c A. w XT"' Tt i . 3 JOHN W, SLEDGE, Proprietor. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--?!.,' ' ir Ai?nur' VOL. XLVIII. WKLDON, X. C, Till USDAV, KM I5KU 20, Iili:s. no. no Brooklyn S Ira til Ik 4 THE GREAT DELIVERER. GOOD MEN ARE BISSUIST1ED, "iMuit Toui.li Mcr; Another IUiihI I eel Ilia? liu-y I'on't UU-.i -.utv 1 T Mflfe r llii ill-COJIuL 3 PKK CBsiK"! similaiiiiSihelWanilRruia III.' S lunar he. mil llnui lo V liiilSilit'Stiiiniu'teawlDowclsai' ICQ PrnmnlesDiticslionfWiil-' hvss ,ir.d IVsi-Comainsiiciiivi' Opium.Murphiiic nor Mineral, j AOTAARCOTIC. fli yAia Snd' , JbLSmm I AaseSttd i tfonttmmt - )fsrmtrd Cfrr.teif Sugnr Ancrl'ccl Hp nvriV foi-CTnsHBa- Mon.Sour Slninacli.Dlain Yorms,l onvulsioiis.ri'vwisn mess aiulLoss Of Sleek Facsimile Siiolurt of BE NEW Y0IJK. 53S2B oc Eaact Copy of Wrapper THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, N.Y. Organized Under the Laws of Ihe Slate ol North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital am! Sirpius, Kor ovtr -I yearn this iiiMilutiuii lius piuviili'! Inuikimr facilities Tor thlN HCCtlOll. I IS HlOflihuliIcf Ulkl Uflu'l Ih ail' tilrlllllinl ttltll tlit liusi ncsH intcrrst if Halifax ami YiMliampton cimntit's. A Savings ttartint'iit is mui titamri I fur 1 1 if hrm-lit ul' all u lio ilisiiv to tlcpoNit in aSaviiiirs Hunk. In this h';utu i inti-ivM i.-; nl km i -1 a follows: For Deposit allow c. I toivmain lliivi- montlis or J miri-r. 'J (nt ctnt. Six month ur lonift'r, .'I per vent. Twelve ittoul Iih or Iniiirei. 1 percent. Auv iu formation will Uv lunii ;lrt,tl on up)ilii'atiin to the rreshlent m i 'uhiei PRRSinRNT W. K. DANII'.I.. VlrK-l'IIKMIIKM': W. It. I'll. I., c. ii: t-Kii. i .'Mi l . DIRECTORS W. li. Smith, . K. A. V. Housu, J. I.. Shi'ilifr,l, W. A. MAXl'FACTl'UEliS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TO OKDEK AND liK.Ul l.AK STOCK SIZES, (lood Materials. High drade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. Choice Cut Flowers For all Occasions Roses, Carnations and Cliiyruullie mums are the seasonable Mowers nun. Our art in weddiny outlits is cijuul to the bast, Nothing liner iu tloral oll'e: iuxs. than our styles. Hyacinths, narcissus, tulips and lilies in great varieties. Plant early for best results. Rose bushes, ev ergreans, shrubs, hedge plants, shade trees and herbaceous plants. Write for lint. Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed by J. L. O'QUINN & COMPANY1 FLORISTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. 1'houea 149 Ask fur price list .riircutlr oLiM.nau ... ..! uj:h.. - NO f til. iitrrod. bi'iirt bfcftth, Mt ill ut l'lioio. lor I Ti.inf.MllIii . 'u-.fiiLI,.l I 'ji.-.ll'itiltfifll rntC HI PORT on prtieotahlllty-. I'MHil ti I 1... ia.li aiui DIFIKI Cll. SMid 4 rMt In at Mm" lr our I" invaluable I book! on HOW TO 0Tlt himI kvLLL PT Ihti Whl-h oii will UHV. low l ti l apart- nw.awlitlWKiiluOi.-i aiult.i-H..t.'iihoiL I D. SWIFT & CO. PATKNT LAWH 303 Seventh St., Washier itiLLTHECy-o:: ano CURETHti.fi vitj : KID! ZX"'!f InUI' ici5ya'j..;", OLDS Pew eon u f p. NHHTHffQATAND tUNG TftQUDlf' ; BMMaMiMMaMnwMrl'' " "II E CEIVDISCO r f, Jl. For Infanta na j Chiltlvcn. The Kind Yce Have Always Bought gears tllG signature of 111 Use For Over Thirty Years AS THf INTftUA lOHNNT, HCW YORK OITT. a i'Asiiikii: .i. o. HitAKi:. p Hanitl, ,1. t. Iirukc. W. l. t'nhpn, I'i.'iw, I). II. .ullirullW. .1 . W. Slcli; (i'i HWh-Grado Seeds. Crimson Clover Vna Xir.4 ol Suit Irij rovers, i ;e-n runXoa ftplendid fall, v:,tar and sjrin crazing, ilit earliest gre leed, or n cjo'.l hay crop. CfilMSON CtOVER will increase ilie produclivcneun ol the land more I hn twenty limei as much at the tame i.inount tM;cnl in commercial fertilizer. Can he sown by itscll or at the last woilung of com, cotton or other cultiva ted ci ops. Wo are headqualtera for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write (or pricea and Descriptive Fall Clttalog, giving information about all seeds for (ullaowing. T. W. WOOD 6 SONS, Seedamiii, - Richmond, Va. Are You a Woman? 