jMM V: " - ' f RSTABLISHUD IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription. .--$1. SO Per Annum VOL. XLLX. WKLDON, N. (, THTliSDAY, .ll'Ml 1. 1111. NO. s .Vi,'" IF I HAD A MILLION. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lm been ia uho for over 30 years, 1ms homo tho signal urn of ami lias been inttdo under li is per 801,111 s"lC"'isloi slueo Us inlauey. -r we?, auow 0I10 todeeph o yon In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations uul"Just-as-i;ood"nro hut Experiments that trill with nt'.d endanger the, health of Infants and Children Eiucriciwo against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Custoriu is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para Boric, Dropit nnd Soothing Syrups. It ts I'Vnsant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine, nor olher Narcotic substance. Its aire 1st it guarantee. It destroys Worms unrt allays I'evcri.shncss. It cures Di.irrliica and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and rintulciicy. It icsslinilatcs the Food, regulates tho Ktom.ich and Itowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's l'anacca-Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J ; The KM You Have Always Bought 1 ,; ' In Use For Over 30 Years. OE 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eldon Depository. Capital .Mil Surplus, $55,000. For over 11 years this-institution has provided banking facilities fur thin aection. Its stockholders anil ollicirs are i . 1 -i 1 1 r i - I nitli tin- lousi ness interests of I lahfax au.l Nortliaui.ti.n nullities A Savings Department is maintained for tin- lienelit ol'all who desire tu deposit in a savings liauk. In tins Department interest ia allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed torelnain three niuntlis or longer. L' pel Pent. Six months or longer, $ per cent. Twelve months in lunger. I percent. Any information will lie furnished on application to the President nrl'ushiei PBRSIORNT : W. K. IJASIKL, vhk-I'HEMi.kst: W. li. SMITH. I., V. HI.'Al'Kli. Telle I ASIHHH. J. t. duakk, niREt'TOHS-W. li. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. 0. Inake, W. Si. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, ,1.1,. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, I), li. ollieottci, .1 . W. Sledge OE y u iii f it li i. MASl'KACITRKRS OK Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MADE TOOKDKR AN D KKi.ifl.Alt STOCK SI lis. Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. Tt li sex. a If GOOD NEV7S l) ) Don't Let Your lintiginntion Mis lead You. 1 1 wish I had a iiiillion dollars, i you say, i could do so much good with it. There arc so many 1 would like to help. It would ho such a pleasure to relieve the suf ferings of this poor family, to assist that struggling young man, and to contribute generously to the church and the hospital. I know I would not he as selfish as many rich peo ple are. If 1 had a million 1 would gratify my generous impulses. Stop right there! Your imagina tion is misleading you. If you had a million dollars you would be no more liberal than you are now. Helpfulness does not depend on the size of your income. IF you are doing nothing for others on your present income of fifty dollars a month you would do the same if you had fifty thousand a month. You would be just as wrapped up in your own sweet self as you are now and wrappeder. For it is a well-established fact that one's altruistic impulses de crease in force as one's wealth grows. The kindest, most generous peo ple in the world are those who have little or nothing. The best friends to the poor are the oilier poor. I have in mind now one of the most benevolent women 1 ever knew. She is always thinking of She sends Mowers to her upon just the right oe she has delicious soup sent to certain people to whom she is interested in the hospitals, she plans in various societies to help needy children, she is a real "trouble woman," for wherever there is trouble there is she, to hold the nervous hand, to smooth the hot brow, and to give of her lull i cheer and hope to them that need. She is not rich in pocket; she has the true riches, of the heart, riches that moth and rust do not corrupt nor thieves break through and steal. i And you, if you have the root of the matter in you, can be as ben evolent as the most lavish million aire. What you need is not mo ney, it is disposition. For the one thing to give in this world, the one thing that is