ispa jn 'fg if is a ISM .V. i4 ; - Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FUR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriptiori"$1.5G J-'er Annum; VOL. XLV1U. WKLDON. N. C. TIll'liSDAY. MAY 2l 1 S 1 :5. NO. V,'4VVJ ?T Iriifsi 1 islillt BCb- -..jjjjllgL! For nl'art3 a"d Children. Inisilti! I K3 A i K 0CC .W.l'Ollol, 3 PKR cfcN'f A W'ii'iiililf Fiipraiiniilid; ! li;,ilU'S;iwli!l'ilSiU'ji);:'.i.'isoi' BiUi.,SiU,i MRS. DUDLEY MALONE .' mss iii'.tl I'jL'sM.'iiiilair.s ueiiiw i 0 pmm .r 1' irpitim' nor Miami. ' NotNakcotic. i The Kind You Have ways Bought 'Bears the ISiguature 01 jr.rii Jlu i.J-, Mr , X ,; : . . .'!.. 1.17 - I :.?.... ! (' ,;, fcj.r ' ,;,,.'.-.(. i v. ' Ap.'l'ii'l ' l'l"iu :I', I'.ii (''Vp!i'3 ; MUM. SOU iui'iiiil iiml'i': ' WuTWA.' WiuiMbll'iMt.i. '' lii-ssuUilLoSliOf . FaiSb.k- Signaim .f NEW YOl? ft Aw W In 5 i WW Use or Over Tears ! i ; r i 3 . J ! v. X&r ! h S f, H P wlK ft , 4 i I -s 9 v t ! 1'. i6 a. tss;,5r,."-'t'?frp . Mrs. Dudley f-itld Malone is the eldest daughter rf Senator and Mrs James A. O'Ccrman of New Yrl" j wita cf J cy Field .V?' '- ,r Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMt CIKT.UH COMPANY. NEW VONK OlTV. tUnHtiTIC D04ST IvS vi v. FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: The Standard; Railroad of the South Ramifies the "Nation's Ciarden Spot." li He Frettcth Through the Pay and Lieth Awake Nights Trying to Keep Himself nnd His De pendent Population Out of the Poorhouse. "New York and Florida Special" (.liiniwiy to April) ii "Florida and West Indian Limited.'' "Palmetto Limited," .". ft 'Coast Line Florida Mail." Iiininit l':irs a In caitf service All ft year round tliruucli ear service I'nuii New York to liotli l'ort Tampa.'. Il and Kninlits Kev, cuiiiuclinir witli NtcaninliipH to and from Havana. fi J For beautifully I'llimtrated liookletH anil copy of Tnrple Folder' adilress j (f)V.J. CRAIQ. P. T. M.. T. C. WHITR, 0. P. A.? 'mm 5 5 St 'S - 5 S'- S"- S'- w' Man thai is horn of his parents is of few years and full of microbes. He goeth to school when a young ster and gets the seat of his pants paddled for something he did not do until he is sick at heart. He grov. eth up like a weed in a back yard and soon reaches the age when he is composed largely of feet, freckles and an appetite for pie. About the lime he gels too long for short trousers and not long enough for long ones, he go eih awav to college, learneih how Comparative Digestibility of Fo od Made with (&; :: Baking Powders From a Series of Llahorate Chemical Tests: An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of three riii'kiv.n kinds of baking powder cream of tartar, jh.p:riu. and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of tit no. The relative percentage of the food digested is shown as follows : Bread made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder: 100 Per Cent. Digested Bread made with phosphate pow Jcr : Bread made with Itlum powder: f 674 Per Cent! Digested These tests, which are absolutely reliable and unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found to largely retard the digestion of the food made from them. Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it is the source uf vuy many bodily ailments. EEM'JETr C .IRK jet'-- '"-jf'!v r ' sk x y. H SIM H. A ' Bennett Clark, son of Speaker Clark, has h;en appointed parliamen tary cltrk : the speaker, succeeding Chsr'.-s C Cf up of Cf.i'rgia. who was elected a rtprti.prtai.c v congress. .ft. ' an ' istiiif!