1 Gardul FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS Hal BIUMH 1 SRAE'. MNDin A NFW LEADEft. johua i:l-a Nov. il'i. ''lit Httmj i:;m,' if .;...,. toll '.''. Vrrnf 9, SISAKI. MpcMit tlitrly ilnyn in u.in'.niin-' fnf llii'lr reat 'tinier Mii'-fs. y.-t wllti urn1 ill-curd f- t ,nl .I.kIihii iih llii'lr ni'W li'inl it by lv,r.f iiiiiilnliiii'iil tliriiiiKh ,.t Iiit liilili' Iii'I'mi'h. .Iiwli Hit whs rcn . iii'il fur It' 1'itltli iind liitt Inyjiity tn li'iil Al 1 1 ) Him. "I' lal.ln,' Muses' pUirc lie wiin In Ills ctlily tliinl yi'iir. yi't full f vlitiir nml i-vliliMitly till' lii'Sl . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 fur III!' HisltliMI. The fni-t Hint Musi's wns vlconms lit inn' hiiiiilri'il I t unity, nml Joshua nl c I u li t y thnv. l Ni'i'iil.-. Inuitly In US 111 I'lilllll'lllllll'lll nf Hie llililv ti'ih'ti Inu Hint A il n in wns rrenlcil pi'i' fcrt: nml Hint llii' VIGOBOUJ a la it 7 joshuA AT A1VIH e n t 1 re riirc tins I"D .Y slueo rnlteii intn sin nml (lentil- hIiiii'Iuk A d n in ' h pennlty, "liyiiiii. B tliott slmlt die." Till! IntelllKl'liee of K.otuUtm Thtur) Con tllesc men, lis well (.wKrt.il. iih tlielr vlisur, ipiite eontriullet the Uvohilloii Hieory: for this ery Joshua Iind been one of the sliues in Eirypt. Israel's Real Leader God. Not for .1 moment lire we to lose sl;ht of the fnet thnt Cod hud ndopted the nntliiu of Israel : i ml Iind entered Into it speelul Coveiinnt with them; tinil Hint. therelre, Hu was their real Lender, Muses. .Imliua mid others being merely Ills representatives. Wo have already referred to the reasons for the nilolitlim of Israel by the Almighty. The New Leader's Name. Joshua's Hume was originally Iloshea, Ihe wimp UN that of the I'rophet llosea, slKiilt'yliiK salvation. To this was pre fixed (Numbers t:t:ltli Jv, an abbrevia tion repi-eseiillm; the word .lehovnh. Thus the lemie became .lehoshua. sli; ti try i li Ji'hnvah's sntvatluii. Tills wus shortened to .loshtiu. The (Ireek form of tills word Is Jtmtus-.lesus. I- r twi'iity seven years Joshua was the leader nf lsrnel, fulthful to (iod unit lo the people. He not only led the people Ihroutjli Jordan and tllreeted In the cotiijllest i.f I'unuali, but divided tlie In ml iimimKHt the trllies and gov erned the people with great arcept uni e, dylntJ lit the ai;e of one hundred and leu year. Muses and .bishiia were men of to tally different types. Any oue eon Irasied Willi Moses would be disadvan taged, si i hijih did that Brent states man tower nliove Hie average of hu manity, then or since. Hut while Joshua could not be .Muses, yet lie was fiiithftil as a follower of Moses, as oue who obeyed Hie ldvlno Law, aud whose faltl d liilliieuce were help ful to Ihe people. Ho was Just whut (Iod wished hliu to be, and whoever Is worthy of such it testimony Is truly great. The Land of Promiae. Tliut .losliiia and Israel should take forcible possession of I'linaiin Is called iu question by some. They nsk, By what right might one brunch of the unman laiuily destroy another and seize tlielr land? Where Is the Justice of hiicli a course? There Is but one answer to tills query; and, rightly seen, It is satisfac tory. The Lord declares that the earth Is Ills, Hint He gave It to the children of men, as represented by Adam. (I'salui 115:111.1 Hut the gift wns con ditioned upon ohedteiice and loyalty disobedience, disloyalty, being punish able by death Adam Incurred this penalty; and his children, under the laws of lieieilit'. . shared It with him, because "1. r i.i i and shapcii III In bpilty." Tin!