- H Jjj i Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 .er Annum VOL. XLVIII. WELDOX, X. (., THURSDAY, .MAY 2Ji, IHV.i. NO. o FRANCIS 0. LINDQUIST The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which lias been In use fur over HO yearn, hns borne the signature of atul bus ucc a mud o under bin per- jyjt, tonsil supervision slneo Its Infancy. t'CtiCAMi Allow iinmin iiiilcndri mil In this. All Counterfeits Imitations iMid"JiiKt-u-Koocl"nra but Eiierlinciits tliut trille with n' d eiiliiii'r tlio health of lul'uuts and Children Rxperleneo iiuinsL Impertinent. What is CASTORIA Castorlu Is a bunnies gubstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is lMcasunt. It contains neithir Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. I ts aire Is Its ftiiarnntco. It destroys Worms und allays Fevcrfshness. It cures Diarrhow and Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation und Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulutes the Stomach mid Bowels, jrlviitu healthy und natural sleep. The Cblldreu's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. IS' St' r HOT BISCUIT, hot cukes, made with ROYAL Baking Powder are delicious, health' ful and easily made. Francis O. Llndqultt ii the neW congreMman from the Eleventh dis trict of Michigan. He attracted at tention by conducting a "mall order" campaign for election. He aent out over 900,000 piece, of literature to hit constltuenta. Mr. Lindquiet eaya he It a progressive Republican, but not a "bull mooter." Utlmitic coast The VI it jf Standard) j Railroad ) of the Vj South ftr Mast! Hi Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." to to to to (ft "New York and Florida (f Special" (.lunuary to April) fi Florida and West Indian Limited." "Palmetto Limited." .. Coast Line Florida Mail." Dining t ars a la carte service. AllI year round through ear service from New York to both I'ort Tampa .". 4t and Knights Key. connecting with steamships to and from Havana. fit f . For beautifully illustrated booklets and copyof Turple Folder' address .T. (f)w.J. CRAW, P. T. M., T. C. WHITE, O P. A.f iS(. wiLMistrros s.c. 5 iiS '-5 "s ? I C' & mJ'SL'm'' 'm0-000-00X00 -00) -001 -0 W w. .-W f FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: THE BANK OF VELDON WELDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?.a?if.?l.i!.fl...Sur.?In..sL.. $53,000. Knr nenrlv 'M vpnra tliiu inui;i.;,.n l.ua nrtt,-;. 1.a.ib;n r.. A: I ; r... -"j - ...... ....I ... ..,,, mi-ium-n ivi this Bection. Its stockholders ami ollictrs an' identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the lienelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings bank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer. 2 per cent. Six . v...... v. , . i rui. , , i-i i v- utiMitiin ui i,ii0iri , i jiri trill. Any information will be furnished on application to the I'residentorl'ashier HOW EDITORS GET RICH. Here Is The Secret of Their Suc cess. Afier a great deal of worry and study we have ai last figured out how so many country editors get rich. Here is the 'secret of their success. There is a child born the in the neighborhood. The attend ing physician gets $ 1 0. The editor gives the loud-lunged youngster a great send-off and get $00. It is christened and the minister gets $5 and the editor gets $00. It grows and marries. The editor publishes another long winded flowery arti cle and tclis a dozen different lies about "the beautiful and accom plished bride." The minister gets $10 and a piece of cake. The ed itor gets $000 and a request to carry the groom's subscription ac count another year. In the course of time she dies. The doctor gets from $5 to $ 1 00 and the minister gets from $5 to $100, the editor publishes a notice of death and an obituary two col umns long, lodge resolutions, a lot of poetry and a card of thanks and gets $0,000. No wonder so many country editors get rich. Ex. NO BENEFITS. SENATOR KEY PITTMAN "FORCIVE AND FORGET." O, forgive and forget, for this life is too fleeting