i Easily Best Equipped City wt r o.;j--" - , iff : -' . . '3 W f ... . . mils (.iiDi r ! mi in -UNRIVALED lIELffllS 'Kiiiyi! '.'1 I NAT ON-WiDE PROM HENCE fNo C.ily Sonlli oi' New York (Ian Show Kqual lloli'l Acl I vanlacs, Nor (Ian Any (!ily ol" Hie Same I'opula ; lion in America llosielries Are New 11 Ih ii" tiM.-iHt u Itl'Miii 111'1 1 H'Ht n tlt) foul !i l N w ' cnJnMnu ;i liicn" ' an mn I'l'tnpaiM til liiiKlHr - l;i Hilt l;ii'hni"n! Hh- p;.n- niNvit!--. 'U nil. I'ltMiin .,f .v Inn Iilfhl, Si I .uiil-s. 1 s nnd .tl;uitit ;itv -tlaiii'fw. lui m an ii c ,;i t'L'ai i' r(Miiu-i, i iIh- tlni' ,-h(oii in Ihh of siii'i-iiitl.inl. iifi n N., J rilin ttlon iili Vi 4.tMit , i;n.sis u.'i.' i-i '4 Inral iM'ti-ls. , ..ltU:l' rnottlH lins ii ;i t i.k 1 1 "fluent uf ? tutu. ' tllCSI' IH.tl.-'n'' Ih Snlln thf ctfy nr in Ihr N mufti Htli'iiii'i li'Mi-l f Mnlf8 t in Uu hniiin nr the till- i t iMSlrll a ruiinii'v, .tu(lt;iim i'i rrpiilat i m n 4 Til ll I I him ! I 111 iltl'i'--I hrnlmrinni i:. Ml in Inip'Utan' i' hipI i 'i a: ; huh .f I'Oiiini'Mlali.iii.s. s 1 1 1 !i St. i'litir. tin- Y.Hi:i uh ii-, uk' tilt' KlK'I'I.- t,"lr-'llr t- cxisli'ii''-, u i-i'- "i nf i-t. tni.'i. f I i 'lIu'Mi' iiiutiiu Mini I VfUlltrcl I.V lllll It ll!. Mm iiiiiflrrii I Inn Miiv r, ih mi y ties tit I iirit man '-: im-n: h i1 ri-tii mhm h ml mii' in 'oiH' . " il v iri(11iiii in lii. in-!. U i i I i HtMitlimi lius-pti.-ii u It. is im.i ' frum i-itUHM-l. i.Ji. aliitl.. g Hriuu I;iii i (iiitt'nli(M)- II Mttti.v nalii'iKil atui --aiait'i ntimirt ;u-f in. . M- t i in li tl'l ill 3 vciitinitjj In );i Inn t tht siiiict-iiM-itv el' -i ThlV,. .." 111.' lal!:.-. 'tirnl.v aiHt'tilltnl II ii..iii t.i i, In olhorw i -! n i n t p' i tni- t-nt larsr- IhmI'.pm. The iu'li'l.s i.l IlllVi1 a lu n I'.'i'li ' in ..... . 1. .. rlnii, I his . 'Inthfi i i ! iriiam;Mti.'ti:i tit ItMO" onVlHi..!5M In the ;: 'Hv ..f Vll' irlrmt. 'Ph.- hibii'i ti ril l-.i. Uirrnunit, (lcn'iiil mil wit v hu'ilnt.-f--, ut',.;;-.-ipii-u'u hn ai inn ii ml lu.i n i' I lunt: s TUSFER C0HE5 IRE EFFICIENT Mi r CVTX SOMI-' Itr I.Mttil v' I covvrm ii m.iMii n uvn: ! siii;i:t is i'itiTi;iTH. : .NO It I niond i iiuiek tr oh nt ed f .nster nf or visitor ar tor the j of his pei ,-un i it v is adniira AHKe. Till.-1 : plied with t linen. Sr lil'T e II lei in al lit ms run numMr , auto munm au.s, and Mn-ri' are I fa ' automnhile!- put at the seivi.e of tru ! eh ry by independent iivvner:;. The nreauied trailMer laisin.ss, while worked tun tine (mint by Hev.ua I eoinvrnw. is best eetnihimo, perhaps, , in rt Mtmtnii fslaidishetl in lMii and lueurpuia led in 1 Mil! Tins basinet lH etiITI.il nil ill a hitue ojHial-iu injf twenty -tour houis in ihe !a and r : every da in Ihe year, me.b-r pint- l, ' liBhed rntiiiKH. unh h preehi thelt IleeeliiK of iatnuiM. I The bank ueposths of th,s ba.one-1 : Ittsl year anmnnted to ?m T.' concern Is eapltiilba'd at i the Oust nf the tea I oiimb i i s al S57.0mi. The Maoieue lor :h - luhU J.'.a per iimiiih. Hit,1 eempanv opeian ninel U'ah, four unto tt in ks. s Wim. ins for Kciteral hiiuliiu tlHlly bnwwaut'; seven rmM ll'-K l hi oa, ami c was se cam in i ,. - v elite, n , espe- sixthe - trlcal inn ks. and a tourmv; vice, mukinu fitiy-tutir vtliiio The wurklnt; force is emu) emhlv men. and Mm otth e tore, eighteen men. Thiw cninttanv nieels cverv um the eiyhly trains rnterintr pi. hn aml cat-en fur nil through n-i'iit.