PS? IN M '4$ 1W 'A W "A 'A A S A W E 1 ) fl E C 0 M 1! 15 C ( ) U X T V ! A I It r' TARBORO. N, C. ni'tTfnMiLRCfm,.! X O V K M B E R : i , 4 , 5 . 0 . 1914. n 4 J 0 1 A j A w.r .w wV T 1 XVr B CONSUMPTION TAKES 350 PEOPLE DAILY Ovtr 350 ptople succnmb to con umption every (Uy in the United Suiti. Sarncf prwei that the germi only thrive when the system U weakened (rum coldi or sickness, overwork, confining duties or when general weakness exists. The bfJt physicinns'point out that during changinn seasons the blood should be made rich and pure and active hy tak ing Scott's Kraulsion alter meals. The cil liver oil ill Scott's Emulsion warms the body bv enriching the blood ; it peculiarly trengthens the lunfrs ami throat, while it upbuilds the resistive lorces of the body to avoid colds and prevent consumption. :f yon work indoors, tire easily, 1 ' ...pud or nervous, Scott's Hmnlsion is the in st strenpheniugfood-medicine known. 1 1 i toullv free from alcohol or any ,f ;efying drug Avoid substitutes. . ij Stutt & Buwoe. filwafltld, N. J. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Oct. 22, 1914. Published Every Thursday. JTKKRIJ AT l'OMTorririt AT WKUK1N SKCON1J-C1.AS8 MA1TBR. RYlkS OFSlBSCKirilDXlNAliVANth. One Year, (y mail) postpaid, $ Six Mouths, " " .7.1 A weekly democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, politica and agricultural interests of Halifax ami surrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and nished on application. fur A man never realizes how fond he is of brunettes until he marries a blonde. A woman's idea of a good figure depends on w hether it is her own or a rival's. pKRKsr.MAKLY, Mr. Bryan re trains from slumping in lll.noi-. for fear he might be led into making a few intemperate remarks. It is probably true that Satan never takes a vacation, but there's no good reason why he should be always working overtime. Tut shipment of 1,000 horses from Si. Louis for the French army illustrates the progress of the "buy-in-America" inovemeu; in Europe. In 1910 Tolstoi prophesied that a general war in Europe would be gin in hi2 and until 1025. It is Imped that he linked the latter dale by more than iwu years. If the world were 10 come 10 an end presumably Britain's official press bureau would report it as follows: "The situation at the front remains unchanged." Tlthkl-: are devices innumerable for the "relief of tne cotton." In this multitude of counsellors there is an occasional indication of san ty. One is the substitution uf oats fur cotton. ONE trouble with European grandfathers telling his grandchil dren years hence about the bloody buttle of the Aisne, is that it does not now appear thai there will be any grmidlaihers left. Onk .statistician estimates that the war is costing Germany $135 11 second, or $500,000 per hour, or $12,000,000 per day. This wouiu stagger humanity it human ity were good at figures. HOW'S THIS? We otter tn(j Hundred hollars Kcwtrd for any case ot Catarrh that cannot he eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Wo, the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for the last l" years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable iu all bus iness transactions and tiuancially able to carry out any obligations made by hit Hrm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMEHCK, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure it taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of Ue system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents par bottle. Sold by all druggist. Take Hall's Family fill's for Constipa tion. Ad v Q Special trains from Enfield Thursday, November u. . L i .11 - J Ai . "V . 'A ?A ? ?A ?A "-V Out -Vj.V" Thi: cmiiKi market lus I'l-.h more tipci by tl't: liurnpe.m i'i.mi any other market in A:iicriv.i. and it is jjoinc 10 take longer !'.t it n.i resume us former methods L'p to this time the raiders li.ue had the advantage, and they have hammered the price of cotton re morselessly. "I'm: death of civil war pensioners last year, or 7.3 per cent, of the total number, gives a striking; illustration of how rapidly the ranks of the (irand Army are thinning. On he oilier hand, the decrease of pension expenditures of all kinds for the period from S174,171,HtiO to S172.417.51ti or approximately only 1 per cent, shows the relatively small propor tion of "old-soldier" pensions 10 the great total. THKRi; will be deep regret throughout North Carolina and the South at the news of the death Sunday of D. A. Tompkins, of Charlotte, a man who has figured largely