(gpa Jji uSSI Advertising Rates Made Known on-Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum VOL. XLVll. WKLDOX, X. ('., TIiriiSDA V, FKJtltl'AltY 1.1, Will. NO. J 2 i i , m ALL ,Ht BtST Uf III I Bui -: -- -- 1 Hi Sit 2i 1 Pi i & ; ! 'if : Z : '?' S2ll -aflat 30 - b4 pa il I UI1IH .M.I'I'HOL 3 PfcK ' AN cgoiiibli' Prrrarafit simikiiiiMjilirfoKlamllinicis liiii5ilu'Siiintic!isai'ilU.nvlSi Pron;k s Dia-stioiif Heerfoi nrss and IVsLConiiuiS nciilw lfjimm.M'jrj)uuic norMiuwa) IM)TARCOTIC. jkjy tMHtsinminm Jlx.Stpaa Sum- Tor Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Wise Uirl Selected tor husband , Man Who Had Both Seasons l-'or Garnering Wealth. Aperfecl Remedy for Comlipa-, hut ntir stftHLYh llbtrriiuT ! WormsfoHvulsionsiVvvrish j l!ss and LOSS OF SLEEP. facsimile Signature of j KEW YORK. i i In M1 Use For Over Thirty Years -1 I i IIMH TMC OCMTAwn COMPANY, HIM) TVMM lT. Exact Copy of Wrapper, Spanish Peanuts. ! "Daughter," said tlieanxious . father to the eldest daughter of a brood of H(-veii, "your mother i tells nie thut you have had a ; proposal. " i "Yes, faiher, 1 have," ilo- mutely replied the vounir wo . man. 'In faet, I have received i neveral." "1 hear the iee man proposed to you ?" ! ''II.) did," ''And you aerepted him. of course!',' "I did not," "Unwise child! Think of the money 1 1 coin every Hum mer !" ''Theidumber also proposed." "Ah! That is better. A man of untold wealth garnered every winter. Hevonil doubt you told him 'yes!' " "Xo, father." "Wha-a-a-t? Do you mean to tell me you let so golden an opportunity slip bv ungrasp ed ?" "Yes, father. You see, I ac cepted a man who sells ice in summer and is a plumber in winter." "Ah, daughter ! Fly to my arms! You make me weep with pride !" 'BETTER PICK THEM NOW. E are in the market for nev peanuts, and as soon as they are ready for sale, write us and we will pay the highest market price. THE COLUMBIAN PEANUT CO., NORFOLK, VA. 3E THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, X. c Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. MS. $50,000. For nearly Lll years thin institution lias provided hanking facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollictrs are identified with the busi ness interest of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Havings Department ih maintained for the heiielil of all uho desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per pent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer, I percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the President ot rashici A young girl visiting the country was following the far mer's wife along a winding, half overgrown path amid a winding tangle of wild flowers. The young ' isitor exclaimed at their varietyand beauty. "I mean to gather all I can carry when we come back ami have a little more time," she said. "Better do it now if you want them," said the elder woman; "it isn't likely that we'll come back this way." It wtis one of those simple in cidents which seems to epito mize life. We must pick now, if we want them at all, the (lowers that God has scattered along our way. The pleasant hours, the dear friendships, the offered confidences, the happy gatherings all the brightness and blessings that we often push aside, but mean to find leisure to enjoy some time we must take them day by day us they come or we shall lose them altogether; we can never turn back to find them. Ex. SWAT INDIRECT. PBBSIDINT : W. K, DANIEL, fit K-l'KKSIDKST: W. II. SMITH. L. E. DRAPER, Teller. lASMIKR: .1 II. i V K E, 1)1 KECTOIW V. 1!. Smith, W. E. Daniel, It. S. Travis. V. M. Cohen, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Tierce, I. It. .olhcoHei. .1 . W. sledge. HE MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens. MADE TO OUPF.K AND RECitl.AR STOCK SIZES, flood Materials. High Orade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. fmmmmSm railway KliAD DOWN KliAl) III' liiily except SunJays IN 1 1 1 ECI AI'Kll.JJ0nL Jiailyxapl SunJay No I NoS No.5 A M'p jLjp.M. ivaii i27lft!8::f (l:UO l'.':4.il 4:0."i tt:ir! 1:001 4:2(1 Leave Oumhcrry Arrive Leave Mowtleld Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave So.2iNo.4 No.tl A.M.ji'.M. T.M. ll:l.'i ":-t:il! "ft":;Vi lll:4."i 2:l o:2'i lll:30l 2:l')l 5:l W. V. Itdl'.l'.ltTSON. (ieneral Manager XOTK-M(ili1d l Fla Slalinn t.n;ral Manar'r'fl Office. tVumlwrry. s.l. .. siarfii i'ln.rni OXIO Subscribe to the Roanoke Newi, only $1.50 per year. Advertising rates made known on application. I M:indv Mt'hal foh vo hen poin' tode posioffice so ree'lar? Are yo' correspondin' wif some other female? Rastus "Nope; but since ah been a-readin' in de papers 'bout dese 'conscience funds ah kind of thought ah might possibly git a.lettah from dat minisiah what married us." WOMAN SICK FOURTEEN YEARS Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Elkhart, Ind.:-" I suffered for four teen years from organic, inflammation, l e m a I e wennness, pnin and irreRuluri- ttes. 1 he pains in my si i.'S were in- crease.i hy walking or st:nu!in(f on my fee and 1 had such nw'.' il hearing down lVeiinKS W t de pr.'ssHtl in MiiriU aii.l berarr.e tl.'