HALIFAX NEWS. I). A. R Will Purchase the Historic Grove Pljce. The Daughter .,f ihe American Revolution of tins town have ar ranged to purchase the old Colo nial home of Wiley Jones, who once owred this property. Histo ry states that Mr. Jones adopted John Paul Jones, when he took the name of Jones. Mr. Jones and a Mr. Haynes, nf Edenton, were at this time members of the National Legislature and assisted John Paul Jones in getting fitted out gunboats for his successful sea fights with Great Britain. Mr. Jones frequently entertained the famous admiral at his home in Hal ifax. The Daughters have just given a successful entertainment for the purpose of raising funds to pay for this historic place, which they will regainin its original condition. They have also taken in hand the old church cemetery and fixed the graves, and repaired the marble slabs, some of which date back to 1742. This church building was one of the first built when the foundation of the town was laid. From the fact that a half crown was carved out of wood and erect ed just above the pulpit is evidence that it was erected by the members of Protestant Episcopal church, and still belongs to that denomination. TAR HEEL HONORED. Nat. M. Harrison, of Brlnkley vllle, Elected Manager of Col lege Paper. The following special from Westminister, Md., will be read with pleasure and interest here: Mr. Nat M. Harrison, of Brink leyvtlle, N. C, was elected busi ness manager of the Webster Lit erary Society here. This position is one of great responsibility and necessitates the handling of a large sum of money, and a great deal of work is attached to it.' It is con sidered a position of great honor, and Mr. Harrison is one who is amply justified in having this po sition. Mr. Harrison is a man of excellent ability in this line of work and through his efforts the college paper will undoubtedly he success ful financially. Mr. Harrison is a member of the sopomore class, studying for the ministry. He is very popular among the students. R, W. COBB. Slim Chance for Him to Escape Electric Chair Warden Issues Admission Cards to Witnesses That"R. W. Cobb, under sen tence of death, will be electrocuted Friday of this week appears certain now, Governor Craig having given the young man a respite of three weekt about the middle of Febru ary. A desperate effort has been made to save Cobb, whose crime was the murder of Thomas Shaw last year. Though death row at the State's Prison has had a number of crimi nals whose offenses were vicious, Cobb's murder of the merchant is the only one which has appeared to have no mollifying circumstance. It was the one of them all that ap peared to have been assassination. Cobb is but 24 years old. His father has been in Raleigh to appeal to the Governor and attorneys have asked to be allowed to reopen the case with new evidence. The showing did not impress Governor Craig and he has not interfered further. Monday cards were is sued to the witnesses who will at tend the execution. The law re quires some witnesses and limits the number to twenty-six. It is not believed that the Governor will stop the execution. It will be the first one under his administra tion. When you buy a new machine you want to be sure that it will do tht work for which it is intended and save you that labor. It is the same way with a remedy. You want to be sure that it will do the work. In case ofrheummiim, the afflicred parts can be rubbed for hours, which will bring relief, but leave you exhausted with the ef fort. An application of Sloan's Liniment does the work for you; no rubbing, just lay it on and you have the me result with no hard work on your part. It is so sooth ine. so warm, and comforting. Goes right to the sore spot and drives away the excruciating pain. Belter get a bottle today. 25c. and 50c. All druggists. Sloan's Lin iment kills pain. Stubborn, Annoying Cough Cured "My husband had a cough for fifteen years and ray son for eight yeere. Dr. King's New lliecovary sompletely cured thrill, for which I m moat thankful," writel Mrs. David Moor, of Saginaw, Ala. What Dr. King's New Discovery did for these men, it will do for you. Dr. King'i New Diaoovery itioulJ be in every home. Stops hacking coughs, re lieves la grippe and all throat and luug ailmenta. Money baok if it faila. All druggiita. i'riee 50c. and fl it. E. BUCK.LEN ACO., Philadelphia, Pa. St Louie, ilo. When You Yawn a Good Deal In the day ti:n- and feel dull, lazy an:l discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver. Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious im purities which have inter fered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purified and a regular habit re-established. It is a splendid medicine for the whole system. Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Prlct, Large Package, S1.00 A.k fol Ibt riiuiiic with llw Rril Z on Ihf 1.1x1. I! iu cannot irt II. iruvi In ua. we HI Irn4 II by mail, poalpaid. fttirmonf l-lrel krfulatol II ! put u in tnjiii.l foim lf tbott be pirlrr II. Pikr ll UO per bollli. Look lot lb Sel i latl. J. M. 7EILIIN & CO., rropiLtotl St. Louis. Missouri THE ROANOKE NEWS. Thursday, Mah. 5, 1914. THE LOCAL PAOE. All the News of Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. Happiness was horn a twin. Large scandals from small talks grow. Many are called, but more are bluffed. None so deaf as those that will not hear. Wisely, and slow; they stumble that run fast. As for that ground hog but what's the use ? Prosperity help some men to forget their friends. As a matter of fact, a necessary evil is unnecessary. To live long and prosper let the other fellow worry. R. E. Draper left last week on a business trip north. A wedding ring sometimes rep resents an endless round of trou ble. Men are never criticized for what they do if they never do any thing. Miss Lena Swindell, of Raleigh, has been here visiting Miss Emma Purnell. To blame is human and to blame it on the other fellow is still more so. A woman seldom nags her hus band unless he is that kind of a husband. Indifference is the one thing cap able of freezing the milk of human kindness. No man ever lived long enough to do all things his wife wanted him to do. They say that happiness is a habit. Well, here's hoping you'll get the habit. Thanks to a shiftless husband, many a woman has developed into an able financier. That the wicked stand in slip pery places" does not mean that all the good fall down. The man who wants the earth is apt to get his share if the mud throwers are on the job. Some men wait for things to turn up, and some others turn them up while they wait. Tliere are two sides to every story. The victory you win spells defeat for the other chap. Miss Lila Whitehead spent sev eral days here last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Whitehead. March came in like a full me nagerie of lions, wild cats and other beasts and then blew some. H. W. Newby, of the Dixie Auc tion and Really Company, Rocky Mount, paid this office a visit Tues day. Every man ought to know at least as much about his own busi ness as he does about the other fellow's. And many a girl wastes her time trying to cultivate lier voul range, when a cooking range would be more in her line. Many a man has let a good job get away from him because he har bored the delusion that no otner man was smart enough to fill his place. Every time a spinster looks at a man who has just been led to the altar by a window she says to her self: "How easily you poor men are fooled I" Mrs. Mana Moore, Miss Mary Moore, and Isaac Moore, of Vic Va.. were called here last ' week on account of the death of Mrs. Moore s moiner. mrs. aaran J. Carlick. Mrs. S. B. Valentine and chil dren, of Hampton, Va., are visit ing relatives in town. Mrs. Val entine was formerly Miss Ammie Powers, of this town, and her j ninny Weldon friends are glad to see lier. Rowei.i.-Wilson. J. J.Rowell and V. G. Wison, both of Empo ria, Va., were married here at the Baptist parsonage Wednesday af ternoon, Feb. 26, Rev. J. E. Bla lock performing the ceremony, Allen Andleton and Vernon Mountcastle went to Richmond last week to hear Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, in his great address on the "iniative and referendum," and now they can tell you all about a subject we have heretofore seen through a glass darkley. Usk Soap and Wathh. Soap and water, with the aid of common washing soda, will do all the house hold cleaning that gasoline can pos sibly, und wearing apparel is belter sent to a professional cleaner, who will getter results with much less risk. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining "uncalled for" in the Wcldon post office: Balfron Knitting Mill, Dovia Brown, Mrs. A. B. Credills, Pat Cousins, Miss I. D. A. Dickens, Mrs. Lee Ellen, Mag. Fellman, James 0. Gardner, Delia Green, Fannie Hamlin, P. H. James, Flor ence Lilly, Hugh G. McBIair, Mollie Parke, Bessie Palmer, W. L. Parker, W. D.Page, Joe Rauls, Idella Sutton, Southern Railway Company, W. H. Womble. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. John 0. Burton, P. M., Weldon, N. C. Mar 2. How to Help An Editor. The following is reported as a toast given to newspapers by a minister while at an editorial con vention. Before you criticise the editor next time remember these words: "To save an editor from starva tion, take his paper and pay him promptly. To save him from bank ruptcy, advertise in his paper liber ally. To save him from despair, send him every item of news of which you can get hold. To save him from profanity, write your correspondence plainly on one side of the sheet and send it in as early as possible. To save him from mistakes, bury him. Dead people are the only ones who never make mistakes. Near Aurelian Springs. At the store of Mr. J. K. Liles, near Aurelian Springs, a difficulty oc curred Wednesday afternoon in which Messrs. S. W. Smith and J. R. Liles were the participants. Messrs. Liles and Smith are brothers-in-law. On some previous occasion there had been a disagree ment between them. From what we can learn Mr. Smith cursed Mr. Liles and approached him with a drawn knife. Liles backed from Smith warning him to come no further until Liles was hemmed in behind his counter when he be gun firing at Smith at short range striking him two or three times. Two balls near the head, one in the body and another on the arm. Smith was able to leave the store for his home. We hear the condi tion of Smith is not thought to be serious. Littleton News Reporter. Juniors Entertain Seniors. The Junior Class of the Weldon High School gave a reception to the Senior Class February 17, at the home of Vernon Mountcastle. The house was artistically decora ted with the Junior colors, orange and gold. As the guests entered they were presented with the pro gram by Miss Julia Mountcastle. Then they were ushered into the dining room, where delicious punch was served by Miss Willie B. Musgrove and Joseph Blalock. The programme was then render ed which was follows: 1. Salutatory to the Seniors El wood Parker. 2. Instrumental Solo Mary Holdford. 3. Vocal Sola Lily Gay Shaw. 4. Reading, "Nobility," Grace Jones. 5. Instrumental Solo Willie B. Musgrove. 6. Reading, "Miranda's Wed ding," Gertrude Edge. Toast to Seniors.Vernon Mount castle. Then followed an interesting contest, the prize being awarded to Miss Clark, a boy and girl grad uate. The toast to the seniors was responded to by Allen Andle ton. Those present were: Miss Clark, Miss Winn, Miss Lambert, Julia Mountcastle. Seniors Mary New, Addie Taylor, Joseph Pilley, William Ward, Allan Andleton. Juniors-Mary Holdford, Lillie Gay Shaw, Gertrude Edge, Willie B. Musgrove, Grace Jones, Vernon Mountcastle, Elwood Parker. Death of M. T. Wood. Last Saturday morning, February 21st, about six o'clock, the soul of M. T. Wood passed into the great be- yond, aged fifty-nine years For many years Mr. ooa was prominently connected with the business interest of Enfield and was always highly esteemed by all who knew him. He was engaged in the mercantile business for a long time in the building now occupied by J. L. Barnes' grocery store. Several years ago Mr. Wood suffered a stroke ofpar3ylsis which caused his retirement from active business life. Since that time he has been in more or less ill health, though able to go about the streets. On Wednesday before his death he became suddenly ill and contin ued to grow worse until the end Saturday morning. Mr. Wood