When a woman speaks of her silent e c r c t suffering she trusts you. Millions have be stowed this murk of confi dence on Or. H. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Every where there are women who bear witness to the wonder working, curing-power of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering sex from pain, and successfully grapples with woman's weuk- nehses and stubborn ills. IT MAKES WEAK WOflEN STRONG IT HAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con fuV.nce mi --.placed when she wrote for advice, to t'te Woruu's PispnN.iAKY Medical Association, Dr. ii. V. i'ii-ice, 1 'resident, Buffalo, N. V. Dr. Pierce Pleasant fcfteii lurlvco mild I DO YOU DRIVE TO TOWN ? DO YOU DRIVE TO TOWN ? This l,lrn, I ,. . I X l i And find the market W&Tr 1 j And find the market unfavorable for vour 1 o ti c This .inner imit In nxirAvf. produce? The farmer ' who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved are worth the cost of service. Under our plan the service costs but a trifle ; the farmer owns the instrument and the equipment. For information write to our nearest Manager for pamphlet, or address : Farmers' Line Department HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Header. 1 S K ABO A R I) A.1R Trains leave Weldort, Effective Nov. 20. 1011. C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent NO 92 .SE.YI50AK1 KXI'UK'S for Portsmouth-Norfolk. esiil.ule 6:07 A. M. eheMileeping Urs NO. 38 Sl'AHOA KI MAIL. Vestibule Coai'lies. Puiloi t'ai. l.i -Poll. ' mouth-N'urfolk, eoiiiiccliiiir Willi tea:ii"iiip l.up's lur a!i- 3:20 P. M. inntoii, Baltimore. New York, r.ntou au.l l'rovi.U nee. NO. 41 K.l!OAi;ll MAIL lor Ualeiirli. I harlotte. Atlanta. I'.iiiuiiik liam ami the Soulliwot: I'nnii.'eis at N.uiina loih ih ..i lla.u 12:07 P.M. ,.t with 'I'lori.la fast Mail' No. !!. lot .1 cks .uviilc an.l Florida points; Diuinir Car. Sleepimr eais- tlirouuli .-!. pei I.. I 1u.mi1. t an.l PiniiiiiL'liitiii NO 93 SKAItOAKI' Kl'lil-;.s.s, li.r IUh .ifli. Alhmla. loi iiniu 1 111.111 an.l the Soutlnvest. I onueels at liaiulct mill No In lor 11:09 P. M. Wilmiuirtoii; with No. 1 for folnml.ia. uiiiuili. . lacks.. ii ville anil Florida points: Slccpinu' car P.irliiioutli to I luu I..I1..; N.stilmle l.'oaclies. Slrt'piiiir an.l llinuiL' I 'a i s to ail p-uut '-outli an i ..;ii Ii w-st. No. "II for K'alcitfli leave T a in No :io inon f ile d, arnve - -.'.i p in Write to tlie llll.lt'rsiiriie.l for rales ami I :ue tip.lev C- 1J. UVAN, II- S. LKA1JI). General Passenger Agt., - Division Passenger AgtJ Portsmouth. Va. Kalelith, N. C. MSEE'S ROOF PAINT n i i it i : -v. : -v r u .i. ii r fwA.. i' anna nniuin v ininii'ini h 1 IUVA' n IIU I llv I nil U M til 'III ' i. ill i 'J t II 1 1111 1111 III, llllllll.llll I tL i . , . A" WELDON, N. C. . .-T -c'...-t.-"l. RKOISTKKKU TRAPS MABK SPECIALTIES: Virginia Dare ISVInte sennnernone) Pocahontas ij.ed Old North State Blackberry Hiawatha Paul Garrett's Special Minnehaha (Ked Champaune) (sparkling Cliampa.fnel iL'ry seuppernonK.) And other varietiej of PURE and WHuLKfOMK WINKS for home and hotel use. Highest Market Prices Paid in seasou for BI.ACKBEKRIKS, Gl! APF.s and all kinds of small fruiu. NORFOLK, V., (Home Office) r. Lolls. MO. :SAN FPANCISCO.'Cal. N. L. Stedman. President E. L. Travis, Vice-President. THE Bank of Halifax, HALIFAX, 1ST. C. jnROMPT, .1 JOLITE, ROGRESSIVE ,L And ACCOMMODATING 4 p.c. allowed on Savings Accounts DIliGCrOeU: T. O. Applewhite, Fletcher II. (iretrory, K. I,. Travis. P. C. tiroir ory, T. O. Vumhin, D. M. Campbell, S. M. Gary, .1. K. llowers, S. I.. Stedman. n PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS I Here, you can put away small sums not needed For present I use. And while waiting your call they will draw interest. f o A - -,,,-... lr nt Cniimrfc Hpnartmpnt Hapq nnl fllwfiv imnlv & ! small transactions, far from it. Many large depositors are using j our Savings pass-books. They are using them for the interest i they get; they are also using them because of the convenience ! afforded. 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quarterly. i v & BANK OF ENFIELD, 0 !M!ii0flietipWff W tionorea by Women natural howcl movement once a ttay. N. C. Garrett & Co. (KsTAMLISHKM lsliVl Pioneer American Wine Growers Scuppernonir F. M. Oregory ENFIELD, ! N. C. I CO.NSECRATION IN THE TEMPLE. Luke ii, 12-39 Jan. 2S. 'fur nidif (l'N not it.t I7iy .'.'I'iKfon. ttftfrA JTlnu haul liu'ltiifl lnie'e im .i.'tl of all propfc." I'd. iff, 5. HEN Jr.srs was forty daj-9 old, Jos.'.h n n 1 Mary took Mm to .loi'iisuloiu nnd pre sented 1 11 in In consecration in tho Temple. Tills whs In neconl nnce with the custom which related specially to t lie first horn Hi ouch fam ily. Although lln rli'stborn of the entire nation were passed over nt the deliv erance from Kgypt, they bud been, ex changed for the 0:10 tribe of Levi, Wlllf'll llllll I .ft' II Specially oVl'ott'd to God's scribe; llllll Ilio ;-:llllo l l i 1 1 . ' I io win exotnplliicl lii respect I" Hit' tlrt born of I'lK-li nioilit'r. Ii win to he dcvoti'.l specially to (oil niul 111m serv TI10 significance of tlili wo poo when we ri'iinml"'!' Hint Ilio vU-l Churcli, tit' 1 11 g gull. civil (llll'lllg IliH lio p.'l Ai:o. I" MJI.-I the Church of tlio rir-l bonis Aeuiti. M. .h'tiios tell 11 IV ,t friill unto I, VyJ.i : ...I of in- ' -i I .... - . 1 L;x ii r 11 n ' '' !! Ml llllll:;:.";" th: N tl .it the (linr. li shall pave l.ecll til III ""' "' ''' ,.,-e.l to bein-nly i;!"vy by tl:e I"'""' of the First Kesurr.'.li.Mi. the Mntf d,.;:, then t.. I st,,l.:i-h".l will brim; ,l,u-s to a!l the l'.llliiU"S ' T 111 ,r;h Klviiu t!.M I'"' IT'-'Ctui'l- t I.eeneiiliJ -oils .if t V W '"nr? -IP :' tliv c. il! y :!. 'SfA 1 ,'.',-, 15 1 ;'v" M"-' "" i i t earth l fl'I'tr. by r.'-lil'llioll pro esse-4. i -Acts Fi, P.l '.'1 j "Set For the Foil and Rising Attain o' I Many In Israel." I At t!i.' time ( f the cm--." ration cere i iiiony nt tlie Tom; 'e. an nped Prophet . came forward ami t""k the bai.e Jesus In bis anus and .rai-cd Hod. By Koine poer Milne Ibis apt d ! Proplit !. oi.i.i.'..'.l .Ic-ns. and. aftvr I savliu, "Now lott.-t Tliiui Thy scrr a n't depart In pciue, for mine eyes have I seen Thy salvation"-Hie way in which Thy salvation shall come to Israel aud to ail tlie famine of the earili-lie pro ceeded to viy, "w liieli 'Hi. hi hast ire pared in ilio pro-eii. e of nil peoplo-tlie I.iu'.l of Tl." world mid iho lilory of Th people Israel." Simeon, adilresslni; Mary, declared prophetically thai the Child was "set for the fali ami the rls-ltm of many In lsr:i"l. and f..r a siiru (mark or stand a:... wlikh shall be spoken against, thai Iho tlioiui.!-. of many hearts may be r.