people art tick people. Tkey lack vitality and reiiitir power. Scott's Emulsion bringi new life to tack people it (im vigor aad vitality to iad aad body. All Draggitu. Heotl a Bowne. Bloonficld. N. 1 12- THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, July II, 1912. Published Every Thursday. The old National Democratic rooster has opened one eye after a long nap and is beginning to shake the dust out of his wings I lo is also consulting a throat specialist that he may he able to crow in Ni - vember. Although he had committed his crime a year before, a IwlJup man was recognized by his victim ; and arrested. The moral is that a ' man with that kind of a face has no business to go into the holdup j business. WLLDON 33 EAHS AGO. From The Roanoke News, 4, 12. 187. Jul v BNTKBI AT POSTOFFll'B AT WHI.DON SSCOSD-CLASS MA1TKH. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, tl.M. Six Months, ' " .75. A weekly I'emocratic journal devoted to the matt-rial, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and surrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and nished on application. fur- The democracy chose a Moses not a Jonah. Sea Girt now becomes a large spot on the map. It always confuses a noun' dawg for the rabbit to double on his track. The country demanded first-rate goods and the convention at Bal timore supplied the demand. Meanwhile the grand old party elephant would enjoy a vacation from his diet of peanut politics. When Tom Piatt made Roose velt vice-president he certainly had no conception or what he was starting. Whoever remarked, "least said, soonest mended," was no politician of the present school. VC'ho cares about mending, anyway ? Indiana, usually doubtful, ex presses confidence in "Honest Tom Marshall," and the Taft smile over the outlook does not expand. In 1852 the Whigs did not real ize that their party was dead until they received an invitation to the funeral in iNovember of that year. History is about to repeat itself. With the brilliant governor of New Jersey as leader, the Demo cratic party is assured of an over whelming victory in November, says the Spartansburg (S. C.) Herald. The call for the formation of the Roosevelt party, evidently t be termed the National Progressive party, has been given out by J. M. Dixon, of Montana, the campaign manager of Colonel Roosevelt. It calls upon those who will follow the new flag to send representa tives to Chicago on the fifth of Au gust to organize the new move ment to nominate a candidate for President, this to be the Colonel himself. Henceforth the chips must fly even over the fence into the back yards of the "interests. ' There can be no cuddling up to iir. Kvan or Mr. be mom or Mr. Morgan. There must be no olive branches to Colonel Harvey or Colonel Waiterson or those other colonels in the army of publicists who have so ardously striven to carry the party's proclamations. Governor Wilson was nominated not on the strength of the speech es he made in the East but of those he made in Texas and other wild and woolly States where his ideas fairly sizzled, says the New York Herald. FOR hurry-up information about our new to be president, the Char lotte Observer takes the palm: Woodrow Vv'ilson. Paternal an cestry, Scotch Irish; father, Joseph Ruggles Wilson; mother, Jessie Wood row; father's vocation, cler gyman; time and place of birth, Staunton, Virginia, December 28, 1856; vocation, educator-publicist; college, Princeton, (also Davidson, University of South Carolina and University of Virginia law school); wife's name and former residence, Ellen Louise Axson, Savannah, Ga.; children, three daughters; home when elected, Princeton, N. J.; politics, Democrat; year of in auguration, 1913; age at inaugu ration, fifty-seven; religious con nection, Presbyterian. Not caring to wait upon The World Almanac of 1913 for these facts, we lay them before our readers now. Woodrow Wilson will be the twenty-eighth and prob ably also the twenty-ninth presi dent of the United States. Buck Smallwood, a negro living about three miles from here, was ; drowned last Sunday while b.nhing in the river. ' Roanoke Lodge 203, A F. and A. M., installed on Tuesday the following officers: W. T. Vi'hit fiield, W. M.; T. L. Emry, S. W.; R. F. Butler, J. W.; Hamlin Allen, Treasurer; W. H. Brown, Secre