is survived by his widow and six children; four sons, Messrs. R. M. Wood, R. L. Wood, of Rosemary, and Masters Rom and Eugene; and two daughters, Mrs. B. B. Sherrod and Miss Ruth Wood, and a large number of rela tives. Enfield Progress. Returned Home. The Rev. Albert New, Rector of this Parish, returned home last Thursday from Talladega, Alabama.where he con ducted a week's mission in St. Peter's church. Two former Rec tors of Weldon have been incum bents of Talladega, the Rev. W.L. Mellichampe 1891-1897; and the Rev. Dr. Aristides Smith who was the first Rector of Talladega 1 850 1857. The Talladega Daily Home says of the recent mission: "The Rev. Albert New is a very pleasant, interesting and forcible speaker, evidencing in every word deep spiritual character, .eal for the honor of God, tne extension of the divine kingdom, and the salva tion of men. While the addresses of the Missioner were largely ex hortative, yet there was no neglect of lessons of instructive value in the essential principles of the ful ness of the faith, nor of the clear interpretations of Scripture rec ords. The attendance was good throughout the entire series of services, but especially so on Sun day, when the church was overfull both morning and evening, and a very good representation of men at the service for men only in the afternoon." Orphans' Singing Class. In the summer of 1 873 there could be seen winding its way over the public roads of Granville and ad joining counties a very robust man with a wagon full of children. This was Mr. John H. Mills with a group of children from the Oxford Orphan Asylum. This constituted the first Singing Class from this Institution. It was the beginning of a career which has made the organization one of the most widely known in the State. This Class has also been a means of stirring the hearts and enlisting the sympathies and co-operation of the citizenship of the State in the Orphanage work. This Class makes a tour of the State each year, touching nearly every county and most of the towns. Because of the character of the work and the merits of the concerts it has grown in favor with the people more and more each year. The Class has tust started out from Oxford on its first or north eastern trip for this spring. During the summer the lime will be spent, for the most part, in the Western section of the State. Later in the fall the trip will be made through the Southeastern part of the State The Class is starting out most auspicously this year and we pre diet that it will receive even a more Jiearty welcome than ever before SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Doctors Feared Lung Trouble, Restored to Health by VinoL The medical profession does not be Hove that lung troubles are Inherited, but a person may Inherit a weakness or tendency to them. Mrs. Kate Heckman. Springfield, Ohio, says: "A tow years ago I was In a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told me I had consump tion. I tried another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right lung. I quit the physicians and started on 'Vlnol.' Today 1 am perfectly healthy, and that Is why recommend 'Vlnol'." Vlnol soothes and heals the Inflam ed surfaces and allays the cough, Vlnol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient strength to throw oU clplent pulmonary diseases. In- Try a bottle of Vlnol with the tin (tent'intllng that your money will be retwiod if it does not help you. W. M. (Vihen An Ordinance. Whi'rras the purchase antl onnrthli ofarcilcral retail liquor license can only mean the owner contemplates vio UliDir the N. J. prohiliition law, it is hrreliv ordained that on and after May 1st, lti'4,any person in the town of Wei dun, oho shall he found in pnaMwion nf an Internal retail liquor lieeuse shall forfeit to the town hia permit to license to iln liusincsa in the town of Weldon, and his place of huainess shall be closed. By omcr of the Board. W. W. W1UU1NH, Maor D. E Staloback, Clerk. 