-n. as a part of their tickets. I niforniedl "Hift tits'. ti if (t in jr bmi'jjajie and pa - n j loin, urc utwavs in evitleine. I "J .' i.i' lion is shows somi; oi' t'ii; iim; ill' iiibi IWICI ! , hotel niaki this tity it Miits Limn Penplr. the aiuhluflimis In a !- I, tlUU M'l.llo, vlirli, in? fifini -(in a I e sort, l nr ii IH I'U- ir llii'l-iiioiHl llil M-ns AfHu.'l ii. an 'ruani.'.alii'ii im.di puttrd nt i)titu ii'im-N ami niitiiui-i'w ul' tin' I, n f.:Mi liniiM' In-!'''. h;is dtMiP h I-. In.-rraf.' Ui.' i-llirlrliry nt' tin' ral lint.-l plants iiml tin1 niothitils L in Ih-' i unnii.-t .r M-'h. This natlnii ns iMlahlishi'il ill M'lH. t.i a I'nii'jhhi-ahKi cx VMirt. NVhil' Hut tip" n! ihi' iiuirislH, many n f ul from tip' iitrth.fr lit iiiiat.' n p. in Mill Mep in this i ity in Mi ( HpllIlK la 11 nf t he J .Nlf fuf HeViTil ill L't.'ks. tiini'inl in 1.' bni.'i i.iismesK in Ui ,11a;. The hotels are l etleet 1 ng i iui''!th the .spirit ui new enter- Dial has euiue uer Mp- ity in l.i'-t li'ii eais. Ken eiimnuT-i a-ham . nf Klehmund in ft i;!- I in Ihe advaii.e ei paiiunatie to hut. Is .if the eit. 1 1 iiut.'H uf this plaee are e.nn-iltielr m i ,.r ii.'tail. I laneers and r . ntertaln.TH ai e eimaueJ fur I lie 1 v IHI prin k month. The n- roof Wiled ni) -apaeitv. S' i It 1 1 1 1 1 e I hiimnd i ellit.KH t .1 to entertain style Mian anv 0 ehat aeter in State E V ESI FACTORY PA N G R CI OFFER 'iMamilaeliirinj;, hnsiness and crease in Yalue in Direct Proportion to drou th of City lit. . hinomi s designation by the or- front every standpoint, but espefiatly '.viiiaiaui fummittee a the loe a tiuu , from the shindpoints ()f tlnarielal fa lor one of (he twelve Pederal re-j ell dies, traiiHporlulioii facilities nnd immai n r e b.tnlis Is innfl.:sive labor condltu uis. prooi of thi lity's enormous ttnpur-! I'm littles Sptemlhl. I. me.' yti ,, tusiiie.ts center. The, nu- ! Kiehmomt s hanktnu apiiitl of ss. er of thi oriia nidation comniiftee 1 ? Pi.timi.miii and banking assets of I . rnii :snis made m Oie tJeU-ettnn uf 7 .eiM'.tm ti ott. r unlimited i itpital ...tain uiies, foti.itifj en ,tn uftnial : fur the exploitation of business tu-, i n p i . i m 1 1 1 ' 1 1 of the i aitses behind ( If r prises, lis ten railroads, hi a ne h 1 t'o .st i hoiffs, lias further serrti tojiim nut into every tiireetion, jim weil! slmw that ich liiiiom!. which is il'i'iiifiis its several Rteamhtp lines aiid limmess in a ipuetor Wiiy than nntne ' deepwater udvunluw'es. offer e erv phmes, and while still in the st atfes ', faeiht y fur the Importation ot raw .! re,-.oi iiuin ib-jtreth. joiis foilovv- produetK and the prntnid di"tt 'hutum im-: ihe ('nil War, is a hadtutf eity;of Us manufnetureit produ. ls. Its .f the tnerh an continent todav , s(ileiidid labor eumlitmnd and fate i n all ul Un htnumi's eomtnere lal ulreei ear farilttieB, urban. ?uh.ii t.iin a ml of nil the faeturs wlileh ru and interurban. with reiliiecil rates m, . up this city'' promineue o, j fur w orklnt:nin, ip e crv laeihty fan have nmre vital eonse-:tn labor for .heap. uuieU and reha- . p the eiound on w hii h the'hle Ltauspnrtatlon between resident ml To show that lilehnutnij (teetnms and the numerous imhisirien. 