tary; C. F. Whitfield, S. D.; J. A. Musgrove, J. D.; H. Y. Harris, tyler. V John Garner killed a snake in Mush Island, several days ago, which measured 3 feet and 9 inches in length, and 20 inches in circumference. His fangs were three-quarters of an inch long, I John J. Garrett has sold his farm near Ringwood and will in a few days move to King's Moun tain, where he will reside in future. R. P. Spiers will soon begin the erection of a dwelling on the corner adjoining Mr. Whitfield's resi dence. V Quite a curiosity has made its appearance on the farm of Rev. J. A. B. Kilpatrick, of the Aurelian Springs section. It is a pig with six well developed feet. Seaside Excursion Fares Via Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, the standard railroad of the South. Week-end Rates For Saturday and Sunday forenoon trains, June I st to September Sth, inclusive, limited to midnight of following Tuesday: Wilmington, N C, and return $5.40. For further information i-all nn local Ticket Agent, or address T. C. White, General Pass. Agent, Wilmington, N. C. rJ2 If you (trow peanuts and do not use a Benthatl 1'eanui Ticker, you actually lose money by not owning one. The Benthall makes peanut (rronini; doubly prohublt. The you pay tire losses from delays In not gtttinu your nop early to market the losses form birds and steal iojf cost you more than a machine. If TOU own a Mentha!!, vim, ami vrtnr boys can do t he ivork of a h undred hands, and do it better. You tend your crop to market earl secure highest nrirea. You Itop the theft of your ciop. Grower! now sea that hand nirk-intr It far too Costly. The follr of atlemiiinu tn "tliroA" them hat been plainly shown. For machine! that "thresh" them des troy profits. The crack the nun anif rr,.Vl na will not keep TheT erind the vines tn mittn.rMna and these fines are the equal of alfalfa for feed worth from $12 to i20 per Ion, Contract luili maitiinea w-ifl, tl, Kn. thall. The vines are fej to the Henthall iuit grain to the licjiin machine The Wra.ltiti me DtilleJ ntf ih und without injui f to the sf.elL The mch.! picks as dHirstrly as human fingers- hundreds of times more rapidly. Many buvers (jive ptcference to Ben tl'.all picked nuts The vines are sawd iu perfect ronditiou for hay. The recteaninK and banking attachment makes it unnoccssaty to lun the peanuts over for seed the second time a This is the picker of proved worth proved out in the peanut fields ot Virginia. Kither Spanish or Virginia varieties art) picked equally as well. It is mounted ready t i hitch as yoo would a farm wagon You can easily more it from place to place. a '11 :re are models suited for horse or engine power machines that are made Interchangeable. Evert; year sees more farmers using the Henthall. It has supplanted all other methods in many sections- And the de mand this year promises to be greater than we can supply, THE MACHINE THAT PAYS FOR ITSELF. If you don't want to let proms slip thru your fingers if you want to make money Kiumng peanuts, write us lor out toMer riowine neattiail rays for Itself rice upon request. ' bent Bos Banthall Machine Company, SUFFOLK, VIRGINIA. e-1 I Copyright Wl I 1 1 t I Michaels. Stern is Co 1 I Roc hewer N . V. 1 f J WW finr cff-ii"lr nf P. Inflii no- TTofa tHai-ia Qh rtaa a-a . ed down and big bargains are being offered Gomel ttiiu get yuux Quttic ui tucec ucu gcuus. tin A I J I TO R. E. Draper Company, WELDON, INCORPORATED NORTH CAROLINA. Hon Rent. 12 mom brick building, near depot, Splendid lo cation for a boarding house or ho tel. On corner of principal busi ness street in town. Terms most reasonable. Apply at Roanoke Nevcs office for further particu lars. EVERY" STREET IN WELDON U! Listen ! What a tremendous. Having of shoe money to the buyer. Yen. tins means vou We are closing out our shoe business. Positively k-omir to sell eve.v parr of Meu s. omen s ami Children's Shoes iu stock at about Has Its Share of the Proof Kidney Sufferers Seek That The Spanish aviator who was wrecked by a flock of locusts should congratulate himself that he wasn't flying in a New Jersey skeeter belt. And in the mean time the per sonally conducted Ananias Club membership has reached high tide and the private census of Undesir able Citizens has grown beyond recognition. It would be well for every one to be as tolerant as possible in dis cussing politics. An