H felti :,:S Terms of Subscriptioii--$1.5G Per Annum Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WKLDON, N. C, TIIl liSDAV, .U NK .", l!i:i. NO. ( VOL. XLVIII. MRS. JOHN MILLER HORTON MISS MARGUERITE CAPERTON ISjjSl VJ1 'jgl km tfQ0 i---z. j MA CIIOL 3 PKK CKNT. AVcoeinlilcPrrparalinnrorAs simil.niii5ilir!'ooilanill!i'tfu!a linilu'Suwtisai'jlDwIsiif For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ;m...fit.l.Miri Signature Promotes Dii'slionflf f (ful ness awl Itosi.Contaliis twitter I J pu un . t torpKitu: norMiuerai. Not N arcotic. JtKiiurtlUDrSWtWmUM jj Jhil'fim I i JMrllrMls- I i Au'sr&Ht t ; ilii'titanmiuaa I UtmSrnl- I ikttlMd Stiqar ilMUiyiW t'lwetr. ( Anjrfer! Hi-ntt ilv I'oiT'.msllnii- Hun, Sour Sloiuach.lliaiTliotJ WonicsX'onvulstons.h'vtroii licssaiulLossOFSLEliK Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. j i hi- k .ft In VJ1 Use For Over Thirty Years "assail 1 I ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. , -t- la. v a"""- 6: Sit t ; ' ilSs 4 .'V " ' " -. . j.'"t."Tiw TrtTfTTT Mr.. John Miller Horton of Buffalo wa defeated for the presidency of the Daughters of the American Revo lution by Mrs. Story of New York on the third ballot. Exact Dopy of Wrapper. TNK OINTAlin eoMMNV, NtW VOHH OITV. ii vi it vi i The Standard Railroad of the South W mm Ramifies the "Nation's (iarden Spot." Wrig;htsville $5.40 UliACM IS CAM.INO YOU. to WiliiiiiiL'lun, tickets un will' Siituiiliiys uii'l fur ti i ii liniii'. Su u.luiys, 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 I tn ri'iu'li WCliInn ri-tiiriiiiiL' Tui'silnv iiiii'lniirlit I'ulliminir iliitc ut sale Via ATLANTIC ChAs T LINK, liie stiin.hu.l liuilmiy if tlnoiitli" C. Ii. CAKTKi;. l'ioki-1 Atf.nt. W J. CRAKi. P T. M . T. C. WHITI:. (i. P. A., ikV WII.MIMITON' N. C S '-5 55 '-2 '- '-2 x L- m m i 9) IT IS HOME. A Mighty Defense l-'or a Young Man Is a (iood Hume. THE FORECAST. Miss Caperton is the dauohtf of Admiral and Mrs. William 13. Ctper ton. Miss Caperton ia the best dancer In thj army and navy set at Newport, and gained distinctic-n by introdur ing society at that pla..e to the t.cigo dance. RUNNING WATE.P TO- YOU C.An ol :i Sniiill (;si Have Modern (onvcniotifcs in Water YOUR I Write for our I'rce Cutalotf. Buy your fi vf ii res direct from us and snvc money. A little nieelinnicnl injjenuily on your port together with our up-to-dflle tiliiiitfs, our instruction!), prints and cuts, you can inslull the system yourself. Home Water Supply Corporation 160 Wuter Street Norfolk, Virginia tinkle tiial 3 0 THE BANK OF VELDOfJ WKLDOX, X. OritanizeJ Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplns, $53,000. For nearly '.M yearn this instiliitimi has proviilcl li.iiikma fueililies fin this section. Its stucklmlilers ami ollietrs are nleiitilir.l with the liusi uess interests of '. Iifax ami Noithainptun eouuties. A Savinirs Hi'iartment is niainta'iie.l fur the henetit of all uh" ilesire to ileposit in a Savinirs Hank. In tins liepaitnu'iil mteiet i- allowed a follows: For Deposits allimeil toremain three iiionlhs or longer. J pel eent. Six months or longer, :t per cent Twelte iniiiithsoi Imiirer, 1 pel eent Any information mil he I'uiin.lic.l mi appheation to the l'iei.leiit m rashiei Many young men standing among the most tremendous real ities have their eyes half shin or entirely closed. A mighty defence for young man is a good home. Some of our readers look back wiih tender satisfaction to their early home. It may have been rude, rustic, hidden among the hills and architect or upholsterer never planned or adorned it. But all the fresco on princely walls never look ed soenticing to you as those rough hewn rafters. You can think of no park or arbor ol trees planted on a I'ashioii.ilile country seal soalttac live a 1 1 it plain lnouk that tan in front of the old farm house and sang under the weeping willows. No barred gateway adorned with siaitie of brone, and swung open by olisetuous porter in lull dress, has half the glory of the