1 J ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5G I u Ai ring VOL. XLIX. WELDOX. X. C, TIIUHSDAY, Al'HIL 8, !!)!.". NO. "0 m JESS Mil ALCOHOL 3 PER VtHT. AVcgfiatePrTMrafionCrli simtlni'ntheFoodawflVito i Promoies DifitionflwrW ness and Hestonialiu wine! Cpium.Morphine nrMhanLl nOTJiARCOTIC. AnfOUlcSIMMinTm Ami Anerfccf IWmtdv forCmafili Hon . Sour Stonach.DUntm Wornufonvulsionsjpvcntt ness anil LOSS OF SLEiP. rVStmiW Sujnawt at NEW YORK. F-xacr Copy of Wrapper. oc 3E t2rj THE BANK OF WELDOW WKLDOX. X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over 'Jl years this institution has provided liaitk intr facilities for thin section. ItH stockholders and ollict-rs arc identified nith tlie luisi nes interest of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained fur the henelit uf all who desire to deposit in a Saving llanl.. In this Department interest is aliened as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three mouths or longer, li per cent. Six months or longer, 8 per cent iuoho months ni longer. 4 percent. Anv information will he fiirin-he.l on application lo Hie President oil'ushiei PRKS1IIRNT . W. K. IUNIF.L. VII K I'IIKSIIIICM W K SMITH. I., C. Hit Vl'Fl!. Teller DIRECTORS W. It. Smith, W. K. K. T. Daniel, .1.1.. shepherd, W A. 3E UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YOU SICK. DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED "Dodson's Liter Tom" Will Cleai Your SluggM Linr Belter Than Calomel mil Can Not Salivate. Calomel makes you sick: you lo-e a day's work. I'alomel is quicksilver and it salivates; calomel injuria your liver. If you are bilious; feel huy, sluggish and all knocked out, if your lwels are constipated and jour head aelips or stomach ia sour, just take a spuuiiful of (uimileaa Dodaon'a Liver Tone instead of using sickening, salivating calomel. Dodson'a Liver Tone is real liver i li- cine. You'll know it next morning !' cause you will wake up fivling line, your liver will be working, your head ache and diiziness gone, your -lomieli will be sweet and bowels rv"hir. "ii will feel like working. You'll he cl vr full full of energy, vigor and aio'o' ...n. KEEPS YCLy. FRESH aiW CLiSANf: JSs Combination Pneumatic Sweeper THIS Swiftly-Sweeping. F.i.-y Kunninc DUNTLKY Sweeper cleans w ithout raising dun, a. id at the same time picks up p.ns, lint, raveling, etc., i.i DM! OPERATION. I" se makes sweeping a simple task ituiikly finished. It readies even the most difficult places, and eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. 77i Great Labor Saver of the Home-Every home, large or .mall, can emoy relief from bVor.i the danger oi It) ing dust. Ountlcy Is the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers Hat the combination of the Pneumatic Suction Nozzle and revolving Brush. Very easily oprratm ami ansoiuu iv anteed. In buvinir a vacuum i leaner, th "Duntley" a (rial in your home Writ today tor lull irriW.iri WELDON finiTllRE CWANTu" lOBER'S CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use for Over Thirty Years CASTORIA I ASH I Kit: i o. 1'itAKi:. Daniel. .1. (I. Drake. . M Colieti. I'ieice, D. 1!. ollicotlei, .1 , YY. sledge Your (Iruggi-t or d.-:iler --IK i.-u ; fill cent bottle ot Deism's l.iver lo. under niy sr-in.il cuarantiv tlie; ii will clean your sluggish liver belter li. it misty calomel; it won't make you .irk .del VOU cull e;lt. rttlt'il'lg you .. no without Is'ing nilivalcd. lour ilril;'gi-l yuaiuiiteia t hut i J..-H s'lilul will .i'ii'i your liver, clean your Uwes an straighten vou up by morning or ye. get your money buek. ( hildr.sn glaili; take llislson's t.ier Tone liecause il : pleasant til-ting and 'I'mii'i gripe ' crump or make them siek. I am wiling millions of tstttles i IVodsnn's l.iver Tone to sple who Inn found that I his pt.nsant. veu'etaMe. Ii'.' medicine takes the pirns- of il.ingei-on calomel. 1 : 1 1 v one bottle on my souno reliali!.- guarantee. Ask your druggi-' HOME 5 .':uu,rr and protection Irom at our expense' BOOF P4IHT A tJ FRANKLIN'S TOAST. At the conclu sion of the war, D r . Franklin, the English Am bassador, and the French Min ister, Vergennes dining together, at Versailles, a toast from each was called for, and agreed to. The British Minister began with : "George the Third, who, like the sun in its meridian, spreads a luster throughout, and elightens the world." The French Minister Jollowed with: "The il lustrious Louis XVII, who, like the moon, sheds his mild and be nignant rays on, and influences the globe." Our American Franklin then gave : "George Washing ton, Commander of the American armies; who, like Joshua of old, commanded the sun and the moon to stand still, and they obeyed him." NOT HER PROPERTY. '1 sliall have to ask you for a tit'ket for that boy, ina'ani." "1 think not." ''lie's too old to travel free. Hi! occupies a whole seat and the cars are crowded. There are people standing up." 