SMsl Mi-"1 Advertising Rates Made Known on Application A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriptioii"$1.50 J'er Annum VOL. XLVIII. WLLDON. X. ('., TIU HSDAY, .11' LV 17, lUV.i. NO. 12 liffi JEEM For Infanta and Children. AI.COIIol, 3 PKU un'yjj. I AlMol;ill'Pri'njriilionlcr,ls srmil.ii iii the Fuucf .uKlItrgiifa linj'ilifbwiiiiuiisaiiilliiwdsi Promnlts D ilesl'on.Chterpid ness and Utrsi .Contains neittir 0 1 )i u n .Moi ) ltne nor Miueral . S wt Narcotic. oM.iDrS.wamm ftmHa i t J' Jlx.i'mtu 1 Aiiii Seetl t Mlii.'hiHjt'SUf AK'ir.'d lieiueily loL-Cfliisllpa- lion , sum Moiiuui.iiiaiiiiuu Worms ,t'oiivuUiuns.trviiisli nwsaiulLossoi'Suw. Facsimile Sigiuiturc of NEW YORK i K0e5 NEW YORK. . Enact Copy of Wrapper. THI ,.. .. ,,...,. jj? -5 -"5 '35 -"5 'S ST". 5 C- 2? 55r- '"-j wmmc com Hint The Standard Railroad of the South 11 Wrightsville BEACH IS CALLING YOU. to V 1 1 mill li t nn . tii'ktts on k:i!c Satui'davs and fo $5.10 forenoon trains Mindavs. liuiili'.ltn reach Weldon r..t II I'll I llrr Ttlcsdav Via ATLANTIC CiiAsT LINK. -1 in il C. I-:. ('AliTi'.K, Ticket Agent. ' W.J. CRAIG, P. T. M., T. C. WHITE, 0. P. A.,." M WILMINGTON N.f. sij S3 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. For nearly '.M years Huh institution lias provided hanking facilities for this section. Its stockholders ami ollici rs arc i.lcnliliid with tin. busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savours I)eiarlnienl is maintain.'. I fur the lienelit of all nlio desire to deposit in a Savings liauk. In this I fart incut interest is allotted as follows: For Deposits allowed ton-main three months or longer. 1! per cent. Six months or longer, ,1 per pent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. ny information will he furnished on application to the President oifashicr PRismiNT : V. K. DAN1KL, Vlt'R-l'HKSIIIKNT: W. U. SMITH. I.. Hlt.l'i:ii. Teller IllKKCTttliS W. It. Smith, V. H. ,A. C. House, .1.1.. Shepherd, V. A. 01 3E MAM l AlTFUKRH tit' HuildinK Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Winds, Mantels, Door and Window Screws MAHK TO (MtDKIt AMI WF.iit I. A R STOCK SIZES. Uood Materials, High Urade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. aoDN NORTHAMPTON & HERTFORD RAILWAY CO, KlvAO DOWN I Daily except SunJ.iys I IN No F A.M. No.H.No..") KmT P.M. 12 :U H:H.:i lJ:t"i 4:0.1 H::t! !):IHI Leave tiumherry Arrive Leave Mowucld Arrive Arrive Jackson Leave H:l."l 1:0U 4:LH o W. NOTE-MowfiVM Ihb Fla SiaHon lien?ral Manaiii ' ()mc. Utmttvrrv, OEZIOl ! the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years 1 it il il id f Ramifies the "Nation's Garden Spot." It 1 1.1 II lir 1 1 1 lotltmillL' lutt' of salt' - sum. hint liailwav of thuSmth" 31 O C ASHIKK: .1. O. 1 1 1 A K 10 . lianiel, .1. O. luake. W. M. I'oheu, I'ierce, I), li. .ollieollei. .1 . W. sledge 5 RKAD UP AI'Kll 1. 1'lll luily cxcetl Suniays No.2 A.M. 1 1 :iU lil:Fi No. 4 P.M. .toil :":H0 2:1". No.t) PJMU 5 A". '.10 lil.'llli 7 V. HoHKRTSON, (iencral Manager N.i ., mami i'm.ii ( ,P' In EDISON'S FOOD JAG. Thomas A. Edison Has Disuiv ered a (ireat Many Things, and Now Numbers Among hem the Pood Jag. "I have found men and wo men," says Edison, "who are food drunk all the lime. Many people are constantly gorged with food with the result that their intellects are beclouded and their bodies be numbed just as truly as if they had used liquids to excess. The con diiion is a deplorable one." The food jag may be deplorable, just as Mr. Edison says, but there are still those who believe that il is much preferable to see a man full of food than to see him full of squirrel whiskey that makes him climb telephone poles. A man with a boiled beef and cabbage souse or pork and beans jag may l l,:.. :.,.ll.,. ..1il,,l,. I I ll.ivc III llllliu.1! rniiiiiy cif.iuvui but there is no lime when he sees pink alligators or purple rhinosceri, and he is never obliged to flee in wild disorder from blue and red hyenas. Neither does he go home and chase the keyhole all over the side of the hose, fall up stairs, put his dottier to bed and hang him self upon a hook in the clothes press. He does not awaken in the morning with a tongue that feels like a slireded wheal biscuit. A man may go the worst kind of a ham sandwich or chicken a la king jamboree and still retain the respect of his neighbors and friends He does not go home and whip his wife, and he does not go to sleep in the gutter or walk around a park fountain tence all tugiit thinking he is on his way to his own domicile. Another thing which makes the food jag seem less terrible is that il may be w iped out of existence en tirely in ihe near future by ihe high cost of living. SAVED FROM OPERATIONS Two Women Tell How They Escaped the Surgeon's Knife by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Swarthmore, Penn. - " For fifteen years I suffered untuld agony, and for one period of nenrly twoyears 1 hiidhcm orrhages and tho doctors told me I would have to un dergo un operation, hut 1 begn:: taking Lydia E. Pinhh.