THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Oct. 2, 1913. iiJ! SHIP YOUR FURS AND HIDES TO S BEN EINSTEIN 301 Tenth St, HW, Washington, D. C. Highest market prices paid for raw furs, hides, metals, scrap rubber, fat, tallow, bones, etc. Established ISM. Nocoimnlsslonachargeri. Check sent same day Rood, are received. Reference Lincoln National Bank. Coneapondence invited fur reliable market information. TuiP-VES Af Work. Thieves entered Senator V. I:. Daniel's house Wednesday night of last week and curried oil' a lot of valua ble jewelry, belonging to Miss Je.imiette Daniel, and also gut away with other things about the house. On the same night Mr. Poole's residence was robbed the thieves making a haul of about $14 in money and such other things as they could lay their hands on. THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News of Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. The grape crop was not a large one this year. The last roses of summer are getting ready to bloom. Dr. S. B. Pierce, of Durham, spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carter re turned home Thursday from a visit to Norfolk. J. A, Hornaday, Jr., left Thurs day to take charge of his school in Scotland county. Mrs. J. D. Simpson and chil dren, of Richmond, came out to Weldon Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Phillips left Sunday tor Chase City, Va., to spend a week or ten days. Mrs. G. C. Nelson and daugh ter, Miss Vivian, spent a few days in Enfield last week. Mrs. Wilson Pittman, of Enfield, was here to attend the funernal of Captain J. M. Purnell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Wilkins, of Norfolk, are spending a few days with relatives here. Miss Lula Lee, of Emporia, who has been spending a few days here, returned home Monday. Postmaster Jno. 0. Burton re turned home Saturday from the Postmasters' convention in Nor folk. Miss Mary Ridley, of Ports mouth, who has been visiting Mrs. A. C. House, returned home Mon day. The fair posters are up for Ral eigh, Petersburg and Emporia tatrs. I lie weldon tairs used to be "it." Miss Eunice Crews, of Oxford, was Here Monday, returning to Heathsville to reopen her school at that place. Misses Lela and Hattie McMul len, of Wilson, who have been vis iting Mrs. E. L. Williams returned home Tuesday. Rev. Albert New returned from Enfield Monday, where he conduct ed service in the Episcopal church in that town Sunday. Rev. J. A. Hornaday is at En field this week assisting Rev. L. T. Singleton in a series of meetings at the M. E. church. The ladies will serve barbecue, chicken salad and other good things to eat at Rowe & Stainback's store, Friday Oct. 10th. See no tice in next paper. Mrs. W. E. Daniel, Mrs. J. A Johnston and Mrs. J. G. Blalock leit i uesday tor Kocky Mount to attend the annual meeting of the Woman's missionary society of the Tar River Association. Misses Minnie Butts, of Enfield, and Agnes Crawley, of Littleton, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carter. Miss Crawley was on her way to Nash county to take charge of her school. Closed for the Holiday. My store will be closed Thursday and Friday on account of the holi day, will be open for business Sat urday. Thanking my friends for past favors and asking them to call Saturday, I am, yours truly, H. Farber, Tar River Association. The Tar River Baptist Association will meet with the church at Warren ton, on Tuesday after the first Sunday in October, instead of the fifth, as published in the last Bibli cal Recorder. The clerk, Rev. A. G. Wilcox, asks that correction be made. Cheap Rates to Raleigh Fair. Commencing with October 18th and continuing until October 25th, inclusive, the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets to Raleigh account of North Carolina State Fair for $3.65 these tickets include one admission ticket to fair grounds, tickets good returning on any trains up to midnight of Octo ber 27th. For further information apply to C. E. Carter, Ticket Agt. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is n list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Weldon post office: John Creigh (2), Mrs. Sarah Chambers, W. Z. Foster, Mrs. T. M. Hudson, Mrs. Luvenia Jones, S. Muns, David Winn. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John 0. Rurton, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Sept. 29, 1913. Belchkr-Chihnney. Robert L. Belcher, Jr., and Miss Marie Chimney, both of Petersburg, Va., were married at the Methodist parsonage here by Rev. J. A. Hornaday Thursday, Sept. 25th. A Petersburg correspondent says, "the bride and bridegroom are both minors, the bride being un der fifteen years old and the bride groom about seventeen." They had the appearance, however, of being of age required in this State and certified to that fact in order to obtain the license. Mission at the Episcopal Church. Commencing Satur day night, October ISih, and clos ing Friday, Oct. 24th, a special series of lectures and sermons will be given by the Rev. T. Tracy Walsh, Rector of Forkville, South Carolina. Further particulars next week. Remember the date, Octo ber 18th to 24th inclusive. The Eye Doctor, W. II. Mew born, O. D., of Kinston, N. C, will be at Halifax, Monday and Tuesday, October 6th and 7th, at the Furgerson Drug Co. ; at Wel don Wednesday and Thursday, at the Terminal hotel; at Roa noke Rapids, Friday and Sat urday, Oct. 10th and 1 1th, at the Higgins hotel; and at Littleton, Monday and Tuesday, October 13th and 1 4th, at Hotel Haw thorne, for the purpose of examin ing the eye and fitting glasses. Don't forget the dates. New Millinery Opening. Weldon 's newest store, B, Marks, had their fall and winter opening of new millinery Tuesday and Wednesday, in which they display ed an excellent line of everything desirable and pretty in the milli nery line. Their line of hats and trimmings, selected by Miss Cora Lula McMaster, while in Balti more, cannot be surpassed. Miss McMaster is present this week at the opening and after this week she will be in Weldon every Wed nesday and Thursday. Mr, Marks' store is in charge of two experi enced salespeople, I. J. Kaplin and Miss Sarah Marks who will be glad to serve you at all times. Special Trains Via Atlantic Coast Line to Rocky Mount, N. C, October 3rd, 1913, on account of the exhibition of Barnum & Bailey's Circus. The following service will be operated October 3rd; Caitain J. M. I'urnlli.. Captain J. Marion Purnell, for quite a number of years a well known and popular conductor on the Atlantic Coast Line, died at the home ot his sister here, Mrs. H. D. Allen, Friday evening; aged 49 years. Captain Purnell was a native of Halifax county, and is survived by four brothers and two sisters, E. D., R. M., James and Thomas Purnell; Mrs.H. D. Allen and Mrs. W.T. Overstreet. He also leaves a large number of other relatives and friends throughout the coun ty, who learn with sorrow of his death. Captain Purnell suffered a ner vous breakdown several years ago and was forced to give up his run on the trains. Since that lime he had been making his home with his sister, Mrs. H. D. Allen. The funeral service took place from his late residence Sunday af ternoon at 3 o'clock, and the inter ment was in the family square in Cedarwood cemetery. Rev, J. A. Hornaday conducted the service, a large number of relatives and friends being present. The hymns used were most appropriaie.friends from the various churches in town taking part in the singing. "Abide with Me," was first used and the closing hymn at the house was 'The Sweet Bye and Bye." Captain Purnell had been a great sufferer for the past few years and while death is always sad and leaves bruised and broken hearts it is comforting to know that he is free from all bodily pain and suffer- ng. May the Lord who binds up all bruised hearts give His healing balm to the afflicted family. Eczema and Itching Cured Tht soothing, healing indication in llr, Hobson's Keieina Ointment pene trate! every tiny pore of the skin, clears it of ill impurities atopa itching in . atantly. Dr. Hobaon'a Eciema Oint ment ii guaranteed to speedily heal edema, rashes, ringworm, tetter ami other unsightly eruptions. Koienia Ointment is a doctor's prescription, not an experiment. By mail, title. 