-- Qtt sj PUNNING VTLP YOU Con at a Small Cost Ucvc Modern Wafer Convenience, in YOUR HOME Write for our I'rcr (' .t ilo. Buy your fixtures direct from us omj . c money. A little mechanical ingenuity on yr. r port togtthcr with otir up-to-date fittin;.i, tivr . i jN:ons, prints and cuts, you can install :Iic ..ys: . ii'-.clf. Home Water Si p .UiO M ater Street oration Norfolk. Virginia GOOD HUSBANDS. v to ' takf -iootl liusbands I'est t! )' N Siiid to Work Like a, n Designed and Patented in 1557 Hia Standard Ever Since i ii i lloill'J j llelir. See Willi I wife; 111 so ' a c n 1 in- I t . he :i U'i'ii nil will hav over huliliy. Hid. - Treat him to kiml , k issrs ami "nnd iliiuiers. Knots put on twenty-six years ago are as good s new to-day. and h:,w never needed repairs. What is the result? Why practically every other shingle manufacturer is trying to imitate it, so be not deceived look l..r the words "Cortriglit Reg. U. S. Pat. OH." embossed on the coiuig.ition. It is put thcie iur your piotection. Accept no substitute. Fur Sale by J. S. TIKNHR, ;: W'HI.DON, N. C. TH HbART'S ROADWAY. A big road circles round the world, sure fine it is and gay, Hut the litile boreen of my heart runs lone and far away; Tis winding over weary seas w ith many a sigh beset, But, oh, of all ihe roads I know it is the sweetest yet. I'fepiire the dishes if yniii' means will Third. Keep hin der no mutter how tors things around bouts where lie lest he like allow, room in or if ten he se;it : pul hut urn will mIwuv: o 1 wont to hold, and lost of old. THE BANK OF VELDOP WKl.DOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, For nearly 20 years tliin institution hax provided liankin fuciiilie fur this section. Itn Htockliolders and ollicus are identilied nilli the m ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained lor tlie lienelit of all n ln desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In tliis IH partinent interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent. Twelve niouthsor longer, t percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the President orCashier prksiobnt: W. K. DANIEL, DIRECTORS-W. A. ('. House, .1.1., VH'K-I'KKSIIIKNT: W. It. SMITH. t:. iiit.i'i:i;,'tvii eAsuiKH: .1. (. lUtAKi:. . Smith, W. Shepherd. W. K. Ilaniel, .1. 0. Drake, V. .l. inlien, A. Pierce, II. It. Zolhcoll'er, .1 . V. Sledge By common ways and common graves and common homes it goes; But, oil, its beauty no one but the soul within me knows; Its dawns are drenched with dews from heaven, its nights are tearful sweet, And sometimes One long crucified walks there lo guide my feet. to monkey wiih a three-dollar t eajs me (j0Wll by purple hills where fairies spori of nights, mandolin and play whisky poker, j, snows me m.)lly a hawthorn lane, the scene ol dead delights; He eometh Inane a bigger fool (l c0thes again with living grace the laces away than ever and marrieth a sweet Beneath the cold of grass and mould, my road of yesterday. ! young thing whose pa is supposed j I to be wealthy, but whom he sub- j Oh, twilit boreen of my heart, the world is vague and vast, seniiemlv ascertained!, could1 Bui you are holy with the balm of all my hallowed past; I nni huv ihe nrie rooster at a You thrill me with the touch of hands my hands wen I ,, r.,;,. 1 1,. u nrrieth nloim i t'ou lure me with the lilt of dreams 1 dreamed j from year to year, gradually ae-1 Thc bjg ruad of tt.ord ,eads on l)y many SIaely unvi)j i quiring offsprings, until his house Bu, he )ilt,e llorcen nf my hear( ever jrif,ing jown resembles a sttnuay scnooi ua. s common ways and conimon graves and common homes, but, oh, just before Christmas. He fretteth Qf a ,he rQ;)js m k u js ,hc swectes, roaJ i klu)W through the clay and lieth awake . nights trying to figure out how to , keep himself and his dependent; population out of the poorhouse. j Efforts are rewarded by having his daughter run away and get married and bring him home a , nice son-in-law every few days to feast at his board. His sons grow ; up and call him governor and set him back a live spot every day or two. About the time he has ac quired enough lucre to make it worth while for his heirs to quar rel over, he contracts a cold and is hurried awav before he has time knnw