3 5 4t Mrs. Garlick's Funeral. The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah Jane Garlick, (whose death last week was mentioned in this paper) took place from the Methodist Episcopal church at Garysburg, Weenesday afternoon of last week, the service being conducted by Rev. M. Y. Self, assisted by Rev. J. A. Hornaday, of Weldon. The pall bearers were her sons and grandsons, as follows; W. L. Garlick, John Garlick, E. G. Gar- lick, James C. Tilghman, Isaac Moore and Camm Tilghman. The honorary pall bearers were, Ed. Suiter, J. B. Collier, W. H. oyner, R. L. Reese, W. L. Reed and Thomas Ward. The interment was in the church yard cemetery, by the side of her devoted life companion who pre ceded her to the spirit land some years ago. There were many beautiful floral offerings and a large number of friends w ere present to attest the loye and esteem in whi.-h she was held, Hoi.di'ord- Branch. J, A. loldford and Miss Effie Branch ere married Sunday afternoon at Smith's church, by Rev. William Towe, pastor the M. E. church at Roanoke Rapids. Mr. Holdford i a well known farmer who lives near Weldon and he has many friends here who extend best wishes. His bride has been living near Smith's church where she has quite a number of friends. May manv years of happiness be their portion as they journey through life. WELDON 33 YEARS AGO. From the Roanoke News, March 5 1881. Drs. D. B. Zollicoffer and S. T. Nicholson, both of this county, graduated and took the degree of M. D. at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, at the term just ended. Dudley Williams, a colored man iving in this town, on Saturday, attempted to jump on the Seaboard train as it was going out.missed his fooling, and knocked himself, senseless for a while. He was not seriously injured. Miss Annie Dunn, daughter of L. Dunn, living near Dawsons, had the misfortune to break her arm last Thursday. She was rid ing in a buggy in company with her brother, and Miss Annie Vaughan, when the horse took fright and ran away, overturning the buggy in a ditch. The other occupants of the buggy escaped with but slight bruises. Married, at the residence of the bride's father, W. D. Coker, near Garysburg, on Thursday, Feb. 24, by Rev. C. E. Hobday, John G. Ellis and Miss Annie Coker. In Weldon the 1st instant, by Father Wilson, of Petersburg, Sid ney F. Dunn, of Hicksford, Va., and Miss Bettie Mason, daughter of Joseph Mason, of Northampton county. Had one of our suffragettes been in Mother Eve's place, what a fool she would have made of that snake ! Certificate of Dissolution. To .VII to Whom These Presents May tome CireetuiK : Wiikbkah, It appears to my satisfac tion, liy ilulv authenticated reconl ol the proceeding: Inr t lie voluntary disso lution thereof hy llio unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in niv ollice, that Barrett A; ( ouipany, em iiiiiutiou of tins state, whose pnn- nal ollice is situated in the town of Weldon. county of Halifax, State of North Carolina. (W. K. Daniel lieiuir the airent herein and charge thereof, upon tvhom process may tie served. I hascoin plied with the requiienienU of Chapter ','1, ICevisul of l!Hl.". entitled ;'Corpora tions," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now. Therelore, I, .1. Ilivau (irimea, Secretary of State of the State of North Caroliuu, do liereliy certify that the said corporation, did on the'sth day of Feb ruary, liiH. tile in my ollice a duly ej ecuti'd and attested consent in nritiiiK to the dissolution of said corporation, executed hy all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on lile in my said ollice as provided hy law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set in v hand and affixed my ollicial seal at h'aleiiih, this '-'"th dnv of Kehru arv, A. D , lul l. ,1. 1:1! VAN tiltlMKS, Hecretary of Stale. Sale tf Land iy Commissiuner. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court made and entered iu the proceed ing therein pcudinir entitled "lilliriilite JoLnaon apprarmij hy hi" 'lulynppnmt. ed fruatdiau, Thaddeus Johnson, to the Court, ex parte," the undersineil. the duly appoiuted commissioner, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash at 1'2 o'clock M., on Monday, the 6th day ol April, IPI4 the same being the tirst Monday of said month, the right, title and interest of the said Klhridge .lohuson, the same beinir an undivided oue-foutth interest iu and to the tract of land Iving situate and being in the county of Halifax and State of North Carolina, on the road leading from Knlield to Itingwood bounded hy the lands of the Johnson estate, the Finch estate, and the lands of W. V. liohbitt, containing l.li I 8 acres, the interest of the said l-llbridge Johusuii, as heretofore stated, being an undivided one-fourth thereof. The terms of sale CASH, unless other arrautfemeuU are made on the day of sale, to be approved by the court. This the 5lb day of March, 1SI14. W K. DANIEL, ComaiiMioner. CONFERENCE Of Sunday School Superlndents, Warrenton District, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Macon, March 10, II., Jackson, March 12, 13. Ahoskie, March 16, 17. Each conference will be opened at 7:30 p. m. on the date first named, and will continue through the next day. Mr. M. W. Brabham, Field Sec retary of the Conference Sunday School Board, will be present, and will conduct each of the confer ences. Our purpose in holding these conferences is to enable the Su perintendents of the District to get acquainted with the forward move ments in Sunday School work and to take council together as to the best Sunday School methods. We want every superintendent and every assistant superintandent to attend one of these Conferences. No one who has been called to a position of leadersliipin the Sunday School can afford to miss such an opportunity as these Conferences will afford to get both information and inspiration for their work. We will be glad to have also any of the pastors and other Sunday School workers, who ean do so, to attend. Entertainment will be provided for all who will send their names to the superintendent of the school where they expect to attend. These are as follows: Mr. S, S. Reeks, Macon, N. C, Mr. J. T. Fly the, Jackson, N. C, Mr. E. J. Gerock, Ahoskie, N. C. R. H. Willis, Presiding Elder. BRAINS DULLED BY CONSTIPATION Some People Only Half Alive;Dod son's Liver Tone Cleans You Out and Wakes You Up. When constipation is having its evil effect on your body and brain. Nature is doing her best to offset them and overcome the cause it self. But usually Nature cannot do this unaided. In the past, many sufferers at such a time used to turn to dan gerous calomel in hope of relief. For some people calomel does ap pear to give a temporary benefit, but as a matter of fact it is a poison that proves to be injurious and even dangerous to many. If you nave ever taken calomel you probably have suttered Irom evil condi tions following its use. But nowadays great numbers of people have learned how to feci better, brighter and healthier by liking Dodson's Liver Tone in stead of calomel. Indeed, this harmless vegetable liquid is recom mended and guaranteed by W. M. Cohen who will refund the pur chase to you without question if you are not completely satisfied : with it. Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for only 50c. and learn for i yourself how easily and naturally i it assists nature in getting rid of! and correcting constipation and biliousness, how it clears away the sick headache and coated tongue and sets you right without ache or gripe, without any interference with your regular habits. Fine for the children. They like to take it. State ofNortli Carolina, Halifax County, la the t Superior Court, January Term, 1014. Henry Far ho r, in behalf of himself and all other Htockhol1iTH and crtMitorM of the Weldon Steam Laundry, who Khali come in and make thetuneh en parties to thin action, I'laintitl', Vs. Weldon Steam Laundry. Defendant. To All Whom It May Concern: Take not ice that the undersigned, hav ing been heretofore appointed Keferee hv an order made in this action hy lion, tieorire W. Conuor. .lude of the supeitor Court, at the January Term, 11-1 1. of the Superior Court of" Halifax euunty, iu which action Henry Farl-er , has been made permanent Receiver of i jaid Company, in the town of Weldon. N. C.