, ' ,-, i .pin,,,,!.,,!, l..W, .n , , jfr r !Sut A lvcrtising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. i'erms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum WKLDOX, X. C, TIITHSDAV, .IANTA11Y t, 1 S I :j. NO. :i7 The Kiml You Have Alwuys Bought, ami whlth la been iu use lor mur yi-urs, lius Uomo tli Blnutiire of r iH-cii niiule uiidi'i Ills per. 'ffi&fc&li "ul s"'";n N1"" sil"'! 'lU '"''""y. " jtm in mi. All C'oiinlerl'rltM, Imitation laid " Jns.m,.K()m"iiro hut i:siHiiK'iilH I hut. ti'lile l(h u'il-ml:iiiKrr (ho lieullh of luluuts .ni.l Milldruu Kxperieii. o iiuiu-t lOiiierlmunt. What is CASTORIA Custorlu h rt harmless itiito for Castor Oil, Pare- Krle, lropn mid Soothing NynmH. Jt lMmsuiit. It contains ii.-itlir-r Opium, Morphine nor oilier A'areotlo siihstiince. Us aire U Its R-iarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Fevertshness. It cures Di.irrlitim and Wind Colic. H relieves Teetlilti Trouhles, euros I'miHtipatiou and Flnti'lene.v. i siniiiates the Food, regulates the Stoinaeh and I towel; giving healthy i.ud natural sleep. The Children's l'auaeeii Tho MoIIut'.s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Spanish Peanuts. w E are in the market for new peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aifl SttrplBs, $50,000. For nearly years tliia iimtiUitiiiu liax provided hanking facilities fur this section. ' It stockholders and oltieets are identilied with the hnsi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savinps I lepartnieiit is maintained lor the lu'iirlit of all nlio ilesire lo deposit ill a SaviuKs I'.ank. In tins U'partinent mii-ivst is ullium! as follows: For Deposits allowed toremaui tluee inniiths 01 hinder. J per cent, si mouths or lonirer. II per cent. Twelve nionthsor hnnrer. I percent. Vny information will he furnished on application to the I'residfiitoU'ashiur PRISIUINT : W. K. DANIEL, Vlt'E-l'HKSIIIICNT: W. R. SMITH. JUIIN C). DlfAKK, Teller. ASH1KR. i;. S. TUAVIS. DIRECTORS V. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, R. S. Travis. W. M. J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, I), li. Zollicoll'er, .1 . W. Slc.ljff. Cohen, POINTED WAY TO SALVATION. Preacher's Advice Was All Right I But His Hriend Also Mad Some thing Wise to Say. i Senator Samuel A. Hudson, I speaking recenily at a banquet.told j the following : I "A colored preacher stood up I on a Sunday and said, 'My lext j this morning, brothers and sisiers, ! am "Whai sluill 1 do 10 he saved?" ' To me there seems only one way 1 10 he saved, and that am id quit j ihis 'ere extravagant living. Back to ilte simple life, says I. There am lo he no chance For you to be saved so long as you keep up this high living. If there is anything thai is going lo kill our race it is ihese'ere luxuries. Better go hungry and cold like the wolf. Go oui and face the rains and fight ihe storms. Go wade like die crane. You will grow rugged and you will grow lough, but you'll walk like a man. Yes, sir, thai am de way to salvation, thai am de way to get saved." Wms i if "Just then a tall colored man, rising from his pew in the rear of the church interrupted the preach er, shouting: "This am no way to be saved. You jusi jump right through that back window and run just as fast as your legs will carry you, for the county sheriff am here with a warrant for your arrest for stealing them chickens from Massa Martinis coop last Fri day night.' " Chicago Times Herald. HEREDITY. MANTKACTTUKItS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADE TO OltDF.K AM' IfKlil'I.AR STOCK SIZES. Qood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. ORTHAMPlSnt?Trin?RAILWiI& KKAD DOWN READ UP Daily excetl Snolays IN 1.1 1 1 11 APRIL 1. 1911 Inily "CCjjJujjjjj No 1 No3,No.5 A.M.Il'.M. l'.M 8::H12:15 9:1)0, 1:40 1.1)0 3:3.- 4:00 4:1.11 i Leave tiunil.erry Arrive Leave MowneM' Arrive Arrive ' Jackson Leave No,-.' A.M. 11:1') 10:4.". 