.nand pale with dull. heavy cvhi. I hnd lK doc- tn from whom 1 received onl t rntio- rary relief. 1 decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial and also the SunBtive Wash. I ha J now used the remedies for four months and cannot express my thanks for what they have done for me. " If these lines vill be of a"y benefit you have my permission to publish them." Mrs. Sadie Williams, 465 James Street, Elkhart, Indiana. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound.madc from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drags, and to-day holds the record of being the moat successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary I testimonials on file in the Pinkham i laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to i prove this fact. If toh have the slightest doubt tlmt'Lvdlii i:. lMnklmm's Vegeta ble Compound, will helpyou.write to Lydia I'U'iiikliftiiiMedleinet'o. Vour letter will be opened, 1 read and answered by a woman, nd Ueld la strict confidence. -A. ..LA. Comparative Digestibility of Food Made with different Baking Powders fVpmjrSenw of EkboratejChemkal Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three different kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows : Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: j 100 Per Cent Digested Bread made with phosphate powder: 68 Per Cent. Digested" Bread made with alum powder: rWfo Per Cent. Digested These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source of very many bodily ailments. THIRSTING MEMORY. Do you know where I'd go if a feller could go? If a feller could go like he wants to, you know? It's a ruther long trip through some ruther long whiles, For the trip that I'd make isn't measured by miles, I'd go back, if I could, to my barefooted days, And I'd get on the wagon an' cluck at the grays An' I'd drive to the orchard an' fill up the bed With pippins an' winesaps, all yeller an' red. Yes, russets, an' bcllflowers, northern spies, too I'd let down the bars an' I'd drive right on through, Then out on the pike, an' I'd rattle along A-whistlin', or mebbe a-hummin' a song. I'd drive through th' town an' ih' town boys would run An' holler an' ast me to throw 'em just one. I'd tell 'em to pile on, an' eat all they'd like An' some of 'em'd stay as we drove down the pike. We'd turn at th' lane an' drive up to Bill Jay's Me cluckin', an' flickin' th' switch on the grays, I'd hop off th' wagon an' say to old Bill I'd brung in a load fer his old cider mill. We'd grind up th' apples, an' press out th' juice Us boys would get straws an' we'd turn ourselves loose. The bees would come, too an' us boys would get stung, But what does a feller care, now, if he's young? Do you know where I'd go? But there ain't any road, An' there ain't any grays, nor a wagon to load, An' there ain't any orchard with lazy old trees, An' I'll bet a dollar there ain't any bees! When he gets to wishin' for what ain't no more. How a feller would go-if a feller could go, To the days an' the places he once used to know! rmr uno rniciiuo. "Your friend," the subscription briefly read And the heart of the reader thrilled; "Your friend" the lips repeated o'er, "Your friend" the voice was stilled. New visions came to the gladdened soul, Visions of hopes after (ears, Visions of beauty hitherto unseen; Visoins of smiles, through tears. There are those on earth who have justly won, Laurels that wreath their brow, Who can tell you in Kingsley's beautiful words What drew them on, and how. "I had a friend" were the simple words, And friends that have power to inspire Our souls to loftier, nobler aims Are like gold, that has been tried in fire. The lights that reflect from their glorified lives Are leading on thousands today God give them the wisdom and help they may need To keep their lights burning, 1 pray. DON'T WORK TOO HARD. DIDN'T NEED TO READ LINES. ou Must Let Oo Somewhere. Don't work too hard. God meant us to work every day until we are weary, but not until we are so weary that a night's rest cannot revive and restore us to strength and vigor again. When you rise morning after morning with weary limbs and heavy heart, you may know that you are breaking the laws of health and that your pun ishmcnt is and will be heavy. You must let go somewhere. The world, your friends and family have no right to demand from you more than you