where in liiiil i lii'iu. Fourth -Never m-hI.I no mat ter how wet the Wiiinl or how liiileh t hestove smokes; tell him you like it that w:i ; smile uiu K 'ft-.. I' Hill- .Make nun all t lie world In y i'il, lie should Ii". Iiel ievi HI, us, l.auirl how s o M A M' FACT I! UKKs OP Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, tt u, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKDKIt AND ItEtil'I.AK S Toi'K SI .lis. Uood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. fa o icaoaoi NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, 5fc READ DOWN Daily except Sundays Kt-AD UP IN IIIH.l AI'I'II 1. l'ljl N'o 1 No.8 No.5 ; i N.- N-4 AJt. VK i7Sir J M ,, M- "H-M 12:15 8:3" i Leave "tliiinhi'rrv Arrive il:K 9:00 12:4.) 4:11.") i Leave MowtloM Arrive ., 10:4'i 2:l :lj 1:0(1 4:20 i Arrive hi Leave , , 10:30 2:1.') Haily au'H Sundays No.H !p;m. fi..Vi 5:111 W. W. ltOliKKTSON, tleneral Manager NOTE-McuvHi'ld Is a Flair Slallnn (icn-ral Manani'r'K OHie. l,nil).Trv. N. C., M;ircll inn. 1111 to have a talk with his family. His , . . . , - , i...,i sons mow in ms esiaie on ouu whiskey and plug hais and his wife puis the finishing pouches to his career by marrying ihe hired man. Ikst Medicine for Colds When n druggist ivcouiiiieiids n rem edy for folds, tlimat and lung trouliles, you eun feel sine Hull he knows what he is talking about. ' l.wei, dniggist.of Marion, Ohio, Holes ol In. king's New Diseoveiy: "I know In. king's New Discovery is the best lluoat and lung inedicine I sell. It euie.l my wife of a severe hronchial cold niter all other rem edies failed." It will do the same for you if you are sulleiing with a cold or any hronchial, throat or lung cough Keep a liotlie on hand ail the tiiio.! lor everyone in the family to use. 11 is a home, doctor. 1'ni'c ,'iiic. and l. dual anleed 1 iy ill I druggists. Adv. I-AKI.Y HOliHS. Employer Are you nl'inid of early hours ? Applicunt No, sir. Votiean not close too early lor me, sir. 1 do not ask, my God, for mystic power To heal the sick and lame, the deaf and blind; I ask thee humbly for the gracious dower Just to be kind. I do not pray to see the shining beauty Of highest knowledge most divhely true; 1 pray that, knowing well my simple duty, This I may do. 1 do not ask that men with fluttering finger Should point me out within the crowded mart, Bui only that the though! of me may linger In one glad heart. I would not rise up upon the men below nie, Ur pulling at the robes of men above; 1 would that friends, a few deur friends, may know And, knowing, love. I do not pray for palaces of splendor, Or far amid the world's delights in roam; I pray that 1 may know the meaning tender Of home, sweet home. I do not ask that heaven's golden treasure Upon my liule, blundering life be spent; But oh, I ask thee for the perfect pleasure Of calm content me, IS ill Ii is ii kes. no in;i I lei . Viol last hut not least. I;i till bis bullous sen eil on ami all in I heir proper pluees. am all his M.cks well darned Then, if volt don't have a gum husband we will say that yoli have reinai kablv poor material to work on. VA Kt.l.. 1 A cerfain man in this town went to call at t he ollice of a certain other mid in this town j Friday. The ollice hoy told the I caller thai the boss was out on i important leoal business and i the culler went away. I!ut the next morniiii; the caller called i titjaiii. relates the Cleveland ; I'lain healer. i "Where's the boss;" he ask ed. "( hit on important business," 1 answered the ollice bov. "Look here, boy ! l was here ! yesterday and you said the boss ; was out on some iiiiporlant le- Hal business " ''Yes, sir. ' "Well. I went oiii aii,i found J him tip against the bar in the nearest saloon. Is thai w bat I you call lon'al business. " ''Why aiu'l it!' Is it illegal to jjet a drink "r" --Philadelphia i Press. 