old swing gate. Many of you have a second dwelling place, your adopted home, toat also is sacred forever. There you built the first family altar. There your children were born. All those trees you planted. That room is sacred, because once in it, over the hot pillow, llappd the wing of death. Under thai roof you expect, when your work is done, to lie down and die. You try with many words to tell of excel lency of the place, but you fail. There is only one word in the En glish language that can describe your feeling. It is "home." TEMPTATION. It may be that 1 dreamed a dream; it may be that I saw The forecast of a time to come, by some supernal law. It seemed to dwell in this same world, and in this modern time; Yet nowhere was there sight or sound of poverty or crown. All strife had ceased; men were disarmed; and ttuict l'eace had A thousand avenues for toil, in place of War's grim trade. From east to west, from north to south, where high ways smooth broad Tied State to State, the waste lands bloomed like garden spots of God There were no beggars in the street; there were no unemployed, Tor each man owned his plot of ground, and labored and enjoyed. Sweet children grew like garden flowers; all strong and fair to sec; And when 1 marveled at this sight, thus spoke a voice to me: "All Motherhood is now an art; the greatest art on earth; And nowhere is there known the crime of one unwelcome birth. lrom rights of parentage, the sick and sinful are debarred; For Matron Science keeps our house, and at the door stands guard. Vl'e know the cure for darkness lies in letting in the light; And Prisons are replaced by Schools, where wrong views change to ; ims done in th right. The wisdom, knowledge, study, thought, once bent on beast and sod Vl'e give now to the human race, the highest work of Cod; And, as the gard'ner chooses seed, so we select with cate; And as our Man Plant grows, o give linn soil and sun and air. There are no slums; no homeless poor, all men arc opulent, For mother earth belongs to them, as was the First Intent." It may be that I dreamed a dream; it may be that I saw The forecast of a time to come, by some supernal law. lilla Wheeler Wilcox, in (iood Housekeeping. THE MODEL HUSBAND. Women Need Love, Praise, precaution and Pleasure, Much As Rowers Need Sunlight i'Rksiiik.n r : W. K. IUMKI., Vll K-I'KKSIIIKN I . W. It SMITH. i:. niiM'i:i;. Teiin A 1 1 1 k K . .1. t. I'litKK. DlltKCTlli;-! W. i;. Smith. W. Iv Haniel. A. I'. House, ,1.1.. shepher.l, V. A I'uiee. I II. IliaUe. V. II. It. .iillieollel. nhen. sle.lir. OE 3E 3E no n & rale iliiiliintiiriiitf tan)", MANtT.U IT'liKlts or liuilding Material for Modern Monies, Sash, Doors, Winds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens mam: hmmiih i; amm:i..i i.ausi'oik si.ks. (Iood Material-., Ilixh OiauY Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. 3EZ30EZ30E MnDTunMDTnw e. urDTcnon dqii way rn u iiuiminmr i uneoiiLiuiuiiu uniLnm uui O Kepresntative Solomon Fmcis Prouty of the Seventeenth district of Illinois is the only man in the house of represenatives who chews gum, and he chews it with a re markable avidity. He took the gum habit after a conference of Iowa physicians had warned hint that he must either stop smoking or till a grave. They suggested chewing chip as a substitute for my .day Nicotine. The only time he has smoked in ten years was on a hot day last summer while out campaigning. He stopped to talk with an old far mer who was putting at a corncob pipe. The smoke got into Hep resenative Prouty's nose, and as soon as he reached town he rush ed into his olfice, grabbed his sec retary by the arm, and almost shouted: "l-'or goodness sake dig out that pipe of yours and give me a putt! Lock the doors and keep every man out who looks like a doctor. I've goi to smoke or bust'" WHAT LNLHY POLICT-MAN IS I.OOKINd I OK A slow beat, A long measure, The next bar, A three quarter rust, A good time, And a full note. Judge. THE SWEETEST TIME 0' YEAR. It's getting