ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. T.-rnu ..I .Sur.rlptl..ii..jl.(l l,,.itira VOL. XUX. WKI.DOX. X. (.'.. THURSDAY, MAli( II is. liMS. NO. 47 3 ..uuitiiMwmuiu on Goino to the : u " ""' '"'' ' "-" n a Are Y Wor The Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which lias been ia ue for over 30 years, lins borne the sifrtinturo of i- and bus been niiulo under iU por l 4J&Jtf-f-jl. nol supervision sineo Its Infancy. rV t-CUcAa Allownoonetodccclioyoulii this. All Counterfeits, Imltatloug nud" JuHt-UH-t'Ml" nro lint Experiments tliut triHe With and cmluiiK'T tlio health of lafauts and Children Experience against I'.xpcriiuent. What is CASTORIA Caitorla Is a harmle mibstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing 8yrups. It In l'lonsiiiit. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nurootio aubat&nce. It aire is its guarantee. It destroy Worms and allays Fi-verlshnesn. It cures Diarrhieit mid AVinil Colic. It relieves Teething TrouhlcM, euros C'oiistifiiilion and Fhiiiilem y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the) Stomach and ltowcl , giving healthy and uaturul sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI CINTAUn eOMMNV, TT MUHNaV TH(CT, HEW VOftR SITT. Ol THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Courtly Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. si . i . i -j n i.. . t gte uapiiai ana mw $DD,UUU. y Kor over 21 vcars this institution ha noviiU l hanking facilities for this Bection. Its' stockholders ami cillicii arc idciititiod with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Niiithumpton counties. A Savings Department is maintained I'm- the hciiclit nf all who desire to deposit ill a Savings Hank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: Kor Deposits allowed tun-main tliree months or longer. - per eent. Six months or longer, H per cent twelve inniilhs or longer. I percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the President 01 Cashier rsii)NT: W. E. DANIEL, VK'K-eHKSIliliNT; W. K. SMITH. L. C. IlliA 1'KII, Telle I' ashirk: .1. 0. HHAKK. IlIRECTOliS W. U. Smitli, W. K. Daniel, J. (I. Drake, W. M Cohen. R. T. Daniel, J. L. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, I. It. Zolhcollor. .1 . W. sledge CALOMEL DYNAMITES MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATE? 'Dofcu's Unr Tom" Starts Your Liver Btttir Thii Calomel and You Don't Lost I Daj'J Work liven up your sluggish liver! Feel line ud cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous anil full of ainbi lion. But take no nasty, ilangcroin lulumel because it makes yon sick and you may lone a day', work. Calomel ia mercury or quicksilver which cautct necrosis ol the bone. Calomel crashes into "ur bile like dynamite, breaking it up. that's whin you feel that awful nausea an.l crumping. Listen to me! It you want t enjoy the, gentlest liver and lwel cleansing you ever experienced iust take a ipoonlul o haruuese lXxlnvn'a Tone tonight. Your drue-gist or iliuK sell Voll a cent buttle "f Doil-otl l.iver lot my l"-i lml in -t ! nful Ml; ha v., luirk I'litiniiHH- t!ial i it ii i ii clean onr s!n;:'i'i livn is i of too.!) .: I.w i I make you rvl. Ilo.l-.otr Liver Tone teiilleine. loil'll know it lot mornm; ,.,jm..,. u v. ill 5 .' up feel iiw ,11 r liii-t "ill I"' frkii.:': !w J--'- tt ml ,! .lie ui.r. " ' 1 ret ,u: 1 !-,!: llodl-otis I I ,r Tone N . ' t: '! lalde. til'Tetole liarillli-' . ' '' ealivate. ::. .1 t- 1 1 Millions of ' l.iVlT Toil" instead el 1111117- ol. C.ilol'l I new. oiir iliu-ai-t will i 'I ou thai tlie nile of I'alowel is auie-tt Blliped eutiady krc. KEEPS YOliK HOME iislj1 FRESH aaCLKmWt, i; Combination Pmumatic Szvceper THIS Swiftly-Sweepini:, lusv-Runnini DUNTI-KY Sweeper cleans without r-int! .!.:. or. J ..t the same tim- "P i;. , tr n f) '. . U U.Y US case l, INII, tlll.K.i, ... I J I I nukes sweeping a simple task quickly hnolicd. It reach? even the most difficult places, and" eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. The Great Labor Saver ol the Home-l.vrry home, large or ma':., can cnoy nlicl trom luoom iiiiukci r- - the dinger ol riving ilu;t. Dtmtley Is the Pioneer ol Pneumatic Sweepers u.. .k l.;n,.inn nl ,K Pnrum.llic Suction Nozzle and