-ienicd" 11.. w wonderful a prophe. y! It re mil, .Is us of the words of St. l'aul, that our l.ord Is "a stone of stumbling and root; ..f often .-e" to many in Israel, that man;, And Si I i ! I , I U P : :..!, I.elin: ili-.itipolnted told also of the rising y w ho stunibled. He de ! halli not oblaineil that k. tli lor, but the election .1 it and tin- rest were ;Kla "f --' .lar... ' 1-r.e ul.i. Ii he so. hath oi.t.ip., l.l.llllelt" S'.i I iii ill" lavoi Not a SHIP indeed" n . I foi'ioi'ibiiiicl tlllioll Mont ml.;, .1 turned aside from Hole. ins i. lent iisisiil.t r of ' Israelites t mil to complete the elect, and In c the lnvl- ,e 1 Abraham's natural r iliiniiij Ibis Cospel Age I to until the saint ! of erv nation, people, kln- dred and toiu;u "All Isratl Shall B Savsd." A saliiii.v ""man. Anna, a Prophet ! ess over n .. ntm; old, resided III Je j rusnii'in and In the precincts of the ' Temple courts She. also, moved by ! the Holy Spirit. ntoanUed the llnbe ' lini' tnv! praise ; "?y r to (bid and men i f i-'-' ': J-' tioms the matter eii ,' ''' saintly ones f'M who ere waiting 5 N T r "' tllc fuUilmcut 51 of the Abiahanue ; "for the proniis - cousolalion of Is t-ael." if the seeing of .lesus as a babe was worthy of praise nud thanks, still more was. It "CoHSCTaUnQ Ihrir a cause of crutitudo to God for those who beheld Him at the use of thirty, coiisevratini; Himself a llvinc sacrillce even unto dentil, aud who realized that He had been begotten analu by the Holy Spirit to be a New Creature, of the divine nature. Those who saw the Master's faithful ness lu performing the sacrifice of Ills consecration during the three and a half years of His ministry beheld still more for whirl) to give God praise. And when He hud finished His course at Calvary and was raised from the dead the third day, and forty flays later ascended up on high where He was before, happy were they who rec ognized that further development of the Divine Plan for man's salvation the blessing of nil the families of the earth Still more blessed were thoe who at Pentecost received the Holy Spirit as a begettlug power and those who since have reed veil the same, rvldenc lug thnt they are the eh'ld.vn of God. and. "If children, then belrs of God nnd Jolnt heln with .lesiis Christ" their Lord to the great I n In". i t :i in e to the onth-bound promlsp tiinde to Abraham, that throuch ther.i nil the families of tbe earth bs!! be t'!c.:c.l SCIENTIFIC DISALLUSIONS. One of those scientists claims he is now able to prove that Eve was not a beauty. The next scientist will probably try to prove that Adam married her for her money. St. Paul Press. Charles Durham, l.ovington, III., has succeeded in finding a positive cure for bed wetting. ".My little boy wet the bed every night clear thro on the lloor. I tried several kinds of kidney medieino and I was in the drug store looking for something dilferent to help him when I heard of Foley Kidney Pills. After he had taken them two days we could see a change and when he had taken two thirds of a bottle he was cured. That is about six weeks ago and he has not wet in bed since." E. CLARK. The only way a man can get the best of a woman in an argument is to turn on a line of baby talk. HOPELESS UNDERSTANDING. ! The old solilior loves to tell nbo:it life wartime txpt'i'U'iuea and .i lai ty nlioiu his soi'viee us a b.ind lt'iul"r in tlie Hi'iuy "1 romt mbor whon we wore truvtl lug the loll turnpike from York to t'oluinbia. l'a.. back In '62." he "tluoiiuh tl.e Iouk covered brltlco th.tl sp.uuii'd the fius(iitiiaiina, Jake liaiiniKiirintr was our bass drummer, ami Jake was surely a character. 