THROW OUT THE LINE, (live the Kidneys Help and Many V eldon People will He ilappier If is s.m! (bat .!mi!Ci! l'l aiiucd : man c1 s'v i';.. in ibis c:unrv. A, A - tA , v.f-o " 1 - i .k Col. Asmr is ih -:!iTfw',i v.. "Throw Out the I ii'e Linc'-- The kidneys need help. They are overv orked - can't get poison filtered out the Hood They're getting iic every minute. Will you help ihem- ;a Uoun'sKidney PiIImuvc tn-i-iUt it thousands ot kidney suttei .t tuck cv from the vei ge ot despair, in N. L. Clamon, Nti s.u cvs, ci don, N. C, si.n: ' 1 g-t lv.n s Kidney Pills at Goheu'- dnsou- "' and I am pleaded 10 -.0 t;.e; "" bencHted me rcailv - My : a. si " was lame and eak .11 d o. k.c neys u etc nut 1 uiy Put tailed to do titer i-i k .is i.kv ,, sliould. 1'lie kidney Nwiviii ': w ei e it 1 cguiar i 1 parage am.; . ed uiiiu'tii ai 1 .yii'- U J.'v Pills iciieved ail ;lie-.e '. .up;, m of kidney cutnpiJiiii .md i .red up in) system.' t"' I ul t . . .ill ! a . !-. I . '' - l. In--! 1.1! Ml:.! I i.N 1 " v . It- aji m hn i... I Led -iae Ul llle : l: ! t' I I ' . ' ll.lilh i 1 I . . - -and take 11,1 mini. THE KOANOM: NEWS. k- Thursday, Are; J4. tut 1. Published tivery Thursday. NTEREii -vr iwrrii-R ,r n;i'"N a- SKCl'Ml-l. I U ll'! l:H RA1F.SU! it!i:i'll'!!!ll.lA tlo One Year. v 'nui j. M Six Months, ' : ;aiisas v. A wet-iilv K-ni. to the material. 1 alio journal iiei'i'ie'! de.catioual. p.-iiUaii !. i-Lie:; depatji of the AM'u.v; may again ' ,,i.i we !; see ''mu again, ca.i ! end the Song draw n 0. al court-ship game IS I! and iuneultimii interest- u)'thu;i,i ami ' W.ts;i t a,-0 -..ii. siua'uimdiiie conutie- a! ica-i o' Advertising rate- tva-chaMe an I I'nr untUed 011 anplieatvn. HoOKWuKU is reported as on the increase, but so also is Stand ard Oil's dividend e.ipaeuy. I Mi.::, are in- dm-en year- I Scire : imoviO' e I.n hiigland .1 strike is a vei u-us j ' pnapuM'.ion, 11101 e like a. ma! wur j ; , fare than an indasiriat bght j . j SONK ot tiie eardidates sh,.v i any signs of withdraw mg because ; . of Mr. l-'rv.m s revmirements. ; - J lit men are pretty w ell j agreed that this fall is going to sec j prosperity throughout die S-uih 1 . Sum! i i the big trusts aluv..! i ' ' feel thai t!ie cann.t get a'.ting : '. without the I Y.iteJ si lies g. .vet n- j lllelit. ' ' Aim;m! I'i.iM !i.;s at L.-e keen 5 pre. ailed on to .i mm pe.i.; i'e ; tween Ai;ier:..t anj Japan :- a go. ,J thing ' Tti: :s going 10 -e mc r-g:eM i I log and 1 loinmy vear Norii: t 'ar- ; olina has know n 1: 1 - a mue !m leioaang' I III hiiiui al iiilerctivc is thai il.e , Austrian spy set v mg m i.'ie Aiuer-; lis, ''i:v ; 1 can army wants to the urmv. 1 i-: IA !:!iv now and then ,m m.vesii- j tow :i, ( ; gating eoutmittee encounters a wit-! one mu ness whi) insists on asking the ! ntemi, b questions. i !o;'.,.ec: " 1 win 1 w . Biirn: keep on taking i.e a 1 , ( little while and never nvtiJ aN.t.t ' .