Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$l.SO Per Annum VOL. XLV1H. WELDON, X. C., TIUI KSDAY, .JUNK 20, l.H.J. NO. 9 SSI The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, aul which lias been In use for over 30 years, 1ms borno tho signature of - and has been nuvde under bis per-f-ftftj, Bonol supervision since Its infancy. J-CCCCAjA Allow no one to deed v a von 1 n t h la. Ail Counterfeit, Imitations and" JuHt-an-Bood" are but Experiment tlmt trllle with aril einliingir the liealth of Infants and Children Experience against Uxnerliueut. What is CASTORIA Caatorlu is a harmless substitute for Castor OH. Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is I'leosant. It contains neither Opium, Morplilno nor oilier Narcotic) substance. Its n?e is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisfliness. It cures Diarrhoja and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulent )'. ' It assiiiiilutes the Food, regulates the Stomach and Kowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children's i'anaeea-Tho Mother's l'rleml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS j Bears the signature 01 WW The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THK CKNTftUN OOMMNT, TT MUHV THICT, NCW YOBUXITV. ( . . . . 'Mat . w. . . Aft 0 . . . . 0t -5 35 -25 5"- $ f f 24TLMTIC C0ST UfiE The Standard Railroad of the South Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." - f Wrightsville fk C. K. CAK1T.K, Ticket Agent W.J. CRAIQ, P. T. M., T. C. WHITE, Q. ki wir uivurnv N n 'fi. 00 -00 '00 -00-00 m- $5.40 BEACH IS CALLINQ YOU to Wilmington, tickets on sale Saturdays anil fo forenoon trains Sundays, limited to reach Weldon returning Tuesday midnight folloviii(f date of sale nrTuesi nv ma unr it o lowing uate 01 saic, ia,a Vis ATLANTIC COAST LINK, "the Standard Railway of theSouth" '.f P. A. THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carol, a, State of Nonh Carolina Deposiiory. Halifax Couniy Deposiiory. Town of Weldon Deposiiory. ?.a?!!?!llSD... $53,000. For nearly 2(1 years this institution lias provided hanking facilities for this section, its stockholders and oilieers are identilied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three mouths or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer. S per cent. Twelve months or lonirer. 4 Derceut. Any information w ill be furnished on application to the President orCashier presidint: W. E. DANIEL, VICE-rUKSIOBST: W. U. SMITH. L. E. DKAl'KK, Teller. CAS1I1KK: . O. IKAKH, DIRECTORS W. Jt. Smith, W. E. Daniel, ,1. O. Drake, W. A. C. House, J.L. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, 1). II. .ollicoll'er, Al . Cohen, ,1 . W. Sledge THIS MAN, JONES. The Wittiest Man 1 Ever Knew. The American Magazine has been offering prizes for ihe best letters written on ihe subject. "The Wittiest Man I ever knew." Following is one of several prize winning letters published in the May number. "The wittiest man I ever knew, and I have known many, was not a Yankee, or a Dutchman, neither was he an Irishman, but a genuine, thoroughbred Welshman who liv ed and died among ihe mountains of Wules. "It is an acknowledged fact that the greatest living statesman is a lit tie Welshman, none other than the Honorable David Lloyd-George and the wittiest man 1 ever knew was one of the same nation ality, named Jones. Although never in this great country of ours himself, yet his sayings are repeated from the At lantic to the Pacific coast. Preaching, shop-keeping, law and medicine were all vocations of this man Jones. He combined wit with addressing his parishion ers, serving his customers, his clients, and administering to the physical ailments of his patients. "He was a large, tall, lanky man, dignified and patriarchal in appear ance, and would crack a joke with out even a smile on his counte nance. "Once, while having his shoes shined, the bootblack remarked that he never saw a shoe ot tm mense size, when Jones quickly replied 1 have, ihe shoe is on the other foot.' A wag came to the store one day and asked for a 'yard of bacon Jones immediately wrapped in paper three pig s (eel. What is this you are giving me? asked the man. 'Did you not ask for one yard of bacon?' asked Jones, 'Yes, replied ihe man. 'Well, three feet make one yard,' quick ly replied the merchant. "Jones had a habit of smoking occasionally. A brother minister rebuked him, remarking thai to bacco was no good. " 'Then we will burn it up,' said Jones. " 'One lime Jones complained of rheumatism in one of his knees. His guest remarked it was a sign of old age. 'Well,' answered Jones, 'the oilier knee is old, but has not the rheumatism.' "While on the streei one day, two men met Jones, and wanting some fun accosted him with, 'Jones, have you heard the news?' 'No, 'said Jones. 