unjust criti cism of a candidate, if made in the presence of his adherents, is sure to arouse bad feeling. The ele tion is several months removed I and there is abundant time fot i quiet meditation, and it becomes i men to be tolerant, especially in j the same household of faith. I A third political party was launch ed in Indiana late July 3rd, when progressive Republicans called fron all over the State by Edwin M.Lee former Republican State chairman, adopted resolutions condemning the Chicago convention and de daring they would not abide by it, acts. Provision was made for tickets in every county as well as for a State ticket. TRIBUTE TO WILSON A press bulletin of the State Board of Health says that from one-sixth of the population of North Carolina the law requires that all deaths, with their causes, and certain other data relating 1,1 sex, age, social conditions, etc , be registered in the office of Regisnai of Vital Statistics at Raleigh. IVom tiiia pupuiauuii incie et e reported i 1 1 o deaths from pellagra in 1910 and 176 deaths from the same dis ease in 1911, an increase of 52 per cent. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars steward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yean, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan k Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces) of the system. Testimonials lent free. Price 75 cento per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's for Constipation The following is quoted as the j opening portion of Judge U'est- cott's speech in placing Woodrow i Wilson before the Baltimore con I vention: I New Jersey, once bound, but by the moral energy and intellectual greatness of a single soul, now free, comes to this great conven tion, in the glory of her emancipa tion, to participate in your deliber ations, and in formulating your judgments and assist in executing your decrees. The New Jersey delegation is not empowered to ex ercise the attributes of proprietor ship, but as commissioned to rep resent the great cause of Democra cy, and to orler you as its miliiant and triumphant leader, a scholar, nc-: a charlatan: a statesman, not a doctrinaire; a profound lawyer, not a splitter of legal hairs; a political economist, not an egotistical theo rist; a practical politician, who con structs, modifies, restrains without disturbance and destruction; a re sistless debater and consummate master of statement, not a mere sophist; a humanitarian, not a de tainer of character and lives; a man whose mind is at once cosmopoli tan and composite of American; a gentleman of unprentious habits, with the fear of God in his heart and the love of mankind exhibited in every act of his life; above all a public servant who has been tried to the uttermost and never found wanting peerless, matchless, un conquerable, Democrat, Wood row Wilson. roinsuLuAniis la.isfcHjeiataejio) j,n,AT,e, Backache? Kidneys weak Distressed wiih urinary ills? Want a reliable kidney remedy? Don't have to look far. Use t hat Wcldon people recommend. livery sireet in Weldnn has its cases. Here's one Weldon woman's experience. Let Mrs L, T. Clark, of 7th sireet, tell it. Mrs i. T. Clark, Seventh St., Weldon, N. C, says: " have the utmost confidence in Doan's Kidney IMIs, for they have been used in my family with the best of results. The person who took them was relieved of kidney com-, plaint and backache and was also 1 1'cncfited in other ways. I feel ! iusiilied in giving Doan's Kidney 1 1'ills my endorsement. " 1 lie above statement must carry ; conviction to the mind of every , reader. Don t simply ask for a ! kidney remedy ask distinctly for Doan's Kidney Pills, the same that Mrs. Clark had the remedy backed by home testimony. 