-im's V e g e t n h I e Com ti.iim.1 :i n .I nrn in good health now. 1 fTlain ail over tlui ( liimftc ot Lit.- and cannot praise your Vegetable Com jmtind too highly. Every woman should Uko it ut that time. 1 recommend it to loth old and young for female trou bles." - Mrs. Emily Summkksgux, Swarthmore, Pa. Baltimore, Mil. " My troubles began with the loss of a child, and I hail hem orrhages for four months. The doetoni paid an nn-rution was necessary, but I dreaded it and decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The Medicine has mad-' mtRWell woman and I feel strong and do nty own work." Mrs. ,1. R. PlCKINU, 1200 Sargent St, Uultimore, Md. Since we guarantee- that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has the vii tue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering in p lik ; manner ? Wood's Seeds. Late Seed Potatoes June and, early i n July is the best time for planting for the fall crop lur winter use. Our at. n ks me specially selected Sv-ed I'olatoes, put iti eld ;L',.MU cat!;' ii. llt2 6cason, to as to keep in hut dctss, vacuous condition. Book youi order, early, lo bp ilirft ut getluitt the vaiielie. yuu de.ire. Write (or "Wood'l Crop Sppcial" giving price, and timely jnforma. (ion about oil Seaaonable Si-rdi. T. W. WOOD & SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. We ate heudquaiters for Cow Peas. German Millet, Soja Beans. Crimson Clover and all Farm Seedi. Write for prices. veknonh. Mcknight, m, d Physician and Surgeon. Over Vinson's Drug Hloro, 0 12 1y HALIFAX, N. C THE HUMAN SIDE, Let us take the gentler view; Lei us keep the human Side of nature to the front. Judging men and women. Let us rather he too kind, Rattier be too tender Than to needless wound a mind When our views we render. Let us take Hie gentler view When the world condems him; Let us calm the cry and hue Of the crowd that hem him. Let us rather cheer than blight With our mere opinion, Leading darkness to ihe light Of the heart's dominion. Let us take the gentler view When a sister stumbles; Lei us halt the babbling crew That its judgment mumbles. Let us turn the dark about To the light of reason: Lo ! the evil was ihe doubt Good has still ic; season ! li i i il it li ii ii ii ii li li li ii ii ii TOGETHER, BY LLLA WHLLLliR WILCOX. We two in the fever and ferver and glow Of life's high tide have rejoiced together; We have looked out over the glittering snow, And known we were dwelling in Summer weather, For the seasons are made by the heart 1 hold, And not by outdoor heat or cold. We two, in the shadows of pain and woe, Have journeyed together in dim, dark places, Where black-robed Sorrow walked to and fro, And Fear and Trouble, with phantom faces, 1'eered out upon us and froze our blood, Though June's fair roses were all in bud. We two have measured all depths, all heights, We have bathed in tears, we have sunned in laughter; They never could keep us from delights- - We have known all sorrows an hereafter, Whether your spirit went high or low, My own would follow, and lind you, I know. If ihey took my soul into I'ai'adise, And told me I must be content withoui you. I would weary them so with my lonesome cries, And the ceaseless questions 1 asked about you, They would open the gates and set me free, Or else they would lind you and bring you to me. A USEFUL SON-IN-LAW. "Henry," said his father-in-law, as he called his daughter's spouse into the library and locked the door, "you have lived with me for over two years now." "Yes, father." "In all that time I haven't asked you a penny for board." "No, sir" wonderingly. "In all your little family quar rels I have always taken your pari and decided in your favor.' "Always, sir." "I have even paid some of your bills." "A good many, father." "And in every way helped you to get along." "You have been very kind." "I have tried