1 s not hlL'h beyond tiro.; Ih'strttblo lHiution. s ' die tmuoral pruspei ity of i 111- uooKriiphienl loeatmn, in a L.f eit. ami to show that there arc 'temperate climate, sheltered from j mist- op (tort imities for iirohiable : biithiinir and investment hare in to .establish . larye reason for tltP grent uf Kb iunond In tin) life nf the nation. Ileal i:talP Men Actho, Ha hnioiul realty I l.hiv ed a hii i:e part the ad a tie ft f the city. Thev are not iinnd a uvelevry tfttton nf life, ltd thirty public Hi ir own Interests, but art in a way im blic-minded men, rady ,'ive their knowledtie and power the K.md uf the place. I wnh the realtv vitluett ofiinoml a nioai attrnctlvi residential .dher repit"enlativ e eith H of thp;elly I nit d Si ite la hinmid bus much io i tfer to the ptomessive lntstcr ae. l (Tnspeftie matiiit;ictuter. . U, hi. mud's nmn ulac iut ins, nui- ii.sM a iel rekitiriiUH i pi up rt it s lis v : nil ei eatly Im reafed in value. This enhancement has been h Holid. PiifolspeHk Hlehmomli protfrfpsiv eness j The present niaes nt'ft based Ut on iaml Mnind one, only kerpliiK pur j'1'hean ndvnntaRftB, tnttther with tho:the ?olid foundailuti of i ctn s ir- ,ser ;w,th the eitys erowun in population 1 procrenstve jptnt of u Miainew men. ! redistiide prnwth. and tiave n.ver up. i all. and cotnmereial importance. With-ieombina to ereato on great and irre. j proitehed iiifiainm. hut, on the con I of lout inv est ikatimr the causes whleh 'sistlhlp power Hnd Influenen whteh I tru " , thev will continue tn inereao . ot ;hae hroif,ht utimit the rernttrkHhle loperatm to puh lUthnmnd finwnrdiwlth the city s (growth, but inner rush sn'roe-th of Uichmond. tw people will (Into th front runk of American elM"s Hhead nf It, e nf! realise it many and miexeelled nd-iand will enntlmifi to do so in the fit-1 The rturerueps wdti which val rs- an t titreit an a piaety of bimlnehfl and; lisp) lib hrnond ofierm to the nmnulae. i u i -t end the wholesale and rtai tn-u-latuis t f epttnnal uivftntue? 1 T 1 r - :.:'.XU-;:;:- iii:si' iiosi i:i,i!ii:s in tiii: i.miih: is MiMiniiii i:i in w in iii. ro m: OM.V I'lsIISONS TO l.M IIY 1.000! oi' I'oi'i i.AjioN mi-: in l'l:illOI OI' A YKAU. llitt'lMiicntly miujidfii il, Kii.tunciul Jkih a re marluiblj low death rate. I'mm I It ii i In I ho making nt' t ho riiii'cnl. n-purt t.r tho Thief Ih'allh Mtl'fr uf thf city uf Ulc hnii md the ihMlli lute hits Ntunilily ilf. 'line. 1. The hmt rfpnri ttwn the ili'Htli lute as IS. Till per l,in"l IliliahltlilltB. i Manv ill.s.'iineH, Mtieh an eiKiiliio I he;trl trouble, eanrer mul liricht'H lease, are nut pre enta I'h. ami. there- t'm'f. ai'i! tint e'tllhhlere.l ul' rntl-"'. itiuenee In eMlahliMhlny the death rale i nf ii eeiuer ui' impulai inn. Knuii i 1 !M)7 tn 1 it I J there ah i tun 1 an lin ri' i 1 1 v i r y VERY LOWDEATH RftTE RHO TV ItUUlHlbHNUniiUtn : in tho deiith rate cif X.sh per I.imui'hoH, dnpln-at 1 ttf piipnhitlen fr-nn u n prevent a hh h. iv rrmn pi j eau sen, Thin was due tu the iti' uinniL: tliient and i uf niHiiy new hthahit:-ntf. 