can do, and if you are a wise woman you will not give all the strength and warmth and beauty of your life, to labor and have only the dregs left for love. Keep enough strength, take enough rest to preserve a cheerful heart and a bright face, when the family gather about the fireside after the day's work is done. Do one thing at a time. Don't hurry, don't worry. Face the issue of life fairly and squarely; do your share of the work, that is, what you can do without injuring your self, and put the rest resolutely be hind you. Take some relaxation. Every human being needs recrea tion and amusement of some sort. Get it from books or people with new and helpful thoughts, that will keep your ideas bright and your heart cheerful. Amateur Falmist Had Other Lines of Information Which Aided j Her In Revelations. ' WHAT WORRIED HER. The fair amateur palmist looked ! at the left hand of the sweet girl j long and earnestly. Breathlessly ' she waited for the palmist's next i words. I "Ah' 1 see by your hand that you are engaged to be married,"; said the palmist. "And," contin-1 ued the reader of the futureand the ! past, in a more cutting tone, "1 see that you are engaged to Mr. Mooney." ; "Oh! It's perfectly extraordi- ' nary," burst out the blushing girl. ' "How can you know that?" i "By my long study of the sci-1 ence," was the reply. i "But surely the lines on my ! hand cannot tell you na " "Who said anything about lines?" : replied the prophetic one, with : withering scorn. "You are wear-! ing the engagement ring I return- i ed to him three weeks ago." j SLOW CHAP. ! ''Yes,'' laughed the girl with the pink parasol, "he is the slowest young man I ever saw. "In what way, dear!'" usked her chum. "Why, he asked for a kiss and I told him 1 wore one of those knotted veils that took so long to loosen." "And what did he do ':" "Why the goose took time to untie the knot." New York Sun. CLEVERNESS REQUIRED. "I asked your father and he said you were old enough to know your own mind." "He didn't tell you how old I was, did he?" WILLING TO STAND. "In these days of high-cost liv ing," said Representative De For est, the sponsor of the bill for pen sioning ex-presidents, "we hear of many queer economics." "On a street car the other day, at the end of a discussion on sav ing and retrenchment, a lady said decisively: " 'Oh, any woman can cut her husband's hair; but, believe me, it takes a clever one to cut it so that other women's husbands will sus pect nothing.' " Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA A farmer owned a young steer which ho wanted to break to the plow, and having no oth er animal to harness with it, he decided to get In the yoke himself, giving the reins to his HOI). No sooner had they started than the steer bolted into a wild runaway, the farmer holding onto the yoke with both bands and keeping pace for dear life. Over plowed fields they flew and as he was about to drop for hick of wind they brought up against the fence with a mighty thump. As the son hurried to the scene the panting father man aged to gasp: "Unhitch the steer, bud stand." OH, PI I DOR. "He is a regular kleptomaniac." "And still you intend marrying him r" "Sure. He steals nothing but kisses." For Infants pnd Children. he Kind Yea Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of HIS ONE FAULT. I'll No Need to Stop Work When the doctor orders yon to stop work it staggers you. I can't, you say, You know you ate weak, rundown and failing in health dav by day, but you must wink as long as you can stand. What you need is Electric Hitters to give tone, strength and vigor to your system, to prevent break don u and build you up. Don't be weak, sickly or ailing when Electric Hitters will benefit you from the first dose. Thousands bless them for theii glorious health and strength. Try them, Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 5Hc. ut all tlruspiit -Ad'' THE PROCESS. "I am a bankrupt in love." "Then it ia time for supple mentary proceedings." "Is your husband a good man?" "Yes; he's a good man. I can't complain. But he always sneaks out whenever the clergyman calls. ' ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ATTRACTIVE TOURS To the Panama Canal, and Cuba. Jamaica Stiff Joints Sprains,Bruises are relieved it once ly an applica tion of Siuan's Liniment. Don't rubjuot lay on lightly. "Rl'ian'i Liniment has done more fod Hutu itiiYthiiirf I b.iki fr tried i.r s-till joints. 1 Kt it. y luiii'l liurtMO iM.iiy Lira 1 lia.1 i.j Kt.ip vh k right in tii" Ljuitir.t uiuu ill tltu jeur. 1 tit-tight at tlrt that 1 vvoultl h.ivo to h.ivu my litini t ik.