(, getting out tne '.mm-; ; nu me goosehone savs so. )OI ilie India!,', tlimk that our wusciwanoii 'sreiic-. a:e rather tetaieJ, as tar, at ie.i-t. as thev ;ire concerned THAT t.ic iTnr . -rs A ? Vi a ntr 1 ea. i . M f I 1 a ; l liMMM, sruOi it -ii ihl s IN MM.i.'.l IU. 1IJOS. KOSSt.K It I'. I ii. A , li'iuhi. M i I I'M 111 1 it ' A A' Jet 3y 3 4 , US :1S Your w '.nfs -n vvouei Littlecoii, N. 0. m m i n i.'i w or !'rr,flii Ph' ' ati.l hrosdl . (irailcs and Sies. I : ' I'" 1. kmi .1; oeil I l.'iii un;. Ctiliiu;. Silting. M.uldinK., it. , hi h.,n,l .0 .ill Lilies I r.iiiiiin c li I t., i.rder I'ine Shingles and Lathes alums 1111 hand m pi.W'n I TS'IM, m I Lot 1 1 I ! P P II I. 1- !t ! S I III Ki:tilS v', -t l,4i, IS I HUfiDLEY, To" il l.t I:. I'.r.iad Mitel. k'lcllMuM), . .occur. !, a m. lb I w"r (j! '!!.'! ;s personal, graii 1- p-r- , sonal, evclai'iis 1 c cnempor irv : i- And cone:e:..iti ,r! j-mnslimen ' ought to it personal. , , ip x-. It needs only an extra ses-mu I ( 1,;-J re...:, na-, .i.c, ... of Congress to demonstrate that m : auuiatt.-ii. m ii; ki: ; this world there are oine men i sch.-nic r-;'.-,r;n n ;'. who really love their x ,rk ' prum:;g j-.Tvj4l 1,.,; v- IF Vioodrow W'i!on k-eps n ! relets o it c.l:t.r. i.l;. growing he will be of considerable ! !ie '-eat h.i size by the time the Democratic i cm Ji-:--:t that u car. t convention meets next year. : u-etor us ,,e.-.s AND now bv vote of tite Arkansas ! --s 1 , , ., , c tnonm 10 m. mm w ; i 1 legislature, a flag captured from an : Ohio regiment in lso-l is to be re-! '"' m"'Vli,,:':lN "' t turned. Verily, the war is over Ihaiciioi en..ugn pn. toretl h l.vdtu ;. I'inkham's e;rel;ihlc Compound He tntis 1 me to tne rill t 1 i.,.t ii, IK' ;y p. 1 1 i'e- !' Ml ! ..I I ! I In -JO li,,l 11 n , t, !,',' C Hi II Hi ,1 i.l ..I :l MC' :i:.U ' I IP r ClASSfS SHOW (I BE CHANGE 0 I i O : : ' Ci' t.i. .ciu! lKvtietlt- t '.,:ne .11. d ee Us ami it w ill t; .a 11:10 1 u Alio 1 1 me! It will be some tune yet, before (, t ;,. n they get through counting up the big pile ot money John W. Gates left behind hint for his heirs 10 quarrel over. Mi e 1 !.... I A own .uiiimumiy n, help supp,.n a 1 ,i 1 :i ink- vi.i Jes ir pice Ji u i'mg al -out THRU 11 AKS. .11 . iisi.iiuiy Jiang Woi,',! .,o.. I trouble h w til tt.e se cliaimes I' I. -1 -"To ' sir , 2 : 1 cok!-!:-: 1 wt i acit u'i; sTRicTik'Ai)i:s i'lv'O.Ml'l SMIP.MH.NTS. 't'' "" v VYi: I I. Ml! am! ,M().M by sending t40ei ur lumber orders to I S. "r pioase the hard to please. ft V lumf- 4 V. . N. ' -"' & "3 Ii ,) i f;-.. V l HA I I, 1911 TSSMSsj """""''iljuu y M ichach-,, .tei n 6c Co. 028 of Summer Iks C a oiun. 1 efciilatiiii; and repairing a specialty, l.eay e our orders u ith 1 M. (i, Roue w. j. ni!ii:;:;;e I'etershurif. V 11 I he N C c'dllexe of AtNiCiiliiift: iiiiii Mrchi :ic Ai I he Mate's Industrial college III: du'c. das are user. The cool ! all ilas--and cooler niy, h ts-.