'1 1 i -I A Iifl I robs you of energv, strength and ambitiou. To rid uuu liUCl yourself of the burden, take SIM MONS RE D Z LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWD1R FORM) It is a fine strengthening medicine fur a torpid liver. The weakened organ responds promptly to its powerful reiving inllueiice. It corrects tfie stomach and digestion. Purities and regulates the bowels. Drives out that languid half -sick feeling, makes you feel bright, vigorous and cheerful. Try it. Sold by Dealers. Price, Large Package, SI. 00. Alk tor ihe ffnuinc with i&r Rcl 7. on llip UM If vou ,-iiinot en n. trm-i In us. wr R ill snid h 67 mail poitptid. SlmmuM Liter Rrtfiilati.r is put i alsu ill liiiia lunu li'l iIium- wtju ylelct k. Price f l.OO per bonlc. Louk for tbc Red 7. 1,11. J. H. ZEILIN k CO., Proprietors. St. Louis, Missouri IDOYOU WMVE TO TOWN?! Ami find the market unfavorable for votir Jr. n., p Thit fanner went to market. nee r 1 he tanner who has a telephone in his home can telephone first. The useless trips thus saved are worth the cost of ser ice, Under our plan the service costs but a trifle; the l.u'iiit r owns the instrument and the equipment. For information write to our nearest Manager for pamphlet, or address: Farmers' Line Department HOME TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Henderson. N. C. 301 lonnoc Day Pbonk 25. P. N. STAIN BACK'S : i .:-::rNi)i:urAKi:i., Weldon, . . North Carolina Full Lineo! CASKETS. COFFINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. itOWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. aoi 30E II Roanoke Rapids, N. C. CAPITAL 550,000 SURPLUS $5,000. RESOURCES 5300,000 ('. A. Wyciik, President. E. H. Kicks, Cashier, S. F. Patterson, C. A. Wvelie, .1. K. Wicker, W. A, Pierce, F. .1. Hounds, J M. Jackson. W. 11. . r.urgwvu. Succeeding the First National of Weldon and the Bank of Roanoke Rapids. N. C. All Banking, Collection and Commercial Business Invited. I S. Depositary for liovernment Funds, For Estates in Rankiuptcy. and Postal savings Deposits. 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts INSURANCE DEPARTMENTS- For the convenience of the general puUie. we have iiiauiMiiultd tins .1, r. an ment. All forms or insurance written promptly and at lowest rates CHARLES C ALLEY. Inc., (Successors to Clus. C. Alley.) WHOLESALE Confaotioners & Fancy Grocers PKTKItSmilMJ. VA. (ieneral Agent in Virginia and North Carolina for the celebrated SeAtiuow's Chocoi.atks. i Represented in Eastern 1 1. McP. Tucker. Reserve your or.leis liSER'S HOOF FUR SOLD Pieree-Whitchead Hardware Goiupy, WELDON, N. C. Ssviy.i Pioneer American Wine firnwpre fcaLLI RKilSTBRKD TKAD! HARK SPECIALTIES: Virginia Dare (vhit Scunpernong) (Ked Old North State Blackberry IV Hiawatha Paul Qarretfs Special Minnehaha (Hed Champagne) (Sparkling ( liampaime) (Dry tveupnernong.) And other varieties of PURE and WHOLKHOMK WINES for home and hotel use. Highest Market Prices Paid in season ft r BLACKBERRIES, GRAPES and all kinds of small fruits, NORFOLK, V,., (Home Office) Sr. LOUIS, MO. iSAN FRANCISCO, Cau aocji n aud :.4. II Nimn Phonks :i ami 0 IOE 30E s. F Pah kksos. Vice-President John L. Pattkkson, Vice President DIRECTORS: W. S. Parker. John I.. Patterson. i '. P. Hounds, .1 . T cooeh. Carolina by Messrs, W. T. Hauirh an,: fin them. BY Garrett & Co. (ESTABLISHED 1836.) Scuppernong) t-i IXbKRNACLli) '. r H--BIBL.J: -STUDY -On -is GRAVES CF GREEDINESS. Nlimbrrs 11:4 34 Oct. 5. "iii'-'h '" df ii i :ht. mi t .null niniMS ),-. k t.i !.' .Mirlii.. i.",.ii S.IH CUE iM'aciltes