1'FKIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY, St Louis, Ma Philadelphia, Pa. "The Leopard's Spots. A few years ago Thomas Dixon gave to the world his most successful novel "The Leopard's Spots." It has been read by millions of book readers over the civilized world and is published in three foreign languages. Thousands of copies are being sold in the leading capi tals 'of Europe. In dramatizing "The Leopard's Spots" Mr. Dixon has only complied with the insis tent demands of the people who have read and enjoyed the book and wish to see the characters on the stage as living, thinking be ings. "The Leopard's Spots" will be presented at Batchelor Bros. Opera House, Oct. 7th. Death op J. T. Parker. -Mr. John T. Parker, of Northampton county, a veteran of the war be- ween the States and a most highly esteemed citizen, died Tuesday of the past week in Norfolk; aged 79 years. His remains were brought back to his home in Northampton coun ty, and the funeral and interment took place Wednesday. Mr. Parker was thrice married, his last wife surviving him. He leaves several children by his first marriage, among them being W. T. Parker, a well known and pop ular grocery merchant of Weldon. Mr. Parker entered the army at the beginning of hostilities going to war with Captain Ellis' company, Garyshurg. He served through out the four years and then return ed to his home where he spent the remainder of his days on his farm. He frequently visited Weldon since his son has been living here, and had many friends in our midst. To the bereaved family we extend sympathy. No Error in Cobb C.Asi-.-The Supreme court last week handed down an opinion in the case of State vs. R. W. Cobh, who was tried at the June term of Halifax Sunerior court, found guilty of murder in the first degree and sen tenced by Judge Lane to be elec trocuted September 19, in which no error was lound. I his means that Cobb must die in the electric chair at some future date, to be named by the Governor, unless he commutes the sentence to life imprisonment in state's prison. Attorneys for Cobb had strong hones of a new trial, while the presiding judge and state's anor neys could see no grounds for i new trial. Cobb was tried upon a bill of indictment in which he was charged with the murder of Thom as Shaw, at the latters residence, just as he was in the act of enter ine his residence on the night of May 3rd, after having closed his store tor Saturday night. Leave Weldon, " Halifax, " Enfield, " Whitakers, " Battleboto, Arrive Rocky Mount, 8:00 a. m. 8:15a. m. 8:40 a. m. 8:55 a. 9:05 a. 9:25 a. Leave Scotland Neck, a:JU a. m. " Hobgood, 8:45 a. m. " Speed, 9:00 a. m " Tarboro, 9:20 a. m Ar Rocky Mount, 1U:UU a. m. Returning leave Rocky Mount: For Weldon, 10:30 p. m For Scotland Neck, 10.30 p. m For rates or other information see your Ticket Agent. Daughters American Revo lhtion. The Elizabeth Montfort Ashe Chapter, D. A. K., held its first meeting ot the season, Thurs day of last week at the residence of its second Vice Regent, Mrs. H B. Harrell. About a dozen members were present. Mrs. W. E. Daniel was appointed secretary pro tern, since the regular one was absent. The chief business disposed of was the carrying the motion to at tempt the preservation of the his loric old Grove House and the ap pointing of a committee to look into the financial part of it. Attention of the chapter was di rected to the fact that the annual state conference meets in Char lotte, Nov. 1 1th. The following were chosen to represent the chapter : Kegen Miss Ursula Daniel, alternate, Mrs. E. L. Whitehead; Mrs. W. A, Willcox, delegate, Mrs. H. W Gowan, alternate. After the business was conclu ded there followed a very interest ing and able paper, The Roanoke Colony, prepared and read by Mrs. Walter E. Daniel. beautiful poem Carolina was read by Mrs. E. L. Whitehead this concluded the programme. In the flower decked dining room an unusually delicious lun cheon in two courses was served by the hostess and Mrs. W. M. Cohen. The guests departed hav ing with them delightful impres sions of Mrs. Harrell's hospitality. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 23rd, at the home of Mrs. Sterling Johnston. TO OUR READERS. The Atlantic Coast Realty Co of Greenville, N. C, will arrive in Weldon next Monday, October 6th, to sell at public auction regard less of price a few ideal small farms (sub-division of W. B. Drewry farm, on the Weldon and Halifax turnpike, east of ihe A. C. L. Rai road, joining property of Weldon Lumber Company's mill No. 2. Sale starts at 10:30 on the farm Every one and especially ladies are invited to attend this sale. They will serve absolutely F'REE an old time country Barbecue din ner to all. Go out and enjoy the day. Earing your family, neighbor or friend. A day of pleasure awaits every one. I erms ot sale: Une- third cash, balance in I and 2 years with additional time granted if desired. Slop just think w here they are, go look them over, then if you want to bid all right, if you don't all right, your price buys them. Never was there a better oppor tunity. It you are an investor, now is the time, and if a tenant buy a tract or two and let the crops pay for the place. Sale starts on the property at 10:30 a. m. You'll enjoy the day and the Barbecue Dinner. Come and bring a friend For particulars see or write T. A Vick, special representative Weldon, N. C. Passenger train 89 going south was four hours late Sunday owing to a freight wreck near Stony Creek. 1 Wf Ji j ""1 J" ,r"H t vi'Why Cook Cake and Inn Tlio Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which Las been In use for over SO years, lias borne the siiriiatHro off and lias been mrulo under IiU per. supervision since Its Infuucy. Allow no one todeceivo you In this. All Counterfeit)!, Imitations aud Just-as-eood" are but Experiments Unit trille with and. einluugor tlio health of IutUuts and Children Experience against Esperlmeut. What Is CASTORIA Castorltt Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, gorir, Drops and Hoothiiig Byrupn. It is Pleasnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its nir In its guarantee. It destroy Worms and nlluj-H 1'everiKliness. It cures Di.irrha'ft and Wind t'olltt. H relieves Tetitliitip; Troubles, cure tjountlpiition and rhitiileiicy. It Assimilates the Food, regulates the Isimii.ieli hihI llowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ( lilldien's I'anaeea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 15? M hen you tan get nke and fresh at the 5, 10 tuid 25c. Store fur lite, per pound. jf French i Indies, per pound It) & 20c A'. Curtain Nets, yard . . . 10c V Hair Ribbons .. . ( How Clasps :' Pencils,.. "f Tablets ff Composition Books, fk Frasers ' School Companion Found Box Talcum Powder ft W Hazel, Large Size Dish Pans, ' Water Pails, fi Double Roasters l Fetfume, 3 Odors Waxed Paper for Luncheon, roll V Till: SOITIIKRN sYXniCATI, Ji' '.. Iii mi. I "".('. stow-; ' This is one of MRS vM S7 . 10c JOc for ."c. cv 5c 5c 5 and 10c & 2 for 5c I IV ."'.'J 10c vi 11 it Vl vi 10c 25c 25c 25c 10c ..5c Over 300 STOKIiS. C. DI-NNIS, Manager, 17 If The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMl CEMTAUN COMPANY, It ttUHRAV ITMIT, NIW YOAN CtTT. i i Iteraind to Be As Well Dressed Is The Best Man Ever Seen! We'll help you do it. Well dressed done not mean expensively Dressed. In all proba bility the man whose appearance you most admire paid less for his clothes than you usually pay. If you will be well dressed have your clothes tailored. As we renreeent Sf rouse & Bros, and Imnerial Tailoring Co, of Balti more. Let us measure you up for a suit or overcoat showing the very latest labrics including browns, drays. Remember we tan muke you a suit for manshlp and Fit Guaranteed. We are blue and $15. Work- Henry Farber, V .. ,VJ 5 '-2 ' SLSLSLSL L 'SLmLm Weldon Sheet Metal Works, 111, Slat WELDON, N. C. x Meiai Hoofing, Cornice, Gutters, Leader Pipes. All kinds of Sheet Metal Work. Correspondence Solicited. 