'That's all t ight." "1 haven't time to argue the matter, ma'am. You'll have to pay for that hoy." "I never paid for him yet, inaa'am or I'll put him oil' the trail," "That all right. You put him oil' if you think llmt's tin- way to get anything out of me ''You ought la know i uli's of t his line, ma'am " O the How old is that hoy?" '1 don't know; 1 never saw him hofoie. If you want a ticket for him. you'd better ask that old gentleman on the seat. Fie got on at the last station with him " riiihidelyhia Re cord. Whooping Cough Well everyone knows the ell'eet of I'eie I'mt ss on t 'ooghs. Dr. Hell's Pine-Tai-Honoy is a temedv which bungs quick reliel for hooping ( 'one, Ii, loosens the mucous, soothes ihe lining of the tin out oud lungs, and make the cough j spells less sooie. A family i ith grinung children should not be without it. Keep it handy for ad I 'ougii and Colds J.e. at your Druggist. F.lcelric Hitters a spring tonic. Any woman can keep an ex pense account, but not more than one in a in thousand can make it tally with Iter cash. A SluRgish Liver Needs Attention. I. el your l.iver get torpid and you arc 111 for a spell ot Illlsei y. Kvervbohy gets an attack now and then. Thousands of people keep then l.iyeis active and healthy by using I'r. King's New Life fills i'n.e I'm tlie suimach, too. Stop the I ':!,:: ss. Constipation llihousncss and lad - stum ( lear the blood. Only J m :il v ii1 Dni'.'gist. 'X omen study art with the aid "f 'inn irs. people lie-, upon the il'.Mv!..- of hi- Sprains,Bruises Stiff Muscles Sloan' T.inimont will Bftve hours of nulIiTiiiB. Kor bruiao or wprain it pivos insiaut relief. ItarrctlHiiiiLiinntionar.dthiiJ prevrnts uior' vrioii-i tvouhloa uevclopinj;. No nwl to rub it in it act ut onco, instantly rflit'vintt thu pain, however severe it miiy be. Hrt Proof Charltt JoKnton. O. liol 10.',. ..lu- my ftnklr mill iiisior.iic.i my leu nip i fdlhnf out of n Ihml ty wiuilow m month u. I wnt on r rule he fur (our mnntha. thi-n I Pinrttil ! uim noIIia ot your Linintfiii, fonlin(r t yuur lirc tiotu, nd 1 mini miv that it 11 hdim mo wooHprfutly. I Ihn v mv .nlt h.' ftwav. lnly urn-d t I. .'' t your l ininunl Bnil nnw I All! t'.ilkillil QtlitO wll with oqh eanp. I ouvcr Ui be with mtt Hlmto Linutwok AU Dln 25c Scad (our cent in tUunpa for a TRIAL BOTTLE Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. Dept. B. Philad.llJ, Pa. SLOAN'S LINIMENT Ill Kills GLORIOUS INAUGURATION OF WORLD'S GREATEST INTERNATIONAL CELEBRATION ASSURES CONTINUED SUCCESS ?ITH an attendance for the world's expositions at Chicago and St. Louis, tho Panama facllle International exposition at Han Fran cisco has started on a career that the most conservative Judgmcnla uredict will break all records for exposition success. The exposition opened on February 2, 1"0 per cent complete structurally, anil opened to nn at tendance ot one quarter of a million people. From every state of the t'nlted States and from the natluna of the world came critical visitor to pass on th( merits of the celebration that had been so widely heralded. They found nothing to criticize. Every claim mado by San Francisco and the exposition wns fulfilled. It Is safe to say that not a single visitor went away disappointed. The result has been that the advertisement by word of mouth, and by letters home and to friendsthe most powerful form of advertisement - has been given the exp si tlon. In consequence the transportation companies report a constautly Increasing booking for f avel to Kan Fian Cisco both by land and water. Exceptionally low ratea have been given by the transportation companies from all points within the t'n' i I States to San Francisco, offurltiK many people an opportunity that could not otherwise be taken, of eonib.no..' pleasure Journey to tho exposition with a sightseeing tour through California and the West. A feature of the exposition that has called for universal comment il the 'action" that marks