i. r t I v r f. FOR HEARTBURN SIM MONS it r.it LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDI'R FORM) It sweetens the stomach and purifies the bowels. It is a tine tunic tor a torpid liver. Helps digestion, makes you feci bright, vigorous and cheerful. Sulil try Dealers. Pi ke, Large Package, Sl.OO. Ask I -r '!, iciLirir Hill. ll,.- Rr.l ,! i ,,,.. "I J. II. VHIIN ft CO., rroprlHnrt, Si. Louis. Mis THE tobacco trust doesn't ask a rehearing, it has heard enough. . Will-UK is the olddashioned campaign against the boll weevil? Tin; Reciprocity act having been parsed, Congress can now adioiirn ; 1 lin ' I' perlected the self m.u i in j iiiiioinobile, Now for die u;i p.iueiured lire. ) (ill MM. to Wllulttaid of an tlecirii Ian is one of the niosi po u!. ii div ersions of the day ; 1 1 s anybody looked to .ce il the equator has accidenially slipped northward a few notches? '; Oin;kiss snll manages to keep the name of Roosevelt before Hie public, in one way or another. f. J I.N aJJitum to the lolls, why not let I'ncle Sam run occasional ex cursions on the Panama canal? 4 It will be noted that the mills Continue to erect new buildings, despite the annual "curtailment. " Wiikki; is the old-fashioned man Who said he expected to get an automobile when the price got down to $200 ? Auout the only encouragement Some July days can otter is that the bustle of Christmas shopping is t least three months away. Il-' IV. Wiley were a smaller man, lie might be tempted by the recent public confidence shown in him, to become a 1912 possibility. Till- Democratic Senators who voted against ihe Reciprocity act Simmons, of North Carolina; Bailey, of Texas, and Clark, ol Arkansas. ?Disi'ATCiit:s from the Nt v Jer sey summer resoris sho . that Governor Wilson hasn't be n able as yet to do anything with t ie Jer sey mosquito. It is now practically cen the Maine was blown up fi outside, despite the state:. Gen. W. H. Bixby, Chief gineers, U. S. A. in that m the ent ot f F.n- Tai.K about optimism. 1 or the real genuine article give us the Newport News Times-Herald, li says that Alton B. Parker could be elected President next year ' At Brockport, N. V., the Ileal was recently so severe that it baked apples on the trees. Now if those apples had had dough on, the peo ple could have had apple; pie. Now that one of Newark's lead ing clergymen has said, "Damn the ice trust," the conferring of the D. D. degree takes its place as a respectable and innocent diver sion. This investigation business has ibeen going on quite a while and still we have not found the "good .little trusts as Roosevelt used io call some of his pets, thai contnb mted so liberally to republican c.un- jpaign funds. i """ Congress is its own punish ment. It might have taken a vote Ort the important questions and gone home long ago, but Congress has such a way of sitting around thai it is not supnsing the hoi weather caught up. A Kentucky boy smoking a ci garette sei fire loa barn, and eleven fine horses were burned to death. Of course that boy had to smoke to ever be a man, and the dealer haJ to sell the deadly things to hold his trade, and the public encourages ihe smoking habit because boys must smoke io develop their nerves and brains. J.5U TO WILMINGTON AND Return. Account Reunion of the North Carolina Division of the United Confederate Veterans on August 2nd and 3rd. the Atlantic t Coast Line will sell excursion tick- f ets to X ilmington from stations in t . North Carolina at an exceedingly low raie. 1 ickets will be on s f.e .lulv 3 1 si and August I si and 2nd limited io return lo reach original starting point by or before midnight of August bill. I he rates orten io the public and will be will be i $3.50 for ihe round trio from Wei don, with half fare for children live years of age and under twelve. For further particulars and lick- call on W. B. Lawson, Ticket I Agent, Weldon, N. C. f i Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Ullertual for eouiflisand colds in eith er Children or grown pcrKon. No opi MA, no harmful drugs. In the yellow I iage. Keluae ultitutei . J E. CLARK. Sour TWkhinn, Poor Appetite and Constipation, you need H V.ii .MI4I...I ,t it, rrlliil , in, ' I'.n ui al., in li.m.l l.irm ,,t tin, . 