1 iM ; fill lain. i II: S ra NOTICE. Slate of North Carolina, Halifax County, I u Ihe Superior Court, I April 2S, tin ;t. sainiii I I' I'am iM-ii, Pliiliutill' ) AlmaT. l'.ilu-ioii. Hefeiidant J PI la.tcAT'loN HI' NOTICE Ol' .luNS. Wt For ,-itl foirnc. . ' Lumbago, Sfl-.iVi, lima, Kowm- gla.KldneyTm.liii":, tttarrti nj Astiim:i STOP THE PV," Glvoa Quirk fo i It M,-i,s tlm H"ln n'ld p:ifn. r I If V i'-l swollen .i.ii.i!.-. Hliil noircl.'a tin, e,',,-s in io an ! iiiul im uui.-l: safu and sui-'i m l:.i ic- ,,u. Ko ciIht reneily hkn it. Sample tree on ronuust. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS Ono Dollar eer b ."tie. nr Pont pre- i iiaid uiMiii i', ci'l;it ul rne.i it uos L oUlalnaljIo iu yui.r lueahly. , SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. , 158 Ukt Strett Chicago Boat Remsd for rConatiDatlon.Sick Hoadaoho I Sour Stomaoh.coicning no tivsr Troubles. 5C for Boa at Drugg'". (I'M. If A fl "5- tiOI.DliM COIN OP COUklTISY. VVoiiderfol Skill Salve Hiiekleii's Arnica Snivels known ev erywhere as the best leineily made for all diseases of the skin, and also for hums, bruises and boils. Ileduees in llaiiiinatiiiti and is soothing awl heal ing. .1 T. Siissauiiiu, publisher ol News, ol'Corneliiis, N, ('., writes that one box helped his seiious skin ailiiieiit after other remedies failed, only 'J.'ic. eeoniiiiended by all dm iisls ,! A pretty girl may be the apple of a young man's eye and the jemon of his purse. CA t i A For Inl'i.tits iiiul Clulttreu. fhe Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Bears the STff Signature of LjutM Ii lakes a woman to remember her daughter's birthday and forget her own. Constipation Cured Pi. King'sNew Life PilU will nheve constipation promptly and gel your bowels in healthy eonililioii iimiiu. John ! Supsic, of Saiibuiy. Pa., says: "They ' are the best pills I ever used, and 1 ad i viseeveryoiie to use them for constipatin S indigesliiiii and liver complaint." Will j help you. 1'rico 'J.'iC. Iteeotninetided I by all druggists. Adv. I Ikl! A I.AItV. "Prances," said the litile girl's iiiother, who was enter-tainiiio,- visitors, "mhi came dinvnslairs so noisily that vou could he beard all over the house. Now 140 hack and come down stairs properly," Prances retired and in a few moments re-entered the parlor. '"Kid you hear me come down that timey" ''No, my dear; thai time you came down like a lady." "Yes, mamma," explained the child, ''I slid (low ii the han isiers." New York Sun. The less a man knows of wo men's ways the more serene is his mind. A neiitb man stopsata friend's house ami funis ii in confusion. lie does not see anvthillu to ! apoloo'ie I'm "never thinks of such mailers " Kvei-ythitiK is rinhl , eoid supper, cold room, i' t'viiii; children ''perfectly coinforlable !" (looil homes, where bis wile bus been tukinK j care of the children or attend i ing Ihe sick, and working her life almost out. Then he does uol see why things can't he : kepi in order; "I here never were I sin It cross children before!" No apologies accepted at home! Idli, whv not look at the sunny i side at home as well as abroad, I and try pleasant words instead nf sorely one? Why not lie agl eeai ai uoiiie .- u uy not use freely l hut golden coin of courtesy '! iMMHMMp tCIEMA. SCNt.rlLCS, HMftW, SMLDJ, WORM, Etc., quickly IwaM by mini IM "5-DROPS" SALVE BSq Pr Bok at DrwittKts jy - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qiialilied be fore the Siiierior court of Halifax conn tv on Ihe Hh duv of Apul. mbi. as ad- inini-lintor of the esiatc of W. I Dick ens, deceased. Iierebv notiiies all per sons holding chums against his said in tesliite to plesi ul tliein lo him duly veli lied al his ollice in Weldon. N. ('.. with in twelve mouths from Hie date of this notice or Die same will he pleaded iu bar thereof. All persons indebted losaid estate arc requested lo make immediate payment. fins the .".til dav of