-. :i human right Iu the earth was nlnognted by the death sen tence upon Hie sinner. Cod purposed iu Himself, the re covery of Adiiin und his I'nnMly from the curse nf death-through Messiah, through Ills death and by the power of Ills Messianic Kingdom, not yet es tablished. In preparation for these blessings to come. Cod laid hold upon Israel and made a Covenant with them. Although they could not fulfill the terms of the 1'ovenuut mid ob tain Cod's choicest blessing, neverthe less they were greatly blessed by tlielr Law Cove nant, and many of them were pre pared by It for co operation w-1 1 li M ii h 8 1 n It In Ills Kingdom In due Fein TkturU o ihe time. Dor Ave ,, ( Hrrvi,r m,t this arrangement, Cod gave Israel Pal estine, but explained that tills gift was been use of His favor toward t hem In pursuit of Ills own great plans, previ ously outlined to Abraham. He fur ther explAtm ' Hint Ihe Cniiaaiiltes were not making progress, und that their continuance would be neither for their gooil nor for Ills glory-as It was with the Sodomites L'zeklel llt:4H, 50. We should reuieaiher that the Ulble heii, to v. hku the slaughtered Casann ttu rrcnt. I.' r."t th hell of torment pictured lu the vretds Tbelr destruc tion by Israel sent them to Sheol, Hades, the tomb. There they sleep with their forefathers, waiting for the glorious resurrection Morning, ivheu Messiuu's Kingdom will eventually bring back every man tn his own or der. Prom this viewpoint, the giving A Patenting to Israel was uot lajustlce. tut wisdom. Why Use L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint llecause it's economical. Ilecausp it ' is pure White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil. Because it's the highest grade quality paint that can he made, lie cause when the user a ids a quarts of oil to each 1 gallon of the . I.. A M. Semi Mixed Paint, it makes 1 8-4 gallons 01 pure paint at a cost of about f I III per gallon. This saves the user about Co cents a gallon on all the paint used. The L. & M. is and has always been the highest grade and most perfect paint produced, Sold bj CUits- tor i relieves rlicuntnlihin quickly. It stimulates the circulut mfi in htiuitly relieves stillness and soreness of iiuiseliH anil joints. Don't rub it iienetnites. Rheumatitm Never Rpturnird "I urn ti tnivcllniR nmn ft ml nlK.ut on' yv-ir tw I " n lm1 tin wiMi itiMiiin1ini iimj ronltl not ttflik. A Irn ml rrri.iiiiiifiitlMl Sl'tim i I i t tun! 11. f in'.in.i iiin-r I unfit it my kiir wim nil O.K. tout it In- tifvi-r Imllf r -I toe """' I l,tH O Ki-i-p your i.iiiiiiH'iit in the house ulid tuiij ll ulh uif kii II. c "I.' - """'" "i..i, V Ml I'tulmMfh Uk, fa. Rheumatism Neuralgia StifCnr.! VaiiithcJ "I milTcrri! with :iu iirtful ulin'iir1 : In mv Ii'um. 'Hiit niKtit I k ivc rnv rulihi iik wilh SIuiiti'- l.ininiriil :,h.t In I'i ' uif. next iiiDriiinir I enuiil iiiiiinoni i! iw il liaVI iK-fll PIIJijllM'll Willi !1 IMll -I' Hilice." A. -W.iun. i'j Mnn. wti-r, Sprained Ankle Relieved "I wns ill for a Imiir lime with a scwrffy dpraiiicil ankl. I l. n hot lio tt .!n;tu'i Liitimfiitui.il nt' I run ;ili!c tti Im; :ilnnt and (Mil wulk u err if ilc.l. i v r:te tins bt"'itime I Hunk o;i desrrvr a ''f crc.l it for ptittimj nu-li n line I.iniiin'nt tl.; iimrki-t nml I :t; til iiKvmh 1 11-- t '.:- rfcniiinifiul Dr. .' n's Li n-n i CharUi lt--w:v lj f: Uiworr. V. t. I Sloan's I.iiiiir.jiitfiv. ; a ';r--i.