( at the ollice of W. K. Daniel or l t.eorireC. liieen. at 11 o'clock A. M u Tuesday, April 11th, lit! I, the miiiic to he continued lit in day to day until the mutters tshall he determined.' ull hear and determine all matters, arising in this action, the amount ofstock issued, its indebtedness and its assets, and nil) ex amine respecting Iheallairs and tiaus- actions and properties of the said l uin- puny. I he put pone ol tuts notice is lo re iiiiie all persons interesteil to be ptes- eut, and to make proof their respective claims, whether as creditors or Block- holders. Herein fail not. This the 2nd day of March, l!Ut. It. C. DUNN, Kefetve. (ieo. C. llreen and W. K, Daniel, Attorneys for iieceiver. Trustee's Sale of Land. l:mler aud by virtue of liie poMera contained id two eertain dtwla of trust, dated July If, WW and July ftith, l'.HiH, respectively, executed liy 'Ihoinas Cole anil hia wile, Litzie II. Cole, to the un deraiicued as trustee, ileiault iiaTiinr been made in the terms of said deed of trust, I will on Saturday, March 21st, 1914. at the steps of the s. A. 1,. Kailwav warehouse in the town of Littleton, .N C., at VI o'clock noon, expose at public sale to tiie hi(rheat bidder for cash that certain tract ol land lyiiin and heuiB in Halifax Co, Littleton township, f late of Norlli Carolina, becuming at a staito on Last Lnd Avenue, ruDninif a south erly direction HO yards; tiience easterly (10 ll'ot;thence northerly HUyards;thenoe westerly tio feet, mure particularly de scribed in the ollice of the Kcirmter of Deeds for Halifax county, in Book 108, page m This February, 10, 1914. JOS. P. fll'l'EN, Trustee. COR SALti Single comb white I Leghorn eggs gathered every day. Price per setting of 15, 50c. K. M. PURNELL, 2 26 tf Wsdn, N. C ijjfgfe 1 he High r I j&V m Hine. FOR 8ALK! Fifty-nine (59) lots in the town of Weldon, N. C, located and of the dimensions as shown by the follow ing plot : J.J..;. I , 1 J 1 TT IT TT TfJlT TF ' y ?t t) i I . ; t I l ! ' "J J For Terms, apply to Have Just Received It i I iit Wire and Rice Net shapes, f I -a W'h.tfl ! aivn Anrnnc (j Smaller ones, vk" Gingham Cook Aprons, JW Hat Bandauex ' Writing Paper, per box m All Elastic Sanitary Belts, unimrv Anrnn1; Lit Willie i.tm ii nui wiu. W Whit Leather Hose, (ttChidlrens Drawers, J: " Underskirts ' Boys Caps, (l Ladies Gauze Vests, mm 5, iu an li m. Exscniva Omens: This Is one ot ttiiiirnn l in i imi A V) Over 300 STORES. "X 0-0 Are HERE is where you We Hiif RpfliiptiAirc ! in I.. . i HIT 9 i "' V AM A I If I H 1 I X V i ahum y jv.-ru I and ! Bey's ! Clothing m. can make dollars and cents count. Henry Farber, WELDON, N. C. sep 11 ly Tour To 1 Tussday, March 17, 1314 IEUSONALY (."ONH'tTEP hy " H nTTl formerly District Paaaenirar Agent's A. L liailwar and chaperoned by Mrs C. II. iiattia. A twelTe(IZ) day's tour via ,:aIIOAK1I AIK LINK liy All uecessaiy eipcnsca included in the cost of tlie tup. five davs in llavuna Including stops at Jacksonville, tt. AuKiisline, I'slni lunch, Miami niaitnilicent l'laiflci System, "The Sea Comir Kailroad to Key nest, ana Meamer to llavmia. MARDI GRAS CELEBRATION will be on in Hayaua, and many attractive side trips arranged in Kiouda anrl Cuba. Optional side-trip to Panama canal. Kirat C'laaa Service the best hotels everywhere, 1'ullmaD Sleeper, Disins; Cars, ' and Meals and Stateroom on meamer. Write tiie CATTIB TOL'UIHT AC.EHC Y, KaJstgh, N. 0. Oor. itinerary sad full details. - t 1 T. WEST, a P. A S. A. U Rsllwan Usrteltb, N. C.' Calling cf Motherhood 'r .nJi the utmnr.t precaution in maintain ing health ct hih efficiency. i port .nit .--nil I t:tiig in me worm 15 Scott's iimitjnn, goo,' dieer and Scott's Emulsion maki-s the blood :i r.n 1 pur.-. It contains the vital flesh . ii, au.l ! -building properties m l inM:r s uv.iu'l.ii-.t noumli , I' '. r :i the irves ,-1 .:. , ht:. " i -lity iliii ip;; tl.is rri.'.. Expectant and nurting rnothera tx ways need Scott'i Emuliion. win npiICfilKT KAS IT H-l iTjlT p-ri tt.-T.- W. U. DANlliL, Weldon, N C. Hat 10c. Frames, each. all new it 7S0 - ... 10c 10 & 25c vV 5c ".1 5, 10 and 25c -25c ii'. 25c 10c W 10c 10c 10c - 10c it viz fi m Ti n l T mm, imnmm, ItALKKiH, S. C. MRS. S. C. DENNIS, Manager j .'. . w . Offering .1 nay iirih noc over me riiemiuu ui uie