'I he re- after the la p jduefioil In death rule, i therefore the pie have k"Ii. I limre n'lnafkuhle Binre the Health )e-j pn Mire men purtnient nt the etty In exeietninK UsijHter w'Min I etfnrtM tu thin end ivhh nhlliied tu Mum uuntt , ; overeuine In iniprevent.Ufle iti-a.m-H 1 ii d k.h nppe.i in hilKv. hiindu;ip hefnre the reiliie- fnpeii.tr i- t tnni tu deiithH Hum preventable di--; eaeH ttmild even up ;ind eeeed I he j rale I'ruin the fut nn r caiiseH, (fl The llwureH fur the six ehuf run tiiKhniH iliHea.Hes are of supreme in- ,t' lercM nnd Importance. Kruin typliuhl ieer. niiiiariai lev it, nieaMUH. -ar- let. fever. uhmiphiK eolith nnd dlph ; therht Uh-hinond in 191'J hud a deiith irate of only 3'bti per Imt.diKi of in- liahltantrt, an uppned tu a death rate ' (if 74.1 from these eausf'H ill ;i lat iri- regiKt rat ion area, While measles ami j vvhutmiliK euiiK'h were not present In lmintl pruimrtiunH tiiirintr the ! year in quest ton. nnd indw it list a ml- InK the. fa.-t that nearlet feer has not fur many years been a wriiitis iMiase uf tlealh 111 tmti ettv, the ih-allh liepariinetit nia claim mimh eredit fur the hwuroH men, fitue the nimitl numb, r uf deaths (mm tsphnid te er and diphtheria ran he attributed It'e. tly to the Hulk nf the ihtpartnienl AND HOME SITES Hesidential Properties In I the blizzards and extreme Imv win- j ter tcmperaturei, by the mountain former most desirable residential m i -rHtites only seveiuy-tie miles to the lions. It hio bad to provide new ami west; the absence nf drnuis'hts ami .attractive territory and cvtend its fa oxcessivft htKh mmimer temperaimes. ;. iliilct; for the erection of ia vv imines, by retisoti of the. AtUntie gtaiboanl, ', nr.Hierly to Ionise ihe tlmiauds who i havt nlwnys'tmls seventy-five m(hn to the rHst;;hine been ud.hd m its pueitlatatii and : Its unexcelled noitnl advantairea schools, with reduced rates for neh-ad i children on lis street ears: Its tine I health eoiiditioni ami moderate renin i for desirable honiep, all make Hit h-1 l A walk aloiif Hroad St reel, with lb I mttt;nlttceiit retail atom metropolitan In nspfict, with their beautiful window j display s and modern to -date td.a Un n met elntnu. ise, mm welt as linttlern , method of doinu hutmmi, nil bp. Hire. IiHTrasp In Population. Its population bun InereHsed from Idence nf lilchnmnd httslm-sH men tn about BO.IUM) to U.'hft.lA itl thft last! the enntiuued stowth am! ttre-icitty seven jftiuft, vhbti is o itself Indtfe-'ol' the "ipalewaj if ihe tioiitli,' In Hotels South of New York F : nn ; ? roiATitv. nntix; A uicim' nmiowi, ioni;mio. tiiimj nil', mikv iikaiiii uia mm-oimi d iioiti, j. on-: sorini:n TQERAPHERS ! E PREFERRED! IVopk' in Foreign (loim Irics, SpikI Dupliciile Or ders to I riclimoiul Mon PI imi!i iiuv an iii'i'i (; a.- u .'11 aw an it hrum-h.'S iln- IH nt I l -'lllrlill inntuf Ik ' u nKl-,l.l.TK ll' in iiiiluiit; "T 11 illlMirl -II in-.nlil. i-;inl in III-' I'llsitll M 1. 1 1 1 1 II linini Ih-m :i:h iin ril In u h.'i i' , .-lli.u mi; Ul.' I.l. 'I I jihet nil " ' ' Miamlun (ihi lri'e-. ii.L'fiphy in this da i- Ml t'-M., ih.M':t';i)il' nl Phn i p.- m ihi few . ar: a-... I le-b .Is the la , id r.-- iimli.tted f'T Mm mm.' . ,,f pn;am, SMl.Ji . t.S '!' 