to be, my boy, and I hope you appreciate it." "I do, sir." "Then the small favor 1 am about to ask of you will no doubt be granted ?" "Most certainly, sir." "Thanks. Then I want you to tell your niother-in-law thai those tickets for the French dance which she ricked up in my room this morning must have accidentally fallen out of your pocket, and we'll call it square." Kid Your Children of Worms You can change fietful. ill leuipeied childicn into healthy, happy youngsters by ridding lliein of norms. Tossing rolling, grinding of teeth, crying out while asleep, accompanied by inteiis. tbust, pains in the stomach and bowels fi ciishiiess and bad breath, aio symp tom:, that indicate tt-oiiii:.. Kici.apoo W orm Kmrr, a pku -aui mud.. iu.taBc, expels the norms, i.-milales the bowels, restores your children to health and happiness. Mrs, .1. A. Iliistm. of F.lgin, III..BSVS: "1 have usedKirkapoo Worm Killer for yeais, and entirely rid my childicn of worms. 1 would not be without it." tliiauiuteed. All drug gists or by mail. Price -' -. Kiokapoo Indian Medicine Co , Philadelphia and St. Louis. Adv. Never argue with owns a loud voice. a man who CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of li ii ii il ii ii ii li; li li ii ii ii ii ii ii A WORD TO HUSBANDS. Love and appreciation are to a woman what dew and sunshine are to a Mower. They freshen and brighten her whole life. They make her strong-hearted aud keen-sight ed in everything affecting the wel fare of her home. They make her to cherish her husband when the cares of life press heavily upon him and to be a very providence to her children. To know that tier hus band loves her and is proud of her and believes in her; that even her faults are looked upon with tender ness; that her face, to one at least, is the fairest in all the world; that the heart which to her is the great est and noblest, holds her sacred in his innermost recesses above all weMuen, jjivta a nil client .niu courage and energy and sweetness and vivacity which, all the wealth of the world could not bestow. Let a woman's life be pervaded with such an influence, and her heart and mind will never grow old but will blossom and sweeten and brighten in perpetual youth. A NEEDFUL ADJUSTMENT. Over the telephone a worried voice addressed ihe proprietor of a small hardware store: "Say," ihe speaker began, 'I was in your place today and bought one of them dollar alarm clocks, and you set her for me to go off at 5 o'clock in the mornin'. D'ye remember?" "Yes," said the warehouseman. "I remember." "Well," went on the oilier. "I have jusi found out thai I don't have to get up ai five o'clock in the mornin'." "Glad io hear it," said thehard warenian," "but what do you want me to do about ii?" "1 want you," said the custo mer," "to tell me how to unalarm this clock. "Onward. The King ot All Laxatives for constipation, headaches, indiges tion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King'R New Life Pills. Paul Matliulka, of ItuM'alo, N. Y.,says they ale the "King oi all the laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." (let a hoi and get well. Price '.'"c. liecoui mended by all druggists. A theory is always all right until tried. ADVICE FOR GIRLS. ' Hecume Something Keuutiful a the (iod of Nuture Designed. Ihe following wholesome ad ' vice was recently given by a cele brated divine to the young women ; of Ins tlock : "The buxom, hnyht-cyed, rosy cheeked, full breasted, bouncing lass, who can darn a sock, com- rnand a regiment ot pots and ket i ties, feed the pigs, chop wood, whistle w nil the boys, handle an j oar, do a bit of lislung, and be a j lady withal in company, is just the gil l for me and for any other man to marry; but you, ye pining, mop ing, lolling, screwed tip, wasp waisted, pale-faced, consumptive, music-murdering, novel devour ing, daughters of fashion and idlc- j ness, you are no more lit for matri- mony than a pullet is to look after j a family of fourteen chickens. The . truth is, my dear girls, you want more liberty and less fashionable restraint, more kitchen and less parlor, more leg exercise and less sofa, more pudding and less piano, more frankness and less mocking modesty, more breakfast and less bustle. Loose yourselves a little, enjoy more liberty and less re straint by fashion, breathe the pure atmosphere of freedom, and be come something beautiful as the God of Nature designed. FIXING HIS NATIVITY. While visiting