-ful II' ,,,..(iagsw.j. f'JjMl M toothache. l.M.iii. .. '-iii5 VjMflS I At aU Deahn, 25c.. rv .i..: ' kjj M I Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc. P" 1 BOSTON, MASS. -m& NOCTURNi When the moon lifts o'er the hilltops, and the night winds whisper low, And the lilies in ihe garden are white as drifted snow, And ihe maple boughs sway softly in their rythmic to and fro, Then down to the orchard gateway in ihe thrall of dreams I go. For our waking dreams are stronger than the dreams that ihrall in sleep, There's more melody in silence, than in the music chorded deep; Though the hours creep round the dial, love's pulses make them leap. And the reaper's richest harvest is not whai his hand may reap. And so when, o'er ihe hill tops the moon is a globe ul gold, And the lilies in the garden by the light are atircoled, I go 10 the orchard gateway, where the dews gleam clear and cold, And dream, 0 priceless guerdon, that ;o yutt my heart I hnld. THE i!6iP.S lOiiiiiL "tie touched her band the lever left her," I le touched her hand as I le only can, With the wondrous skill of the Great Physician, With the tender touch of the Son of man, And ihe fever pain in the throbbing temples Died out with the Mush mi brow and cheek. And the lips that had been so patched and burning Trembled with thanks she could not speak. And the eyes where the fever lighi had faded, Looked up, by her grateful teats nude dim, And she rose and ministered in her household. She rose and ministered unto Him. "He touched her h.tnd and the fever left it;" Oh, we need Mis touch no our fevered hands ! The cool still touch of the Man of Sorrows, Who knows us, and loves us, and understands. So many a life is one long fever ! A fever of anxious suspense and care, A fever of getting, a fever of fretting, A fever of hurrying here and there. Ah, what if in winning the praise of others We miss at last the King's "Well done?" If our self-iaught'tasks iu the Master's vineyard Yield nothing but leaves ut the set of son ? "He touched her hand and ihe fever left her." Oh, blessed touch of Man Divine ! So beautiful then to arise and serve Him, When the fever had gone from life and mine; It may be the fever of restless serving, With the heart all thirsty for love and praise, And eyes all aching and strained with yearning Tow'rd self-set goals in the future days; Or it may be a fever of pain and anger, When the wounded spirit is hard in bear, And only the Lord can draw forth the arrow, Left carelessly, cruelly rankling there. Whatever the fever, His touch can heal it; Whatever the tempest, His voice can still; There is only one joy as we seek I lis pleasure, There is only one rest as we choose His will. And some day, after life's fitful fever, 1 think we shall say, in the home on high, "If ihe hands that He touched but did His bidding, How linle it matters what else went by !" Ah, Lord ! Thou knowest us all together, Lach bean's sore sickness, whatever it be; Touch Thou our bands; lei the fever leave us, And so shall we tninisiei unto Thee. WISE. "So von hap detii mined to ; sue inn for breach of promise?" "Yes." "With ilamaes?" '( f course." "Well, say, I've not just one favor to ask of you. Don'l sue nie for less than $100,000. I haven't not a dollar in the world that I can call my own, and it might help my credit." 