1(1 M .,,.,.1 ph.. I ,,lv ,ni, U ,,,,, up Ml-' Hi- all. i't mile hil! telling i-e , hul,,L.,'al that s. mil thf Ph. (, i Kichtn di-';i,(. Sei i take sp. f 'al p!mt":.t a j-li j'.ti , ,:. .;. s annua is and iml u.-m cia 1 t.nok up a ! - a i H illi f 111 tit- :- Klftf O !me to !hi"-e i.M patronr. i I I M It . IHIII ITUlls I .i.M IITI l , j Willi MOIH ItN I srt in.t N I'l i ith tuentv -two ; in all. Kiehniond ;s ill this pfnleinn a fii'e. 1-Aerv l-osslhi jploVe tile lliethiHis jeaK.-rlv etnbcm ed t ehanu'e tt f einbalnmi. t;l- humiat Mertakers. The enihalniin; rooms are jinniiebs of eoilVt Ilteliee and i-.iiuiatlon. , Most of the embalm, r- h.-ie have , j .special rooms fur 1 1 1 tumitu; . ,m Uet , 1 i r and iirranuuiir the floral de. eiatnniM. is th ; Ihe show rooms tor dl.ssis ami suits I are ample m mv and lull of Ic-.ht ami air r As a necessary .-idiom t to Mm p"u ! l'e?Moii, the ei nietei ies of Im hnmnd. 'live in lim tn-r. a i e mo -I . otn ei. n n to si'verai establlhnmni. It n.av he sai.l 1 1 . .. . ,' . . ' , ''Hal pi putalde evuhu tier,, t het a hu-f Ii .1 i;ti hnmtal the pn.-i hw the i;i hmu the ere-tmo .. The t jjv i hnaud.n les at I lake in prox aie proper t.tcturnii: Mir .o:e, to pi-"t.r tn-w niatiuta tut have soiiKht it" has al.su bad (. tor the natural retaii iil..tri.'ts, ami ' 1'ii nt in. inu- u lib i adl'oad t I'jicio a-'. oii'tmMl.ile t'o lit! ehti n.nse,s. V'.hi' imtlk ad . antio;. s. 1 1 n ii dl out to allow 'pansioli m' its coal Which have elowded es from inanv of us nut the rentene who will continue to b- add.'d m the future, nnd give th-m a.ivi-'!- ilS !fl- t-ar ' trb iiy . - ta-es which the cp ..tt. : deni s, su.-h as tine s. plav mounds, water, ua h w ers. tire, pol health and j-rup f city prnte.ti Nu Heal I.M ale I h up. The i' ft at hu m-x !h'preHmm w hu h has 1 country w H bin its m . he w hub tor lm;irl y laihtl t. Hie leully , two y etu s pa.t ha- alt. riy j rn use any i eo iti mmi hi i i valued td Hi. hnmnd. hat ft Inv estntenta ro tmnnht h e.iu- ; tier vat Ivo people bespeak th in hsjss employed nTriim I iininnirn li bitAivi LAUiyumtb: JMCIIIM'IKV IS Ill S't' AM) ttOllli IS (1 l( kl sl DO I'AUl l;i, I'OSI' HI SIM SS. I h.. Ml' liillll.il'v is all mu ni y ..I' ' i I1JIH lull. Ill Hill- .la' H is i'V.s. n- il 'I i II;.' llln .;U'Ui'iil;u l . Sin. I. ... nil. ii ii-ti i mi 1 1. .w In r. hr li.'iii r 't' i.Uni.'i!"" "' "" ' "" '" Ameriea, While Newer Have Knlniwd Seope of Club " i'Ii 'In. i'i...ii-i.ni..iil ,,r ninni ::S:":l '"r hiiv. of hieimiond fniiemai orders ivi.miiu-iii in fa i nr uf the steatit laiitiilrv plant, t !Tlie nrk i.-i heii,.r ihnu- at' a 1- 1 'hihs nini elnh life m Kieh tip md. ay lanl unh tre-i; . ,t. m-m n v ru;l , aiul l he pt'ui-esK l.s ar! ty 1 1 u i k T ; " hlle ill IH' W'lin' ullni, U' a 1 1 1 - ' ! eflia I ui. I'I" Ii i.t ii lit iippil..; Mil" i The in;ilil uf uurk il'iu'i l the '..'thef inin!lele .ml deh:; tit In I . N " i I ( n h ?i u 1 1 1 I is hmi;.! I" Km! a I'isdil ;.(.', tin laiunlrieM nf 1 ; ielMlluiid ' idiae ul .n.'i.il enjuyriU'lit hn lu-eil ! pit a life u.deunp- fnnti his IrilnwM in ' . upip.i it s nni'.i la uraldy with that neleete.l in I he equipment ni t he i rm fnr i a t-h' .peiriri -s. Many nt l tu ' :" nMi.