in the industrially and eco nomic life of the South. Fie was president of the D. A Tompkins Co., manufacturers, en gineers and coniraclors, president of cotton mills and a member ot the 1 'nned States Industrial Com mission. One of the founders of die Char otte Observer, he was the author of many books and ! pamphlets having to do wuh in dustrial and commercial enter prises. MKS. YIWilMA C. MliDLIN. On September 20, 1914, C. irginia .Meulin, tne wile ot tne late G. L. Medhn, left us for that land where our Saviour Jcmis Christ reigns as the glorious King foreverniorc. She spent 73 years .ii sue developed a cnaracier wnicn shines in thai realm of eternal , glory. In early life she was sound- ! ly converted in New Hope Meth odist church. She daily lived a true, simple, consecrated Chris tian lite. Her influence was ex ceedingly great, because of a strong piety. She seemed to have lived in that conscious presence of her Master, with whom she endeavor ed to walk day by day. The church 1 had no belter supporter by words and works. She prayed as talking face to face with her Uod Many have been influenced to consecrate their lives to Christ by her daily walk and Cun ei'saiion. When her husband died, her many friends Hung open their doors 10 her When the weight of many years fell heavily upon her, she became altlicted; through it all she main tained her sweet Christian forti tude. Many were the hands that tenderly administered to her. She reaped what she had sown. She sowed deeds ot kindness, and reap ed the harvest of love. When news of her death was made known, these words escaped many a hp "A good woman, a saint of God, has gone to be with the host of the redeemed." She was buried beside the sacred dust of her husband in the presence of a lurge congregation of loving friends, in the cemetery at Smith's church, of which she was a mem ber for many years. She is dead, but her life has made undying im pressions upon the hearts of her many friends. She by her life said, "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." Many will be the stars in her crown. She has fought a good fight, the battle is over, the victory won, has laid her armor down. Asleep in Jesus, from which no one ever awakes to weep. G. W. F. For Sore Throats. A simple way to take a lump of resin about as large as a walnut, put it into an old teapot, pour on boiling water and then put on the lid and place the spout to your mouth; the steam will prove very beneficial in allay ing inflammation. Vy wW. . V A wW ' '-" V 'AiV "VjiV Vj.V 'VjkV "7HT 'A W ?AV Va ?A COTTON. Fhe .omni MUi.iuon goes from ! .id t 1 !!. l.very d.i sees a new remedy suggested, livery sunset l.i'.s it "i!ent in the grave." 'T.uv a bale" started out with h mn-rs living and drums beating to save ihe d ly. its right supported by "buy a boll"; its left by a "wear c 'lion" catnp-'ign; but all have gone mgloriously 10 rest, fallen into innocuous desuetude." Now conies the "Wade plan" which as 11 has money behind it, 11 will talk, bin that is all, and you can mark it up N. G., and put it in its linle bed, ;o far as the suffering cotton tanner is concerned. Its a won derful state of aftairs, one million, five hundred thousand farmers have in hand one thousand million dollars' worth of a staple product, a necessity of mankind, upon which the civilized world depends for us clothing, because of lack of transportation, a lack of exchange, and a European war, the market temporarily shuts down and this great government can't devise a w ay to help the men who created this wealth carry a pan of it until conditions change. Though this imperiled wealth constitutes thirty per cent, of the nation's exports and keeps the bal ance of irade on the right side ot our country's ledger, and has ena- 'L'J us 10 P''e uf ''ljn the world ever saw betore, the r seems lacking wisdom, salesman ship and foresight enough to shield the cotton growers from ruin. Bankruptcy is reaching out for the farms and banks and factories and stores, between the "green banks ot the Potomac" and "silvery Rio Grande," but the "constitution" and sound finance and section ahsin have got a grip on the Federal government and the hayseeders will have to "sink or swim, survive or perish" all by his ow n lone self When in 1907 the bullion brokers and stock gamhlers ot w all street got in a "nghi place" the govern mem put tony million dollars at their disposal to save them. When the flood placed the banks of Day ton, ()., in "a straight" twixt two in 1012, it could furnish them mil lions to tide over ihe emergency