1 - .1....I tti n),lr!in,v 10 t lll'll Wt I..l'111-U 11". v.... - - ; the bridge Jnke, who was healing time, suddenly slopped and yelled out, 'Schlop de niareh!" "What's up, Jake?' I asked him. "Pointing to the far end or tho Ions brldRO which looked like a small, round patch of light, Jake exclaimed In despair: '"1 alnd't neffer going to be nble I set rils beeft d'ura tru dot echciall hole! ' " Wrong Reading. Or C. H Piukhurst, Iho eloquent New York ele.'KMiiaii, at a re cut t-ai. .put aid of tliarlty: Too many of m, perhaps. niMnt. 1 . 1 the m.'i.nliis of charity im Ilio ,na .;, r I'il.-liil.Tpretfd the scrlpi'ir 11 1 1 ia ma-'er, a pillar of a esl , .., , !. in !i. eiii.'ied In his Journal: j j I ' i p! ur n orilains thin "Ii n imh let him have thy hiuliiK caunlit n;y potato.H, I sack ' " l.li'plu THAT. ; i I Fallth-ls your new play a comedy? F'.dward I (.hould say not; It deals lth married life. One for Each. A fcll-nv needs Two liuzz niaotitnt To hynoilie A pair uf queen. The Glorious Future. "Thank heaven my children will soon be old enough to take rare of themselves." "Do mi expect to glvo up wniklng when they are able to do that?" "No; but I am looking forward to He time wl.i-n 1 tan mo some or my eai 'ilngs to have my trousers pressed and get my hair cut at least once eieii three months." Lure of Golf. A ruih'tury gentleman, who coul I tiwtar better than he could play go. I was tin" tort (1, one day, to find quite a crowd of well dressed strangers fol lowing him round. 1 hope," he said gallantly, "that I II pl.iy well enough to reward you," "'Hi, it isn't that, major," reilbd one. 'no came out to listen." (loir II lllstrattd. The Thief. Hollingstone Nomnss Wot's a klep toiiiimiac, Tatters? Tatterilon Torn A kleptomaniac, Holly, Is a feller wot steals fer de love of stealing, not bemuse he wants de BtufT. Itolllngstone Nomoss Gee! lVn I must he one. 1 sniped a fake of soap. NO EXCITEMENT. First Amoniobiilst How did snjoy your trip In the airship? you Second Autoiiioblllst No good. Why, the blamed thing went so high that 1 couldn't even scare the pedes rtins. let alone run Into them Satisfied. It, l an a flrelesii cooker He'll probably keep tor life KnA ne'er rfgret tie took hr, Po fl'nt. fl.e u his wife. No Vocal Training. ,N w lywed h tion'l j. u go rlcd, Singleton? M.-rilt-.t lite grand sweet song singleton My ". I f' up 1.1 II A Hero In a Lighthouse. r oy years J. S. Donahue. So. Haven, j Mich , a civil war captain, as a light-i house keeper, aveited aw fill wrecks, but j queer laet is, be might have been a w reck, himself, if l'.lectiic Hitters had i not prevented. ''Phey cured me of kidney trouble and chills " he w rites, i "alter I had taken other so called cures for years, without benefit and they also j improved my sight. Now. at seventy, I j am feeling line. " For dyspepsia, indi- gestion, all stomach, liver and kidney i troubles, they're without equal. Try I them. Only Vic. at all druggists. Few bachelors are as gay as they want women to think they are. A woman is always proud of her husband during the honeymoon. REST AND HEALTH TQ MOTHER ANO CHILD. Mrs. Wi if blow' Soothiho Syrup hat bwn nsftt for over KIXTV YEARS hy MILUONSof