li'Plllilied at Ml. Siiinf alwiiit :t cnr, learning imp, irtiMii lessons. The Taber naclL' was set up as u meeting pin e between Cod and the people, lied was represented by the pillar of i loud resting upon Its top, and at : nifjlit tUirlni; like a torch. Hod's presence within the Tuber mule was seen only by Moses and i Aaron, In connection with their priv i Itemed services, lie was represented ! by the Sliekinali brightness upon the i .Mercy Sent. Thus the Tabernacle be i came tli" tenter of the nation's life niiil Interest In relation to ll.nl, who coniniunl. ated to them through the mediator of the Law Covenant Moses. The Sin of Murmuring. Th.we who incept (led as their Lead er should never luui inur- never com plain To do so Is to dispute the Di vine Wisdom and the Divine prom - lses. and to that extent to breiik the covenant of faith, obedience ttml loy ally. St. Paul re minds us that Ihe in a r in n ring of the Israelites car ries sii. b a lesson t o u s. - Hebrews :7 T.i; 4:1-11. The Lord's dealings with Israel show us that justice, love, mercy, loyalty to (iod ji Hit to principle are in the Dlvlno estimation the highest qualities, and their tlolntlou the most serious crime. If we h.ue not looked thus tit mutters, It lieboors us to chaiijie our view point and to take the Almighty's. This uinruiiiiiiii! against the Lord was i on.-ei niiiK the luatinu, for w hich tit tii'st the people had been wry thank ful They allowed their minds to be co.ne so eed tlint they wept like chll .lien ut the thought or the tleshpots of Kgyjit, uud iuiiriiuire.1 lu desiring to re turn to the old conditions. Little did they comprehend the situation. Had they returned to bouiluge, even after a year's freedom, their lot would have seemed more wretched than before. Motes Too Greatly Burdened. The result of this murmuring was severe upon Moses. He was the peo ples representative before the Lord, uud the Lord's representative before the people. Heart broken, be sought the Lord, saying Hint the burden was tiro heavy for htm to bear. Then It was that Hod directed the Institution of the Jewish Suuhedrlu seventy Elders, to be the court of Judges, responsible to the people, to deal with and to counsel them. While Moses remained head of the nation, the seventy shared his resiKvnslblllty. Py Divine direction Moses made out the list of these Klders. lind requested them to meet him at the Tubernucle. All but two cuuie. There Uod honor ed Moses as the hen. I of the nation, and then placed a shine of the responsibil ity upon the To. This was Indicated by their prophesying. Lven the two who remained lu the Camp prophesied. Quail In Over-supply. Ood then sent word to Israel through Moses that he was about to send them a thirty-days' simply of flesh, such as they had murmured for. l'nder the Lord's provlileii' e, a stroiu; wind drove thousands of quail to the vh-inlty of i the Camp. Two days and nights the j people vial b. -red quull. Agno-ti,-s have questioned this state ment, thinking It a declaration that birds fell In a solid mnss two cubits hlirh. The proper thought is that the birds, driven a-T.rss the sea, were so fatb.