time o' year now when May swings into bloom, And all the peach and apple trees are reeking with perfume. A panoramic glory gilds the morning in the east, With an iridescent glamor of a mighty sumptuous least. The blackbird in the hollow and the robin in the tree, Are shouting halleujahs up to heaven and to me; The forest trees are budding with a freshness rich and rare, And pronounce a benediction through the blossom-scented air. The south wind in his rambles, searches every shady nook, And gathers sweetest perfume from the blossoms by the brook. The sun in gorgeous splendor smiles upon the sprouting grain; The flowers nodding to and fro are welcoming the rain. I love to hear the droning of the husky bumble-bee, As he tumbles through the meadow in a muffled ecstasy. 1 love to hear the ripple of the bustling little rills, And the music of the breees as they kiss the daffodils. There is something that is pleasing ev'ry minute of the day, When May-time brings the blossoms out and flaunts her banners gay. All the glories of the seasons in a single bunch appear For the blossoming of nature is the sweetest time of year. It's a part of my religion I would like to have you know, That a loving smile's an antidote for ev'ry human woe. It's a trite and useful saying and its secret I'll impart, When your thoughts are with the flowers there's no winter in the heart. (iaranteed Lcxetua Remedy The constant itohiiiir.hm nim:, redness, rash ami ilisau'teoalile effectsof i-rxema. tetter, salt rlieuin, iteli. piles ami irri tatimr skin eruptions can he readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with I r. Ilohson's F.exema Ointment. Mr. .1. ('. I'velond, ol llath, III. .says: " I hail ecxenia twenty-five years and had tried eveiylhiuir. Ml faded When I found IM. Ilol son s F.eenia Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the I'm inula of a phy .ician and ha hei-n in uc fm yeai- not an expeiiiueut. That is why we Kuaianlee it. All di ntiiisl-01 hy mad I'll,-.- .".is- ri'eilh i I In-lineal !' . I'lola delphia and M. Louis A.l. Much has been said and written ! about the model husband. A quar ter of a mum y ago 1 lla Wheeler . Wilcox penned her idea-", of .1 model ! husband and we doubt if they luce j ever been improved upon, "lilla" j said if she were asked to deline 1 the meaning of a successful man, ' she would say a man who lias i made a happy home for his wife I and children. No matter what lie way of achieving wealth or honors, if he lias dune thai he is a grand success. If he has 1101 done that, and ii is his mi 11 fault, though lie be the highe -I ;n the land, he r .1 mu 1 pitiable 1 .1 1 1 tire. I wonder how many men in ihe mad pursuit for gold which charac terizes ibis age, realize thai there is no I'm tune w Inch can be lell their families as precious a . die : memories of a happy home. 1 heard a daughter say, with bit terness, one day: "I never knew a happy hour in my childhood. My fuller was so cross and severe he crushed my mother's spun and destroyed our youth. Nothing can ever recompense me for that." What a memory lor a daughter to carry through life! I have known several men who w ere ohieeis ol terror to their families. Laughter ceased, mirth was silenced, callers 1 intuitively took leave, when the ! master of the house approached, j I wonder what such men can live ! for. 1 can imagine no honor that ', can compensate for the loss of i those nearest to us. i I think more American men ihan women marry for love. Yet there ! are fewer good husbands ihan good wives, take the land over. ! If you marry a beauty , and a ! belle, or a very popular young I lady even, you no doubt felt highly elated over your conquest, and it was your intention to make her happy. But, perhaps, you did 1 not realize that an extra exertion j on your pan would be nec i essary as time rolled on. Ardent ; lovers too often and too quickly i become indillerent husbands; not In answer to Mrs. S. 