'What is it?' They answered sadly, 'The devil is dead. Uuickly taking two pence from his pocket, Jones gave one. to each man, saying as he did so, 'I always remember the or phans. "In one of his sermons Jones compared a miser 10 a pig, saying that 'nqgood can come from eith er while they are living.' In his last illness Jones still re tained his wit. The lawyer who was sent for to make his will, and his physician each stood on either side of his bed, when Jones calmly re marked, 'To-day I am like my Savior, dying between two thieves." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A T7A1) SALE ! ! RED. I Through the Green Earth Runs a Red Stream. It Is the Blood ' of Men. Town Lots In Town ol Weldon. Three desirable Residence lots fronting on Syc amore and 4th Mreets. bituated in the heart of a fast erowinz town. These will be sold to high est bidder SATURDAY, JUNK 28th, 12 o'clock, noon, on the premises. Terms of Sale: One-third cash balance one and two years, with interest on deferred payments. .6 percent. The public is in vited to investigate this valuable property. W. T. SHAW, W. A. PILiRCl:, D. R. ANDERSON, Committee. THE VOLUNTEER ORGANIST. The great church wuz crowded full uv broadcloth and uv silk, An' satins rich as cream that grows on our ol' brindle's milk; Shined boots, biled shirts, stiff collars an' stovepipe hats were there, An' dudes with trouserloons so tight they couldn't kneel down in prayer. The elder in his poolpit high said, as he slightly riz : "Our organist is kep to hum, laid up 'ith roomatiz, An' as we hev no substitoot, as Brother Moore ain't here, Will some 'un in the congregation be so kind's to volunteer?" An' then a red-nosed, drunken tramp of low-toned, rowdy style, Give an introductory hiccup, an then staggered up the aisle, Then thro' that holy atmosphere there crcp a sense er sin, An' thro' that air of sanctity the odor uv ol' gin. Then Deacon Purington he yelled his teeth all sot on edge : "This man purfanes the house of God ! W'y, this is sacrilege !" The tramp didn' hear a word he said, but slouched 'ithstumblin' feet, An' sprawled an' staggered up the steps, an' gained the organ seat. He then went pawin' through the keys, an' soon'thcre rose a strain That seemed to jest bulge out the heart, an' 'lectrify ihe brain; An' then he slapped down on the thing 'ith hands an' head an' knees, He slam-dashed his hull body down kerflop upon ihe keys. The organ roared, the music Hood went sweepin' high and dry, It swelled into the rafters, and bulged out into the sky; The ol' church shook an' staggered, an' seemed to reel an' sway, An' the elder shouted "Glory" an' I yelled out "Hooray !" An' then he tried a tender strain that melted in our ears, That brought up blessed memories an' drenched 'em down 'ith tears; An' we dreamed of ol' time kitchens, 'ith Tabby on the mat, Uv home an' luv an' baby days, an' mother an' all that,! And then he struck a streak uv hope a song from souls forgiven That burst from prison bars uv sin an' stormed the gates of Heaven; The mornin' stars they sung together no soul was left alone We felt the universe wuz safe, an' God wuz on his throne ! An' then a wail uv deep despair an' darkness come again, An' long black crape hung on the doors uv all the homes uv men; No luv, no light, no joy, no hope, no songs uv glad delight, And then the tramp he staggered down an' reeled into the night. But we knew he'd tol' his story, tho' he never spoke a word, An' it wuz the saddest story that our ears had ever heard; He hed told his own life history, an' no eye wuz dry that day, W'en the elder rose and simply said : "My brethren, let us pray." Dim! Pi MANUFACTURERS OF Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO ORDER AND KEtiULAR STOCK SIZES, flood Materials, High tirade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. o tocaoE NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, 5fc READ DOWN READ UP Daily except Sundays I IN I in.CT AI'Rll 1. 1911 Daily except Sundays No 1 No. 8 No.5 No.2 No4 NoJ) Ajnrsn I a.m. i.m' p.m. 8:30 12:lr 8:35 Leave Gumberry Arrive I 11:1.1 8:00 5:65 9:00 12:45 4:05 Leave Mowrlcld Arrive 10:45 2:30 6:25 9:15 1:00 4:20 Arrive Jackson Leave 10:30 2:16 5:10 Ueusrat W. W. ROBERTSON, General Manager Iciusrai Man.w'. Office, Uumberry, N. C, March 27th, 14U Wood's Seeds. Late Seed Potatoes June and early i n July is the best time (or planting for the fall crop for winter use. Our stocks are specially elected Seed Potatoes, put in cold storage enrly in the hrmsoii, au ua to keep in firat claaa, vigorous condition. Book your orders early, to be sure of getting the varieties you desire. Write for "Wood"! Crop Special1' giving prices, and timely informa tion about all aeasondhle Sd.. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. We ore licnilcjuartns for Cow Peas, German Millet, Soja, Crimson Clover and all Farm Seeds. Write for prices. RUB-MY-TSSIVI Will cure your llheuiunf ism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns. Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. OLD TIME FRIENDS. Friends of my earlier years, behold, I greet you Across the void of time ihat rolls between, But, candidly, 1 do not care to meet you, Be not offended, please know what I mean. In those dear old days of sentiment and passion About each form was wrapt a golden haze, A glamour of romance, in youth's best fashion 'Tis faded now, O friends of other days ! Something remains that's nobler, finer, higher; 'Tis true; but something has there bee.i of change, Tried have we all been in vehement fire, And what is left is fine but oh, how strange ! 1 scarcely know myself now by my chatter, My attitude toward life, likes, tastes and then I'm growing rather bald and somewhat fatter And always go 10 sleep 'twixt nine and ten ! Friends of my youth, your memories 1 treasure, And in my day dreams often with you play I shouldn't like to know what your waists measure, Or see your ragged locks so thin and gray. My sweetheart, Jane, of tare and radiant beauty, In my dreams I see you still, a vision bright; To see you really- well, that's not my duty! I: xi. use me, btsvC'iltcal I of youth! Good night! flaranteed licxemn Remedy Tlieconxtunt itching, ImrnuiK, rednt-xs, rash and disagreeable effects of eexenia, tetter, salt iheuin, itch, piles and irri tating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear ami smooth with Dr. llobson's Ecxenia Ointment. - Mr. .1. ('. Evelond, of Hath, 111., says: " I had ecxema twenty-five years and hart tried everything. All failed. When 1 found Dr. Ilobsou's Eciema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a phy sician and has been in uao for years not an experiment. That is why we guarantee it. All druggists or by mail. Price 50c. I'foiircr Chemical Co., Phila delphia and St. Louis Adv. . I When this streams enters upon i a wild continent, forests become ! houses, rivers bear cities, as pearls upon their silver thread, deserts are watered and become fruitful, mountains are tunneled, ihe earth is corded with wires where on thoughts run, and all things arc mastered by the red line. Green is a mighty color, the hue of the field and forest; and yellow is imperial, the tint of the sun and of gold; and blue is vast and infi nite, the lone of the sea and of the sky above it; but red is lord of them all, for it is the cast of what is mightier than all life. Red is the color of Force. Hence, it is the fighting color. It is not without reason that the British sol dier wears a red coat and the French soldier red trousers, that ihe Turk puis on a red fez and the anarchist waves a red flag. Ued means life at its fiercest activity. Fverybody knows that red ex cites the bull. Prof. W. Peabody Bartlett is authority for the state ment that red also makes the roos ter crow, ihe dog bark, ihe spider bile and the wasp sting. It is because red incites toiniense self-expression that tradition has clothed the Devil in this tint; as goodness has been usually un derstood to consist in submission to authority and conforming to cus tom, and badness in following one's own lead. Red is the sign of authority; it is the color of the cardinal's hat. It is the signal of individuality and rebellion. For long it was the custom upon the stage to dress every adventureress, every woman of the half world, in clothes of this shade. Curiously enough, red is also the sign of innocence in mediaeval symbolism. In the paint ings in the Boston public library, by Abbey, of scenes in the life of Sir Galahad, the hero Is clothed in red. While white ex presses the innocence of ignorance of virgins and celebrates, red is the expression of the innocence of the wise and tried, of the warrior for truth, and of all who battle blame lessly in this naughty world. The Jews were forbidden by the lows of Moses to consume the blood of animals; it was to be poured out upon the ground, as sacred unto the Lord, 'for the blood is the life." So should the great eyes of some mighty spirit look down upon this earth and take cognizance thereof of all its doings and creations, the obfect that would interest him most would be the red stream of life, coming down the cascades of the centuries, flowing everywhere up on land and sea, and manifesting itself always in powerand lordship. Atlanta Journal. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Forest fires never make much headway among family trees. AILING WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Mrs. Hilbert Tells of Her Dis tressing Symptoms During Change of Life nnrl How She Found Relief. I Fleetwood, i'u.--" Durinirthc Change nf Life 1 was huitlly nhle In he around at nil. I nlwnys Iwid u henihiclie und I wu:i so dizzy and ner vous that 1 hud no re.