worth while, the one thing that cheers us all up and adds ozone to the soul, is yourself. The great gifts of the rich it is doubtful if they do any good after i all. I have my suspicions of them. But whoso gives himself, his time, his thought, his attention, his care, he is the world's real benefactor. "This world is so waste and empty," says Goethe, in his "Wilhelm Meister," when we figure but towns and hills and riv ers in it, but to know that some one is living on with us, even in silence, this makes our earthly ball a peopled garden." FROM THI: 1, n Every housewife will ap preciate the fact that every home furnishing need can be filled, promptly and at a distinctive price saving at this store. We are showing a line of Kitchen Cabinets, Stoves, and labor-saving devices that you will be delighted to have demonstrated. It will pay you To become posted on our new offerings whether you care to purchase now or later. No matter what you need for the homeour combination of service, quality, and modest prices together with terms that make it easy to supply your needs will make you a permanent customer of this store. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C TANKER'S ROOF PHI! Uln SOLD BY 1 II It) II IID ripm-Wliiipjiod lid fiuitiMiu 1 IV1KU II till VUVltU ilUlUlllUV U VI II DU1I others, friends casions, If a girl has shapely ankles her skins never drag in the mud. NOW WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Cleveland. Ohio pained me so for WELDON, N. C, " My left side several years that 1 expected to have to undergo un opera tion, but the first hot tie 1 took of l.ydia li. I'inkham's V c g e I a h 1 e Com- H K xuind relieved meof JssA 'be pains in my side CI V ; - ami 1 continued it use until 1 became regular and free from pains. I liatl asked several doc tors if there was any thing I could take to help me and they said there was nothing that they knew of. 1 am thankful for such a good medicine anil will always give it the highest praise." Mrs. C. II. Griffith, 7305 Madison Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hanover, Pa.-" I sutTorod from fe male trouble and the pains were so bat at times that I could not sit down. The doctor advised a severe operation but my husband got me l.ydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and I experienced great relief in a short time. Now 1 feel like a new person and can do a hard day's work and not mind it. Whnt joy and happiness it is to be well once more. I am always ready and willing to speak a good word fertile Compound." Mrs. Ada Wilt, 1 Stock St, Hanover, Pa. If (hern are any complications yon do not understand write to l.ydia K. l'lnkliani Medicine Co. (confidential) Your loiter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. " tr 'Pure Makes Hoine-Baldng Successful and Easy 'MF Ft H MEMORY. Who lives in memory lives in that far land Where golden visitors glow on every hand Where old all'eetions and lost dreams of love Shine in the effluent twilights of the dove A green, sweet land, whose vistas stretch alar And numerous shapes and moving shadows are. Who lives in memory sits at even's close Beside a window thai looks on rose And old sweel blossoms of a garden where Life bloomed in all its springtime sweet anil fair A fair, fine land, whose pathways lead today To dreams and hopes and fancies far away. Who lives in memory has a double life. One of sweel joy and iuiet, where the strife Of rolling battle and the tides of fate Can enter not the vineelad memory gate A still, cool land, where angel shadow s tread, And kindness reigns and hate and greed are dead. Who lives in memory can bring back each day Such lovely laughter and young hearts and gay, That speak of beauties faded but still sweet. Old joys and customs that life loves to tneei A far, pure land, where measures of old song Wake tenderest echoes all the sweei years long. IF MOTHERWOULD LISTEN. If mother would listen to me, dears, She would freshen that faded gown; She would sometimes take an hour's rest, And sometimes a trip to town. And it shouldn't be all for the children, The fun, and the cheer, and the play, With the patient droop on the tired mouth, And the "Mother has had her day !" True, mother has had her day, dears, When you were babies three, And she stepped about the farm and the As busy as ever a bee; When she rocked you all to sleep, dears And sent you all to school. And wore herself out, and did without, And lived by the Go'den Rule. And