-r .'Mii ; lanndrytn'-ii evr - variiuiH i-luhs. Tln-tv is an i.r.uii.a h.d-i-s and hr. no lies liere have hei-u m tie- riMilifrj l;ielum.!id 'isjtlun fur alinn:d. everv nl uf i " iM . ; I m, w i t-l ur y,, nntv ''api ami he.h ' i'M.kr.i n a. .ily well e.pnppt-l i Hespli's fuiir lar.- el ill.. i ill t he I ul' t.M tie. I wit Ii I he w urk ui ii i any ' in I in.- p.rtM'.ilai-. Th" plan's eiuii.'-I re--ideiitial seeth'ti ..f the eiP . I h.i-e i: I - .i l nmn until the; has..- r. limd a lllle IliuM muilntl t r I . I . ' p. 1 1 1 1 r V . i.ml are M(iu In Mm h,vL nhni!! ; , tut- ih'.j and ennvei! te ni e and ran- ! .it.niuti in Mm v.ui-k. i ; Hfie THO .mpn,-. ' V " nmu as Van nu a. woim-u a ml ! ,i:n.s w.n'K in the laumlrh-s uf thin fi I Thf laundries (.ivv 1 r m 1 f In 1 "i inv I... al . i.m-erus in their pur- "di. .':; of s'areh.s, eual. !,(, snap- m Me ir bia- kMint himr and ' w iweiu I'ieJilini; lie.'.N. i,l ' i;ieh;nu:i'l In mulrh-s d. IM'-hUlnml 'ihUle, bllt b , ,. dehv . r l.iuiulrifd i totimx .1 - pans nt Mm Stale, n- "n, .f loe h."-: ot the ei pni'H.. h test now lakiiii. et ni " hii..-.-- v Im h I. e. atly t em n ! i pbmim; in t , lour imuer m.o 'limes w hi- ,!, in:: : :.m This b.andiA n) tour a;.nt,s ail tin- ear. i.- A- 'a- tors for ri,:ht l,,io'i-.ri.'s nr.- ptavim: a Hiiro-1 ,!t than is i.ft. n a hot MU'Ve ai-fe( poNt thi s to many Im Ci.-lin.nu.t l; out fmir east SiMm PLE10 STREET ES CITY OIE WITH SUBURBS; IV l.irlunoiul Now I his Four K p;uiics I'iisl Sdvul (Inr treniiuiilniiH import. nice in j plpise of tip- lite of a modern city ! - elei ti i,' transpnn at ion service, j t-lee trie r.tiivv ay makes busiiifss . If In the city itself ;uid welds; sty to its outiyiim pi'pulutioii. A; P'.s-i! aiuiri v ithoai a . .vci car service ts oi.t ot the nt!e--lioli. s tile .--trt'd ear s-u'v ic is so ni-' tiniaf P assn. i it. .1 vt ith the doings of i vv- d .en, '.n in e cry place it 1 i .am s in I r comudcrahle crihfism. ; It m..v be Haul, hnvvever, that the car s'-i.-e nf 111. hnioud Is far .superior: !n that in the tnujopty uf American1 .It" --. ;.ml this taet is so . . at .d.. rtdun: that . ;-!in'iMi here is at a minimum as fouip.u-c.l with that Ul other larye : .'fid. r of p'tiiil.uioii. Km hnmnd has lour eleeith' trans-1 ' P'.i taliod t oinpatdes ruimiiitf w it bin j ,:tid out of the city. These are all of; ' hii-'h standard in miles of trackage, j foiidittnii td madbed and uuality ofi ; rolling stu-'k epii!nietit. i While tlic ilienl por.lted pop n lilt ion ; .of P ichmoml is at this time u bout. j i;:."i.m,U"t. the .street car pnpulaMon Is" ! easily 1 il.'.,u(tti. The chief eily lines ' serve i homo n hv an area w it bin ii iradiiis of eiuht miles uf ihe fity llalP in Ihe center of town. The Inlerurbani lines operated nut of Hi. bmond reach! Mo a indius of nmre that twenty! . Hide. j I tit t ar Pun Mere. ; The- his, ebftrti' nireet ear to carry; ' pas.i ntieri tot p.i V w ii operated In I l itis of a idnillar type had been run tut jot he points, but experiment only.; ! Ttiehmond li id the Mi st coininerda! j !ftlreet ear. and the Hist street ear S jvysp m. ntijrr etle fnib'tvftd lPch-" nionds example quickly, buL notioj : have fc.iccee'lcd tn snrpasfdnn the . ! (acihtie a here, tin les it br tn cities of niu.