8 I'ur Infant; And I'hililrtii. The Kind Yiui llavs A!ajs Bought Bears tin) sf .'ifTjZjF Signature of L4 t f ,ty7utCAtU TIILV WfiRI- LP TO DATE. An ntic-rv advertiser rushed into the oflice of a paper re cently ami shouted: ''Sec here, our ad. ouohl to read, "Thou sands of patrons are wearing ttouscrsof our make." The foreman of theeomposii) room looked up and weak ly said: "Well?" The irale advertiser threw down a copy of the paper eon tainiiiirthe ad., says the Tim Pathlinder. The compositor had made it "matrons." Children Cry FOR . LEI CHER'S CASTORIA ' Is On This Wheel. " Tin1 -; i J . t . i i 1 1 i.f a i s .c wns ' inx-i- i-iiiiLfhl ill tin' fury nf a j ti-rrililc stm m in iniil-wiiilii' mi . tin' ureal la!,.'.-;. His liraniifiil ship as lii-iiis;-slowly but siiri'- ly iTilhh.'il in I In. nrrat lields of j ii-i' thnt -1. nl,,, ut it. His In-art sank w il Inn him as In ! saw tin- last chance of escape j cut nil'. It was only lie qui'S tinil nf a few minutes when the j pressure (if ice Wnlll'l crush his j essel like .'III I'oe hell. lie j 1 1 1. 1 1 1 t his wheel ami went lieluw inlu liis caliin and fell (ill his knees. I le lieoeed ami wrestled il li ( im In i u 1 1 'l' i si to sa c his ship t he ship that was the renlial inu of the iheam of his lnn, hat'd st i ili ulc in life. The lives nf his crew were also tin; burden nf his petitinn. .Many nf them were iiiipfepat'eil lo he hurled into eternity with so little warn ine;. He plead its .Jacob plead, and like .Jacob, he pre vailed, 1 le rose from his knees and went hack to the wheel. Sud denly a breeze sprung up imme diately behind him. In a few minutes it bad Km wn to the ve locity of ;i K'lb'. Its pressure suddenly parted the ice before the ship, and blowing fiercer and fiercer, the ice field was hurled back across the dark ; waters. A cheer went up from ! the men and a sailor rushed up to the captain and said: "Shall we (ivc her inure canvas, sir?" i The captain replied, "Hon't j touch her! Another hand is on I this u heel Almighty bid is j Ritiilino- this ship. lo not put I your hand on sail or sheet." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A STO R I A liovv IT PI-I-I.S TO t!Ki-KZI: .ii.' to death is preceded by a drowsiness which makes the end painless, the body ac tually feclino u, nan and e,niii j comfotialily lo sleep. K.speri- niollts have lii'eii mad" with animals 1o shov. jusl how I'recz inu to leaill proceeds. In one nf these experiments, ill which the animal was placed in a temperature nf from l-' to Iod decrees below zero, the breath- j tti"; ami heart le-als were at. first quickened, Ihe organic beat of the body actually rising above the normal, which isiis.0 decrees Fahrenheit. This show ed a sudden ami intense effort on the pari of the functions fo preserve the body's tempera ture. Then violent heart ac tion nave nut suddenly, and death came when the tempera ture of the bodv dropped to 71 decrees Fahrenheit. - Popular Mechanics. iii:lii:i) in;Ksiii.r. Patienci to kiss her When lid she oll'ereil Her for help?" Patrice X. herself. she just helped TMI:V I SHAU.Y 1)0. 'Tie says he is not worthy of me." "Let it so ;tt that, nit'l. Don't marry him and make him prove it." TT"T --"" Dad Tos.c in (he Mouih Dizziness, and n yietu'ral "no aci'utiiii" tn'mir is a sure siim td a t u i't'1 li v 1 1 . Ihe remedy is Sinnnuiis bid 7. Liver R collator (The PowJl l Fin no. It exercises its K''c;itest restorative eti.vt in ihe liver, yet it is of 'ibv in the stomach niid bo-i'ls. Iodi gestion, coiisi i pal ion and their attc!i(!;i;,.t evil;; dis;i) pear befmv ii .s !0virful, regiilalini; inil icncc. Try its wholesonu1 nut ii'vin proper ties. It will oivc yo.i a good tippetite, sotiiiit digestion and make ou ice! well. Sold by 1). oh 1 1 Price, Large lnUe, S1.00 Aik I". .1" uriiuloe ffilli li. H. J Z .' the l.twl. If i.si tii.n-'t t" it i.