-lled that they tlew low, about two cubits ithree feeti above the ground, where they . t.uld be easily caught. The nun niurors ate so heartily that pesfileii'-e broke out among them, a fever from over-eating, called "a fire from the Lord." Many died nnd were burled there. The place was called Klbrotb Hattaavah-"(.iraves of (irced luess." Thus the Lord permitted the unthankful to cut themselves off from further opportunity for murmuring. The happiest mental condition con ceivable Is that which Is satisfied with God's appointments. The spirit of dis content looks away from the Heavenly Manna, longing for other f.Hnl. To "ii such the Lord ST.mts opportuni ty of feasting to the full on what they crave; but the murruurer cease from belug members of His family The Bible sup plies the Manna of Divine Truth. The Truth needs srv "Uruira ut l.u-f to be gathered, ground and baked. But It Is Hod's provision, wholesome, mitrt tlous. ms essary for our perfecting as Uixl'a people Vet some crave the flesh pots of Egypt- the worlds theories. These ;od allows to cotue within their reach. They All themselves with High er Criticism and Evolutionary theories, and perish as New Creatures tireed. selfishness, stands connected with slu of every kind, it leads to every form of Immorality, to satisfy Its selrlsh propensities. It leads to In justice and untruthfulness In Its en deavor to acquire a large share of (iod't blessings It leads to anger, msltce, hatred, envy, strife and murder In Its endeavor to obtain a superabundant share of this world's gootl HelQsh ness Is thus unrighteousness, and "all unrighteousness It tin " SPIRITUAL FORCE. Gr?ai men r? ihey hr see that spiritual is stronger ihan any material force; ihai thought rules the world. Emerson. The woman who hesitates has no secret to tell. IF a woman can't be flattered it's a sign she is deaf. You can get insured against any accident except marriage. A lot of dead ones in every town are holding out on the undertaker. Not even an ingenious woman can make a really good husband out of poor material. It is customary for a man with more dollars than sense to accu mulate popularity. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A AN iNSOl. ABLE PROBLEM The proprietor of a lanyard was : anxious to affix a suitable sign to ' his premises. Finally a happy thought struck him. ; He bored a hole through the doorpost and stuck a calf's tail into it, wiih the tufted end outside, j After awhile he saw a solemn- faced man standing near the door looking at the sign. The tanner watched him a minute and then stepped out and addressed him. "Good morning, sir!" he said. "Good morning," said the other without taking his eyes off the sign. "Do you want to buy leather?" "No." "Perhaps you've got some hides to sell?" "No." "Are you a farmer?" "No." "What are you then?" "I am a philosopher. I've been standing for nearly an hour, trying to find out how that calf got through that hole." VALUE OF ASSOCIATION. Nobody ever did people any good by standing aloof, If the pen cils of an electric lamp are to shine they must first touch and then keep close together. Bl ILDINU UP. A man goes away to build up his run-down physical condition and comes back to build up a run down financial system. Judge. Wood's High-Gratle Seeds. C Ci rimson over The King of Soil Improver, alio make splendid fall, winter and spring grailng, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will increase the productive neai of the land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itself or at the last working of corn, cotton or other cultiva ted crops. We are headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive Kail Catalog, giving information about all seeds for talltowing. T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, Richmond, Va. ;i..i.. v i I... 1 hi ,w ci,,,.;,, OR NO FC. TRADE-MARKS, s v:il ;ttnt i ) i itfhlN n-Km ll.t...1. -I Skclrli, M.mIi'I oi I'hol.r. twl FREE REPORT Oil lfflitii'.'ility. I'.tteiit ,r.