-h larger populntinp. t i fin tho ilrsr d iv the cars were npt- j 'liifed the huol .-htitirrn o, Hn h- iioiixs i.m in i vim n moki: imw stvii s, RICHMOND CLUBS. flDDniiiTiHiTfifjn ni i uiiiiiiiuii niiu MEMBERSHIP. HAVE REPUTATION Older Organizations Here Stand Aniontj Most l'amous ii litre Uui .ilintlv eltlhS. a hn.lt .'Sun, : a un . Mb and inittieruii.s trdiinn . bibs , ea tiered alone the loner .hum v , Uie.'i'. a!! nt UMimuml m ein b i Irp. ! Vh.. ihe tonm r m . ii in the w inn "ii!"v Mm lU'r.'H- hut iihiIiIIih. thmii.: I" niosi iarc,e! season, thf hUter patmti.na' .ix the both types ar-, oi' nuniher, ?-!..', ai- olilit I o! member- bs st a nd w it h I lie . olllill . N'liJf n1' m e-mihli'dimeni, bin. I alllaetiui, m t.ni N.'l only are id .port . lobs, bm ,- em ale l".a!"d oin pa rai l ely new irs.-. use.l all the In l't'spifl loth.1 P"ii: im ni and -i. i Uoi.'U t Ihftn ami - have the , (hi re here in in the heirl "f ih ' the rooms of a e t heir stead oriianr.at ion of htisim sa in. u. ieh udl do M I rii'ernal ( Inler- llei e. these n. j -'ratei n-i I utd' rn ate ple ml nil v rep- ni-i lumpy ji'. nieil hi Mi-duimial. m.nv tbem j havnii.;- hi aaliliil Je ines. In Iim la. a !l ine; 1 ho ; lew w e i-Us the . ona-l st ope oi w la, I part nmre! is to Im .me nf 'Im haml-oim- l ImiM i(ipreeiaiei, ' intiM of its ffirt in the eiilir.' SuiiMi CAR SERVICE . . .p . -. mru I ransporlalmn (.oin- OpiM'alnl More in ISSN tllnlld Wel-e LTIV Oil U trip ahnllt I lit1 fP.V. "21 t.-n . iitH of the i nmpahv beijt.; used. Tho company Wos the 1'nion ; ihfy tlailnav of Richmond. Y;t.. ami the cars were buiU b Spr.t:.ie I.loe-'. trie I'oinp.tiv and 'Motor car i'oin ' pany. Tim Sprntfue trm-ks proved j ironl'ifsonp- cars haviii In mu on' half pot or niativ t inp-s, and the i If'" ii W'as built too iusubstantrilly . it ' W'.s tntn.d. However, trulil t-'ebi uai y , to .Mac of i vss tn, car wan pull, d by j a uitnal puvvcr, and tne nam iter ot eat was steadily added to until tip' ei.uipnnuit h-.d ro n ir.-m ten to ! folly when Pavm! Maoti was put in' eluiic ol tlic rolling stock. So Kreat wa the demand np"ii ilie car nin Ititliy that oh one nccarthm I " llteti im t or men and cuidta toi s. w err put tn Wol'k eperalillK the CiHIl e sy K i 111 With only one day a experien. c. and Kut. ahinj; well, too, any IthltlH.jn, The principal car compttliy here, which owns the .syst. ;ns In other larr cttit-M of the State, -.arried in ihi.-. city last year P.idUS.t 11 pa;seni:ers, hi an a. erase uf :;i cars are run ea. h day-. t hi the ehlel lines there Is a headway uf hve nunutes' ruling at inoftf bourn, Willi half that in id w ,iv at rtiRh period n, The i I'liip.uiv owns more than ;bnt caty in a U and em ploy s 1.2iti ha loin, iu- lufittJM mot.tr luen Htid con i h t e t o r i, cashiers, tiii'k ni'Mi, repair im u and oftiee icritj The traokut-m ot thin eomtiany hern hi i.ll.o.-a. .oi oohn. ;i.h o.' ih!.-. track i right new, and r pnirts of nu (jttehHive. nature are b tmr mttde near ly all the titno. To K't an idea of tiie nuttropolltan rharaetcr of Hlchmnnd nm- h:-? only to ku to the great transfer points at the rutah bourn, of the day and !uht and jeu the niiltitndesi thai lion ! e tweefi enr nnd the hnu lines of earn banked tip to reeeh e i h suburbi.n pfpilPltlOti, i (.i.m.