10:31) No.4:No. P.Mji'.M. .:'M 5:25 : 1 o i 5:11) W. W. KollKKTSON, (Jeneral Mananer i: ....:" i M n VI, 17fh Oil 3Q0E301 Subscribe to the Roanoke News, only $1.60 per year. Advertising rates made known on application. She Sometimes you appear really manly and sometimes you are effeminate. How do you ac count for it ? He 1 suppose it is hereditary. Half of my ancestors were men and the oilier half women! Tit Bits. Children Cry FOR FLEICHER'S CASTOR I A POOR GIRL. "How long have you been mar ried?" "It will be six months next Thursday." "And do you still regard your husband as the most wonderful man who ever was born ?" Then the puor air! bl oke down, says the San Fransisco Star, and sobbed piteously. when she could trust her herself to speak again she said: "No. Charles has disappointed me terribly. I'm af-fraid 1 have wre-wrecked my li-life. Last night when I asked him to gel up and see if there wasn't a burglar in our room he bumped his nose against the edge of the open door and he said three simply awful words just as if they came natural with him." Escaped After Fifteen Years W.l'.Uroyles made a successful escape after lifteeii years of sullerinn from kid ney aud Madder troubles. Foley Kid ney Tills released him aud will do just the same for others. He says: "They cured a most severe backache with pain ful bladder irregularities, and they do all you claim for them." Refuse sub ititutes. Adv. E.CLARK. POWDER AbsolutelyPure From a series olYliilmrnti- i henilcul tests. Comparative digestibility of food lnadu with different baking powders. An equal quantity ot broad (biscuit) was made with each of two kinds of baking powder cream of tartar and alum -and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The percentage of the food digested is sliwwii as follows : Broad mad with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: 99 Per Cent. Dige.ted Bread made with alum powder i 67 Per Cent Digeitdj Royal Baking Powder raised food is shown to be of greatly superior digestibility and healthfulnesx. THE DIFFERENCE. When a pusson has got money, go where'er he may, It is : "Howdy, Mister Johnsing, won't you step dis way? Come right up an' jine de party, have a good cigar, And a little lobsiah an' a auto car." Other times he may be achin' fo' a meal and smoke, But he never gits invited when he's clean dead broke. When a pusson's got a bank roll dat would choke a hoss, All the people touch dey hats an' holler : "Howdy, boss.' He kin drink an' play de races an' shoot craps a lot, An' de people merely murmur : "Dat's a way he's got." But dey won't sian' it a minute fum a cheap skate moke, For dey always got a hammah fo' de guy what's broke. Now, if fo' a waiahmillion should a pore man pine. An' should go an' lift it gently from de rich man's vine, He'd git ninety clays in prison or perhaps a year, Now de rich man steals a million as a financier, An' de folks dey make a hero of de old rich bloke; Bui it's different wid de pusson who am clean dead broke. New dere am a good time comin' fo' de ten-cent guys. An' de rich folks dey will learn it wid a deep surprise. If dey chance lo go to Glory, dey'll see pore folks there, All a-playin' harps an' wearin' of de crown so rare. An' de rich kain't buy no better ones fo' here's de joke, When it comes to flashin' money de'll be all dead broke. MATTER OF JUSTICE. Where shall justice begin, with (hose who have power or with those who suffer wrong? If exact and ideal justice were done, the weak would make an effort to give to the strong all that is iheir due, and the strong would try to put iheir affairs in order so that no just cause of complaint should ex ist anywhere. The unhappy ele ment in the relations of the strong and the weak is that both are think ing too much about exacting jus tice and not enough about doing thai which is just and right. "Pay what thou owest" is the cry most often heard. "Give me that which is my due, then I will pay you what I owe." The Christian Reg- VALUABLE TESTIMONY. HIDDEN LOVE. You Would Be Very Happy If You Only Knew How Much You Are Loved. ister. HIS EFFORT. "Now, Johnny," said the teach er, "you may try your hand at writing a short story. A few minutes later Johnny handed un his slflte on which Was written, "Us boys all loves our teacher. Harper s Kazar. CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. Bears the T yJyA Signature of CX7 AX The lawyer shook his finger warningly at the witness and said: "Now, we want to hear just what you know, not what some one else knows or what you think, or any thing of that kind, but what you know. Do you understand?" "Waal, I know," said the wit ness, with emphasis as he lifted one limber leg and laid it across ihe oilier, "I know hat Clay Grubbs said thai Bill Thompson told him that he heard John Thom as' wife tell