MOTHKK3 for their CHILURKN WH1LS TKK1IIINO, witli I'HRFHCT SI CCRS It FUUTIIES the Clllt.I). SOFTEN the liUMS, At, LAYS all 1'AI.M ; Cl'Kl'H WIND COLIC and la the beat remedy tor IHAKRIIiEA. It la ab solutely harmless. II- ante and aak for "Mra. Wiotlow'a Soothing hvrnp." and takt ao OUicr kind. Tweoty-fiva ceutja botlie. -s. ,'1 YAW I eii the I I ii 1 I -'-Aw &i SUCCfrSS AND r.Aii.i'n. The w;iy tliat wins is . Iiaril. To such turn if is tin tx- fuse for nothing. V Not so iHlicult iii as in tin; planning. llin tloiiiK' SO till1 CilMCSt wny is as st wuy. . gt'tlonil rulo tin It is tin.' easiest way out ami sueli w ays all have to he tramp ed over again, In its winsome winning way it tiinls a wek'onio because) it olfers cunsolation in times of trouble ami perplexity. Tlie thoughts, the iileas, the inethoils wliieh cnal'le men to j jiulis"' rightly coni( frmn haiil j iscrious work. j The launh is always ,,n the fellow who believes ill bis n II excuses. An excuse is ,i devil of a traitor. ' Alone the line of the least re- t-istence we find the most wrecks, and this is why Fome fail while others succeed. The Danger of La (irippe Is its fatal tendency to pneiiionia. To j cure your la trrippe eouu'lis take Kuley'n I ! 1 Lmey and Tar Compound. Ii. V.. Fish ! er, Washington. Kan , says: "1 was troubled w ith a severe attae!: ol laitnppe that threatened pneumonia. A fnend advised Kolcv s Horn v and Tar f om- poun.l and 1 t relief alter takinir the (list few doses. 1 took three bottles and my laprippe was cured." (let the genuine, ir. the yellow packuL'e K. I'LAIiK Flowers! When you want the liest, remember we are at your service. Choice Roses, Carnations, Vallies, Molets and Wedding Outfits In the Latest Styles. r UilJALOl TKIilNiiS AIiTITK' I.l.Y At short notice. When in need of pot plan's, rose hushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge plants and shade trees. Mail, tel. 'graph or telephone your orders to J. L O'QUINN & COMPANY FI.OUlsT-, RALlil'JH, North Carolina. Phones 1 III Ask for price list iN I OTIOK. Having qiialiiied ns administrator of C. K. llarvcll, deceased, late of Hal ifax county, this is to notify all persons holding elauvisngaiust his estate to pre sent the same to tlie uinletsigned on oi before December It, UUJ, ortlnsno tice will l.e (ilea. I in bar ol their u-cov-ti y. All persons owing said estate ore ieiiii'sted to come forward and make immediate settlement This Dec. H, 1011. i.;i:u. ('. (iUK.K.N, Administrator l '. K. llarvcll, dec. piANOTl'NINC; Voicing, regulating and repairing a specialty. Leave your orders with H. (i, RoYve W. J. BURLEIGH, Petersburg. Va TP ;v W" r V pnr.s- - " t Honest Farmers Honest Millers Turn it into Hour which is an clean as modern skill ran make it. Honest Bread Is the result when it conies from our oiens. hi these day of adulteration, artilicial coloring, etc , we are proud to say that no tam't is attached lo our baking I'se it for wholesomeness. ' I se it for loathsomeness. M, S. MOUNTCASTLE, ; Teldon, N. C. WE FURNISH V A KovrI Keawt in pvcm nnn n-h. ( buy their groceries at our store. j ) ( All the seasonable tlelicacies re .) ( found in our store the year ) round. ( ( ( ( CONFECTIONERIES FRUITS CROCKERY ANO TIN WARE ( Wooden nd Willowware, Etc.l (loods delivered promptly ny ) ( where in town. Polite clerks, j ) Phone So. 80. B. M. PDRNELL, fOLEYSKlDKieiTlUS fm Ihuin