revolving Brush. Very easily operated and absolutely guar anteed. In buving a acuum ucauci, the "Duntley a trial in your nomc a i ... Wrti todtn tor lull rarticulars WELDON FURNITURE COMPANY Ii! Greatest Exposition? TYPICAL SCENE IN OME OF Hi l-UUR INNER COURTS tttmmmttmffitnmrottmttfflttm Marvels of Landscape, Sculpture and Architecture, Wonderful Exhibits at Huge Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco LOW ROUND TRIP RATES AFFORD GREATEST OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO TAKE WONDERFUL JOURNEY AND SEE FINEST DISPLAYS OF WORLD'S NATIONS . .. J These lctures at beat can Indicate but feebly the Indeecrlb&blo mar-ela presented by tho ranama-l'aclflc Internv tlonal exposition at Ban Fianclaco to which the people of all nations uro thronging. Forty-two foreign nations, and more than 80,000 Individual exhibitors, representing every country on the f,lobe, have sent to this wonderful $60,000,000 show the best of their present-day achievements which are now displayed In the eleven colossal exhibit pulaces and also In the buildings of the state and foreign group, tho latter structures tir ing built In most caBes In a style of architecture characteristic of the state or nation represented. More than , 000,000 has been Invested In the "Zone," the 3,000-foot amusement street of this great fair, where the world's premier bowmen are conducting the most wonderful and most original sight-seeing and pure-fun attractions ever assembled for any celebration on eartb. In order to put the opportunity of seeing this most marvelous of all expositions within reach of the greatest num ber of people the railroads have cut rates In half to and from San Francisco, and tho hotel and restaurant associa tions of the city have agree to keep their schedule of prices down to normal figures. Complete Information regarding this wonderful world's fair may be had free for tho asking by addressing Man ager of the Bureau of Publications, Press Ituildlng, Paiiamn-PaclUo International Kxpoeition, Snn Francisco, Cali fornia, who will forward to any address a beautiful slxty-puge booklet, Illustrated in colors, containing detailed In formation regarding the glories of this great celebration and a complete description of the Panama innai. ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL ARCHITECTURAL SIGHTS mmi ROQF PMH SOLD BY WELDON. N. C. s t Ky ilf t f H r a . if' jf T 1 sf " :yrl Ummk l(,KT f - sc. ts. . . . M -1 i I til i pV m La 'if t.O' f4 ryji j Fil , - ;7 Detail showing the rich and Oriental miggntlon in tho embellishment of the Court of Abundance, at the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. In this court are orange treeg in full bearing and rare floweri REFINED BEAUTY SHOWN IN SCULPTURAL ADORNMENT i m Kiie1"! i 4 k iiiMHBiiHiiiiaiiiiiia)i"iiiiiBii" iliJiiailljJiiBiltsiiiiiaimiiiniiiimiiB!iiHiiiii,iiii End view or (iraeco-Homan colonnade extending 1,100 feet before the Palace of Fine Arts, Pannma-Paclllc Interna tional Exposition, at San Francisco, and curving In a graceful sweep along the shores of the Flm- Art. lagoon, bur inomiting these pillars are beautiful figures of women Razing into an urn, expressive of Art and Heauty. t.rlc 1.1 er h!iua ib the dossier of these groups. Over the foliage and forestntton of tho Pine Arts lagoon can he seen the Half Dome of Philosophy and the grand central j nrirn WHERE WORLD'S GREATEST PIPE ORGAN WILL BE HEARD Vlts.'- nJ wiiM.'." 1 "l1."1' v . i, iii;,;a.-,iiiiih-"f-i, .ai i-i -1.'- .'mmU Jb' , 1 aA LVi HIS I' ... 't . - VT. '- T- - - - ' 4 AVit.'tit I 7-iV.VJVl "It' t. a- Festival Hall-Panama Pacific International Exposition rrom rue souin promenau.. ul uo- .u... facade of the Press building showing at the extreme right. On the great organ In this ball-one of the six greatest organ. In the world-Camille Saint Saen. will play an original composition, and there will be recitals '' I'd" in l-a-mare of London, Wallace Sabln and other maestro.. Thl. hall will center the Intellectual, dramatic musical anu literary life of the exposition at San Francisco many of the 400 conventions of this year making It their assembly place. THE BUILDING THAT USED FOUR CARLOADS OF NAILS it i stW ' si.. ;..?. a c wjt "i V' i m tVeVTJ -t KTik', x.i'i a mrr t-;:.WMs . wi.i.wz. R 8 i-s-Jt'' -sTf 1 jCST I aV", 1.8 c M ' HO l ; kA-j .fd j j jit 11 I wi i r 1 1 IV I i If l U bit .t- . , J W T .' I sfJfi-K'-i'jLt - w, ?u ? : -t .s r ? l)Pi m-- j-Sfi . i I , t(4 I .ItJ ' V'EWIfK i" "at i Mtc A II f to MI 1 j 'IS- 1 v, l i D lb I I F - l As I n ti' i . 