-t-i.r ct. .in.! lv. ftaNK RCFIftE 'CES. Si-n.l 4 tvti't m ci.in-1's .r ourivui .nviiluaWe Nv.ik on HOW TO ODTAIN Hii-I EELL PAT. ENTS, w hi' ti -ii i'l i'iy. Hutt K'-i apart- in r, tifttet'it law nful nitivr valUHlin' UiKx Hiutioa. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS 1 303 Seventh St., Wsshmo -.. D. C. VfiaasssaassssMBBBBBBBBBBV' KlkLTHE COUCH ANOCUREmLUNGS nDn.IIjS CnftfOUCHS I1jp6oai.oc VOLDS Olft DfJTTl! mt J W Ail THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARAHTCEO SATSFACTORf IP. Are Yea a Woman ? m Cardui FOB SALE AT All DSU53ISTS Ft D J1J All of our work is done under the best sanitary conditions. No dis ease, vermin or other pests are sent in your clothes when they re laundered by WELDON STEAM LAUNDRY Call us on 'Phone 201 and our wagon or representative will come at once. Our 17,'ic. per pound rate for family wash makes it cheap enough for families to send all of their laundry to us. WELDON STEAM LAUNDRY CO., (Incorporated) (il'Y I.. BI'NCH, President Manager, illllijjif) "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re- ceived from the use of Tlicdford's Black-Draught," writes 2 Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. j "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds. - liver and stomach troubles. saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, J they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no J more trouble. I shall never be without o o 9 THEDFORD'S in my home." For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar 0 ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, a reliable, gentle and valuable 8 O o A If you suffer front any of these complaints, try Black Draught. It is a medicine of known merit. Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Oood for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. w I j) ooQOOoooooQioeQeeeaiocoQaQi J J Refrigerators, Nursery Refrigerators, Ice Chests, Water Coolers, Freezers, Lawn Swings, Couch Hammocks, Porch Swings, IBaby Swings, And Hammocks Of All Kinds. CQ o H tH O P P O H WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, WHEN YOU WANT IT EARLY CALL 'Phone us & W. T. 1 A 1M I'lt, 1W Cures Caused by Impure or Poisoned Blood. "nd Impure Blood ImpoMlblc CletfA Piir ninn1 mjill mark. " - , " ' ncannr. W rutrantM thi remedy to put pure blood in your vetna mnd ton p the Bvitrm. rurlna till di rai,itin. frnm i liljoit It h A th 7 --" r r. kord.. MRS. JOK PERSON'S REMEDY SAVED MRS, TVit Mr. the loim i.mtlo limti I Dttibl H lk. I tried VttlODI medic him ; 'ad and gM worn. One 4tr I vai tilkim to i Irtend Pcuded to ttr Un. joe Prrten'. ftenedr. I bought i , - "r"- a BBS ssww I w li Mrs. ) Pffwn'i Renwdr Is an eld trull. n LKO FROM AMPUTATION, 1 Wf i3V lot M.icrs rfmidv co tMk' c- mW Kiuiell. H. t. V!XlTl iMa r.i.,., I. MirosMH .Ilk. b.ie0, !,,,,,, V . 'Xl ...rr Lrrriunnmin,.. Atler .boil . m.,.,. , . . I lAJ iSsl res unnl ods bill ol st Im trom lbs suts a.. .iMA.. . .Tj ..L . V if- f , ol Iresh. grl herbs, inhered wMl. Inth,. .k t ,!".??, T' ' ".,"-rh?t Dorrifud of th Tar Bivm In NaVi r- 1111Mll, " " ' ft, ' " -"'' --''" 7 me s. .Wll .nuy. k maat " pv inawnt end it f uarenteed under the Nationat Pure Food ind Druf Lews to be abttolutely pure. ii. l"""1 remedy le i,A i nT t t Kr tn or 12 bottlee tor vPurfha botlle from your druggitt to-day. 0-A '"'-ii Hill V a wmiiii "' "w iiim sood. pre cond tlon. n. w ...v..,.. auu rw-uiai or msny svonderru) cures insas by this great blood medians. MRS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY CO., KITTRELL, N. C. ed