l rotti intermediate stations be tween I'ayetteville, N C, and Keains, 'a , inclusive, to X'asli iiiRton, I). (.' , Kichinond or ,or lolk, a. Tickets on sale July 25th for all regular trams, limited to return Saturday July 2h. Now is ymif ehance to see the capitals, or spend your vacation al Ocean View, Vu., one ol' the besi resorts in the South. See your ticket agent, lor ex tremely low rates. I T. C. Will i I. ! General Passenger Agent, i Wilmington, N. C. j The N. C. College of ! AiricDlta and Mechanic Arts j The Slate's Industrial College ruin-year eonises in eneiiltuie; m Civil. Heetiioal and Lvhaiilea! Iln;! ni ei iinr. in Industrial Chemistry, in t 'ot ton Mannfai'tniiiii; and livenn; iiin veal eonises in 'hunu. ,, llM, M I'extile Alt (hie year eoiiise m Aun. I'nltnre. I liese eonises are both niaeti eal and sen titiiii'. Kxaniinalions I'm ' adiiiiss'iin aie held at all enmity seals; on .Inly la. l or eatalou' address TH I; kLOISTRAk. tt est l.'ali iirh. , C. fOLEYSKIDNEYFUlS I -ft I f 1.' R. E. Draper Company, INCORPORATLI) WELDON, - - - NORTH CAROLINA. VA M 'AS W ?A M n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft J 1 Am Suits Furniture going at Almiit liall price. J8r. ft ft n ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Crockery, Glassware, Druggets and Blankets from the recently closed hotel. Bargains for allj We nought these goods under the hammer and give our customers the benefit, Cotue quick while it lasts P.N.Stainback. The Insurance business of the late P.N. Stainback will be continued by kOWTi STAINBACK, i U l I. K'iVS m i p vr,,v i. v I, ft ft ft ft . ft ft ft ft ft ft , w ; $ k n J ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft it it n $c&4r &4, $'4, &c $V xS-t M They last n lifetime. They're Fireproof Stormproof Inexpensive Suitable for all kinds of buildings. For further detailed information apply to T. W. IUSSEILiT-., Weldon, N. C. IMlO'I'tdlfAl IIS ! w i I l ine just nt in mn l.Hfls tii'111"'" .and seieiut lie sllii,f I'liotonial''" i a. el i ll, r s,ee.iil uidiioi inent" l"i .i .i . ii .lav V . liu.n- ne eau .lt'" . .i. a. 1 1, a it 1. 1 d lu.ti itili of vour' j sell I ail nl,. I m e ll.e j At. T. TIM HY, I I hiiloKmidier, Weldou, N I" I At MiJirsx Tty 1st and 3rd Monday. In v-1 S'rJ.MC-i'";:'. vf

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