-n ll, but 1 t ft l"'t I i uf bktun'B l.iium.'iit .utilfiiri'.i in v Ijui.1." WlUu.S Yiu.i.u.li,iiunu, AU. Good for Broken Sinews O. 1, ,Ur, H.ilihrin, L. I , writ. : 1 ujM'iI Mohu'h l.iniiiitft.t liti In '.l.t ii iiiil'Mm nrj.no tin-Liifti e.ipiMiiM'il hy a (II unJ limy KtL.t ,iiit-lit-'lt'ti tt.K libit) to r-Mimu vt 'ik in It1??' tluai thruu LOAM'S Fine for Sprain Mb. TTkjcht A, Vokpt.. h &-m r St., I'Uinti.'M, V. J., writ: "a frteM ipralnM his t'kl so Iwrtly tl' itll went Mrtfk, Ho luugbwt Vipfi I kuM hi ill that I ntiM lime liiin out In a re- It. 1 lipttHt i Moan's Liniment Hti'l in t"nr (Juvs Id n t v.orin; ami iil S1i:lu4 -ftiu a r it' l;t govtl Liui-muut." Price 25.. 50c, and $1.00 Slonn'n li-x.k ou Jiornen, o.i: t!o. Flief r and poultry neiitfre. Address oil I Wood's Seeds For The" farm and Garden. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, giving descrip tions and full information about the best and most profitable seeds to grow. It tells all about Grasses and Clovers, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans, The Best Seed Corns and all other farm and Garden Seeds. Wood's Seed Catalog has long been recognized as a stan dard authority on Seeds. Mailed on request; write for it T. W. WOOD - SONS, SKKIJSMtN, RICHMOND, VA. -I The undersigned having duly quali fied a executor of the last will and tes tament ol L. 1. Munis, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against Ins estate to present same to the undersigned on or before the 2nd dav of January, 1914 or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the .'nd dav of Jauuarv, 1913. i.KOiaa'. c. ghees, Executor of the last will and testament ol L. I). Morris, deceased, jan M lit. Choice Cut Flowers lioses, Carnations and Violets a spec ialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outiits are equal to the beBt. Nothing liner in lloral olleringsthan our styles, dooming pot plants, palms and feins in great variety, liosc bushes, shrubberies, evergreens, hedge plants and shade trees. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by j. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY FI.OltlsTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones It" Ask for price list Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. Kinif's New Discovery and give it to ! Passengers, the little ones when ailing and suH'eiing with colds, coughs, throat or lung turn bles, tastes nice, harmless, once ti-i d. always used. Mrs. Bruce Ciav. I rd, Niagara, Mo., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pali weak sick boy to the picture of health " Always helps. Huy it at all druggists Adv. A series of the most alluring trips that have been brought to our attention are those announced in a special ad. in this paper by the Atlantic Coast Line, to Panama, Jamaica and Cuba, with one per sonally conducted lour, from Key West, on January 7, as a special attraction. Those who wish to see the beauties of those countries and mal.c a trip through l-'lorida, inclu ding a trip over the famous "Over sea Railroad, should call on or address F. M. Jolly, Traffic Agent, Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington, who will personally conduct the party on the large new steamship "Evangeline," which, it is an nounced, will accommodate 700 JJJ T. GLAB K ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N.C.l Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and ii. the Supreme court of the State. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns As it takes all a man's money to pay his family's bills it ought to console him that if he had any more money he'd have that many more bills. III. Iff ! , mcLan S magtuii6 and McCall Patterns For Women Hare More Friend, than any other magazine or patterns. McCall s is tho reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides shoving all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each is'je is brimful of sparklii.g dhoit st l:; and helpful information (or womc- .. Saw Mon.r.rul K.I to Slrl. bv lubi " cent! t yetr. lucluding ny oo. of lb celcuuuu McCall Patterns fret. The high flier doesn't always reach the iop. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery, The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and I.ung medicine made. Money refunded if it falls to cute you. Do not hesitate take it at our visk. First dose helps J. K. Wells, Floydada, leias, writes: "Dr. Kiug'a New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. 1 gained 15 pounds. Buy it at all druggiBts. Adv. McC.D PMna UaJ all oikan h nyle, f aimplkitf, economy and number Bold. M. dtalm aell McUH Fallerna Ihaa any other I nukes combined. Nona higher than 15 cents, i. . from your dealtr, Of by auui boa McCALL'S MAGAZI?:Z 236-246 W. 37th St, New York Ci; Sen-SwaX Ooff . fnauoai oMtkn. ua Man caw.". 1 t frr phll4ri mtf, tar. F f' mtvt

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