-uiili t.,. Rill ifi.l ii ly in.il. P"Mp.l,J SlUI)lH. Llv.. Rrul.t.'l 1, al.-o pul tip in t1.jn..l loim lor ttiuK who plelr. It. PlKc 1 00 per ImiUc. Loli lul Uj. Red Z UU I J. H, ZEILIN & CO., ProprUlar. SI, LeuUi. Mlaaourl ds u are ; n't in. -as ambii'ils lire up to your oivn si every day in the week lllick Up, blot her! I way all mul, s,n -aln feel SiillH'l illies ! If they weren't ii wit li I heir peii'iirmniH-' as their ptomises tl .Hi s a-, v "V- I he I I'ut 1 1 lie ,'ll'nlltlil III a ell I. I lint means Inisiuess .In ..t. if I nll Vnlle ask s you. j A eeiia in amount of 1 1 : 1 1 1- ' fact ioll is t he Lest Ionic in t he II ol id for I he melius. III. ill. ll keeps him from lirooiliu' mi lie in' a man like I a vil II a ruin's llea-billeil liny, you know ! As Inn.; ns you can Iind fault with yourself and your works , yov re a I ivc, my i l'leii-1. When you yet to tin- point where i on feel sorry for ot iter lin-u because ! hey u i'en ' I siieli eooil salesmen, or manatccr, or presidents or porters -as you. then it is time for theiloc tor to put yon on a diet anil prescribe perfect ipiiet - to keep you from jninc; (Ta.y, a In nit yourself ! Don't o'et the loiinis over self-distrust, Amhiiiou ami dissatisfaction are brothers, anvwav ! Kx. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A He who reads will run againsi a lot of information thai he who runs will never read. hi in ii a ii i in i imaof CRAMPS, EADACHE, BACKACHE Yield to Lydia E. Pinkhaivut Vegetable Compound. Cellar IL.pi.ls, Iowa, "1 was oli:; tired und weak ami my housework as a i.r.ii;. 1 va:. irn ;' ul:.!', hud cr.aiips .so I'.'d tll.it I Wl.ll'l 1 ;.W io ii.- uu.,'11, al so a dl.slrt ..sid let I- iii: in i"v. r pari ut In.. Mv , ami 1 atiilen-cii wa.s s,.re und I know 1 n:ul v ruiiii- isilni..-niuiii-;i. ' I.ydiH K. I'ii-.'. -bniii'.. Vo pel .ih I e Compound end lilood Purifier have helped nie wiiiiihrfully. 1 don't have, those pains any ni.uv i.;;d 1 am all rlht now. There are n ;t-:iI. many women S.-i'c who take your i in- ili. s und 1 liavii told others what tin v have ilone for me."-. Mrs. t'lus. Mi KlNM.N, imii N. Dth Si. V., t'edar liapiils, Iowa. Women who ;.ie suit el itiir from those (listref dap; i:'-1 p " i 'iar to their soy. ?!lollld Hot losi' sio;llt, of these farts or doubt the ability of l.ydia V.. I'inkhain's A'eiCi table Compound to restore their health. There are probably hundreds of thou sands, perhaps millions of women in the I t luted States wlio have been benelitid I by this famous ul.l remedy, v.'hieh was ! produced from roots und herbs over 3d I years ap;o by a woman to relieve wo- ! man's suffering If you are sick and need ! each a medicine, why don't you try it ? i If jnu want special advire write to i Ljilia K. I'inkliiim Medicine ( o.lcoall- denllal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will : be upeued, read and answered liy a wouiau and held iu strict i-outldcuce. A Delightful Profession for Young Women iii-ki; is no occupation lor a young women that is more pleasant or con T genial, more suited to her ability and nature, none thai can p.oe her more personal sati-iaciion, and if she be a ihoi'iiiighly trained professional none that oilers h.oyei initios, lliail lh.lt of music teaching. The supply of competent teachers of piano music is far short of the de mand I las your daughter ever given this matter a thought; have you ever spoken to her about (some day becom ing a teacher nf music?) if so buy her a STI1:PP PIANO at once, get her started on the road to success and fame, the sooner she starts the better. (Thus. 3U. .Sticff, LEOX C. STK.KI.E, Mgr. No. ii.'ll Uranby m N'orlolk, Va. i J I ' p to tin a Slam!:. Day in the Week. So lull feel t hat N failure because l ull ll ' : f !