1j1. 1. f ,r,u rt ,,, , w, wl . THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Ju.y 27, 1911. Till- LOCAL PAUL. All the News of Town and Vicinity fathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. I he cucumber i'. weailuT. has nothing on Nobody is wiling I'm a ii'iitll nl the hoi wave. U.S. 1 laiiisiin. ol Inlield, u,is lere .Monday. Open season for ihe back to die arm movement. The dog days are here, and .i"e the stray dogs. , people I It's hard work for some lo gel sufficient rest. It's poor policy to turn a deal ear to the telephone. One way io make money fast is to nail il to the Moor. Age may bring wisdom, but leaves little to use il. The rain was also in time for the ate watermelon crop. Admire a woman and she will aJmire your good taste. A very few men make money; Ihe rest have lo earn it. There are two sides to an argu ment, but only one end. liugene Daniel is spending the week at Morehead City. The 1 lookworni in I lalitax coun ty may as well surrender. If you want io make good there is no time like the present. Nothing looks more silly than a smile that is long drawn out. Miss liva Stainback has returned home from a visit to Norfolk. Miss Marie Partin, of linfield, is visiting Miss Alice Dickens. Wanted to know the hiding place of the Weldon base ball club? July has given the farmers just ihe right season for a bumper crop. There is no better sign of the age than the interest shown in high ways. Weldon's baseball diamond is ; likely to grow a beautiful crop of! weeds. I Miss Margaret Garlick has re-: turned home from a visit io Vic-; ioria, Va. A woman's idea of a good time j doesn't run io regrets the next ! morning. This is just as good a season as you'll have for cleaning up ihe i premises. j Miss Margaret Jennings, of Ches ter, Va., is visiting Miss Mary P.I-! len Travis. The trains are crow ded each day. Lots of people traveling these warm days. Thank goodness, the waiermel on crop isn'i in ihe hands of the speculates. We slni;:'i consider the cotton crop a lailt. - if it brings as much as 14 cents. Why is ii that while automobiles are getting cheaper, horses are going higher. July appears io have maJe up for the deficiency of rainfall in May and June. Miss Siella Die!;ens is visiiing relatives at Halilax and Aurelian Springs this week. Miss Haitie Le :gett, of Scotland Neck, was here donday on her way to franklin! mi. The blackberry crop, the ne groes' best fri.'iul, was almost a failure in this s.-esion. The day is last coming w hen we shall have io change from ice cream sodas io hot chocolate. We think e are in had shape, but ihink of ilie condiiion of De troit, with Ty Cobb sick. Mr. R. M. Purnell is spending his summer vacation at Norfolk and Washing on, D. C. Small factories and a variety of litem are hi' things for the towns in which they are located. Mr. and Ms. J. L. Shepherd and children have been spending some lime ai Ocean View. Fresh roasting ears, ripe toma toes, and fat chickens. Why not ' have that Brunswick stew, now?" j Departed this life very suddenly, in its very infancy, the aggregation : known as ilie Weldon base ball 1 club. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen have I returned home from Ocean View, Va., where they spent the past week. Don't be discouraged if some crop reports are bad. Crops, un i like prize fighters, can "come I back' Mrs. S. B. Butts left lust week for Roanoke, V'a., where she will spend some time on a visit to her mother. A question for ikbaie in the Wel don 1 ii;;h School: Was the Maine blown up by exterior or interior i explosion? K'ev. and Mrs. J. V.. Thompson I are guests at the Methodist par ! somite, visiting their daughter, Mrs. S. li. Meaer. li. 1 1. Ricks, head bookkeeper fur the first National Bank, left Monday for his home in linfield to spend a few days. Corporation commissioner 1:. L Travis returned to Raleigh Mon day, after spending a lew days at his home in Halilax. j See noiice of J. 1 1. Waller who will be at Roanoke Rapids July 1 2Nth for the purpose of testing eyes and lining glasses. ! Mrs. J. li. Poritr and Misses I Susie and Nannie ZollieoHer leh i Saturday lor Murehcad City, where j they will spend some time. Miss Annie I ravis, of R.ikigh, ! has been here this week on a visit toher sister and brother, Mr,. W. R. Smith and R. S. Travis. ! on w ill not be able to find a I hookworm with a double magnify j in; glass afier Dr. Covington closes Ins campaign in Halilax county. The oldest inhabitant may recall heavier rains than some recent ones we've had, but ili.n doesn't f"'CVc'MI '''eh" having helped crops. Miss Helen Batchelor, of Ral- K ' ' ' I:va J,milsoll 1)1 vjuiuDeiry, nave neeu visiting rel atives and friends in South W'el don. The government is going to put in a laundry to wash dirty bills, but we will probably continue to hear of tainted money and filthy lucre. Miss Mary Anderson who has been visiting at Scotland Neck, re turned home Tuesday accompan ied by her cousin, Miss Helen Weeks. Miss Florence Allen Han was called home from a visit to friends in Norfolk, Monday, on account of ihe sudden death of her brother, Melville Hart. Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Harrison and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of linfield, were here last Saturday, on iheir way io Old Point Comfort, to spend a few days. Misses Jeannette Daniel, of this town, an Louie Poteat, of Wake Forest, who have been unending Miss Vann's pleasant house party at lidenion, have returned home. Postmaster John O. Burton has i returned home from his summer ' vacation spent at Norfolk, Ocean View and Virginia Beach, where he found both health and pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hux and children, Miss Irene and Masters Harvey and Willie, of Pinner's Point, who have been visiiing rel atives at Aurelian Springs, return ed home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Potter and daughter, of Newark, N. J., and Mr. A. M. Poner and two chil dren, of limporia, are guests of Mrs. Virginia Sledge, and Mrs. liva Bishop, on First street. L.ci:ksion to Rai kigii. The Seaboard will run its lirsi excur sion of the season Irom Weldon to Raleigh Friday, July 2Sih. Train w ill leave Weldon at 7 a. m , Roa noke Junction 7M2, Thehna 7:27; Littleton 7:40 a. in. Fare for the round trip, Weldon, Roanoke Junction, Thelina, SI. 2. Little ion $ 1 , Returning leaves Raleigh at t) p. in. Sunn ii P.i: Pom i ak 1 he "back li) the farm inovenieni" should be very aiiractive these days, when the farmer has nn abundance of nice melons, peaches, grapes and apples; and the good housewife smilingly seis before her guests tempting apple pies, fried chicken, corn pudding, and fresh buttermilk. Yes, we have resolved 1 to visit the country during the month of August in order that we may study the best methods of liv ing an easy and luxurious life, w ith out work, while our dear country cousins loot the bills. Those who Take Foley Kidney Pills l'or tluMr ki.liicy uu.l MuiMcr ailment ' iiii.l fur iiiiiioyiiii: minuiy ini'iruluntieN i nr.' uhwiys griilel'iil 1... Ill lor the .niiek : uii.l i('iiiiiini'iit rrlii'l tlicv uilonl, nml f.M lill'll llllllC illbl stli'llCtln'llllll,' I'tliTl a w I'll. Iiy I'olry Ki ln. v fill- i:i.liK. Cuim K'uads Mi;i:ti.