lodl.o Brsnd Kldaey Wits end Liver Pins t.s ths bvst Price Ik. postpeld. lsaus Pres. SEABOARD Trains leave Weldon, Effective April 27, 1913. C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. NO 16 6:05 A. M. SEABOARD EXPRESS, Coaches, Sleeping Cars. NO.I2 SEABOARD MAIL, Vestibule l oaches. Parlor t ar, for Ports M mouth-NorfolL, connecting with SUamship Lines for W ash 3:19 r. m. mirton. Baltimore. New York, Boston and Providenee.JQ NO. II 12:07 P. M. Horula points; Rirmingnam. SEABOARD MAIL for Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta, Birming ham and the Southwest: connects at Norlina, Raleigh or Ham let with "Florida Fast Mail" No. 4.H, for Jacksonville and Dining Car, Sleeping cars- through sleepers to Hamlet and NO. IS SEABOARD EXPRESS, for Raleigh, Atlanta, Birmingham and the Southwest. Connects at llsmlet with No. 4i for 12: 39 A. In. Wilmington; with No. hi for Columbia. Savannah, Jackson ville and Florida points; Sleeping car Portsmouth to Charlotte; Vestibule Coaches, Sleeping and Diniug Cars to all pointsSouth and Southwest. No. 19 for Raleigh leave 7 a. ra. No. LU) from Raleigh arrive f 2i p m Write to the undersigned for rates and C H. KYAX, Qeneral Passenger Agt. Portsmouth, Va. I firmly believe Black-Draucht remedy. F H 0 d o 3 i CO tr1 N. C n m n m n 34 Your wants 'he first Grocery Store to open. all Diseases whvea yoa um MrJ! . - J i ... ... -I'Mit wt iipmone i ,M' wI PROMINENT CITIZEN'S and ntiuirlana km It atwint h.in. it a k wme ot the renedr lad waah " wrtl ftftn. JNO. W. JOHNSON. rnwl. m.. .t. h" ""I I" the n.itI,. j . , . . . . "ir meaifiim. lumini wn left the lormuU lo-asy exactly likf It told t ell drug etore your reecn and you your Diood into Wrlra u. inr ADDRESS, for Portsmouth-Norfolk, VeetibuleH time tables. 3 .W- Si Mi II I M aa r.r..tr' rv JOHN 1". WEST, Division Passenger Agt Ralclth.N.C. 4 H i-:Tiv pi p v e v v-ii llllll.iiiiil i wc, ri pAILKAl).ilMKIF.f.?ElJl or Ml. flic A, LAHCALTtH. A- I am stile ::mi lor iht- Hamilton watch in ihr-. u n ity. I repair W aiclic-, I'lucks, Jew elry, Sewing Machine'!, Phono graphs, Ca,h Registers, Ftc. All work guaranteed. O. C. NELSON, Wiai'.ON, n, c. FA1.I..V WINTER lYIILLIEHflY FANCY (iOtlDSan.l Nu El.TH S Itutteiick's l'litti ins R it (i. Corsets, MisscK ut 7.'"C. l.a.li.'s ".'ic. to JH Wi.Pricer. mil be made to Milt the tuiii'M. Hats an,l lloiini'ts mailt' aud trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDER" PROMPTLY FILLED. MRS. P. A. LEWIS, Weldon, N. C BAKED ON THE PREMISES are all tin- .li licious lako.sliillV that we sell. Until ilain s.n.1 fancy things tin lie il nut in delicious and nttiac live style. Great Varieties of Pies which appeal to the American man's appetite. Also fancy cakes. iii.l inacroons fin the ladies. Buy of us next times. M, $, MOUNTCASTLE- NX'eldon, N. C. wanted Ten Run Down Surries , KaS"Repaired Buggies CMC Qfl lor sale in August at glUjU X'e are anxious to sell : 3 Peanut 1 hrashers. 3 Gasoline lingines. 1 Wheat Thrasher. Come and see them. THE BOWERS CO., R. 1:. I). 