To waste it in brooding o'er wrongs we have met It is better, far better, to smother our anger, To teach the proud heart to forgive and forget. O forgive and forget, O forgive and forget; O teach your proud heart to forgive and forget. In the path we must tread, leading down to the valley, Are crosses and trials to lift and to bear; And the chalice of life, from which we are now drinking, Oft bears to our lips drops of sorrow and care. O forgive and forget, O forgive and forget; O teach your proud heart to forgive and forget. But this life is so short, be it sunshine or shadow, That we cannot afford to brood o'er a wrong; Let us lift up our burdens and bear them on bravely; We'll lay them. down shortly, it cannot be long. O forgive and forget, O forgive and forget; O teach your proud heart to forgive and forget. Then forgive and forget, if the friends we loved fondly Prove themselves to be false and unworthy of trust; O! deal with them kindly, for they are but mortals, And erring like us, for we, too, are but dust. O forgive and forget, O fdrgive and forget; O teach your proud heart to forgive and forget. PRSHIDSNT : W. E. DANIEL, vicr-I'Hksiiient: W. K. SMITH. L. K. DHAI'F.K, Teller. I'ASIIIKH: .1. . DltAKE, DIREfTOIM W. Ii. Smith, YV. E. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, A. O. House, J.L. Shepherd, W. A. Tierce, 1). I!. Zolheoll'cr, .1 . W. Sledge OE 3E mm Poo e Hanufactarinjc Company, M A Ji l; FACT V It E Its OF . Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADETOOUDF.lt AND UEIil'LAK STOCK SIZES. Oood Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. ft MnDTUDMDTDUf. UCDTHIQn Dull WHY rift nun I iirimi i uii vu iil.ii 1 1 wuu iuni.ii mi wvj READ DOWN KKAF Daily excefl Saniays IN 1 1 1 LCI A.'HH. 1. 1Q1I Daily except Suniays No 1 A.M. H:;ui 0:0(1 B:ia No. a 12:15 12:4.'.! No.5 IV M. 8:!B 4:05 4:2(1 Leave (lumbcrry Arrive Leave Mowlleld Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave No. 2 A.M. ILLlJ 10:4 V 10:301 No. 4 l'.M. 3:011 2:30 2:loi No.O Km" 6:irTi 5:2,r) r.:10 V. W. ROHERTSOS, General Manager 'NOTE-Mowflttld It a Flat Slatlon S3rai Manaver'n Office, Gumborry, N. u., aiarcn 4'in, ivu 20EZX0E An old citizen in a country village being asked for a sub scription toward repairing the fence of the graveyard, declined saying: "I subscribed toward improv ing that burying ground nigh on to forty years ago and my family hain't had no benefit from it yet. Chicago Record Herald. HE MAKES A POINT. "Women will never get the upper hand. Men are too mart." "Can you point out one in stance of men being smarter than women i" "Well, men don't handicap themselves with clothes that button up the back." NOT A QUADRUPED. "You can't go out like that, my dear, I can see right through your skirt." "Why, what do you see?" "Two legs." "Well, that's all I've got !"-Life. ALL THE VAY. When you come to a wearisome bit in the road, Where the stones are thick and the path is steep. And the back is bowed with the heft of the load, As the narrowing way is hard to keep, Don't stop just then for a wasteful sigh, But challenge the worst with a steadfast cheer; If nowhere else, there is help on high God's angel will hasten your pioneer. When you reach a lonesome bit of the road, Curtained about with mist and murk, And hear faint sounds from the dead above, Where shivering grim hobgoblings lurk, Just laugh to scorn their doleful cries This is the place to whistle and sing; Brush the fog from your fearless eyes, And close to the faith of your fathers cling. When you stand at a sorrowful bit of the road And a hand you love has loosed its clasp When streams are dry that in sweetness flowed, And flowers drop from your listless grasp E'en now take heart, for farther on There is hope and joy and the dawn of day; You shall find again what you thought was gone, 'Tis the merry heart goes all the way. ! Hh - ,i5!w Key Pittman It the new United Statet tenator from Nevada. He was elected by popular vote to fill the un expired term of the late Senator Nix on. Senator Pittman Is a Democrat and a comparatively young man who hat made a name for himself in hit state as a lawyer and business man. THE NEW WOMAN. A Womanly Woman Has a Place Which No Man nor Woman nor Saint nor Angel Can Ever Displace. HE BLESSED IT. DIVIDED. "Johnny," said his mother, overfly, "someone has taken a big piece of ginger cake out of the pantry." Johnny blushed guiltily. "Ob, Johnny,'' she exclaim ed, "I didn'i think it was in you." "It ain't all," replied John ny. 