Sid Shuford's gal that her husband was there when the fight tuk place and that he said that tney flung each other around m the bushes right consid'able." Philadelphia Telegraph. CLAIMINO HIS PROPERTY, It is not love, who in blind, it is you, Today, as you pass ed in and out among your fel low creaturi's, a thousand ami oiks littlti thoughts of love dart cil at you, and felt stiinti'd at the armor of your iinliclicl'. For mosl of low's imptilsts lly iu tin' dark, Love shivers at exposure by a word or aet, even by a smile or a lighted eye, lie likes to shoot his ar rows from the narrow peep holes of the dark heart. lit; is a born ainbushcr. Ho will not light iu battle array, and loathes trumpet and drum; bis is a guerilla warfare. It is curious how we go about always on the defensive. 1 know a woman who is really very adorable, but she. is al ways bristling with bayonets to repel any who would pene trate into Ihe soerut treasures of her soul. It is not strange that tho more keenly alive the soul is to the thrill and marvel of affection, the more it seems to clothe itself iu steel against it ? If we only knew the inner written pages of all hearts what a world of tenderness and beauty would be revealed ! If all the honest love thoughts should be said, or, better, sung, what music, surpassing the strains of Isolde, would play above the swarm of human creatures ! It is such music the angels, and the blessed dead who hover around us, hear, and so think better of us than we do of our selves. I cannot help thinking Ther sytesand Diogenes, and all the dog-pack of cynics and pessi mists who rail at the human race and invent gall, philoso phies, are really, inwardly and sheepishly passionate lovers, whose modesty it is that has grown to a pitiful rage; and their cursings and snarlings are nothing but incoherent hunger cries of love. Doubtless in the next world we shall see these souls burning hottest) and brightest with Celestial pas sions, there where love shall be stripped of shield, buckler and visored helmet, and we shall see ''face to face, and know even as also we are known." Tho one damning unfaith here below is the doubt of love. It means hell. Why do ve suspect so much, doubt so much, and think it's such a calamity to be deceived1 A saying of Spurgeon was: "He that believes too easily may be bitten, but be that be lieves not at all shall be devoured." FAVORED A FAIR TRIAL, The late Wilbur Sanders, of Montana, once United States Sen ator from that State, rode into a Montana mining town one after noon and found the entire popula tion about to lynch a man who had been stealing ore. Saunders pushed his way into the crowd. "Stop this!" he thundered. "Stop this! I protest! There has been too much of this sort of thing in Montana. We must break up the habit we have of hanging men without a trial by law. You must not hang him now, Lei us give him a fair and impartial trial as prescribed by law, and then hang him !" San Francisco Chronicle. DRY HUMOR. Customer Look here. 1 want my wagon. Coal Merchant What wagon r1 Customer The one I paid for when you weighed my last load of coal. Puck. Hints for Housekeepers Keep Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound always on hand, and you can quickly head olf a cold by its prompt use. It contains no opiates, heals and soothes the inllamed air paanaxes, stops the cough, and may save a big doctor's bill. In the yellow package Adv. E. t'LAKK RelievesNeuralgia Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief from neuralgia or sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part soothes the nerves and slops the pain. Don't rub it penetrates. PROOF Mk i. Krnoiril NlsrKR, Oconto, Wis., Wlilus: " I have use! S'.o.in's I.iliilii''i,t iur tuutii.it he ami ni tinlniu in tin- ln:atl wheto nulling l!. wouiil help me ami I miM Hut bo without tlie Liiiirucut in tin: hutiw ." SIMM'S IIIMEMT is also good foi rlu'uiiiali-iii, suru throat, chest pains and sprains. Pains All Cone ('. M. Uki.K, of J"h.ninesLurg, Midi., ' I visli to Kiv your Liniment is the hcvt i;i':di( in? in the uoikl. It l.as curttl me of in ui,t! ia ; tho-e piin' have ,.!! (. mi? ami I irtii truly iy your Liiiinn-iit did ci:re me," P&iii All Co.ie Mk. J. R. Krt i:ii'd u. ut ;;7Si. St., Lnui.- m!c, h y, , wi iu ; : I snf,ri!i. wh'i quili- a jit-vere ).ni;il;.;c li";t'.la! ! c; f-r four iii'itu!';. w.tlinul any i -iis '. 