April. Pits'. W'. Ii. PAN ILL. Adiiiinislrator of Hie estate of V. It. Dickens, deceased. l-liiilt The above named defendant Mis. Alma T. Palterson wtil lake notieetliatasum niuiis in the aloc eutilled action was issued against the said defendant on the 1 1 Hi day ol November. I!H2 by S. M. iiai, clerk ol the I 'tin rt of Halifax County, ami same w as returned that the said ilclcndaia could mil alter due dili g'tiee he found within the State: that an alius sum no his was thereupon issued on the -.'nd day ol January, pil.l, with the saiiie leluru: that a plurics sum molls was issued ell Hie 'Mill day l eb ruaiy. nil:: wall the same return; that tlieai lioii i n ling in tlieSuperior court of Halifax coiinly. North Caiohna is en titled as above; that the puipose of the notion as brought by tlicplainlill against Ihe defendant is f. r a divorce a vinculo niatrnnoui,. the giounds alleged being for absolute divoiec: that the complaint in this action hasahvady licen tiled on the :.'7lh day of November, 1!12, in the ollice of the' ( lei k of the Superior court of Halifax county, and said defendant is ic iiiiied lo appear and answer or to demur to ihe said complaint during the next term ol the supenor couit to he held on the thirteenth Monday after the lirst Monday in .March, lllbl, the lirst dav ol said court being on the 2nd day of June. r.aa. Herein fail not. This the -,'Slli dav of April, IMS. S. M. tiAlfY, Clei It Superior Court. W. I'.. DANIEL, li. L. TliAVls. (H.iil!(ii; C. (I KEEN, Attorneys for the Plaiutitr. Choice Cut Flowers Hoses, ( at nations and Sweet l'eaa a specialty. Uur artistic arrangements in wedding outlits are eipial to the best. Nothing liner in Moral olferingsthan our styles, blooming pot plants, palms and ferns in great variety, liedding plants, in all varieties to beautify the yard. rite lor list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QllINN & COMPANY ILOltlsTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones I I!) Ask for price list N T OTICE Love at first sight is apt to on its initial trip to the wash. fade Of Qualification of Administratrix The undersigned having iiialilied as administratrix nf the estate of l II. Hale, deceased, iu the Superior Court of Halifax coiinlv, on the :inl dayol'.Miirch l'i:, hereby notiiies nil persons noiiiing claims agaiusl her said intestate to pre sent lo her duly veiiliedat Halifax, N.C., on or before twelve months from the date of this notice, or the same will be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebti .1 to her said in testate are hereby leitilied to make im inediate payment. I his the 'Jlith day of March, liihl. MliS. JENNIE A. II ALU, Administratrix of I.. II. Ilalc.deceased. V. E. Daniel, attorney. 4 11 lit Special Sale ! ic T. CLAR IC ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. (1. Practices in the courts of Halifax and adjoining counties and iu the Supreme court of the Stale. Special attention given to collections and prompt returns We have on hand several consign nicnts of the latest in wool, Wash and Princess ladies Suits, lialhcr than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on Hale at half price for cash only. Ho Suits ei.oU. Prin cess, w hite and all other colors $." to 17, now $2.'o to $a. Wash ( 'oat Suits 4 to $11, now $l.!is to $H. $4 to $" Net W aist reduced 5-1 .in lo 2.!ili lilack and col ored silk Petticoats $4 to $li now $2.SS to $:l.7.'i. Voile Skirts $ti to $s now $."1.00 to $4. Mi. 10,000 yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price, 75c to $1 Messaline silks, all colors, now 50 to 75c. 5 and tic. calicoes to 4c. 10 and 12ic ginghams 7 to 9c. About 3,0U0 yards dress goods to cloBe out les than cost. Ladies hats at half price,' hugs, druggets, carpctings and matting! at and below cost. SPIERS BROS; WELDON, N.C. v Z7f n

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