'Tart of it's in Elide." Chicago Record., When misfortune overtakes a hustler it has to go some. Some girls are born foolish and some use peroxide. Even a dull man has his good points. A teacher of a Sunday Bchool class tried to impress upon her the necessity of blessing the food before eating. "Billy," she asked of a little fellow whoso father was an el der in the church, "what pray er does your father say before you eat your dinner?" "I dun know." "Well, what did he say this morning before breakfast?" "He said, 'You kids go slow on the butter now! It's 40 cents a pound.' "Judge. Best Medicine for Colds When n druggist recommends a rem edy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you ran feel sure that he knowswhathe is talking about. V. Lower, druggist.of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "1 know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife or a severe bronchial cold after all other rem edies fulled." It will do the same for you if you are sull'eiiug with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time lor everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. I'rice "sic. and fl, (iuar anteed by all druggists. Adv. PAWS-ES. A little boy having bis music lesson was asked by bis teach er: "What are pauses?" And the quick response was: "Things that grow on pussy cats," Woman's Homo Com panion. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. flii Kind You Hate Always Bought Signature; of MAN'S THUMB. Tbo radical change between the hand of man and the mon key lies in the thumb. In the human hand the thumb has the 'opposing power,' which means that the thumb can bo made to touch the tip of each or any of the other fingers on the same band. The monkey's thumb is nonopposable. Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Life Vills will relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in heallhyconditionagain. John Supsic, of Saubury, I'a., says: "They are the best pills I ever used, and I ad vise everyone to use them for coustipatiu indigestion anil liver complaint." Will help you. I'rice 2.1c. Recommended by all druggists. Adv. A FAIR BASIS. "Now, girls," began theheait of the visiting committee, "we wish to test your powers of ob servation. 1 will ask each girl to describe some building sho passed on her way to school." ''That seems hardly fair," re plied another member of the committee. "Let us rather ask each girl to describe some hat." Pittsburg Post. The girl with two or three good looking brothers always has more girl friends than she knows what to do with. Wonderful Skin Salve llucklen's Arnica SaWe i known crywhere as the best remedy made all diseases of the skia, and also burns, bruises and boils. Reduces llammation and it toothing and heal ing. .1. T, tiotsaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C, writes that ouc box helped his serious akin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 2Tx. recommended by all druggist!. AdT. "Women certainly ain't got no consistency." "What's the matter, Mike?" "Mo wife chased me out wid a rolling pin, and then cried be cause 1 left home without kiss ing her good-bye." TAKING NO CHANCES. A professional man, visiting in a near-by town, had to drop a note to his stenographer. "What is the proper way to ad dress a young lady?" he asked his host. "Would you s:iy, "My Dear Miss,' 'Dear Miss,' or what?" "Just address her as you tould in the office," advised the friend. "Oh, that would never do," the visitor exclaimed; "suppose my wife