1 '.il v nr JaninuH f r I wo or ;. !.-.-; u'. 'V.o V: havt n i i-':i'iL'rt:(J wiili invl. ..!....-. e. I 2 touml m, nvqi'i k rihri.s i'p.m. .in ly ;' : iis- nf ,si Miii Liniment and bclLvt: it w !.( t?i; 1i"-t Liniment cm the market t'-(!.:y. I tan ie uii!in-id it fur ulmt it uid for !i:e." Vrico 25c, 50c, airf $1 .00 at All Deabrn. Suwl tor Hlimi'.i I'reo li'Mik ou Horsus. Aildrosa DR. EARL S. SLOAN, boston, Mass. TRUTHFUL SAVINGS According to Uncle Abner. The things that a feller likes to eat and drink ain't good for him, and, anyhow, they cost too much. When a man wears good clothes it's a cinch that somebody has to work for them, either himself or his wife. If all the young gentlemen who hang around the pool rooms would go to work ihis life would be a lot easier for the rest of us. I never saw a postmaster who was against the government at least, not until he got out of office. Ame Hillike's nose is so red that it singes his mustache. Ame was brought up in a drugstore county. A feller who thinks that the horse is down and out ought to go and try to buy one. After a feller has learned to run a furnace, nothing like an automo bile or a locomotive gives him the least trouble. You can't elways judge ihe neighbor by the clothes that hang out on the line. No feller kin be classed as among the truly rich until he has been called to testify before the cam paign fund investigating committee. Il is a durn sight easier to an automobile than it is 10 one. Luke Higgins has got the best automobile in the world, but he is willing to sell it at a sacrifice, as he wants to get a better one. CHANGED. run buy Ureal Eduction Sale. Nottingham and Net Curtains 75c value 60c. ' $1 value, 80c. $1 50 value, $1. $2 value, $1.50 $3 value, $2.20 $4 value, $3. Thousands of Yards of all kinds of Mattings at Cut Prices. When my two girls were born I used to wonder what I was going to make of them." "And now?" "Now they're grown up and in society, I've begun wondering what they're going to make of me." Detroit Tree Press. MOTHER'S PRIVILFOE. "Don't talk back to your pa!" "Aw, gee whizz, ma, you want all the fun there is in this house." Deiroit Free Press. AFTER THE HONEYMOON. FOIIYS OMOlAOTlYI fea Stm Tueuaia anil Comtiftioi An "idle rumorj never .spends much time in the office of a busy man. The Governor of Maine was at the school, and was telling the pu pils what the people of different Stales were called. "Now," he said, "the people from Indiana are called 'Hoosiers'; the people from North Carolina 'Tar Heels'; the people from Mich igan we know as 'Michiganders.' Now what little boy or girl can tell me what the people of Maine are called?" "I know," said a little girl. "Well, what are we called?" asked the Governor. "Maniacs." A woman is more afraid of a bird seeing her halt dressed at home than a dozen men seeing her one-quarter dressed in a sleep ing car. She Does his wife look up to him 5 He She used to. Now she sits up for him. Cincinnati Enquirer, NATURAL RESULTS. "Why are you so miserable?" "Been joy-riding." It takes almost as much nerve to succeed as it does to explain why you didn't. Some people seem to live a long time just to spite other people. A woman acts about a postage stamp ihe way a man does about a thousand-dollar bill. Just Received it Bigalow Bagdad, Kalliston, Arlington, Wilton and other kinds of Rugs to make the home beautiful. I'ELDOfi FuifilTUfE WELDON, North Carolina iv c; 9lA D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Roanoke News Office -:- Weldon N CI McCall Patterns For Women Have Moro Friend than any o l er L.-u'-rii' er iijittorns. McCall s in the r-y..:u-io r.'islii.m Guide monthly in one iv : II w ii onu hundred thousand hori: S iVsidt.'S showing all the latest de&i.'.aiM.i Mi Call patterns, each issue is l ii:v.ful of sparkling short stories andlu-1; fut information for women. Save Montr and Kep in StyU luUcribing lor McCall's Marine at once. Cottl only Jo ttntt i year, uicluUing any om of ibt eelebnttd McCall Paiten:s free. McCall Patient Lead all others la ityle, fit. implicit?, eo'ii.-mr' and number told. More deafen kII iMrr.nl Patterns than an other two make combined. Nnne hither than if cuts, buy from your draler, or by mau Irom McCALL'S MAGAZINE 836-246 W. 37th St, Nw York City

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