(;. The i county commissioners met at Hal ifax w ith ihe township superinten- i i dents of public roads Monday lor j , the purpose of formiilaiinj phins ! lor the improvement of the) highways of Halifax county. . There were quite a number of citi zens preseni who are deeply inter ested in the mailer ot good roads. Some practical talks on road build ing were made by men who study the subject of improved highways ! and the question of a bond issue for this purpose was also discuss ed. The only action taken was that the superintendents proceed to work the roads as economically as possible at present. Watch Your Kidneys Their actions controls your lirultli li.'.ul what Foley Kiitney Pills have done for your iieiifhlmr. Mis II. W. Allen. l.uin cy. Ill , says: "Admit a year agn my kidneys deiran liotherinir nie. I had a welling in my ankles and linids. then headaohca and nervous dizzy spells, anil later severe backaches. I was gel tinir wove, when I biiiran taking Kelpy Kidney Kills. 1 kept on taking them until 1 was once more freed of all kid ney trouble E CLARK DIED OFJPOPLEXY. Life of Young Melville Hart Cut Short by Sudden Summons Impressive I'uncrnl Service. Melville I Ian, aged Hi years, died suddenly of apoplexy, Monday af ternoon. 1 le had been sick for a lew days with a slight fever but Monday morning his condition was quite favorable. About twelve o'clock he complained of a pain in the head over bis eyes. I lis con dition soon grew alarming and Dr. Green was hastily called in, but before his arrival the young man was about unconscious and soon passed away. Melville Hart was a bright and promising young man ol splendid habits and high character. He stood high in Ins classes at school and was popular with all who j knew him. I le was the only son of ! Mis, l.ula 1 Ian, widow of the late j M . f. I lart, and Ins sad and ! sudden end has caused much sor- row in this community, j The funeral look place at the j residence of his mother, on Fourth , street, I uesday alieruoon, at I .Hi iiYIn.-L' Mis tvicinr li'ev s : ; I Mercer' of ihe M. !' Clmivli. was : assisted in ihe service by Rev. J. (i. Blaloek, of ihe Bapiist Church, and Rev. J. S. Wood, of the Pres byterian Church. I he large iiuin- her of sorrowing friends preseni to j pay ihe last sad tribute ol respect, attesied, in a measure, ihe love and esteem in w hich he was held in the community. The active pall bearers were: 1). R. Anderson, R. li. Draper, O.W. Pierce, li. B. Pope, A. L. Stain back, C. J. Owen, W. T. Shaw, James T ilghman. Members of his Sunday school class acted as an honorary escort. They were: Willie Taylor, Fred. Bounds, Pierce Johnson, James Pierce, Vernon Mounicastle, Camm Tilghman. liach of these young men carried a cross or wreath of Mowers. The hymn, "Sometime We'll Understand," was used by the choir at the house; and at the grave "Abide With Me" was first used and as the grave was being Idled "Nearer My God, To Thee," was sung. There were many beautiful Moral offerings, coining from friends here and from distant points. The mother and sister, bowed in sorrow on account of so great an affliction, and the large family con nection have much sympathy in their great sorrow. The ways of Providence are often veiled in mystery, but sometime, some where, we'll all understand. To i day, with the cloud of gloom and sorrow heavy upon the hearts of loved ones, we stand in ihe pres ence of a mystery, with bowed heads and say, "Thy Will Be Done. " AdvektisedLettl-ks. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post otfice: Mrs. Willie Carter, Berry Dent, lien nit Dent, Mrs. flattie lidwards, W. W. Goodrich, R. A. Grover, Jr.. J. H. Medlin, W. B. Olegant. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John O. Buxton, P. M., Weldon, N. C. July 24. 1911. NT:w Postagi; Stamps "Util ity, art and harmony," according to Third Assistant Postmaster General Brill, will be combined in a new issue ' postage stamps about to be auihoned. f he head of President Washington will ap pear on the first six of the series, while the last five will bear the likeness of Benjamin Frauklm. All of the new stamps' denomi nation will be in Arabic, and this, as well as the use of a separate color or shade for each denomina tion, is expected to prevent the confusion of which two conven tions ol postal clerks hae com plained. Bk. Bam ki Ovr.N.- M. S. Mounteastle has just installed in Ins bakery a huge new bakery oven, one of the latest and most up-to-date for baking all kinds of bread, pies, cakes, etc. The ca pacity of the new oven is 150 loaves of bread at one baking and I the work can be done rapidly and : the cooking is thorough. His baker i is experienced and is most careful ! as to the sanitary condition of his j kitchen. Livery thing used in the i manufacture of breads, cakes and ; pies is kept scrupulously clean I and the public can rely upon any j thing in the bakery line they may obtain at Mounicastle's. l-XCt'KSION TO POUTSMOnil- Nonroi.K. The Seaboard will run an excursion from (ireystone and in ten aediaie points, Weldon ami (iarysburg, Wednesday, Aug. 2. The tinesi opportunity of the season to visit Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Ocean View and Old Point and spend tw o w hole days at these famous resorts. Tickets w ill be giino! returning on any regular train up lo No. 9.1 night of August Ith. Train will leave Littleton August j 2, 2:M p. in , Tlielma 2:50 p.m., Roanoke Junction, cH)5 p. m., Weldon 3:15 p. in., (iarysburg ! 3:25 p.m. Fare for the round ! trir an ifinn mi n I i ftlir V I III)') HJ OtUlUMI IIIVIIIIWIIWU, m- . I-'INK CiKOl' PUOSI'MCT. Not since H90 has there been such a fine prospect for an abundant harvest. Cotton, corn, peanuts, and all growing crops, appear to be doing well, and show careful and good cultivation. The farm ers of Halifax county are alive to new farming methods. They also use the highest and best grades of fertilizers, realizing that it always pays to buy the best of everything. While the indicationsp lint lo some what low er prices this year, the tremendous yield will more than compensate. I here is a big de mand for c oi ton, as it now enters into the manufacture of nearly everything, consequently we may expect good prices regard less of the si:e of th? crop. THE UNION SERVICE. Interesting Papers on "Religion and Sanitation" at M l: Church Sunday Night l!sual Service ut All the Churches Sunday morning. The usual services were held at all the churches in town Sunday morning. Rev. J. li. Thompson, of tin. N. C. Coiilereuce, pi cached at the M. li. Church. His sermon was an old time gospel sermon, full of love and good will, and at times, as the venerable man of (iod, physically weak, would catch the old lime lireot inspiration iis audience was moved and stirred. Mr. Thomp son has been a laithlul laborer in ihe vineyard for a long time and is now on the superannuated list, and retired Irom active work. May the ford add lo his days many more years and give him ihe bless ings vouchsafed by ihe Psalmist: "I have been young and am now old, yel have 1 not seen the tight i ins forsaken nor Ins seed begging bread. At the evening service ihere was " "'" meeting ol ill ihe churches ami some exceu nt talks on "Re ligion and Sauiiauon. " Rev. J S Wood, ol