-Jl--fcT .A- I iglW mmim It's so rrood so rcfreshi ng you'll take care not to spill a drop. PEPSI-Cola has the taste that makes it your preference. In Bottle. At Founts 5c I. M. DICKENS, Local A Kent, Weldon, N. C. GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS. We can i a larce stock of stuudard 1'yt'cwiitci.-. ( an furnish at once Mon utoh. I o. ('liver. ltcniiiiKton, Koyal, Stnitli I'leneci, 1.. C. Smith & llro.'s and I'mleiT.oO'l. Any other make from 'Mu todays' notice. We have both the vi -ilile and the invisible. We bought a laie stock of these Typew riters from i me - ton i tli lo one-lial I the regular whole sale 'i ice. ami on sale now at one-fourth tn one-hall tin toiriilat retail priees. A m.oil T ypi ivn'.ei liinn ...oO to t-lii. A bi'tt.-i- i.ue ?'i: on to rX'S.nO. The best limn s:;o op to hi y price. Will be glad to aiisiici any impiirv in eonneetion uitb tin s- iiiui'liincs. and send saniples of the iioik ib ne bv any of the Type writers we have livery boy and gir sliuiihl have one ot our cheap Typewri tcis to l. aiti lion to use. Any person nlio can write well on a typewriter cau demand a lame s-ilary. Anyone who buys a ehi ap typewiiter from us and wauls a b. net one later, we will take buck the cue bought aud allow theeamc pan! I"i it iu exchange for a better one, il returned in good condition aud within si mouths. Ii not in good condition we allow the market value. We carry Type wilier ribbons and other supplies. SPiEES BROS. WK1.DON. N. 0 "Clean Up the Bowels and Keep Them Clean" There are many rcmrdies to be had for constipation, but the diffi culty is to procure one that acts without violence. A remedy that docs not perform by force what should be accom plished by persua sion is Dr. Miles' Laxative T.-blets. After using them, Mr. N. A. Waddell, J I S Washington St., Waco, Tex., says ''Almost all mr Ufa I hava been trouMeti with constipation, and hav. ti e I many r.m.dlu, al) ot which .reined to eiiua. pain without riving tiiin li iolif. I flnaUy trtM Dr. Mile.' Isii.'.ho tablet, and found thorn ex cellent. Tiielj- action If a4eant and mild, end tli.tr ohoooMt taato makea llieai i-aiy to taka. I am moro than Kind to recon.mond th.m." "Clean up the bowels and keep them clean," is the advice of all physicians, because they realiie the Hunger re.ulting from habitual con stipation. Do not delay too tonr, but begin proper curative measure.. Dr. Mile.' Laxative Tablets area new remedy for this old complaint, and a great improvement over Hit cathartic, you nave been using in the past. They taste like candy i.-.J work luc a charm. A trial will convince you. I'r .M'l' ! nvaove Tablet, arc sold by all druggists, at J5 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory after trial, re turn the box to your druggist and he will return your money, MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, In. sept 4 ly Administrator's Notice The undersigned having qualified as administrator of the estate of Iiianionit Hawkins, deceased, th s is to notify all persons having claims against said es tate to present them to the undei-strned at his olliee in iwl. . :. . . c. .'.in one year ftnm Ihf 'Juie i i ii-o' , ,0m.. notice will be plead iu the bar ol Hull rei'ovety. All persons indebted lo said estato will please make immediate payment. This the Birth dav of ( letnber, I9IR. C. 1'. ANTHOKV, Admt. ot estate of Uiaiuoud Hawkins, rloceased. . U)-90-6t

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