so your turn has come, dears, Her hair is growing white, And her eyes are gaining the far away h That peers beyond the night. One of these days in the morning, Mother will not be here, She will fade away into silence, The mother so true and dear. Then what will you do in lite daylight, And what in the gloaming dim ? And father, lired and lonesome, then, Pray, what will you do for hint ? If you want to keep your mother, You must make her rest today; Must give her a share in the frolic, And draw her into the play. And, if mother would listen to me, de,u She'd buy her a gown of silk, With buttons of royal velvet, And ruffles as white as milk. And she'd 'et you do the trotting, While she set still in her chair; That mother should have it hard It strikes me, isn't fair. house through Margaret Sangster. AUNT JEMIMY'S MAXIMS. Ry CALl.Y RYLAND. KEEP YOUR CHIN IT. l ate is Cruel, Hut Only to the Ouilter MEN, MEN, BETTER MEN. Rev. Ldgar I.. V'iiKcnl in Pitts burg Christian .Uhouite. Wliv must I In--.- D ri'l'-IlN 111' it (ll.ll'll Xati.niMl ( ask.., I Ihrs H'l" II..W I w ; i s M.oi linll ii.l ! s 1 1 ( -1 1 ill t 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 I t In the H frill " 1 1 1 1 1 1 J I . sr;l I'rli i 11- i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i y i ,i tivrHHV.. ' 1 1 1 1 ! I . S r. rolllKlllV. TllrV W.ilk rrilile iir- rilll tllry uliirli I II ' o rr- Slllil I'illhv.'iy I II.. v mad Ih whirh tr was hr ni'iM the inu la the d inilrs III. Im',1 of thr many a tun.- D V ice liv whirl ma i ex; tin mil Sll vrlr jiiiui'il which tin ii i I ) t abiiul ( i r 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 of arc iif rail III' I invrstia U lntr that it iccdcil must. It is wonderful what yuu can do it you will only keep your chin up. i his is ;i strange wot Id, and one of the strangesi things about ii is the way it sympathies with suc cess. e arc supposed to sympathize i with failure and grief, but we don't, 1 am going to tell ymi the truth about this naughty world, and the truth is that whichever way you're going, up or down, people want to help you along. If you are going up we all want : to boost: if you are going down we ; all want lo push. That is what we ' call sympathy. You hear complaints that the rich are growing richer and the poor i are growing poorer. Thai has al i ways been the case.'simply because it is human nature. Society has always been organized to increase , the wealth of the wealthy and the power of the powerful, also to make the weak weaker. The rule is that "to hint thai hath shall be given, and front him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." There's no use whining about i it. It is simply one of the flinty ! laws of nature. The only thing to ; do with nature's laws is to adjust . one's self to them and not to cotn 1 plain. You are guilty yourself. Whom ' do you want to see? The man 1 everybody wants to see. And you , i read the book everybody's reading and go to the store where it is "the i thing" to go. "Follow the crowds," says the I advertiser, with his shrewd knowl i edge of our make-up. i If you have a hundred s ! ahead to whom do you want to i hand it? To the poor man who needs it? Not at all, but to the : rich banker who don't need it. If 1 ask you tor the loan of a quarter you will pass it over to me without a word if you think it is a trilling mailer to nte; but if you : suspect I really am in want and ' need the quarter lo buy a little food with, that's quite another all'air, you can't encourage that sort ol ! thing; I should go to the Associated i Charities. ! Now, the way to use this law is 1 to tetgii prosperity even it you I have it not. Keep your chin up. ; Wear good clothes. Don't wilh ! draw from the society of the pros- ; perous. Look pleasant. Don't ' ' let yourself get down at the heel. I A man may use a wart on the I Don't get that poor beggar look on I back of his neck lor a collar button, your face. 1 ride on the back coach of a tram to ; It isn't hypocrisy. It isn't pre-j save interest on his money until l tense. It is sheer courage. It is die conductor cut get around; stop I'kOI-'LSSIONAL CARDS. WALTLW H I) Wll.l.. Altorney-at', I'dcOce. Ni.itluinpl I edi ial .'..ii pait- "I o at Huh!. is i II the ill atl'i .1 I! II III' illeel,, 1:1, a iv Mi llll'l :llhl Ii all olhl'e win. i., KNKiirr, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 'A 1.1 1 1, IN. I , Oili-'i- hi Wei. i. mi I'mhi. a 1'ni-i IlinMui,.' -s i . 