-t ut niicht. Th j Hashes of heat wero so bad sometimes that 1 ilid not know whftt to do. "One day B frien 1 advised me to Uko I.ydia E. Pinkhi.m's Vegetable Com pound and it made me n strong well wo man. 1 urn very thankful that 1 fol lowed my fi'iend's advice and I shall recommend it as long as I live. Before 1 took the Compound I was always sickly und now I have not had medicine from a doctor for yearn. You may pub lish my letter."- Mrs. UuWAHU B. IllL BEKT, Fleetwood, I'a. Such warning; byiiiptoms us sense of sulfocutioiUiot Hashes, headaches, huck uches, dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpi tation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable uppetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by intelligent wo men who are approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound invigorates und strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak ened nervous system. It has carried many women safely through this crisis. THE BEST REMEDY For all forma of ftHEUMATSSM Lumbago, Sciatica, tout, Ntural- gla, Kldnoy Troublas, Catarrh and Asthma "5-DROPS" STOP THE PAIN Gives Quick Relief I It stops the Holioa and pains, ro- novcd Bwoiu'ti juinis aim nut agios aot almost lll;e maelo. Destroys tho excels urio acid and Is quick. Kiifu and sure in Its remlta. No oUht remedy like it. Sample free on request. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS One Dollar per bottln, or sent pre paid uDoii receipt oi price 11 dob i obtainable in your locality. SWANSON RHf UMAT1C CURE CO. ( 168 Laka Strait Chicago fConstipation,SiokHadaakA 1 Sour Stomach, Bolohine and I I tivsr Troublas. o Par J I ,,Bo at Druiflatfc 0kKM Ltitnn, mill, nbia., awtkuv. BURNS, MOUNDS, SALT HHCUM, MNt WORM, Etc., oulskhr auM ay tM 5-DROPS" SALVE Ssc Ptr Im at OrwiilttB J i jy ti WHY IS WELDON FIRM? Because Its Citizens Have Learned The Truth. We .never knew a, man to dodge greatness when it was thrust in his direction.'i; HASH. "What do you think of the par cel post?" "Good thing in its way, but it has its faults." "In what way?" "Well, when my new lawn mower arrived this morning it was covered with scrambled eggs, New York World. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ftie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of After reading this generous and encouraging report from Mr. Tye those who have the misfortune to suffer, as he did, will naturally long to get similar relief, nut to get the same good as Mr. Tye had, you should get the same remedy. There are of course, other kidney pills but there are no other kidney pills the same as Doan's. That is why Weldon people demand the genuine. G. W. Tye, Maple St., Weldon, N. C, says: "I am glad to say that I have been benefited by Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Cohen's Drug Store. My kidneys gave me a great deal of trouble and I had pains through my loins. After taking Doan's Kidney Pills all these aches and pains disappeared and the troubles with my kidneys be came a thing of the past." For sale by all dealers. Trice Dfl cents POSTER-MILBURN CO., New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Choice Cut Flowers 1,'oses, Carnations and .Sweet l'eas a specialty.- Our artistic arrangements, iu wedding outlits are eipial to the best. Nothing liner in lloral olleriiigsthan our styles. Illoomiug pot plants, palms and 1'eins in great variety, lieddmg plants, in all varieties to beautify the vard. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders prompuv executeu iv J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY' 1'I.ultlsTS, KALIIIUII, North Carolina. Phones I Y.I Ask for price list vernon h. Mcknight, m. d., Physician and Surgeon. Over Vinson's Drug Store, 6 12 ly HALIFAX, N. C. GREAT BARGAINS IN TVII;WKITI:KS. S e citrrv a laige stock of standard Tvoewriters t un furuiMb at once Mou arch. I'ox, Olier, Iti'iningloii, Itoyal, tiniiut i'leiiiiei. i.. I. riniiii ,t ita and ( ndei wnod. Any other make from oto l" days' notice. We have both the visible and the invisible. W o bought a large stock nf these Typewriters from one-fourth to oue-biilf llie regularwhole sale price, ami on sale now at one-fourth lo one-hall the tegular retail prices. A good Typewriter from $7. 'si to $13. A better one if 17.00 to j.-.'S..V). The best from $;io up to any price. Will be glad to answer any inquiry in connection with these machines, and send samples of the work done bv any of the Type writers we hae. Every boy and girl should have one of our cheap Typew ri ters to learn how to use. Any person who can write well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants abetter one later, we will take back the one bought and allow the Bame paid for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. It not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. r WELDON, N, 0 W A S H Y 0 U R D U D S I N 0 U R S u D S 1 wEtooN steam ii::::Y. Phone 201, WKLodN.N.O.