exhibits, every exhibit capable ot operation by st-am or electricity being shown In motion. A flood of Inquiries concerning rates and hotel accommodations has been received by the Information bunai of the exposition since the news of Its successful openlug was flashed around tho world, all suc h imiuirh's being given prompt attention. San Francisco and California are fulfilling their host duties and living up to the reputation the West has always had for hospitable treatment for the stranger. HANDSOME f IXTY-PAGE BOOK ON THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SENT FREE OF CHARGE TO ANY ADDRESS. Those who are Interested In this great exposition may obtain free of chargo a handsomely Illustrated hook of sixty pages, reproducing the exhibit palacoi in their natural colors and giving essential data about the exposition, San Francisco, California and the Panama canal. To obtain this bock send a Inter to the Manager, Bureau of Publication, Panama-Paclflo International Exposition Grounds. San Pre ?r- r DURING A LULL IN THE OPENING DAY CEREMONIES AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC jpVfl qf-.... v.". - 1 i I Wii 111 : I $ -A CH-jscI 7i$tf,A f 1 ' ' ' ' U ESP? -I- L . - m'd Tho Panama-Pacific International exposition waa opened by a wireless spark, dispatched by President Woodrow Wilson at Washington, and caught on the tendrils of a wireless aerial on tho lofty Tower of Jewels at the exposi tion. Instantly the power was released in the mighty Palace of Machinery and the portals of tho exhibit palacei opened. The icene Is on the jtrand stand after the ceremonies had ended. Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane, (Jot. Hiram Johnson of California, Mayor James Rolph, Jr., of San Francisco, President C C. Moore of the exposition and a notable group of visiting dignitaries being seen In animated discussion of the epochal event In tho presB box the correspondents aro seen Hashing to the world the news that the exposition had opened. WHEN A QUARTER OF A MILLION OF PEOPLE INAUGURATED ,.t ,l.ii' ni i in ii rTTir. T -1-7-11 "i 7i'-"Mr: 'VL L - i ' .. X ... .ULv-aaw-LS 'I ratisportatlon reports show that every state In th United States and most of the nations of the world were represented In the great thron of 2!i0,0nn people who Inaugurated the Panama Pactnc International eiooiltlon at 8an Francisco on February 20. This picture, showing the mighty South gardens, gives a glimpse, of a small frac tion ef the opening day throng. In the first live days ot Its progress the expotltlon had an a 'adance larger than the combined totals of the Chlcsgo and St l.nul eipoelUous and Ihe ratio continue. In d' ne- to tnstlfv predlc if ih- riost spec f ' ' ceas for the exposition USEFUL SENTIMENT. Just as the happy husband of a few momhs was about to leave home for the daily office grind, his wife placed a hand upon his arm. "Harry, dear," she softly said, "haven't you a lock of my hair somewhere in your pockets?" "I have, indeed, sweetheart," was the prompt response of hubby, and he affectionately embraced the sharer of his sorrows and joys. "I have it right here in the pocket closest to my heart!" "That's fine, Harry!" delight fully returned little wifey. "Won't you please lake it and see if you can match me some puffs when you get down town?" Chlldron Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA first week greater ihan the combined attendance for the same period of the THE VAST PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL NOT FOR THE CONSULATE. The schoolmaster wanted 10 know whether the boys had an un derstanding of the functions of a consulate. "supposing," he began, framing 1 his question in ihe likeliest way 10 arouse the interest of his hearers, "supposing some one took you up in an aeroplane, and after a long, exciting flight dropped you down thousands of miles from home, in a country quite foreign, what place would you seek out first of all?" An eager hand was instantly up lifted. "Well, Willie, wbat do you say Please, sir, the hospital.' INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION EXPOSITION AT SAN FRANCISCO -. SiM T. H-. .1 -.AS 'S'w'J CANT TO CAN'T. A northern sociologist, visiting the great rice fields of Louisiana, approached an old negro with the question : "How long do you work each day?" rTi i . i WW "From can't to can't," was ihe reply. "Can't to can't?" repeated the puzzled questioner. "What do you mean?" "Why," ihe darkey answered, "Ah works from the lime Ah can't see (0 the time Ah can'i see no mo. Some men have too much pride to get down and do honest labor. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WED EARLY. ! Pastors and Woman Doc tor Believes In Love's, Young Dream. J In the spring a young man's fancy and a maid's turns to thoughts of love, and thoughts of love lead to important ceremonies at the little church uruum1 the corner. Alarmed by the number of yru -ful Benedicts heard from in the last few weeks, authorities iti Uitje cities have been puittng pan. t, is throng!) their annual spring ques tioning on the marriage question. Marry early is the advice of Ue troit experts on the subject, who frankly voiced their opinions when the subject was broached. "I am a strong believer of love in a cottage," declared the Ki-v. Rodman Shippen, pastor of the Unitarian church, "liurly mar riages are the most politic, but no general advice can be given. The right time to marry is when you find the right person to marry, and this generally happens before you are very old. The economic bar rier to early marriage is greatly over-estimated. I sincerely be- j lieve that two young people who are truly mated can live to better advantage together than separate ly." "It is hard to determine just the right age." sjid Di Mary Th"ii r mjii Stevens, "but I think in most cases 21 or 22 is old enough. The great thing is love, however. Some might be developed mentally and physically at an earlier age, and some at a later age than 1 have named, but if the two love each other age should not be a bat i ier. "If either of the two young peo ple have a career planned it is fool ish to marry until the career is attained, but if the man is employed at a steady position and expects to Mold that position for some time, there is no use delaying marriage, it is well t.i marry bef re the tastes tre too fixed, so the two can de clop their lives together IVra )ouiig man who is hounin g ana rooming at home is the best thing in the World to keep him from sowing wild oats " "Between 20 and 25 is therighi age to marry, for at that age men and women are naturally fined for the marriage state," said Father M. J. P. Dempsey. "A woman is fully developed mentally and phys ically at 20 a man a little later, so there is no reason why they should not marry then. As far as history goes, it is known that is the aver age age of marriage." "Circumstances alter cases," said Judge Alfred J. Murphy. "You can'i make rules 10 ngiilate love, but in my judgment, between 25 and 30 is the most opportune age to get married. Detroit News. OLD BUT WORTH REPEATING "What is a phenomenon ' asked one man of another. "It's like this : Suppose you were to go out into the Co ntry and see a field of thistles gr in ng." "Yes." "Well, that would not he 1 phe nomenon! "No, (hat's quite clear," atreed the other man. "But suppose you were to see a lark singing away up in the sky?" "Yes." "Well that would not be a phe nomenon!!" "No, that also seems clear." "But imagine there is a bull in the field." "Yes." "Even (hat would not be a phe nomenon." "No." "But now, Bill, look here. Sup pose you saw that bull silling on them thistles, whistling like a lark well, that would be a phenome non." Your Child's Couth Is a Call for Help Don't put off treating your Child's Cough. It not only saves their strength but oiten leads to more serioua ailments. Why ask? You don't have to. lr King's New Discovery is just the remedy y- ur Child needs. It is made with soothing, healing and antiseptic balsams, U'lil quickly check the Cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad the Cough or how long standing, Dr. King's New Diseoveiyw ill stop it. It's guaranteed. .1 ust get a bo ttle from your Druggist and try it. CASTORIA For Iniaata and Childrea In Us For Over 30 Years WOMEN FROM 45 to 55 TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink, ham's Vegetable Com pound during Change cf Lif Westhrook, M. . " I wan passing through the Cliwu' (f I.ile and had pair.s in my buck anil ride and was so '.vek I coulj hardly 1 (' iry housework. I hi.ve taken Lydia E. l inkham's Vege table Compound and it has done me a lot of Rood. 1 will re commend your med icitu to my friends and give you permis sion to publish my teetimcma!. " Mrs. LxyvRENCE Mar Tin, 12 Kir.f St., W'estbrook, Maine. Mansto::, V.'i... " At the Change of Life I fi:;.Vn I with pains in my back and loins until I could not stand. I also had nipht-Fweats so that the sheets would be wet I tried other medicine but got no relief. After taking one bot tle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 began to improve and I continued its use for six months. The pains left me, the night-sweats and hot flashes prow less, and in one year I was a different woman. I know I have to thank you for my continued good health ever since. " Mrs. M. J. Bbownell, Manston, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled in such cases. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plukham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will ;e opened, read and answered by woman, and held In strict confidence. Administrator's Notice. Ilavinc qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Halifax county, N. '., as Administrator of the estate of F. .1. Hounds, deceased, late of said county, thin is to notify ail persons Imviuir claims against the sail estate of 1 .1. I'.oiinils to exhibit them, duly ver ilicl to the undersigned at Welilon, X, I'., on oi In-fore tin . ril day ol Maicli, llilli. or thu notice will It pleaded in liar of tlieir leeoveiy. All persons indebted to said estate will please trial-e iiumeiliati: icttlement with the uiiilersiirm il 'l'his the :inl ilav ol March, IDto i ton .'1:1' v i.iii'Mis, Aotnr. estab' K .1 . J ouiuls. dee'd. ! v V. L K.VitHT. UUn ey. 'a 4 a- Notice of Administration. llaiini;" iu;vili as ailminisir.-toiH of the estates ol I' T I Mom and Ih-nipsey I I.I,,,, 1..10I, l.il.. ..I llo. ni.lv i,f Hull. ! Hax. tins ,s to m,tn a'l persons imlelit- ei.i b s:tiil es at, s or eitlict of tto-ni, to 111a1 e iniiiieiiiale payment ami all per soon liavmu claims agatust said 1 states, or citliei of them are hereby nolitiiil to present same to either of the under si.'iie.i. or to cither of 0111 attorneys oil or oeloie tin- -.'."itli ilay ofteliriiaiy.liilt), or this ii tii e w ill be plead in bai of re co erv. J. 11 IlAliltlSON, A. U dlii'.M Ailmrs. S. Ii I'AN'l'I. mhI )s I- I'l I'l K, Alton., vs. 1 :: ut Trustee's Sale of Land. Hy viitue of the power of a certain deed 1 I tuist executed and 1I1 liv red by Charles. I. A'l' ns and title Atlkins his wife, to tlie uiidei),.rnel an trustee to seeioe c. italu iieh hleitness iheivin s-t out to W. K. lianiel, tiuar liim. 'ihieli said deeil of trust is dated I ebiuary 8, lilta, auit duly reoonle I iu Book 'M at page lll. ollice ol the Register of Deeds for llalilax county, default having been made in the pay ment of I he same, and the undersigned trustee liavum been re quested by the holder of the indebted ness to exercise the p iwer of sale Cuu tamed 111 said deed ol trust, the under signed triiHtee wil! sel1 ai p vh i- uuet'on for cah at rj 0 I- .- v; i Saturday, April l.i I IS, in fiont ol the stun . A s Alien m the town ot V t tdoii . ti ;, :,.w i.g ile-crtl.ed ti. ci 01 paiei I o .ai u .vu g situate and lieii.g 111 ihe enmity o: llal ifax, ami Mate 01 Ninth aio ina ad joining the lai.ih 01 Nils. 1. J. hmiy, John 1'. Wal.aci and W It. linnty, the same being Lot Nu. 21, of the survey made by K I t lark anil map thereof to. theexe. utors ol N. M. I 01:?, de ceased, and recorded in boi klt'ul page JoX, otliee of the Kegister ol Deeda lor Halifax comity, said tract of land con taining "ill acres and was conveyed to Charles J. Adkins and t'rtie Adkins, his wife, by deed of John P. Wallace and lel.hie W allaee, his wife, dated Janiiaiy ."i, 1 iti 1 . add reconied in hook JIH at page 1U, ollice uf the Itegintcr of lit eiis aiori s..i . 10 whu li saio p oi and d ed, r e-ir ed a u'o, said. 11 iciciice is here mad f-.. a llnoe partieulai de scription Tins is 1 ip 1. unity to putchuSe a good latin This the (itli nav ol March, 1913. 11 l' IUMKL, Trustee W. K. DtMl.L, ttiimey. HUUSt MtJVtri, 1 move houses, boilers, hoist smoke stacks, etc. H. P. COX, Telephone Ki, Kocky Mount, N. 0. 3 2.r lm r v. TijEDrmo That keeps the family healthy is Mountcastle's. Once used it becomes a luxury that you can't dispense with. No more dyspepsia, indiges tion, bilious attacks.sick head ache or tired feelings ! Give ii a trial if you are noi already using it. Baked fresh every day. MOIINTUSTirS BAKERY Weldon, N. C. SOLD BY WELUN, N. C Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Always bears ma . 6iitufflr

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