1, Littleton, N. C. Notice to Creditors. This is to notify all persons indebted to tlieeslale of Abe I'.iuikley. deceased, to nmke iiiiiiii'ilinte pavineiit to the under sttrticd execilttils. All j.ersnns having claims against siiid estate will please presetit the siiiiie prupeily M'litied to the unilcrMmie.1 on m It-It, ic the l-'.tli dsy id SvpteniU-r. Ifilt 01 this notice will plead in bar of their recovery. This the "-'ud dav of Septemlior, llll.'l,' ' W. EH BUWEKS, .1. WA ISDN HdWERS. Execiitius of the estate of Mnahani I'.ntikley, deceasi',1. S. C. DlMi.L, Attv lor Executois. ti 1 tit WE FURNISH (. A Uoval Feast to , ve. v mil- a l, ) ( buy their groceries t our store ! ) f All the seasonable delicacies are ) found in our store the yeai; ) , round. j ) CONFFCTIONERIES ! ( PHUITS ) ( CROCKFRV ANO TIN ) ( WARE ) J Wooden and illoawaic, Etc ) ( iriHidn ih lii i ud promptly a, iv ) ( where in ti.sn Polite clciks ) rhone .so. Ml. , R. M. PDRNELL. Wtl TON, s. r. T rnn ci a4 SfiClll When in Nuifolk call i n us You mil tind what you want aud get it quickly. ' llavmi: no canvasst-rs. no agent's commissions are ad ded to our prices. This ena ahles us to use tirstclass ma tcnal and liin-.li it properly . Wt Pay Preifrht and Uuarantee Safe Arrival THE C0UPER UltRBlE WORKS, (tiHyearsin business.) Grand 168-163 Bank at NORFOLK, VA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL. Attorney-at-Law, WELDON, N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax ana Northampton and iu the Supreme ano Federal courts. Collections made hi all parts of North Carolina. Branch otlice at Halifax open every Monday Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney anil Counsellor-at-Law, WEI. DON, N. C. Business promptly and faithfully at tended lu. Associated Willi Peebles ci Harris aud Cay J. Midyette in Halifax Superior Court practice. U-SMI UEOKUUC. OREEN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi (National Bank Building) I Weldon, N. C. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Puai in ks in the courts ol llalifaxand adjoining counties aud in the Su prcme court of the State. Special atten tion given to collections aud prompt re turns. lu-O-ly j 11. K, A. ,1 M, 1-OI.I.KIiK in- Nonrii rsnoMNA. J j K. II. smith, I ;; Citil ricriBg I ai Snrvtyiair. t ELDON, N. C. f i)-:.: i. ;i:.; : :. ;, . :, ;fi DEMIST, OFFICE IN DANIEL HI 11 HIM. WELDON. N. V sepl'J ly T. W. Mashs, ,1. A. Worbeli., tiarysburg, N. ('. Jackson N.C W. I.. I.nNii, Weldon, N. C. MASON, WORRELL S LONG, Attorneys nt-Law. llllices: Weldon, N. C. and Jackson, N.C my ly T. CT, A K.. ATTORIMtY A LAW, ELDON, N.C. Piactici's in the comts of Halifax audi adjoining comities and il the Supreme court of the Mate. Special attention, given to collections and pmmpt returns yernon h. Mcknight, m. d I'liysicinn and Surgeon. ltel Vinson s I hug Mole, lil'-'ly HALIFAX, N. C SKND VOLR ORDLRS FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING TO L, L. HAYW'ARD, Weldon, N. C. D. E. STAINBACK. NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Pt)JD"kc News tlffice -:- Weljoa N.C Go to HARRISON'S For Automobile Repairs and Suppliea. All kinds of Machine work dons Sta tionary, t.asohne. Marine and Steam Eniriiies, i.iuis aud Pistols. Satisfactioa giiaiautt'cd. GOODJAK' Tires and Supplies on hand lor sale Jshop east end of M-eoud Street. H. W. HARRISON, eldon, N. U M CdU's Magaine aiid McCall Patterni For Women llav Mora Frieaadt than any othar magazine or patterns. McCairs is the reliable Fashion fiuide monthly m one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the late -,t desi(;n of McCall Pattern!, each lsSUv " ''mf!:''.0' sPrkhng short atones and helpful information for women. S'sk; "- Mrf. Pstteeat Ue4 sll others Is ,!,. t, simplK-iiT, economy snd eurnher kmS 14,-. eVsiers srll Mec.ll P.tr, ita ,17iaW " """rt Neoshiiheriasailcsels. I., troo. yMtt d..lei, or kf asil Iroes McCALL'S MAGAZIN.: 38 246 W. Srta St, riew Ya e.v Jteuralfla oautet treat sfrerliej. Or. Antt-Peiii Pule (lv reHei. Wag

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