1 1 i hi.ii.'uiir at- I'.u-h tended 1 1 1 ill, kit tin llnlis ill' the tirs iipidi lay. Kvcrv r 1 1 i 1 1 .-1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r line came in lor investigation. Then i he lot's sat dow n an w;is men thill lm Thr inllini; stork mihi . i.-. fri t. 111.' motive MiWer lll-tll-ilillr illul its ci. si iy ; t s possible, the signals iii;i,i' al'trr thr latest and most apprnvnl pat Irrii, but if t hr a hT'iiI arriilrtit.s Were to lie avrltnl, .l K 1S do l hoi r duly ! Men! Men: llrttrr Mm' It is thr rail which yors t inging down the world's ,m linr m e cry department of life. Children Gry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A MAI.f NOILS FOR MALI' DAY. The conductor of a certain band, which was rehearsing a piece, stopped the music abruptly, and Irowncd at a smut fellow who was pulling all tlie other musicians out. "I s ic, I Ii ; in inn," he demanded, "what do you mem by playing a lot nl hall notes here there should be whole notes?" Hermann lowered Ins instrument- "Yell," he said. "I make explanations by yuu You cm down my vage to hail pi ice, don't you-" I he conductor stared in ainae ineni. lie had done so, hut "I nd I continues to make del' notes nut my instrument, but they be half notes until tier v.tges is put back to whole price. Dat is fair, ain't it?" OLORtiL C. dRLLN.' ATTOWNl -Y-AT-LAW, l National Kanl. r.uil.hiuo Weldon. N. C. I.T.1.IOTT li. CLARK, ATTOKNl-Y-AT-LAW, p:; II M.II'.W, Y c. in I-..- in Mir mint u! ilalil:t uinl Ijiiiiiiiiu t'iMinlif uiiil in i In- Su (m-riir t'tmit ul tin- UUc. Serial altrii tiuii liiu-u lu t'Lilli-i-lioii au.l puMiipl if turns. iu-li-ly W.J. WARD, IHiNTIST, (II 1 11 K IN l.NII;l. Ill ll.lilMi' I.I.I N . N. ( Hepl'j ly A I. SCtllSLLR. CIVIL l-NOINl-KR, Surveying a Specialty I'liuiii' 'ni n. i:mi'oi;ia, v.v I). Ii. STAIMJACK, I NOTARY PUBLICS And Lire insurance. I I'naiinL' Vus niiuf .;- dJvn N.l. I T OLARK. ATTORNtY AT LAW, ;w I t.iuiN, n. I'ia. 'tiers in On couit nt L'lv.MI 1,1 units ..I Halifax and ui 1 a. the special attention and prompt returns HILL tSYL IS AltOl T Rliill I letting the world know that while ! I"s watch at night to save the wear ; you live you propose to tight, and . and tear; leave his i's and t's with I that like old General Taylor you ' out a dot or a cross to save ink; i "don't know when you're licked. " ; pasture h.s mother's grave to save Keep smiling and an unfriendly : corn, but a man ot this kind is a ! universe will not know what to do ; gentleman and a scholar com with you; so it will crown you. pared to that other "feller" who Says Alfred de Yigny: "All will take a newspaper, and when I those that struggle against the un- asked lo pay lor it, puts it back in the postottice and has it marked "refused." Hill Nye. Mos' politicians would a heap luithtilt to i level. limli ilctt he on do lie wise man wot 1' cf'n folks t I I....' i : , . , . u," n u,ii ,.iiiuii i.e ;mi niiiiM Minimis iii nisi Ilii.-klen Wits tn strilgrjle full Kine;,oiil lilik (lev strut;- ' gdos to nit into sitshicly. ' iust heavens have had the admira tion and secret of love of men. " 1'ate is a blurt. Face her, defy her, and she will fawn on you. j Hot Weather Tonic and Health Builder Are you run down nervous -tired.' ! Is eveiytl.itnr you do an elt'ort',' You aie I not lay yuu are siek! Your stomach, I Liver, Kidneys and whole system need ; a tonic. tonic and health builder lo : dnve out the waste matter 1 illil.l you i up and retiinv youi slietuitli. Nothing; better than lilcctnc Hitlers. slait to- lay. Mrs. .lames iMiiH-an. llaynes ille, Me., writes: "( olnpl. tely cited j alter doctors trine nie up, ' .He 1 at yout drucist. V i n tea SUve f,u l uls linr ain't n mr!or nur to worry 'Unit wlut d woil' thinks ttv ymi when hits got sev'ral billion olliuh folks to think about. A 'oiiian expec words. s till ii v svtni'llty ; a mini expee's swear HP TO DAT!:. ; She sat on the beach and gacd i meditatively at the rings which j adorned her fingers. ' "Know all men by these pres- ' ents," she murmured, "that I am i ! a Summer Girl." Fuck. TOO THIN. "Father," said the student, "1 v, j"t to talk to you about changing my course of siudy " 'Talk to your mother, son," directed the lather, who was read ing the sporting page. "Mother," said the son. "I made a mistake when 1 selected chemistry. Bui it is not too laic to change even yet. I want to take astronomy instead." The mother searched the eyes ol her son sharply Then she said; "Nope. You'll have to think up .some beiicr excuse tor staying out at night!" Pittsburg Chronicle. GREAT BARGAINS in mi: in-KRS. ft'an a latj.' --tiifk ol' siatiilai.l Typeu i ( an I'hmi;-Ii at omv Mun ueh. l'n, (ilu. i, Ki tni iikrt on . Kovul, 'iintli I'm mm i. I. i . Smith llt'o. .1 ami I nv t'tlu r make frum "itn i:. .lavs' null,', . v have hnth tho visililf ai. l Ui.