's ad- j indiHerent in heart, maybe, hut 111- vertisement for a laundress, lillen, dilfcrentin action. The girl w ho has a darkey, black as the ace of spades ! been sought and admired, and ptool but fire-pioof imd storm-proof, too. "SStii '" CORTRIGHT METAL SHINGLES C" last as long as the building and never need repairs. Ju-i! the tiling foi town ol country LuilJnig, Lciuuae they Jffi ' meet eveiy condition of romloit, beauty and security. S T iar Sale by h'NI K', :: W'UI.DON. N. C. have no idea. King 1 man, how ' much joy such words bring 10 a j wife's heart. ' II you come home anu mid some thing out of place 111 the bouse, or imi to your liking, do not let it be the liist thing mentioned. Try and liud something to praise and appreciate, and then speak of the mailer that displeases you and ask to have ii attended to. Women need luu piai -e, ap preciation, and pleasure, as much as llowers need the sunlight; and, ; as a rule, the best wives are the S women who receive considerate i kindness and attention from the j rightful source the husband. ; THE BIBLE."" TRADE MAM TH6 BEST Wonderful Hunk Wend It Slow ly. Frequently and Prayerfully. VARILTY. Till: M AIN CI 'I'. the RUAOOOWN I Haily except SunJays No 1 1 No S No... A. St. j P.M. P.M. d lKI -.::, 4:ll.i :l.l t:tm 4:--1l Al 'Nil I, ! I.eae Ounilierry Arrive Leave Mowliel.l Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave j KIIAI) HP Daily twit SunJay: No.'.'jNo.-t.So.tl A.M. j P. Mi' P.M. Il:.-ii 8:00! 8:.V ll:i:i 2:3il .VC'i lll::tll i!:l."il ":I0 W. W. Itoltl'.IM'SON, Oeneral Manager NOTK- Hmfiflil 1" KUiiSuil..ii Unral Manavvi'i Olli.-. t,HHilMrrv. N.e.. Mar-h J'lli. lll 3EZXOE301 1 Nothing rattles a contrary man more than to have you agree w ith him. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Blgnature of "Wliut do vou think of iiossiblo cuts in beef ';" "There is only one cut in meal which concerns me just now." "What is itr "The wny it has cut my ac quaintance." COULDN'T UNOI-KSI AM) "1 can't understand how some things get their names," declared the grumpy boarder. "For instance?" "Take this strawberry shortcake. If they had called it shortberry strawcake I could have seen the point Chicago Record-Herald. applied for the work. With her was a group of small darkies, isome black, some brown, and some yel low. Mrs. S. asked if all these 1 children were lillen 's. The latter ! replied: "Yes'm, they 's all mine." ' "But, lillen," said Mrs. S. , "they are all different colors " i "Yas'm. vou sec it':; !;Le J.:-.. I I My first husband was black like ' me, my secon' was brown, an' the I one 1 got now he belongs 10 the fair sex. " -Harper's Magazine MIT.PINU I'ATMLK. "I got a letter from my son at college yesterday." "Writing for uumey, eh?" "1 should say not. He's work ing his way through college a,: a waiter and sends me his lips. I've paid oft' the mortgage, and now I'm starting n fund to build a new- liarn." Denver Republican. The book contains the mind of God, i he state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and happiness of believers. lis doc trine is holy, its precepts are bind ing, its histories arc true, and iis decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it safe, and prac tice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comli'i t io cheer you. Ii is the ua eici 's map, the pilgrim's stall, the pdol's compass, the Soldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. 1 lere heaven is opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject, our good us de sign, and the glory ol God its end. h should till the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slow Iv, frequent ly, prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, health to the soul, and a river of pleasure. Ii is given you here in this life, will be opened at ! the judgment, and is established ; forever. Ii involves the highest ! responsibility, w ill reward the greatest labor, and condemn all who it ille with its sacred contents For all forms of RHEUMATISM Lumbago, Sciatica, Bout, Niurat- II gia.Kldniy Trouble!, Catarrh ana1 11 Asthma 11 O-DKUHS STOP THE PAIN Gives Quick Relief H M1 tlm aches and p&lns, M lit'Vi 8 w u ill-u juinttt and m nuclei not-.: Iniu.