when fire swept Salem, Mass. there was no pottering or pother ing about government lending the suffering a helping hand; when thousands of tourists got "stuck by the European wur, not only gold w as found for them, but a w ar sh'p to carry it to them, but when the cotton makers gel in a "tight place," the constitution, sound fi nance, the devil and the deep sea." have ail conspired to shut oft a helping hand and you are told to learn your lesson, "raise jour own hog and hominy" and let cotton alone." J. M. T. in Carolina Far mer. FARMERS' UNION NOTICE. The Stale Convention of th Farmer's I anon w ill meet this year in Greer.ville, I'm county, on the ISih, 10th and 20ih of November. The Halifax County Union ha made arrangements to carry a car load from Halifax county. The tram will leave Weldon on Tues day, November 17th, at 3:40 p in., Halifax at 4 p. ill., Scotland Neck 4;40 and Hobgood at 4:55 will arrive in Greenville at ti:30 p. m. There will be reduced rates on all roads. Messrs. J. Hardee, Enfield, and J. H. Pope, Tillery, is the committee on arrangements. The railroad fare from Weldon will be about $2.80 round trip About forty of the members in the county have already sent in their names saying that they were go ing. There will be plenty of room for all, and it you can possibly go it is a trip you shouldn't miss. bend me your name it you are thinking of going and I will make arrangements for you. George R. Bennette, County Secretary, vVy Ay LkJ . U . .AJy - & jr -J' V "V 1", ",,- '"a 'A POSTMASTER litMRAI. Will Address Congress in dill the liiurlh Atlanta, (ia , l.'oad Nov -Mr 1 -S,- "s,-i Postmaster General Burleson takes a deep interest in road im provement and has accepted an invitation to address the Fourth American Road Congress, which will be in session in Atlanta, Ga., .luring the week of November 9. The Postmaster General, com menting on ihe subieel, said: "While it is true that the public road has always been of funda mental importance as a local im portance as a local utility, it has sumed a much broader signifi cance w ithin the past few years. The rural delivery service, with us great corps of 17,1)00 carriers, has done much tow ard the devel opment ot country life and this vast service is materially affected bv the condition of the public road. COMilsLSSIOMAl. ELECTIONS. The election on November 3rd will result in the election of 435 members of the House of Repre sentatives, and 32 of the 9ti L'nited States Senators. The Democrats now have a 2 to 1 majority in the House, and before the European war, it was expected that the Dem ocratic maiority would be cm to about 50 or 75, which, however, is a better working majority than the huge one we now have. Hut it is believed thai ihe Democrats will retain practically the same majority as they now have as the American people believe in "stand ing by the President" when he is bearing such extraordinary bur Jens for them, as have been thrust upon him by the terrible European war. The Democrats have a ma jority of 10 in the Senate and it is believed this will be increased to IS to 20 as Kansas, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, New York and some others, are quite likely to return Democrats in the place of Repub lican who were chosen in 1 90S when the country went Republican for the last time. CAN YOU DOUBT IT When the Proof Can Be So Easily Investigated. U hen so many gratetul citizens of Weldon testify to benefit derived from Doan's Kidney Pills, can you doubt the evidence-' The proof is not far away it is almost at your door. Read what a resident of Weldon says about Doan's Kid ney Pills. Can you demand more convincing testimony? b. L. Purlieu, punter, Sevenih St., and Washington avenue, Wel don, says: "I had a dull pain across my back and at limes I w as so sore and lame 1 couldn't stoop or bend. The trouble was caused by a strain which left my kidneys weakened. The least cold settled on my kidneys and made me worse. Friends recommended Doan's Kidney Pills and I used them as directed. They soon re lieved me, putting my back and kidneys in good condition." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Purnell had. FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. A V S and Tunis on 5th. . W., Aj ilJy w'ii . W AJy .V.I.. .r. Ifj. Tf, ."f, . ,. -.. ,. '4$ 7S S '4$ Till! estimale ot I'aul Ferny- r.eaune, the crencii political econ omist, that half the population of the world is affected by the war is ' not immoderate. Indeed, it refer i ence is had to the indirect conse quences ot tne war, it is witnm I tic bounds ot truth to say that it af fects practically every living human being. Man who wrote "Fhe Winning of the West," might publish a sup plement on how he lost it again. OUR a 6 f -a LAMP compact and efficient lighting de vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes a good nana i.