byierian church, was 'res lirsi Bible the ihe sl'cai.cr. 1 'c s1"c "" and Sanitation, and quoted scrip ture freelv to show how closely al lied Godliness is io cleanliness. He was lollowed by Rev. J. G. Blaloek, of the Bapiist church, w ho made a strong and practical talk on the "effect of health on the religious lile," showing conclusively that man cannot perforin his work- if ; his body is racked with pain; and good health, he showed to be es sential, both in religious and tetn-, poral matters. W. T. Shaw followed with a i paper on Christian co-opera-; lion in town sanitation. Mr. Shaw showed how very essential it is for neighborhoods and coinmuni- i ties to co-operaie in an effort to rid the town of everything that is opposed to the laws of good health ! and perfect sanitation. j Dr. Piatt W. Covington follow ed with a well prepared paper on j the "prevention of disease and 1 how the Christian can co-operate." Dr. Covington, of the North Car-! olina Board of Health, is here ! waging war on ihe "hookworm" ami preventable diseases, and in view of his work in Halifax county in the establishing free dispensaries ! for the relief of suffering humanity, j he was given the closest attention during the reading of his excellent paper. A large congregation filled the main auditorium of the church, and the pastor, Rev. S. F. Mercer, presided over the meeting an J had charge of the program, which was well carried out to the enlighten ment of many along certain lines I of thought for the health, safety 4i 1 1 vi 1 1 t ( i i iv.ivi yi i it ic v. it in v cinii- munity. CASTOR I A For Iiit'ai.ts and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears t!. Signaiuie of Swat the My; destroy quiio. the inos- Kill lie-y Diseases are Curahle UN.Il't I'tMlillll (Mll.lltli.lis. 'fill' tlu'lll iiir.liiMin' iiui-t In- ukrii lii-l'iiri' tin- ilis ii' lia iii'cn...l too far. Mi. I'i-iiv I'iltinaii. nl' I alr. Tca. -ay- '! a- iliiun in l.t-tl I'.ir linn muhllii uilli kidney uu! Iilail.li-r tioulil.' an! trail NlulH'N Out' ImHlt' nl" liilf v's Ki.liu-y ! It.'mt'.ls run .1 mi1 Well uii-l suuinl " Ak fin it i'. n.utk Has a (lODti C.Kt.ii'. J. A. I loldlord has our thanks tot a mel on sent io this olfice last week. Mr. Holdford informs us that his general crop is unusually good this t year and that his melon crop is very line. The fanners geneially appear to have a prospect ahead of an abundant harvest and fair prices for every tiling that is grown on the farm. OTTUMWA WOMAN CURED By l.ydia C. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound (ittumwa, I.i:i.-"I'or years I was ' almost acniistant siittfriT fnnn fiMimln Irnul'li' in an iik .Ire ml ful forms; slmntiiii; pains ll iivit niv lioily, Kick lirailiirlit', spinal ttcakm'ss, niviiics il i' in e s si o ii , am! I'ViTVtliin? Hint was liiiniil. 1 tnoil many doctors i (liflcreiit parts of tin" I nitial statos, but I.yilia K. I'inkliam's Vi'Rt'ta Wi' Comiioiiiul lias il.me mure for me than all ihv doctors. 1 feel it my duty to tell you tliesa facts. My heart is full of eratitmle to you lor my cure." Mrs. IIaruikt E. Vami'1.kh, 524 8. Hansom Street, (Utimiwu, Jow4. t'onslder TIiIh Advloc. No woman should submit to s surgi cal oieriUion, which may mean death, until she has Riven Lyilia K. I'iukham's Vegetable Comiiound a fair trial. This famous medicine, made only from roots and herbs, tuts for thirty years proved to be the most valuable tonic aud InviRorator of the female organism. Women residing In almost every city and town in the I nited States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia K. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Mrs. IMnklixm. st I-ynn. Mass., Invites all nlok wotiifn to write Imr for ml vlrft. Iter uilvicets froe. eontiaeullal, nu4 alw) belpful I w-y HALIFAX LETTER. News Notes fathered by Our Ucgular Correspondent ut the County Sent. iC.M . to the K'.iAsoKi'. N i.u s. Hai.ii ax, N. C, July 2(i. Mr. and Mrs. li. W. Gilliam and son, of Gastonia, have been here several days to see Mrs. George : Gilliam. Misses Alice and Lizzie I file, went up to Rosemary Friday to visit relatives. i Miss Lucy Buns left Friday for West Point, Va., and will be gone about four weeks. Miss Fihel Brown, of Roberson county, has been the guest of Miss Laura Shaw several days. Miss Ida Twisdale, ot Warren county, came last week to visit her father, J. f. Twisdale. "Billy" Neville, of I leallisville, ; spent Monday here on business. Waller I'.eavans, ol Liilicld, was a isitur here Monday. Miss Stella Dickens, ol Weldon, has been spending some days with her sister, Mrs. Waller Stephen son. Joseph Buns, Jr. and Masters Monroe mid Johnny Jenkins, of Rosemary, were here Sunday Mrs. Sierlmg Gary returned from Wrightsville Beach Monday. I x-Senator I . L. Travis left lor Raleigh Monday to resume his duties as Corporation Commission er. Mrs. Travis and Master Louis went up also to spend ihe week. Misses Bessie and Ida Twisdale left for linliekl Monday to spend the week with relatives. Mr. Musselman returned a lew : Jays since after visiiing his parents ! wno reside near w asiungton, li t,. Miss Marie Partin, of linfield, is this w eek visiiing Mrs. Walter Ste- , phenson. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Siedman : went up to Baltimore last w eek io carry little lilizabeth for treatment. Mr. Stediuan returned Friday. ! li. W. Foster, of Greenville, j spent Sunday here with his family. Mrs. T. W. Worthy, of Green-i ville, has been here for several i days with Mrs. W. A. Sater. 1 Our farmer friends are now making strenuous efforts to "lay by," though since the rains began to come much grass is in evidence and this will make ihem a little later than usual. Many are wear ing smiles that does one good to see, brought about by the very promising crop, perhaps. By the way we have heard of one promi nent farmer that was afraid so much cotton would be made that the labor would not be sufficient to get it out. Maybe it will work out right though. We have some moonshiny nights in the autumn, i you know, and we remember when we were a boy of seeing cot- ; ton picked ihat way. 1 here is so i much progress in ihe way of in- : ventions these days that perhaps Mr. Price or some other will have the cotton picking machine nearer i perfection by the time we have another bumper crop to come round. Cuiti-ix ;!'. Don't watch the clock. Buy a dollar watch and pull that instead when the boss isn't looking In midsummer, the thoughts of the young man turn to reduction sales of nobbv summer clothes. it almoit the worst thing for coniumptivea. Many of the "just-ai-good" preparations contain a much as 20". of alcohol; Scott' t Emulsion not a drop. Insist on having Scott's Emulsion tuH HALF. BV ALL l.KtM'.ISIS l-'irst, Py buying in c.ir lots, direct from the factories. Second, By paying c.ish and inking discounts. Third, By selling many times over the amount sold by the average furniture stores. We want to hear from every person, w ho w ants furniture at lowest prices o A HUfDLEY, 709-ll-U I-:. Hroad Street, RICHMOND, VA. ' 'Furniture for the Home Bcru liful." Uncle Remus' Home Maga zine 6 months for only 2S cents. 1-.. L. HAYWARD. 3 i IS-.") Bf li. in. ..at t. I How we i , I :iw I.I.:. ,1 I .., iviial.. Save riTj Yon Money LOOK! LOOKll!repairing asPeciaU- J. ft Waller will be at Roanoke Rapids In Dr. Ward's office, Fri day of each week, beginning Fri day, July 28th, and then every Friday thereafter, until further notice, (or the purpose of testing eyes and fitting- glasses. Have yours looked after. Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or money refunded. : si u i eto- r- B- TO BE GIVEN' AWAY i n II f PI) the j.erson trading the most with 1 us duriiv 1911-CASII OK CUHDIT it --whose accounts are December 20, 1911 : 11 -A We will ii iboii iiriiiture arrest ii i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii $352 ard Sewing Machine. .)( To the V-'' And third to the S() Wash Siaiul Set. Ask for Cash Certificates when making purchases. weldon F WI-LDON, N. C .5i -" " IE30E30IZE NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, O KkAli DUW N haily ...ft Niiii.iy- l I lilt I Nn 1 A.M. I' M. . . l.iiiiil.) M.lUlir !.im I.': I . l:i." l.i-an o w. M..'i ...I M.i 30E30E &4r COlErS PHAHMACY We Have It ! Up-to-date line of Toilet Articles. Daggett & Uamilell's Perfect Creams, and Lotions. TREAT YOURSELF to the best. All drug sundries here are of the high standard kind. Presh supply of Olive Oil. fiuiLLYfs Codies. "Queen of the I'anln" Cook hooks, w m. comi:n, 1 ESI ''."no I HI vVV i . i i'i in ii W(JITY COLLEQE, I.SSO I.SQ 1910 1911 11 tiii.' iiirnh i a I li i l.i I . I Ii.- i. lanliiic nl II. i' l li nl, i i, ii liiiiiiy l ollcc. : tin' I;, ii.u.al I" II..- i'i..""..' an. I .i..-..-i.i..- .'.Iv ..I iMnli.uii the l.uil.l'ui.. of the Np an.l i.H .il. . I i .ml. IMai-ini.. nl i.. ! 1 1 tit 'ill. i,,,, .,, .i,n i.i :iu.i ' i.n.l'..i!aM.' huMi nn- .!i mil. hi.-- aii'l i.i-aiilil'ul. ).!. I i t- .1. aitiii.nl- i'.i. !.' i u u' Mirluinc.il. I .v ll , I av. K. I.i. 'all. n i . la.luali' I ..i c.ital... a.. I ..ll..a .1.I..1 inatn.ii a, 1. 1 1 1 -- K. I . I I iiriiliniiTfiidimlraiiiiDgwl A Slate school to train teachers for the puhlic schools ut North Carolina livery energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free to all who aRrce to teach l 9. l or catalogue and other information, address KOM:KT II. WklUHT, President, Till- N. C SI ATI. FORMAL AUD INDUSTRIAL vcoi.i.r.tii: Maintained by the Mate l.n tin' Wnnn li nf Nullll l aiiibna I netclllllai colllses lea'lnn; I" .h 'i!ifi-. i.-eiai ( ouisc- h,l 1, .1,-lli ls I'll'.' tllllli'll to tlmS'' ho auiee to become tciicheiK in the State. I all Session U-iruis Scptrmlwr I1"' I'.ir ealaloirnc an. I oilier in I'm null ion ad dles JUl.ll'S I. rolJST, President, (.reellsbolo, N . t '. piANO Tl'NlN(i" i Voicing, regulating and Leave your orders with H. G, Rowe W. J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg. Va. FOLEYSIODNEYraLlS OlEYSKlDHEYCURE W -na a If ll ft to il il ! to u i in ? i paid in itiil by ive a $50 Suit of to the one holding amount in tickets. hn -tv To the second a $35 Staiul b ii ii ii i ii ii ii a $20 Cook Stove, fourth a e Go. urmtur ii --- s.-- o J KI-.ADJT haily ecftSun jayj- No.ii 'No. I iNci.H A.AI.'l'.M.'i'.M 1 1 TV a:"" ".vV.i Al'f'll. 1. Dll l":l' lo::;i 2:.'. .-.ilil w i;or,i:KTMY c :il Miinani r .h J ill. I'-ll V 1 1 &4r iilaiu.-.l lacihiics. -ant sui l.iunilnii!--. I I 'led Ileal 1 IliTlll-. tlW IMS, Seuetary. Durham. N. C. ull term begins SEPTEMBER 26. tireenville, N. C. ; t i ! l or HeautifyinK the Vard Also decorative plants for the house 5Choice Cut Flowers4- lot we.l linu' ami all social cvcnK 1'lorul ollennirs anaiiL'.-d in Ibe most urtiHtic ivle al short notiec. Mail, telephone mi. I tclcfiaiili orders pioniitly executed bv j SPRING J. L. Q'QUINN & COMPANY, ri.niiisTS, RALEIOH, North Carolina. I'liones I I'I Ask fur price lint li. T- CLAK K. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WKI.DON, S.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoiuint; counties and ii. the Suprem court of the State. Special attention given to collectiona aud prompt return . Nakt Knineya uni Bladdar Right

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