KitMtcnAii Buunc ( I (i LL lilt -id' 1 11 I. AM' HI Ml 11 VI ILL! N I v FANCY (. OOlS ami NOVKI.TIFS. lUitterick'is Pattern", R. & O. Corsets, Misses at Toe. Ladies 7oc. o $1, tV,l'riees will lie nitt.le to suit the times. Hats aud Bonnets made and tritnnted to order. ai i. mail or oki's promptly hi.li:i. Mf?e. P. A. tr Wljt, Wtddon, N.C. tWUfTOIPHIili 'I'UUJ LI-PI' TT' Go to HARRISON'S 't-fZ. k.' s? I'or Automobile Repairs and Supplies. All kinds of Machine work doni Sta tionary, llasoline. Marine ami Steam Kiigiiies, Cuns and Pistols. Satisfaction guaianti etl. Tor Sale: I ba e for a!e second biles I'm m f Ion up. baud automo- 11. VV. IIAIIIilSON'. W. J. WARD, lKXTIST, OHH K IN DANlia P.l ll.DLNU WKI.DON, X.C epl2 ly THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE. Things You Ought to Know Espe cially Why God Has eVirmitted Evil. Every Christian Ilible Student PHOIT.D KNOW the satisfactory proofs that the Ilible Is a Dhlue Itev elation reasonable raid trustworthy rveslllig n 1'Ihii win. h Is sysieliistle, full of Jusiit.'. U l.duui and l.oie. Tho Key of Knowledge of the Scrip tures, long lost (I.ul.tf 11. Mi, Is found, and gives Uod's faithful people access to tho "Hidden Mystery". (Col. liO.l YOU SHOULD KNOW that the Lord Jesus nnd his faithful are to be not only Priests but Kings. YOU SHOULD KNOW that this Kingdom Is to come and God's will be done at the Second Advent. YOTJ SHOULD KNOW that Rod's Plan Is to select nnd save the Church In the Gospel Age, mid to use this Church lu blessing the world during tho Mediatorial relgu on earth. YOU SHOULD KNOW that "Hansom for all" Implies tin opportu nlty for Restitution to all. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the Day of Judgment Is 1,000 years long the world's Trial I av. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the Spiritual and Humau natures tire sep arate and distinct. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the "Narrow Way" of self sacrifice will cease with this uge. YOU SHOULD KNOW that the "Highway of Righteousness" without suffering will be open to nil of the re deemed, race during tho Messianic reign on earth. YOU SHOULD KNOW that tho Kingdom of This World are but fot n ordained period nnd must then give place to the "Kingdom of lleaveu" "Thy Klugdom Come." Especially YOU OUGHT TO KNOW why Ood has permitted evil f..r six thousand jears, and tho relationship of Ood'a people to tLis reigu of sin and death and to tho lesults. These subjects and uiauy others of deep Interpol to all of God s people are discussed fully and In language, easy Of comprehension lu "THE DIVINE FLAN OF THE AGES." 886 pages, cloth bound, thirty-fire cents postpaid. AddrSa orders to Publishers, Blbl. nd Tract Society, 17 lllcka Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. PROFITABLE DAILY TITHING. "Daily Haavanly Manna." This little book is having the largest circulation of any of Its kind and Is conceded by Christians everywhere to be the most helpful. If Christians allow the rush and crush of seltlsh ambition to deprive them of their dnlly portion of h. aven ly food, they must n..t be surprised If they grow spiritually leaner day by day, and If the peace of God gives place In their dear's to the discontent which is growing In the world, not wllhstiintllnir the m.ilttnlicntlrtn f etf comforts and prhlleces. Daily llmrrnlji Vnunn contains a col lection