-.ntfrn. Strong. Durable. Will last i'o; years At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY WihinRton. D. C Richmond. Vi. (New Jrrttpy BALTIMOKK Protect Yourself Against the storm of Adversity by saving what you can. This Bank invites your Account. WELDON, N, C. 4 per cent, interest on Savings Deposits. BROKEN MACHINE FARTS jnd CASTINGS WELDED WE an- tMjuipjM'd t weld oastintrs in iron, bun, aluminum an1 Ntrel. AutumuliiU; axles ami other parts. Do nut buy new parts wlieu the broken one may be tepaiied for nmi'li lt than the cost of new parts and with li st Iom of tune. We carry a complete atuek of Engines, .niw nulls, t olinu ( ; ins, 'Mic tion Elevatom, Presses, t.asolene Entities, lieltmir aws and deneial Mill SupplieH. Mend fur our list ol seconil ham) inaehinci v. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION, TATE MACHINERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY, LITTLETON, N. C. CONDHNSI-D STATHMl-N Dam oi linfield, N. C. at the close Resources Loausauil discounts, Overdrafts, Banking House Furniture and Fixtures, Cash in Vault, Cash in other ttauks ''.'71,(l.M;.!' jt:t.4. ,',.IKHI mi l.liflll.llll H.iitiii.m Lll.lliK.UI Total, lixrj.KM.r.l 1, Ivej n atson, ( ashler ol the above the atiove statement is true to me uesl Stale of North Carolina, County of Halifax, Huhscrihed and sworn to before me this Kith day of Sept. 1914. C. H. MATTHKW8. Notary l'ublio. ..W. wWy. AVi ' V ' -3 "- J ,. tiiX -jlC , V 9 "(AH ton senliineni is more cheerful," says a headline in a New York paper, l'lenty of ciieer lul sentiment is all thai is needed to make cotton go up considerably. "Ot;n loss by the war," is fig ured by Representative ' I'nder wood at $125,000,000 a year. That is only the loss to the govern ment. Is it 100 much to say the total loss to the nation is ten times as great ? For the Road KAYO DRIVING is the most Ch)irlot ChurlftHtu ChHrlftj J. OK Till: CONDITION OF THE Etiiieia, of business Sept, 12, 1914, Liabilities Capita! Stock, Surplus t ndlvided profits, Fnrarned discounts !ue lepositnrSav I )e posits, Total, f Itl.tNKl.OLI ni.mio.iin lll.OKI t.iuo :m i, notion a,47:t.nn j7,i:i.ri State of North ( 'arolina, ) (Jounty of Halifax, - named hank, do solemnly swear that 01 my knowledge and hehel. 1VKY WATrtON, Cashier, Correct-Atteat: tiF.O. II. CUUTIK, O. E. McdWIC.AN, R. B. I'AKKKK, Direr ton. '.id. COflEN, Yow.SO&Mfap Store tin- t Inltt faro rrrnm to Itwp yonr complexion M italwst ' i ',:( i f Mai'-a wind. Hie name is IVnslar Buttermilk t , i , u . It ; ict a vauisliinK cream it rentores the natural . !vi ly sc-flnr: s ( (lie skin. A; i '' t li;;Klly, matWiiKr! Ri'nlly, and wipe off with a , .ft .i.'li. You will lie delighted with IVnslar Butter '". T..:ti. Crt a large 50 cent jar heie today. , ,-,Tni"TfnT( ill in For 30 Days on th Following Items : fffffofs, Ice Boxes, furiSEiiY RErqiqEMTOfis Ljwfi Swflqs Poiictf Goods Couchj ywyirocfs and all other Hammocks PORCH And numbers of other things. WELDON FURNITURE CO., Weldon, N. C . . .. ,. '-ill i ik Th:.l's IV re-. TlllTl1 lire tlinimHniU l)f tlollf. them in this state, from the owners of which this statement can te verified. 4 For Sulc by J. S. TURNER, Weldon, N. C. Now Fall Styles In Boy's Clothes You do yourself an in justice if you buy your Boys' Suits before seeing us. Some of the most nobby patterns in Nor. folks, and Patch Pockets for the Pall season. Sole Agents for W.L DOUGLAS SHOES MliN'S AND BOYS' i Til ITT! I, WELDON, iS. C. Administratrix's Notice.!" Huvinif iimihlicil utliuiniHtratrix of tin t'stati1 of ('. (', WtHMlnitl", ili-craHt-i. Uim i lo Hull J y all n'iuii! iihtrlittM iu said cstatf to settlt-with int at tmci'i ami all pt'ivoiiM having cIuuiih aijauiht Haiti estate to prcKcut them to inc, iluly vmilied, ou or Iw'fuiPtho Ifilhof Auuitt l!U,r., or this Dot 1 re will be plea.1 111 har of their recovery. MKH. IIATI'IK M. V(K)IUl'KK, Admx. of C. C. Wood 1 u If, di'c'd. 9 10 (It. SEED OATS FOR SALE, APPLY TO HOWARD JOBBING COMPANY, WliLDON, N. C. octHt i 1 V V still in o.k! or..'!.'. .1 nil .,v,.r It,., mntri. mum, ., 1 TAKE NOTICE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP First-Class Repairing. Reasonable prices. L. KITTNER, M'g'r WPLDON. N. C 1 1 JL sssJiiHE3rs