4 S ly The Drug Store to Take Your Prescriptions to W. M. COHEN'S, Where they will be accurately and Carefully Compounded, day or night ATLANTA CANDIES WrvRTH SMACXINOI YOUR. ID'S OVBC Wl-LDON. N. C. ep 11 ly of A Gentle and Effective Laxative A mild, gentle and etl'ective laxative la what people demand when aulTr-ring from constipation. Thounauda awear by Dr. Kin' New Life I'illa. Hugh Tallman, of San Antonio, Teiaa, write: "They arc, beyond quenlion, the bent pilln my wife ami I have ever takeu." They never cause pain. I'riee 2.o. at druKKiita, or by mail. H. E. BUCKLKN 4 CO., Philadelphia, I'a. a Louia, M Why Use L. & M. Seml-Mlxe4 Real Paint lli'cauae it'a economical. Ilccauae it ia pure White Lead, Ziuo and l.iuaced (III. because it'a the highest grade quality paiut that can he made. He- cauae wueu liiti uiei aud 3 uuhiI. uf oil to each 1 gallon of the L. & M. t-crni-M i xed faint, it makes 1 !M gallons of pine paint at a cost of aliout ti.W per gallon. This saves the user about tiO cents a gallon on all the paint used. The L. & M. is aud lias always been the highest giade and most perfect paint produced. Sold by E. Claik For Sale, 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new ma chines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 1 1 , Trenton, Mich, 7. 24 lOt Why worry about the frost when it puts us thai much nearer to lo cust and persimmon beer. NOTICE-LAND SALE P.y authority of the last will and tcsta- mentatw. fc. Jlaiiry, deceased, now tiled in the ollice of the Clerk ofthe Su ferior court of Halifax county, Y ( will, on The 3rd Day of November, 1913, at the court house door in the town Halifax sell to the highest bidder lor cash the following real estate : One lot beginning at ahridgeonroun ty road corner of lot No. 'J, thence dow llawtrce Creek to Mrs. V. H, May's cor ner, stake font of hedgerow, thence with Mrs May and .loo Lynch X SI V liKlo feet to large red oak in fence corner Joe I.vnch line, thence S 1 W 1")4'J feet to stake on the north side of county roait corner of division No. i along said road feet to the beginning, contain ing "Kl acres, more or less. The above lot is No. 1 of the Foster survey of W. K. Mabry estate. One other lot No. 3 of said survey be ginning at stake on old railroad bed, cornor of division No. 2 in Jake Hedge- fieth's line, thence with liedgepeth's ine N W V S7I feet to stake M. I'. Bras well corner in Jake Itedgepetli's hue, thence with llraswell S 2) W 7iK) feet to a stake pine pointers corner division No. 4, thence with division No. 4 H K'.'j Y. li 1 Ji feet lo a stake near a fore aud alt hornbean on llawtreel'reek, corner di vision No. 4, thence down said Creek to Make with pointers coinei of division No. 1 N Bf W '-V.SJ feet to Ihe beginning enntaimnR- 47 aures. more or less. One other lot No. 4 said surrey begin ning with stake with pine pointers cor ner of division No. .) in M. C. liiaswell s comer in Joe Norman line, 1 lienor with Joe Norman and others S -.-.'I K l-i:! feet to pine stump south of Creek ltc tween a large ash aud oak,, I. L kuight, W. II, Malirvand Lou coiner, thence N 2) K 140 feet to J. L. Knight corner at ltloon Poplaron Hawtreecreck, thence down said Creek to a stake near foie aud aft hornliean corner division No. H thence with division No. 3 N M) V 21'Jll feet to the lieginning, containing 47 acres, more or less. Hour of Sale: 12 M. This the 27th dav of Sept. I!H:I. ' J. (I. I.KK, Executor of the estate of W. K. Mabry, deceased. H. II. I1AN1KI., Attv. for Executor. TOT Those fatigued can find cheer in a glass of PEPSI-Cola You en joy every sip. In Bottles At Fount dinning- Wanted Auto owners to send their tires to us lor guaranteeing vulcaniiing. If this add. accompanies your letters you will receive .1 par cent, discount on your repairs. AUTO TIRE KEPAIR CO., 9 4 4t Raleigh, N. C. , M. DICKENS, l ocal Agent, Weldon, N. C. IsOTICG. Havmir qualitied aa Executrix of the last will and testament of F. H. Treacy, deceased, late of Halifax county, N. C. thia ia to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the nnder tigned at Wehlon, N. ('., on or before the 2 day of October, t!14, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 21th day of September 1H1S. MRS. F. H. TREACY, Executrix of F. H. Treacy, dee. Woman Finally Recovara From Norvou Breakdown Impoverished nerves ilestrtty nuny people before thsir time. Often be fore a sufferer realizes wtul the trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous biekduvvn. It it of the utmost importance to keep vour nervous system in good con jition, as the nel(ss are the source of all bodily power. Mrs. Rosa Bonner. 