in the South recently a traveler chanced up on a resident of a sk-ppy ham let in Tennessee, "Are you a resident of ttiis town?" asked the traveler. "Am I a what!'" languidly asked the man as he rose to a sitting posture. "Are you a native of this town?" "What's that '!" "I asked whether you were a native of this place ':" Suddenly then- appeared at the open door of the cabin the man's wife, tall, gaunt and sal low. After carefully scrutin izing the intruder she said: "A in't you got not no sense a-tull, Ira? He means was yo' living heah when you was born or was yo' born after you he- gun I i v i ii ' heah, Now answer him." National Food Maga zine. LOCAL YOUTH. Raymond, according to a re cent story, had been playing hard till day and came to bed time thoroughly weary. In fact, he was so sleepy that lie want ed to omit his prayers. "l!ttt, dear," his mother re monstrated, "you must be a good hoy and thank God for all 1 1 is goodness to you. dust think what a nice time you've had all day, playing, and remember all the other nice little boys who have no nice home or nice clothes or mother tolove them." Raymond's eyes opened a lit tle drowsily, ami out of his re laxed mouth came this protest: "Rut, mother, 1 think them's the fellers that oughter do the prayin' l"--C'hieago Record. ASKING TOO MUCH. "Young man," said the fond father, ''in giving you my only daughter I have entrusted you with the dearest treasure of my life." The young man was duly im pressed. Then during the low moments of impressive, silence that followed he heard the pat- j ter of rain against the window I pane. I "Gracious me!" lie exclaim-! ed. "it's runitiK and 1 haven't! my umbrella. May I borrow yours to get to the station5" "Young man," said the tond parent, "1 wouldn't trust any body on earth my umbrella." -Birmingham News. CONFUSING. "If we women had the vote, matters would be simplified." "1 don't know," replied Miss Cayenne. "They might be more complex. When a man sent us candy and flowers we wouldn't know whether he was leading up to a proposal or merely election eering. Washington Star. I've never done the turkey trot; I never hope to do it. And yet it's such infernal rot, s- 4'd rather do than view ii. now is this von a man. t he follow in;; ik v. :, item Iroin far away Denver, Colorado, shows what old North Carolina can do in the way of producing men : "Jas. II. Lee, of Lebanon, Kan., 100 j years old, arrived in Denver the j day alter his 100th birthday, bav- j ih)i walked .ill the way. I le is on his way to I'onland, ( Ire. I lis father and General K'. li. Lee were cousins. The old man the does i not objeei lo ihe title. ), prides him- i self upon ihe fact that lie has Worked all Ins life, Used tobacco ninety live years' and is as good a traveler a-, the next. Lee's sister, Mrs. blia Gross, is alive ai nine six years. His treat-grandfather . lived io he 1 07 an. I his great-great- j grandfather 101. Mr. Lee was , horn in Moeksville, N. C. He lias j been married three limes. His third wife, aged 7ti, remains in Kansas." JUST A S I AIMT K. In order lo impress upon bis congregation the length of eternity, a colored preacher used the fol lowing illustration : "If a sparrow, breddern, should lake a drop of water from the At lantic ocean at Coney Island, and with ibis drop of water in his beak should hop a hop a day until it reached the Pacific ocean at San Francisco, and when it got there should let ihe drop fall into the 1'acilic, and when ibis was done should turn around and hop a hop a day all the way back to Coney Island and get another drop and do the same thing over, and keep on doing this very same thing until it had carried the whole Atlantic ocean over into the Pacific, it would then only be early morning in eternity." THE EUGENIST'S SHOE. Cosmo Hamilton, the F.nglish writer, says the Houston Post, I was talking in New York about ! eugenics: "liugenics, " he said, "is a foe i to properly regulated divorce. ! Some eugenists even think thai the ; reasons for divorce need not be given. "Such eugenics are like ihe old Roman who invented the phrase, 'where the shoe pinches.' This old Roman was reproach ed by his friends for divorcing his wile. They could see no fault in her, they said. They asked hotly what he wanted to go and divorce her for. "The old Roman, by way of an swer, smiled and look off his shoe. " 'Look at it,' lie said. 