of Scripture lextn with appro priate quotations for every day In the year. Surely the little tithe of time dally spent In partaking t f Its mowels of heavenly roiinsel cannot fall to profit all w ho partake. Ii Is published to do good - not for profit Your Friendi.' Cirib Oatts. An autograph mui b'.i'thdiy record feature In this boo'.; Is a great conveni ence. Opposite en, h day of the year are blank lines upi n whi, h you can secure the uutognphs of your friends tnd be reminded of their bhtbdajs rs they occur. This makes ihe lunik tuo.e Tuluable yearly. In teu years yoa would not sell It for ten dollars. Besides It has a place for Itirth Rec ords, .Marriage Records and Death Rec ords. Also It has a table showing the day of the week of any date for one hundred and fifty years. Printed on bond writing paper, blue cloth, handsome. Price, 35 cents post paid; Imitation alligator skin, gold s, 11.00 postpaid. Order now. Bl and Trait Society, 17 Hicks Street, Lrooklyn, N. Y. TiT - Tim i 1 s. ir roa tTMCa Taoutis ndACosu)riMTI9"l f5'.; L'Kf.l rulw? l.'liNI,!'. 'J iM'j'i: ' GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CL'SIC'T.- l 0 I V-.'O 11U ORIGINAL CA?A0E TLA. i'S CUOVt 1 e " r icre w mfim mast rnoor rwni in niittiiiic rrovn tna taut mnif cniwK IIMMHtd. WHll lVltUMfl O'lf pl"ltW niU't It ! T i.n- t,. -..I th.,.. ..I.or in i.mr u.tt.,111 til inst for th i.tot iti iiHty. We sow throe tons of Cabbagi Seed per season I frrnit tr-s Knl iiiottnii-M il. Writ l ir fri-tdlli ) f.(t-pr..l iiiHutx V""fn'ni:ij valiMido in formation lxnit fruit ftnrl i" i ts. ii cm hi ii ikt i.xti s, t,u,n) yi ,d it-r iiiouMitu: U.t-U t'l' iriouill l, I, U C Y 11 w ir.iiia. 9U Our Am. C, Geraty Co, Box -tm m - - 3i j ruiHTic The Standard Railroad of the South I Tlorida and West Indian Limited, ' "Palmetto Limited," I "Const Line Horida Mail." Dining ( ars a la eai'e ,,.n ,. ft .". year round thiiuigli car service from New Yoik to both poit 'l,nun ,f' lt iiml KtngbtM Kev. connecting with steamships to and fioin llaiuna. ni .. r'or beautifully illitstiatcd booklets and copy of 'I'm pie l'ol.li i addri-ss ' (ft W. J CRAKi. P. T. M.. T. C. Will i L, (i , ' w,i.m,n.;t"N.n.,'. f k 111 II III I & . I in 1 uliillUii j, H S$bdhr' A. D. CLARY Runs this Place. rt MM ServincL Ml cf iwW,i 4 In Season. g I 5t & iH,,J Meals Served nt nil Hours. 5 u iKs,v1,uts,,:rt: FRUITS, C0NFEC1 IGXLKILS S Seasonable Soft Drinks PROI'ESSIONAL CARDS. WALTI.R i:. DAMLl., Attorney-at-Law, WKLI'ON, N.C. Piaetices in the cuutts of liuhfax aui Nortbampton ami in tlie Supreme an. I edeial courts. ( ollcctions lua.le in a parts of North Carolina, liiaiii li tithe st Halifax open eveiv Mondav C J-A.lv IC ATTORNLY AT LAW, WLI.I'O.N, N. C, Piuctiees in the courts uf Halifax and adjoining counties and u. tlie Mipicnii couitot the Mate. pecial attention i "v,'n 'o collectitms and prompt returns. ULORtiE C. UkliLN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, iNalionat bank lltiLhliny) XV elilon. N. C. Ll.l.lOTT H. CLARK. ATTORN I; Y-AT-LAW, I1AI.1I AX, N. C. p:; Hum is in tiie eoiiits of Halifax and ljoiuing roiiiilics ami lu the Ml picnic cult of the Mate. Special atten tion given to collections and piompt re ti.i .fc. lu-ti-1 V Xl F TIjVLBY. I'hotojrrapher, XVeldon, North Carolina. ARCHITECTURAL. INDUSTRIAL and LANDSCAPE MEXX'S. Family groups and schools a spec-1 ialiy. Kodaks developed and I printed, Mail orders receive prompt i aiicntion. -'Mia.Mr) On Your Vacation TaH IhU handy m, rs 4 ob. You roi Tjb:-vM eorrr It fiat In your if vt or coal 7 1 Pot In-1. A laily J tan carry Ii in M i I "" of TLi , V hand bat. It rt.