82c, X. iljth St., B ham, Ala., says: "I have been suffering with nerv ous prostration lor nine or tsn years. Have tried,ftiany of the best doctors in Birmingham, but they all failed to reach rpy esse. I would feel as if 1 was smothering; finally I went into convulsions. My little girl saw Dr. Milei' Nervine advertised in the paptrs and 1 at once bepan to take It 1 continued to tale it for sortie time and now I am well." If you are troubled with lots ol appetite, poor dltition, wcaaness, inability to sleep; if you are in a general run ddwn cAndition and unable to bear your part of the daily grind ot life", you need som ihmg to strengthen your nerval. You may not realiie what is the nut ter with ymi. but that i no reason why you should delay treatment. Dr. Mile' Nervine ' lias proven its value in narvous dis orders for thirty yens, and merits a trial, no matter how many other remedies have failed to help you. Sold by all drugglits. If nrat bonis falls to btntnt your monty la raturnad. MILES MEOICAU CO., Klkhart, Ind. sept 4 ly Choice Cut Flowers Kohi-n, Caiuatioua and Asters 111 all colois Our aitistic arrangements in wed. ling ouliii. a:e eual to the bat. Nothing finer in fionn ouenngsilian our stvles. I'ot plants, palms and leins lor bouse liecoialtou. Write for list. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed bv J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY FLORISTS, Norris Delicious Candies-superior to all others received weekly. CONUl'NSfD STATEMENT OfilHE CONDITION OETIIE Bank oi Enfield, Lnlield, N. t:., at the close of business Aug. 9, 1913 Resources Loansand discounts, Overdrafts, Hanking House Furniture and Kixtuies, Cash on baud. Cash in othei banks 'total, KM' nuT..V MO.. 1 .i,IHHl.lHJ I, (KI ml M.llilT.ftl 4 t,:iiit.'j." LSt4.!)4ll. I" Liabilities Capital stock, $10,000.00 Suiplusaitd I udivnle.l profit. 4J;(irtf.84 t nearned discounts 8,.VxU9 Accrued Interest due dept'r ftoO.OO I'ivniends unpaid Deposits. 2.'l8,'Jj:i.l5 Total. t-J!)4.!M0.1H Malcol .North Carolina, County of Halifax, J 1, tvey W atson, Cashierof t tie above-named bank, do solemnly the above statement is true to the best ol my knowledge and belief. lYF.Y WATSOX, Cashier. swear that State of North Carolina, County of Halifax, Subscribed and sworn to before m this 14th dav of Aue. ltHS. ' .1. W. WllITAKI'K, N'otarv l'ublie. Coirect-Attest: (d'O, It. (T C. K A. S. i'lTS. M.liWIUAN, IIAURiSOX, Pirectors. KALLIOM Phones 14 North Carolina. Ask for price list OTICE. Having qualitied as administrator d. b. n. of ill' estate of W, J. Simmous, deceased, lui of Halifax county, North Carolina, i!. s a to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit to the undersigned duly verified, at hiioffhce in Weldon, N. i'., on 01 before the 1st day of Octo ber, 11114, or tins notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the ZMIi day of September, 1M3. VM. I.. KNUiUT, AJinr. d b n W. J. Simmons. Laid Right Over Wood Shingles No Dirt, No Bothir In ft very hurt time any building can have it I fire, trap covering turned into ft modern fire proof, ttorm-proof, lightning-proof roof at very mod cafe coit a nwf thnt will Init aa long at the building and navei nerd repaira. 4 for SqU by J. S. TURNhR, WELDON. N. C. Why Spend All You EaruP You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE Band of Halifax, , L. Stedman, F resident B. L. Travis. Vice-President, H. Orefory Cashier. 1 I I ii mm r-,, n i . mm - aa in 11 1..11 ttnimmmmrtmmmmmmmmmmmttmijiimimimmmmtmmmmmmmmmimmKmmmimmi miiimiiiiii i l mini 1 1 ..u.i 1 nn '"ill, I'.l r"j.lmMLJimmmmBmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmwm- ' ' 1 '- - 1 j ' ! -ms-. " 1 1 """ " iLosnii 1 n..,,.-.. - m r m 1 f 1 I ----- - 1 . , W4r4iV(

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