50c. all stores. Foster-Millburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "When your back is lame re member the name." SEE US FOR AUTOMOBILES, If you want an Automobile see the I'ollats a yl are Hollars .Made, aud this Tor everv Man, Woman undl hild aho wants a good pair of Mroes at little money. Now is the time to aft-uot merely to think as e must sell every .air of Shoes in a limited time. It Means Money In Your Pocket. Just leave it to us to prove it! No skin game, or fake sale, but a clean cut money saving propo sition for everybody who acts at once. WELDON SHOE COMPANY, WELDON, N. C. IS 8 IS 8 S S II CUT GLASS I j 8 i?m 8 I .'U iW. C TV ft 3 ' fi 1 I JULY BRIDES Has since 1894 given 'Thoroufth Instruction under poaltlTely Chfiitiaii influence at tbe lowest possible cost." i. -HUI:TJ Y b,UHlJr '"ulty of 82, a boarding patronage ot 828, IU student body of 400, and It plant worti $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CIRLS IN VIRGINIA 15 pays sJl charge for the year, tncludlng table board, room, light, steam beat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In all subject except music and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, RV. TIIOS. ROSSER REEVES, B. A- Principal BLACKSTONE, VA. n n ENFIFIB mm f.nUPAMY Agents for E. M. P. FLANDERS 30 When you buy an automobile fov not buy a good one? We sell the best. Enfield Oarage Company ENFIELD, N. C. D. B. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Ruanoke News Offict -:- Welloi N. C I W. J. WARD, UKNTI8T, OFFICE IN DANIEL BU1LDINU WELDON. N.J sp!2 It , THE I'ELoof Bk g TqusT Co. Succeeding to the Business of the First National Bank ol Weldon. Will transact Oeneral Banking- and Com clal Business. PAY 4 ON SAVINQS DEPOSITS. Will also act as EXECUTOR. ADMINISTRATOR, OUARDIAN, TRUSTEE. lur Will also neRotlate loans on Real Estate. bond Public Officials. Writ all kinds of Insurant OFFICERS: WM. H. 8 Bl KGWYN, President. 8. F. PATTERSON", Vice-President F. J. BOUNDS. Vice-President J. T. l-OOCH. Ushier DIRECTORS: S. F. PATTERSON. W. 8. PARKER, P. J. BOUNDS, BOUNDS, I. P. WM. U.S. BUKUWYS W. A. PIERCE, W. T PARKER, W. W. Wit Kj INS, .1. T. UOOCH. 8 M At a u n n n n 8 P.N.Stainback's. I i 8 8 n n aS V. V. VV. 0.4c vW .W wVJle .W ai m CHARLES C. ALLEY. Inc., (."uccessors to t'bas. t'. Alley ) WHOLESALE Confectioners Si Fancy Grocers IUKIUi.iimi s. . . .. PHTKUSBUHd, VA. r!uH?1 AKent ' Vintiniaand North Carolina for ti.e'celebratod ShkoW. i u n. i u ''" "v .uenis . l. Jiauifh and J. McP. Tucker. Reserve vour order, for ll.en, lsyia AVi aiiii4MWtrWWtV PUTTING AWAY SMALL SUMS I U ks Klslaqr east BlsMr Right EAST CAROLINA Tewei$' Twtiiq School. A State school to train teachers lor the pul.lie schools of North Carolina Lvery energy ,s directed to this one purpose. Tuition is free to all who agree to teach. FALL TERM llEHINS SEPTEMBER 24, 1912. For catalogue and other formation, address ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President, GREENVILLE, N. C.' Here, you can put away small sums not needed for present J use. And while waiting your call they will draw interest. j ... - " "ui Miaa iinpiy iaiimii transactions, tar trom it. Many iar,je depositors are u-,nlt! , our Savings pass-books. They are using them for the intcrcit ' 1 they get; they are also using them because of the convenience f I afforded. 4 per cent, interest allowed, compounded quaneriy t f BANK OF ENFIELD, j I ENFIELD, N. C. ANDCUHCTHtLUMCSl wiTHRjmirTC's lEl'DiiSGVERY VWWatLMHIlllllU MMLlTMIMyffAMDlUWTROUeUi 9UAANTCCD SArStACrOM I Special Sale ! Why Spend All You Earn? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investment-start now. "Takes mnnev t moL-. s, ar . J 1 1 1 u 1 1 s. V . YUU KnOttr You m,ght be vlsited 5y thIeye9 or ffr;..JnuacKc;t' with us prevents loss. Th uin i . - . riuj uauii is a uiiirniv Cm!" Int0' We " 4 W rnTJtn !Bank of Halifax, We have uu l,an,l t..u..r nieuls of the latent in u....l m i ' "" i- i-hih ivr I .... r. raw out tlesliuallet ili( f did to rut tlieui on sale at hall ir ' S lor casti ouiv. ;:, s.mi. i-1,1- teis. mute aud an otliti eoior- wis'- uov. K.X. to d Wast. I oat 3u,i t : t to uur et.tto ioo. wtoe.j.Nft reduceii i.7.' to:' blark !..! -.r.. nut I eiHCOaiH tO ttl QOK v to tl . . Vuile .--kins ; to t no . ' i to M si. Iti,ii yards laoe aud eu.l.if I eries to clone out at hair : I. : U Menaaline silks, all colors, uoa ' ' l anil no. calicoes 3J to 1c f 10 and I'-Mo uuitfti.m. ; ,,. u.. 1 1 ... .l.tHSI vards dieKH iriwuU ... i.. it' than cost. Ladu-k hai i I..H nnft ItUk-tt. drtiwpta at aud Mow com. SPIERS BROS WEI.DON. N ('., : T OLAK, K ATTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Stedman, Preaideatj H AIjIFX, 3ST. o. WELDON, H.V, E. L. Travla Vice-Fresideat.' P. H. Urefory ner. I'raetices in the courts ofIIalif t', adjomiug eouuties and it. the uprel, court of the f-Ute. Special allr't'6',' (iren to eoUeetion aad prom pt reiur' 1