should get the letter?" A TRUE OPTIMIST. y r x 3ra m w Trrmni PUNNING- WATE1P mz YOU din of : a Small Cosi Have Modern Wafer Conveniences in YOUR HOME Write for our Free Catalog. Buy your fixtures direct from us and save money, A little mechanical ingenuity on your part together with our up-tn-daic fittings, our instructions, prints and cuts, you can install the system yourself. Home Water Supply Corporation 1 GO 'Water Street Norfolk, Virginia r-y- Mrtal Sl.i. VictoS!ntl Imsarial Shia OriiMlliin(l luiiraiiraiitiiui iAik-rmj I - -w mr I T -WW W m i If the new woman comes as the Creator planned when he "created man of his own im age, in the image of God cre ated He him: male and female created He them," by all that is good and holy, by all that is peaceablo pure and praisewor thy, let her come and welcome. Lot her voice bo beard not only in the house but on the bouse top, let her place and power be recognized, carefully consider ed, and joyfully accepted and adopted, with a rising vote of the "party of the other part" unanimously expressed. If she conies of the precious instincts of motherly all'ection, of sister ly devotion, homelike emotions and tendencies; desires mutu al; help and protection to the wayfarers on the highway of human and earthly endeavor. God speed the day that places her in the front ranks of human effort and worldly progress. A womanly woman has a place ! which no man nor woman nor i saint nor angel, can ever (lis- j place. Hers is the seat of lion- : or in the front ranks of the bet- j ter elements of soul being, or religious sentiment, of purity, of saintliness, and of the home. WAYS OF WOMEN. The four designs of Cortiiglit Metal Shingles as shown above are made in any of the following ways : 1 . Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Red. 2. Stamped from Tin-plate and painted Creen. 3. Stamped from Tin-plate and Galvanized by a hand-dipping process. 4. Stamped from special tight-coated Galvanized Sheets. Each and evety genuine Cortright Metal Shingle is embossed with this Trade-mark. " Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off." f For Salt by J. S. TURNER, :: Wl-LDON, N. C. sRk"! -" k THE BEST REMEDY For all forms f RHEUMATISM LumbsQo, Sciatica, Bait, rltural- gla.Kldncy Troubles, Catarrh and Asthma "5-DROPS" STOP THE PAIN Gives Quick Relief It Iod9 tlio achpfl anil pains. M- llevi-s Bwolleu JulDt.s and muscles actsalmust like mairic. ll-'struys tlio eseess uric acid and la uuirk. safe and sure in its result. No oilier remedy likn It. Sample free on request. 80LD BY DRUGGISTS One Dollar per bnltln, or pent, pre- i paid ulKiu receipt ur prleo 11 uus I obtainable lu yuur locality. , SWAN SON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. 168 lake Strati Chicago Best Remedy for f Constipation, SlokHoadaoha A 1 I Sour Stomach, Bolchintsnd I I I I Liver Troubles. ISO Per 1 I iNjBon at Prugtltte. i.si.ikii:.i ECItMS, SCNt, S1US, fWLCS, MHOS), BURKS, WOUNDS, SALT RHEUM, SINQ WORM, lie, eukkl, huM l siaif tha "5-DROPS" SALVE ISO tr Bob at OruUt NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Halifax County, In the Superior Court, . April 2S, 11113. Samuel I". Patterson, I'latintift" ) Vs. AlinuT. I'atteiHon, Defendant ) I'l lil.K AIION OF NOTICE OF IS I'M Mi iNS. the a I mi e named defendant Mrs. A Ima T. 1'uttersoii mil lake notice that a sum mons in the above entitled action was issued against the said defendant on the 11th day of November, 11)12 by 8. M. llary, clerk of the Court of Halifax County, and same was returned that the said defendant could not after due dili geiHcbe found within the State; thatan alius Munitions was thereupon issued on llie .'nd day of January, 1913, with the same return; that a pluries sum mons wus issued on the 2-lth day Feb ruary, lulil with the same return; that the action (lending in theSuperior court of Halifax county, North Carolina is en tilled as above; that the puipose of the action us brought by the plaintiff against the defendant is for