1 1 91! I TP J"TT II i 'W. i 1 ' ft Pt -I t 8j j I 1 v.f-oui I ,...-'-t-kii.iCj .HCaHflMVi - -..ifS.".-v taMtaida&.r!usflaBawiAMtetaaNC,.a Details of colcanade In the Court of the 1'niverFe. allowing friee ndornment and sculptured figure.. Theaecorrt. dotn are llltim'ei tn! by the new Indirect liphtltig system, the whole vast area of this court 900 by 600 feet beinf lighted In the same manner., Panama-Pacific International Kxposltlon, San Francisco. SUPERS NIGHT ILLUMINATION OF THc VAST PALACE OF HORTICULTURE i r w;'MWjy'ui.wi.'1 m j cwt-j. ----t .' .'-. S'ISjV i - . v-jww.-frt . - - W, -ill-. , iti.r .i - . .. ,r v- .. .. -.a.,. "8J W'. at!, Ei . .. TfilT ! Ikil J M V v4 M rf., V t M, 'i -lift tun iitr- At night the vast glass dome of the Palace of Horticulture ,s played upon by rays of g'rintlc serrchllght projector. t within the building. The globe, which lathe largest hemispherical glass dome In me wend and la one of the many marvel, of the great Panama Pacific Int i national exposition, then asrumi:. all the color, of the rainbow. Thl. photograph show, the great building at night with the rays of the eoarclillslits ca.tlnf tha alga of the Zodiac over Ita gleaming surface. I NS 1 D E I N N AT PA N A M AP ACI pr6"l N T EfiiNSATIONAL EXPOSITION f. S,.XrX Ail .(Ui .u k vt l" 4. vkV4K e y i "t 'I irr -v jr. ., (4a.iir .rt: aZ l36 ... j .....i mvi ihc slant Pnl-ee of Machinery at i n." ; ana- T,ere Lincoln Peachey made the worm s ..rat . . - - -5tWrl T. Cher n- t ' - CASTORIA For Infants and Childreo In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of No matter how homely a minis ter is a wiman always says lie has a good face. Ah! The InviKorating Whifl ol the Pine Forestl How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spirit of Newness and Vigor from the health giving I'iney Forests brought hack by Dr. Hell's I'ine-l'ar-lloney. Antiseptic and healing. Huy a bottle today. All druggists, 'Joe. Electric Hitters a spring tonic. Wall flowers are society girls who have been nipped in the bud, Health Promotes Happiness Without health, genuine joy is im possible; without good digestion and regular bowel movement you cannot have health Why neglect keeping bowels open anil risk being sick and ailing '.' You don't have to. Take one small Dr. King's New Life Pill at night, ill the morning you will have a full, free bowel movement and feel much better. Helps your appetite and digestion. Try , one tonight, I'l r,ir.Hii',A V.l Nun ! . - -A ' - TSS r'i t -75 UT .llWIWI ... jT .HR.. .t.l , - -.I.- . ....-. .- '. . . . .s.i ' t- .i.-. -. AiViv- -Mri -:- .-J 1 11 JI...I..HI View of architect', perspective of hugo hotel on the . P -ltion grounds at San Krant lsco. v tn'M will rememoor ine uue insiuu uiu n -.ihi --v-o- ioi. , ili a capacity of uceoion-oiliitlng thoussnds o' - ' ne r the :-reat Piiho . Hue Arts. The Insld. ' ' great worm a exposulou t St. Uii similar large building at Sn Francifeo, pi,o- ia TvPhin the expoyitlon emu" No Use to Try and Wear Out Your Cold It Will Wear You Out Instead Thousands keep on sutfering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to se rious ailments and epidemic as the result of a neglected Cold'.' Coughs and Colds sap vour strength and vitality unless checked in the early stages. Dr. King's New Discovery is what you need the first dose helps. Your head clears up, you breathe freely and you feel so much better. Huy a bottle today and start taking at once, Now that the government has A never tires of attempting taken a census of the birds let il to lower his reci'd. proceed to count ihe stray dops . running around Weldon. To" '"""V" sermons are aimed at Every time a man looks into a mirror he imagines he sees the re flection of a hero. Children Orv FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA pocketlimiks iiiste til of m hearts. t r C A - T ..ii, A WioUti.:' initio ! us vi ar j,a- I ble as the shape ut iicr hat.