- iiiws'li, Wf Ituulit a lauM Murk it thru I'y prw 1 itrtu from urn1-full 1 1 h lu urn "half thr ivirulai" holt1-salt- purr, ainl mi sal-'n.-w at oiir-fuuith tomir-hull thr ivL'ulai ivtuil pruvs. A irooil Tvprw nut liom s7.-"'0 l j A hvXw our .u to K'.'v.MI. Tht ht'-t from .;o up to any pm-r. Will hr i,'lad toanArt any nnjinrv In eoiimn'tion with thi"-r imu'iiiiirs, athl semi sami'li-H of thr Murk, il.iiu hy any of the 'Ivpc writris r liavr. iAny Imv alhl rn sli. oil. I have our ol ulif ihcap Typrwii tris to If am how !u usr. Any pri'son v lm tan w 1 iti II mi a typrwtitrr can :uan l u !ait -aiaiv. Anyone who I hi v.- a uh.-ap i prrtiiirr front ns an. I wants a hrUri mie lain, wo will take hack thr om Intiiht and allow the same pawl I'm it in . M-haiiLi' u.r a hrttri finr, if if tiiiiinl iii uoo.l I'muluion aihl wttluu si nimilhs, li mil in :' conilitiun f alluw thr maiMi ahir. r cairy 'i'ypr !;t 1 nhhi-ii.- ai,.i .)tin-i vupphow. SPIERS BROS. WKI.IiON. N. a Administrator's Notice. 11 a 1 hit 1 1 it tlitit, I a, a,l in 1 11 1st 1 at or of 111.' est:ile nl II. I on lull, .Incensed, late ..I ll:ll:!:l ceulltv. N. 1'., this is lo noidv all ),, is,.ii. Iiaviiur claims ai'aiiirst the e-late ol :i 1. 1 deceased, to exhibit tliem I,. Hie midi'isiciii d at llaliliix, N . c . ,111 ,11 bet, ne II... I lib ,lav ol Mav , I'M... 01 Ih, lice will be pleaded ill l,:ti nl ih. 11 1 ,-e.iv , r v. ll peisuiis in -, b illed to Hie e-liite will please make 1111111, .hale pa, n, nt I his 1 tth of Ma y lull I I I I'H I' II. I I.Alik, d1111 ,. esi:u,- ,, w 11. ( onnell, ,, ,., A MAN'S CONel.l SION.. De school ttv expe'icneo ain't no Sunday School, you hpuh ini1 The Do lies' thing about happiness is ilar aitt' a 'oiiian in do whar kin keep it to hulisof. Hit's all vo'y well to tacklo a felltih yo' own size; hut you bet t nh lie mighty sartnin sho what yo' size are. Kf'i'ii eve'y 'oinan could havo do satin) 'mount uv conlidence in huh liitsban' cz she's got in huh dtvssinukiih (lar wouldn't he so litany unhappy nui'itifres. When the pioiu'huh tells you to "let yo' light shine hefo men," he don' mean yon's gutter make no flashlight uv it. Coughs nnd Colds Weaken System. wol'F Continued Coughs, folds and ttrnn I eliial troubles are depressing and weak .... ii. 1 r .:... en me n su-,u. i.i.ns ... u j.pei . i.t eiiei- ally follow. Oct a fine, bottle of I r. King's New Piscovery today. It will stop youi coitLdi. 'I'lie tlrst dose helps. The best medicine for stubborn t'oimlis, folds and allThroat and l.tiiiK'I'rouliles. Mr. O. II. Ilrown, Muscatine, Ala., writes: "My wife was sick during Un hid summer months and 1 honestly be lieve Dr. King'tt New liiscovety saved her life." (Jood for children. ",0e. and $1 at your lirtiggist. Do man what is too luzy to xvuk is de ve'y ono whar is alius coinplainin' 'limit hard times, The nicer the things one woman says about another, the more she doesn't mean them, "A couple," said Mrs. Simkins, "got married a few days ago after a courtship which had lasted fifty years. "I suppose," replied Mr. Simp kins, "the poor old man has be come too feeble to hold out any longer." Philadelphia Press. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA COR SALF Single comb white 1 Leghorn eggs gathered every day. Price per setting of 15, 50c. R. M. Purnell, 2 26 tf Weldon.N. C. Wood's Seedi Seed Potatoes FOR FALL CROP. The planting of Seed Potatoes in June and July ia increasing to a wonderful extent. A great many farmers claim tliat they give better crops planted at this time than they do when planted in the spring. Potatoes planted in June and July mature in the cool weather of the fall, at a time when they can be harvested to best advantage. The Seed Potatoes we offer are put in cold storage early in the season, so as to keep in first class, vigorous condition. "Wood's Crop Special" giving prices and full information about Late Seed Potatoes and all other Season, able Seeds, mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD Cs SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. mm ..Js-

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