a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, the grounds alleged being lor absolute divorce; that the com plaint in this action hasalready been hied on the 27th day ol November, 11112, in the oilier of the ( lerk of the Superior court of Halifax county, and said defendant is reiuired to appear und answer or to demur to 1 1n' said complaint during the next term of theSuperior court to be held on the thnteenth Monday after the Hist Monday in .March, 11113, the first ilav of said court being on the 2nd day of June, I'.HX Herein fail not. This I lie 'JMh dav of April, 1IU3. S. M. UAUY, Clerk Superior Court. W. K. DAN ILL, K. I.. TKAVls, (il'.olti.l-: C. (.MIEN, Attorneys for the I'laintiu". jy -'ii ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having iialilicd be fore the Supenor court of Halifax coun ty on the lib day of April. 1M13. as ad ministrator of the estate of . 11 Dick ens, deceased, hereby notifies, all per sons holding claims airainst his said in teslale to presenl Ihem to him duly veri fied at his ollice in Weldon. N. ('., with in twelve mouths from the date of this notice in the same mil he pleaded in bar thereof. All persons iu.lelited to said estate are leoiiested to make immediate payment. This Hie .Mil dav of Vpi'l, lbi! W'. 11. DA Villi.. Adiniinslialoi of tiie eslale of W. It. Dickens, deceased. 1-lOlil N OTTCE Vicar Amid your troubles, Mrs. Grundy, I am pleased to see that your gratitude to Providence does not fail. Mrs. Grundy No, sir: rheutna tiz is bad, indeed, but I thank 'eaven 1 still 'ave a back to 'ave it in. Life. RETALIATION. Agnes 1 wish this suffragette movement would introduce the custom of girls calling on men. Gladys-Goodness! Why?" Agnes I know a few Staylates whom I'd enjoy keeping up until after midnight. Judge. Widows oft rush in where young girls fear to tread. Of Ounlitknlion of Administratrix The uiideihigned having iiialilied as administratrix of the estate of I.. II. Hale, deceased, ill the Superior Court of Halifax county, on the :ltd dayof March l'M:i, hereby nolilies all pel sons holding claims against her said intestate to pre sent liihei duly vciilicdut Halifax, N.C., on in before twelve mouths from the date of this notice, or the san , w ill be pleaded in bar thereof. All persons indebted to her said in testate are herehv notified to make im mediate pavmeni. Ihisthe 2iith dav of March, liH3. Mh'S. .IKS NIK A. HALF., Adiiiinistiatnx of L. II. Hale, deceased. W. F.. Daniel, attorney. 4 3 tit Choice Cut Flowers Hoses, Carnations and .Sweet Teas specially. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outfits are equal to the best Nothing liner in floral offerings than our styles, blooming pot plants, palms and ferns in great variety. Bedding plants, in ail varieties to beautify the yard. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY 1'I.OKIsTS, RALLI'JH, North Carolina. I'hones 1 111 Ask for price lilt Special Sale ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELDON, N. C, Practices in the courts ofllalifax and adjoining counties and it. the Supreme eourtof the State. Special attention given to collections ud prompt returns Wc have on hand several consign ments of the latest in wool, Wash and i'rincess ladies Suits. Itather than re turn these suits our headquarters deci ded to put them on sale at half price for cash only. $15 Suits 7.50. Prin cess, white and all other colors ST to $7, now $2.51) to $3. Wash Coat Suits $4 to $11, now $ IDS to $3. $tto5Net Waist reduced $1 .75 to $2.5(1 black and col ored silk Petticoats $4 to $ti now I2.SR to $3.75. Voile Skirta $6 to $s now $6.60 to $ t 'hi. 10,000 yards lace and embroid eries to close out at half price. 75c to $1 Messaliue silks, all colon, now 60 to 75c. 5 and flc. calicoes 3J to 4c.- 10 and 12k ginghams 7 to Do. About 3,000 yards dress goods to close out lees than cost. Ladies hats at half prise, K ugs, druggets, carpeting! sod matting! at and below cost SPIERS BROS. WELDON, NO. A r

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