-t hl. 111.1210. Dostrorn tin f.v iirto acid aud ) Quick. L ir.i u ut turn In it4 rusultft. No tMlx-r i-mtily l.M it. . Sample) tree on request. SOLD BY DRUGQISTi 0no P.ilHr pprbottlfl.orneiit pr- i i;iii ..thin ri'ccun or price n uui k obtainable in yuur locality. , fi WAN SON RHEUMATIC CUM COL, , 168 Ukt Strati Chicago Baal a.madt for Conatlaatlan.Siok H.aaa.tal boar Stomaon. aio' mmm tiv.r Troubl.a. S rr Boa at Orugfiata, mam tarn. Kit. ftutt, rrnnn, Mailt, BUSNS. WOlMDt. MLI RHOHL Mai KBW, lie., aaMhr kaaM If Mlaj "5-DROPS" SALVE ise Fr m vrmwirm m liLi.iUJiiBJ1 new lead. snot: st I'l RSiinoNS Never place a pair ol si s hiulier than our I s;i an old mi pel t il ii.li, or oil vill !'.r.ve ! ! Iivk . ,--m-iih' thelo, and liev er black one lie fore pnllim the other on tor a illlil:ll leosull Tin: dooi) am) tit: M Tii 1 1.. praised by a crowd of enamored swains during her single career, cant help feeling heartaches and re pinings if she is unnoticed or neg lected as aw he It w ill not do to let her take it for grained ih.it you still care for her, or shll admire her. You must tell her so some times the oliener the better It r.u -cm !.io!;..!::ic:'--. u n;:, but it is often a mailer ol hie and death import to a v tie a lew fond, ad miring words fio.u a husband's hps. It will inn cost ou aiiwhuig and it will make her happy. Praise her discretion, her good sense, ! and her dignity, aiul lell her that! To see the good on.l ' lie bcau these qualities are dearer to you , t iful and to have no strength than her beamy, and mark my to live it is only to be Moses words, she will strive io deserve I on the iiniiintain nf Nebo, with Choice Cut Flowers :,im s. t hi nations aiul Sweet Teas f.eri;lt v. i n r artistic arrangements in . -11.11111! nutlits are eiinal to tlio best N. -il, nit In-1 niiioial otl'erinifa than our stvhs I'.li'iiniinir ft plants, palms tin'. I Ii ok in iri-eat vanelv. Hedding plant-, in nil vauetiei to beautify the v:o.l Woti- I'm list. Mail. ti lii!i:iili or tilophone orders ,i . in .t I v executed bv J. L. O'QUINN 8 COMPANY IT.uKlsTS, R 1 I I iM, North Carolina. I'lioiii-s I I i Ast for price list Adiniiiisii itlor'a Notice. Mat iinr iiialitie.l a adminiKtrator of tlie estate iil'W.J. 11. simlli, dreeaaed, Lite of llalilav eoioiir. N. ('., this is to ilv all prisons havinir claims againal tiip cstnie of nnl deceased to exhibit tin in to the iimliTsieiied at Halifax, on oi lii ioti-the -.'nd day of Mav, lt)14, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of then Ireovi-IV. Ml persons indebted to ttaid estatewilt please inaki'inimediatf pavment. Thil the Path dav of Mav. PUH.' WILLIAM SMITH, Administrator Children Cry FOR FLETCHcR'S C ASTO R I A your praise with renewed ambi tion. If she docs noi, she will be very light weight indeed. See to it that no man pays your w ife sweeter compliments or appreciates her beauty or worth more than you do. Tell her thai she is the best wife in the world, and that you are sure no one on earth could make you so happy as she has done. You the land at your power to enter. belter not Schreincr. to set feet and no It would be it. - t livcr Woman's intuition is a pleasanter term than feminine suspicion. The man lacks enterprise who stands around waiting to be driven to drink. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. l or sale at a bargain it. the town ol ISoanokc Knpi.ls: i lots on Koanokt avenue. - lots on Hamilton street; 2 Iota on .lelt'iTson street, aliout one block from Patterson tow n. Also for sale my household furniture in the town of Weldon. All this proper, tv to he sold on account of my leavina; tbfi State at an early date. Persona inter ested in the lots or furniture,, can call ou or address. ' J1K. F. U- TREACY, Weldon, N. U, 5 22 4W.

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