'It seems i a good shoe, doesn't it? You can't ' find anything wrong with it, can you? And yet' The old Roman here frowned impressively. . "And yet,' he said, 'none of you can tell where it pinches me.' " SCANT. They were leaving Hden. "The laugh," exclaimed Adam, "is on us." "And thai," rejoined Lve, with a sudden consciousness, "is about all." Judge. HIS INSTRUMENT. " I hat executor is very energetic in carrying out the various provis ions of the testator." "He does seem to be working with a will." Baltimore Ameri can. BAD BKEATII lb caused by Indigestion, and that disorder bonus on headi-ches, sallowness, languoi, dizziness and a general discouraged feeling. SIMMONS KEb Z LIVER PfPMW LI I Li i iilvjvuii va (THB eOV'UICR FOKM) Corrrrta All hlord-ra In tha Muuiuib aud Uowala Its powerful, reviving and regulating inlluence Ml the liver and digestive organs brings nn immediate im provement. You feel better. The bowels move freely so that the impurities that have clogged up the digestive tract find an outlet When the system has been thus purified the bilious hall-sick feeling disap pears; the complexion improves, tho biealh becomes sweet, the mind throws oft gloomy forebodings, and there is a tine feWing of energy and exhilaration all through the body. Sold bt Dencr Prlct. Large Package, $1.00 Aik for tht genuine rlth Ihe Retl 2 on Ihe UoeL II yon cannot el It, remit to ul. ws will tend it br nl. portpiid. 6imntonl Uret Ret ulnor f P"' up !" In liquid fona for tbtwe who prefei it r,tce, it 00 a bottle. Look lot lie Red Z labd. i. b. mint a co., rvopriatoM St. Loula, Musourl TO ail h'tjt you m comfort later. IVisi-C'ol.i gives yon the most whnlfiiimt son of brain iificshmciit and body vigor. Kae h benelit wliith it brings is tierltistmg benefit, because Pepsi-Cola is pun healthful. Fruit, pepsin and stimulating oils in it, quench thirst, aid digestion, relieve fatigue. EvtryktJy likes its tart, rare flavor. PEPSI-Cola gives you wlut ymi want nust, on a hot, !itiHi!i; summer day. It's original. It's different. Keeps you happy and clear-headed for any work which you should do. It is safer to drinlc than water, fur it is filtered, purified, tested and proved. Drink Pepsi-Cola when your body luantt ictiesh uieiii. Ask yourself the quekliun --"Am 1 thirty NuWr" lu bottles At l-ounii S. M. DICKENS, Local Agent, Weldon, N. C. rvz BEST For .-.'.I forma cf Lur,. lima, Stlalioi, Gout, Neural- nla, Kidney TroutSes, Catarrh and Asthma STOP THE PAIN Gives Quick Rollof It Mop i tlie aches aud pMn. ro- lm,s : woil.'a Julius ana muscles acts Ln.ust like iiiauio. IVstroys th,: t -.T.-s urlu acid anil ! time.. Kiln H.iii sur.j in Its results. Nu !, r ..'iiH'.ly like iu.8ampla tree on request. SOLD DY DRUGGISTS I One, D. Hap per bottlo. or sent pre- nuM . m r.'ceu.t ur price II uua i out::'!' ,uio la yyur locauiy. . SW:"i0N RHEUMATIC CURE CO. . 128 Laka Strict Chicago Coat Remarf top C. . tip. tion.SlohHoadaati ' i- .r w-nach.Belchinf a Tmublea. ISC LiTt JUT. .S . Kits, PlMPltS, MALI,.' :.:',"3, SALT RHtUM, MNtt ..Motif kaaM a aitaf Hal -fOPS" SALVE jy 2(i GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We carry a large stock of standard Typewriters. Can furnish at once Mon arch. Fox. Oliver, l.'eminglon. Koyal, Smith Premier. I.. '. Smith .V Hi o. 'a and I ndeiwood Any other make from a to l.'idavs' notice. We have both the visible and the invisible. We bought a laige stock of these Typewriters from one foiirt Ii to one-half die regular w hole-salt- price, and on salcnou alone-fourth to one liall the legular retail prices. A good Tvpcwiitor fiom $7.'i) lo $15. A better one 17. .Vt to fc'iH.aU. The best from au up to any price. Will he glad loaiisAcr any inquiry in connection Willi these maelnues, ami send sample of the work done bv any of the Type writers we have. L'vcry hoy anil girl should have one of our cheap Typewri ters to learn how to use. Any 'person who can wrile well on a typewriter can demand a large salary. Anyone who buys a cheap typewriter from us and wants a better one later, we will take hack Ihe one bought ami allow the same jiaitl for it in exchange for a better one, if returned in good condition and within six months. It not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type writer ribbons and other supplies'. SPIERS BROS. WELDON. N.O RUB-efe1Y-T93EV3 Will cure your Rheumatism Neuraleia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insect a Etc. Antiseptic, Anodyne, used in ternally and externally. Price 25e- 11