-a i-r fro vnlcarrU4 upttdm fliiwn-. Buorantet this. (tO. 1 PARKER ft IS? PARKER JACK KNIFE SAFETY FOUNTAIN PEN T"- wlUnai ltlau.til. onror.r. L atiraloM lo oHMiiH, country h..n.a , r tfca aaifcota. aM yoa will hava IS Iroooaai nd tor a pM. aoo tint G wrloaa larlllSaa may not aa at l,an.l r Aoo IhU U aalaiy paa that wil t, B a StaSiM, bmaw II hat ao yalvca, olanMM or olaapaoarlnfl marhanlaa, k E Sat out of ord. Auloltta, niw ,', 1 yaiblaoirr,. aarallon.at, aatt it,,,.,,, 1 ol ararr kloS wol Hud thi. Unit pr a ' "'" usy alia, Hka llluattarhMi, with No pra S9 ; arlrk larnr alia anlS ..a 11 I, aad M, aroMdlat to at,.. A.y Parkn Scalar will aWI you tha Jaik ftaifr '7,o any othar Patkar pra on It daya traa trial II you canai llnd a aaalrf, orSar dlrocl. II la la daya ya ratura rka paa aa unaarUlarawry. rout aaouay wUl ka raluodaj. All Parkar Pom kaaa Larky Corva Ink Pada. prayanSn, air aipandl,,, la taaaryotr by waraiih ol tha body Irons torclas Ink lalo cap. GEO. S. PASSU. Praa. Parker Pen Company 175 Mill St, Juesville, Wis, t1 HISMNHHaraMi R. E. DKAHbK CO.. Incorporated The Satisfaction Store, XVeldon, N. C. i. n nrtTP ofr twftin- thi.iM,,,, t I a. piauia idiq in cm or rriua In th ';'"l l(i-Af or - M .IKl Vulir Illilli.'i' 1.1. 'I- . !Lr .Mrl. nul.t . ... . A " V IMrittHrrr n i rtcrHtdn itrowln. I'r er n ui v n)i ti, r ''liritf. Ui aars rat mi plnlKU r lo 151 Yonges Island, S. C 9v mm- i.' ST, cojjST utal 'ID )j Ramifies the "Nation's (lard en Spot." "New York anil l lorida'll llWl Special" (January to li.ul, : LOOK! LOOK! J. H. aller will htal Roanoke Rapids in my ulfice in the PALM .APE BL H.lilNti, Ik ID AY j( each week, bcRintiing Fri day, July 26ih, una then every Friday thereafter, until further notice, lor tlie purpose of testing eyes and Iitiinf glasses. Have yours looked after. Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed or money refunded. 7 Ifi tl' Lawst Hiuct m int Sulli. When in Noii'olk c.ii! on oi: You Hill iiml nl.at y. u uatit ami get it iiiick'v. Having no cinia is. agent's commas. on ale ad ded to our pnc. - ih.'-.m-ablcs us to use iiisuiassni lenal and liuisli it piupvrly . XX'e Pay PreiRht and (iuurantee Safe Arrival. mCOUPERIMnBlE WORKS. (t.'l years in business i lM-ltH Hank St MiUl lKY ROSES. Carnations, Violets nd other flowers alavs on l.anJ ti. ........ ic.i.1...,, i'.,,i,..i itaii'l-enie Floral Designs, Palms ami I'"- ' home culture. fer Hyacinths, Tulips. Narcissus and manv oilier vai ictu s ol I . fut , cub i fall planting either lor out or m lure. Lose bushes. M.igi a rryrtt'liH. W iiU', I'Jmiih i i. H. STLINMLT. I'lorist. Raleigh, North Caroliitn. ft-K.l-ly Foley's Kidney Pills Vhat They Will Do for You They will cure your ba :':ache, strengthen your kidneyr, cor, rect urinary irregularitin, build up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pf vent Bright's Disease and De bates, and restore health nd strength. Refuse substitutes. E. CLARK. D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Pin Insurance. IrnSBiiL X'p.c lltfi.-p tt,'ilil! N C vueva, isTfaa viiivt - mm n r. i nn WKLDON. N. C. S

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