(..v i n IN VARIETY. PfRqnwi nr i liiuuiiiill ui mi! r-'pnta ,f the laraest . K:l'. .,1' l;i-'h- uml are Mm W iUimrela I id '.'in onv o,, It b. del i-M.n, Pi. hnuui'i, sunt t 'h.b p'", 1 1 1 i i, 1 1 . mil e, 'at. and iUh I'lul- KICIIMOM) I I.OlhSTS KXI'KUT AStJROWKUS 1 he Kind u! Mum:.'- that i ik funsideit ) iiiakuo: i,uu ,i i il ili.sirb :- but it ;s a I'-a; thtwi mark' I. nil four huca ti.-m-i .-u, . el'liN I'epl'e se HI N . U ,111 ! I ' ' ; :-1 ' d e ' pit l of .'h.u,! M their a"f lliaie Mii;:!!n- l'. t ul. -is and ti'.im-i'H M'iv. erf, "ha hue 111 V ill t'io bllsi te- ..id vim at''' ma k im: imu e Pin t 'iimal IP' bin oid j,. tt nit tii! "d in tin i.rowitu' oi har.lv ttiaet T I-- loan-, hoi laun-. ; prodn.-e Mo more d..,e.Hi v.-ns in pr.d 'mlon t to v.'.ir aroumi. Th.- tm.i !ai:-. v firm e.iime, d ii 'he .'iMtiiie and a;Ut o ;. '-a . i tar. ow ii a I'oui r ,'i 'i M-piai . !..i! of nf-iJs ind -:if fiiii'loynicf men m a!! ib parlim i'i Mm 1 mi ibii ist stand .tt the head s.ne.-s ui t He Sunt hern Siale. ( .11 ohua.'s i h-f.t :;i,i, I 'loi'lda . I.ili.. ma. Ti'tiiu'dSi e, Vu'.;,Hn .iii't ! KentiP'kv are regarded as the terr, , tnl M,rx,Vll ,v. t tpms-'S of the f!t. Tile eeivl of I'm oil t -ol -1 o It'll trade m lowers is i.mhinK. GilliOPROHENT IS INSURANCE CEHTEB THIS I TV Ut TS MUMI. Ol'. ! i it is or in pi t i, ii i: m two i nu: ( tMi'Mi;s. i 1 . t y larne inurapfC comii.ui;, d.'aiim; in wliattvi-r depaitment u:' Mm b'iM!1esS, in represented by iCTftli ill. 1 ; cliUiOiid. Nu iiiy of tht N,.tm. ;M:e "ll Mm . " -1. 1 i ne I . t 's betlef . '(Hip pi d m imsar. e nt , - tb..it Pn h npuid. Iii'-m-atne offices .'orm a ha! "Pieier 1" t he 1 rusp. i ity o! a i U ; . land .imieil by ihe number ar.d rcp; ti.tion ot tin.se tti-hhsiled here, t e . ..Mtal . ny oi 'tri;mia is nmst ih. ai ' isa;; t;- and aPrcast of the Mm, s of any in t he Soul li, be sides the brai-n h nffmos mane insurnm e companies of this nr I tur .Mil eimntries. Uuhhiond h.nist Ma , 11 nine ot I ice.s o! Sollie ol M:e I t a I est in-uinnce bnsmesses of the .lay. There ale here home oiii.es ot Miree urfitt i .! e Hisuimi;. r cum p.i uses, of two t.rc ' biMir.iiice eoiupanu-s iind th'e lolFi-el- liineuus com el'ns. These eompanh'S have the efieet uf pl.lf'.ni: the llalllc ol Piehmontl ip j-'i-mt proininom e ad ovei the i ouidr1' as a hill', 'lei.o ntfomJ hold, i! 'd in toidi'i.ni in itiK i;ive cm pbonouit to many ei'iki tnid a-'iit-t oi 111. hnmnd r i.buu e. Tla. oldest , larn.-nt and Htronnesi 'ot tiii-" Imme lotpnanie was estai'-ic-h.'d in ixl I and ha., besides a hif'Kn ;,.ii:-e lo-ree her', l.eeo Htietll! Iti at (tuil! ed the sioalh. Ihe bnlloiUK oi Mills t'omtiauy. omv jt lew vearw old i ily, beitm thnronhiy re pi eseiuntiv t of tlie beat ullme 1 ulldiltR nr. h it eet life I tnoay . I I .unit AsHot, The- entniutuy hat assets of $s. r.4K.:!',"n xr. capital slock Hiiiountini: t. ;. (lo.Htia i,n.l h putplmt of nsjet n-vt" lii-tuHties of t t;t:v-:ti.4t; Ot the miw'p t la it eoiiM 'I'lniifin! ihe Ufa lent and lck bene tit lutfclnf'ssf statol oat PiMininent'y. While Hiesf have not as Md crown to .-ry treat prnif-ml ioiim, thr. .-'it' Oft h tjiih.stati i t mi in their Uiij ,