-are : T almost liere. Time to tliink of heavier weilit clothes, and mav be a Top coat. j l-or up-to-date styles and dressiness of tiniii the Aiieluels-Sturn Kail Suits and Overcoats will discount anything ou'e seen. And a perfect fit for eer man. R. E. Draper Company, I.NCOkPOU'A I WE1VDON, - -- NORTH 0 AH OLINA. $'6 $'lr $tt, ;y., V, :.. .-i ', -.NV. 'i, :,vv $4, '4$ 9 -S '4$ W s ' 5? M- M ".' it' ,: H All K HUHK8 AND StH'KKAliE f IA t I t i t a : V T U Si U ! 1 1 A i j 1; L ( J i J lie H ' I k A. 0 ... -v $100 RHWAKIJ $100 Ttie feailers nl' tins iiupei imII he i.leuseil to learu tliat there is at least one ilunU. ed iliseaie ttiat seienoe has hem ul.le tn cure 111 alliWsiaea'H. aiel tliat is ealairh. Hall's I atairli Cure is the uiilv pusilive cureuow known to the nieUieal liatei uity. (.'ataiih lieiuir a ennstnulinna disease, le'iiiiit's a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon thelilooil and mucous surfaces of the system, and giving the patient sUeuifth hy luuldinir up tlic eiinstitution and assisting nature iu (loins its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers thai they otter tine Hundred Dol lots for any case that it fails to cure. F. J. ( II K.N KY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials Bent free. Price To cents per bottle. Sold hy all druc't?ists. Taktj Hall'n I'amily pill's for Constipation. pie 111 tms vomtiiuniiy tlio will ,,,,' u;,lk ,',! ', ,.' ;,',' Iwim ai ound m vat ions w avs to gel 1 1:' v' r ! :'V'- o;,-. c their names or sMie Imle thing pouieVn'''-,!!',,;;' I,',"', they done m die p.ipcr ,md ! : '......., . then go over and bornov their j v?!.c.,M,'!!'t!,.i, neighbor's paper to see w hat it said , liaeka, i,e u a sviio.i about them. Those who support 1 r.''''k",''so. "' UT'"- their home paper loy ally shoiild : wt r.-'ielt' , tt ill! I .li.aii 1.0 ev, ryitiitie, fe lliO llil.ll-. , I.n,, 1 alHl 1 n, ll ymi help utliels Mi'-s 1111.11. , Im utiieky. n ,,:, , 1 , Hi 'if "t'l'llliie , 1 ,; t im .'I' V"ii : ,'l".-t it 1 Mr '4$ Mr M -', U I ...:.l .!..! ....... he 1- a:.-.- I and J 1 I-,..,,. :,n. 1 .0, omp.ilvd I I: llao, -a,, leoi'V.,,.,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,!,,,-. , m'..t o! li.lVmg he I o -i"'-.-l- ' I ehi-Oiilit'i I'rhrl.l ! "Hff 0 i,i ! 1 1,1 1 1. i, ,;,,, i Wtr W . Vi ,;.,N-, lavir I IryS 1 HllMiliKihi, SPKIMi Suits 1 :: niiiui.' Boiug flflfi the "U at - WUcint. Aliout hall price. if- 1 ' l'l i .,., ,,1 ' "I -' I '.' 'ICiel. fill. in- -ai..i f. on: - pt, in! , 1 1!,,. pit!.. . U I ,1 i- luitl,. 1 in. I, led that due I.' I ''I ! -.11. i elect. nil -Call he turn ll !' e!.-d U ai.-l tii.u .-a.. I 1 leeiiiui -hall he in,. lei the vnd ml, . au.l .xiilate.:.. :i- itie pieseiih, , ,v It tillihi-i 1. id- led thai tin.-,, in !:,v,, ,, oilil'ii hi, II. I- I'ii! mil, r n,.. m,. I . -'at- shall -,.ile a liel.i I ell , ,.(, i-l, all ' ..i-l I.n ai, 1 i.ik and mm- y ' '-' ai, ! 11 i-,i -a I I -i v ai, i ,0.1 1,. an I -. ,-iae,. -i.all -!. a t -l, , 1 .,,1, ir. -hall he the "I N .si.i,,l aiei i.,n,- and . n,.. Croekot-y, C lass ware, Druggets and Blankets 110:11 t!ic recent l elided hotel Marirains for all-' We Iniiivrht tliesc ootids under the hammer and K'iveotir customers the benetit, Cottle ctiick while; it lasts P. N. Stain back. J. H. WALLER, l.t: IM. in 1 ii I y Vv , i 1 . i, . I he inl ,.j -aid Ail l.ili I l-t ! .11. a must reach (to (. HARRISON'S alwavs have the nolo ,,t , , .tc , F1"' 1,11,1 1 '"l!-. 1 , , , i know i.t will Pothis su : iii.l, ...i l.olia columns, and so lar as the Gold j E. I'iii.ham's foinimund ' Leaf is concerned this vv ill hereaf- rile to Mr. I'!i..iinni, ut ter be its policy. " T-ynn, llas., t i si.c iil ndvleo. : oni- letter mil l,e ul.milutely Now, Bro. Way, we are strong-S tontidentiui. ..! the .id w.: free. ly inclined to your way of reason-! fQmrpp ing, but the trouble is, in rooting j " up the tares you may also root up j T ,vh .... i - . ' lO W hom M.'.V l nn.-rn Notice I- herehy nive.i to all lielsiuis 1 I havim. claims lU'iinv km, I atain-t the I , . , , .. nerhnns vnn have low of nhc,-ri ' estate of .lames 1' llinvl.ins ,,.e, ;ise,l .,, , 'V. l ,;" ' . , i I"'''""1" "','1 tlM-,,,,! ;i , 1 - 1 I- "ill- nl A ael bers interested in the doings ol i m.ii..irair. ti.m t.-ivi .....mi,, r...... I ! J,v- lohn Smith and his the dale liew.r. or tin- m. dee mil u-1 'V'" V -l .1- ,' ; I'l'iel 111 1,111 ol the s:Ue. liil.uuiiii , ,1 Your idea is good it you can make ! ti A.uriw -.'m. itm. j r(,r Sale: it work without prejudice to your: mks T.MtiTiit hwvmns. i have i..rMii-M. u...i aui..i... Pvepllpnl innrnil Admx. Ol .1. I. llawklllK, dec lilies liolll -Iihi up excellent imirtiai. K r,avia alluini,y! Hahiux, n c. I 11, w. it aki.ihijn. ' ' 'V-s' I lie I ii-ui a nee business of the late lN. Stainbac k ill be continued l k'OW Ii c STAIM'.ACk. - o some of the wheat. While John Smith may not be a subscriber, .ILIIIIISE i- and .--upplh-s. 1 s, yV 4 fr S aV '4S "4$ ftA SO'i -?v j t or heaulifyiiiK Hie urd i Alsodecounve plants lorihe house llle n-K 'lulu .-til- Mamie ami . ham I'l-ti'ls -ati-iaei.iiii Choice Cut flowersj:- Im w , i Ii 1 1 in- and all in - II, mil nit, oiies aiiaiieed in On- in,it ailt'C style at shmt ,,,,, M.,,1. i,.,.phm. and teleL'iaph.ildel- piomptlv eXeeuhd hv J. L. O'dllINN S tUMPANY, i I.l lit 1-1. k Al.hl'.iM, North Carolina I'iioucs J l'l Ask lui pnee j,t I ,. - C ' m. noun put on over twfntv 'a- va y$ i'iio r (K.KAi iis : ,.i)l. ' yean iio arc (rt) n WW today. For fmtKer Jpttiied ioformiiioa pply u Weldon, N C I have ju-t put in nen hackim oi-di and .-i lieft styles of I 'liotl in al I-"-an i ..i!. i special ll'iducelllellts let llif In .1 ..11 ,l:ivs VV ,. i;i,,,tt we ran pltOSf i a ii iii a liuoi .iiut.i;igih of viiur - il an and ,.(. lu M. K. timk;, I'hotoiapl.ti. WeldoL, .N C. At iUlihtx ev.eiy lot ud Urd Moadny. iV